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ISSN 2277-8616

Judicial Commission Supervision For Judges

Behaviour In Independent Judiciary
Firman Umar
ABSTRACT: The study aims to identify and explain the relevance of the substantive law of the Judicial Commission in conducting supervision to judges
with the principles of independent judicial power, including the models used in monitoring the behavior of the Judicial Commission judges, and the
impact of monitoring the behavior of judges. The study was conducted in Jakarta, the place of the Judicial Commission, as the targeted institution,
because it focuses in supervising the activities of judges of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional. The type of research is empirical legal research
through the three-level approaches of philosophy, dogmatic, and theoretical laws. The research sample was determined by purposive sampling
technique. Data collection instruments used where interviews and documentation collection then analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study revealed
that the substance of the law governing the authority of the Judicial Commission to supervise the activity of judges is broadly in line with the principle of
independent judicial power, except the setting of membership composition and procedures of decision making of Honorary Judges. This is potentially
affecting the independence of the judicial power. Judicial Commission applies the eclectic model of supervision, by combining the model of supervision;
preventive (but not include the recruitment, promotion and transfer), limited repressive, and limited external supervision models (external quasi). The
Model of Judicial Commission monitoring for the behavior of judges is not included in the checks and balances surveillance. The Supervision of the
Judicial Commission for activity of judges is not implemented significantly in the form of supervisory authority (especially the preventive acts), the
application of sanctions toward judges who violate the KEPPH, human resources (quantitatively), and yustisiabelen sound impact. It is recommended to
the government and the Parliament to change the Article 22F par. 2 on the composition of 4 Commissioners and 3 justices to 3 Commissioners, 3
justices, and 3 elements of the society. Also, it is recommended to amend the Law No.18 of 2011 to expand the Judicial Commission oversight duties
including the recruitment, the promotion, the transfer of judges, and in order to confirm the existence of the Judicial Commission as an external
supervisor. The consequence is that the place of the Judicial Commission should be moved to outside the chapter of the judicial authority. In order to
improve more on the effectiveness of supervision the activity of judges, it is necessary to have capacity building on the Judicial Commission. It is
recommended to the government and parliament to significantly increase the budget of the Judicial Commission. Also, the Judicial Commission should
improve more on the coordination, cooperation with the Supreme Court so that recommendation on more sanctions is effective.
Keywords: Monitoring the behavior of judges, the Judicial Commission, independent judiciary power.

Indonesia is a law-based country, as stated in the constitution
and various legislations. As its name, the country is not ruled
by men but by law because rights of the people are fully
guaranteed by the state. On the other hand, it is the
obligations of the people to be subjected and obey all
regulations and laws. The explanation of the State law is
rooted in the belief that the power of the state should be run on
the basis of good and fair law.1 Essential and universal
principle in the state law is recognized and guaranteed as an
independent judiciary. The idea of the independence of the
judiciary was known since the idea of the democracy and
constitutional state, which emerged in the Enlightenment in the
Western world. "Judicial independence is a pillar of state
law".The independence of judges and the judiciary as a
safeguard of the rule of law reflected in the basic principles on
the independence of the judiciary". The principle of
independent judicial power in Indonesian law states is not only
at the level of abstract theory, but it has become an integral
part of positive law. Judicial independence as constitutional
requirements that then outlined in the organic law is one
essential aspect, even fundament element of Indonesian law.


Firman Umar. Department of PPKn FIS Makassar

State University (UNM), Makassar, 92113
Email: firman.umar41@yahoo.co.id

Organization of independent judicial power is not in a vacuum,

but are vulnerable influenced by various factors, then to the
Supreme Court was given the authority to conduct internal
control. In empirical reality, internal control is not effective.
Therefore, in order to maintain the independence of the judicial
power of the 1945 amended Constitution, it is formed a new
agency which one of its authority is to monitor the behavior of
judges. The substance of the laws governing the
implementation of the authority of the Judicial Commission, in
particular the supervision of the conduct of judges should
always be in line with the principle of independence of the
judicial power as a universal principle, and in terms of ius
constitutum that has been guaranteed in the Constitution NRI
of 1945, the Judicial Authority Law, and the law of the
Supreme Court. It appears that based on a preliminary
analysis, some normative formulation supervisory authority of
the Judicial Commission has great potential is not in line with
the principle of independent judicial power, including about the
Honorary Council of Judges (MKH). Empirically, in the
practice, Judicial Commission is confronted by various
obstacles such as the existence of differences in the extent of
the authority of Judicial Commission that shall supervise the
conduct of judges whether the technical concerns of judicial or
non-judicial. During 2009, the Judicial Commission has
imposed sanctions on for 16 judges to the Supreme Court.
Recommended sanctions for judges by the Judicial
Commission of the Supreme Court responded by sending a
reply letter to the Judicial Commission. Of the 16 judges
recommended, only 4 judges could be followed for alleged
violations of the code of ethics and code of conduct of judges.
The rest is considered as technical fault in judicial,
administrative and financial mistakes that sanctions are taken
over by the Supreme Court. In fact there are 3 people judge
recommended sanctioned by the Judicial Commission
declared a purely technical mistake judicial correction process



through judicial mechanisms on it. In the span of nine years

since of its inception (2005-2013) complaints of alleged
violations of KEPPH is reaching 7146 reports with an average
of 794 reports per year. It is a relatively large amount. From
the above discussion, there is a tendency that the substance
of the laws governing the supervision of the judge's behavior
could potentially affect the principle of the independence of
judicial power, by meaning that the control model of the
Judicial Commission on the activity of judges is not effective.


The understanding of the State law is rooted in the belief that
the power of the state should be run on the basis of good and
fair law. Independent judiciary is a universal ideology of the
present and future. It is an ideological conception that sparked
the revolution that coincided with the flow "trias politica". In the
modern state system, judicial authority is a branch of
organized activities of the state. In the doctrine triad politics,
meaning separation of powers and the doctrine means a
power sharing, where justice is placed as an independent
branch of state power. Independence of the judicial authority
or independence of judges is also a universal principle
anywhere and anytime. This principle means that in carrying
out justice and the judge essentially free to examine and
adjudicate cases and free from interference or extra-judicial
powers to intervene. So basically in check and judge, judges
are free to determine their own ways and adjudicates. Unless
it is basically no parties, both the boss and the judge
concerned extra judicial proceedings that may interfere with
the judiciary. Judicial independence implies that in carrying out
justice, judges are free from the interference of extra-judicial
powers, both executive power and legislative power and other
extra-judicial powers in society, such as the press, and political
power and influence of the litigants. Judicial independence is
defined as independence or freedom, in the sense of the
presence of complete freedom and the absence of intervention
in the judicial power, it includes three things: (1) free from
interference of any power, (2) clean and integrity, and (3)
professional. The independence of judges is free from any
pressure in deciding the case, both in implementing the
provisions of the legislation as well as career. The regular
judges are free, that is, they are subject only to the law and
not subject to orders or instructions of a judicial or
administrative higher organ. At the final destination, both
control and state laws have a clear direction that is a means to
realize the people's welfare and social justice which is the
main goal of the state law and the law of the country that holds
the principle of constitutionalism that become the basis of the
constitution. According Lotulung: "supervision or control is an
attempt to avoid the occurrence of errors, either intentionally
or unintentionally, as a preventive, or also to fix the error when
it occurs, as a repressive". George R. Terry: "Control is to
Determine what is accomplished, Evaluate it, and apply
corrective measures, if needed to Ensure result in keeping
with the plan" Paul E. Lotulung classifies the various
institutions using three benchmarks: (1) From the position of
institutions that carry out control can be distinguished on
internal control and external control, (2) in terms of execution
time can be divided into control and control a priori posteriori;
(3) of the controlled object, then a control can be divided into
control and control in terms of the law in terms of expediency.
Olowu and Ayeni suggested external controls, among others,
in the form of political control derived from political institutions,

ISSN 2277-8616

control of the judiciary and the courts, public complaints

commission, mass media, code of conduct, and pressure
groups. The nature of impartiality and objectivity of judicial
power requires control to occur checks and balances, and
further, that the judicial authorities did not give birth to
tyrannical judges who will be the absolute isolation of the
judicial power. Because of the existence of an agency that will
oversee judges and independent judiciary be so urgent.
Internal criticism as a form of introspection Supreme Court
regarding internal control weaknesses seen in the records of
the Supreme Court, there are at least six internal control
weaknesses that made the Supreme Court for this: (1) Lack of
transparency and accountability. It can be inferred from the
absence of a mechanism that provides for the right of the
complainant to know the progress report that they enter, (2)
the existence of the alleged spirit of defending the judge corps
or reluctance to take up cases affecting its members, which
has indirectly fertilize practice-justice is not a good practice,
(3) Less full control method, and no exercise of supervisory
methods effectively, (4) weakness of human resources. On the
whole the head of the Supreme Court justices young and
automatically become a supervisor. The majority of
supervisors does not work in full because it is the primary duty
of justices are deciding the case, (5) Supervision has been
running less involved community participation, (6) The
complexity of the bureaucracy that must be passed to report /
complain judges deviant behavior.

The study was conducted in Jakarta, the seat of the Judicial
Commission, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court
as an institution of research objectives. This research includes
empirical legal research or legal research sociological,
philosophical approach, dogmatic, and theoretical laws.
Samples determined by using purposive sampling. Data
collection instruments are interviews, and documentation,
which is then analyzed qualitatively.


The supervision of the activity of judges by the Judicial
Commission is mentioned under the Article 24B of the
Constitution 1945 and further elaborated in the Act No. 22
(2004) of Judicial Commission jo. Law Decree No.18 Year
2011 of the Amendment of Law Decree No. 22 (2004) on
Judicial Commission. As the implementing regulations, it has
passed several Joint Rules of the Supreme Court of the
Republic of Indonesia and the Judicial Commission of the
Republic of Indonesia. Regulations together referred to,
among others:
1. Decision of the Joint Chief Justice of the Republic of
Indonesia and Chairman of the Judicial Commission of the
Republic of Indonesia Number: 047 / KMA / LCS / IV /
2009-02 / LCS / P.KY / IV / 2009 on the Code of Ethics and
Code of Conduct of Judge.
2. Joint Rules of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Indonesia and the Judicial Commission of the Republic of
Indonesia Number: 01 / PB / MA / IX / 2012-01 / PB / P.KY
/ 09/2012 About Selection Appointment of Judges.
3. Joint Rules of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Indonesia and the Judicial Commission of the Republic of
Indonesia Number: 02 / PB / MA / IX / 2012 - 02PB / P.KY /
09/2012 About Free Enforcement Code of Ethics and Code
of Conduct of Judges.



4. Joint Rules of the Supreme Court of the Republic of

Indonesia and the Judicial Commission of the Republic of
Indonesia Number: 03 / PB / MA / IX / 2012-03 / PB / P.KY
/ 09/2012 on the Joint Inspection Procedures.
5. Joint Rules of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Indonesia and the Judicial Commission of the Republic of
Indonesia Number: 04 / PB / MA / IX2012 - 04 / PB / P.KY /
09/2012 on Procedures for the Establishment, Work
Procedures and Decision-Making Procedures Honorary
Council of Judges.
The substance of the law as formulated in various forms of
legislation in order to implement the authority of the Judicial
Commission, broadly related to the subject: (1) The position of
the Judicial Commission as an independent state institution,
and free from interference or influence of other powers, (2) the
Commission judicial may appoint a liaison in the area in
accordance with the needs, (3) the composition of the Judicial
Commission consists of leaders and members. Leadership
consists of a Chairman and a Vice Chairman and member.
The Judicial Commission has seven members and the status
of state officials. Membership Judicial Commission consists of:
two persons former judges, two persons of legal practitioners,
2 legal academics, and 1 member of the community.
Governing Judicial Commission elected from and by the
members of the Judicial Commission, (4) the right protocol,
finance and police action members of the Judicial
Commission, (5) the Secretariat General of the Judicial
Commission, (6) The authority of the Judicial Commission: a.
Justices and propose the appointment of ad hoc judges in the
Supreme Court to Parliament for approval; b. Maintaining the
honor, dignity, and the behavior of the judge; c. Assign Code
and / or the Judicial Code of Conduct together with the
Supreme Court; and d. Maintain and enforce the
implementation of the Code and / or the Judicial Code of
Conduct, (7) Duties and mechanisms, procedures for
exercising the authority to propose the appointment of
Supreme Court judges and ad hoc judges in the Supreme
Court, (8) The guidance in implementing the authority
maintaining the honor, dignity as well as the behavior of
judges, (9) the task of the Judicial Commission in the
framework of the implementation of the authority maintaining
the honor, dignity and conducts of judges: a. Monitoring and
supervision of the conduct of judges; b. Receive reports from
the public relating to violations of the Code and / or the
Judicial Code of Conduct; c. Perform verification, clarification,
and investigation of reports of alleged violations of the Code
and / or the Judicial Code of Conduct is closed; d. Deciding
whether or not the reports of alleged violations of the Code
and / or the Judicial Code of Conduct; and e. Take legal action
and / or other measures against those individuals, groups, or
legal entity degrading the honor and dignity of judges, (10)
Judicial Commission is also in charge of the increased
capacity and welfare of judges, (11) The Judicial Commission
may have recourse to the apparatus law enforcement to
wiretap and record the conversation in terms of the alleged
violations of the Code and / or the Judicial Code of Conduct by
the judge, (12) Judicial Commission in implementing the
authority maintaining the honor, dignity and conducts of
judges, shall: a. Obey the laws and regulations; b. Enforcing
the Code of Conduct and / or the Judicial Code of Conduct; c.
Maintain confidentiality of information or information that is
obtained which by its nature is a secret Judicial Commission

ISSN 2277-8616

obtained based on its position as a member; and d. Maintain

the independence and freedom of judges in check, try and
decide the case, (13) The Judicial Commission may request
information and / or data to the Justice agencies and /or
Judge, along with its operation, (14) In carrying out the task of
maintaining the honor, dignity as well as the behavior of
judges, the Judicial Commission verifies, checks (alleged
violation, request clarification), call and ask for information
from the judge reported, the complainant and witnesses, (15)
The results of such examination revealed violations proved or
disproved, (16) types sanctions, (17) The mechanism for
imposing sanctions on the recommendation of a judicial
commission, (18) Honorary Council of Judges (arrangement,
the mechanism of action, decision-making procedures, and
implementation of the recommendation), (19) The procedure
for the decision-making of the Judicial Commission, (20)
Appointment of Commission judicial, (21) Prohibition of dual
office of the members of the Judicial Commission, (22) The
procedures of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and members of
the Judicial Commission, (23) Accountability and reporting.
The substance of the law on the subject as noted is generally
in line with the principles of independent judiciary. In other
words do not contradict or negatively affect the implementation
of the independent judicial power, unless the substance of the
legal regulation of the Honorary Council of Judges (MKH).
Looking the perspective of the independence of the judicial
authority / independence of the judiciary, the law governing the
substance of the existence of MKH potentially negative effect
when viewed from two (2) aspects, namely (1) the composition
of the MKH, and (2) a mechanism decision making of MKH.
Section 22F (2) of the Act NO. 18 (2011) asserted that "MKH
referred to in paragraph (1) shall consist of four (4) members
of the Judicial Commission, and three justices".2Decisionmaking mechanism in Article 22F (4) of the Act NO. 18 (2011),
affirmed "MKH decision referred to in paragraph (3) is taken as
a consensus and if not reached a decision taken by a majority
vote". MKH composition, which consists of four Judicial
Commissions, and three Supreme Court Justices, and
decision-making mechanisms through a majority vote, if
analyzed in a series or a single entity can provide
opportunities hegemony of Judicial Commission, and of
course, these conditions will have a negative impact on the
principle of judicial independence. If only in terms of the
composition can be no presumption that the Judicial
Commission has a dominant position, and if forced decisions
on the basis of voting, then the Judicial Commission can
impose his judgment, and this can be considered direct
intervention. But it should also be understood that why the
number four in the Judicial Commission, due consideration is
to be assessed is the judge. If those four justices in itself it will
be more subjective view of people going to defend its
institution. The Justice Gayus Lumbuun held that the
composition of 4-3 in this MKH is to make an euphoria of the
Parliament to be able to support the supervision of the Judicial
Commission. Actually, this spirit is very exaggerated. The
problem is that the composition of the 4-3 is allowed to use
excessive. The supervision of the judge's behavior will cause
any problems esprit de corps of each institution, the Judicial
Commission and the Supreme Court. But the Judicial
Commission also balances the Supreme Court. For MKH
composition, it is ideal to be 3 justices, three Judicial
Commission, and one independent. Independent are from



campuses, community leaders or who is elected jointly. Both

of these different views between the Judicial Commission and
the Supreme Court concerning the composition of the MKH,
empirically probability to form the necessary conditions for it.
The Composition of 4-3 did not leave a dominant position or a
position that allows the Judicial Commission does not impose
its will in the decision making MKH only if the judicial
commission and the Supreme Court can maintain an
atmosphere of understanding, mutual respect, dignity, and
productive cooperation. This condition can also be maintained
when there are favorable conditions of justice seeker.
Empirical experience shows that in the early years of
implementation supervision of judges by the Judicial
Commission, especially the leadership phase Busroh
Muqoddas, Judicial Commission faced a relatively strong
resistance on the part of the Supreme Court. Resistance is
partly due to the strong spirit of the Commission in carrying out
judicial authority, which is on the side of excessive Supreme
Court. Faltering public credibility of the condition of the rule of
law and justice by judicial institutions will affect the
composition of 4-3 in the MKH. It is because the law was
never fully able to free themselves from sociological factors in
its implementation. Subjectivity of the Judicial Commission
with the composition of 4-3 would adversely impact the
impartiality and independence of the judiciary. Opportunities in
Judicial Commission is arises when the factors driving force,
namely; (1) the emergence of institutional egoism. This can
happen if the atmosphere of cooperation between the Judicial
Commission and the Supreme Court experience disharmony,
(2) has not been the establishment of law enforcement justice
atmosphere with a variety of factors, and (3) strengthening
distrust among justisiabelen to the practice of law
enforcement. Distrust is potentially a strong pressure to the
Judicial Commission, and may be affected by the performance
of the Judicial Commission and the pressure of public opinion
dissemination of information choices, human resource
development, research and development, study of the judge's
ruling, the judge capacity building workshops, and monitoring
of trials that have been carried out by the Judicial
Commission, in principle, the implementation of preventive
supervision models. Article 24B of the Constitution 1945 as a
constitutional basis supervision of the Judicial Commission to
conduct surveillance terminus judges do not use, but use the
terminus "maintain" and "enforce". Terminus supervision used
in Republic Act NO.18 of 2011, particularly in Article 20
paragraph (1) a and Article 22 paragraph (1) and paragraph
(2) Judicial Commission in implementing the authority granted
by the Constitution to translate the term "maintain" as a
preventive supervision (including preemptive). Preventative as
an adjective which means is prevented (so as not to happen).
Preventive as a noun means a process, a way, an act to
prevent, prevention, rejection: the business of the factors that
could cause damage. Preventive supervision of the Judicial
Commission has not been implemented include aspects of
recruitment, promotion and transfer of judges. The third aspect
is not found explicitly affirmation, either in Article 24B of the
Constitution NRI 1945 as the constitutional basis as well as in
the legislation of the Judicial Commission. Problem
recruitment, promotion and transfer in principle is an important
part, even in the context of strategic preventive supervision. In
practice, these three still pose a different attitude and outlook
between the Judicial Commission of the Supreme Court. It is

ISSN 2277-8616

understandable when the Supreme Court to be rejected if the

issue of recruitment, promotion and transfer transferred to the
Judicial Commission. From the juridical perspective, not
available legal basis for devolved recruitment, promotion and
transfer of judges. In the perspective of practical interest, the
transfer of this authority led to erosion, or the smaller the
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. This can be interpreted as a
reduction of the authority of the Supreme Court. Of course
natural that resistance arises from the Supreme Court.
Recruitment of judges is one variable that contributes
significantly or even a conditio sine quanon. Recruitment of
judges can be seen as a long series of processes upstream of
law enforcement, and equitable decision and is downstream of
law enforcement activities. When in the upper well, of course,
expected to be good in the downstream. In this context, the
recruitment of judges is upstream of preventive supervision,
and judicial conduct an oversight in the downstream. In the
perspective of fair law enforcement, forward, transfer of
recruitment, promotion and transfer of judges is an ideal idea.
Recruitment, promotion and transfer if submitted to the
Judicial Commission, will be applied merit system, the
selection of candidates for judges adjusted on objective
criteria such as; capacity, capability, intelligence, integrity. In
addition, recruitment can be done with a more transparent and
high accountability since the Judicial Commission are free of
conflicts of interest, nepotism nuanced interest. Through the
merit of this system is expected to give birth to the judges of
quality and integrity. So that a just law enforcement can be
presented in empirical reality. Similarly with the recruitment of
judges, promotion issues are also an important variable to
bring the quality of law enforcement if the promotion is based
on the principles of objectivity, and transparency. Promotion
should be viewed as a reward for achievement, good
performance of the judge concerned. With this principle will
create a productive work environment with fair competition,
encouragement, and motivation to work better. On the basis of
such promotion, it will be a process of internalization that work
up to upholds justice is a way to achieve a better career.
Preventive surveillance by the Judicial Commission carried out
in parallel with the implementation of repressive control. The
activity of monitoring and supervision of the conduct of judges,
receive reports from the public relating to violations of the
Code and / or the Judicial Code of Conduct, conduct
verification, clarification, and investigation of reports of alleged
violations of the Code and / or the Judicial Code of Conduct is
closed, decide whether or not reports of alleged violations of
the Code and / or the Judicial Code of Conduct, basically
within the framework of supervision activities that are
repressive. Repressive surveillance is translated from the word
"uphold the honor, dignity, and the behavior of the judge" as
defined in Article 24B of the Constitution of 1945. The
Supervision repressive in meaningful word punishment,
punishment, against judges who commit acts of
deviation/violation of KEPPH. Repressive supervision over the
judge's behavior is implied from the provisions set forth in the
Article 20 of the Law NO.18 of 2011 in order to maintain and
uphold the honor, dignity and conducts of judges, the Judicial
Commission in charge; monitoring and supervision of the
conduct of judges, receive reports from the public related to
the infringement of KEPPH, verify, clarify, and investigation of
reports of alleged violations KEPPH closed, decide whether or
not the alleged violation report KEPPH. Furthermore, the
nature of this repressive surveillance knotted also in Article



22A of the governing authority of the judicial commission to

verify the report, an examination of the alleged violation, call
and inquire both judges and witnesses reported, summing up
the results of examination, Article 22B of the procedure of
examination and clarification, Section 22C of the verdict form
examination results, Article 22D of the types of sanctions that
can be recommended, Section 22E of the execution procedure
recommended sanction, and Article 22F and 22G Article deals
with MKH. The series of repressive surveillance activities
initiated from any public statements about the alleged violation
KEPPH. In contrast to general repressive surveillance,
repressive supervision of the Judicial Commission in enforcing
the honor, dignity, and the behavior of judges are things that
need to be clarified. First, the Judicial Commission sanctions
only make recommendations to the judge reported that it
violates KEPPH. The implementation of sanctions remains of
the Supreme Court. In practice, not all the recommendations
of the Judicial Commission followed up with various reasons.
Second, sanctions recommendation by the Judicial
Commission, the law was given authority applies automatically
when the sanction recommended in a certain period is not
executed by the Supreme Court for no apparent reason. The
problem is that the juridical law does not regulate how the
automatic enforcement mechanisms to sanction until after the
time limit set by law. Law on the Judicial Commission, as well
as the Joint Rules of the Supreme Court and the Judicial
Commission does not regulate where, in what way it applies
consequences when sanctions on purpose is not adhered to.
In a legal perspective, the provisions on automatic sanctions
has no legal force because the norm is not forced by the firm,
or maybe even a vague, making it impossible to apply.
Formulation of norms that are not expressly, or even blurred
related recommendations of the Judicial Commission which
automatically applies this may be due to the dilemma between
the interests of judges in order to control the behavior of law
enforcement justice on the one hand, and on the other hand is
of interest to keep the principle of independence of the judicial
power. Supreme Court as an institution does not recognize the
term oversight of the external and internal oversight, just use
the term supervision only to subordinates Judexpacti. After the
birth of the Judicial Commission Act, the Supreme Court
determined that the internal controls in line to the bottom,
external supervision provided to the Judicial Commission but
there is scope, which is a matter of conduct of judges, violating
the code of conduct, misconduct, not the judge's decision
regarding the assessment. The assertion explicitly that control
the behavior of judges Judicial Commission is monitoring the
external is affirmed in Article 32A NO.3 Act of 2009 on the
Second Amendment Act No. 14 of 1985 on the Supreme
Court. It is asserted that the internal control over the behavior
performed by the justices of the Supreme Court (paragraph
(1), and external supervision over the conduct of justices
conducted by the Judicial Commission (paragraph (2). In
general explanation stated that the Supreme Court is the
highest state court of all courts there under. Therefore the
Supreme Court supreme supervision of the judiciary in general
courts, religious courts, military courts, and administrative
courts of the country. However, the Supreme Court is not the
only institution that monitoring since there are external
oversight conducted by the Judicial Commission. The
existence of external supervision properties Judicial
Commission also affirmed in Article, 40 paragraph (1) of Act

ISSN 2277-8616

48 of 2009 on the Judiciary, Article 13A (2) of Act 49 of 2009

on the Second Amendment Act No. 2 of 1986 on General
Court. The use of the term external monitoring of several laws
related to the judicial power is only on the basis of the
interpretation that the Judicial Commission is institutionally not
be part of the Supreme Court, the Judicial Commission are
outside the organization of the Supreme Court, while the
Constitution NRI 1945 put the Judicial Commission in the
chapter on power judiciary. The idea of externality judges
supervision meetings Ad-hoc Committee of the 1945 changes,
especially during the discussion of Chapter IX of the Judiciary
more connected with the Honorary Council of Judges (HPD).
No external Understanding where HPD is attached to or
placed, but the external sense attached to the source or from
which members of HPD derived. In this sense it is not
important whether the HPD inside or outside the institution of
the Supreme Court, but the members of HPD recruited from
outside the institution of the Supreme Court. When the
discussion to the Judicial Commission as an institution that will
be the function of supervision, particularly the behavior of
judges, the view of most factions put the supervision of the
Judicial Commission as an internal control. MPR, in turn
establishes the Judicial Commission as an institution in place
the supervision of judges remain within the judicial power, but
outside the institution of the Supreme Court. So the original
intent of the Assembly as an institution has the right to change
and set the NRI Constitution of 1945 does not establish the
Judicial Commission as a supervisory board of judges that are
external. External control is carried out by the supervisory
organ or agency organizational / structural located outside the
supervised institutions. The government in the sense of the
executive, for example, financial supervision conducted by the
Financial Supervisory Agency is external supervision, social
watch conducted by the public through the press / massmedia, is an external oversight, political surveillance
conducted by representative bodies of the people is the
external supervision. Included also in this external monitoring
is monitoring done indirectly through justice agencies (judicial
control) in the event of any dispute with the government.
Conducted surveillance of the Constitutional Court of the
legislative product (DPR) is the external supervision. So plumb
externalities of an oversight agency must meet two criteria; (1)
The institution shall be outside the organizational structure of
the supervised institutions, (2) the institution is also not in a
ward or branch of power. Based on these two criteria, can be
brought to the Judicial Commission as an institution
conducting oversight of the judge is not entirely external.
Supervision of the Judicial Commission is not entirely external
due to: (a) MKH, which is a combination of Judicial
Commission (external elements) and the Supreme Court
(internal elements), (b) joint examination between the Judicial
Commission (external elements), and the Supreme Court
(internal elements). Both of these mechanisms can be viewed
as a joint control over the behavior of judges. The Supreme
Court's response to the recommendation for imposition of
sanctions on judges reported that it violates KEPPH broadly
grouped into two categories: (1) the recommendations
accepted by the Supreme Court, and (2) the recommendations
are still under review by the Supreme Court. The first category
consists of a special category; (a) accepted and sanctioned by
the Supreme Court (73 cases), (b) taken over to be followed
by the Supreme Court (43 cases), (c) is accepted but awaiting
further investigation by the Supreme Court (19 cases), (d) the



proposed to MKH (13 cases). The number of cases for the first
category of 148 cases. The second category consists of a
special category; (a) rejected on technical grounds in the
domain of judicial (16 cases), (b) has been sanctioned by the
Supreme Court (30 cases), (c) is rejected for other reasons (4
cases), (d) waiting for the response of the Judicial
Commission (11 case), (e) was rejected on the grounds closed
(13 cases), and (f) does not or no response (33 cases). The
number of cases to 107 cases a second category. Number of
recommendations were accepted by the Supreme Court 148
cases, or about 58.03%. Number of recommendations were
still being studied 107 cases of the Supreme Court or about
41.97%. Based on this percentage, qualitative execution of the
Supreme Court of recommendation for imposition of sanctions
for judges who violate KEPPH relatively ineffective. There are
several contributing factors. In certain cases arise debates
between the Judicial Commission and the Supreme Court
whether the Judicial Commission may also interfere with an
indication of the behavior of the judge in the decision, and this
is indeed a fine line between technical judicial behavior. In the
view of commissioner Judicial Commission that it is possible
there are things that even though it concerns the procedure for
hearing to the decision, but there is the possibility that judges
perform behaviors that are not professional. In such conditions
it is often rather difficult Judicial Commission separately prove
whether it violates a code of conduct relating to the conduct or
the technical problems judicial under the authority of the
Supreme Court. For example there are litigants in civil cases.
First it was the execution of the contract. In the contract it had
included a clause settlement if any dispute arises on the
implementation of the contract. The parties agreed for
example, that if there is a dispute in the future, then this case
will be resolved through arbitration. That means that the
parties have determined that the arbitration as a dispute
settlement. But if there is one party that is broken and then
filed a lawsuit in court, it is actually true according to the
provisions of this lawsuit should in NO (not received the
lawsuit), by declaring themselves have no authority. In
practice, the lawsuit was accepted. The question, in this case
whether this purely technical or whether judicial conduct of
judges. Things like this often give rise to a dispute between
the Judicial Commission of the Supreme Court. Had the judge
received the lawsuit and examine the principal case. The
question is whether it meets the technical judicial or is there
any other influences? In these circumstances, the Judicial
Commission chose that if there are no factors that influence
the judge in deciding the case and solely because of legal
considerations, then it can be referred to as the
implementation of the independence of judges on one side.
But if there are other factors that influence the judges act like
it, then the other actions that affect the behavior that is the
problem. The behavior of the judges there are over behavior
(real behavior), for example, the judge accepts bribes, and
cover behavior (behavior that is not real) example hides or as
if there is or is not supposed to apply the law to a fact. In the
case to examine and decide cases is the area that should not
be entered, including the judge's own self. But ask any
questions that ensnare, shows countenance like or dislike the
defendant or plaintiff, using words that indicate a tendency,
sifting through witnesses or facts which examined a form of
behavior of judges. Judges have authorityassess the
evidence, but whether the judge justified intentionally or
through negligence did not consider the evidence? When the

ISSN 2277-8616

judge deliberately ignoring the real facts significantly

determine whether or not the defendant guilty, the case where
the wedge between the technical judicial behavior. Assessing
the evidence is the authority of judges, judicial technical, but
manipulate fact is the behavior. This is often difficult to see the
Judicial Commission. Is the Judicial Commission should not
be entered on the sphere? It is now to be encouraged to reach
agreement between the Judicial Commission and the
Supreme Court One difference (that cause rejection) The
Supreme Court is the interpretation / assessment of the level
of a judge's behavior associated with the type of sanctions.
Case in Daming judges, the Supreme Court rejected the
proposal of the Judicial Commission for the MKH, For Gayus
Lumbuun, Parliament was a public place. Anywhere either in
the trial, a fit and proper test, in association though, in cafe,
keep the words of a judge it to be an example. Remarks judge
out of court or in the court not to impose dignity should judge
such information Daming judges in the House that rape not
need to be put to death because "the same good good", to be
questioned by the Judicial Commission, it needs to be
investigated. However the judge's role, the judge's words are
wise words, the words of a man who in his position should not
be arbitrary. Judges should not throw a joke or joking that
could injure the victim, which could hurt the community.
Remarks like this Daming could be investigated, but not with
the decision as a judge, it must be distinguished. The judge is
twofold Das Sein and Das Sollen. The trial judge when no
means he must das sollen that should voice the law. Outside
anywhere, in a coffee shop law judges are obliged to build Das
Sein. Das Sein is what distinguishes the behavior of judges
with other law enforcement agencies. Before the decree
issued by the Judicial Commission of the Supreme Court on
the implementation of inspection guidelines, there are often
differences in the interpretation of the things that may be the
authority of the Judicial Commission in the matter of
monitoring the behavior of judges. With the start of the LCS
between these two institutions decreased tension in a matter
of difference of supervision. If there are cases, such claims
should be rejected, but received or ignorant of the fact, the
Judicial Commission may submit to the Supreme Court of a
violation, in this case violated the procedural law. This is
already set up in the LCS between the Judicial Commission
and the Supreme Court that if there are matters of a technical
nature of the judicial execution of the procedural law will be
submitted to the Supreme Court. Such cases the Supreme
Court will give judgment or conduct training. But if it was
mainly done because there are other factors, and can be
proven, then the Judicial Commission to enforce the code of
conduct. With the completion of the four rules together, the
enforcement mechanism of the code of ethics and conduct of
judges is expected to be more optimal, and in accordance with
the mandate of the legislation. Especially to achieve synergy
with the Judicial Commission in the handling complaints
against the code of ethics. With the joint regulations guide the
implementation code of ethics and code of conduct of judges,
then it is no reference was agreed on sanctions for any
violations of the code of conduct, and also the most important
is the deal for violations under the authority of the Supreme
Court and which are not. About the interpretation of the
behavior of the judge now says it is relatively not subject to
dispute between the Judicial Commission of the Supreme
Court. For comparison, in Australia the Judicial Commission
initially they got a very strong resistance, now it is supported



and defended by the judge. Therefore, the Judicial

Commission today put forward the principles of fairness,
professionalism, accountability in carrying out supervisory
duties. Regarding the response of the Supreme Court of the
Judicial Commission's recommendations, one of the justices of
the view that the Supreme Court would not want to have to
accept and process, should not ignore. The Supreme Court
must give a response. If rejected by the Supreme Court with a
variety of arguments. The Supreme Court should be able to
give an argument that the public can observe that the
Supreme Court reasoned argument and the Supreme Court
should not neglect to keep all the recommendations of the
Judicial Commission for not processed. So the Supreme Court
must accept or reject with an objective reason. Response to
the Supreme Court in general good, but for specific cases
sometimes the Supreme Court questioning (style of Hatta Ali).
At the time Mr. Arifin Tumpa was very confrontational. The
Supreme Court today (under the leadership of Hatta Ali) is
more persuasive, more communicative. If there are
differences, the Supreme Court sent a messenger to resolve
the differences. Therefore, after 2012 the atmosphere
changed to be more respectful and open. This atmosphere not
only of the Supreme Court, but all parties. Trigger is salary
and reward. Especially for conditions justices, unprofessional
conduct one caused by a pile of cases. Therefore, there needs
to be a mechanism restriction case, in the sense that not all
things can go to the Supreme Court. All developed countries
do this restriction. Today there are 13,000 pending lawsuits.
3000 cases completed, the incoming 4000, the effect of judges
pursuing settlement of arrears cases. In this condition is
difficult to expect a quality decision, not to mention negligent,
err. Moreover, no judge lazy to read, only to agree on what
was decided his company members. In connection with the
recommendation for imposition of these sanctions, the juridical
perspective actually have binding force. In NO.22 Act of 2004
stipulated that in accordance with the level of offense
committed, proposed the imposition of sanctions against
judges may be; written warning, suspension, or dismissal.
Proposal for the imposition of sanctions and the reasons for
his mistake binding, submitted by the Judicial Commission to
the leadership of the Supreme Court. Thus the leadership of
the Supreme Court can not be (subjectively) disregard the
recommendations of the Judicial Commission. Even in NO.18
Act of 2011 on the first amendment NO.22 Act of 2004, the
legal power / strength of binding of the recommendations of
the Judicial Commission more and more strengthened. In
NO.18 Act of 2011 stipulated that in the case of alleged
violations of the Code and / or the Judicial Code of Conduct
convicted, the Judicial Commission proposed the imposition of
sanctions against the judge who allegedly committed the
violations to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court judge to
impose sanctions against violating KEPPH proposed by the
Judicial Commission within a period of 60 (sixty) days from the
date the proposal is received. In the unlikely event there is a
difference of opinion between the Judicial Commission and the
Supreme Court of the Judicial Commission's proposal
concerning the imposition of sanctions and the Supreme Court
has not imposed sanctions within 60 days, then the Judicial
Commission proposal applies automatically and must be
implemented by the Supreme Court. In the event of
disagreement between the Judicial Commission and the
Supreme Court of the Judicial Commission's proposal of

ISSN 2277-8616

imposing mild sanctions, sanctions moderate, and severe

sanctions other than dismissal sanction remains with pension
rights, or dismissal remain with respect, joint examination
between the Judicial Commission and the Supreme Court
against judge concerned. But when the 60-day grace period
has not come to an agreement, then the recommendation of
the Judicial Commission is automatic and must be
implemented by the Supreme Court. In a juridical perspective,
if carefully analyzed law enforcement authority of compliance
recommendation of the Judicial Commission as stipulated in
the Act NO. 18 In 2011, the principle is not significant because
of the assertion that the recommendations of the Judicial
Commission applies automatically within 60 days unclear
implementation. There is no clear mechanism. So that in
principle can not be executed. Thus the norms regulating the
entry into force of the Judicial Commission's recommendations
automatically this is the norm fuzzy / vague norm. Supervision
of the conduct of judges who conducted the Judicial
Commission is expected to give effect, effect or result of any
change and / or improvement of the behavior of judges in
accordance with the guidance KEPPH, the improvement of the
quality of decisions and law enforcement atmosphere felt more
fair justice seekers. So far, the results achieved significant is
the establishment of atmospheric monitoring the behavior of
judges. Among judges (law enforcement officers in general)
has awakened awareness of the importance of monitoring the
behavior of judges in order to realize a just law enforcement.
Indication of this is the awakening of consciousness among
their participation for each report against alleged violation of
KEPPH. The founding of the atmosphere can be achieved by
monitoring for strategy and approach built contrast Judicial
Commission is not, but it is more persuasive dialogue and
understanding between the Judicial Commission with the
judge / justice, especially the Supreme Court, although it
impossible, could not deny the fact that in some extent still
arise tension or disagreement between the Judicial
Commission. It is reasonable cause to achieve ideal
conditions takes time and effort better future. The Judicial
Commission is important to be realistic, build compromises,
but not to delegitimize or reduce the authority granted by the
Constitution and relevant legislation. Establishment of
monitoring the atmosphere can not be separated from the
understanding that the Judicial Commission is not solely in
charge of supervising, but also seeks to improve the welfare of
judges. This resulted in the formation of a positive perception
of the existence of the Judicial Commission. Regarding the
improvement of the welfare of judges, NO.18 Act of 2011
stipulates that one of the tasks of the Judicial Commission in
order to maintain and uphold the honor, dignity, and the
behavior of judges is increased capacity and welfare of
judges. This task is an additional duty of the Judicial
Commission, as previously stipulated in the Act NO. 22 of
2004. The addition of capacity building and welfare tasks is
true judge can change the perception of the judicial authority
of the Commission to be more positive. Therefore, the Judicial
Commission is not just to supervise the conduct of judges, but
at the same time improving the quality and welfare duty judge.
The creation of atmospheric monitoring of the behavior of
judges, in the view of justice seekers are not necessarily
positive effect on behavior change significant judges. Even
supervision of the conduct of judges bore side effects (effects
not expected). Side effects such as birth is practical-pragmatic



attitude among judges in performing its main task, which is to

receive, examine, hear and decide cases submitted to it. In
this case and argued that the judges to be important in
deciding the case they do not get reported or called by the
Judicial Commission. The view that what is important is not
reported or called by the Judicial Commission could have a
negative impact on the quality of the judge's decision. Against
a case that widespread public concern, which is accompanied
by a certain opinion, the judge will tend to follow the opinions
that have been formed, and do not have the courage to
opposite, though in view and belief that public opinion has
been formed not really be seen from a legal perspective and
justice. As with influence on behavior improvement, quality
improvement of our decision in view of justice seekers have
not yielded significant results. Nevertheless, monitoring the
behavior of the judge who conducted the Judicial Commission
relative to give satisfaction to the community. Outcomes as a
result of monitoring the behavior of judges of the Judicial
Commission, which have not been up this course is influenced
by many factors simultaneously. Quantitatively, the budget is
one of the factors, which by the Judicial Commission is
perceived as a serious limiting factor. During the 5 (five) years
(2010 to 2014) Judicial Commission budget of only 500 billion.
The amount of usage per year submitted to the Judicial
Commission. This condition causes the budget monitoring is
not maximal activity. Judicial Commission should budget one
trillion, mainly to enhance the competence of judges amid
extraordinary legal dynamics. Training thematic e g training
business law, tax law training. Knowledge of judges (in the
district court and the high court), especially in the areas of
relatively still limited. If conditions are such judge's knowledge
of the law, of course, very difficult to expect a quality decision
childbirth Carrying capacity is still relatively limited staff
obstacle factor in encouraging the optimization of the
implementation of supervisory duties of the Judicial
Commission. Ideally Judicial Commission investigations
require 100 personnel to investigate violations of the code of
ethics, supervision, and monitoring. In the perspective of the
Judicial Commission, regarding the recruitment, promotion
and transfer of judges qualified as part of a resistance factor
(properties indirectly) in monitoring the implementation of the
behavior of judges. In addition to the regulation, there is a
refusal of the Supreme Court if the recruitment, promotion and
transfer of judges the authority of the Judicial Commission. In
the Supreme Court can be understood if a resistant or
disagree transfer of authority recruitment, promotion and
transfer of judges to the Judicial Commission because the
Supreme Court was going to experience a reduction of
authority, so worried occur powerless. A special recruitment of
judges, recruitment system used was the system of
recruitment of civil servants, whereas according to the law
judges are state officials. So the recruitment system must
judge the recruitment system of state officials.

ISSN 2277-8616

Judicial Committee on Procedures for the Establishment,

Work Procedures and Procedures for Decision of MKH,
potentially very large affect the independence of the judicial
2. Judicial Commission in monitoring the behavior of judges
applying the model of supervision of eclectic, combining
models of supervision; preventive (but not include the
recruitment, promotion and transfer), repressive limited,
limited external supervision models (external quasi). The
Model of Judicial Commission in monitoring the behavior of
judges is not included in the perspective of surveillance
checks and balances. Therefore, the Judicial Commission
as state institutions remain within the judicial power, in
addition to his position is not equivalent to the Supreme
Court. In carrying out surveillance on the behavior of
judges, the Judicial Commission to apply participatory and
transparent approach.
3. Implementation of the Judicial Commission monitoring to
the behavior of the judge is not implemented effectively
viewed from the standpoint of coverage supervisory
authority (especially preventive), response and / or the
execution of the application of sanctions on judges who
violate the KEPPH by the Supreme Court, the carrying
capacity of resources (in quantitative), the impact of
perceived control yustisiabelen.

1. To the government, and the Parliament to amend Article
22F paragraph (2) of the composition of the MKH of 4
(four) Commissioner of the Judicial Commission, and 3
(three) justices, three (3) Commissioner of the Judicial
Commission, three (3) judges grand, and 3 (three)
elements of society.
2. Recommended also to the government and Parliament to
amend the Law NO.18 of 2011 to expand the Judicial
Commission oversight duties include recruitment,
promotion and transfer of judges, and in order to confirm
the existence of the Judicial Commission as an external
supervisor, then the placement of the Judicial Commission
should outside chapter of judicial authority.
3. That in order to further improve the effectiveness of
supervision of the Judicial Commission of the conduct of
judges, it is necessary to capacity building of the Judicial
Commission. It is recommended to the government and
parliament to significantly increase the budget of the
Judicial Commission in the state budget. Also
recommended to the Judicial Commission further improve
coordination, understanding and synergy with the Supreme
Court, so the recommendation is more effective sanctions.


1. The substance of the law governing the authority of the
Judicial Commission to supervise the conduct of judges is
broadly in line with the principle of independent judicial
authority, unless the arrangement of the composition of the
membership and decision-making procedures MKH as
regulated in Article 22F paragraph (2) and paragraph (4) of
Law No .18 In 2011 jo. Article 3 paragraph (1) and Article 8
paragraph (2) Joint Rules of the Supreme Court and the

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