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(Pakchoi Production)

Location: Bog Walk High School Farm

Duration: 7-8 weeks
Materials: Seeds (Pakchoi)
Tools ( Fork, machete, Hoe, Hand Spade, Hand Fork, Watering
can, Spray Bottle,
Knap Sack Sprayer)
Insecticide (Malathion)
Fertilizer (Foliar Fertilizer 20:20:20)

Seed Box Preparation
On March 19th 2012, the seed box was prepared. The box was made of pine
boards with dimension35*25cm with slits (5mm wide) at the bottom for
drainage. The soil mixture ratio was 3:3:1 (3 hums, 3 part of top soil, 1 part
of sand), Pakchoi grows on a wide range of soils from sandy loams to clay.
After adding the soil to the seed box a watering can was used to add excess
moisture to the soil. The soil were then left to drain, drills were made 1 inch
apart in the box using my fingers.

Sowing Seeds
The Seeds were planted 2 inches apart and 3 mm in depth, after which my
fingers were used to gently spread dirt over the seeds. After sowing seeds,
the box was placed in the shade house where there is cool temperature for
germination to occur, they were observed to make sure the soil is kept moist.
The seeds began to germinate within 4 days.


Watering is done two times per day in the nursery, a spray bottle was used
to take water to the shade house, the spray bottle was used to water, due to
the fact that the water droplets are small so when it hit against the seedlings
it would not damage them.
Insect Control (Malathion)
This insecticide was used to control ants and white flies from feeding on the
plant. 1 litre of Malathion was mixed with 1 gallon of water and this was done
two times in the nursery.
Fertilizer Application
When the soil is well prepared fertilizer application is not an option. Hence,
healthy growth was helped by the application of Urea which consists of
nitrogen for healthy growth of lettuce leaves.
Thinning Out
Thinning out was an activity done to reduce the competition weaker
seedlings on the stronger ones. Thinning out helps to give the seedlings
room for root development and prevents diseases. This was done in the third
week of the plants life, gently by uprooting the weaker ones and threw them
Hardening Of
This is when the seed box was imperceptibly exposed to harsh conditions
which prepare them for weather conditions in the field. This is done for 24
days before transplanting. The seed box was taken from inside the shade
house for 4 hours and was taken back inside .

Land Clearance
Before the preparation of the land a thorough inspection was carried out
prior to sowing seeds for suitability, after which trees, grasses and bushes
were cleared from the sight inspected for transplanting, this was done with a
machete and a weed wacker. In addition, the land was also ploughed using a
hand fork which would allow better soil aeration and water reabsorption.
However, after ploughing, large clusters of soil remained which was refined
using a hoe and a cutlass this process is known as secondary tillage. The
beds were then prepared.

Transplanting was done 24 days after germination when they were 6 cm tall.
Transplanting was done late in the evening. The seed box was removed from
the nursery area and transferred to the field, after which seedlings were
watered and each was gently uprooted from the seed box, carefully, not
wanting to damage the roots. The plants were planted 12 cm apart and a
depth of 1 inch. They were then watered and shade using broad leaves, this
was done to prevent direct sunlight from seeping through the leaves for
witting. Just in case the seedlings were not properly hardened off.


Pakchoi has a very shallow root system, so watering was done two times
daily using the watering can, however, if the soil is moist then water was not
applied, if the soil is dry water was applied.
Moulding is a technique done to improve the soil fertility and for root
development. Soil aeration was one of the main reasons why plants were
mould. When soil compaction or surface crusting occurs. A machete was
used to turn over the soil around the plant, not too close because this will
damage the roots.
Pak choi is a leafy vegetable so this crop has a high insist on nitrogen,
however, an application of urea was placed circular around the plant to
enhance healthy growth of leaves.
Weed Control
The weeds were hand picked; this was done in order to reduce the
competition of weeds on plants.
Insect Control
The main pests that affect Pak choi are caterpillars and aphids. These insects
were controlled by an insecticide (Malathion) which was sprayed on the
plants every 7 days using a knapsack sprayer.

The plants were harvested on the 7th week. The root of each plant was cut
and the plant was uprooted. The old leaves were removed and the plant was
washed to remove dirt and micro organisms then left to drain, each lettuce
head was bagged separately. The Pak choi was then marketed.

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