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/* -------------------------------------------------------------mobilpay(tm) payment module for WHMCS

version 0.1
Copyright (C) 2010-2011 by Stefaniu Criste www.hangarhosting.net
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.
If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-------------------------------------------------------------- */

2011-01-04: version 0.1 - initial release

WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support solution for online
WHMCS handles everything from signup to termination, with automated billing, pro
& management. With WHMCS, you're in control with a very powerful business automa
tion tool.
mobilPay is an advanced payment gateway, which includes CC processing and SMS pa
The module presented here integrates the Credit Card payments made via mobilPay
with WHMCS.
The integration is pretty straightforward and requires minimal technical knowled
ge to implement.

Go to your mobilPay control panel at www.mobilpay.ro,
then access Admin > Conturi Comerciant > Setari de Securitate
- Write down the unique key for your merchant account "Identificator con
t comerciant"
- Also, download the public key ("Certificat digital mobilpay(TM)", name
d public.key)
and the private key ("Certificat cont comerciant", named private.cer).
Save these two files in the folder files/gateways/Mobilpay/certificates,

overwriting the existing ones. The original files are there just as an e
xample placeholder.

Customize your instance of the module

WHMCS does not include specific fields for "company" customers.
Therefore, it is very possible thet you will define some custom fields i
n your WHMCS instance.
At the moment of this module's design, we have the following custom user
fields defined in WHMCS
- customfield1 - yes/no (tickbox, checked if the client is a company)
- customfield2 - VAT number (mandatory in European Union)
- customfield3 - Company Registration Number (Numarul de inregistrare in
Registrul Comertului, in Romanian)
- customfield4 - IBAN - bank account number
- customfield5 - Bank Name
- customfield6 - personal numeric code (CNP in Romanian), for persons id
Of course, your WHMCS custom client fields may be defined in a different
Open the file "files/gateways/mobilpay.php" in a text editor (try to avo
id notepad, use Notepad++ or TexPad instead)
and modify at lines 82-86 in order to have a correct representation of t
he data.

upload the files from files folder into your WHMCS instance;
Basically, you should add the content of "files" folder (do not include
this folder) in

go to you WHMCS admin area, in Setup > Payment Gateways

In "Activate Gateway" dropdown list you should find the one called "mobi
lpay (TM)"
Activate it and set it:
- enter your merchant ID, which you should have copied at stp 1
- tick the checkbox "Use sandbox" in order to test the implementation wi
th mobilpay tech team
- MANDATORY: check [RON] at "Convert for Processing", as mobilpay only w
orks with RON (at this time)
Click Save Changes
Now you should be ready to test the payment.
Proceed with testing and watch the logs in mobilpay sandbox, along with the WHMC
S gateway log
(in Admin area, Billing > Gateway Log)
Do not use "real" invoices, as they might get marked as PAID in WHMCS.

After mobilpay approval, go to WHMCS admin area, in Setup > Payment Gateways zon
and un-check the "Use sandbox" field, so you will be redirected to the live envi


If you encounter issues on implementation, please follow the following steps:
1) RE-READ the documentation and RE-CHECK the implementation
- have you defined a merchant account in mobilpay, as described in mobilpay docu
mentation ?
- are the files saved in the proper location ?
- is the Merchant ID set in WHMCS Payment Gateway area ?
- ...
2) If nothing goes, send a message to mobilpay@hangarhosting.net
We will answer, however we cannot fully guarantee a solution.

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