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An Intensity Based Non-Parametric Default Model

for Residential Mortgage Portfolios

Enrico De Giorgi, RiskLab, ETH Zurich

joint work with Vlatka Komaric, Credit Suisse Group

Risk Day 2001, Zurich

October 19, 2001

E-mail: degiorgi@math.ethz.ch
Homepage: http://www.math.ethz.ch/∼degiorgi/
RiskLab: http://www.risklab.ch
An Intensity Based Non-Parametric Default Model

for Residential Mortgage Portfolios

Part 1

I Introduction
II Definitions

Part 2

III The model

IV Estimation methodology
V Data set and results
VI Conclusion

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)


• In April 2001 Swiss banks held over CHF 500 billion of debt in form
of mortgages (about 63% of the total loan portfolios value held by
Swiss banks).

• Estimated Swiss real estate market value is between 2300 and 2800
billion CHF (more than twice the market capitalization of all stocks
included in Swiss Performance Index).

• About 86% of Swiss real estate are in the hands of private individ-

• Not much research was done in this area so far:

Lack of information, confidentiality, old and insufficient data, mort-
gages are regarded as a ”low risk” product in Switzerland.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Mortgage characteristics

A mortgage is a loan secured by a real estate property.

The purpose of the private clients is to finance the property.
We have the following traditional products:

• Adjusted-rate and term (ARM):

− no fixed maturity, interest rate follows market, but with a lag

and is subject to politics;
− prepayment is free for the clients (embedded option).

• Fixed-rate and term:

− maturity and interest rate are fixed by the issue of the mortgage;
− maturity usually of 2-5 years;
− prepayment costs are charged to clients.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Default event
Definition. An obligor is said to default at time T if he loses the ability
to make the next interest payment. Define the default indicator process
for t ≥ 0 by

def 1 default prior to time t,
Xt = 1{T ≤t} =
0 else.

The observation of default is censored, it is

tl−1 tl tl+1
observed only if the payment fails over a pe- fix -

riod of fixed length (usually 90 days) after it T obs.

was due.

Common reasons for default

• unemployment;

• divorce;

• significantly interest rate increase.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)
Conditional intensity process

Let Yi = (Yi,1, . . . , Yi,p), Yi,q = (Yi,q (t))t≥0 be a collection of predictors

for obligor i, i = 1, . . . , n.
Fi,t = σ(Yi,s : s ≤ t) is the σ-algebra generated by Y  = (Y )
i,t i,s 0≤s≤t.
Di,t = σ(Xi,s : s ≤ t) is the σ-algebra generated by the default indicator
Xi = (Xi,s)t≥0 of obligor i.
We define the enlarged filtration Gi = (Gi,t)t≥0 by Gi,t = Fi,t ∨ Di,t.

Definition. Let Fi = (Fi,t)t≥0 be the flow of information from the pre-

dictors for obligor i. The conditional intensity process of the time to
default Ti given Fi, is the nonnegative, Fi-predictable process λi i such
that the process Mi = (Mi,t)t≥0 defined by
i F
Mi,t = Xi,t − i du
is a Gi-martingale.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Properties of the conditional intensity process λi i

Let Si(t | Fi,t) = P Ti > t | Fi,t be the conditional survival probability and
fi (t | Fi,t) = limsց0 s P Ti ∈ (t, t + s] | Fi,t be the conditional density func-
tion of Ti . .

Under technical conditions, λi i and fi exist, and we have
1 F
• limsց0 s P Ti ∈ (t, t + s] | Gi,t = 1{Ti >t} λi,ti .

F f (t | F )
• λi,ti = Si (t | Fi,t ) .
i i,t

 t∨di Fi 
• Si(t | Fi,t) = exp − d λi,u du where di = time of issue.

On the set {Ti > t} and for ∆t ≪ 1, λi,ti ∆t approximates the conditional
probability that a default occurs during (t, t + ∆t].
c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)
Overview of the model

• Form homogeneous groups characterized by their credit rating.

• Model time-to-default as the first jump-time of an inhomogeneous

Poisson process with stochastic intensity (doubly stochastic Poisson
process or Cox process).

• Link the intensity to explaining factors (economic environment,

mortgage characteristics, obligor characteristics).

• Given a realization of explaining factors, suppose individual defaults

occur independently.

• Fit the model to a mortgage portfolio for determining the form of

the linking functions.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

The model

Let Yi = (Yi,1, . . . , Yi,p), Yi,q = (Yi,q (t))t≥0 be a collection of predictors

for the intensity process λi i for obligor i. We model λi i as a function
of Yi .
We suppose that

λi,ti = λi,0 hi,0(t − di) hi,q (Yi,q (t)).
We write λi,ti = λi,ti (θi; Yi,t) where θi = (log λi,0, log hi,0, . . . , log hi,p).
Here hi,0, hi,1, . . . , hi,p are the link functions to be estimated later.

Let ηi,ti (θi; Yi,t) = log λi,ti (θi; Yi,t). Then we obtain

ηi,t(θi; Yi,t) = log λi,0 + log hi,0(t − di) + log hi,q (Yi,q (t)).
We suppose that E log hi,q (Yi,q (t)) = 0 for i = 1, . . . , n, q = 1, . . . , p.
c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

• The θi’s are the same for all obligors in the same rating class.
⇒ Functional form depends only on the rating class.

• Given Ti > t, the conditional probability that obligor i will survive

time t+s for s > 0 depends on the history only through the predictors
at time t.
⇒ Treats all the outstanding mortgages at time t in the same way.

• Given the predictors up to time t, defaults of obligors up to time t

are conditionally independent.
⇒ Dependence structure is totally described by the predictors.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Estimation of the model for one rating class

• θ = (log λ0 , log h0, log h1 , . . . , log hp ) are the

same for every obligor.
t0 t1 t2 ··· tm = T
1 X
2 • Group obligors such that their predictors
3 Yi and their time of issue di are identical in
every group (J groups).
4 RP

5 X
• Let 0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tm = T .
... • Oj,l = number of outstanding mortgages
RP during (tl , tl+1] in group j.

RP: repayment.
X: default. • Dj,l = number of mortgages defaulted dur-
ing (tl , tl+1] in group j.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Conditional likelihood function
of the discretized model
Assuming that λ and the predictors are constant on [tl , tl+1), then on
the set {Ti > tl } for obligor i in group j and Yj = yj we have
  P Ti ∈ (tl , tl+1] | Fj,tl
P Ti ∈ (tl , tl+1] | Gi,tl =  
P Ti > tl | Fj,tl
S(tl | Fj,tl ) − P Ti > tl+1 | Fj,tl
S(tl | Fj,tl )
= 1 − exp −(tl+1 − tl )λtl (θ; yj,tl )
= uj,l (θ).
The likelihood function for the observation is thus given by
m−1 J 
Oj,l  Dj,l
 O −D
j,l j,l
L(θ) = uj,l (θ) 1 − uj,l (θ) .
l=0 j=1 j,l 
binomial distribution

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Generalized additive model (GAM)
Let V be a real random variable. Let Y = (Y1, . . . , Yp) be a set of
predictors. Given
  , V has the conditional distribution function FY
with µ(Y) = E V | Y . We assume that for functions f1, . . . , fp, we have

G(µ(Y)) = η(Y) = α + fq (Yq )

where G is the link function, E fq (Yq ) = 0 for q = 1, . . . , p.
η is called an additive form, θ = (α, f1, . . . , fp) are the unknown param-
eters to be estimated. The triple (η, G, FY ) is called a GAM.

• If all the fq ’s are linear functions, then (η, G, FY ) is called a gener-
alized linear model (GLM).
• For observations (Vi )i=1,...,M we need Vi | Yi ∼ FYi , independently.
• The GAM serves as a diagnostic tool for suggesting transformations
of the predictors.
c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)
GAM estimation

If V | Y ∼ FY has an exponential family density

vξ − b(ξ)
fY (v; ξ, φ) = exp + c(v, φ) , v ∈ support(FY )
where ξ is the natural parameter (b′(ξ) = µ) depending on Y, and φ is
the dispersion parameter, then the local scoring algorithm with backfit-
ting can be applied to solve the GAM (Hastie and Tibshirani, 1990).

• FY = binomial(n, p(Y)) is an exponential family density with φ = 1.

• The local scoring algorithm maximizes the likelihood function by a

modified Newton-Raphson procedure.

• The local scoring algorithm converges for cubic smoothing splines.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Backfitting algorithm
Let G = id and (η, id, FY ) the simple additive model, with FY an expo-
nential family density. We have for i = 1, . . . , M

Vi = α + fq (Yi,q ) + ǫi,
where ǫi = Vi − E Vi | Y . The backfitting algorithm proceeds as follows:
0 = 1
• Initialization r = 0: fq0 ≡ 0 for q = 1, . . . , p, α M i=1 Vi .

• Iteration r → r + 1: cycle over q = 1, . . . , p

 
q−1 p 

  
r −
fqr+1 = Sqλ Vi − α fqr+1
′ (Yi,q′ ) − r
fq′ (Yi,q′ )  Yq 

q ′=1 q ′ =q+1
until maxi=1,...,M fq (Yi,q ) − fqr (Yi,q ) is small enough.

Sqλ denotes a smoothing operator (linear) with smoothing factor λ.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)
Stepwise selection technique

• Choice of the smoothing method (smoothing spline, local regres-

sion, kernel regression,. . . ).

• For each function fq define a set Θq of alternatives of increasing

complexity for the corresponding smoothing operator Sqλ, in terms
of the number of degrees of freedom df (df = 0 for one Sqλ means
that fq ≡ 0, df = 1 means fq linear).

• Let θ1 ∈ Θ = R×Θ1 ×· · ·×Θp. Define θ2 by increasing the complexity

one step forward in Θq′ for exactly one q ′ = 1, . . . , p in θ1 (θ1, θ2 are
nested models).

• Compare the two models by testing the null hypothesis H0 : θ = θ1

against the alternative HA : θ = θ2 using a χ2-test.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Akaike information criterion
Let (η, G, FY ) be a GAM and let FY be an exponential family density
with dispersion parameter φ.

We define the Akaike information criterion for the model θ ∈ Θ by

 v) + 2 φ df ,
AICθ = D(θ; θ
where dfθ is the number of degrees of freedom of the model.

• AIC is a penalized version of the deviance D.

• AIC accounts for the number of degrees of freedom used by the
• Usually a lower AIC implies that the model fits better then another.
• AIC offers a criterion for comparing two models θ1, θ2 ∈ Θ, nested
or non-nested.
• No specific statistical test is associated with comparing AIC’s.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Reformulation of the default model as GAM

Vj,l =
uj,l (θ) = 1 − exp −(tl+1 − tl ) λ(tl , θ | yj,tl )
Vj,l ∼ binomial(Oj,l , uj,l (θ))

G(uj,l (θ)) = log λ0 + log h0(t − dj ) + log hq (yj,q (tl ))

where uj,l (θ) = Eθ Vj,l | yj,tl and G : (0, 1) −→ R, µ → log(− log(1 − µ))
is the link function (the complementary log log-function).

⇒ Generalized additive model.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)
Data set

• Sub-portfolio P with 73683 Swiss residential mortgages.

• t0 = 1st quarter 1994, tm = 4th quarter 2000.

• Observation of P follows at the end of each quarter (March 31,

June 30, September 30, December 31).

• The mortgage product and the mortgage interest rate ri,tl applied
during the quarter [tl−1, tl ) are available for i = 1, . . . , 73683 and
l = 1, . . . , m.

• Obligors belongs to 26 different economic and political regions

(26 cantons).

• Two rating classes are considered:

A=higher rating and B=lower rating.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

For obligor i (i = 1, . . . , 73683) we use the following predictors.
• Quarter of the year Yi,0: Yi,0(tl ) = k, if tl is the k-th quarter.
• Quarterly regional unemployment rate Yw,1, if obligor i lives in region
w = 1, . . . , 26.
• Lags of 1, . . . , 16 quarters for the regional unemployment rate are
considered (notation: Yw,1 , w = 1, . . . , 26, r = 1, . . . , 16).
• Indicator variable Yi,3 for mortgage product:
adjusted-rate (Yi,3 = 1), fixed-rate mortgage (Yi,3 = 2).
• Levels Yi,4 for the relative interest rate change over last quarter:

 1 if xi,tl < 0,

 2 if xi,tl = 0,
Yi,4(tl ) =

 k + 1 if xi,tl ∈ (ak−1, ak ], k = 2, 3,

 5 if xi,t > 0.5,
where xi,tl = r l − 1, a1 = 0, a2 = 0.25 and a3 = 0.5.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Selected models
• We have J = 260 groups of obligors characterized by the predictor
realizations (6500 observations of Oj,l and Dj,l for each rating class).
• 3265 non-zero observations of Oj,l for rating A, and 2713 non-zero
observations of Oj,l for rating B.
The following models has been selected by our criterion:
• Rating A

(11) (11)
G(uj,l (θA)) = α
 A + f1,A (yj,1 (tl )) +
+ β3,A 1{yj,3 (tl )=1} + γ3,A + f4,A (yj,4(tl )).

• Rating B

(q) (8) (8)

 B + f0,B(y0 (tl )) + f1,B(yj,1 (tl )) +
G(uj,l (θB)) = α
β3,B 1{yj,3 (tl )=1} + γ3,B + f4,B(yj,4(tl )).

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Parametric estimates

α β3 γ3
Estimate -9.9108 -1.3568 0.6740
A Standard error 0.7752 0.4443 0.2207
Approx. 95% CI -11.4612 -2.2454 0.2326
-8.3604 -0.4682 1.1154
Estimate -6.8644 -1.7893 0.8462
B Standard error 0.3636 0.1690 0.0799
Approx. 95% CI -6.1372 -2.1273 0.6864
-7.5916 -1.4513 1.006
Parametric estimates for the two models (Rating A and Rating B), with standard

errors and approximated 95% confidence intervals.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Non-parametric estimates: rating A


f(interest rate change)





0 2 4 6 8 1 2 3 4 5
unemployment rate (lagged 11 quarters) interest rate change (intervals)

Spline estimation f1,A

with 1.2 degrees of free- Spline estimation f4,A with 2 degrees of freedom.

dom. Dotted lines give the approximated 95% Dotted lines give the approximated 95% confi-

confidence interval. dence interval.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Non-parametric estimates: rating B





1 2 3 4 0 2 4 6 8
quarter of year unemployment rate (lagged 8 quarters)

Spline estimation f0,B

with 2 degrees of freedom. Spline estimation f1,B
with 1.1 degrees of free-

Dotted lines give the approximated 95% confi- dom. Dotted lines give the approximated 95%

dence interval. confidence interval.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Non-parametric estimates: rating B (2)

f(interest rate change)

1 2 3 4 5
interest rate change (intervals)

Spline estimation f4,B with 1.9 degrees of free-

dom. Dotted lines give the approximated 95%

confidence interval.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Simulation under different scenarios
Probability Probability





25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number defaults Number defaults

1000 simulations of the total number of defaults during the first quarter 2001 in a portfolio P ′ with

100000 obligors. Obligors in P ′ are distributed among the 26 regions, the 2 mortgage products and

the 2 rating classes as in portfolio P at the end of the last quarter 2000. Two scenario for the interest

rate are considered: increase of 0.75% (left histogram), decrease of 0.5% (right histogram).

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

Advantages of the model:
• Dynamical model.

• Choice of the predictors very flexible.

(The model suggests how data has to be collected.)

• Link the default process to the macro-economical environment.

• Dependence structure given by the common predictors.

• Applicable to available data.

Further research:
• Stochastic modeling of recoverables.

• Stochastic modeling of predictors.

c 2001 (E. De Giorgi, RiskLab)

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