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Chemistry test

name of the student

1.Which one of the following is an example of heterogeneous mixture

a. NaCl + water
b. kerosene + water
c. sugar + water
alum + water
2. Which one of the following is a mixture of two elements
a. iron fillings + sulphur powder b. sugar + common salt
d. air
3. Which one is not the property of a mixture
a. heterogeneous
b. variable composition
d. none of these


c. water

c . constant composition

4.Correct method of separating iron fillings from sulphur powder

a. heating in china dish
b. heating in boiling
c. heating in water
d. moving magnet
5. In the formation of which one a large quantity of heat is involved
a. compound
b. colloid
c. true solution
d. each one
6. When a magnet is moved through of iron fillings and sulphur powder , then
a. iron fillings will cling to magnet
b. black mass is produced
c. sulphur will cling to magnet
d. none of these
7.When a mixture of iron fillings is heated with sulphur powder
a. nothing happens
b. black mass is formed
c. yellow mass is formed
d. white mass is formed
8. which one is a mixture
a. salad of fruits
of the above

b. air

c. sea water

9. Name the process of conversion of solid to vapour

a. evaporation
b. fusion
c. distillation
10.Which one of the following is a pure substance
b.cold drink
c .carbon dioxide

d. all




Chemistry test

name of the student

11. The formula unit mass of Ca3 (PO4)2 is _____________________

12. Mixture is always
a. homogenous
c. homogenous or heterogeneous
b. heterogeneous

d. none of

13. Compound is always

a. homogenous
b. heterogeneous
c. homogenous or heterogeneous
d. none of these
14..Which of the following is a compound
a. blood
b. air
c. soil
15. Convert 12.044 X 1022 molecules of Sulphur dioxide into moles
16.Which is the correct colour sequence of iron filings, sulphur and iron
sulphide ?
(a) Greyish black, yellow, black
(b) Black, yellow, brown
(c) Brown, yellow, black
(d) Black , yellow, greyish black
17.A student put five raisins each in two beakers A and B. Beaker A contained
20 mL of distilled water and beaker B has 20 mL of saturated sugar solution.
After some time the student would observe that
(a) raisins in beaker A were more swollen than those in beaker B.
(b) raisins in beaker B were more swollen than those in beaker A.
(c) raisins in both beakers A and B were equally swollen.
(d) raisins in beaker A did not swell up at all.
18.What are the number of electron and proton in chlorine ion
a. 17p & 18 e
b. 18 p & 17 e
c. 17 e & 0 e

d. none

19. Give the formulae of the compounds formed from the following sets of
(a) Calcium and fluorine
(b) Hydrogen and sulphur
(c) Nitrogen and hydrogen
(d) Carbon and chlorine


Chemistry test

name of the student

(e) Sodium and oxygen

20.A student was asked to mix the white of an egg with water and stir well. The student observed
a) a transparent solution is formed.
(b) a translucent mixture is formed
(c) egg white settles down at the bottom.
(d) egg white floats on the surface.

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