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0 Assessment Tools and Indicators for Entrepreneurship Education

Secondary Level - FINAL

With the following questions we are interested in getting information about you, your thoughts about school and your future
Section A: About You
1a. I am:
O Female

O Male

2a. Year of birth?


3a. Which country do you live in?


4a. What is the name of your school? ___________________________________________________

5a. Have you participated in an activity that focuses on entrepreneurship / self-employment?

O Yes

O No

6a. Do you volunteer (youth organisation or a club or other?)

O Yes

O No

7a. Are you working in addition to going to school?

O Yes

O No

8a. Were your parents born in another country?

O Yes, both

O Yes, one

O No

If yes, which country? _____________________________________

9a. Do any of your parents, or the grown-ups you live with, have a university degree?
O Yes

O No

10a. Do you plan to take a university / higher education degree?

O Yes

O No

11a. Has anyone close to you started a company? (Check all boxes that apply)
O Mother/Stepmother

O Father/ Stepfather

O Other relative

Tick the appropriate box according to how much you agree:

O Friend

O No

Strongly disagree

Strongly agree

12a. I am often the first one to suggest a solution to a problem

13a. I keep trying until I find the solution to a problem

14a. I see possibilities where others see problems

2.0 Assessment Tools and Indicators for Entrepreneurship Education

Secondary Level - FINAL

15a. Have you been in charge of an activity or a project outside school (e.g. sports, music, drama, politics)?
O Yes

O No

16a. Have you started an activity or a project outside school (e.g. sports, music, drama, politics)?
O Yes

O No

Strongly disagree

To which degree do you agree to the following statements:

Strongly agree

17a. I am confident I will succeed in life

18a. When I try, I generally succeed

19a. I complete tasks successfully

20a. Overall, I am satisfied with myself

21a. I feel I can determine what happens in my life

22a. I am capable of coping with most of my problems

Section B: About you and school

Tick the appropriate box according to how much you agree:

Not at all

In school I have been taught .


1b. How to think creatively

2b. To come up with ideas

4b. To create a business

5b. About the role of the entrepreneur in society

6b. How to evaluate a business idea


To translate ideas into action

Tick the appropriate box according to how much you agree:

Strongly disagree

I feel that

Strongly agree

7b. Teachers encourage me to participate in extra activities

8b. Teachers listen to my ideas

9b. Teachers say it is alright to make mistakes

2.0 Assessment Tools and Indicators for Entrepreneurship Education

Secondary Level - FINAL
Tick the appropriate box according to how much you agree:
Strongly disagree

Strongly agree

I understand.
10b. The role entrepreneurs play in our society
11b. I understand that there are different reasons why people
start businesses (making money, helping others, or doing
something different)
12b. I understand that some business ideas work and others

SECTION C: What you are good at

Tick the appropriate box:

Strongly disagree

Strongly agree

I am able to
1c. Deal with sudden changes and surprises

2c. Read and interpret financial statements

3c. Come up with new ideas

4c. Work under stress and pressure

5c. Estimate a budget for a new project

6c. Come up with new and different solutions

7c. Continue work despite problems

8c. Control costs for projects

9c. Find new ways of doing things

Tick the appropriate box:

Strongly disagree

I am able to

Strongly agree

10c. Work together with other people

11c. Create a project plan

12c. Form partnerships in order to achieve goals

13c. Actively participate in team work

14c. Set project goals

15c. Network (i.e. make contact and exchange information

with others)

16c. Promote my own ideas and opinions when working in a


17c. Structure tasks in a project

18c. Establish new contacts

2.0 Assessment Tools and Indicators for Entrepreneurship Education

Secondary Level - FINAL

SECTION D: Your future career

Tick the appropriate box according to how much you agree:

Strongly disagree

I would like to have a job that allows me to

Strongly agree

1d. Solve problems in new ways

2d. Work on my own ideas

3d. Define my own tasks

Tick the appropriate box according to how much you agree:

Strongly disagree

Strongly agree

4d. I often think about starting a business

5d. I have business ideas I am going to implement

6d. My goal is to become an entrepreneur

7d. Have you, on your own or together with others, started a business in the past?
O Yes

O No

8d. Do you, on your own or together with others, operate a business today?
O Yes

O No

9d. Are you at the moment trying to set up a business?

O Yes

O No

In general, starting a business is...

10d. Worthless


11d. Boring


12d. Negative


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