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Writing plan




Paragraph 1: introduce the topic.

Paragraph 2: give arguments in support of the proposition.
Paragraph 3: give arguments against the proposition.
Paragraph 4: conclusion. Give your personal opinion or summarise very briefly the
arguments in the essay.
1.- TOPIC Journalists should be allowed to investigate everything and everyone.
(for and against argumentative writing)
Nowadays there is a lot of discussion about whether the media should
be more regulated. This is happening because there have been plenty of
examples in the past when the media has behaved unacceptably. It goes
without saying that the media is against any type of stricter regulation.
It is often argued that the ability to criticise governments and
politicians is a fundamental pillar of a modern society. There have been
several times in recent history when journalists have uncovered illegal or
dishonest behaviour by governments. Probably the best example of this is
the Watergate scandal in the USA involving President Nixon.Journalists
also often do an excellent job of highlighting the hypocrisy of politicians,
and this makes society stronger and healthier.
However, there are also many reasons why the media should be
regulated. Many people are concerned about how the media often abuses
an individuals right to privacy, especially in the case of celebrities.
Despite journalists uncovering wrongdoing, if the media becomes too
powerful it can be used by certain individuals to exert unhealthy pressure
on the government and the state.
On the whole, I think the media needs to be regulated more, although
there are good arguments against it. I feelthat new rules will mean that
honest journalists will continue to do good work, while journalists who
have lower standards will be forced to change their ways.

Introduction to
the topic

Arguments in
favour of the



2.- The ever increasing use of technology in our daily lives is not always a good
thing. (Argumentative essay supporting one side of the argument- supporting hypothesis)

Technology plays an increasingly important part in our daily lives.

While many technological developments may be beneficial in the field of
medicine, for instance- there are many others whose effects are less
positive. We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the area
of information technology and in the home.

In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative

effects. The development of robotics has meant that industries such as car
manufacturing robots are replacing people. As a result, industrial
workers see jobs opportunities dwindlying further and unemployment
levels rising. Furthermore, rapid advances in information technology
mean that fewer people are needed in full-time employment. More and
more people are working from home using personal computers, which can
result in a sense of isolation. Home workers also lose the stimulus that
comes from working in direct contact with other people.
Negative effects can be also found on the domestic front. In my view,
appliances like the microwave oven or kitchen robots are devaluating
home-making stills like cooking.

Introduction to
the topic


Argument 1
supporting the
Field of work:

Argument 2
In the home:

Another example supporting this increasing risk of wrong-doing is

related to the accidental or deliberate leaking of private information. It is a
well known fact that more and more facts and figures about individuals
are being stored in data banks, which can be accessed through networds
of computers without us knowing it. This represents an ever-increasing
risk of interference in our personal lives.

Argument 3
supporting the
Personal info.

To sum up, I believe that no matter how useful and convenient it may
seem, we must deal with technology with extreme care. While it has clear
advantages there is also the danger that it could turn on us and we could
find ourselves victims of our own success.


3.- The best international language would be an artificial one. (Argumentative essay
supporting one side of the argument- supporting hypothesis )

There is and always has been a need for an international

language, and historically languages have competed with each other
for this role. The current leader in the field is English, with other
European languages following behind, but artificial languages such
as Esperanto are nowhere in sight.
At first glance, it might be surprising that the main advantage of
an artificial language is that it is easy to learn. Unlike natural
languages, there are no irregular verbs, the grammar is extremely
simple and the vocabulary easy to remember. However, while this
may seem reasonable for speakers of European languages, it is by no
means true for speakers of languages like Japanese or Chinese,
which use different symbols and linguistic concepts.
There would also be practical problems if an artificial language
was chosen as a means of communication. Most people would stand
up for English as lingua franca rather than imposing a language with
almost no speakers. People would simply refuse to learn it and no
official organisation would dare to impose a language worldwide.
Ultimately, however, the main problem with an artificial
language is related to the nature of language itself. An artificial
language is simply a set of words with no heart or history whereas a
living language is dynamic, has a literary tradition and are capable of
growing and changing. Given these obvious profiles, an artificial
language could never hope to survive.
To sum up, although the multilingual world today is not the best
scenario for communication there is no evidence that an artifical
language would make things any better or easier. It would almost be
impossible to make everyone learn this language and chances are it
wouldnt survive at all. Whatever happens in the years to come,
speakers will be the ones to determine what language they speak and
how they communicate with other cultures but it will certainly not be
under political control.

Introduction to
the topic

Argument 1 : pro and

cons balanced.
Easier language
(depends for whom)

Argument 2
Cant impose a fake

Argument 3
An artificial language
wont survive




Reason and





Emphasis or


a- Link two concessive ideas. Linkers followed by a noun phrase.

In spite of his deficiencies, he is very polite
Despite her years of study, she didnt succeed
We lost the game, despite the fact that we practiced all week.
Despite not having an umbrella, I walked home in the rain.
followed by a noun phrase or a sentence
but / yet: The book is short but / yet interestin
b- Link two contrasting ideas. Linkers followed by a sentence.
Although we were tired, we continued our journey.
(Even) though it was difficult to understand, we managed to solve the problem.
c- Linkers that introduce a new idea which marks a contrast with previously stated
ideas. Usually begin a sentence and are followed by a comma.
However ,..Nevertheless,.. Still, Yet , Even so,... On the contrary,.. In contrast,..
She was devastated. Still, she pulled herself together and attended the mass.
d- Links two contrasting ideas / paragraphs.
On the one hand ... On the other( hand)
e- Link two contrasting ideas. Followed by a noun phrase.
In contrast with (to) his previous work, his latest painting was a masterpiece.
Contrary to what you may think, I am very committed to my work.
f- Link two contrasted ideas not separated by commas.
I like to swim whereas Tina prefers to go sailing
a- Subordinate sentences introduce a sentence giving reasons.
Because As Since .Seeing that
b- Introduce a noun phrase.
Because of On account of .. Owing to Due to.
a- Introduce an infinitive of purpose.
In order to get into the team, you have to practise hart. So as to
b- Introduce a sentence.
I am studying hard so that I can pass my test. In order that
a- linkers followed by a comma .
Consequently, Therefore,.. . As a result ,..
b- linkers followed by a noun phrase
As a consequence of .. thanks to.As a result of
(So maybe followed by comma or phrase. so that followed by phrase )
We are here tonight so that we can help those in need.
a- Linkers that add ideas, followed by commas Used after a strong pause.
Moreover Furthermore.. In addition Besides What's more
b- Linkers that add ideas, followed by a noun phrase to add one more piece
of information
. As well as In addition to. Besides . Apart from except for
Introduces an example referring to previously stated ideas.
For example. For instance. Such (as)as Introduces an example, refer to the last idea.
a- Linkers that introduce an idea after a similar one. Usually followed by commas
Likewise, Similarly, In the same way, In the same manner,
- Links that enable the writer to express the same idea in a different way
In other words in short. That is to say..
Links that underline or introduce a surprising or interesting factor
Actually, in fact.. As a matter of fact.



1st paragraph in favour

of hipothesis
(topic sentence clear
idea to open up the

Adding arguments or
bring out consequences (
in whichever side)

Giving examples to justify

the argmuments given

2nd paragraph against

Expressing contrast

Finishing the composition


Connectors and guiding structures

Nowadays, today
There is and always has been the need for/interest in
It is of the utmost importance for . to be
It is well known that
There is a tendency to .
The world today seems to.
Unfortunately, the possibility of .. seems too likely to
come true In general. By and largeGenerally speaking.
At first glance.at first sight
First of all.. to start with
The problem of . poses a number of controversial
Before jumping to conclusion, it is necessary to analyse the
problem and what has caused it.
Opening sentence: simple statement of hypothesis
In addition to this.on top of that..
As a result( of this), there is a common fear that
There are other factors that contribute to this idea
Therefore, its undeniable that .
There would also be other factors to consider
As far as the first argument is concerned, we can establish a
Regarding the .. With regard to
The other main objective would be.
This is because (of) .
While on this subject, it is worth mentioning
. is another are where we may want to focus our
attention since..
It is also possible to find and reject such procedures..
It is sad/ it is a shame to realise that, in our society,
Unfortunately, . has/ is being ignored and the solution to
this problem seems unattainable.
First and foremost,
Firstly, it is important to define/make clear
Secondly, We must not forget that.
Such actions may include, for example,.
In the third place,..
Last but not least,
On the other hand, However,
Contrary to what we may expect,
Although there is considerable controversy.
Unlike other..
All in all, it is clear that..
To sum up . Of course (recap. main idea)..
Nevertheless (recap. main drawback)
In conclusion, In brief on the whole
a) a generalisation expressed through a sentence or a
Eg. The road the scientists are travelling is a dangerous
one and society should always be alert.
Eg. Who knows what the future will bring?

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