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Warren-Knight Instrument Company

>1+1S Hennett Road

Philadelphia, I'A 1'41 If, , 9 "SA

Phone: ?1'-464-9100

Entail accurao .~irrenind :?n!

I rileri~'i la+! : ww: v arre ;und .: wo

Warren-Knight 40-1300 Surveyor's Compass

The Warren-Knight Model 40-1300 Compass will outperform any Surveyor's compass ever made It is
des gnec for long-term use with ease of adiustrneni
and repair This means low maintenance costs and an
overall saving of tlme and money Compass is 6-3/8"
wide . 7-1,'2" long and 2" high with sights folded The
easy-lifting- spring tension . snug-fitting sights are 61,;2"
high when raised . sight base 7" , circle graduated
in quad-rants to half degrees
. .,.


Ball Jogrit
'erlye ::'t

Use o' jreater

MAGNETIC NEEDLE 5 - LONG - assures more precise observat+or of
distance between+ Jegiee masks
MAIN GRADUATED CIRCLE - precision graduated to half degrees Observe bearings directly with 3 limes the
precis cn of all other compasses wit's sho'i needles
ONE-MINUTE VERNIER DECLINATION - (variation ; offset scale 35' E or VV - set by precise tangent knob and
positive ;lamp Vernier makes possible to observe bearing to plus or minus 2 minutes
CARDiNA!_ D RECT!CN SYMBOLS - rotate wit*,-, graduate :: circle when declination ;s set off. Eliminates a
common source of error
LINE OF SIGHT vs indicalec declination index preasely set during assembly Designed to be easily corrected
arid reset, it comra~c ,s d+srrantl?d fc, Servir.irtig You nave a true dec'rtatior value indicated
FOLDING SIGHT BASES - are stronger write conslant-tension hinge Designed to give longer lasting adjustment
Provision to restcre a truly verlica plane of sight in event of an accident SLOPE SIGHTING - capacity nearly
twice that a' other open-sight co+masses 'J1f+Ii tirt_)erate cn 10G46 slopes Very imporlant featwe in mountainous
NEEDLE PIVOT - reaer!y removable for sharpening Re-installs adjustable for height Since a compass pivot must
ne periodically sharpened the adjustable neigh*, allows the needle to be kept in the same horizontal plane despite
the pivot being shortened f=our "epeated sharpening DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGHTS - 1*r, -2 times that of other
availaoie compasses This allows greater pointing accuracy just as a rifle can be more accurately aimed than a
BULLS EYE LEVEL - adfu5tdbl( sitiilhoui disassembimy the i+ :st, urgent
DULL FINISH - minimizes dpIrirrenlat effect of glare when used in bight sunlight COVER -flat and flush . No
raisin rim to coliert p idrtle iani7 ; revr~nt reaninry the needle) when working r the rain
OFFSET SIGHTS - 90 degree a 'Eat time-saver
inside of the cover
REMOVABLE VENTILATION ?LUGS - to eliminate moisture fogging (condensation)
wrtriout taking off cover it t7e fee r?

Revision IA
Copyright Wor"O krnrgkt lrvstri~ft r 'e, :iXtf.

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