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b. F
c. T (Formerly, it was recommended that women perform breast self-examination (BSE) once per month.


Currently, it is believed that it is more important for a woman to know the normal feel and appearance of
her breasts and be aware of any changes rather than following a prescribed schedule. BSE is still an
option for women who choose to perform this step as part of their breast awareness)
(T) (If you have a strong (positive) family history for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or even prostate
cancer, this information is relevant to your diagnosis. A strong family history in this case usually means
that a mother, sibling, child, or father has had a related malignancy. Information about other family
members (aunts, nieces, etc.) is also important.)

e. (T) (All cancers are characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Normal cells have a fixed
life span but cancer cells have overcome these growth restrictions and continue to grow past the point
at which normal cells would stop growth. Cancer cells also have the ability to invade (spread and grow
into) other tissues in the body, a capability normal cells do not have.)


(F) (Benign tumors are not considered to be a form of cancer and therefore do not metastasize. They
have not acquired the capability of uncontrolled growth like malignant tumors, and they cannot grow
into (invade) other tissues. Benign tumors typically do not recur after they have been surgically

g. (F) lung cancer first (Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in
women, after lung cancer, even though many more women are affected. Effective screening and
improved treatments mean many women can be cured of the disease, especially when it is discovered
at an early stage.)

h. (F) (Breast pain is not a common symptom of breast cancer. Sometimes, breast cancers are found by
screening when they are very small and do not produce symptoms. When they do cause symptoms, a
mass or lump in the breast is the most common symptom. Other possible symptoms of breast cancer
are skin irritation, redness, dimpling, and thickening; retraction of the nipple; nipple discharge, and
swelling of all or part of the breast.)


.( f) Many breast cancer risk factors are things you cannot change, like your age, your family
history, and how old you were when you started and stopped having menstrual periods. But there
are other important breast cancer risk factors that youdo have some control over, and which can
help reduce your risk of developing breast cancer: your weight, your physical activity level, and
how much alcohol you drink.

Weight: Being overweight or obese has been found to increase breast cancer risk,
especially after menopause. Before menopause, your ovaries produce most of your
estrogen, and fat tissue produces a small amount of estrogen. After menopause (when
the ovaries stop making estrogen), most of a woman's estrogen comes from fat tissue.
So, having more fat tissue after menopause can increase your chance of getting breast
cancer by raising estrogen levels. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight throughout
life is recommended to reduce your risk of breast cancer, several other forms of cancer,
and heart disease and diabetes.

Physical activity: Many studies agree that being active decreases a woman's risk of
developing breast cancer. On average, highly active women are 25% less likely to
develop breast cancer than are women who get very little activity. Although vigorous
activity like jogging, fast bicycling, swimming, jumping rope, etc. for at least 45 to 60
minutes on most days is recommended, a lower level of activity can also help. One large
study found that walking for even 75 to 150 minutes during the entire week reduced
breast cancer risk by 18%.

Drinking alcohol: Compared to women who do not drink any alcohol, there is a 10% to
12% higher risk of breast cancer associated with each drink per day. Excessive alcohol
use is also known to increase the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, throat,

esophagus, and liver. The American Cancer Society recommends that women limit their
consumption of alcohol to no more than one drink a day, if they drink at all.


(F) Men can also develop breast cncer





(Mastalgia refers to pain in the breast and does not refer to a

part of the breast itself.)
xInvasive ductal carcinoma (Infiltrating or invasive ductal
carcinoma (IDC) is more common than other types of breast
cancer. This type of cancer arises in the cells that line the milk
ducts of the breast. About 80% of breast cancers are invasive
ductal carcinomas.)
(Metastasis refers to the process in which cancer cells spread
from the place they started (the primary site) to other parts of
the body through the blood or lymphatic systems. The bone,
liver, and lung are common sites for cancer to metastasize.
Cancers are named according to their primary site (where they
began) instead of the location of the metastasis. For example,
breast cancer that has spread to the liver is metastatic breast
cancer, not liver cancer.)
All of the above ok (Certain factors increase the risk of
developing breast cancer. Risk factors can be within a person's
control, such as diet and alcohol consumption. Other risk
factors include race, family history, and age, and are beyond a
person's control. Alcohol use, having children later in life (after
30), not having children, and overweight/obesity are all factors
that can raise the risk of getting breast cancer.)
Make an appointment with a doctor (As stated before, most
breast lumps or masses are not cancer. Lumps in the breast
may be related to the menstrual cycle in younger women and
may even come and go depending on the cycle. But it is always
best to have any lump checked out by a health care provider.)

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