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Hey guys!

I ended up leaving the forum a while ago because I had so much work to
catch up on. I recently went back to psychology and found out that I actually d
on't fit into any of the types of the mbti theory, so I decided to come up with
my own typing system. I tried to make it based on practical information and not
leave any gray areas, because that's what I think is up with me not fitting in,
or maybe I simply just don't understand how the functions connect to the prefere
nces, but I invented this new typing system, using the basic principles of mbti
with a completely different idea. This is NOT plagiarism, I give credit to myers
briggs and their theories and I respect their theories. I just wanted a typing
system that I can actually identify easily with, and as for others who cannot id
entify with mbti types, they will hopefully have a way to identify themselves as
well. Use the personality inventory I'm putting on this thread to test yourself
and see how your mbti type correlates with this kind of typing system. I'm inte
resting in seeing who gets what result. I am ExTP on mbti(again, couldn't decide
) and ECDS on this. Freedom fighter for life baby! Enjoy my new invention.

Extravert-I prefer focusing on the outer environment by observing it and interac
ting with people and things because lack of outer stimulation bores me/my first
imstinct is to look to my outer resources and people to solve problems.
Introvert- I prefer being absorbed into my inner world
ne because outer stimuli drains me/I look into my mind
Creator-I prefer to invent my own way of doing things,
he rules and norms of society
Practitioner- I prefer to be shown the right way to do
actice, due to the fact that experimenting with my own

of thoughts and ideas alo

before scanning the envir

even if it goes against t

things and put it into pr
ways might not work.

Thinker-I prefer to think about my decisions before I make them to make sure tha
t they don't impact me in a harmful way.
Doer-I prefer to make decisions as quickly and as efficiently as possible, even
if it lands me into trouble.
Seeker-I prefer to seek action and adventure, even if it impacts me in a harmful
way. I can fix the problems that arise as I go.
Responder-I prefer to stay safe, peaceful, and secure because seeking adventure
might cause trouble for me or others.

Mental functions in this theory are NOT mental processes like the ones in mbti,
but rather, methods of doing things based on a combination of the preferences
Mental functions and variants
Combat functions:
REFLEXIVE FIGHTING-DS's- Immediately facing conflict head on and vanquishing the
opponent in a quick and decisive way as they think on their feet
STRATEGIZED FIGHTING-TS's- taking a few seconds to a a few minutes to make calcu
lations and analyze the opponent's weaknesses and develop a fighting strategy. C

ould face conflict head on or from behind the scenes.

REFLEXIVE FLIGHT-DR's- trying to avoid the conflict at hand, acting quickly and
decisively to end the conflict quickly, will respond quickly if they have no cho
ice but to fight.
STRATEGIZED THINKING-TR's- making calculations about the environment around the
person and using it to escape or end the conflict peacefully, fighting only if t
hey have to.
Problem solving/thinking functions:
QUICK CREATIVITY-CD's- taking a few seconds to a few minutes to come up with cre
ative ideas to solve problems
QUICK PRACTICALITY-PD'sUsing learned techniques in a quick, decisive, and immediate way in order to sol
ve problems
EXTENDED CREATIVITY-CT's- spending hours or even days coming up with theories an
d creative ideas to solve problems. Will usually prefer to solve complex ones an
d perfect their ideas, unlike the more simple QC users.
EXTENDED PRACTICALITY-PT'sSpending a few seconds to a few minutes analyzing the problem at hand and figuri
ng out which learned solution is most applicable and appropriate. More detailed
thinker than the quick QP users
Exploration functions:
CREATIVE SEEKING- Exploring and looking for problems to solve creatively.
PRACTICAL SEEKING:Exploring the details of the environment and looking for oppor
tunities to solve problems in a practical manner
CREATIVE RESPONDING-Noticing problems in one's life and responding to them in a
creative manner
PRACTICAL RESPONDING- Noticing problems in one's life and responding to them in
a practical manner.
Each typical person will use 1 combat, 1 problem solving, and 1 exploration func
Personality temperments
DS-Action heroes/adventurers
DR- Mentors/inspirers
PT- Loyalists
DS types: Action Heroes
ECDS- Freedom Fighter
EPDS- Adventurer
DR types: Mentors/inspirers
CT types: Theorizers
ECTR- Leader
ECTS- General
ICTS- War Strategist
PT types:Loyalists

IPTR- Loyalist
EPTR- Diplomat

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