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10 Fakta tentang Pembiayaan Kesehatan

Jutaan orang terserang penyakit dan mati karena tidak memiliki duit untuk berobat. Yang lain tidak mampu
membayar karena perlu pembiayaan rutin. 100 juta orang menjadi miskin karena mereka berusaha
membayarkan biaya kesehatan mereka.
Pelayanan kesehatan yang murah dan terjangkau adalah harapan semua orang. Namun apa dikata semua
hanyalah sebuah teori. Penduduk tua semakin bertambah, penyakit kronis meningkat, serta peralatan
kesehatan yang baru dan mahal merupakan isu yang terus menghantui seluruh menteri kesehatan di dunia.
Sepuluh fakta berikut ini merupakan gambaran singkat dari kesimpulan laporan WHO tahun 2010 tentang
benang kusut pembiayaan sektor kesehatan.
1. Jutaan tidak mendapatkan layanan kesehatan karena tidak mampu membayar.
In some countries for example, women in the richest 20% of the population are up to 20 times more likely to
have a birth attended by a skilled health worker than a poorer woman.
2. Tiap tahun, 100 juta orang jatuh miskin karena membayar layanan kesehatan.
In some countries, 5% of the population is forced into poverty every year because they have to pay for health
services when they receive them.
3. Perubahan kecil dalam kebijakan alokasi anggoran kesehatan mampu memberi perubahan besar
If 49 of the worlds poorest countries allocated 15% of their government spending to health, this could almost
double their government health expenditures. In total this would represent an additional US$ 15 billion per
year for health.
4. Efesiensi penerimaan pajak dapat memberi manfaat bagi sektor kesehatan.
In Indonesia for example, clear and consistent regulations and a policy of zero-tolerance for corruption
increased tax yield from 9.9% to 11% over four years; health spending benefited more than other sectors.
5. Mencari sumber pendapatan kesehatan yang baru dan memperkuat sumber pendapatan kesehatan
yang lama
For example, a 50% increase in tobacco tax would yield US$ 1.42 billion in 22 low-income countries
allowing health expenditures to increase by around 10% or India could raise $US 370 million per year by
implementing a 0.005% levy on foreign exchange transactions.
6. Negara kaya harus pegang janji
If all countries were to immediately honour their overseas development assistance pledges, more than three
million lives would be saved by 2015.
7. Tekankan Asuransi Kesehatan
Currently, 27 countries from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) cover all
their citizens with health services from pooled funds supplemented with limited direct out-of-pocket
8. Efisien guna menigkatkan cakupan kesehatan
Typically between 2040% of health spending is wasted, depriving many people of badly needed care.
Overpaying is one form of waste, for example, in some places medicine prices are up to 67 times the
international average price leading to less money for other health services.
9. Jangan tinggalkan obat generik
Frances strategy of using generic medicines instead of brand name ones, for example, led to savings
equivalent to US$ 1.94 billion in 2008.
10. Separuh sampai 3/4 pembelajaan kesehatan hanya digunakan untuk rumah sakit.
Globally, almost US$ 300 billion is lost annually to hospital-related inefficiencies. By being more efficient,
hospitals could achieve 15% more than they do now without spending any more.
Dimikianlah nyanyian merdu di sektor pembiayaan kesehatan. Semoga perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik
merupakan doa yang terkabul di tahun 2011 ini.

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