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Leilani Duran

C: (720) 352-7766 E: leilanialexei@gmail.com


Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX (August 2012 - May 2015)


Senior Convergence Journalism and Spanish Double Major

SMU Founders Scholar

Member of SMU Student Foundation and Dedman Student Ambassadors

DEvelyn High School Denver, CO (August 2008 - May 2012)


Graduated in the top 5% of graduates

Texas Jewish Post (December 2014 Present)

Reporter/Writer for Jewish community events happening around the Dallas-Fort-Worth area

Profiles and Narratives

The Dallas Morning News (January 2015 Present)

Contributing blog writer for The Dallas Morning News Insider Blogs (Special Needs and

Head Lifeguard at SMU Dedman Center Aquatics (June 2013 Present)

Manages schedules and disseminates information about pool events and maintains
lifeguard certifications and conducts bi-monthly in-services to keep skills fresh

SMU The Daily Campus (August 2014 Present)

Content Producer for the student-run official newspaper of events happening on the SMU
campus, around Dallas, and worldwide.


SMU Daily Update (January 2014 Present)

Student-run newscast focusing on both local and national news.

I write stories for inclusion in the show and I help with the production of the show.

SMU Punto TV (January 2014 Present)

SMU student-run Spanish newscast covering both local and national news stories.

It helps us to reach out to a diverse group of students and communities in the Dallas area.

DEvelyn Paw Prints Yearbook (August 2011- April 2012)

I helped to create the high school yearbook by writing stories about school happenings
throughout the year such as Homecoming and student athletic participation.

Proficiency producing engaging tweets on Twitter to project information and



Proficiency using Facebook to disseminate information

Versatility in writing style: blogging, profiles, narratives, long-form stories,

newspaper style, and public relations

SEO experience

Basic HTML coding to create digital content

Expertise creating personal profiles on WordPress

Efficient utilization of Adobe Photoshop for graphics

Video Editing Proficiency using Final Cut Pro X

Video Packages Shot using Sony NX5U

Ability to use iNews

Proficient in writing and speaking Spanish

Proficiency in telling stories through audio, photography, and audio slideshows

including both audio and photos

Production Jobs Done for the SMU Daily Update and Punto TV include: Producer,
Technical Director, Server, Stillstore, CG, Teleprompter, Floor Director, and Audio


Jake Batsell- SMU Digital Journalism Professor and Former Reporter at The Seattle
Times and The Dallas Morning News
o Email: jbatsell@smu.edu

Pam Harris- Broadcast Executive-In-Residence at SMU

o Email: phackett@mail.smu.edu

Carolyn Barta- SMU professor

o Email: cbarta@smu.edu
Larry Bourg
o Physician
o Phone: (303) 947-9731

Teresa Macaulay
o IT Consultant
o Phone: (303) 909-4659

Lindsey Gavlick
o Employer
o Email: lgavlick@smu.edu

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