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Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf A, B, C, D atau E di depan jawaban yang benar!
In this part you will hear several dialogues or monolog. Each will be read two times. Then choose the correct answer
from five possible answers below.
1. Where does the dialogue take place?
a. office
b. cafeteria
c. class
d. fitness centre
e. boarding house

What is the woman want toward the man?

a. To go the mall with her daughter
b. To pick up their eldest son.
c. To bring their children to school.
d. To repair the car
e. To go to the market


What must fo by the students if they do not bring the glass?

a. They are not allowed to follow the class
b. They must pay Rp. 5.000,00 tp the teacher
c. They must buy the glass from the teacher
d. They must go home.
e. They must buy glass in a store.


what is the number of Flight that is delayed?

a. GA 856
b. GA 865
c. GA 765
d. GA 656
e. GA 854.


What is the announcement about?

a. Wedding party
b. Wedding anniversary
c. birthday
d. office meeting
e. religious ceremony


What is the text about?

a. Largest University in Australia
b. Famous University in England
c. Largest University in London.
d. Famous University in America
e. Largest University in Japan


What is purposed by the man?

a. He asks for a permission
b. He refuses a appointment
c. He accept an invitation
d. He asks for help
e. He offers help


What will be the mans respond?

a. So do I
b. I cant hear that
c. Oh, I got upset with her
d. That's very kind of you
e. I dont care about that


What will be the womans respond?

a. You must be proud of her.
b. Dont say about that.
c. I will not allow you
d. Please, as you wish
e. Why dont you accept the job?

10. In this part of test, you will hear some monologue. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read
five possible answer and choose the correct answer!
How many is the distance of Surakarta to Yogyakarta?
a. 65 km north east of yogyakarta
b. 100 km south east of yogyakarta
c. 55 north east of yogyakarta
d. 100 north east of yogyakarta
e. 65 north east of yogyakarta
11. Choose with picture that are suitable with the dialogue


Gas stove



12. Choose with picture that are suitable with the dialogue
Sepak bola





13. Choose with picture that are suitable with the monolog




14. Choose with picture that are suitable with the monolog




15. Choose with picture that are suitable with the monolog
baju korea



Baju india

Read the following text. The text is for question number 16 21.
Farah Mahardila
Jalan Kecubung Senja 12th




Koja, Jakarta Selatan

Ahmad Sufajri
Jalan Ir Sutami 45th
Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Utara
August 15th, 2010
Dear Mr. Sufajri
On January 15th, 2009, you came to me with a request to borrow $1,000.00 to help you get your car repaired. You
stated that you could not get to work without it and if it did not get it fixed you would fall behind on your bills. You
told me that you would have the money but that you just didn't have it all at one time. The agreement was that you
would pay me back $100.00 each month from your paycheck until the debt was paid in full. We both signed a paper
stating the details of our agreement. While I was hesitant to loan you money, as your friend I felt obligated to help
you and at the time felt certain that you would pay me back.
On February 8th, 2010, I did receive a check from you for $100.00. However since then I have received no more
money from you for over six months. The few times we've spoken you told me you would be sending payments
right away. Recently you have stopped answering my e-mails and phone calls. I can only assume that you have no
intention in paying me the remaining balance you owe.
Please send me a payment based on our agreement or the balance in full by September 1st, 2010. Otherwise I will
have no other choice but to take this to small claims court. I regret that this loan has damaged our friendship but I
am not in a financial position to just let it go.
Farah Mahardila
16. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To ask about delayed payment.
b. To complain about a product
c. To give information about claim court.
d. To ask for loan
e. To arrange a meeting
17. How is the Sufajri supposed to pay Farah?
a. All at one time
b. It will be paid at September 1st, 2010
c. By installment of $100.00 each month
d. By transfering money before September 1st, 2010
e. By paycheck before February 8th, 2010
18. What is TRUE according to the text?
a. Farah lend Sufajri money of $1,100.00
b. Both of them only had promise orally.
c. Farah did not receive money from Sufajri for about one year.
d. Sufraji only gave Farah $100 so far.
e. Sufajri borrow money from Farah to buy car.
19. ... I am not in a financial position to just let it go.
The underlined word refer to ....
a. friendship
b. financial position
c. payment
d. loan
e. balance

Read the text below. The text is for question number 20 24

Another pioneer, Paracelsus, who helped alchemy develop into modern chemistry, declared that salt,
sulphur, and mercury mixed in the proper proportions would be good for our health. He also insisted that the search
for gold should be stopped.
An important chemist in eighteenth-century in France was Lavoisier. His experiments convinced him that
burning was caused by union of oxygen with other chemicals. He called this process oxidation.
In the composed of very small particles called atoms, and that the atoms of various elements differ in their
weight. The atomic theory also states that a union of two or more atoms comprises a molecule.
At about the same time, an Italian physicist, Avogadro added the idea that a volume of one kind of gas
contains the same number of molecules as an equal volume of any other kind of gas. If both are under the same
conditions of temperature and pressure. This is called Avogadro's law.
The search for gold by the ancient alchemists has given way the search for other materials, which are not
less precious, and probably even more useful. Although in a limited way, they have also fulfilled the dream of the
ancients, to lengthen man's life.
20. The most suitable title for the passage above is ....
a . Small particles in gas
b . The search for gold should be stopped
c . Alchemy in the early nineteenth century
d . The union of oxygen with other chemicals
e . The development of alchemy as modern science
21. The process of oxidation was found by ....
a . Avogadro
b . Lavoisier
c . Paracelsus
d . John Dalton
e . Dimitri I Mendeleyev
22. Oxidation will take place if there is ....
a . union of atoms
b . a composition of various elements
c . a union of oxygen with other chemicals
d . enough gas containing a number of molecules
e . a mixture of salt and sulphur in proper composition
23. The volume of a certain gas will be equal to that of another if ....
a . one of the gases has more molecules that the other
b . the heat and pressure of the two gases are different
c . they are under the same conditions of temperature and pressure
d . both have the same heat, pressure and the same number of molecules
e . they have the same number of molecules but their heat and pressure are different
24. The effort of the ancient alchemists to change metals into gold ....
a . is only a dream
b . is something useless
c . has no relation with chemistry
d . is not the beginning of chemistry
e . has opened the way to find other useful materials.
Read the text below. This test is for question number 25 29.
What is the benefit of tourism for local people? Well, Tourism is now a huge contributor to the economies
of most countries. Tourism industries can bring money, job vacancy and advancement especially to developing
regions. However, this money often goes into the pockets of foreign investors, and only rarely benefits for local
Tourism industries will not give much benefit for local people if, for example, multinational hotel chains
don't care about the surrounding nature when they build new hotels. This can cause many social, cultural and

geographical problems. Some local people may get job and money from that International hotel chain. However in
case of missing that opportunity, some of them still have their own environment.
Moreover, some facts show that tourists tend to go, visit and spend their money in restaurants, bars and
even luxury hotels of those multinational chains. They less go to such places; restaurant, bar, hotel, shop which are
owned by local people. This can prevent the local people's business from becoming even larger.
Most important thing, tours or excursions of tourism have little effect on nature. Even it can disrupt or
destroy ecosystems and environments, and if it does, the local people will get the risk.
So the local government policies should be put in place to ensure that tourism will make the benefit
spreading widely. The policies should guarantee that tourism will not cause any harm to any local people or places.
(taken from www.ecotour.com)
25. Which of the following NOT the role of tourism?
a. It is a huge contributor to the economies of most countries
b. It can generate money.
c. It can open job vacancy
d. It can create advancement of society.
e. It is the biggest contributor of countrys income.
26. Followings are the disadvantages of tourism toward local people, except .
a. It can causes social and geographical problem.
b. The money generated from tourism goes to foreign investor
c. Local peoples business is threatened by multinational job
d. Local people can get job from the multinational business
e. Bad organization can damage natural environment
27. Followings are TRUE according to the text, except .
a. the government should ensure which tourism that can benefit local people
b. tourist tend to prefer multinational hotel than the local one
c. Te local peoples business can no longer be larger if it is suppressed by multinational business.
d. Foreign tourists like to spend their money in local bar or hotel.
e. Some local people may get job and money from International hotel chain
28. that opportunity, some of them still have .
The underlined word refers to:
a. local people
b. local business
c. multinational business
d. foreign tourist
e. International hotel.
Read the following text. The text is for question number 29 -33
During the nineteenth century, women in the United States organized and participated in a large number of reform
movement, including movements to reorganize the prison system, improve education, ban the sale of alcohol, and
most importantly, to free the slaves. Some women saw similarities in the social status of women and slaves. Women
like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone were feminists and abolitionists who supported the, rights of both
women and blacks. Number of male abolitionists, including William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Philips, also
supported the rights of women to speak and participate equally with men in anti slavery activities. Probably more
than any other movement, abolitionism offered women a previously denied entry into politics. They became
involved primarily in order to better their living conditions and the conditions of others.
When the Civil War ended. in 1865, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution adopted in 1868
and 1870 granted citizenship and suffrage to blacks but not to women. Discouraged but resolved, feminists
influenced more and more women to demand the right to vote. In 1869 the Wyoming Territory had yielded to
demands by feminists, but eastern states resisted more stubbornly than before. A women's suffrage bill had been
presented to every Congress since 1878 but it continually failed to pass until 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment
granted women the right to vote.
29. When were women allowed to vote throughout the United States?
a . In 1865

b . After 1868
c . After 1870
d . After 1878
e . After 1920
30. What is mainly discussed in the second paragraph?
a . The process of giving right to vote to women.
b . The effects of the civil war.
c . The right to vote to black people.
d . The nineteenth the amendment.
e . The Wyoming Territory.
31. What is the topic of the passage primarily concerned with?
a . Abolitionists
b . The civil war
c . Women's suffrage
d . The Wyoming Territory
e . The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment.
32. According to the passage, why did women become active in politics?
a . To be elected to public office.
b . To be famous throughout the world.
c . To amend the Declaration of Independence.
d . To support Elizabeth Cady Stanton for president.
e . To improve the condition of life that existed at the time.
33. "A women's suffrage bill had been presented to ..." (paragraph 2).
The closest meaning to the underlined word is ........
a . Freedom from slavery
b . The right to vote
c . Citizenship
d . Expectation
e . Pain
Read the text below. The text is for question number 34- 35
People can do a lot about the conditions in which they live. They should refrigerate food properly when necessary
and they should not leave food lying around because it may attract insects and rats. To avoid these pests, the proper
care of garbage is also very important. Careful housekeeping is extremely important to sanitation and good health.
People should keep all parts of the house neat and clean. They should scrub bathrooms and kitchens often.
34. The topic of the above paragraph is about ........
a . the problem of insects
b . healthy condition at home
c . the danger of insects and rats
d . the importance of clean bathrooms
e . the necessity of having a refrigerato
35. The main idea of the above paragraph is ........
a . We should clean and scrub the floor everyday
b . Rats and garbage are the main causes of disease
c . Rats and insects must be kept away from the house.
d . Healthy conditions are very important for our health
e . People use refrigerators to prevent food from turning bad.
.Read the text below. The text is for question number 35.- 37

Mexico City is growing very fast. In 1970 the city had about nine million people. Now it has over 17 million. All
these people who mostly come from the country are causing the problems for the city. There are not enough jobs.
Also, there is not enough housing. Large families have to live together in very small homes.
Many homes do not have water. They also do not have bathrooms or electricity. In addition, the air of Mexico City is
dirty and unhealthy. The smoke from the factories and cars pollutes the air of the city. All these problems make the
government work hard to make life better in the city.
36. The topic of the above paragraph is about ........
a . the problems of Mexico City
b . the growing population in Mexico
c . the reason why country people like the city
d . the poor and the unemployed in Mexico City
e . the efforts to raise people's standard of living
37. What was the mainly caused problems of Mexico City ?
a . The populated air of the city
b . The available jobs in Mexico City
c . The rapid growth of country people
d . The housing provision by the government
e . The migration of country people to the city
Read the text below. The text is for question number 38 40
The Story of Sangkuriang and Tangkuban Perahu Mountain
Once, there was a kingdom in Priangan Land. Lived a happy family. They were a father in form of dog, his name is
Tumang, a mother which was called is Dayang Sumbi, and a child which was called Sangkuriang.
One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang. After hunting all day,
Sangkuriang began desperate and worried because he hunted no deer.
Then he thought to shot his own dog. Then he took the dog liver and carried home. Soon Dayang Sumbi found out
that it was not deer lever but Tumang's, his own dog. So, She was very angry and hit Sangkuriang's head. In that
incident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar then cast away from their home.
Years go bye, Sangkuriang had travel many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful woman and
felt in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, The woman looked at the wound in
Sangkuriang's head. It matched to her son's wound who had left severall years earlier. Soon she realized that she felt
in love with her own son.
She couldn't marry him but how to say it. Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and a boat for celebrating
their wedding day. Sangkuriang had to make them in one night. He built a lake. With a dawn just moment away and
the boat was almost complete. Dayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light.
It made the cock crowed for a new day.
Sangkuriang failed to marry her. She was very angry and kicked the boat. It felt over and became the mountain of
Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.
38. Who is Tumang actually?
a. Dayang Sumbis father
b. Dyang Sumbis brother
c. Dayang Sumbis son
d. Sangkuriang brother
e. Sangkuriang father.
39. When does Sangkuriang kill his own father?
a. when he hunted in the jungle
b. on his runaway
c. on his way home
d. when he was a child
e. when Sangkurian know his real father.

40. How can Dayang Sumbi stop Sangkuriang effort in making the boat?
a. she beg to Sangkuriang for stop his effort
b. she lit up the eastern horizon with flash light
c. she run away from Sangkuriang
d. she told Sangkuriang to make another thing.

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