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Blood Disorders
Michelle Culver
February 22, 2015
Carmen Griffis

Blood Disorders
Its the vehicle which transports nutrients and oxygen, our healing agent, and defense
team. Our plasma consists of three factors red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Three
cases of blood disorders are Lily the five year old girl with Iron deficiency anemia; Davon is
African American with sickle cell anemia; and lastly Spencer who has thrombocytopenia.
Blood Function
Our body distributes oxygen and carbon dioxide through the circulatory system through the blood
cells. There are two types of blood cells in the body: red and white. The red blood cells also
known as erythrocytes or RBCs are full of hemoglobins that are made up of iron-rich oxygen
carrying protein (Zelman et al., 2010). RBCs begin formation in the red marrow of the bone
where it synthesis through many stages until the cell merges are a mature red blood cells
known as reticulocyte (Zelman et al., 2010). White blood cells (WBCs) or also known as
leukocytes protect the body from infections or foreign substances (Zelman et al., 2010).
Unlike RBCs, WBCs begins in the bone marrow, where the cell synthesizes from the stem cell
and starts protecting the body. Platelets are the part of the blood which forms clots where
blood is leaving the vein. Bone marrow produces platelets with the help of vitamin K which
are necessary for the synthesis process (Zelman et al., 2010).
Extreme fatigue, pale skin, and poor appetite are signs of underlying signs of a blood
disorder known as Iron Deficiency Anemia (Iron Deficiency Anemia, 2014). Lilys mother brought
in her four year old daughter who had been sustaining a poor diet consisting of pasta, bread, hot
dogs, and artificial fruit punch. Lilys diet doesnt contain the necessary amount of iron needed for
a growing child. The lack of her healthy, varied diet has put Lily at risk for anemia. Her mother
stated the patient has been frequently complaining of being tired-fatigued- all the time. The

treatment plan for Lily is for blood samples to be taken and prescribe medication. A blood
screening should be performed to check hemoglobin levels, red blood cells size and color,
hematocrit volume, and ferritin level (Iron Deficiency Anemia, 2014). If the test confirms anemia,
which symptoms are leaning towards, Lily will be prescribed to take oral iron supplements and a
follow up appointment will be scheduled in one month. In the meantime, Lilys mother should aim
to add more iron-rich food into her diet. Her fatigue should cease and complexion should improve
following these directives.
The mother of a five year old African American male with a family history of sickle cell
trait wants her son Devon to be screened for it. Davons mother carriers the sickle cell trait and
worries he has inherited this disease. His diagnoses will consist of a finger blood test to screen for
hemoglobin S (Sickle Cell Anemia, 2014). Patients who carry the sickle cell trait contain
hemoglobins that have an abnormal molecule, which mutated causing the cells to attach to one
another, causing the red blood cell to take on a long c-shape. The Blood sample will be examined
under microscope checking the formation of the blood cells. According to Human Disease: a
systematic approach (2010), sickle cell anemia cannot be cured. If Davons results show the
presence of sickle cell anemia preventive and management precautions will be taken. In addition,
Davons will be referred to a genetic counselor. His mother should increase Davons folic acid
intake by offering him a variety of colorful fruit and vegetables (Sickle Cell Anemia, 2014). Both
Davon and his mother should become aware of his hydration levels, temperature, and his physical
level of health. If Davon shows any signs of pallor-pale complexion, fatigue, shortness of breath,
or painful crisis; she should bring him in for immediate care (Zelman et al., 2010).

Symptoms of thrombocytopenia are bruising in either small red spots (petechiae) or larger
patches (ecchymosis) on the surface of the skin (Zelman et al., 2010). When the vein walls have a
puncture wound, platelets cells find the open area and attach themselves to the walls. Other
platelets along with red blood cells will coat the open area are forming a clot to stop the blood
from escaping. This process is known as coagulation. Spencers has thrombocytopenia, his
platelet counts are extremely low to the point where it cant stop the blood and coagulate. The
ecchymosis has started to clot between the skin and the vein wall around his eyes. A blood count
sample will be taken to check the platelet levels. Knowing the level of Spencers platelets will help
us know how well his blot is coagulating. Finding the coagulation factors helps in prescribing the
correct dosage of corticosteroids to help raise Spencers platelet count (Idiopathic
Thrombocytopenic Purpura, 2014). Then we can monitor his platelet level of the course of two to
six weeks to see if his thrombocytopenia resides or if further immediate attention is needed. In the
meantime, Spencer needs to needs to remain a moderately active life and avoid taking over-thecounter medicine to avoid disturbing his platelet function (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura,
The recap blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelet cells. The RBCs
are responsible for transporting oxygen and removing carbon dioxide throughout the circulatory
system. The WBCs function to fight against infections, diseases, and any foreign substances.
Platelets are the body protections from bleeding out by forming clots where the vein walls have
been injured. When all three work together the body is able to function correctly; but if one off
count blood disorders start to develop and hinder bodys ability to function properly.

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. (2014). Retrieved from
Iron Deficiency Anemia. (2014). Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseasesconditions/iron-deficiency-anemia/basics/symptoms/con-20019327
Sickle Cell Anemia. (2014). Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sicklecell-anemia/basics/tests-diagnosis/con-20019348
Zelman, M., Tompany, E., Raymond, J., Holdaway, P., & Mulvihill, M. (2010). Human diseases: A
systematic approach (7th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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