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Q1. How many raw apricot seeds can I consume?

First, the raw apricot seeds must be chewed and kept in the mouth for as long as it takes for
them to practically liquefy. One or two apricot seeds per hour are what should be eaten when
you have been diagnosed with cancer. The best results have come when a person eats 3-5
apricot seeds per waking hour, but you must ONLY do this with the approval and supervision
of a medical professional. If you find that you are getting nauseous, just cut the apricot seeds
in half. Slowly building up to the 10-12 apricot seeds per day. It is also a good idea to have a
little food in the stomach just before you consume the apricot seeds. Our opinion is to eat the
apricot seeds for the rest of your life like we do and tens of thousands of others around the

Can I consume raw apricot seeds if I still decide to undergo cancer chemotherapy
and/or radiation therapy?
Absolutely. We recommend even more if you're already committed to standard cancer
treatment procedures. If you are about to have an operation where the cancer cells are going to
be disturbed, it is imperative that you take the raw apricot seeds to kill any of the free cells.
Some benefits from eating raw apricot seeds: • Lowers blood pressure • Strengthens the
arteries • Targets the cancer cells

Q3. How long does it take for the cancer to die out after consuming raw apricot seeds?
The cancer cells start dying out immediately after taking the apricot kernels. With raw apricot
seeds alone, it is a slow process, because the apricot seed only contains about 2% to 3%
laetrile. For example: • For bone cancer, it takes a little longer for the laetrile to absorb deep
into the body. • Skin cancer reacts the quickest. Within one week a notable difference is seen.
In many cases complete tumor regression is achieved in less than three weeks. • Carcinomas
can take a few months to shrink. • Cervical cancer has been noted to completely regress in less
than three weeks.

Q4. Why don't medical doctors recommend raw apricot seeds?

Doctors are taught that Laetrile is not effective. On their own, they are not allowed to use it
and can only refer to their various medical books which hold the two false studies on Laetrile.
If a doctor does use laetrile, he risks losing his license and even imprisonment. After attending
years of medical school, internship, and finally working in a hospital, most doctors only want
to hear of the treatments that they're allowed to administer, even if they are not successful.
Only cancer researchers can know the truth, those that seek knowledge. Start with Mr.
Griffin's legendary book, "World Without Cancer". This book is one of a few that tell the true
story of Laetrile, and it will guide you in further research that proves the simple answers to
cancer treatment and cancer prevention.

Q5. If I roasted the raw apricot seeds will it impair the laetrile?
No. Roasting raw apricot seeds does not impair the B17, but it does destroy the unlocking
enzyme. By roasting the apricot seeds, you lose the benefits from the chemical activity to the
enzymes in the mouth, stomach, and intestines.
Q6. How much laetrile does an average raw apricot seed contain, on the average?
In the USA about 4-5mg.

Q7. How many raw apricot seeds are in an average pound?

Approximately 600-700 apricot kernels.

Q8. Where are the raw apricot seeds grown and shipped from?
Northern California, USA.

Q9. Do raw apricot seeds need any type of refrigeration?

Refrigeration is NOT required, but the freshness and potency of the raw apricot seeds will be
extended 2-3 months, if they are kept in the refrigerator. PLEASE DO NOT FREEZE THE

Q10. Where and how are the raw apricot seeds shipped to me?
It depends on the provider you choose. If you choose the provider we recommend, the raw
apricot seeds are shipped via UPS or US Postal Service from within the United States, to
wherever you reside in the world.

The raw apricot seeds are bitter to eat - is there another way to consume them other
than chewing them?
Yes. You can grind the raw apricot seeds up and put the powder on a salad, in a shake, or a
smoothie drink. There is also a way to grind the apricot seeds and put them in capsule form
that the provider we recommend has. Then you just take the apricot seeds powder like any
other vitamin or supplement you currently might be taking.

Q12. Can I find raw apricot seeds in a health food or nutrition store?
No, at least not the apricot seeds that will be beneficial to treating cancer and preventing
cancer. The raw apricot seeds in the health food stores are sun-dried or roasted apricot seeds.
These have all the beneficial enzymes destroyed. What you need is "raw" apricot seeds
which would be just like the apricot seed you would remove from a fresh apricot.

Q13. Is there an expiration date on raw apricot seeds?


Q14. Are the raw apricot seeds still in their shells?


Q15. How big are the raw apricot seeds?

About the size of a normal almond.

Q16. Do raw apricot seeds go bad or rancid after a certain period of time?
Not really. But we suggest that you place your raw apricot seeds in the refrigerator in the
meat drawer. Only remove the apricot seeds from the plastic bag when you intend to eat that
day. The apricot seeds will keep their full potency for at least 8 months. Un-refrigerated, raw
apricot seeds will stay good for about 6 months.

Q17. Should I consume raw apricot seeds with food or without food?
Normally people eat raw apricot seeds with food or just prior to having a meal.

Q18. Can I give raw apricot seeds to my pet for cancer prevention or cancer treatment?
Yes, but grind the apricot seeds up first. Then consider the size of the pet in relation to a
human and adjust the apricot seed dosage accordingly. We have numerous testimonials on
this web site stating that apricot seeds cured people's pet's cancer and their veterinarians were

If I grind my apricot seeds and then put them in capsules, how many capsules will I
need for my daily ration of 7 raw apricot seeds?
You can figure about one capsule per raw apricot seed.

Q20. If I purchase raw apricot seeds, in what manner are they packed?
Normally raw apricot seeds are sold in 1 pound plastic bags.

I don't like giving my credit card information out over the Internet. Is there any other
way to order raw apricot seeds?
You can always look for a phone number to call a provider of the raw apricot seeds or pay
them using PayPal, so you never have to give out your credit card or personal information
online. The company that we recommend has the highest reputation in the world, and it
allows people to use PayPal. This way, you never have to give out your credit card
information, if you don’t want to.

Q22. Is B17 (laetrile) or raw apricot seeds toxic to the body?

Technically, every food on the planet earth is toxic. However, when a person uses the term
"toxic" it generally means the substance is poisonous when taken in low doses. With this
definition, neither laetrile nor raw apricot seeds are toxic even when taken in high doses.
This is just another urban myth the medical establishment has conjured up to scare you from
seeking the truth and using all-natural and inexpensive natural cancer treatment methods.
Aspirin is actually 20 times more toxic than the equivalent amount of B17. But even with
aspirin, if an individual consumes a massive amount of the product, serious health
complications may result. When in doubt, take the smallest amount possible and consult a
natural medical doctor as to exactly how much you should be consuming. Dr. Neilson may
be contacted at 1-800-799-4393, 24/7. Tell his secretary that you got his number off the
www.myapricotseeds.com web site.

Q23. Can I eat raw apricot seeds and take B17 tablets at the same time?
Yes. In fact it is suggested that the raw apricot seed has vitamins and enzymes that the pure
B17 tablets don't contain.

Q24. If I consume raw apricot seeds, will they reverse the cancer I have?
It depends on the stage of cancer you're in and what type of cancer you have been diagnosed
with. Raw apricot seeds only contain 3-5mg of B17 (laetrile). Dr. Neilson says that this is
just not enough B17 to have a beneficial effect on serious stage 4 or higher cancer cases.

Q25. Can I prevent myself from getting cancer if I consume raw apricot seeds daily?
We cannot say that by eating raw apricot seeds you will never get cancer. There is no 100%
guarantee in just about anything in this world, wouldn’t you agree? We can say that by eating
raw apricot seeds daily, you drastically reduce your odds of ever being diagnosed with cancer
during your lifetime. Why do we say this?

In the remote recesses of the Himalaya Mountains, between West Pakistan, India and China,
there is a tiny kingdom called Hunza. These people are known the world over for their
amazing longevity and good health. It is not uncommon for Hunzakuts to live beyond the age
of 100, and some even to 120, or more. Visiting medical teams from around the world report
that there has NEVER been a case of cancer of ANY form in Hunza. It is interesting to note
that the average Hunza diet contains over two hundred times more nitriloside than the
average American diet. In fact, in that land where there is no such thing as money; a man's
wealth is measured by the number of apricot trees he owns.

The prince happily confirmed and then described how it was not uncommon to eat 30 to 50
raw apricot seeds as an after lunch snack. These often account for an excess of 75,000
International Units of Vitamin A per day, as well as over 150mg of vitamin B17. The women
of Hunza are also renowned for their strikingly smooth skin even into advanced ages.
Generally, their faces appear 15 to 20 years younger than their counterparts in other areas of
the world. They claim that their beauty secret is merely the apricot oil which they apply to
their skin almost daily.

It is important to know that when the Hunzakuts leave their secluded land and adopt the diets
of other countries, they soon succumb to the same diseases and infirmities including cancer,
as the rest of the world. Now, we are not suggesting or recommending that you consume 30-
50 raw apricot seeds a day. We only provide the above information as an example of a
culture that has kept itself free of ALL forms of cancer which in part is due to the
consumption of raw apricot seeds. It seems also by this example that you should consider
eating raw apricot seeds daily for lifelong cancer prevention. In the book, "World Without
Cancer" it suggests that you consume 7 raw apricot seeds a day for cancer prevention

How did Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr. discover that B17 and/or Laetrile could cure or
prevent cancer?
By 1952, Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., a biochemist in San Francisco, had advanced the theory that
cancer, like scurvy and pellagra, is not caused by some kind of mysterious bacterium, virus,
or toxin but merely a deficiency disease, aggravated by the lack of essential food compounds
in modern man's diet. One of these essential food compounds is particularly prevalent in raw
apricot seeds.

How does cancer and other diseases compare in modern man to back in the primitive
man days?
All the diseases known to modern man are unknown in primitive societies, including all
forms of cancer! Why? Because of all the chemicals and additives we pollute and corrupt our
body with on a daily basis now.

Don't all foods that we buy have the vitamins put back? I see "enriched" on all the
labels. Doesn't this mean that the food contains all the vitamins we need to be healthy?
No. These are not the same as the original vitamins. As the June 1971 Journal of the
American Geriatric Society reported: "Vitamins removed from food and returned as
"enrichment" are not a safe substitute, as witnessed by the study in which Roger J. Williams,
PH.D., reported that rats fed enriched bread died or were severely stunted due to
malnutrition...." Even senility has been proven to be caused by a deficiency of vitamins B
and vitamin C.

Q29. What is a trophoblast?

The layer of extra embryonic ectoderm that nourishes the embryo or develops into fetal
membranes with nutritive functions.

Q30. Who developed the trophoblastic thesis of cancer?

Professor John Beard suspected that there was a nutritional factor in addition to the enzyme
factor. In 1952 this "extrinsic" factor was discovered by Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., and his
famous father of the same name.

Q31. What are the qualifications of Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr.?

He completed three years of anatomy and medicine at Hahnemann Medical College in
Philadelphia. Then he pursued his undergraduate work at the University of Illinois between
1938-1941. Specializing in bacteriology, he received his Bachelor's Degree at the University
of Illinois in 1942. He did graduate work at the University of California from 1943-1945 and
later at the University of Mississippi, researching mostly in pharmacology. He is the author
of many scientific papers including "The Unitarian or Trophoblastic Thesis of Cancer", and
"The Nitrilosides in Plants and Animals". He was the science director of John Beard
Memorial Foundation.

Q32. How did Dr. Krebs, Jr. determine that B17 (Laetrile) is NOT toxic to humans?
There was only one way to do that, of course. So he rolled up his sleeve and injected into his
own bloodstream. Just as predicted, there were absolutely no harmful or distressing side

Q33. What is B17 composed of?

The molecule contains two units of glucose (sugar), one of benzaldehyde, and one of
cyanide, all tightly locked together within it.

Q34. This "locking" thing. Is there any other compound like this?
YES, Chlorine gas is also known to be deadly. But when the chlorine is chemically bound
(locked) together with sodium forming sodium chloride, it is a relatively harmless compound
known as common "table salt".

Q35. How then does B17 work to kill cancer cells?

There is only one substance that can unlock the B17 molecule and release the cyanide. That
substance is an enzyme called "beta-glycosidase", which is called the "unlocking enzyme".
When B17 comes in contact with this enzyme in the presence of water, not only is the
cyanide released, but also the benzaldehyde, which is highly toxic by itself. In fact, these two
working together are at least a hundred times more poisonous than either of them separately;
a phenomenon known in biochemistry as synergism. Fortunately, the "unlocking enzyme" is
not found to any dangerous degree anywhere in the body "except at the cancer cell", where it
is always present in great quantity, sometimes at levels in excess of one hundred times that of
the surrounding normal cells. The result is that the Vitamin B17 is unlocked at the cancer
cell, releases its poisons to the cancer cell and ONLY TO THE CANCER CELL.

Q36. Have medical doctors used Laetrile on their cancer patients?

Yes. There have been at least twenty-six published medical papers written by well-known
physicians who have used Laetrile experimentally in the treatment of their own cancer
patients, and who have concluded that Laetrile is both safe and MORE effective in cancer
therapy than traditional cancer treatment methods.

Q37. Should I supplement the intake of vitamin B17 with any other foods?
Yes. Dr. John Richardson of San Francisco, CA suggests: • Eat all edible vegetables. • Eat
them raw preferably or only cooked slightly. • Eat all fish as fresh as possible, lightly cooked.
• Eat skin free poultry. • Whatever does not fall within this formula, forget it. • Adequate
liquid intake with fresh fruit juices plain or carbonated is also required. • Vitamin C :1500 to
500mg • Vitamin E: 1200 International Units • Multi-vitamins
When was the last time orthodox medicine used its massive profits to find a cure for a
Q38. disease? When was the last time a cure for disease was found that used prescription
If you said polio, you would be dead wrong. Polio was cured by a medical doctor in the
1940’s, but the cure was suppressed because he used a form of all-natural Vitamin C, which
drug companies could not patent, control, and get rich off of!

Are raw apricot seeds, Laetrile, or B17 illegal to buy in the USA? They are banned in
North America, so what’s the difference?
No. How could they ever be? There is one apricot seed in each apricot fruit, and you can buy
fresh apricots in almost any supermarket in any neighborhood in the world. If the raw apricot
seed was illegal, the fresh fruit would be taken off the market completely! (If that ever
happens we're all in BIG, BIG trouble let me tell you!)

What it means is: If any hospital uses laetrile, the law says that they jeopardize any grants
from the government as well as any money from Medicaid and other hospital insurance
originating from the government. Since nearly all of hospital revenues come from patient
insurance, not one hospital in the U.S. will take the chance and use any banned substance
including, Amygdalin (also called vitamin B17, Laetrile, or raw apricot seeds.)

Any Doctor that wants to use the substance from raw apricot seeds must have his/her patient
fill out a form and then the doctor must submit the form to the FDA. Again, doctors don't
want to get involved in this and would rather keep their names off of the FDA watch lists.
Additionally, the doctor's malpractice insurance will not be valid if they prescribe laetrile
(B17, amygdalin, or raw apricot seeds) to a patient. The American Medical Association
(AMA) treats any doctor that prescribes laetrile as a renegade (traitorous) and as though he
has violated the AMA's membership policies and will be subject to membership termination.
Therefore any doctor that prescribes laetrile may destroy his career as a doctor. They're NOT
going to do that for ANY patient EVER!

Any individual that sells laetrile must not claim that it does anything in his place of business.
Many health food stores in the past were raided and had to give up their supplies of B17
because the B17 was near books that claimed that the B17 was the answer to cancer. In other
words, the books were near the B17 in the stores and was therefore considered "labeling"
which is a term used by the FDA. Labeling, according to the FDA, is against the law and you
can be prosecuted for it. However on the Internet, it is different.

Internet law is tricky and not the same as U.S. commercial law. In one case, Ken Kholas took
the FDA to court and won his B17 back. That court case proved it wasn't wrong for him to
have or to sell it. Bottom line TO YOU is that you can purchase, use, and have B17 or raw
apricot seeds.

Why is B17, raw apricot seeds, and Laetrile banned in the USA by the Food and Drug
Simple math...Pharmaceutical companies CAN’T PATENT IT, and if they can’t patent
something, then they can’t make tens of billions of dollars a year from it. If they can’t make
money off of something, then they certainly don’t want to at the least LOSE tens of billions a
YEAR. Because 99.9 % of people, if they knew about these mother-nature-produced-
products would no longer take the expensive drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, and have the
cancer-related surgeries! "It is estimated that if people had a CHOICE, lack of demand would
shrink Doctors and Drugs to less than 10% of its current size, with the remainder almost
entirely related to trauma related medicine. That would be a $900,000,000,000.00 (Nine
Hundred BILLION Dollars!) loss to them. They are NOT going to take this loss without a
good fight,” states Dr. Richard Shulze, N.D.

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