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The Vanity of Life

You know, We are, who we have, believed ourselves to be.

We accept and reject ideologies and opinions and thoughts from so many
various sources. It is as if Life is a giant store of aisles of thoughts, opinions,
mindsets, from every subject, under the sun. This aisle is all about exercise
and health nuts, this aisle is about styles and fashions and what is in and what
is not, based solely upon opinions. Aisles of religions and sections of various
thoughts and opinions on, say Christianity and its 33,000 denominations and
then Catholicism and then Universalism, then Buddhism and on and on it goes.
Society walks the aisles daily in the great store house or library of the millions
and billions of thoughts and opinions. They purchase daily what they approve
and disapprove of and they purchase by "faith" what they like and dislike and
each purchase makes them the supposed, "unique" person they are today.
Defining is what they are after. Everyone wants to feel relative to something,
to be defined by or as something. They do not know who they are so they go to
the store house of thought and opinion to purchase from the vast selections of
what they like and dislike and to them, what is right and what is not.
Today every product, from cars to clothes to a simple coffee is full of
"selections" to "choose" from. We are the same way. We are choosing our
attitudes and our personalities and what we define is right and wrong and
what we feel is supposed to be and not be.
We define by "ourselves". We base our definings upon what "WE" as a human
race, has produced from the eons of times past to the present. We base our
beliefs upon previously supposed established beliefs, of what our predecessors
said was right or not and what was truth or not. We base it on what the
colleges told us, what the newspapers told us, what this certain article in a
magazine told us, or this documentary told us. What this preacher said or that
preacher said. What grandma or grandpa believed. What our teenager told us.
What is the current accepted "new norm" is telling us.
We are creatures of faith or believing. We have to believe something. It is just
who we are. We have to decide for ourselves what we think is true and what
we think is lie. What we feel is morally right and or morally wrong. We have to
define. By defining, we "come into being". We define ourselves thus we are.
We PRIDE ourselves on this entire notion of defining ourselves, to be someone
different, so we are noticed more, we stand out more, thus we become noticed
more, the point being, "to be noticed more"!
So people will think we have "found" "IT", whatever the "IT" may be. We have
become the "IT" of our day or time. We have walked through the store house
of knowledge, thought, opinions and such and We, apart from our
predecessors, we made the proper choices, we "KNOW" now better than all of

our predecessors. We have "Arrived". We are the "schidizzle"? We are now

what the rest of society should now define themselves by. We have obtained to
some level we suppose, "above" the others, thus those "beneath" us should
look up to my level and reach unto I or me, as I have, by proper choosing,
"become", something they are not, something better, in whatever way that
may be.
So I am right in what I have become and thus you should now follow me
because I am better than you because I have discovered more right than you
have. I have discovered what I esteem to be a better or greater truth than you,
thus I am "more right" than you are or they are, that automatically "improves"
me and makes me more valuable than you.
Solomon the Son of David had and was and discovered more than any of us all
put together. He did exactly what society does in this day and time. He
searched for ways to define and did define himself. He said whatever his heart
desired, he held it back from nothing. He knew more than any other person
ever to have lived or would ever live, He had more, did more, became more,
than any other single person ever. If there is such a thing as being a "IT" or
having "IT" or being the "One" that has "Arrived", He became "IT"!
His popularity is still here today after thousands of years. He had all of the
women, money and things the heart could wish for. He had popularity and
fame, He had the greatest wisdom and understanding a person could have. He
had wealth beyond measure, as to this day there is none his equal. If there
ever was an "IT" person who arrived and became, whatever it is mankind is
trying to become, well He became it.
In the end of his life, Solomon looked around from the "Peak" of Life itself,
having obtained all a person could wish for, and said this, "VANITY", All of it is
vanity! The Peak of the Mountain, all the way to the base of this whole entire
thing we call "Life" is but Vanity and utter foolishness! He could have said, go
on and search for the "It Crowd" and getting all educated and get popularity
and fancy titles and have everyone notice you and think you are the one to
follow, go ahead, I have become it all, and it is utter Vanity, emptiness and
foolishness and a waste of time. Vainess and vanity! There is nothing to any of
it whatsoever!
Then He returned back to a basic simple rudiment of life and uttered his
greatest wisdom yet. "Fear God and Keep His Commandments"! So by this we
see so many others in the Bible who did not have any of what Solomon had, yet
they had more wisdom and more "inside" than he did. They had never left the
basic simple all wise precept of "Fearing God and keeping His commandments".
Self, the world is all about self. Even in coming to religion the entire purpose is
to make better "self". Improve self, so we can brag on it more, show it off
more, get it noticed more. We want God to save our "Self", and to make it
better. God said no matter what you could ever do in this life as to self

improvement, is still nothing more than "Filthy Rags"! You are just spraying
perfume on a dead corpse is all, wrapping a fine jeweled necklace onto a Hog
or painting a dumpster. There is no hope for you. You at your best was
embodied in King Solomon and from the peak of perfection all the way back
down to the poor and needy of this life and the rejects of society, He seen it
was all vomit! Just stinking vomit! Making God sick to His stomach! Made Him
even repent that He even made you! He never repented from making dos and
hogs and snakes and such did He? No. He repented however from even making
mankind, because they stoop lower than the beast do. Being sodomites and
pedophiles and whores and drunkards. Then they run to churches and try to
get God to "make them better". a prettier hog or a shinier dumpster, and all
God wants them to do is DIE! He hates your first birth and your stinking rotten
filthy flesh! He hates your ideas and titles and popularity. He hates your
supposed "good name". He hates your wealth and your fashions and your
beastly ungodly desires!
You need to understand something and that something is God hates your first
birth! You are contrary to Him in every way! All that you seek and desire and
obtain to be is just more of a pest to become in Gods Way! God sent Jesus
Christ into this world for one thing....to end stinking wicked ill begotten
ungodly, self righteous, religious vomit called YOU, SELF, from out of His sight!
You stink to Him! he despises your flesh, your carnal mind! He desires to kill
you and to let you be born again and be the Image He Loves! His Son!
The Man Christ Jesus:
This man never owned anything in life, was seen as a common criminal, He
sought for nothing in life but to please God. He could have easily surpassed
Solomon and had all this life offers and more. Yet He came to "GIVE" His Life!
He came to "Lose Himself" to save you! He came to die so you would not have
too. He came to die and go to hell and be mocked and beaten and ridiculed so
you would not have too! WHAT a difference He is from Solomon! From YOU! He
did not come to receive as a selfish motive, He came to "Give" and Give He Did!
He believed and doubted not! He did what He seen God doing! He made God His
idol, His object of worship! He set His eyes not on the flesh but upon God! He
was humble, He thought not much of Himself but declared another, even God,
as the greatest!
He never exercised to build a physique, or went to college to better His
education, or the fashion malls to beautify his body. He never shopped for
perfumes, or combed his hair or trimmed his beard in according with the
fashions of that day. He was not "in style" and neither did He care to be.
However He was what we all desire to be. In every way possible. He was real.
He was the real deal. He simply, "Had Faith In God". God was His hearts
desire! He then sacrificed and gave Himself, Gave, gave gave and gave Himself
to the very end and the death of Self! He knew Self was the Problem, not the
Answer! He removed Self and found Life and Favor and God! He then turned
and said to us with more wisdom than Solomon ever had! More Riches than
Solomon ever had, and said, Now YOU, take up the Cross as I did and follow
me. I am The Way, I have found the Truth and I have discovered The Life! All
that you seek I have and have clearly showed you by my words and my deeds

the secret Solomon never knew! Death to Self! Rend the Veil of YOU! Hate your
life!!! Seek first, not education, a physique, fashions, popularity, first. NO! Seek
FIRST, The Kingdom of God! Then that Kingdom will bring you Life and Peace
and Happiness!
The Kingdom of God will "Define" YOU! You will be "Found" in "Him"! This
defining is eternal and changes not and all of the glory and beauty of life
cannot even begin to compare to the utter glory and beauty you will have
become. Solomon in all of His Glory, was never arrayed like one true Child of
God! Solomon left all He had to a fool and it became to naught! Yet the eternal
kingdom of Jesus Christ remains eternal and glorified and beautiful eternally!
God beautifies the "Meek" with salvation! God said the rich in faith though poor
in things will inherit the earth. God sees wealth quite different than we do. The
meek and humble inherit the Earth, not those who are proud and esteem
themselves to be something they are not. Vanity! You are just a shadow of life
and never become anything real in life, until you are born again!
Feed upon the Word of God! Go to God's Storehouse, not the worlds. Lean not
to your own understanding, nor anyone elses for that matter, but Christ alone!
Consider Him in all of your ways and days! Whatever you do, consider Him.
When you do He will consider you. When you choose Him, He will choose you!
When you set your eyes on God, He will set His on you! When you begin to
favor God, He will begin to favor you! When you are ready to die for Him, then
you will see that He already died for you! Do unto God as you would have Him
do unto You! Seek Him first, because He sought you first when He sent His Son.
God honors faith more than He does Works!If you want to please God, begin by
taking Him at His Word! Trust Him, Believe Him! That's what pleases Him and
causes Him to notice you. Amen! Have Faith in God!

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