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----------------------------------------------------------------------LICENCE AGREEMENT

for RoDEX v1.2

----------------------------------------------------------------------This document is a legal agreement between you (as an individual
or as a company) as a license s possessor and Web Design SRL,
as the owner of this software.
1) Certification
By installation and usage of this software, you certify that you
have read the hereby License Agreement, you have understood it and
agreed to obey the conditions and specifications it provides.
In case you do not agree these regulations, you have to uninstall
the software and definitively destroy all its copies and additional
technical support that you own.
2) Granting the License
By accepting the conditions of this agreement you are granted a
License. This grants your individual, though limited, non-exclusive
right to install and use this software, as specified below.
This License is free of charge.
3) Possession over the Product
The software "RoDEX v1.2" exclusively belongs to Web Design SRL
and is protected by the Law of Copyright. Web Design SRL has no
intention to sell or alienate neither the original, nor any copy
of the software, but grants the license s owner the right to use
the software according to the regulations of this agreement.
Any breaking of the copyright that has been favored and caused by
not obeying the regulations of this License Agreement implies the
legal responsibility of the license s owner.
4) Rights and Duties
- You may install the software on an unlimited number of computers
and for an unlimited number of users.
- You can use for an unlimited period of time this software.
- You are forbidden to modify, adapt, translate, redesign,
disassemble, decompile the software and its component files,
and also to use the information belonging to this software,
independently or in other types of applications.
- You may multiply, copy and deliver however many copies of the
original install kit of the software, by any means you will,
as long as you do not modify its content in any way, and as long
as they are free of any charge. In case of considerable delivery
(more than 10 copies) you must first communicate us in writing
the further usage and number of copies you intend to make.
- In case you intend to publish on-line this software you have to
communicate us the web address it can be found at. Should we ask
you (by e-mail, phone, mail or fax etc) to delete the software
or its links on your site, you have to comply within 30 days.
5) Warranty
Web Design SRL provides, according to its possibilities, technical
assistance for installing and use of the software. The software is
delivered without any warranty. Web Design SRL cannot be held
responsible for any type of direct, indirect, subsequent or arbitrary
charges issued by the use of, or disability to use the software.

6) Annulment of the Agreement

This convention is valid until its annulment. As a license s
possessor you may annul the agreement by uninstalling the software
and by destruction for good of all its copies and related information
and materials. Web Design SRL reserves the right to willingly annul
the agreement in case you disobey the regulations you obliged yourself
to by accepting this agreement.
7) Disputes
The License Agreement wholly abides and is applied according
to the Romanian and international law. Any dispute will be solved
by state courts situated in the state where Web Design SRL s
headquarters are located.

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