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Max Weber (Alemanha). Economy and

Society (1922);

Thomas S Kuhn (EUA). The Structure of

Scientific Revolutions (1962);

Emile Durkheim (Frana). The Division

of Labor in Society (1893);

Charles Wright Mills (EUA). The Sociological Imagination (1959);

Georg Simmel (Alemanha). Sociology


Emile Durkheim (Frana). The Rules of

Sociological Method (1895);

Robert K Merton (EUA). Social Theory

and Social Structure (1949);

Ulrich Beck (Alemanha). Risk Society


Harold Garfinkel (EUA). Studies in Ethnomethodology (1967);

Max Weber (Alemanha). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Harry Braverman (EUA). Labour and

Monopoly Capital (1974);


Adorno and Horkheimer (Alemanha).

Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944);

Seymour Martin Lipset (EUA). Political

Man (1960);

Antonio Gramsci (Itlia). Prison Notebooks (1929-1935);

Charles Wright Mills (EUA). The Power

Elite (1956);

James Samuel Coleman (EUA). Foundations of Social Theory (1990);

Pierre Bourdieu (Frana). The Logic of

Practice (1990);

Jrgen Habermas (Alemanha). Knowledge and Human Interests (1968);

Cardoso (Brasil) and Faletto (Chile).

Dependency and Development in Latin America (1979);

Berger and Luckmann (EUA). The Social Construction of Reality (1966);

Pierre Bourdieu (Frana). Distinction:
A Social Critique of the Judgment of
Taste (1979);
Norbert Elias (Alemanha). The Civilizing Process (1978);

Habermas (Alemanha). The

of Communicative Action

B Moore (EUA). The Social Origins of

Dictatorship and Democracy (1966);

Talcott Parsons (EUA). The Structure

of Social Action (1937);

Karl Polanyi (ustria). The Great Transformation (1944);

Erving Goffman (Cand). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959);

Blau and Duncan (EUA).The American

Occupational Structure (1967);

George Herbert Mead (EUA). Mind, Self

and Society (1934);

Alvin W Gouldner (EUA). The Coming

Crisis of Western Sociology (1970);

Talcott Parsons (EUA). The Social System (1902);

Niklas Luhmann (Alemanha). Social

Systems (1995);

Emile Durkheim (Frana). The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1912);

Karl Mannheim (Hungria). Ideology

and Utopia (1929);

Anthony Giddens (Reino Unido). The

Constitution of Society (1984);

Howard S Becker (EUA). Outsiders:

Studies in the Sociology of Deviance

Immanuel Wallerstein (EUA). The Modern World-System (1974);

Michel Foucault (Frana). Discipline
and Punish : the Birth of the Prison

Karl Marx (Alemanha). Capital. A Critique of Political Economy (1867);

Mancur Olson (EUA). The Logic Collective Action (1965);




R Dahrendorf (Alemanha). Class and

Class Conflict in an Industrial Society
Anthony Giddens (Reino Unido). The
Consequences of Modernity (1990);




R.M Kanter (EUA). Men and Women of

the Corporation (1977);
Alfred Schtz (ustria). The Phenomenology of the Social World (1932);
Peter L Berger (ustria). Invitation to
Sociology (1963);
Bourdieu and Passeron (Frana). Reproduction in Education, Society and
Culture (1990);
Amitai Etzioni (Esrael). The Active Society (1968);

Glaser and Strauss (EUA). The Discovery of Grounded Theory (1967);

Jrgen Habermas (Alemanha). The
Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (1962);
Pitirim A Sorokin (Rssia). Social and
Cultural Dynamics (1937-1941);
Alain Touraine (Frana). Production
de la societe (1973);
Max Weber (Alemanha). Sociology of
Religion (1920);
Max Weber (Alemanha). The Methodology of the Social Sciences (1949);
Hannah Arendt (Alemanha). The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951);
Raymond Boudon (Frana). The Logic
of Social Action (1981);
Fernand Braudel (Frana). Civilization
and Capitalism (1967);
Emile Durkheim (Frana). The Suicide
Clifford Geertz (EUA). The Interpretation of Cultures (1973);
Anthony Giddens (Reino Unido). Sociology (2006);
Morris Janowitz (EUA). The Professional Soldier (1960);
Lazarsfeld and Rosenberg (ustria).
The Language of Social Research
Georg Lukcs (Hungria). History and
Class Consciousness (1920);
Maria Mies (Alemanha). Patriarchy
and Accumulation on World Scale
Robert A Nisbet (EUA). The Sociologi-

cal Tradition (1966);

Eric Palmer Thompson (Reino Unido).
The Making English Labour Class (1963);
David Riesman
Crowd (1950);




Alfred Schtz (ustria). Collected Papers, 3 vols (1962-1966);

Georg Simmel (Alemanha). The Philosophy of Money (1907);
William Foote Whyte (EUA). Street
Corner Society (1943);
Jeffrey C Alexander (EUA). Theoretical
Logic in Sociology, 4 vols (1980);
Louis Althusser (Frana). Reading Capital (1965);
Benedict Anderson (EUA). Imagined
Communities (1983);
Hannah Arendt (Alemanha). The Human Condition (1958);
Zygmunt Baumann (Polnia). Postmodern Ethics (1993);
Simone Beauvoir (Frana). The Second
Sex (1949);
Ruth Benedict (EUA). Patterns of Culture (1934);
Herbert Blumer (EUA). Symbolic Interactionism. Perspective and Method
Raymond Boudon (Frana). The Unintended Consequences of Social Action (1982);
Pierre Bourdieu (Frana). Outline of a
Theory Practice (1972);
Manuel Castells (Espanha). The Urban
Question (1973);

Michel J Crozier (Frana). The Bureaucratic Phenomenon (1964);

Crozier and Friedberg (Frana). Actors
and Systems (1980);
Frantz Fanon (Frana). The Wretched
of the Earth (1961);
G Friedmann (Frana). Problemes humains du machinisme industriel (1946);
Herbert J Gans (Alemanha). The Urban
Villagers (1962);
Gerth and Mills (EUA). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (1948);
Anthony Giddens (Reino Unido). New
Rules of the Sociological Method (1976);
Anthony Giddens (Reino Unido). Modernity and Self-Identity (1991);
Erving Goffman
Analysis (1974);


Everett Cherrington Hughes

The Sociological Eye (1971);


Michael Mann (). The Sources of Social

Power, 2 vols (1986/1993);
Karl Marx (Alemanha). Economic and
Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (1844);
Marcel Mauss (Frana). The Gift (1925);
Karl R Popper (Alemanha). The Logic
of Scientific Discovery (1934);
Nicos Poulantzas (Grcia). Political
Power and Social Class (1968);
Pitirim A Sorokin (Rssia). Social and
Cultural Mobility (1959);
Thomas (EUA) and Znaniecki (Polnia). The Polish Peasant in Europe and
America (1918-1920);

Ludwig Wittgenstein (ustria). Philosophical Investigations (1953);

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