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1) Write a program to copy the content of one file to another


2) Write a program which takes 10 integer numbers from user. Save

all the positive numbers to one file, all the negative numbers
to another file.

3) Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series up to user

specified limit using recursive function.

4) Write a program to generate the following pattern.






5) Write a program to find whether a given string is palindrome

or not.

6) Write a program to implement a stack using array. Define the

push and pop operation.

7) Define the structure called student having properties like

stud_id, stud_name, stud_branch, and email_add. Write a
program which takes the details of 5 student and write the
details to one file having name “Stud_Records.txt”.

8) Write a program to implement linked list. A node of linked

list contains student id and student name. Write methods to
add, delete a student also write a method to display all the
students in a linked list.

9) Write a program which writes the prime numbers bet. 1 to 100

in one file and prime numbers bet. 101 to 200 in another file.
1) Write a program to generate the following pattern.







2) Write a program to generate the following pattern.





3) Write a program which takes two n*n matrices where n will be

specified by the user. Write a method which does summation of
both matrices and store the result in third matrix also
display the resultant matrix.

4) Write a program which removes all the white spaces and new
line character from a file.

5) Write a program to find a given word in a file if it exist and

also show the location of that word in a file.

6) Define a structure called student having properties like

student id, student name and branch of student. Write a
program which allows user to add new student, delete a student
and also display all the students. Use array to store students

7) Write a program to sort the nodes of linked list in an

acceding order.

8) Write a program which accepts a string from user and encodes

it. Apply the following procedure to encode the string.

 Convert each character in a string to its ASCI value.

 Add an integer value to it.

 Display the encoded string.

Also decode the string into its original form using the
reverse procedure and display the same.

9) Write a program which replaces a specified word in a file with

another word if it exists. If it does not exists display an
appropriate message.

1) Write a program to merge the content of two different file in

a single file.
2) Write a program which takes two integer arrays from user.
Merge both the array in a single sorted array in acceding

3) Write a program which takes two integer n1 and n2 from user

where n1<n2. Create functions that calculate the sum of all
the integers ranging from n1 and n2, sum of all the odd
numbers ranging from n1 and n2, sum of all the even numbers
ranging from n1 and n2. Display an error message if n1>n2.

4) Create a structure ComplexNumber having real and imaginary

part as properties. Write functions to add and subtract two
complex numbers. Call them from the main program.

5) Write a program to find a factorial of given number using


6) Write a program to exchange the values of 2 integer values

using pointer and functions.

7) Write a program to remove all the comments ( single line and

multiple line ) from a C program file.

8) Write a program that accept integer number and convert it into

binary number and octal.

9) Write a program that accept integer number and convert it into

Hexadecimal number.
1. Write a program to add two binary numbers.

2. Write a program to reverse given string using pointer.

3. Create a structure called Employee having member fields

like name, gender and salary. Write a program that
accepts the details of employees.

Display the employee details who has highest salary.

Display all employees in sorted order according to their


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