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Winter 1982

Winter, 1982

Dear Friends:
Greetings in His precious, saving Name!
We want to take this opportunity to thank you one

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and all for your prayerful upholding and financial under-

girding of this Mission and specifically "The Bunches in

Brazil." It is only as God works through you that He can work through us. We are
here because you care. Thanks! May God richly bless you.
So much has been happening since last we shared that it's hard to know where
to begin. At that time we were praying together about several important aspects of
the Cuiaba work. A central aspect, of course, is growth and the Lord gave us 20
additions in 1981. Fourteen came by baptism and six by transfer, including Iran
and Neuza, our Brazilian co-workers. It was exciting to see four dedicated couples
included in those baptized and two more in the transfers.
We had been in prayer for sometime about a central meeting place and the

Lord has provided an excellent facility. We have a small meeting area on the ground
floor and a much larger area upstairs with a separate office space. It is a modern
building built in the '60's and is a block from the General Hospital and close to bus
connections. Our prayers have been answered as to where; now we ask that you
join with us in prayer that the Lord will help us to outgrow this facility.
We also shared the possibility of a Medical-Dental trailer to help meet the
desperate health problems in the outskirts of the city as well as serving as a spiritual
first-aid station and launching pad for diverse evangelistic thrusts. The Lord has
seen fit through the folks at FAME (Fellowship of Associates for Medical Evange
lism) to provide such an extension to our ministry. FAME is underwritten by
concerned Christian Churches and Churches of Christ and this organization was
used to channel thirty thousand "converted" dollars to purchase this unit and the
"unconverted" vehical (runs on 100% alcohol and smells like a brewery) to pull it.
The question arose that if this unit were provided, what would we do with it
when it was not in service? The Lord had worked that out ahead of time when He

provided our central meeting place. The ground level is half of what was originally
an automobile show-room and thus is .serving as indoor parking space for pick-up,
trailer and our children's S.S. class. Praise the Lord!

The Lord is still working out the details of forming the team to work in the
unit. We have a Christian nurse arriving this week from Uberlandia who will be
taking the lead. The City is giving us doctors and dentists until we can replace them
with an all-Christian team. We have had some problems with the non-Christian
workers from the outset and we ask your prayers that the Lord will put the right
people in the unit, that His name might be glorified in this "unto the least of these"
Early in the year we had been given a lot in Planalto in one of the outline
bairros of the city. Disappointment was great when we discovered this lot had also
been given to someone else. However, the Lord saw us through and provided an
even better lot located on the central square of the bairro. We have since
inaugurated a shell (pillars and roof) where the Gospel is being preached and lives
are being changed. PTL!
We plan to put up a similar building (another bairro) in Barro Duro where we
have worked since 1978. The Christians there are excited to have a regular meeting
place which they believe will give greater stability to their congregation's outreach.
The Christians from the other bairros of the city are being encouraged to Join
the downtown congregation which we trust will reach people in all the areas of the

city and will serve as an equipping center for those the Lord calls to serve.
Our thanks go out to all who prayed and participated in the campaign to buy
us our four-wheel-drive Toyota diesel. It looked like we might be several more
months raising the funds for the inflated price of the jeep. However, the Lord came
through again and provided a 1980 Jeep with low mileage for just over $8,000
{compared with $14,000 for a new one. That's a pretty good savings, PTL!).
We appreciated the smooth transition that took place in the Mission as
Issaquah resumed oversight and South Lakeshore completed a job well done. Thank
you. South Lakeshore, for loaning us your fine leaders: Ron, Howard, Herb, Sid,
Bill, Bruce and Don. Welcome back! .. . Bob, Stu, Niel, Pete and Harvey.
Thank you all for your part in this ministry. We look forward to visiting with
each one during our scheduled "flylow" (that's short for a fast furlough) November
through January of 1982-83.
Yours for Him,

A Note from Sandy

We are happy and healthy because
you care and have been uplifting us in

prayer to our loving. Heavenly Father.

The children had a rough, but good year,
in school and were promotedMistie to
the 5th Grade, Corey to the 3rd and
Jonathan to Kindergarten. Mistie turned
11 on Nov. 10th and Corey turned 8 on
Oct. 25th

and Jonathan will be 6 on

Sandy and the women enjoy their new meet

ing place.

March 17thone day after our 14th

Wedding Anniversary. The children have been enjoying their summer vacation and
will start back to school the middle of February. We've been having a busy summer,
including a great Christmas and New Years with lots of hot weather and little rain
compared to the rest of the country. One big vacation highlight was our family trip
to the Annual Missionary Conference with
two inspiring speakers:

Let's sing unto God a new song.

Don DeWelt and

Alger Fitch. We arrived home uplifted after

sitting at the feet of these two gifted men.
The Lord is showering His goodness on us as
we serve Him as a family. The children enjoy
singing specials and Mistie is learning to play
the guitar so she can play in the "cultos" or
meetings and Corey wants to learn the drums
(heaven help us)! Thank you for your faithful

support. We truly appreciate it.

"Kid's Day" was a winner for everyone, even mommy!

Tammy Coison got in on the big Swim Meet too.

Child Chatter
Hi, I'm saying a letter for you guys, okay?
Corey who is saying the letter. One day me,
Mistie, and Jonatas, Tami and mommy went
to swim at the Club. We had a swimming
meet and we all got medals. One day we all
went fishing and us kids were catching little
fishies. Come and catch fish with us at our little farmit's

Hi, this is Mistie speaking. We have a S.S. teacher who
teaches us a lot of songs. Almost every Sunday we sing to
the adults after our Sunday School class. I am having guitar
lessons and I can't wait until I can play at the church. Here in
Cuiaba it is getting everyday more hot. When I stay just a
little bit in the sun I get all red. You guys should come down
hereyou wouldn't want to return to the States and stay
freezing! Bye-bye and I'll bring some sun with me when I
come to see you the end of this year. 1 want to see all of you
and I want to play in the snow. My name is Jonathan but
they call me Jonatas in Portuguese.
". . . the little one is

Jim and Sandy Bunch, Missionaries, Caixa Postal 1092, 78.000 Cuiab5, Mate
Grosso, Brazil, S.A.
Christina Sample, Forwarding Agent, 2676 - 39th S.W., Seattle, WA 98116,
Phone 935-2798

Bob and Gladys Christian, Promotional Agents, 17641 S.E. 60th, Issaquah,
WA 98027, Phone 747-8964
Lincoln Park Christian Church, Mailing Agent, 3832 S. "G" Street, Tacoma,
WA 98408, Phone 474-5127

Issaquah Christian Church, Sponsoring Church, P.O. Box 400, Issaquah,

WA 98027, Phone 392-5848


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