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Install BigBlueButton
0.9.0-beta ( Release Notes )
Install BigBlueButton 0.81
(Nov 7, 2013 - Release
Notes )



How to install BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta

Before you install

Installing BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta
1. Update your server
2. Install PPA for LibreOffice 4.3
3. Install key for BigBlueButton
4. Install ffmpeg
5. Install BigBlueButton
6. Install API Demos (optional)
7. Install Client Self-Check (optional)
8. Enable WebRTC audio
9. Do a Clean Restart
Transferring recordings from a BigBlueButton 0.81 server
Upgrading BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta
Run sudo bbb-conf --check
Change the BigBlueButton Server's IP
Audio not working
Client WebRTC Error Codes

Welcome to the installation guide for BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta. BigBlueButton is an open source web c
For an overview what new in this release, see overview.

If you already have a BigBlueButton 0.81 server, these instructions will not upgrade your server. To inst
install on a clean installation of Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. The reason is that BigBlueButton ran on Ubuntu 10
runs on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. We recommend setting up a new Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit server and
BigBlueButton server to the new.

Before you install

The requirements for BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta server are
Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit
4 GB of memory (8 GB is better) with swap enabled
Quad-core 2.6 GHZ CPU (or faster)
TCP ports 80, 1935, 9123 are accessible
UDP ports 16384 - 32768 are accessible
Port 80 is not used by another application
500G of free disk space (or more) for recordings
100 Mbits/sec bandwidth (symmetrical)

For users we recommend (a minimum of) 1.0 Mbits/sec download speed and 0.5 Mbits/sec upload spee

In addition to ensuring your server meets the above requirements, there are a few more checks. First, th
en_US.UTF-8. To verify , enter the following command
$ cat /etc/default/locale

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If you don't see LANG="en_US.UTF-8", then enter the following commands.

$ sudo apt-get install language-pack-en
$ sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Next, logout and log back into your session (this will reload your configuration). Run cat /etc/defaul
single line LANG="en_US.UTF-8". Note: if you see an additional line LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8, then remo
Check that you are running under 64-bit.
$ uname -m

And check your version of Ubuntu is Ubuntu 14.04. If you try to install BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta on any
$ cat /etc/lsb-release

Your now ready to install BigBlueButton.

Installing BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta

If you've already installed an earlier build, see upgrading BigBlueButton 0.9.0.

If you encounter an error at any step, STOP and double-check you've entered the proper commands. D
only compound the errors). If you can't resolve it (use Google to search for the error messages), please

1. Update your server

First, ensure that you have trusty multiverse in your sources.list. Do the following.
$ grep "multiverse" /etc/apt/sources.list

and you should see the line that has a URL to the trusty multiverse uncommented, such as
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty multiverse

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main restricted universe multiverse

Don't worry if your URL is different, what's important is you see an uncommented link that contains mult
following line this repository to sources.list.
$ echo "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty multiverse" | sudo tee

Before proceeding further, do a dist-upgrade to ensure all the current packages on your server are up-to
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

If you've not updated in a while, apt-get may recommend you reboot your server after dist-upgrade
to the next step.

2. Install PPA for LibreOffice 4.3

Ubuntu 14.04 installs LibreOffice 4.2.7 by default, but we want to use LibreOffice 4.3 for improved stabi
documents to PDF.
In a terminal window, copy and paste the following commands.
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-3

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3. Install key for BigBlueButton

You first need to give your server access to the BigBlueButton package repository.

# Add the BigBlueButton key

$ wget http://ubuntu.bigbluebutton.org/bigbluebutton.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -

# Add the BigBlueButton repository URL and ensure the multiverse is enabled
$ echo "deb http://ubuntu.bigbluebutton.org/trusty-090/ bigbluebutton-trusty main
# Update packages
$ sudo apt-get update

4. Install ffmpeg
BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta uses ffmpeg to process recordings of a session for playback.
To install ffmpeg, create a file called install-ffmpeg.sh and copy and paste in the following script.

sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core checkinstall yasm texi2html libvorb

cd /usr/local/src
if [ ! -d "/usr/local/src/ffmpeg-${FFMPEG_VERSION}" ]; then
sudo wget "http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-${FFMPEG_VERSION}.tar.bz2"
sudo tar -xjf "ffmpeg-${FFMPEG_VERSION}.tar.bz2"
cd "ffmpeg-${FFMPEG_VERSION}"
sudo ./configure --enable-version3 --enable-postproc --enable-libvorbis -sudo make
sudo checkinstall --pkgname=ffmpeg --pkgversion="5:${FFMPEG_VERSION}" --backup

Next, run the commands

$ chmod +x install-ffmpeg.sh
$ ./install-ffmpeg.sh

After the script finishes, check that ffmepg is installed by typing the command ffmpeg -version
$ ffmpeg -version
ffmpeg version 2.3.3 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developers
built on Aug 18 2014 17:35:05 with gcc 4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1)
configuration: --enable-version3 --enable-postproc --enable-libvorbis -libavutil
52. 92.100 / 52. 92.100
55. 69.100 / 55. 69.100
55. 48.100 / 55. 48.100
55. 13.102 / 55. 13.102
4. 11.100 / 4. 11.100
2. 6.100 / 2. 6.100
0. 19.100 / 0. 19.100

5. Install BigBlueButton
We're now ready to install BigblueButton 0.9.0-beta. Type
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install bigbluebutton

This single command is where all the magic happens. This command installs all of BigBlueButton's com
packaging will do all the work for you to install and configure your BigBlueButton server.

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Type 'Y' and press enter to install.

If you get an error message
...... Error: FreeSWITCH didn't start

you can ignore it as we'll do a clean restart of all the components in step 6.
If you get an error message
Setting up bbb-playback-presentation (0.9.0-1ubuntu5) ...
chown: invalid user: tomcat7:tomcat7

then run the install again

$ sudo apt-get install bigbluebutton

it should finish without errors.

6. Install API Demos (optional)

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To interactively test your BigBlueButton server, you can install a set of API demos.
$ sudo apt-get install bbb-demo

You'll need the bbb-demo package installed if you want to join the Demo Meeting from your BigBlueBut
same welcome page you see at demo server.
Later on, if you wish to remove the API demos, you can enter the command
$ sudo apt-get purge bbb-demo

7. Install Client Self-Check (optional)

To install the client self-check page:
$ sudo apt-get install bbb-check

This is the same welcome page you see at client self-check.

Later on, if you wish to remove the client self-check page, you can enter the command
$ sudo apt-get purge bbb-check

8. Enable WebRTC audio

To enable WebRTC audio, do the following
$ sudo bbb-conf --enablewebrtc

9. Do a Clean Restart
To ensure BigBlueButton has started cleanly, enter the following commands:
$ sudo bbb-conf --clean
$ sudo bbb-conf --check

The --clean option will clear out all the log files for BigBlueButton. The --check option will grep throug
The output from sudo bbb-conf --check will display your current settings and, after the text, "
potential configuration or startup problems it has detected.

Transferring recordings from a BigBlueButton 0.81 s

Please see 090TransferRecordings

Upgrading BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta

If already have a BigBlueButton 0.81 server, these instructions will not upgrade your server. To install B
install on a clean installation of Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit and follow the steps previous in this document.

First, add the package repository for LibreOffice 4.3. You only need to do this once and can skip this ste
BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta.
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-3

To upgrade earlier versions of BigBlueButton 0.9.0-beta, do the following:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
$ sudo bbb-conf --enablewebrtc
$ sudo bbb-conf --clean
$ sudo bbb-conf --check

Respond with 'Y', if you get prompted to update any configuration file during the upgrade

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If you encounter an error at one of the installation/upgrade steps,

Run sudo bbb-conf --check

We've built in a BigBlueButton configuration utility, called bbb-conf, to help you configure your BigBlue
setup if something doesn't work right.
If you think something isn't working correctly, the first step is enter the following command.
$ sudo bbb-conf --check

This will check your setup to ensure the correct processes are running, the BigBlueButton components
common configuration problems that might prevent BigBlueButton from working properly.

If you see text after the line ** Potential problems described below **, then it may be warnings
settings) or errors with the setup.

Some hosting providers do not provide a complete /etc/apt/source.list. If you are finding your are
your /etc/apt/sources.list with the following

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main restricted universe multiverse

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-updates main restricted universe mult
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main restricted universe mu

then do
$ sudo apt-get update

and try installing BigBlueButton again from the beginning steps.

Change the BigBlueButton Server's IP

A common problem is the default install scripts in for BigBlueButton configure it to list for an IP address
a DNS hostname, you'll see the 'Welcome to Nginx' message.
To change all of BigBlueButton's configuration files to use a different IP address or hostname, enter
$ sudo bbb-conf --setip <ip_address_or_hostname>

For more information see bbb-conf options.

Audio not working

If you are installing on EC2 or a hosting provider that has a number of network interfaces, you need to t
external interface on it's IP address (shown below as EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS). You must use the ex
EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS is show (not the external hostname).
Edit /opt/freeswitch/conf/vars.xml
Remove this line
<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="local_ip_v4=xxx.yyy.zzz.qqq"/>

<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="bind_server_ip=auto"/>

<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="bind_server_ip=EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS"/>

<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="external_rtp_ip=stun:stun.freeswitch.org"/>


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<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="external_rtp_ip=EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS"/>

<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="external_sip_ip=stun:stun.freeswitch.org"/>

<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="set" data="external_sip_ip=EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS"/>

Edit /opt/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external.xml and change


name="rtp-ip" value="$${local_ip_v4}"/>
name="sip-ip" value="$${local_ip_v4}"/>
name="ext-rtp-ip" value="$${local_ip_v4}"/>
name="ext-sip-ip" value="$${local_ip_v4}"/>


name="rtp-ip" value="$${local_ip_v4}"/>
name="sip-ip" value="$${local_ip_v4}"/>
name="ext-rtp-ip" value="$${external_rtp_ip}"/>
name="ext-sip-ip" value="$${external_sip_ip}"/>


Edit /usr/share/red5/webapps/sip/WEB-INF/bigbluebutton-sip.properties
bbb.sip.app.ip=<internal ip>
freeswitch.ip=<internal ip>

Edit /etc/bigbluebutton/nginx/sip.nginx to
location /ws {
proxy_pass http://EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS:5066;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
proxy_read_timeout 6h;
proxy_send_timeout 6h;
client_body_timeout 6h;
send_timeout 6h;

changing EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS to your server's elastic IP address.

Open the firewall (if you have on installed) and Security Groups (if your using EC2) the following ports:
TCP - 5066
UDP - 16384 to 32768

Client WebRTC Error Codes

1001: WebSocket disconnected - The WebSocket had connected successfully and has now disconne
Loss of internet connection
Nginx restarting can cause this

1002: Could not make a WebSocket connection - The initial WebSocket connection was unsuccessf
Firewall blocking ws protocol
Server is down or improperly configured

1003: Browser version not supported - Browser doesnt implement the necessary WebRTC API meth
Out of date browser
1004: Failure on call - The call was attempted, but failed. Possible Causes:
For a full list of causes refer here, http://sipjs.com/api/0.6.0/causes/

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There are 24 different causes so I dont really want to list all of them

1005: Call ended unexpectedly - The call was successful, but ended without user requesting to end th
1006: Call timed out - The library took too long to try and connect the call. Possible Causes:

Previously caused by Firefox 33-beta on Mac. We've been unable to reproduce since release of Fir

1007: ICE negotiation failed - The browser and !FreeSWITCH try to negotiate ports to use to stream th
Possible Causes:
NAT is blocking the connection
Firewall is blocking the UDP connection/ports

1008: Call transfer failed - A timeout while waiting for FreeSWITCH to transfer from the echo test to th
by a misconfiguration in FreeSWITCH, or there might be a media error and the DTMF command to tran
voice in the echo test probably didn't work either.)

1009: Could not fetch STUN/TURN server information - This indicates either a BigBlueButton bug (o
client/old server combination), but could also happen due to a network interruption.

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