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Conspiracy Theorists Are Counterproductive

Ever since John Robison wrote his most famous books entitled Proofs of a Conspiracy in the late
1700s, the word conspiracy has been a hot topic of conversation amongst most. Robison was simply
trying to expose a formation of secret societies that goes back long before his pen first touched the
paper. My goal in this essay is not to give the history of conspiracies or the history of conspiracy
theory literature; however, my main objective is to prove the worthlessness of spending one's time
becoming engrossed in this new cult. I have watched the growth of the conspiracy theory industry, and
I will call it just that, over the years, and I have yet to see the reaping of any fruits. I myself have
partaken in the reading of many of the most famous books on conspiracies and will tell the world it was
a waste of my time.
The main point that has to be made against the modern day conspiracy theorists and even those of the
past is that they constantly fill our minds with all sorts of governmental corruption and misdeeds.
Firstly, it is proper to note here that a corruptive government could not come to power except after the
people themselves have become corrupted. These fools do a good job of taking our eyes off our real
problems and pointing us in the direction of government. It is more beneficial for us to fix what lays
within us internally before we even consider trying to fix external problems that are out of our realm.
Honestly, what are clowns like Alex Jones, Jim Marrs and the likes of them going to actually do to
solve the problems we have today. If you want your answer in a brief and concise manner it is:
NOTHING! If you look deep enough into their belief system, you will find that the people they are
constantly refuting and ranting and raving about share the same heretical beliefs as they do.
What we as a people have to do is to focus on our mistakes. We need to work to be better people and to
gain all the knowledge that we need to live a complete life. This is going to be virtually impossible if
we are to busy focusing on what other people are doing. I ask all the listeners to these clowns a few
questions: 1) Do these conspiracy theorists encourage the people to be good to their neighbors and to
visit them if they are sick or take food to them as a kind gesture of neighborliness? 2) Since most of
these folks are from Down South and they have clearly witnessed the degradation of what we know as
Southern Hospitality, have they done anything to encourage the people to protect those traditions that
earned the South that title? 3) Are they encouraging the people to busy themselves with reading books
that will truly benefit them as human beings and improve themselves, or are they simply encouraging
people to read a bunch of material written by themselves and their cronies that simply propagate hatred
and sow the seeds of dissension in the hearts of the people. One thing we do not need in our society is
another reason for people to fight and argue; I think we have enough problems floating around right
If they really had the welfare of the people in their hearts and intentions, it would be best for them to
close their mouths until they have something beneficial to speak about. It seems that all we hear about
today is problems even to the point that we have completely forgotten all the blessings that God has
given us. If God tries us with something we dislike, we are required as human beings to be quiet and
patient and realize that whatever trial and tribulations have afflicted us are because of our own bad
deeds and not because of the government and their corruption. We ourselves have become corrupted.
Does the government force us to watch hours upon hours of TV violence? Does the government force
us to lie, belittle people, act arrogantly, be rude to our neighbors and our kinsfolk? Does the
government force us to drink and smoke and talk nonsense throughout our whole day? Of course the
answer to all these questions is no, and you will further understand that these are all descriptive
characteristics of a corrupted person. Moreover, how many children are born today from unwed

parents? Is that not a form of corruption? The government tells you to wear a safety belt and obey the
speed limit and you disobey both of these laws of the government, is that not another form of
corruption? Women and children are being killed, rather slaughtered all over the world and the people
do not even pray for these people in their places of worship, is that not a major form of corruption?
How many of these items are on the list of issues to be discussed amongst the conspiracy crew? Or do
you simply find that the focus is on the actions of a certain group of people?
I will give these ignoramuses another issue to ponder on and discuss and that is: If you sit and observe
any group of people for a given period of time, especially in our day and age, you will find enough
mistakes to write a book about. This goes for religious, political or social groups. This is just a
common fact. Now they might say that they only focus on the problems that affect us as a whole, and
there might be a bit of truth of to this claim; however, if this is the case, please tell me one solution they
give to any of the economic or political problems we have. They do not even agree with each other
most of the time, so why should we change the devil we know for the devil we don't?
That brings us to yet another point against these provocateurs that only wish to sow the seed of
rebellion amongst the people. This issue involves the actual finding of solutions to these problems.
Now we all know after reading a lot of the Conspiracy Literature today and viewing a good number of
the famous documentaries, we find a vast lack of solutions to many of the problems that they talk
about. Now this can be for one of two reasons: 1) They do not actually have any solutions, so they
choose to waste our time with their girlish complaints. 2) They feel that the only solution is to have
some big revolution that is supposed to oust the tyrannical government and bring in a new day of
sovereignty for all; however, they do not want to be outright with their statements, so instead, they
leave the masses of the people to try to infer this meaning. This will come from them doing exactly as
they are doing now, which is provoking people.
Let us now deal with the first scenario in which I stated that these people do not actually have any
solutions, so they have choose to waste our time with their complaining. This issue is in general very
easy to refute because it is refuted from the beginning statement. However, we need to delve into the
reasons behind this scenario and what might happen because of it. Firstly, we shall separate people of
ignorance into two categories when dealing with knowledge and the spreading of this knowledge. The
first category is the person who possess al-jahl al baseet. This is the person who has a lack of
knowledge in a given subject and when asked about that subject, he simply says, I have no knowledge
of this subject. This is a person who has a strong comprehension of his limitations where knowledge
is concerned. He knows his ignorance in a certain area and professes it with worry of what the people
might think of him. This person is of no harm whatsoever to the people. He knows his limits and
functions within those limits because he knows the danger of going outside of those limits.
The next person is the person who possesses al-jahl al-murak'kab. This is the antithesis of the previous
subject. This person goes outside of his limitations because he has a fear that people might say, he
doesn't know. This person is an extreme danger to the people of the world, especially if the person is
known for being in a position of authority. If the person is in some type of authority, especially
academic authority, people trust that this person knows what he is talking about, and they are more
liable to take information from this person without prejudice. There is a stark contrast between a
commoner on the street dispensing information when he does not know, and a person of academic
authority giving an answer and he really knows nothing of what he is talking about. The former has the
ability to cause the destruction of a group of people, and in some cases the destruction of a whole
nation by speaking about a topic that he has no prior knowledge of. The case of al-jahl al-murak'kab
has become so widespread nowadays to the point of actually becoming entertainment. What can be

understood from entertainment is what we see on regular TV programming, and we can also understand
the topic at hand. For example, when the presidential elections take place and many news reporters
begin to ask famous people about their opinion on whom they deem the most worthy to come out on
top in the elections. Now does the world ever ask what made a basketball player, a singer and an actor
primary authorities on current politics. The day we start to gather information about the political
situation in the world from entertainers we will be in a very bad state.
This takes us to the next point on conspiracy theorists being entertainers. Well since it has become
plain that all these conspiracy theorists do is complain in a very girlish manner about problems that are
out of their element, and fail in giving any solutions to all the problems that they bring up, that leaves
us with one judgment in concern to these clowns: They themselves are entertainers. Well at least that
is what all this conspiracy nonsense has become. Maybe their was a time, a long time ago, when the
conspiracy theorists were serious about their beliefs, but nowadays all the issues they bring up have
become so watered down to the point that people now are completely desensitized to anything they
might say. But that is alright because they do not really say anything anymore.
The next issue might as well go into the issue of redundancy when listening to these clowns and
reading their literature. This is because we have become a people of slogans. Yes, I guess you could
call us sloganeers because that is what we now enjoy. What these conspiracy nuts do is run around like
a pack of hyenas woofing off their oft-repeated slogans and making themselves look like fools in the
process for all the world to see. This can be seen during a speech being given by former president Bill
Clinton when one of these hyenas sort of crashed the party to say the least. He ran wildly into the area
where the speech was being given and started screaming at the top of his lungs: 9/11 was an inside
job. Now on this subject I am not here to give my opinion as to whether what he was saying was
correct or not correct. Nor am I to give my opinion on my feelings of Bill Clinton,because honestly I
could care less about the fornicating idiot; however, the point here is to look at the benefit or absence
thereof in this scenario. Well making yourself look like a complete fool who has no ability to function
in society does not do much for your organization. On top of that, what do these fools hope to attract?
If you act like a fool in the name of any organization, you are going to attract fools; it is just that
simple. It goes back to the saying: You reap what you sow. They have sown the seeds of ignorance
and now they will reap the fruit of their labor by turning out ignorant people to run around the streets
and scream slogans at a bunch civilians who are too concerned with how they are going to pay their
bills and get out of debt; but of course, you are not offering any solutions for those people now are you.
Oh and while you are running around chanting your slogans like some cult, what about those hungry
people in all the ghettos around America. I guess these fools would not know about the people in these
areas because they are too scared to go to these neighborhoods and spread their propaganda amongst
the really oppressed people. Why did they leave what is happening in all the government projects out
of their sloganeering? Why do we always see them in some built-up area downtown or in the suburbs
pushing their nonsense? Why do they never seem to make their focus the really oppressed people of
America like the black folks who grew up in projects, the Native Americans (real Americans) who
grew up on reservations, or the Mexicans who grew up in East Los Angeles. Are they in the
orphanages trying educate these real oppressed beings? Well they all read 1984, yet all they have is
double speak, or shall I say contradictory and hypocritical speech. Their actions and their words do not
seem to come to terms with each other. Moreover, if they are the voice of the oppressed, then why do
we find that the only people that follow them are a bunch of middle class white kids from the suburbs
who are angry at the world because their fathers did not buy them a new car.
The real oppressed people in third world countries and in all the ghettos throughout the west do not

have time to listen to these buffoons. Their speech and their actions does not appeal to the vast masses
of the underprivileged. I am willing to bet that if Alex Jones were to go to crack dealer on the West
Side of Atlanta out on Simpson Road and start woofing his slogans, there is a good possibility that he
will not make it back on the air again. Unless of course he goes very early in the morning and gets out
before the afternoon. But if you look at this area of Atlanta, you will see truly oppressed people who
live in a encompassing state of poverty. You will see drugs, killing, prostitution, homelessness, etc. All
of what the middle class smug idiot would consider the dregs of society will be found in this beautiful
area. And I will tell you that looks can be deceiving. I had the grand opportunity of living in this area
and will tell you that the people there are some of the nicest and REAL people you will find in most of
America. Aren't these the people that these conspiracy theorists want to attract?
I had the opportunity to live on the West Side of Atlanta and in South Central, Los Angeles and I did
not see anybody resembling Alex Jones in these areas trying to take the people out of the depths of hell
into a new garden of Eden on earth. The only time I saw anybody resembling Alex Jones and his
cronies in these areas was when he was lost and driving 100mph to get the hell out dodge before the
downtrodden notice what a nice car he has. Go! Alex Jones to the Southside of Chicago, to Compton,
to Watts, to the projects in New Orleans (what's left of them), to the different wards in Houston, to
Liberty City in Miami, and take David Icke, Texe Marrs and Jordan Maxwell with you. You are talking
about preparing for some financial crisis that the people in these areas have been living in for
generations. Therefore, I applaud anything that will take you and your cronies into a state of poverty,
so you can feel what the real oppressed people of all nations feel. I applaud any financial crisis that
might make you have to give up expensive cars, I phones and Suburban getaways to live the life of the
truly downtrodden. Do you think that any major financial crisis in America is going to do anything to
these people that hundreds of years of oppression and repression haven't already done.
Ibn Khaldun, who was a famous Arab historian about 700 years ago, wrote the first known book on
sociology. He compiled all the historical facts and rumors that he had come across into an amazing 8
volume work called Taareekh Ibn Khaldun (The History by Ibn Khaldun). In this voluminous work
he had a one volume introduction he named Al-Muqadammah (The Introduction). The Introduction
was full of the most painstakingly real facts of the thinking and actions of people, especially the Arabs
which were his focus. In the Introduction he mentioned different types of calamities that destroy
people and the types of people who generally survive these atrocities. He stated, in his book, that the
ones who suffer the most through these calamities are the rich people. They are always the first to die
because they have the biggest problem adapting to their new situation. Whereas the poor people, the
underprivileged of the world, are accustomed to living in this existence, so there is not much a change
for them. If they go from eating one a day to eating one mean every two days, they can handle it.
However, the rich pansy will go from eating the richest foods and on a regular basis, and therefore,
won't be able to handle the lifestyle switch.
Don't believe it? Get on a plane and go to Africa and live like the Africans do, and I would be surprised
if you made it to the end of the year without dying from either malaria or dysentery. This is because
you conspiracy theorists have become accustomed to a lifestyle of good food and clear water. The real
oppressed people of the world don't have those luxuries. In some places they are not even aware that
the luxuries you take for granted on a daily basis are even possible to have on this earth. Hell, they're
waiting to die, so they can see these luxuries, because for them, it is all in the afterlife.

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