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List of Logographic Writing Systems and Related Phenomena

by Mr. Larry Rogers, BA Linguistics, Michigan State University, 2009

with Concentrations in Anthropology and Mathematics
from my Facebook group "Hieroglyphic Writing System Linguistics"
Taken from there 4 14 2015.
First posted there 1 22 105, added to up until today.
Made yesterday ( 4 14 2015 ) into a webpage in my website on all languages and writing
The Home Page for which is here:
As far as I know, there is no such list anywhere in the academic literature.
It's not polished now, but one day I'll review the academic literature and consider trying
to get it published. But without a PhD? I doubt I can get it published.
I have a BA in Linguistics and specialize in the linguistics of all logographic scripts:
The group's list of logographic writing systems and related phenomena :
( "Logographic (Script)" : Any script composed of pictures, not descended from Wadi
El-Hol Script. Modern and historic conscripts not included. )
( "Symbols" here encompass non-iconography mneumonic phenomena arranged in textlike sequences and/or using extensive rebus pun symbols to spell things. )
Cuneiform : Proto Cuneiform Symbols - Classical Sumerian - Cuneiform Scripts,
Egyptian Hieroglyphic - Hieratic - Demotic, Meroitic, Wadi El-Hol Scripts&,
Hittite Hieroglyphic, Urartian Hieroglyphic, Cretan Hieroglyphic, Linear AB, Cypriot

Syllabary, Byblos Script,

Proto-Elamite, Linear Elamite, Jiroft Script?, Oxus Script, Indus Script,
Dongba Symbols@, Oracle Bone Chinese Script, Bronze Script, Large and Small Seal
Scripts, Classical Chinese, Modern Chinese,
Sino-Vietnamese, Sino-Korean,
Sino-Japanese, Japanese Script, Jindai Moji Hoax Conscripts*,
Khitan Large Script, Khitan Small Script, Jurchen Script, Tangut,
Kaida Script or Symbols from islands near Japan @?,
Rongorongo Symbols@,
Eskayan script (?), Caroline Script,
Micmac Symbols@, Numerous Amerind Symbols@@, Alaskan Script,
Olmec*, Zapotec*, Epi-Olmec, Abaj Takalik and Kaminaljuy*, Mayan,
Aztec Codex Symbols@?.
I also include all sign languages as related phenomena, of which there are many, though
lineages are not as well known as for spoken languages.
Sign languages : ( Not listed out )
(no symbol) Logographic scripts : about 38, 39 with Eskayan Script, 40 with Kaida.
@ Mneumonic symbol systems : 5+
& Other
* Undeciphered or otherwise notable entry
? I need to look into this one.
Notable modern logographic conscripts or made-up symbol systems :
Kangaroo Wallabee Hieroglyphic, John Leslie Feier's International Picture Language.
( For other discussion of conlangs and conscripts, modern and historical, see my group
"History of Conlangs" )

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Scott Freeman, Rafael Agusti Torres, Yannis Ikonomou and 15 others like this.

Larry Rogers I have updated the list of logographic scripts to include Urartian Hieroglyphic. I have
my own lists on my drive and in writing, but I keep this one just for you and when I'm on the internet.
February 25 at 2:41pm Like 1

Larry Rogers I have updated the list to possibly include Eskayan Script. I don't remember but I
think it's a modern invention and is lacking in the logographic department on some grounds. It's
made for a "re-lex" of a local language.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eskayan_script

Eskayan script - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eskayan is the constructed script of the auxiliary Eskayan...

February 27 at 6:24pm Edited Like 1 Remove Preview

Larry Rogers I made a mistake : Eteocretan should have been Cypriot Syllabary.
March 5 at 1:11pm Like

Larry Rogers I missed Jurchen Script.

March 5 at 7:56pm Like

Larry Rogers Here's the list of all logographic scripts. Zong Tian. Ask any questions you want.
Welcome to the group, too.
March 28 at 5:11am Like

Larry Rogers Dai Griffiths, here it is.

April 12 at 1:40am Like 1

Dai Griffiths Cool, thanks larry.

April 12 at 1:41am Like

Larry Rogers Here's the list of all of them, Britton Watkins. People often ask me for this. I may
have made a website for it as well.
18 hrs Edited Like

Dai Griffiths Larry Rogers
7 mins Like 1

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