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Nowadays, religion has been a great motivator and easy influencer either good or bad.

True religion is a specific fundamental system of belief, the Deity, a code of ethics, rituals
and philosophy of life. A person is attempt to be made right with God and gain His favor
when the rules and rituals are followed. Most rational thinkers ask, Is there one true religion
in the world? I cannot measure that the world has a true religion. If there is a one true
religion, I believe that Christianity is the true religion as I am a Christian. There is an
important spiritual advantage in being born into Christianity. Of course, there have been a
few people who argue that there is not one true religion in the world. If one religion is true, it
would seem that the others must be false. All religions will compete with one another and
regard the others as either best or bad.
There are numerous reasons why I hold Christianity is a one true religion. Firstly, the
Bible is Gods Word as one of the main reasons. The Bible proves itself to be true because it
is a history with accurate document. Many archaeological discoveries confirm its historical
truthfulness. Numerous civilizations, rulers and events once thought legendary by the
skeptics that have been confirmed by archeologist. Even incredible geographic events in
Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho, and Sennachareb's beat in the 7th century B.C. have passed
the test of archaeological inspection. Another evidence of the Bibles truth is in historical
records outside the Bible. Several historical records from ancient civilizations confirm the
historicity of the biblical accounts. Dr. William Albright, who is still appreciated as probably
the foremost authority in Middle Eastern archaeology, said this about the Bible: There can
be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of the Old Testament.
The historical evidence upholds the precondition that if an ancient historical work proves to

be accurate again and again in its detail, we can be confident that it is accurate on the
material we cannot confirm externally.
Besides that, the Holy Bible answers most of the questions which cannot be answered.
Where did we come from? What is the nature of the divine? What is the relationship between
the divine and us? What happens after death? How do we explain Evil? Any system is hard to
answer these questions except the Bible. The Bible has given us the most complete and
accurate answers to important questions concerning human lives.
All throughout time many have experienced the presence of Jesus Christ in their lives. It
is a true fact that Jesus Christ and the words of the Bible are stored deeply in the minds of
believers. God invites us to a personal relationship with Him. When you try to ask the people
who is following the Christian faith and studies the Bible, they will most probably answer :
the more you study the Bible, the more the world around you begin to make sense. You will
get a new understanding in all your academic studies. Besides that, there are also some
special cases that happens in our daily life, whereby people having obstacles or difficulties
such as diseases, trials or tribulations have experienced miracles after they believe the Only
God, which is Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is hard to explain about the numerous miracles
happening around the world.
Another reason is Jesus Confirmed His Claim. Jesus claimed Himself to be the son of
God. He claimed to have authority over the law, creation, sin, and death. There is some
confirmation that proved His claims. First of all is His sinless life. Jesus most intimate
companions stated He committed no sin that He needed to regret of. Paul writes of Christ,
He had no sin, but God made him bear our sin, so that in him we might share the holiness of
God. (2 Cor. 5:21) It would have been hypocritical of Jesus if He had indeed sinned and
never regret, for He taught all men about this principle. Even His enemies could find no sin

in Him. Pontius Pilate, after examining Jesus, stated to the angry mob, I find no basis for a
charge against him. The Bible declares God is holy and Jesus showed Himself to be holy as
well. Second, the confirmation is the impact of Christ on mankind. Many schools and
colleges have been built in the name of Christ than any other man, including hospitals and
orphanages, literature, music, laws and even ethical codes. Therefore, He has had a
tremendous impact on every area of customs like no one else. Thirdly are the miracles He
performed. Miracles are great evidence because it authenticates the creators authority over
His formation. Christs miracles over nature, sickness, spiritual forces, offense, and death
displayed this ability over every creation. His life is another proof that the Christianity is a
one true religion.
In addition, the resurrection of Christ also proves that He was more than any ordinary
human being. Jesus confirmed His claims to be God by rising from the death. He proclaimed
that as God He had the ability over life and death. He mentions in John 11: 25, I am the
resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will survive, even though he dies; and he
who believes in me will never die. The resurrection is another proof that His claim is true.
No one has been able to overcome death by raising himself or herself from the dead except
Him. Jesus by His resurrection proves that He is God. Thus we believe He is divine and what
He teaches is factual and trustworthy.
Some may say there is no one true religion in this world. But if that were true, the big
problem is how to find out which of the worlds religions is. Hence, I think that a true
religion must have more than one faith group that holds on to the same principles.

According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, there are 19 major world religious
groupings include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Sikhism,
Native Belief and other religion group and these religions are subdivided into approximately
10,000 distinct religions in the world. Christianity is the most popular religion and has 2.1
billion adherents. They have identified a total of about 34,000 separate groups such as
denomination, individual unaffiliated churches, para-church group, sects, and other groups. I
believe that different people with different religions are convinced that theirs is the one true
religion. For example, Muslims believe Islam is the true religion, Christians believe
Christianity is the true religion and Hindus believe Hinduism is the true religion. With
different religions in the world it becomes a challenge to distinguish which is the one true
religion. Therefore, religions are deemed through their respective followers. One
consequence of this has been the conflicts happening between people or nation of different
religion. This have been heightened and strengthen by each conviction that is conquering in
the name of the Truth Religion.
Throughout the world, it has been a normal thing for a person to embrace a religion
by virtue of birth. 99% of cases when a person is born into the beliefs of ones parents and
the area of that country of a particular religion determine the person religion. For example,
someone born into a Muslim family in Pakistan or Turkey would be a Muslim, born into a
Buddhist family in Thailand or Sri Lanka would be a Buddhist and born into a Catholic
family in Ireland or Spain would be Catholic Christian. In fact, the person will grow up being
taught and perhaps trust their religion as the one true way. Hence, it would not be helpful to
measure the faith which locates the true religion group.

A different perspective in diversity of religion is the cause there is no one true religion
in the world. Did you ever hear the story about six blind men who touch an elephant? The
first blind man touched its leg and felt that the elephant is like a pillar, the second blind man
touched its ear and felt that the elephant is like a big hand fan, the third blind man touched its
trunk and felt that the elephant is like a branch, the fourth blind man touched the tusk and
said that the elephant is like a solid pipe, another blind man touched the belly and said that
the elephant is like a wall and the last blind man touched the tail and said that its like a rope.
Actually, the diversity of religion view is like the different view when six blind men feels the
different body part of an elephant. Each of the view by the blind men is partly right whereby
the same with the view from diversity religion is partly true and only partly right. Take for
instance the three major monotheistic beliefs in the one true God in their view of God. In
Christians, Trinity who is one true God and revealed Himself as one in three Persons include
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However, Muslims reject the Trinity as a true God and they
believe that Allah and Muhammad are their prophet and true God. Besides, Muslims believe
that paradise can be earned through obedience the Five Pillars. On the other hand, the Bible
reveals that a sinful man cannot measure up to the holy God but the sinners can be saved
through repentance in Jesus. Therefore, Islam and Christianity cannot both be true because
their perspectives are different and contradicts to their believes.
A country is also the main reason there is no one true religion in the world. In Saudi
Arabia, there is 100% of Muslim population. The government claims that there is very high
probability citizens believes Islam is the true religion and theirs is the right faith group. One
consequences of this has been the restrictions on citizens freedom to select a true religion.
Muslim people turn to crime and give punishment if their citizens convert to another religion

because it is considered apostasy. The government does not permit both private and public
non- Muslim religious activities because Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country. Non- Muslim
people risk deportation, arrest and lashing for engaging in overt religious activity that attracts
official attention. Although some non-Muslim come under other auspices, but the
government still prohibits their clergy to enter the country for the purpose of implementing
religious services. So, the restrictions made it difficult for most non- Muslim to attend
services and maintain contact with clergymen. Orthodox Christians and Catholics are really
affected when they require a clergyman or priest on a regular basis to receive the sacraments
required by their faith.
Furtherrmore, different ways of human lifestyles, the cultures could also influence
people who has no religion or believes. The Chinese culture is different from the African way
of human lifestyle, which is different from the Atlantic way and the Mediterranean way.
Today these different cultures are overlapping more and more and towards a global culture.
As a result of cultural globalization, Islamic fundamentalism became a bulwark against
modernity because most secular Muslim influence of western science and technology as
harmful to the traditional Islamic values. Besides, the movements of youth generation from
the rural to urban setting also affect depopulation of youth going for prayers in the rural
setting. The arrival of Christianity also caused a significant inimical to the traditional
religious adherents in Nigeria.
Another reason is multimedia. Some people dislike other people to know more about his or
her religion. For some reason they would feel very shy or reasons like homosexuality, which
is a sin. Multimedia is everywhere. People use it for entertainment purposes. For example,

when storing, accessing, sharing videos on platforms such as YouTube. Multimedia effects a
person in such a way that it has so many videos, news and so on that some are vulgar and
very obscene. But through multimedia, it can make people get to know each others behavior
or character like homosexuality. They will give a lot of negative thinking compare to positive
thinking. So, it will disrupt peoples solid line into thinking negatively. For people under 18
years old, parental guidance is crucial. Besides, communications, technology and information
from radio, internet or television are an efficient method to spread its influence on religion
evangelism. Through these methods, religious societies use it globally for teaching and
persuading other people to become Christian and accept their belief system. Today the
multimedia can spread any faith beyond national borders even small religious movements to
attract in overseas Proselytization activities.
In conclusion, religion is a system of beliefs and there are practices in the network
associated with many things. Wherefore, Holy is something that is considered important and
produced an honor, purity and dignity. Throughout the history of life and civilization, human
are not exempted from the stick or endorsement to profess religion. Between the worlds
major religions are Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. Most of these
religions have a total common feature such as believing in existences. There is also a certain
practice believing the day of reckoning, have a legal system, have the scriptures, shrines and
others. However, there are people in this country who believe in some other teachings such as
Confucius and Taoism. Belief in God is a value that is capable of sharing to an individual.
Belief in God means that there is confidence in God as creator and man are required to
comply with his instruction based on their religious beliefs. Is there a one true religion, we
are not certain about it. It is a question beyond our explanation. There is no wrong or right,

false or true and agree or disagree. Although there could be severe answers from people of
different religions, but in the end, there is two situations whereby there is no wrong and right,
because it is a matter of accepting and not accepting.


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