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MDARD Asking Poultry and Domestic Bird Owners to Increase

Biosecurity Efforts
Agency: Agriculture and Rural Development

For immediate release: March 30, 2015

Media contact: Jennifer Holton, 517-284-5724 or holtonj@michigan.gov
The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is encouraging domestic bird owners to
increase their biosecurity efforts and take appropriate steps to protect their birds from avian influenza.
Since December 2014, the United States has been experiencing an increase in instances of highly
pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) affecting poultry in multiple states.
Arkansas, Missouri, and Minnesota have detected avian influenza in commercial flocks recently which
raises concerns that Michigan may be next as wild waterfowl will be migrating north soon, said State
Veterinarian Dr. James Averill. The cause of infection for these birds is still unknown, but in the
meantime domestic bird owners need to take appropriate steps to mitigate interactions with domestic and
wild birds.
Avian influenza is a viral disease that can infect wild birds and domestic poultry. Birds get the flu just as
people do and, as with people, some forms of the flu are worse than others. HPAI can spread fast and
quickly kill chickens and turkeys. Wild birds, however, can carry the virus without appearing sick.
No human infections with this virus have been reported, and the Centers for Disease Control considers
the risk to people from this highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza to be low. In addition, poultry and eggs
are safe to consume as long as they are properly handled and meat is cooked to an internal temperature
of 165F.
Averill recommends the following six steps for protecting domestic birds from H5 avian influenza:
Keep your distance Restrict access to your property and keep your birds away from other birds. Keep
your poultry away from open ponds and waterways that may be visited by migrating waterfowl.
Keep it clean Wash your hands thoroughly before and after working with birds. Clean and disinfect
Dont haul disease home Buy birds from sources that have disease monitoring programs and keep
new birds separated for at least 30 days.
Dont borrow disease Dont share equipment or supplies with neighbors or other bird owners. If you
must borrow, disinfect it first.
Know the warning signs Early detection can help prevent the spread of the disease. Check your birds
frequently. If you find a sick or dead wild bird, dont touch it.

Report sick birds If your birds are sick or dying, contact MDARD at 800-292-3939 or for after-hours
emergencies 517-373-0440. If you notice dead wild birds, call the Michigan Department of Natural
Resources hotline 1-800-292-7800.
Signs of Avian Influenza may include: lack of appetite and energy; significant drop in egg production;
difficulty walking, swollen, head, combs, wattles or legs; nasal discharge, sneezing, coughing; bloody
diarrhea, or sudden death.
For more information, visit http://healthybirds.aphis.usda.gov.

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