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Algebra I Homework

Problem 3.1 #4:

Determine End(Q, +, 0).

Proof: To begin, notice that for any End(Q, +, 0), (p) = p(1) by properties of homomorphisms. Then notice that

Therefore, any in End(Q) is determined by (1). Hence the map 7 (1) is
an isomorphism from End(Q) to Q.
Problem 3.1 #5: In several cases we have considered, we have End(R, +, 0)
R for a ring R. Dow this hold in general? Does it hold if R is a field?
Proof: An example of a ring in which this fails is M2 (F2 ). To see this, notice
that the elementary matrices e00 , e01 , e10 , and e11 generate M2 F2 , and the order of M2 (F2 ) is 24 = 16. When we consider End(M (F2 ), +, 0), we find that
every End(M (F2 )) is determined by the values of (e00 ), (e01 ), (e10 ), and
(e11 ). Since there are 16 possible elements that each generator can map to,
there will be a total of 164 = 65536 possible endomorphisms of M2 (F2 ). Since
these rings have different cardinality, they cannot be isomorphic.
To show that the second part does not hold even if R is a field, consider C.
Notice that by Theorem 3.2, C
= CL where CL = {a , a C | a (x) = ax}.
To show that C is not isomorphic to End(C) we will show that CL ( End(C).
For this we will find an element that is contained in End(C) but not in CL .
Therefore, consider the map = x 7 x for all x C. If we assume that = a
for some a = + i C, then (1) = 1 implies that + i = 1. This gives
that = 1 and = 0. Next we see that (i) = i implies that i = i.
This gives that = 1 and = 0. Since this is contradictory, we conclude that

/ CL . Now we need only verify that End(C). To see this, notice that
(0) = 0 and

(a1 + b1 ) + (a2 + b2 )

= (a1 + a2 ) + (b1 + b2 )i
= a1 + a2 b1 i b2 i
= a1 b1 i + a2 b2 i
= (a1 + b1 i) + (a2 + b2 i)
Since C
= CL End(C) and CL is strictly contained within End(C), we
have that C is not isomorphic to End(C).

Algebra I Homework

Problem 3.2 #1: Let M be a left R-module and let be a homomorphism

of a ring S into R. Show that M becomes a left S-module if we define ax =
(a)(x) for a S, x M .
Proof: To see that M is a left S-module, we let : R M M be a map such
that for all x, y M and a, b, 1 R we have the properties

a(x + y) = ax + ay



(a + b)x = ax + bx



(ab)x = a(bx)



1x = x,


where we denote (a)(x) as ax. Such a map exists since M is a left R-module.
Now let : S M M be given by the map (s, x) 7 ((s))(x). In order to
show that M is an S-module, we must show that for all x, y M and a, b, 1 S
satisfies the properties above where we denote (a)(x) = ax. For property 1,
notice that
a(x + y)
= ((a))(x + y)
= ((a))(x) + ((a))(y)
= ax + ay
For property 2, we have:
(a + b)x
= ((a + b))x
= ((a) + (b))(x)
= ((a))x + ((b))(x)
= ax + bx
For property 3, we get:
= ((ab))x
= ((a)((b)))(x)
= ((a)(((b))(x)))
= (a)((b)(x))
= a(bx)

Algebra I Homework

Finally for property 4, we have:

= ((1))(x)
= (1)(x)

Therefore, M together with the map = is a left S-module.

Problem 3.2 #2:
Let M be a left R-module and and let B = {b R |
bx = 0 for all x M }. Verify that B is an ideal in R. Show also that if C
is any ideal contained in B, then M becomes a left R/C-module by defining
(a + C)x = ax.
Proof: To see that B is an ideal, notice that for any a, b B and x M , we
have (a + b)x = ax + bx = 0. Therefore (a + b) B. Further for any r R,
b B and x M , we have rb(x) = r0 = 0. Therefore rb B for all r R, and
by a similar argument br B. Therefore B is an ideal of R.
Now suppose that C is an ideal contained in B. Then we wish to show that
the map : R/C M M given by (a + C, x) = ax satisfies properties 1,
2, 3, and 4 given above. First notice that if x, y M and a + C, b + C R/C,

(a + C)(x + y)
= a(x + y)
= ax + ay
= (a + C)x + (a + C)y
for property 2, we get

((a + C) + (b + C))(x)
= ((a + b) + C)(x)
= (a + b)x
= ax + bx
= (a + C)(x) + (b + C)(x)

Algebra I Homework

Next for property 3, we see that

(a + C)(b + C) (x)
= ((ab) + C)(x))
= (ab)x
= a(bx)
= (a + C)(bx)
= (a + C)((b + C)(x))
Finally for property 4, we have 1R/C = 1R + C:
(1R + C)(x)
= 1R (x)
Since satisfies properties 1-4, M is an R/C-module.

Problem 3.2 #3:

Let M be a left R-module, S be a subring of R. Show
that M is a left S-module if we define bx, b S, x M , as given in M as left
R-module (note that this is a special case of exercise 1). In particular, the ring
R can be regarded as a left S-module in this way.
Proof: If we define the inclusion map (s) = s, for all s S, then is a homomorphism from S , R. Following the work in problem 1, if : R M M
is a map satisfying properties 1-4, then : S M M also satisfies 1-4.
Therefore, M is a left S-module.
Problem 3.2 #4:
Let V = Rn be the vector space of n-tuples of real
numbers with the usual addition and multiplication by elements of R. Let T be
the linear transformation of V defined by
x = (x1 , ..., xn ) 7 T x = (xn , x1 , ..., xn1 )
Consider V as a left R[]-module as in the text, and determine: (a) x (b)
(2 + 2)x, (c)(n1 + n2 + ... + 1)x. (d) What elements satisfy (2 1)x = 0?
Proof: (a) - x = T x = (xn , x1 , ..., xn1 ) (b) (2 + 2)x = T 2 x + 2x = (xn1 +
2x1 , xn + 2x2 , ..., xn2 + 2xn ) (c) (n1 + ... + 1)x = (x1 + xn + xn1 + ... +
x2 )(1, 1, ..., 1) (d) Elements such that 2xi = xi2 for i {2, ..., n} and 2x1 =
xn1 , 2x2 = xn .

Algebra I Homework

Problem 3.2 #5:

Consider the example of exercise 4 and let B be the
ideal in R[] defined as in exercise 2. Give an explicit description of B.
Proof: B = {f R[] | f x = 0 for all x R}. Then B is the set of polynomials
for which f (T ) = 0. To determine this set, we consider the matrix representation
of T whose columns are given by [en | e1 | ... | en1 ]. Then this matrix will have
a characteristic polynomial of n + (1)n1 . Therefore the set B will consist of
all elements of the form g()(n + (1)n1 ).
Problem 3.3 #2:

Determine Hom(Z/(m), Z/(n)), m > 0, n > 0 (as Z-

Proof: Notice that any homomorphism : Z/(m) Z(n) will be completely

determine by (1). Further, by properties of homomorphisms must have order
dividing m. Next we see that (1) Z/(n) so (1) must have order dividing n.
Therefore the only elements of Hom(Z/(m), Z/(n)) are homomorphisms of the
form (x) = ax where a | m and a | n. This is isomorphic to Z/(m)(n).
Problem 3.2 #9: (Schurs lemma.) Show that if M1 and M2 are irreducible
modules, then any non-zero homomorphism of M1 into M2 is an isomorphism.
Hence Show that if M is irreducible then EndR (M ) is a division ring.
Proof: Notice that if is a non-zero homomorphism, ker() = {0} since the
kernel is a submodule of M1 . Therefore is an isomorphism.
If EndR (M ), then is an isomorphism or is the zero map. Now
suppose that is another element of EndR (M ), then = 0 implies that either
ker() = M or ker() = M . This shows that = 0 implies that either = 0
or = 0. Hence EndR (M ) is a division ring.
Homemade Problem 1:
(i) Show that ([0, 1], max, , 0, 1) is a semiring
(ii) Show that B = ({0, 1}, max, , 0, 1) is a subsemiring of the above.

(iii) Verify that B

({false, true}, or, and, false, true) = B.
(a) Proof: Suppose x, y, z [0, 1], then by basic properties of R,

Algebra I Homework


max(x, y) [0, 1]


max(x, y) = max(y, x)


max(x, 0) = max(0, x) = x


max(x, max(y, z)) = max(max(x, y), z)


(xy) [0, 1]


(xy)z = x(yz)




x(max(y, z)) = max(xy, xz)


max(x, y)z = max(xz, yz)

With these properties, ([0, 1], max, , 0, 1) is a semiring.

(b) Proof: Notice that {0, 1} [0, 1] and {0, 1} is closed under max and by
basic arithmetic. Therefore this is a subsemiring.
(c) Proof: Let : B B be given by 0 7 false, 1 7 true. Then
(1) or (0) = true or false = true = (1) = (max(1, 0))
(1) or (1) = true or true = true = (1) = (max(1, 1))
(0) or (1) = false or true = true = (1) = (max(0, 1))
(0) or (0) = false or false = false = (0) = (max(0, 0))
Further, we have:
(0 1) = (0) = false =false and true = (0) and (1)
(1 0) = (0) = false =true and false = (1) and (0)
(0 0) = (0) = false =false and false = (0) and (0)
(1 1) = (0) = true =true and true = (1) and (1)
Therefore, is an isomorphism from B to B.

Homemade Problem 2:
Show that for any semiring R the set Mn (R) of
n-by-n matrices with entries in R is again a semiring, under the usual definitions
of matrix arithmetic.
Proof: Notice that since addition is commutative in R, Mn (R) will also be
commutative under addition by previous exercises and class work. Likewise,
Mn (R) is associative under multiplication and addition based using properties

Algebra I Homework

of matrix multiplication and addition along with the fact that R is associative in addition and multiplication. Closure
also comes from the fact that for
aij , bjk , a, b R, elements of the form j aij bjk , and a + b are also in R. This
will ensure that AB Mn (R) and A + B Mn (R). Finally we must check that
(A + B)C = AC + BC and A(B + C) = AB + BC for all A, B, C Mn (R). To
see this, notice that the ik entry of (A + B)C is given by
(aij + bij )cjk =
(aij cjk ) +
(bij cjk )

But this is the ik entry of AC + BC. Therefore (A + B)C = AC + BC and by

a similar argument A(B + C) = AB + AC. These properties show that Mn (R)
is a semiring.
Homemade Problem 3:

Show that
M = (2{1,...,n} , , )

is an abelian monoid and construct an explicit (nice) isomorphism of semirings

Mn (B)
End(M )
(This is secretly a rehash of problem 4 on page 14 of the text and as an added
bonus relates to nondeterministic finite state automata.)
Proof: Notice that M is closed under taking unions by properties of the power
set. Further if A 2{1,...,n} , then A = A = A. Finally by properties of
sets A B = B A and A (B C) = (A B) C for all A, B, C 2{1,...,n} .
Therefore M is an abelian monoid.
To construct End(M ), we consider generators {1}, ..., {n} of M . Then any
endomorphism on M is defined by its action on singleton sets. Now consider M 0
to be the set of n-dimensional vector with entries 0 or 1. Then let f be function
defined by f (0) = and f (n) = {n}Sfor all n N. Then consider the map
: M 0 M given by (v1 , ..., vn ) = i f (ivi ). This gives a bijection between
M 0 and M . Next we notice M 0 is an abelian monoid under
the operation max
max(vi , wi ))) =




Hence is an
isomorphism from M 0 to M .
Now we see that M 0 is a left Mn (B)-module under the map (A)(x) = Ax for
A Mn (B) and x M 0 . This easily follows from examples in Jacobson. Next
since there is an isomorphism between M 0 and M , and elements of End(M )
are determined by their action on the generators of M , we can map elements
of End(M ) to Mn (B) in the following manner. If End(M ), then let A be
the matrix whose ith column is the vector 1 (({i})). This will ensure that
(M ei ) = ({i}), giving an isomorphism between Mn (B) and End(M ).

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