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FLDS Priesthood History for 5th - 8th Grade Students

Taught by Warren Jeffs

Tape # 17 – December 28, 1995

Subject: Israel Conquers and Settles Canaan
I'm anxious for you to come into this class with more of a prayerful heart and thinking and
settle down in your excitement. We're learning about the ancient prophets because we are here to be a
people obedient to our prophet. We tell the ancient stories not to tickle your ears or entertain you.
Young people, you should learn the lesson so you don't make mistakes like the people of old. We have
as great a prophet to obey in our time, as anybody ever had.
The Lord destroyed Jericho. The Lord would not let the people win battles until they were all
obedient. Joshua was commanded to lead the people and conquer all the people in the land of Canaan.
They wiped out men, women and children - they were a wicked people on the land and Joshua was
told to destroy them all. Joshua ruled Israel for twenty-five years.
Young people, I desire a faith to grow in you - the truth of what the Lord has told us in our
day. You are the army of Israel, being born in this work. The Lord has promised to fight our, battles.
Even after the city of Zion is built in Missouri, the center of our land, other nations will come wanting
to kill us. The prophet will speak the word and the Lord will send great destructions upon those
nations. The Lord has turned this work in our favor to protect the people against the nations of the
earth. He turned the key, says Uncle Roy, in 1953. Ever since then, the nations of the earth have been
going down and this priesthood people, from that point, started to grow in numbers.
You must have the faith, the trust in God and in His prophet, to go and do anything the
prophet says. Even if we have to face mobs, even if destruction faces us, if we're obedient, the Lord
will fight our battles. This time, the Lord will actually lift us up to protect us, as the destructions take
place – or fire will surround us to keep the mobs away, if we live by faith, trust the word of the
prophet and we obey. The Lord won't protect a disobedient people. Look what He did to the Israelites
if even one man was disobedient among them. How can He protect your dedicated home if one of you
brings evil in that home? There cannot be evil there if your home is to be protected. In some families,
the obedient ones will be lifted up and the disobedient will be destroyed.
You are learning these truths so that all of you can be truthfully obedient people. None of us
wants to be left behind. We all want to make it. I've indicated how the great sins of immorality were
among this people and why the Lord has been slow to protect us and deliver us out of the courts, but
it goes beyond just those types of sins. What is the great evil that we have to get rid of? We must
remove from our homes this fighting and feelings one against another - not just the big sins of
immorality... what we consider little when we fight and criticize - those sins are big in the sight of
Heavenly Father. If we want the Lord to fight our battles so we'll be protected, we must get rid of
these evils. We must be worthy and we must remove even the one covenant breaker - hopefully by
their own repentance. If you're doing wrong in your home, now is the time to do better so the Lord
will protect your family and you.

January 1, 1996
Subject: Judges of Israel
Teachers, separate the friends, as they are not listening. What a great privilege it is, to have the
prophet as our leader. Whenever the people reject the prophet, they reject the Lord.
The powers of the Aaronic priesthood are: (1) the ministering of angels, (2) can teach the
gospel of repentance, (3) can baptize, (4) a priest can administer the sacrament. This priesthood
stayed among the people so that angels could come and visit them and they could live by faith and
repentance. Moses told the people to celebrate the Feast of the Passover. According to our calendar,
he led the people out of Egypt around April 6th. That was the beginning of their calendar after they
came out of Egypt. Even though they were living a lesser law, not the celestial law, it was still the
priesthood ruling over them. There are millions of people on this land today that don't even follow our
prophet at all.
After Joshua died at age 110, judges ruled Israel, for a time of four hundred years. When
people would repent, the Lord would raise up a judge with the spirit of God in that person. The
Israelites were usually obedient. The main lesson these words give you describe that the children of
Israel always turned away from the Lord. It describes how the people that remembered Joshua, that
lived in that day, were obedient. The children grew up obedient. Then there rose up a generation of
young people who never saw Joshua. All they heard were stories of Moses and Joshua. They started
saying, "Well, what's so bad about the gentiles? We like their ways." As they grew up, the boys said,
"What's so wrong with marrying the gentile girls? They look ok to us." The girls said, " We kind of
like how the gentiles are."
Within one generation after Joshua died, they turned to the ways of the gentiles. They got rid
of the scriptures and brought idols into their homes and it was the fashion, the neat thing to have a
house with idols in it. They worshiped the god idol called Baalim and another was a god called
Ashteroth. The Lord had commanded Moses and Joshua to drive out all the gentiles, leaving none of
them alive. After Joshua died, they didn't fully obey. Many tribes mixed with the gentiles until they
forgot the Lord and worshipped idols. The Israelites started to kill the prophets. The judges were not
always the prophets. The last of the judges was Samuel. He became the prophet.
There is the story of the king of the gentiles who was killed by a woman instead of a man.
This is what the woman Deborah meant when she said to Barach, "A woman will take your honor
instead of you, because you would not go up without a woman leading you." All of this was fulfilled
as the Lord said, through Deborah. A woman doesn't hold the priesthood, but this shows you how
uninspired the people of Israel were in that day. For forty years, Deborah judged the people. When
she died, how quickly the children turned to worship idols. A great number of the gentiles from the
land of Midian in the North came to fight the children of Israel, who came under bondage to the
Midians for seven years. When they repented again, the Lord started an effort to deliver them by the
hand of Gideon, a mighty man of valor.
It was those three hundred men who were in obedience to Gideon that the Lord chose. Our
prophet today is looking for five hundred men to fight the whole world. The Lord can fight our
battles. During the reign of Gideon, for forty years the people had peace. He had seventy sons. He had
many wives. He ruled to a very old age, yet after Gideon died, the people worshipped idols again.
They were very immoral, adulterous. That is why the Lord allowed other peoples to conquer His
people. Do you see the great lesson in these stories? When they obeyed the Lord and followed the
appointed leader, they were blessed. When they forgot Him and worshipped false gods, they were
cursed. Learn that lesson.
Today, the Lord rules over this people through President Jeffs, yet we’re under the bondage of
the gentiles here in America. Soon the Lord will overthrow our nation and the priesthood people will
rule over this land because the priesthood people will be the only ones left. Believe that the lord will
fight our battles just like he did Gideon and the three hundred against huge armies. I remind you
again of the prophecies in our day. One of us who are faithful will chase a thousand of the enemy.
Two of us will chase ten thousand when they come against us. It will be because the angels of God
are helping us and the Lord will fight our battles. Believe these stories. It actually happened.

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