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Mn : Ting Anh
Thi gian lam bai: 90 phut

S 1 .
Choose the word or phrase which best complete each of the following sentences:
1. The railway runs through a ______under the mountain.
A. tunnel
B. canal
C. pipe
D. highway
2. He's a young doctor with little experience. Therefore, he's only allowed to _____easy operations.
A. have
B. make
C. perform
D. take
3. This was the room where the worlds most famous painting, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, was
A. sight
B. exhibit
C. display
D. watch
4. I don't think putting the _____in that corner is a good idea because you will find it difficult to cook in
the future.
A. kettle
B. vacuum cleaner
C. fridge
D. stove
5. Scientists generally consider a _____ active if it has erupted one or more times in historical time.
A. glacier
B. fjord
C. cap
D. volcano
6. The golden autumn light provided the ________for the artist to paint.
A. exploration
B. concentration
C. ambition
D. inspiration
7. Love of work and patriotism are considered two ________characteristics of the Japanese.
A. normal
B. typical
C. official
D. original
8. A(n) _______is a person who studies the natural relationships between the air, land, water, animals,
plants, etc.
A. ecologist
B. scientist
C. priest
D. geologist
9. Nowadays, life ________seems to be longer thanks to better healthcare services.
A. expectancy
B. experiment
C. experience
D. excitement
10. No education system is perfect. Each one has its _________.
A. borders
B. limitations
C. frontiers
D. limits
11. There should be a meeting to ask local people what they want before the government ______new
A. made
B. will make
C. makes
D. has made
12. There was ________program on television about the danger to ________environment.
A. a/ the
B. the/ an
C. a/ an
D. the/ the
13. The engineer ______can devise a way to overcome this problem will receive a bonus.
A. he
B. she
C. who
D. whom
14. The Argentineans are protecting their forests because the lumber is very valuable to _________.
A. they
B. ourselves
C. them
D. we
15. If we _______earlier, there would have been tickets available.
A. have inquired
B. inquired
C. will inquire
D. had inquired
16. For many years, the USA _______a British colony.
A. was
B. is
C. has been
D. will be
17. I wish I____ this evening. There is a good concert on.
A. am not working
B. werent working C. hadnt worked
D. wouldnt work

18. I find the times of English meals very strange Im not used _______ dinner at 6 p.m.

A. to have
B. to having
C. having
19. He'll be very upset if you turn____ his offer for help.
A. away
B. from
C. down
20. By the time David_______ in the car park the supermarket had closed.
A. arrived
B. had arrived
C. would have arrived

D. have
D. against
D. will have arrived

CLOZE TESTS (Questions 21-40)

Read the following passages and decide which word or phrase (A, B, C, D) best fits each space.
Passage 1
(21) ________2,400 years ago, the Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus first
(22)________ the idea of the atom. They suggested that if you (23) ________an item, such as a
(24)________ of bread, in half, and then in half again and again until you could cut it no longer.
Then you would reach the ultimate building block. They (25) ________it an atom.
Today we know that an atom is even more infinitesimal (small) than that. To (26)______ the scale of
the atom, look at the dot over the letter i. Magnify this dot a million times (27)________ an electron
microscope and you will see an array (collection) of a million ink molecules. If you could somehow
(28)________ up this image a million times you would see the fuzzy image of the largest atoms.
And as tiny as atoms are, they are composed (29)________ still tinier subatomic (30) ________.
A. Some
B. Any
C. More than
D. Across
A. took
B. thought
C. proposed
D. supposed
A. sliced
B. held
C. touched
D. stored
A. portion
B. tube
C. part
D. loaf
A. said
B. called
C. talked
D. told
A. grasp
B. grab
C. locate
D. put
A. across
B. into
C. onto
D. through
A. extend
B. set
C. blow
D. put
A. over
B. of
C. in
D. on
A. images
B. members
C. factors
D. particles
Passage 2
Choosing the right (31)_______ is very important. Most of us spend a great (32)_______ of our
life at our jobs. For that reason we should try to find out what our talents are and (33)_______ we
can use them. We can do this through (34)_______ tests, interviews with specialists and study of
books in our fields of interest.
Sometimes we (35)_______ that someone we know is a "square peg in a round hole". This
(36)_______ means that the person we are talking about is not (37)_______ to the job he is doing.
He may be a bookkeeper who really wants to be an actor (38)_______ a mechanic who likes
cooking. Unfortunately, (39)_______ people in the world are "square pegs"; they are not doing the
kind of work they (40)_______ be excited about doing, and certainly they are not happy.

A. work
A. section
A. what
A. placement
A. say
A. easily
A. suitable
A. and
A. neither
A. will

B. calling
B. division
B. how
B. proficiency
B. speak
B. obviously
B. suited
B. or
B. few
B. can

C. trade
C. portion
C. why
C. progress
C. tell
C. simply
C. fixed
C. so
C. no
C. might

D. career
D. part
D. who
D. aptitude
D. talk
D. plainly
D. fit
D. but
D. several
D. should



A. Read the following passage careful. For questions 41-45, choose the best answer to each of the questions.
Western people rely on technical and mechanical solutions in everything they do. Refrigerators
preserve their food, washing machines clean their underwear and computers are supposed to solve all
their problems. When they are ill, they rely on the surgeon's knife. If their hearts are running down,
then they must be repaired; if they cannot be repaired, they should be replaced, just as an old car
sometimes gets a new engine. But up to now we have had a shortage of donors to give their hearts: to
keep one person alive, another donor had to die.
Nowadays there is more and more talk about using monkeys. Every monkey has a near-human
heart, and humans have always been over careful in respecting the lives and well being of other
animals. This includes the life and well-being of other humans. Therefore, in the early years of the
21st century - I was told - the mass killings of monkeys may occur. We'll need to use their hearts for
human consumption.
Monkeys, on the whole, are happier creatures than their near relatives. Homo Sapiens, or man.
They know fear, of course, and they face real dangers, but they are also more intelligent than us.
They create no unnecessary dangers for themselves; they run no businesses, chase no money, are
unimpressed by gold - that utterly useless metal, and they do not care at all about hell or evil spirits. I
have a vague feeling that it is not monkeys' hearts that we ought to implant in ourselves, but
monkeys' brains.



According to the author, Westerners believe health problems can be solved by

A. spending more money on scientific research

B. taking more precautions

C. using technical or mechanical methods

D. increasing the number of doctors

The problem with heart transplants has been that

A. artificial hearts do not work very well

B. there are not usually enough donors

C. some of the heart donors are too old

D. many people die after the operations

The author suggests that in the future

A. people will care less about other human beings B. monkey hearts will form part of our diet
C. monkeys will become extinct



D. monkey hearts will be used in transplant operations

The author says that monkeys

A. live in a relatively safe world in the jungle

B. are not capable of feeling emotions like fear

C. are not capable of logical thinking

D. are usually more content than humans

The author suggests that

A. we are wrong to think of ourselves as cleverer than monkeys
B. human beings will return to a more natural lifestyle
C. monkeys would be better at running the world than humans
D. scientists should work out how to do brain transplants

B. Read the following passage careful. For questions 46-55, choose the best answer to each of the questions
About 120 people have been infected with the virus of bird flu since it spread in Asia in 2003,
most of them contacted with sick chickens. More than 60 people have died from the virus.
While some of those infected fell ill after eating sick chickens, doctors cannot quite determine if
they were ill because of eating or handling the chickens. But the question about whether eggs
are safe has assumed danger since healthy chickens carrying the virus were discovered in
Indonesia recently. The chickens do not fall sick and continue laying eggs even though they
carry and shed the virus. Scientists cannot agree whether the content of the eggs from such
chickens are free of the virus, but they say there is some risk because the surface of the egg
shells may still expose to virus . Health experts are extremely concerned about infected birds
and poultry which do not show any symptoms because they render the virus so it is much harder
to detect and control the illness. Some experts have warned against eating eggs.

The text is about



chicken eggs

B. Asia

D. eating chicken

Most of the people who have been infected with the virus of bird flu________.
A. contacted with sick chickens


C. bird flu

B. are not dead

C. do not get sick

D. remain healthy

Which sentence is TRUE?

A. Bird flu happens only in Indonesia
B. Eating sick chicken is safe.
C. The content of the eggs from such ill chickens are completely free of the virus.
D. Contacting with sick chickens can cause illness.


The surface of the egg shells ________.

A. is safe


B. is free of the virus

C. may still expose to virus

D. is very dangerous

Health experts ________.

A. have supported eating eggs

B. have warned us not to eat eggs

C. have advised us to contact with sick chickens D. can easily control bird flu

It is possible that
A. healthy chickens dont lay eggs while they carry the virus
B. healthy chickens still lay eggs while they carry the virus
C. sick chickens cant lay eggs
D. sick chicken lay eggs and the content of their eggs are safe


The word those refers to

A. dead patients


D. patients

B. symptoms

C. health experts

D. egg shells

B. very

C. mainly

D. slightly

The word extremely means

A. a little


C. doctors

The word they refers to

A. infected birds and poultry


B. sick chickens

The word symptoms nearly means

A. specific colors

B. patterns

C. signs of an illness D. models

C. Read the following passage careful. For questions 56-60, choose the best answer to each of the questions
Edwin Forrest, often acknowledged as America's first national idol of American theater, was
born in Philadelphia in 1806. He was only 14 years old when he played Young Norval in Home's
Douglas. He gained experience supporting Edmund Kean in Shakespearean roles. In 1826 he
established himself as one of the great tragedians of the century with his role as Othello in a New
York debut. His acting was bold and forceful, though he was also criticized for his boasting and
loud language His violent temper did not injure his reputation as an actor, though. and his last
appearance as Richelieu in Boston in 1871 was greeted with acclaim.
56. Which of the following statements is best supported by this passage?
A. Though Edwin Forrest was criticize, his reputation was not damaged
B. Forrest was a great actor, but was brought down by his uncontrollable temper
C. Though bold in his acting, in reality Forrests life was a tragedy.
D. Forrest became a national idol; at age 14, but was ruined later.
57. Which of the following roles was NOT one that Forrest played?
A. Young Norval

B. Edmund Kean

C. Othello

D. Richelieu

C. temperamental

D. creative

58. According to the author Forrest was

A. angry

B. satisfied

59. The word "injure" in line 6 could best be replaced by which of the following ?
A. support

B. critique

C. damage

D. offend

60. According to the passage, what happened in 1826?

A. New York produced a new tragedian.

B. Forrest was in a New York play.

C. Forrest made his first debut

D. Othello became known as a great tragedy.


A. For questions 61-65, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which has the nearest meaning to each of the
given sentences.
56. She wasn't paying attention; that was why she burnt her finger.

A. If she had been paying no attention, she might not have burnt her finger.
B. Because she had been paying attention, she might not have burnt her finger.
C. Had she been paying attention, she might not have burnt her finger.
D. If she had been paying attention, she wouldn't burn her finger.
57. You'd better reduce the amount of fat you take in every day.

A. You should eat more fat, every day.

B. The amount of fat you take in is reduced well.
C. You ought to cut down on the amount of your everyday fat intake.
D. It is better for you to eat as much fat as you can everyday.
58. In spite of his serious illness, he did well in the exam.

A. Although he had to do well in the exam, he got sick.

B. Seriously sick as he was, he managed to do well in the exam.
C. Because he did well in the exam, he felt seriously sick.
D. His serious sickness enable him to do well in the exam.

59. People believe Steve stole the money.

A. Steve is believed to steal the money.

B. Steve is believed to have stolen the money.
C. Steve was believed to steal the money.
D. It is believed Steve to steal the money.
60. The strong winds blew down the two ancient trees during the storm.

A. The two ancient trees was blew down during the storm.
B. The two ancient trees were blewed down by the strong winds during the storm.
C. The two ancient trees were blown down during the storm.
D. The two ancient trees are blown down by the strong winds during the storm.
B. For questions 66-70, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which corresponds to the best sentence that
can be created from the given words or phrases.
61. no / atmosphere / living things / not survive / this planet //

A. Without the atmosphere, living things couldnt survive on this planet.

B. No atmosphere can survive living things on this planet.
C. Without the atmosphere, living things cannot survive on this planet.
D. Living things need no atmosphere to survive on this planet.
62. English / speak / almost / part / the world //

A. English is spoken in almost every part of the world.

B. English is spoken in almost parts of the world.
C. English is speaking in almost all parts of the world.
D. Almost every part in the world is spoken with English.
63. car / expensive / than / we / expect //

A. The car was so expensive than we expected.

B. Cars are expensive more than we our expectation.
C. The car was more expensive than we had expected.
D. The car was so expensive than we expected.
64. If / you / not help / I / not meet / her last week //

A. If you dont help me, I couldnt meet her last week.

B. If you didnt help me, I couldnt meet her last week.
C. If you hadnt helped me, I couldnt meet her last week.
D. If you hadnt helped me, I couldnt have met her last week.
65. Wed / play tennis / rather / watch / it / TV //

A. Wed prefer to play tennis rather than watch it on TV.

B. Wed rather play tennis rather than watch it on TV.
C. Wed prefer playing tennis than watching it on TV.
D. Wed prefer to play tennis rather than watching it on TV.

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