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SQL Server Column Level Encryption Example using Symmetric Keys

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SQL Server Column Level Encryption Example using

Symmetric Keys
By: Nitansh Agarwal

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Related Tips: More > Encryption

Financial firms have sensitive data including credit card numbers, social security numbers, financial history, etc. Based
on the sensitivity of the data, it needs to be secured and protected from unauthorized access. With data stored in
tables, you have a few options to protect data. First, you can protect the data using views. Second, we can also assign
column level permissions to users. Are there any other options available? Can I use database encryption? Can I
encrypt only a column in my table or do I need to encrypt the whole database? Check out this tip to learn more about
column level encryption.

An important option to be considered during restricting unauthorized access to data is to encrypt data so that even if
somebody was able to reach to data it is not discernable by a simple query. Since critical information like credit card
numbers are stored in column or two, it does not make sense to encrypt the complete database or database files. In
this tip I will walk through the processes of encrypting a column in a table which contains credit card information of
customers of XYZ company by using SQL Server symmetric key encryption. SQL Server has an encryption hierarchy
that needs to be followed in order to support the encryption capabilities. We will follow the same hierarchy in the
subsequent steps of this tip.

Step 1 - Create a sample SQL Server table

Let's use an example where we create the dbo.Customer_data table which contains credit card details for customers.
Our task is to protect this data by encrypting the column, which contains the credit card number. I will populate it will
some sample data as shown below.
USE encrypt_test;
-- Create Table
CREATE TABLE dbo.Customer_data
(Customer_id int constraint Pkey3 Primary Key NOT NULL,
Customer_Name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
Credit_card_number varchar(25) NOT NULL)
-- Populate Table
INSERT INTO dbo.Customer_data
VALUES (74112,'MSSQLTips2','2147-4574-8475')
INSERT INTO dbo.Customer_data
VALUES (74113,'MSSQLTips3','4574-8475-2147')
INSERT INTO dbo.Customer_data
VALUES (74114,'MSSQLTips4','2147-8475-4574')
INSERT INTO dbo.Customer_data
VALUES (74115,'MSSQLTips5','2157-1544-8875')
-- Verify data
FROM dbo.Customer_data

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Step 2 - SQL Server Service Master Key

The Service Master Key is the root of the SQL Server encryption hierarchy. It is created during the instance creation.
Confirm it's existence using the query below. If it does not exist we need to manually create it. Read more about
service master key here.
USE master;
FROM sys.symmetric_keys
WHERE name = '##MS_ServiceMasterKey##';

Step 3 - SQL Server Database Master Key

The next step is to create a database master key. This is accomplished using the CREATE MASTER KEY method. The
"encrypt by password" argument is required and defines the password used to encrypt the key. The DMK does not
directly encrypt data, but provides the ability to create keys that are used for data encryption. It is important that you

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SQL Server Column Level Encryption Example using Symmetric Keys

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-- Create database Key

USE encrypt_test;

Step 4 - Create a Self Signed SQL Server Certificate:

The next step is to create a self-signed certificate that is protected by the database master key. A certificate is a
digitally signed security object that contains a public (and optionally a private) key for SQL Server. An optional
argument when creating a certificate is ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD. This argument defines a password protection
method of the certificate's private key. In our creation of the certificate we have chosen to not include this argument;
by doing so we are specifying that the certificate is to be protected by the database master key. Read more on about
SQL Server certificates.
-- Create self signed certificate
USE encrypt_test;
WITH SUBJECT = 'Protect Data';

Step 5 - SQL Server Symmetric Key

A symmetric key is one key that is used for both encryption and decryption. Encryption and decryption by using a
symmetric key is fast, and suitable for routine use with sensitive data in the database. Read more about SQL Server
Symmetric Keys.
-- Create symmetric Key
USE encrypt_test;

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Step 6 - Schema changes

An Encrypted column can only be of datatype varbinary and since the column we want to encrypt is of datatype
varchar, we have to create a new column and populate it with encrypted values.
USE encrypt_test;
ALTER TABLE Customer_data
ADD Credit_card_number_encrypt varbinary(MAX) NULL

Step 7 - Encrypting the newly created column

To encrypt the data we will use the encryptbykey command. Below is a sample code which can be used to encrypt the
data. Please note that symmetric key needs to opened before we can encrypt data and be sure you manually close the
key else it will remain open for the current session.
-- Populating encrypted data into new column
USE encrypt_test;
-- Opens the symmetric key for use
UPDATE Customer_data
SET Credit_card_number_encrypt = EncryptByKey (Key_GUID('SymmetricKey1'),Credit_card_number)
FROM dbo.Customer_data;
-- Closes the symmetric key

Below is an example of the encrypted data.

Step 8 - Remove old column

To finalize this process, let's remove the old column so that the table is left only with the encrypted data.
USE encrypt_test;
ALTER TABLE Customer_data
DROP COLUMN Credit_card_number;

Step 9 - Reading the SQL Server Encrypted Data

Let's take a look at an example of reading data using the decrypt by key option. As we indicated before, make sure you
open and close symmetric key as shown earlier. Read more about the decrypt by key option.
USE encrypt_test;
-- Now list the original ID, the encrypted ID

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SQL Server Column Level Encryption Example using Symmetric Keys

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-- Close the symmetric key


Here are the results from the query:

Step 10 - Adding Records to the Table

Below is the sample code to insert values into the newly created encrypted column.
USE encrypt_test;
-- Performs the update of the record
INSERT INTO dbo.Customer_data (Customer_id, Customer_Name, Credit_card_number_encrypt)
VALUES (25665, 'mssqltips4', EncryptByKey( Key_GUID('SymmetricKey1'), CONVERT(varchar,'4545-58478-1245'

Below are the results from the table after the insert statement.

Step 11 - Accessing the Encrypted Data

All the read access users will see the encrypted values while they do a select on table. A user need to have permission
to symmetric key and certificate to decrypt data, if they still try to decrypt then they will receive null for encrypted
values. However they do not receive any errors. In the below sample code I am running select in context of a user
'test' which has only read access on DB.
Execute as user='test'
SELECT Customer_id, Credit_card_number_encrypt AS 'Encrypted Credit Card Number',
CONVERT(varchar, DecryptByKey(Credit_card_number_encrypt)) AS 'Decrypted Credit Card Number'
FROM dbo.Customer_data;

Below you can see from the image below, the test user is not able to access the encrypted data.

Step 12 - Grant Permissions to the Encrypted Data

Permissions can be granted to a set of users to decrypt and read data using the commands below.
GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON Certificate::Certificate1 TO test;

Next Steps
In the above steps we have learned how to encrypt a data column. The same concept can be used to encrypt
employee salaries, social security numbers, customer phone numbers, etc. So check out your data to determine
what should be encrypted.
Keep in mind implementation of column level encryption needs schema modification.
Reading from an encrypted column is resource intensive and lowers the overall performance of database, hence
that should be considered as well.
The element of data that is encrypted remains in that state, even when recalled into memory.
Read more Encryption Tips.

Last Update: 11/22/2011

About the author

Nitansh Agarwal is a lead with 4+
years of extensive experience in
database administration where he
handles large critical databases.

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SQL Server Column Level Encryption Example using Symmetric Keys

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Thursday, February 19, 2015 - 12:14:53 PM - Jose

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Not sure if I am missing something but above permissions are not enough for a regular user to be able to see the
encrypted data. This one is missing:

With that.... then user "test" is able to see the encrypted data. And this is because we are using a certificate. Without
a certificate I think GRANT CONTROL is not needed.

Monday, January 05, 2015 - 6:28:27 PM - Lauren Glenn

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Ogn Nik:
Chances are that it's very intensive because it is basically doing a table scan. For my purposes, I used a separate
criteria and then wrote them into a temporary table doing the comparison after the fact (or with a USING). To be
honest, I wouldn't encrypt the usernames and would solely encrypt the passwords (or just use hashes which mask the
data and make it easy to compare. With that, you can search for an indexable field (username) and then take that
result data to use the decrypt process on it (which would be a bit faster).
As secure as you want it to be, you don't want it to be so secure that it becomes something that is tedious or counterproductive.
This should be used on resulting data that doesn't require you to decrypt and then compare. The WHERE clause gets
executed on the results from the FROM and the fields returned are done after that. So, use the decrypt part there
and leave the WHERE for things that you can index. You can return the decrypted data in the fields and then take
that result to return to your program.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014 - 1:25:30 AM - Max

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select Password, UserName from aspnet_Membership, aspnet_Users where UserName='Max';

I have used this and it gives me a responce of d6mSTRfbTz0q0V7jTgyvBSm2NoU= this code contains the password :

I have tried to use pwdcompare and pwdencrypt, none of them work, not even the hashbytes helps at all, all I have
done is use ASP.NET membership tool, the aspnet_regsql.exe and made the databse in MS SQL 2012 and linked it to
the local website which has a connection string in the web.config file. all i wanted to do was for eg, when a user
enters a password say password it gets compared.
if the UserName is Max and password is password. then the user enters Max in the Username textbox and the

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SQL Server Column Level Encryption Example using Symmetric Keys

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database but before that happens it will have to be hashed and salted? so it matches using the
pwdcompare('password', Password_column) in the database? I thought of making it clear text I know that will work...
but where is security...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014 - 4:29:10 PM - Urvashi Saxena

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Nitansh, do you have any experience with third-party column encryption (data masking) tools like IRI
FieldShield and how do they compare with the built-in for SQL?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 4:12:40 AM - prakash

Read The Tip

hi all,
i have successfully encrypted and decrypted the data in the sql server
and i have one more requirement what about the searching by like query
is it supported when we use encrypt and decrypt if a column

Wednesday, October 01, 2014 - 1:23:30 PM - Ogn Nik

Read The Tip

I found a workaround but one that I'm afraid isn't scalable. I'm hoping that you can help me find the best way to
accomplish this...
Instead of ENCRYPTING the Request.Form submission and comparing it to the VARBINARY string in the DB, I found
that if I flipped them and compary the Request.Form submission the the DECRYPTED VARBINARY string in the DB, it
I think this is probably much, much more labor intensive for the DB and probably not scalable.
Can you tell me if there is a way to compare the ENCRYPTED Request.Form submission with the VARBINARY string in
the DB instead of the other way around?
Many, many thanks in advance! All best, Ogn Nik

Wednesday, October 01, 2014 - 12:49:34 PM - Larry

Read The Tip

Hi Nitansh,
Nice article! I have a question that I can't seem to find an answer to on the web... When I'm inserting (or updating
for that matter) a table row with multiple columns that need to be encrypted, is EncryptByKey efficient enough to just
specify the parameter variable even when the variable's value is NULL, or would it be more efficient to use a CASE
statement, and when the parameter variable value is NULL, simply store NULL, otherwise do the EncryptByKey
function against the parameter variable value?
I've got about 20 columns in my table that need to be encrypted, but there is also the chance that many of them will
contain NULL (columns defined to allow NULLs, obviously). Just wondering if I didn't use CASE that the overhead of
doing the EncryptByKey on multiple columns could be more "expensive" resource-wise when it's a NULL value, or
doesn't it really matter?

Wednesday, October 01, 2014 - 2:57:27 AM - Ogn Nik

Read The Tip

This article was hugely helpful. Thank you!!

I have implemented everything in ASP Classic with VBScript but I have not been able to use the "EncryptByKey"
funciton in the WHERE portion of a SELECT statement.
For example, I have encrypted my username field but I cannot use EncryptByKey to match it with the user's entry.
Here is my code. I would be very grateful if you could tell me where I am going wrong.
AccountFinder.Open "OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY SymmetricKey1 DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE Certificate1;
SELECT *, CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), DecryptByKey(FName_encrypt)) AS 'FName_Denc', CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX),
DecryptByKey(MName_encrypt)) AS 'MName_Denc', CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), DecryptByKey(LName_encrypt)) AS
'LName_Denc' FROM Accounts WHERE Username_encrypt = EncryptByKey( Key_GUID('SymmetricKey1'),
CONVERT(varbinary,'" & Request.Form("Username") &"')) AND Password = '"& strEncodedPassword &"'; CLOSE
SYMMETRIC KEY SymmetricKey1;", OBJdbConnection
When I encrypt the user's submission of the Username, it does not match or cannot match the encrypted Username in
the DB. I am very confident that these values should match.
If I am correct, then there is something wrong with how I am using the EncryptByKey function.
Please advise. Many, many thanks in advance! All best, Ogn Nik
Monday, September 22, 2014 - 11:45:24 AM - Ameena

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I found the solution. Test user can see the encrypted data when used with open symmetric key and close symmetric

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SQL Server Column Level Encryption Example using Symmetric Keys

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GRANT control ON Certificate::Certificate1 TO test1;
Even after granting control permission, tes1 user sees NULL in the decrypted column. Any suggestion would be most

Friday, February 14, 2014 - 11:21:30 AM - mario

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is there a way to encrypt an int column instead of varchar. I did try to do that but I received an error Argument data
type int is invalid The thing is that in my application I need to keep that column as int because I need to apply the
sum function on it after decrypting it and I dont want data inside that column to be exposed.
Thank you in advance for your help or suggestion

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - 11:26:12 AM - Ravi A

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User 'test' will need control permissiosn on Cettificate 1. Below code will work.
GRANT control ON Certificate::Certificate1 TO test1;

Saturday, September 28, 2013 - 9:09:39 AM - Srinivas

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Hi All,

I have 2 columns in one table, its datatype are numeric(18,0),datetime when i am going to encrypt these column im adding columns with
same datatype it is giving error when the time of updation and I am tried with varbinary(256) also it is giving the same error.
The error is
Argument data type numeric is invalid for argument 2 of EncryptByKey function .
I am using SQL Server 2008r2 Enterprises edition . Please give me the solution for this how to encrypt the columns which i have
mentioned. Is encryption will not work on these datatypes?
Thanks in advance
Srinivasa Babu Doosa

Tuesday, July 23, 2013 - 2:13:39 PM - pratik

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Great article..
I was just wondering about , if I am normal user , who can create a database..in sql server...can also perform this
steps..and do the column level encryption.?
and if this is possible , can restrict my co-workers(we are working on same server, everybody log on with their
windows authentication policy), who has the same access as me, to reach out certificate and keys..
Please let me know.

Friday, July 05, 2013 - 2:49:12 PM - Alex

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Thank you! Great job on this article. It helped me accoplish something I had not done before.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013 - 12:19:20 PM - Eesha Jayaweera

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Thanks a lot for this article

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 4:48:00 AM - Pavan

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Hi Nitansh
Am getting NULL values after restoring the DB in another server. Is there any work around to get rid of this issue

Saturday, December 01, 2012 - 4:44:36 AM - Surekha

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USE encrypt_test;
-- Now list the original ID, the encrypted ID
SELECT Customer_id, Credit_card_number_encrypt AS 'Encrypted Credit Card Number',
CONVERT(varchar, DecryptByKey(Credit_card_number_encrypt)) AS 'Decrypted Credit Card Number'
FROM dbo.Customer_data;

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SQL Server Column Level Encryption Example using Symmetric Keys

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i get NULL in 'Decrypted Credit Card Number' when i execute the above but i get


'Encrypted Credit Card Number',

actually i need the data encrypted or decrypted to compare the datas

my database has a encrypted column , when the uses sends tht data i need to compare user data with the encrypted column data
but not able to get it

Friday, December 16, 2011 - 2:20:28 PM - Nitansh

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Thanks for your comments Brian.

Friday, December 16, 2011 - 1:42:59 PM - Brian White

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"do you have a method for backup and restore those keys ?"
You can back up the cert and its key together. There is Restore Certificate too.


FILE = 'c:\MSSQL\DATA\SQLPrivateKeyFile',

Friday, December 16, 2011 - 1:37:52 PM - Brian White

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You should be quite concerned about the index impact. Do not use this technique on a column that will be searched
by. Like do not expect to be able to search for card number 4111-1111-1111-1111 efficiently. If you want to you
need to either decrypt every row in the table, or encrypt 4111-1111-1111-1111. Notice the VARBINARY(MAX)
datatype that you are limited to for encrypted columns. You can't index varbinary(max) even if you wanted to. So all
table scans all the time.
If you don't search by card number, but just search for cards belonging to user id 999, then this will be fine. But
having more than one column you're selecting be encrypted can cause more and more slowness. So if first you do
card number, then you need to do other personally identifiable info, consider a different technique.
We actually do our card encryption in the ui code layer. The reason being that that way we can make it so that no
single person is able to get card numbers from the database. In the examples given you have some protection in that
if some outside person stole your database they wouldn't be able to read the card numbers. But a dozen+ devs and
IT types would be able to decrypt all the cards and pocket them the day before they quit the company. So from a PCI
perspective, it is not a sufficient technique. That also means that if we want to search for 4111-1111-1111-1111, the
ui layer encrypts it, then passes in the encrypted string, and the underlying encrypted card number column is a
regular varchar(255) column that is indexed and searchable. With encryption you need to know the algorithm, the
encryption key, and the salt. You can break the pieces apart, so that server admins can set an encryption key or a
salt in a place that devs can't access, like a file, or in the registry or something else outside of the source code tree.
Then neither the devs nor the server admins know enough to decrypt the cards, it would take them getting together
to conspire to steal the data. Which is orders of magnitude less likely than one bad apple.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - 1:22:59 AM - Daniel

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What happens if the server is dead and you want to restore from backup to another server ?
you dont have the certificate or encryption key...
do you have a method for backup and restore those keys ?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 11:03:05 PM - Nitansh

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Mike, there would be performance degradation if the table has high data volume and the query is fetching a lot of
rows since SQL Server has to decrypt values in all the rows. Regarding, Indexing encrypted data - normal clustered or
non-clustered index will not work. Queries which refer to encrypted data in where clause should be avoided and they
should be run with reference to primary key value in the table. This will make the search faster.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - 3:53:32 PM - Mike

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Nice Article and it looks worth implementing. I am concerned about db performance issues. Can I index encrypted
data to improve performance?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - 2:37:44 PM - Sim

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Great Article. Thanks for sharing.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - 11:45:28 AM - Nitansh

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SQL Server Column Level Encryption Example using Symmetric Keys

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - 8:36:54 AM - Deep Pandey

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Great ! Thanks for sharing ..

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