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Dyw hyn

ddim yn
digwydd yma
Realiti tlodi plant yn y du

’s Cymru


o’s C

A member of the Campaign to End Child Poverty

Cyflwyniad a theuluoedd mawr. Mae’r adroddiad llawn yn
edrych hefyd ar grwpiau eraill sy’n agored-i-
Ym mis Mawrth 1999, gwnaeth y Llywodraeth niwed, gan gynnwys plant mewn teuluoedd sy’n
addewid hanesyddol ac uchelgeisiol i roi terfyn ceisio lloches, plant mewn tai gwael a phobl
ar dlodi plant o fewn cenhedlaeth. Erbyn hyn, ifanc sy’n byw’n annibynnol.
mae 600,000 mil yn llai o blant yn byw mewn
tlodi nag a oedd wyth mlynedd yn ôl. Mae Plant sy’n byw yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd
ansawdd bywyd a dyheadau llawer ar gyfer sy’n wynebu’r canlyniadau gwaethaf o ran lles
y dyfodol yn gwella ledled y DU, wrth i San yn y DU ac mae 170,000 (un o bob pedwar)
Steffan a llywodraethau datganoledig Cymru, yn dal i fyw mewn tlodi heddiw. Dileu tlodi
yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon roi rhaglenni plant mewn cenhedlaeth yw’r her gymdeithasol
gwrthdlodi ar waith. fwyaf uchelgeisiol sy’n wynebu Llywodraeth San
Steffan a Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru a bydd
Tan yn ddiweddar, roedd canran y plant a oedd gofyn i’r ddwy ohonynt ddyblu eu hymdrechion
yn byw mewn tlodi yng Nghymru’n uwch ac ategu gwaith ei gilydd er mwyn cyrraedd y
na’r cyfartaledd drwy’r DU. Mae’r ffigurau nod.
diweddaraf yn dangos bod y ffigur diweddaraf
yn 28%, 2% o dan gyfartaledd cyfredol y DU Beth yw’r broblem? – Incwm
sef 30%.¹ Mae’r cynnydd hwn wedi’i sicrhau’n
bennaf o ganlyniad i bolisïau ariannol y DU annigonol a chyflogau isel
ym maes trethi a budd-daliadau ochr yn ochr Yn 2005/6, roedd cwpwl gyda dau o blant yn
â chynnydd cyfatebol mewn lefelau cyflogaeth byw yn y DU yn gwario £642 yr wythnos ar
ledled Cymru. Mae cyfran y plant yng Nghymru gyfartaledd. Roedd y teuluoedd a gyfwelwyd ar
sydd erbyn hyn yn byw mewn cartrefi incwm- gyfer adroddiad Barnardo’s “Dyw hyn ddim yn
isel wedi gostwng i’r un lefel â’r cyfartaledd Digwydd Yma” yn byw ar incwm is o lawer na
drwy’r DU ond oherwydd ei heconomi cyflog- hyn, a, gan amlaf, incwm a oedd ymhell o dan
isel, mae Cymru wedi gweld cynnydd yng derfyn tlodi’r Llywodraeth ei hun.
nghyfran yr aelwydydd sydd mewn gwaith ond
eto’n byw o dan y terfyn tlodi.
Er enghraifft, mae Heather o Gaerdydd y
Er bod y ffigurau’n gostwng, mae gormod o
rhiant sengl sydd â thri o blant yn byw ar
lawer o blant yn dal i gael eu gadael ar ôl – gyda
Gymhorthdal Incwm heb ddim taliadau
3.8 miliwn o blant ledled y DU yn dal i fod yn
cynhaliaeth. Mae ganddi £210.44 i fyw arno
ysglyfaeth i dlodi. Mae tlodi plant yn dal i fod yn
- £40.56 yr wythnos o dan y terfyn tlodi. Yn sgil
ddwbl yr hyn a oedd yn 1979 ac mae’n uwch
hyn, mae hi mewn dyled o hyd ac mae gwyliau’r
o lawer na’r cyfartaledd yn Ewrop. Yn ogystal â
ysgol yn peri mwy o drafferth nag arfer iddi am
hyn, ceir pryder difrifol bod y gyfradd gwella’n
fod rhaid talu am weithgareddau cymdeithasol
arafu ac y bydd rhaid i Lywodraeth San Steffan
i’r plant a gwisg ysgol ar gyfer y tymor dilynol.
a Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru ymrwymo
buddsoddiad sylweddol er mwyn gwella
bywydau ac amgylchiadau’r teuluoedd hynny Nid dim ond plant sydd â’u rhieni’n ddi-waith
sy’n byw yn y tlodi mwyaf difrifol a di-fraint sy’n dioddef yn sgil tlodi – mae 52% o’r plant
ac er mwyn cyrraedd y targedau tlodi plant a sydd mewn tlodi’n byw ar aelwydydd lle ceir o
bennwyd ar gyfer 2010 a 2020. leiaf un yn ennill cyflog. Er mwyn rhoi terfyn ar
Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn crynhoi astudiaeth dlodi plant, o’r £1 rhaid ailddosbarthu cyfoeth
ehangach drwy’r DU (dan y teitl “It Doesn’t drwy gyfrwng y system trethi a budd-daliadau
Happen Here”) sy’n edrych ar fywydau plant gan greu rhwyd ddiogelwch ddigonol a gwneud
tlotaf y DU. Fe’i seilir ar gyfweliadau gyda mwy gweithio’n rhywbeth sy’n talu. Rhaid mynd i’r
na deugain o deuluoedd y bydd Barnardo’s afael o ddifri â swyddi cyflog-isel os ydym am
yn gweithio gyda nhw ledled y DU. Mae’r weld teuluoedd yn ‘gwella’u byd’ ac yn codi’u
cyfweliadau hyn yn dangos realiti bywyd y hunain o dlodi drwy ddod o hyd i ateb tymor
bobl hynny sydd wedi’u dal ym magl tlodi. hir ym myd gwaith.
Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys plant o deuluoedd du
ac o gefndiroedd lleiafrif ethnig, y teuluoedd
hynny sy’n straffaglu ar gyflog isel, teuluoedd â
rhiant sengl, teuluoedd sy’n delio ag anabledd

 Dyw hyn ddim yn digwydd yma

Beth mae angen ei wneud Beth fyddai buddsoddi £3.8 biliwn
yn ei olygu?
i gadw’r addewid ynghylch
Drwy fuddsoddi £3.8 biliwn ychwanegol, erbyn
dlodi plant? 2010, fe ellid sicrhau ledled y DU (o’i gymharu
(a) Buddsoddi £3.8 biliwn ychwanegol â 2004/05):

Er mwyn cadw’i haddewid i haneru tlodi plant n 3 20,000 yn llai o blant tlawd mewn
erbyn 2010, bydd gofyn i’r Llywodraeth wario teuluoedd â rhiant sengl
cyfanswm o 3.8 biliwn arall ledled y DU erbyn n 2 40,000 yn llai o blant tlawd mewn
2010 nag a gynlluniwyd ar hyn o bryd. Ar sail ei teuluoedd ag oedolyn anabl
pholisïau cyfredol, ychydig o ragolygon sydd y
n 9 0,000 yn llai o blant tlawd mewn teuluoedd
cyrhaeddir y targed 2010 – nac yng Nghymru
dau riant lle bo un rhiant yn gweithio amser
nac yng ngweddill y DU.
llawn a’r rhiant arall yn ddi-waith
Mae’r Sefydliad Astudiaethau Ariannol
n 5 0,000 yn llai o blant Pacistanaidd a
wedi amcangyfrif y bydd gwario’r £1 biliwn
Bangladeshaidd tlawd
ychwanegol ar gredydau treth a gyhoeddwyd
yng Nghyllideb 2007 yn lleihau tlodi plant ryw Heb fuddsoddi £3.8 biliwn ychwanegol,
200,000 arall erbyn 2010. Bydd hyn yn golygu erbyn 2010, fe allai
bod y Llywodraeth yn brin o’i nod o haneru fod (o’i gymharu â 2004/05):
tlodi plant, gyda rhyw 900,000 o blant yn dal i
n 70,000 yn fwy o blant tlawd mewn
fod o dan y terfyn.
teuluoedd dau riant lle bo un rhiant yn
Hefyd, mae’r Sefydliad Astudiaethau Ariannol, gweithio amser llawn a’r rhiant arall yn ddi-
ac ystyried newidiadau i’r Gyllideb yn 2007, yn waith
amcangyfrif y gellid cyrraedd targed 2010 drwy
n 3 0,000 yn fwy o blant tlawd mewn
gynyddu elfen blant y credyd treth plant £11
teuluoedd â rhiant sengl
arall yr wythnos ar sail prisiau 2007, a rhoi £20
ychwanegol yr wythnos i deuluoedd ar gyfer y n 4 0,000 yn fwy o blant Pacistanaidd a
trydydd plentyn a phob plentyn wedyn drwy Bangladeshaidd yn byw mewn tlodi
gyfrwng elfen deulu’r credyd treth plant.
Felly, mae angen buddsoddi £3.8 biliwn Drwy fuddsoddi’r £3.8 biliwn ychwanegol hwn
ychwanegol. mewn budd-daliadau a chredydau treth, gallai’r
Llywodraeth gyrraedd targed 2010. Ond mae
angen ystod ehangach o ymatebion polisi er
mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r achosion sydd wrth
wraidd tlodi plant – chwalu’r rhwystrau sy’n atal
pobl rhag cael gwaith, sicrhau bod gwaith yn
talu a sicrhau bod plant mewn tlodi’n gallu dianc
rhag ffawd eu rhieni ac osgoi gorfod magu eu
plant eu hunain mewn tlodi.

The price of everything is

going up, but my money
is staying the same.That’s
what’s doing my head in.
How do they expect us
to live?’
Kate, Bays Project, Swansea
Barnardo’s Cymru papur briffio tlodi plant 
(b) Drwy roi mwy o help i deuluoedd hamdden. Byddai gwneud iawn i deuluoedd am
golli prydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod y gwyliau
Bydd y £3.8 biliwn yn help i gyrraedd targed
hefyd yn help i leddfu’r pwysau ariannol ac yn
2010 ond mae atebion eraill yr un mor bwysig,
galluogi teuluoedd i roi rhyw fath o brofiadau
yn enwedig er mwyn cadw’r addewid i ddileu
adeiladol i’w plant yn ystod y gwyliau. Yng
tlodi plant erbyn 2020.
Nghymru, byddai hyn yn costio tua £6.1 miliwn
Cyflogaeth – mae’r rhan fwyaf o rieni’n y flwyddyn (ar sail nifer y plant sy’n gymwys i
awyddus i weithio ac roedden nhw’n gweld gael prydau ysgol x y gost fesul pryd).
hyn yn ffordd o ddianc rhag tlodi ond yn cael
Tlodi Tanwydd – yn sgil cynnydd o 91% drwyddi
anhawster go iawn wrth geisio cael swydd
draw ym mhris adwerthu nwy ers 2003 a
ac aros ynddi. Mae’r diffyg sgiliau ‘meddal’ a
chynnydd mewn prisiau trydan, mae nifer y
chymwysterau’n golygu bod llawer o rieni,
teuluoedd sy’n byw mewn tlodi tanwydd wedi
yn enwedig rhieni sengl yn cael eu heithrio
codi’n ddramatig, Amcangyfrifir bod tua 3.5
o’r farchnad lafur. Mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad
miliwn o aelwydydd ledled y DU, gan gynnwys
Cymru wedi cydnabod hyn ac wedi rhoi
300,000 yng Nghymru’n byw mewn tlodi
rhaglenni cymorth ar waith sydd wedi’u targedu
tanwydd. Oherwydd y cynnydd mewn prisiau
i ymateb i hyn. Fodd bynnag, nid yw gwaith yn
tanwydd, mae oddeutu 60,000 o aelwydydd
gwarantu dihangfa rhag tlodi - mae cyflogau
yng Nghymru’n wynebu’r risg o gael eu sugno i
isel a chostau uchel gofal plant yn golygu
fyd dyled (“Dyled a’r Prif Wasanaethau,” Cyngor
bod rhieni’n aml iawn yn waeth eu byd wrth
Defnyddwyr Cymru, 2006). Os yw Llywodraeth
weithio. Hefyd, mae’n bosibl bod teuluoedd lle
San Steffan a Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru am
ceir anabledd yn ei chael hi’n anodd manteisio
ddileu tlodi tanwydd i grwpiau agored i newid,
ar gyfle i gael swydd oherwydd cyfrifoldebau
rhaid iddynt weithio gyda’r cyflenwyr ynni er
mwyn sicrhau bod pob cwsmer ar y tariff rhataf
Gofal Plant – drwy sefydlu Cychwyn Cadarn, ac nad ydynt yn cael eu cosbi oherwydd eu dull
Dechrau’n Deg a chynlluniau gofal plant eraill talu.
yng Nghymru, mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad
Dyled – roedd llawer o’r teuluoedd a gyfwelwyd
Cymru wedi dangos ei hymrwymiad i gynyddu’r
mewn dyled, naill ai i’r Gronfa Gymdeithasol,
ddarpariaeth blynyddoedd cynnar o safon. Fodd
i fenthycwyr wrth y drws, neu i’w ffrindiau
bynnag, does dim digon o ofal plant priodol ar
a’u teulu. Roedd llawer o’r benthyciadau hyn
gael yn rhwydd i bawb, yn enwedig gofal plant
wedi’u codi i dalu costau’r Nadolig, penblwyddi
fforddiadwy ac mae hyn yn dal i fod yn rhwystr
a thalu am nwyddau hanfodol y cartref. Mae
sylweddol i rieni sy’n dymuno dychwelyd i’r
benthycwyr wrth y drws yn codi llog rhwng
gwaith. Hefyd, bydd rhieni plant anabl yn dweud
160% ac 800% ar fenthyciadau, sy’n golygu bod
wrthym dro ar ôl tro am y diffyg gofal arbenigol
teuluoedd yn cael eu dal mewn cylch dieflig o
a’r diffyg gofalwyr sydd wedi’u hyfforddi’n
ddyled. Rhaid i’r Llywodraeth roi’r flaenoriaeth
briodol i ofalu am eu plant.
sicrhau nad yw teuluoedd ar incwm isel yn cael
Help gyda chostau ychwanegol - bydd eu heithrio o’r byd ariannol, a rhaid i fanciau
teuluoedd ar incwm isel yn straffaglu ar adegau chwarae rhan allweddol yn hyn.
penodol o’r flwyddyn ac yn aml iawn yn gorfod
talu mwy am y pethau sylfaenol megis y prif
wasanaethau. Gallai cymorth wedi’i dargedu
gyda’r canlynol wneud gwahaniaeth go iawn i
ansawdd bywyd llawer o blant.
Tlodi yn ystod gwyliau’r ysgol - i’r rhan fwyaf
o blant yn y DU, bydd gwyliau ysgol yn golygu
gwyliau oddi cartref a digwyddiadau a thripiau
cyffrous. I deuluoedd ar incwm isel, mae hyn
yn golygu mwy o galedi - mae cost pethau
hanfodol fel gweithgareddau hamdden a bwyd
yn cynyddu ond mae’r incwm yn aros yr un fath.
Daw’r gwyliau’n gyfnod o ‘grafu byw’. Mae angen
cymorth ariannol ar deuluoedd incwm isel er
mwyn iddynt fanteisio ar gyfleusterau chwarae a

 Dyw hyn ddim yn digwydd yma

Astudiaeth achos:
Vanessa, partneriaeth bays barnardo’s, abertawe
Roedd Vanessa’n arfer bod mewn gofal ac “Roedd mam yn arfer eistedd yn ei hystafell
mae ganddi un plentyn sy’n bedair wythnos wely drwy’r amser yn chwistrellu heroin felly
ar bymtheg oed. Mae’n byw’n agos iawn doedd e [ei phlentyndod] ddim fel un pawb
i’r dref ar ystâd hynod o ddi-fraint lle mae arall.”
problemau cyffuriau’n bla. Mae’n derbyn
Ond byddai Vanessa’n hoffi gweithio a chael
budd-daliadau gwerth £119 yr wythnos,
rhywfaint o hyfforddiant ym maes bwyd
ychydig dan derfyn tlodi’r Llywodraeth
a hylendid – y prif beth sy’n ei chymell i
– mae’n gwario £35 yr wythnos ar danwydd,
wneud hyn yw gallu symud i ffwrdd o’r ardal
£15 ar gludiant a £50 ar fwyd. Mae’n cynilo’r
a rhoi gwell dyfodol i’w mab:
gweddill i brynu dillad i’r babi. Mae Vanessa’n
cael benthyg arian gan ei mam ac mae “Dwi ddim eisiau iddo fod yma wrth iddo fe
ganddi ddyled i’r cyflenwyr trydan a dŵr. dyfu’n hŷn. Dwi ddim eisiau iddo gael ei fagu
mewn ardal sy’n llawn cyffuriau a phethe fel
“Fe ofynnais am beiriant tocynnau-talu am
’na... Dwi ddim eisiau iddo fe fod yn byw yn y
fod hynny’n haws ac wedyn mae rhywun yn
twll yma pan fydd e’n chwech.”
gwybod beth yw’r sefyllfa.Yr unig ffordd i chi
gael peiriant fel hyn yw mynd i ddyled gyda’r Cael gwaith a symud o’r ardal oedd y ffordd
cyflenwyr – neu rhaid i chi dalu £80.” orau iddi hi ddianc rhag tlodi.
Dywedodd Vanessa ei bod yn byw ar £45 Mae Partneriaeth BAYS Barnardo’s yn cynnig
yr wythnos cyn iddi gael y babi ac nad oedd cyngor a chymorth i bobl sy’n gadael gofal
hi’n gallu ymdopi ar hynny – mae’r budd- fel Vanessa. Maen nhw’n gweithio i atal
daliadau ychwanegol mae’n eu cael ar gyfer y digartrefedd, yn cynnig gwasanaeth cyfryngu
babi wedi bod o help. Roedd hi’n teimlo nad i deuluoedd ac yn eu helpu i lunio cynlluniau
oedd hi wedi cael plentyndod ‘normal’ am ar gyfer eu dyfodol drwy gyfrwng ‘Cynllun
ei bod wedi bod mewn gofal ac am fod ei Llwybr’.
mam wedi bod yn gaeth i gyffuriau:

Barnardo’s Cymru papur briffio tlodi plant 

Y ffordd ymlaen Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru

Mae Barnardo’s Cymru’n gofyn i’r Llywodraeth n Ymrwymo’r adnoddau angenrheidiol

gadw’i haddewid i filiynau o blant i roi terfyn er mwyn gwireddu Cynllun Llywodraeth
ar dlodi plant o fewn cenhedlaeth. Rydym yn Flaenorol y Cynulliad, sef Cynllun Gweithredu
galw ar Lywodraeth y DU yn San Steffan a yn erbyn Tlodi Plant yng Nghymru ac adeiladu
Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru i wneud ar seiliau’r cynllun hwnnw.
y canlynol: n Sefydlu mecanwaith priodol i adlewyrchu a
Llywodraeth y DU: chyfrannu at Gomisiwn yn y DU i roi terfyn
ar dlodi plant er mwyn sicrhau bod newid
n Buddsoddi £3.8 biliwn i wireddu’r addewid i yn cael ei roi ar waith yng Nghymru fel sy’n
haneru tlodi plant erbyn 2010 ac yn y dyfodol, briodol ar gyfer y setliad datganoli.
gynyddu budd-daliadau a chredydau treth
yn unol ag enillion er mwyn atal incwm y n Sicrhau bod mwy byth o ofal plant o safon
teuluoedd tlotaf rhag disgyn ymhellach ar ar gael drwy ddarparu arian digonol i gynnal
ei hôl hi. y ddarpariaeth gofal plant mewn cymunedau
dan anfantais. Ni fydd dibynnu ar y farchnad
n Sefydlu Comisiwn y DU ar roi terfyn ar dlodi yn unig yn sicrhau’r ddarpariaeth briodol i’n
plant, dan gadeiryddiaeth y Prif Weinidog neu’r teuluoedd tlotaf.
Canghellor, a fyddai’n llunio map cyfeiriad yn
nodi pa fuddsoddi a pholisïau sydd eu hangen n Annog awdurdodau lleol i ddarparu
i gyrraedd targed 2020. gweithgareddau i bob plentyn sy’n briodol
i’w hoedran yn ystod gwyliau’r ysgol a’r
n Mynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd drwy weithio ddarpariaeth honno’n un fforddiadwy.
gyda’r sector preifat er mwyn sicrhau bod
pob cwsmer ar y tariff rhataf ar gyfer y prif
wasanaethau ac nad ydynt yn cael eu cosbi
os na allant fanteisio ar gynlluniau talu megis
debyd uniongyrchol.
n Mynd i’r afael â’r caledi ychwanegol yn ystod
gwyliau ysgol, drwy roi iawndal i deuluoedd i
blant sydd fel arfer yn cael prydau ysgol am
ddim ond nad ydynt yn cael y fantais honno
yn ystod gwyliau ysgol.
n Sicrhau bod holl drefniadau cyllido a
rhaglenni’r Llywodraeth wedi’u cyfeirio’n
bennaf tuag at sicrhau lles y plant tlotaf.

All names have been changed to protect identities.

Andy James
Assistant Director, Policy
01792 463 357 References
¹ Y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol – www.nationalstatistics.org.uk/pdfdir
andy.james@barnardos.org.uk efs0107/pdf - ac eithrio taliadau llog ar forgais a’r dreth gyngor.
² Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn defnyddio’r un diffiniad o dlodi gan Lywodraeth
Copies of the main report It doesn’t happen here y DU yn Cyfle i Bawb (DWP, 2002). 60 y cant o’r lefel incwm ganolig yw’r
– the reality of child poverty in the UK are available terfyn tlodi - sef lefel incwm ar ôl tynnu trethi a buddiannau uniongyrchol,
wedi’i haddasu ar gyfer maint yr aelwyd, fel bod hanner y boblogaeth
from Barnardo’s head office, tel: 020 8498 7750 uwchben y lefel honno a’r hanner arall oddi tani. Mae’r diffiniad yn safon
sy’n newid wrth i lefel incwm canolig newid; ac mae’n fesur o dlodi
For further information visit:   cymharol. Diffinnir pobl sy’n byw mewn tlodi fel y sawl sy’n byw ar lai na
60 y cant o’r incwm canolig, ar ôl tynnu costau tai.

 Dyw hyn ddim yn digwydd yma

The way forward Welsh Assembly government

Barnardo’s Cymru is asking the government to n Commit the necessary resources to fulfil
keep its promise to millions of children to end and build upon the previous Assembly
child poverty within a generation. We call on the government’s Child Poverty Implementation
UK government at Westminster and the Welsh Plan for Wales.
Assembly government to do the following: n Establish an appropriate mechanism to
UK government: mirror and contribute to a UK commission
on ending child poverty to ensure change is
n Invest £3.8 billion to meet the promise to implemented in Wales as is appropriate to
halve child poverty by 2010 and in the future the devolution settlement.
increase benefits and tax credits in line with
earnings to stop the incomes of the poorest n Extend further the access to high quality
families falling further behind. childcare by ensuring adequate funding to
sustain child care provision in disadvantaged
n Establish a UK commission on ending child communities. Reliance on the market alone
poverty, chaired by the Prime Minister or will not deliver for our poorest families.
the Chancellor, which would deliver a road
map setting out the investment and policies n Encourage local authorities to provide
needed to hit the 2020 target. affordable and age-appropriate holiday
activities for all children.
n Tackle fuel poverty by working with the
private sector to make sure that all customers
are on the cheapest tariffs for utilities and are
not penalised if they cannot take advantage
of payment schemes such as direct debit.
n Tackle the additional hardship in school
holidays by compensating families whose
children get free school meals for the loss
of these during the school holidays.
n Aim all government funding and programmes
at benefiting the poorest children most of all.

All names have been changed to protect identities.

Andy James
Assistant Director, Policy
01792 463 357 References
¹ Office for National Statistics – www.nationalstatistics.org.uk/pdfdir/efs0107
andy.james@barnardos.org.uk pdf - excluding mortgage interest payments and council tax.
² This report uses the same definition of poverty as used by the UK
Copies of the main report It doesn’t happen here government in Opportunity for All (DWP, 2002). The poverty line is 60 per
– the reality of child poverty in the UK are available cent of median income level – where the median is the level of income
after direct taxes and benefits, adjusted for household size, such that half
from Barnardo’s head office, tel: 020 8498 7750 the population is above the level and half below it. This definition is a
standard that changes as median income levels change; it is a measure of
For further information visit:   relative poverty. People living in poverty are defined as those living on less
than 60 per cent of median income, after housing costs.

6 It doesn’t happen here

By giving wider help to families Fuel poverty – an overall 91 per cent increase
in the retail price of gas since 2003 and an
The £3.8 billion will help to meet the 2010
increase in electricity prices has seen the numbers
target but other solutions are equally important,
of households living in fuel poverty escalate
especially if the pledge to abolish child poverty
dramatically. It is estimated that there are 3.5
by 2020 is to be met.
million households across the UK, including
Employment – most parents want to work and 300,000 in Wales, living in fuel poverty. Due to
saw this as a way out of poverty but experience fuel price rises there are 60,000 households in
real barriers to getting a job and staying in it. Wales at risk of spiralling into debt (Debt and
The lack of ‘soft’ skills and qualifications keep Utilities, Welsh Consumer Council, 2006). If the
many parents, especially lone parents, out of the Westminster and Welsh Assembly governments
labour market. The Welsh Assembly government are to eradicate fuel poverty for vulnerable
has recognised this and implemented targeted groups, they must work with energy suppliers
support programmes. However, work is not a to ensure that all customers are on the cheapest
guaranteed route out of poverty - low wages tariffs and are not penalised because of their
and the high costs of childcare means that method of payment.
parents are often no better off in work. Also,
Debt – many of the families interviewed were
families where there is a disability may not be
in debt, either from the Social Fund, doorstep
able to take up employment opportunities
lenders or friends and family. Many of these
because of their caring responsibilities.
loans were to cover the costs of Christmas,
Childcare – through the setting up of Sure birthdays and essential household goods.
Start, Flying Start and other childcare initiatives Doorstep lenders are charging between 160
in Wales, the Welsh Assembly government has and 800 per cent on loans, trapping families in
demonstrated its commitment to increasing the a vicious cycle of debt. Government must give
availability of high quality early years provision. priority to ending the financial exclusion of low
However, lack of appropriate, universal and, income families with banks playing a key part.
most importantly, affordable childcare continues
to be a significant barrier to parents who wish
to return to work. Also, parents of disabled
children repeatedly tell us about the lack It’s like there’s a play
of specialist and well-trained childcare
for their children. group down by me
Help with extra costs – low income families
struggle at certain times of the year and often
but until he’s three,
end up paying extra for the basics like utilities.
Targeted support with the following could I’d have to pay £13
make a real difference to the quality of life
for many children: a week for him to go
Poverty in school holidays – for the majority
of children in the UK, school holidays mean
to play group and I
holidays away from home and exciting events
and trips. For families on a low income, they
can’t afford it, so at the
mean extra hardship – costs on essentials
like leisure activities and food go up but moment he’s not even
income does not. Holidays become a time
of ‘survival’. Families on low incomes need in a play group
financial support to access play and leisure
facilities. Compensating families for the loss of Natalie, single mother with
free school meals in holidays would also help
ease the financial pressure and enable families a 3 year old son, Compass
to provide some sort of positive experiences Partnership, Wrexham
during holidays. In Wales, this would cost an
estimated £6.1 million per year (based on
numbers of children eligible for school meals
x cost per meal).

4 It does’nt happen here

Case study:
Vanessa, Barnardo’s Bays Partnership, Swansea
Vanessa was formerly in care and has one ‘My mother used to sit in the bedroom all the
child aged 19 weeks. She lives close to town on time jacking up heroin, so it [her childhood]
a very deprived estate where there are known weren’t like everyone else.’
drug problems. Her income from benefits is
But Vanessa would like to work and do some
£119 a week, slightly below the government’s
training in food and hygiene – her main
poverty line – she spends £35 a week on fuel,
motivation for this is to move away from the
£15 on transport and £50 on food. She saves
area and provide a better future for her son:
the rest to buy clothes for the baby. Vanessa
borrows from her mum and is in debt with the ‘I don’t want him to be here when he gets
electricity and water suppliers. older. I don’t want him getting brought up in
an area where it’s full of drugs and stuff like
‘I had the token meter put in because it’s
that… I don’t want him living in this dump
easier and you know where you are.The only
when he is six.’
way to get a meter is to get into debt with the
suppliers – otherwise you pay £80.’ Getting a job and moving out of the area
presented the best way of escaping poverty.
Vanessa pointed out that before she had the
baby she was living on just £45 a week and Barnardo’s Bays Partnership offers advice and
she could not manage – the extra benefits for support to care leavers like Vanessa. They work
the baby have helped. She felt that she had to prevent homelessness, offer family mediation
not had a ‘normal’ childhood because of being and assist in the development of plans for their
in care and because her mother had a future through a ‘Pathway Plan’.
drug addiction:

Barnardo’s Cymru child poverty briefing 5

Introduction Children living in Wales currently have very
poor outcomes and 170,000 (one in three)
In March 1999, the Prime Minister made a are still living in poverty today. The eradication
historic and ambitious pledge to end child of child poverty in a generation is the most
poverty within a generation. There are now ambitious social challenge facing the Westminster
600,000 fewer children living in poverty than and Welsh Assembly governments and it will
eight years ago. The quality of life and future require a re-doubling of efforts and a combined
aspirations of many are improving across the and complementary approach from both, if this
UK through anti-poverty programmes being goal is going to be achieved.
implemented by Westminster and the devolved
governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern The problem: inadequate
incomes and low wages
The percentage of children living in poverty in
Wales was, until recently, higher than the UK In 2005/6 a couple with two children living in
average. Latest figures, however, show that the UK spent on average £642 per week. The
at 28 per cent, this now stands at 2 per cent families interviewed for the Barnardo’s report
below the current UK average of 30 per cent.¹ It doesn’t happen here had incomes far lower
This progress has largely been achieved as a and, in most cases, well below the Government’s
result of UK government fiscal policies on tax own poverty line.
and benefits combined with a corresponding
increase in employment levels across Wales.
Heather from Cardiff is a single parent with three
The proportion of children in Wales living in
children living on Income Support who receives no
low income households has now fallen to the
maintenance payments and has £210.44 a week
same level as the UK average but, due to its low
to live on - £40.56 a week below the poverty
wage economy, Wales has seen an increase in
line. As a result, she is constantly in debt and
the proportion of its working households living
particularly struggles in school holiday periods
below the poverty line.²
to pay for social activities and school uniforms
Despite the falling figures, however, far too many for her children for the next school term.
children are being left behind – the lives of 3.8
million children across the UK are still blighted
by poverty. Child poverty remains double what Poverty does not only affect children whose
it was in 1979 and is well above the European parents are out of work – 52 per cent of
average. In addition to this, there are serious children in poverty live in households with at
concerns that the rate of improvement is least one earner. Ending child poverty requires
slowing down and that major investment will redistribution through the tax and benefits
have to be committed by both Westminster and system to provide an adequate safety net and
Welsh Assembly governments if they are going to make work pay. Low paid work needs to be
to improve the lives and circumstances of those meaningfully addressed if families seeking to
families living in the most severe and persistent ‘better themselves’ and move out of poverty are
poverty and if the child poverty targets set for to find a lasting solution in the world of work.
2010 and 2020 are to be reached.
This report is a summary of a wider study
(called It doesn’t happen here) which looks at
the lives of the poorest children in the UK and
is based on interviews with over forty families
with whom Barnardo’s works. The interviews
demonstrate the reality of life for those most
deeply mired in poverty. These include children
in black and minority ethnic families, those in
families struggling on low wages, lone parent
families, families affected by disability and large
families. The full report also looks at other
vulnerable groups, including children in asylum-
seeking families, children in poor housing and
young people living independently.

2 It doesn’t happen here

Keeping the child poverty promise What would the £3.8 billion
investment mean?
By investing an extra £3.8 billion
With an additional £3.8 billion estimated by
Keeping its promise to halve child poverty by the IFS for the report, there could be, by 2010,
2010 will require the government to spend a across the UK (compared with 2004/05):
total of 3.8 billion more across the UK by 2010
than currently planned. On current policies, there n 3 20,000 fewer poor children in lone parent
is little prospect of the 2010 target being hit families
– either in Wales or across the rest of the UK. n 2 40,000 fewer poor children in families with
The Institute for Fiscal Studies has estimated a disabled adult
that the additional £1 billion spending on tax n 9 0,000 fewer poor children in two parent
credits announced in the 2007 Budget will families where one parent works full-time
reduce child poverty by a further 200,000 by and the other parent does not work
2010. This will mean the Government missing
n 5 0,000 fewer poor Pakistani and
its target to halve child poverty by some
Bangladeshi children.
900,000 children.
Without the additional £3.8 billion
Further, the Institute for Fiscal Studies, taking
investment there could be, by 2010,
account of 2007 Budget changes, estimates that
(compared with 2004/05):
the 2010 target could be achieved by increasing
the child element of child tax credit by a further n 7 0,000 more poor children in two parent
£11 a week at 2007 prices and giving families families where one parent works full-time
an extra £20 per week for the third and and the other parent does not work
subsequent child/children through the family
n 3 0,000 more poor children in lone parent
element of the child tax credit.
Hence - £3.8 billion of extra investment is required. n 4 0,000 more Pakistani and Bangladeshi
children living in poverty.

By investing this additional £3.8 billion in

benefits and tax credits the Government could
meet the 2010 target. But a wider range of
policy responses is necessary to tackle the root
causes of child poverty – to remove barriers to
work, to ensure that work pays and to ensure
that children in poverty are equipped to escape
their parents’ fate and avoid bringing up their
own children in poverty.

The price of everything is

going up, but my money
is staying the same.That’s
what’s doing my head in.
How do they expect us
to live?’
Kate, Bays Project, Swansea
Barnardo’s Cymru child poverty briefing 3
It doesn’t
happen here
The reality of child poverty in Cymru

d o’s


o’s C

A member of the Campaign to End Child Poverty

12 Executive summary

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