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Commission on Crime
Prevention and Criminal

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Mircoles 22 de abril

8:00 9:00 hrs

Ceremonia de Inauguracin

9:00 10:00 hrs


10:00 10:30 hrs

Primera Sesin

10:30 12:30 hrs


12:30 13:00 hrs

Segunda Sesin

13:00 15:00 hrs


15:00 16:00 hrs

Tercera Sesin

16:00 18:00 hrs

Jueves 23 de abril
Panel de Discusin

8:00 9:30 hrs


9:30 10:00 hrs

Cuarta Sesin

10:00 12:30 hrs


12:30 13:00 hrs

Quinta Sesin

13:00 15:00 hrs


15:00 16:00 hrs

Sexta Sesin

16:00 18:00 hrs

Viernes 24 de abril
Sptima Sesin

8:00 10:00 hrs


10:00 10:30 hrs

Octava Sesin

10:30 12:30 hrs


12:30 13:00 hrs

Novena Sesin

13:00 14:30 hrs


14:30 16:00 hrs

Ceremonia de Clausura

16:00 17:30 hrs

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

"Slo en las manos del hombre est el destino de la humanidad"
- Jorge Coste
Secretario General: Marco Antonio Casas Moreno
Subsecretara General: Emiliano Reyes Pardo
Asamblea General Plenaria
Presidente: Uriel Trejo Pecero
A) Medidas De Proteccin Y Seguridad A Las Personas Homosexuales En Medio
Oriente Y Pases Musulmanes En frica.
B) Medidas Ante Los Constantes Ataques Terroristas Por Parte De Grupos Yihadistas
Contra La Soberana De Pases Europeos.
Primera Comisin en Desarme y Seguridad Internacional
Presidente: Lenin Silva Gutirrez
A) Tensiones Y Conflictos Internacionales Causados Por Los Ataques Del Estado
Islmico A Poblaciones E Individuos Civiles.
B) Reaccin Global A Las Consecuencias Sociales, Armamentistas Y De Seguridad
Internacional Que Provoc El Ataque Terrorista A Charlie Hebdo En Francia.
Tercera Comisin en Asuntos Sociales, Culturales y Humanitarios
Presidente: Jos Pablo Ramrez Angulo
A) Medidas Necesarias Para La Eliminacin Del Racismo En La Regin Del Sur De
frica Debido Al Conservatismo Del Apartheid.
B) Prevencin De La Esclavitud En Pases Arbigos, Con nfasis En Pases En Vas De
Office for Outer Space Affairs
President: Gerardo Galvn Olvera
A) Adoption Of A Post-Contact Policy For Extraterrestrial Intelligences.
B) Measures On Preventing The Weaponization Of Outer Space And A Possible Arms

Human Rights Council

President: Amalia Melissa Medina Cruz
A) The Recent Condition Concerning Human Rights Violations Faced In Democratic
People's Republic Of Korea.
B) Solutions To Cease Bigotry Towards Transgender People In Malaysia And The
Reinforcement Of Human Rights Within The Country.

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Oficina del Representante Especial del Secretario General para la Cuestin de los Nios y
los Conflictos Armados *

Presidente: Mario Gabriel Gutirrez Chvez

A) Acciones A Implementar Para Proteger La Vida E Integridad De Menores De Edad
Involucrados Directa O Indirectamente En El Conflicto Armado En Franja De Gaza.
B) Polticas Para La Reduccin Y Prevencin De Dao Y Perjuicio Contra Los Nios A
Causa De Los Conflictos En La Repblica rabe Siria.


Subsecretario General: Mara Fernanda Zistecatl Espinosa
Comit Contra el Terrorismo *
Presidenta: Joana Karime Novia Ibarra
A) Medidas En Contra De La Posible Alianza Entre Los Grupos Islamistas Radicales
Boko Haram Y El Estado Islmico Proyectando La Extensin De Un Califato Islmico
Que Abarque Territorios En Medio Oriente Y frica Occidental.
B) Prevencin De Nuevos Ataques Terroristas En Pakistn Y Creacin De Un Plan
Frente A Posibles Amenazas Despus Del Ataque Talibn En Peshawar.

Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

President: Diana Karen Tovar Lpez
A) Status Of Demobilized FARC And Guerilla Personnel In The Context Of Colombias
Peace Agreement Process And Its Possible Solutions.
B) The Current Situation Regarding Human Trafficking In Europe And Its Alternative
Solutions Taking Into Consideration Further Consequences.

Commission on the Status of Women

President: Luisa Fernanda Fuentes Ojeda
A) Prevention of Gender Inequality And Discrimination Against Indigenous Women In
Latin America.
B) Protection Of Girls From Sexual Violence, Child Marriage And Early Pregnancy In
South Asia.

Organizacin Mundial de la Salud

Presidenta: Mitzie Mariel Herlanda Mendoza
A) Medidas Necesarias Para Mejorar Los Programas De Rehabilitacin Para La
Discapacidad Infantil En Amrica Latina Y Las Subsecuentes Repercusiones Sociales.
B) Soluciones Para Prevenir El Abandono Del Programa De Tratamiento Antirretrovrico
De La Infeccin Por El Virus De La Inmunodeficiencia Humana En Pacientes De
Hospitales En Pases En Vas De Desarrollo.

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito

Presidenta: Ana Paula Carranco Villalpando
A) Medidas De Prevencin Y Disminucin De La Violencia En Amrica Latina Por El
B) Posibles Repercusiones Del Reciente Aumento Del Cultivo De Opio En El Sudeste
United Nations Childrens Fund
President: Lorena Martnez Tejeda
A) Motions To Regulate Islamic Religious Schools In Order Prevent Physical Abuse And
Child Trafficking.
B) Reinforcement Of Measures To Protect And Reintegrate Children Forced Into
Prostitution In The Mekong Sub-Region.


Subsecretario General: Emilio Rentera Gonzlez.
Council of Europe
President: Juan Manuel Gmez-Portugal Zermeo
A) Humanitarian Efforts to Improve Ukraine's Current Deteriorating Socio-economic
Situation as a Result from the Crimean Crisis.
B) Possible Changes to Spain's Public Safety Bill on Protection of Citizen's Security Law
due to Human Rights Violations.
League of Arab States
President: David Carrillo Ibarra
A) Regulations On The Current Situation Of Refugees In Iraq, Regarding The Actions
Led By ISIS.
B) Regulatory Measures Against Al-Qaedas Increasing Influence In Yemen, Regarding
On Westerns Concern, Religious Rebellious Groups And Post-Revolution Scenarios.
Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission
Co-President: Carlos Carbajal Nogues
Co-President: Rubn Daro lvarez ngeles
A) The External Policy Of The Russian Federation, Due To The Tension Created With
The Ukrainian Crisis And The Fear Of A Second Cold War.
B) The Importance Of Anti-Missile Shields In Europe And The Tension Brought Due To
This Measures To Eastern Countries.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
President: Danae Tea Espinosa
A) The Islamic State As A Major Security Threat To NATO Members, Particularly

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

B) NATOs Plans In Order To Deal With International Security With Special Focus In
The Russians Federation And The United States Of Americas Relations
Historical Security Council
President: Jos Javier Rodrguez Mota
A) Actions taken by the United Nations Security Council due to the Invasion of Kuwait
by the Baathist government of Iraq (1990)
B) Tension in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics created by economic crisis and
new policies (1990)
International Court of Justice *
President: Daniela Mancera Alba
A) Obligations concerning negotiations relating to the cessation of the Nuclear Arms
Race to Nuclear Disarmament (Republic of the Marshall Islands v. United Kingdom).
B) Certain Criminal Proceedings in France (Republic of Congo V. France).

* Comits especializados, con estudiantes de preparatoria y universidad.

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Secretariado, jueces, embajadores, ministros y agentes:

Dijo un gran mago, en cierta novela fantstica, la siguiente frase: "Muy pronto tendrn
que elegir entre lo que es correcto, y lo que es fcil". Me atrevo a citar a un personaje
ficticio, de un universo ficticio, porque siempre he credo que, paradjicamente,
descubrimos ms realidades de nuestro mundo al tratar de cubrirlo con una capa de
invencin potica e imaginaria. Queramos o no, un guio de verdad siempre asoma,
indicando que lo imposible no tiene cabida en nuestras vidas. Siendo esto as, creo que el
da mencionado ha llegado.
Hablemos de lo fcil: la indiferencia, la conformidad, la desidia. Los problemas, el
crimen y la maldad se encuentran ah fuera, pero mientras no nos afecten directamente,
pareciera que no existen. La basura que arrojemos al espacio se perder en el infinito, no
necesitamos preocuparnos por ella. Tenemos recursos hdricos y petroleros para los
prximos 60 aos, seguro con eso basta, al menos para los aqu presentes. Y si no, hay
cientficos que trabajan para traer soluciones. Las mujeres mutiladas en frica lo hacen
por tradicin, hay que entender su cultura. Un grupo de estudiantes asesinados en Kenya,
por el simple hecho de ser cristianos, es grave, pero un hashtag puede resolverlo.
Ayotzinapa todava est presente, pero lejos parecen haber quedado Tlataya, Acteal,
Aguas Blancas, San Fernando...
El panorama aparenta ser tan turbio que parece mejor sentarnos e ignorar que todo
aquello es real. Sin embargo, la ignorancia es lo fcil, y tengo la firme conviccin que
somos la mayora quienes optamos por lo correcto. Fcil, para nosotros como estudiantes,
sera quedarnos estos tres das en nuestras aulas de clase, memorizar dos o tres conceptos
y dormir temprano. Segundo atrevimiento del da: limitarnos a tener una boleta llena de
cienes es fcil. Lo correcto exige dar un poco ms, implica intentar algo diferente. S que
lo correcto es perder la cabeza durante tres das y pensar que un grupo de estudiantes de
preparatoria hacen la diferencia para resolver las problemticas ms importantes que
aquejan a nuestro mundo; de lo contrario, no estara aqu.

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Hoy no representan a una sola persona, eso es fcil. Hoy representan a un pas entero, y
aunque de manera ficticia, recuerden que as nacen los ms grandes logros del ser
humano: con una idea. Sintanse orgullosos de pertenecer a aquellos que salen de la zona
de confort y buscan crecer, aprender y crear, porque esas son las personas que no
solamente creen en el cambio, sino que lo estn logrando. Y como eso no es fcil, deben
conocer la gran responsabilidad que conlleva. Si a pesar de ello, se inclinan por lo
correcto, les garantizo no solamente orgullo y respeto, sino la trascendencia. Es por ello
que creo en TecMUN.Creo en que cada delegado har vlidas fuera del foro las ideas ah
adquiera.Creo en cada miembro de las mesas, que sacrifican das enteros por hacer de
nuestro Modelo de Naciones Unidas una plataforma que revoluciona vidas enteras. Creo
en las personas e instituciones que respaldan el evento que, ms que verlo como un juego,
saben que tienen en frente al futuro de nuestro mundo, y se sienten seguros de que
estamos haciendo la diferencia.
Ms an, creo que treinta ediciones despus, sigue vigente la frase que nos identifica a
todos: "Slo en las manos del hombre est el destino de la humanidad". Y les aseguro que
hoy podemos estar tranquilos, porque ese destino est en buenas manos. Porque nosotros
optamos por hacer lo correcto.

Marco A. Casas Moreno

Secretario General para el XXX TecMUN

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Querido delegado:
TecMUN no sirve de nada, es una prdida de tiempo. Por qu debera estar
debatiendo durante tres das acerca de un problema internacional, si las resoluciones
acordadas no se aplicarn en el mundo real? Por qu debo redactar hojas de posicin,
investigar profundamente la postura de un pas ante una problemtica, si ni siquiera soy
de esa nacionalidad? Soy muy joven, an no puedo hacer un gran cambio en el mundo, de









multinacionales, los polticos de cada pas, no yo. Yo no puedo, es imposible.

Imposible? Antes del siglo XIX, la idea de poder transportar personas por medio
de un avin era tan slo un sueo, el sufragio femenino era una idea inaceptable hace
menos de doscientos aos, llegar a la luna era inalcanzable antes de 1969. Lo imposible
se convierte en una realidad en el momento en el que alguien decide lograrlo.

TecMUN no cambiar el mundo, eso es un hecho. El trabajo que realicemos a lo

largo de tres das se quedar plasmado en documentos que permanecern guardados por
aos. Pero hay ms que eso. Estos tres das representan una oportunidad nica para abrir
los ojos, para darse cuenta de los problemas que existen a nivel nacional o internacional,
para promover valores como respeto y tolerancia hacia los dems, honestidad y trabajo en
equipo. Podrs darte cuenta de algunos obstculos que actualmente cada uno de los pases
enfrenta: corrupcin, la satisfaccin de intereses propios sin importar los dems, la falta
de tolerancia ante diferentes religiones, grupos tnicos, en fin; existen tantos problemas
que la idea de un mundo diferente parece imposible.

Depender de ti si decides ser parte del cambio que necesitamos, o si permitirs

que estos tres das hayan sido una prdida de tiempo.

Mara Fernanda Zistecatl Espinosa

Subsecretaria del Consejo Econmico y Social para el XXX TecMUN

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Dear delegate:

Are you free? You may tell me you are, but are you conscious we are still living in a
world that justifies slavery? We are exposed to stereotypes, judgments, to what other
people say. Our body can be free but not our mind, our souls, ourselves.
What about everyday activities? Do you go everyday to school because you analyzed and
decided the reason you are going or just because someone else said you should do so?
The only way to be totally free is to be totally you. According to one of my favorite
philosophers, Jean-Paul Sartre, freedom equals happiness. You are free when you are
happy, and viceversa. How can you possibly achieve any of them? You must know who
you are and learn how to analyze each aspect of your life to make everyday decisions. Do
not let anyone decide for you. You may agree with others and come to the same
conclusion, but you must do it because of your own beliefs, thoughts, and reasons.
Choose by yourself, because that is the only way you will be truly happy, and even more
important, true to yourself.
If you ended up here without taking the time to think who you really are, and what you
want to become, I invite you to do so, because everyday choices lead to nowhere when
you have not thought whether they are taking you to your goals in life or not.
Today, pretending to represent a nation, you have the chance to be free. You are not a
high school student, you are a delegation; and there are no expectations about your
performance, no other persons will to fulfill; just you.
Do not forget life is made up of experiences and this model is only one of them. Even if
you decide you will not come back, the experience will always enrich your life; it will
only depend on you. Let today, make you free, happy and truly you.


Diana Karen Tovar Lpez

President for the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Topic A) Status of demobilized FARC and guerilla personnel in the

context of Colombias peace agreement process and its possible

Since October 2012, the Colombian government of Juan Manuel Santos has been
implementing a peace agreement process that involves dialogues with the FARC-EP terrorist
group in order to stop the armed conflict in the country, which dates back to the 1960's. In
this process, the countries of Cuba, Norway and Venezuela have been mediators for the two
parts and have helped the progress of the Six Point Agenda.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - Peoples Army (Fuerzas Armadas
Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejrcito del Pueblo) has its origins in the decade of the
1960s, during a great economic crisis in the country. This crisis was caused by many factors
such as the low prices of coffee in an international market, which triggered the rising of
unemployment and the unattended agricultural issues of the beginning of the decade,
triggering the marxist-terrorist group to rise.
This terrorist group, currently led by Rodrigo Lodoo Echeverri, also known as Timolen
Jimnez, arguments their objective is to represent the rural agricultural classes against the
imperialism of the country's wealthier classes. The FARC has been the main organization
involved in the Colombian Armed Conflict, and is known for having an army of around
18,000 men and women, including children, in combat.
In the beginning the FARC was not involved in direct drug cultivation, trafficking, or
shipment. Instead, it maintained a system of taxation on the production that took place in the
territories that they controlled, in exchange for protecting the growers and establishing law
and order in these regions by implementing its own rules and regulations.

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Around the 1990s, they expanded to trafficking and production, which has provided a
significant portion of its funding.
In 1999, FARC worked with a United Nations alternative project to make a transition from
coca production to food production. On its own, the group has also implemented agrarian
reform programs.In those FARC-EP territories that do produce coca, peasants work the land.
They usually make sure that coca growers receive a much larger share of profits and demands
that traffickers pay a decent wage to their workers.

The Six Point Agenda

This has had a great international attention due to the sensibility of the cases that the victims
suffered and the status of the former guerrilla soldiers.
Alvaro Uribe, the leader of the opposition against Santo's government, accuses that the
terrorist group will be able to avoid justice and be liberated without any consequences for
their criminal acts. Overall, the dialogues have been supported by international organisms
and many nations such as United States, but they have been carefully observed so that justice
is served to all the victims and the whole Colombian population affected by the conflict.

This six point agenda covers the following;

Land reform

The use has always been limited but they have agreed that the national government will
create a Land Fund for free distribution. The land fund will distribute (xxx) million hectares
of land in a period of (xxx) years., This meaning that the government will give subsidies to
people who cannot afford land, such as women or those dispersed by the conflict. This point
also states that the government will promote urbanization in rural places and if the peace
deal is agreed upon, the government will create mobile units of labor inspection to ensure that
employees are complying with the law and not abusing their workers.

Political participation

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

The deal mainly stresses the need for Colombia to increase political participation of
minority groups, women, and areas that have long been abandoned by the state, partly due
to the conflict.They will also implement democratic mechanisms for citizen participation,
including those of direct participation, at different levels and on diverse topics.

Illicit drugs

Colombia is number one producer of cocaine and it produces $10 billion (one quarter as
much as the country's legal exports). Drug users spend approximately $60 billion dollars a
year, according to U.S. government estimates. Moreover nearly 90% of cocaine used in the
U.S. originates in Colombia.
Both sides have agreed to create national programs to implement illicit crop substitution; this
means that drug cultivators will be granted a pardon for up to two years in which they will
voluntary substitute their crops. The government has also promised food assistance, technical
and material aid to create home gardens to this crop families.Communities will receive social
benefits like education, employment opportunities, and sustainable/secure food. The duration
of this aid is yet to be defined.
They also plan to address drug consumption with a public health approach; participatory
actions plans that are particular to each population and territory will be created. These plans
are to promote public health and prevent drug consumption through education and youth
leadership programs. Follow ups on these plans are to be accompanied by an initiative to
increase the publics knowledge about the consumption of drugs through investigations,
studies, and mechanisms to deliver this information.
Regarding drug trafficking, more effective prosecution to combat impunity and improved
strategies to detect and control illicit financial operations is included. Rural populations tied
to the production of drugs are to be treated differently than the criminal groups who run the

Rights of the victims

According to the United Nations statistics, Colombias conflict has left more than 7 million
victims. Political violence since the 1940s has left at least half a million Colombians dead.
Both the FARC and the state have admitted to crimes committed and are now negotiating
how to take responsibility for their victims. An independent truth commission was set up to

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

try to determine responsibility. Victims have been invited to the peace talks table to give their

End of conflict

The two parties discussed the disarmament of the FARC and the measures needed to help to
the reintegration of the guerrilla organizations lowest ranks.


Colombias government will ask the public to approve the peace deal in a formal vote. Once
this is done the government can formally sign peace with the FARC and all previously
arranged deals will become valid. After that government programs will be put in place to help
with the demobilization, disarmament and reintegration of some estimated 20,000 FARC
fighters and non-armed activists.

Asides from the six points and the meetings with the government, the FARC has recently
invited Miss Universe, Paulina Vega, to negotiations with the government. In January, she
said she would be willing to go to Havana so that a peace deal can be signed. FARC
responded saying they were willing to address her questions and esteem her opinions as a
valuable contribution toward peace

Internal Situation (Colombia)

As previously mentioned, the six point agenda includes: land reform, political participation,
drug trafficking, rights of victims, disarmament of the rebels, and the implementation of the
peace deal.
The agreement did not include a ceasefire because of the previous failure in past peace talks.
Speaking before a military audience in Coveas, Sucre, President Santos reiterates his
rejection of a bilateral ceasefire. As they have always taken advantage of cease-fires to arm
themselves, and to gain space, were not going to accept a cease-fire. In the contrary, the
military offense must be maintained, so we may end this conflict as soon as possible.
Recently, in December 2014, the FARC declared a unilateral cessation of fire and hostilities

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

for an indefinite period, but threats to end it if guerrilla groups are attacked by government

Colombians have had a strong opinion about the peace process mainly because followers of
the former president, Alvaro Uribe, participated in Peace Without Impunity marches in
several cities. Theyve expressed doubts and opposition to the FARC peace talks. An Ipsos
Napolen Franco poll shows 58 percent of Colombian respondents doubting the
governments talks with the FARC to succeed, up from 55 percent in November 2013. The
percentage of respondents opposed to allowing FARC members to avoid prison (65%) or to
serve in Congress (67%) is largely unchanged.

External Situation (International)

United States of America has been one of the closest and biggest contributors to the Peace
Process. They have been pushing the negotiations to go as fast as possible so that it is easier
to end the Armed Conflict but it has also brought attention to the Process because the FARC
are strongly against the United States influence in the country. During a visit to Bogot, U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerry issues lengthy and energetic public expressions of support for
Colombias peace process and for U.S. assistance during a post-conflict phase. Kerry also
echoes President Santos to "call on the guerrillas to pick up the dialogues pace", noting that
time is very important". And adding that "The longer it takes, the harder it may get. And I
would urge everybody to use time to advantage and to move, because as with any
negotiation, they cannot be open-ended.

I hope that the issue can be resolved and that negotiations restart. The Colombian people
deserve that much. The countrys prolonged conflict must end, and reconciliation and redress
must begin. The Netherlands is prepared to help implement a peace treaty on issues like
justice and land reforms. - Lilianne Ploumen

The Netherlands government is not only supporting the process by publicly expressing
congratulations but also by providing a great percentage of the budget for the negotiations.

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

The Netherlands is also supporting Colombia in improving export opportunities for its fruit,
coffee, IT and clothing sectors.

On the contrary of the U.S., Germany has not only publicly expressed its full support to the
process, but also committed and fulfilled the operations accorded in previous agreements
they signed. They will also be contributing to the credit and budget for Colombia. Chancellor
Angela Merkel explains, Two years of negotiations are a very short period of time for a
fifty-year conflict. And she announces a 75 million euro per year line of credit for Colombia
through 2016 to build peace and reconciliation.

Venezuela is a major operations base for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
(FARC); three of its seven blocks (combat divisions), the Caribbean Block, the Magdalena
Block and the Eastern Block, have presence there. The country offers the guerrillas some
major drug trafficking corridors, training, resupply of weapons and a place to escape from the
pressure of the Colombian security forces. The government of President Hugo Chavez
offered a tolerant environment for the guerrillas.
The FARCs routes for cocaine trafficking in Venezuela are controlled by the Eastern Block
and the Magdalena Medio Block, operating in Colombia across the Venezuelan states of
Apure, Tachira and Zulia. Apure is one of the main transit points for cocaine moving through
Venezuela to Europe and the Caribbean and FARC controls many shipments through this
The Caribbean Block generates significant revenues through cross-border fuel smuggling,
extortion and kidnappings in Venezuela. State control to fuel prices in Venezuela allows
smugglers to set its price dozens of times higher in Colombia. It is believed that the guerrilla
participates in the illegal mining operations in Venezuela.

Belgium and European Union:

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

President Santos had a tour over Europe during 2014 where he visited Belgium and met
European Union officials who offer public expressions of support for the peace process.
We are willing to give concrete assistance to Colombia once a peace accord goes into effect,
once the negotiations are over, says European Parliament President Martin Schultz.
Evidently Colombia has been supported in the international community for the Peace Process
despite all of the arguments stated by the opposition and Alvaro Uribe.

Latin america
Many other nations, such as, Peru, Mexico, Cuba and Chile have expressed their full
support in the conflict and admiration for the good results it has had yet.

International Response
After meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon at the General Assembly sessions in
New York, President Santos discusses the United Nations possible post-conflict role.
Anything we do with the United Nations in the post-conflict must be agreed with the FARC.



















"Netherlands Supports Colombian Peace Process." 25 Nov. 2014. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.
"Farc Invites Miss Universe to Assist in Negotiation of Peace Deal with Colombia." 7
Feb. 2015. Web. 21 Feb. 2015. <http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/07/havanafarc-invites-miss-universe-negotiation-peace-deal-colombia>.





22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015






"What Is at Stake in the Colombian Peace Process?" 15 Jan. 2015. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.
Gmez, Marisol. "Cese Del Fuego De Las Farc, el Comienzo Del Fin De La Guerra?"
21 Dec. 2014. Web. 21 Feb. 2015. <http://www.eltiempo.com/politica/proceso-depaz/cese-del-fuego-indefinido-de-farc-el-comienzo-del-fin-de-la-guerra/15003915>.
"Comunicado: Cierre De La Tercera Audiencia Con Vctimas Del Conflicto." 3 Oct.
2014. Web. 21 Feb. 2015. <http://pazfarc-ep.org/index.php/noticias-comunicadosdocumentos-farc-ep/delegacion-de-paz-farc-ep/2200-comunicado-cierre-de-la-terceraaudiencia-con-victimas-del-conflicto>





Adriaan Alsema. "Colombia peace talks. "Colombia Reports. 2014. Colombia Reports.
4/11/2015 http://colombiareports.co/colombia-peace-talks-fact-sheet/.
MAMTA BADKAR . "11 Shocking Facts About Colombia's $10 Billion Drug Industry.










22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Suggested reading on Mexico, FARC and Colombian drug trade






22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

Topic B) The current situation regarding human trafficking in

Europe and its alternative solutions taking into consideration further
Human trafficking is a global problem and one of the worlds most shameful crimes,
affecting the lives of millions of people around the world and robbing them of their dignity.
-UNODC, 2014


When hearing the expression human trafficking, most people understand a

mistaken meaning. Nonetheless, it is a term related to the whole act of modern slavery that
involves both the control and exploitation of other human beings for the obtention of personal
benefits or profits. Although slavery is commonly thought to be a problem of the past, human
trafficking still exists today in a global context. However, in the European region, it has
become an alarming situation for the population and government since the fall of
Communism. The huge transition of the region into a market economy has signified both an
opportunity and a threat for the security of the population. In the past few years, news that
include titles like Police Break Up Group Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in Europe or
Europe Reconsiders Prostitution as Sex Trafficking Booms have become common in the

Recently, after a long period of ignorance and apathy for the problem, the
governments worldwide have considered this situation as a real problem that affects not only
their population, but also their economic and political interests due to the interaction within
other nations; it is important to see human trafficking as a whole situation that has to do with
the investment of time and money of the governments and there must be further
consequences. A modern type of slavery has become the worse scenario for developed
countries that seek for their daily improvement since the media and the society have realized
that there are people outside exploiting others for money; several laws and trials have been
done but, so far, there does not seem to exist a satisfactory solution.

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Human trafficking includes victims of all genders, ages and social statuses. The purposes of
this crime vary from sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced labor, children robs, or
organ trafficking. This is one of the most lucrative illicit businesses in Europe making it a
considerable criminal business that preys on the worlds most marginalized persons. Statistics
assure that most of the convicted traffickers in Europe are male, even though some gangs
consider women to be more effective entrapping the victims by gaining its trust.

Recently, the collapse of the Soviet Union has been identified as one of the main
causes for explaining the increased levels of human trafficking in the european region. As the
situation provided new opportunities for the expansion of the population, the trafficking of
people, mainly women, started to gain more strength among the organized crime altogether
with the prostitution and corruption. Moreover, the armed conflict in the Balkans or Balkan
Peninsula have let the region to a process of militarization that ended with the trafficking of
thousands of women for commercial sex exploitation by foreign men that came for the

This committee encourages the worldwide countries to be alert and involve the
society in order to prevent further attacks and its social and economic consequences for the
communities. It is necessary to pursue the criminals and establish punishments so that the
population can achieve the expected security and health standards for their families.

Situation in Europe

With the fall of Communism, the conditions of the society in transition became the
best scenario for the commerce in humans; now, years after all this process of transition,
there exist a couple forms of human trafficking that have become primitive in the region,
result of the poverty, the corruption of the government in the problem, the rise of criminal
entrepreneurship, and the lack of opportunities for most of the people in the less fortunate
countries of the European continent such as Moldavia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, among others.
Although there exist all types of trafficking in Europe, human trafficking has been getting
stronger with the pass of the decades, and the first targets of this situation seems to

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be women. A study made with identified victims between 2008 and 2010 have shown that at
least 62% of them were women and girls involved in any sort of sexual exploitation crime.
The worst part of the situation is that there are so many different cases of trafficking that it is
barely impossible to establish a unique profile of the victims chosen by the criminal groups.
As the European Union affirmed and accepted, the human trafficking is the slavery
of our times because it attempts to the universal right of freedom of the people. When
reading this statement we may think that the actual situation in Europe doesnt affect that
much its population but, unlike the believe of some people that the victims of the european
human trafficking are mostly foreigners (which in specific situations is true), it is a matter of
fact that Europe is living a case of domestic trafficking that, by its definition, is a
phenomenon affecting the people inside the EU. According to an inform made by the
Statistical Office of the European Communities, in 2013 the 61% of the human trafficking
victims identified by the European Union proceeded from member countries; it has been
detected that in at least 11 countries of the EU, the phenomenon is occurring, being the
regions of the Central Europe and the Balkans the most affected ones.

Both regions have become the most dangerous centers of the human trafficking in
Europe, several victims are taken from there to traffic with them in Western and Southern
Europe. At the same time, even though there is a huge percentage of european victims, a
fraction of the identified victims come from the most diverse origin countries than in any
other regions. Several East Asian victims, particularly Chinese, Filipinos, Thais and
Vietnamese were detected; as well as West African, South American and North African
victims that were also identified working mostly in countries of Western and Southern

The victims of human trafficking

According to the first statistical analysis of trafficking in human beings of 2008 to

2010 carried out by the European Commission, from the 23 632 victims of human trafficking
founded, 80% of the victims were women and girls and 20% were men and boys. Women
comprised the majority of the victims; however, there still exists an important fraction of

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men, children and even old aged victims suffering the consequence of the human trafficking
in Europe. Overall, it has seemed that children victims were less common than adults for the
human trafficking in Western and Southern Europe; in the European Union, the child victims
signified about 10% of the detected victims, percentage that increases in regions such as the
Balkans, where the children are more involved in the phenomenon.

We have two poles when defining the destination of the victims of human trafficking
in the European Union. In one hand, we have the sexual exploitation of women and girls that
has been the most identified by the international media. The sex industry, in the past few
years, has increased globally; but, on the other hand, we have the men and boys victims of
the human trafficking with the purpose of forced labour and begging, sexual exploitation or
even the abduction of children for armed conflicts. It is important to clarify that the
percentage of documented men cases for human trafficking is exponentially less than the
women cases since there exists a bigger tendency for saving the women and children.

International response

The human trafficking is not an isolated problem that affects just the European
Union, it is a problem with a worldwide impact on the economics and politics of the nations.
As we stated before, some of the people used for human trafficking in the European Union
came from foreign nations and viceversa: the human trafficking flows are connected
throughout the continents. United States have taken an important role in the operational
activities for pursuing and prosecuting criminals linked to the human trafficking. Besides, the
EU's action extends from crime prevention to law enforcement and it is based on various
tools such as the gathering of reliable crime statistics and the funding of European projects or
specialist networks altogether with a couple of nations

Howbeit, as every social problem, human trafficking have had an impact on the
culture of the nations. A clear example of this is the icon of pop Lady Gaga that portrayed
human trafficking in the music video for her multi-platinum selling single "Bad Romance".
The video takes place in a white bathhouse where Gaga is kidnapped by a group of

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supermodels who drug her, put her on display, and then sell her off to the Russian Mafia for
sexual slavery.


While this phenomenon is growing bigger by the time, some of the Western and
Central European countries including Spain, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Poland
have had a legislation dealing with trafficking for sexual exploitation in place since the late
1990s, some other adopted their legislation in the early 2000s; but it wasnt until the year
2000 when the UN Trafficking Protocol was opened for signature that the legislation began
to be exercised. During the years 2002-2003, many European countries expressed their
unconformity with the problem by establishing human trafficking as a specific offense for
their nations. With this, between the years 2005 and 2008 and taking in account that human
trafficking has evolved into a handful ways of extortion, more than 10 countries including
France, Spain and Italy amended their anti-trafficking legal frameworks by modifying their
criminal code to cover forms of trafficking not previously criminalized.
The UN Trafficking Protocol or the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish
Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children created by the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime was created in order to prevent the human trafficking especially
of women and children, to protect the victims of such crime by respecting their human rights
and to have a unique law applicable for every nation. This protocol recognizes that there
exists a handful of international judicial instruments for punishing the human trafficking but
declares that we needed an universal tool that approached all the aspects involved in human
trafficking; it has 20 articles focused in aspects that go from prevention of human trafficking
to the measures taken in the frontiers to avoid these type of problems. Even though we are
talking about an international protocol, it declares that the final decisions for the punishments
are a matter of the nations themselves; so, in this case, the protocol will only serve as a very
useful tool that wont interfere with the rights and obligations of Europe.

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"Trafficking in Persons; Analysis on Europe." United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 1
Jan. 2009. Web. 10 Feb. 2015. <http://www.unodc.org/documents/humantrafficking/Trafficking_in_Persons_in_Europe_09.pdf>.

"Human Trafficking." UNODC. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.


"Human Trafficking: People for Sale." Transnational Organized Crime:Let's Put Them out of
Business. Web. 12 Feb. 2015. <http://www.unodc.org/toc/en/crimes/humantrafficking.html>.

"Regions: Europe & Eurasia." HumanTrafficking.org. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.


"Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling." UNODC. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.


Frey, Luisa. "Human Trafficking: The EU's Dirty Secret." DW.DE. 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 21
Feb. 2015. <http://www.dw.de/human-trafficking-the-eus-dirty-secret/a-17412036>.

"Trafficking Harms 30,000 in EU." BBC News. 17 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.
Trafficking in Human Beings. eurostat. 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.
Hughes, Donna. Trafficking in Human Beings in the European Union. 24 Oct. 2014. Web.
21 Feb. 2015. <http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/4/4/2158244014553585>

22, 23 y 24 de abril 2015

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