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02 May 2015

volume II, 66

capuchin friars of the province of saint augustine

Ordained to Serve
Brian Stacy was ordained to the diaconate by DC auxiliary bishop Barry Knestout
this morning at the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Ordained
with an OFM, Brian is the latest in a very long line of friars to kneel before a bishop
in the crypt church. The Stacy family journeyed from Ohio to join dozens of friars
and friends to witness the laying on of hands. And David Nestler, fresh from his
railway journey from California, concelebrated the Mass of Ordination. Nicole
Cannon of the provincial development office and provincial treasurer Joe Kusnir
were also present for the festivities. On this brilliantly beautiful morning the bishop
referenced St. Athanasius in his homily, exhorting the deacon candidates to be
faithful servants of the people of God.
The celebration continued at Capuchin College where a festive lunch was awaiting
the newly ordained, his family and all the guests.
Brian is also preparing for final exams and the end of his theological studies at CUA.
He is slated to receive his Masters in Divinity in a couple of weeks. After that, he ,
Jim Froehlich and Rafael Anguiano-Rodriquez make their way to St. Louis to
join Mike Greco of New York, to staff the Inter-Provincial Postulancy Program.
Brians diaconate assignment has not yet been announced.

Friars Join 300 Men in Baltimore

Somewhat behind the scenes during the recent uprising in Baltimore, a group called 300 Men intervened in hostilities
between rioters and police. Paul Zaborowski and Roman Kozacheson added their presence to show support for
the peace-making efforts. 300 Men seeks to be a neutral force in the inner city, particularly in the dificult relations
between police and the African-American Community. More importantly they strive to bring peace, comfort and
support to the vast majority of people in the troubled neighborhoods who are not involved in the violence. The Park
Heights neighborhood of St. Ambrose friary was affected by the Baltimore riots with damage to vehicles and some
scattered vandalism. The photos show Paul and Roman taking part in the peaceful demonstrations.

Author Friar Featured in BICI

Tom Weinandy was featured in the most recent issue of BICI (the official
international Capuchin newsletter). In a Q&A format, Tom responded to several
questions about his ministry of research, teaching and writing - all with a view to
evangelization. He sums up his understanding of that ministry, Ive always looked
upon my time in the classroom, and also in writing, as a way of evangelization and
catechesis. Ive never done academics just for the sake doing academics, writing
scholarly articles, or books, or being learned in the classroom. Ive always tried to use
the classroom as a means of evangelization and as a means of catechesis. Ive always
tried to turn the scholarly podium into a pulpit.
Throughout the interview Tom references our Capuchin-Franciscan charism and
tradition and mentions our youngest friars: I see now especially in my own Province, that we have two or three friars
now that I know of at Capuchin
College who are bright young men who are interested in further study and to go into teaching, again, in very
much a Franciscan spirit; they want to bring the gospel to young people, to students, and they see that being a
teacher, being an academic, is a Franciscan way of life; its a Franciscan way of proclaiming the gospel, its a way of
working with young people, its a way of working to bring the gospel to others.
Tom is completing a semester of teaching at the Pontifical University Gregorianum. He is also a recent addition to the
Pontifical International Theological Commission. He was named to the ITC late last year.
Great job, Tom.

Trading Places
Jos ngel Torres (left) and Francis Xavier Russo
are exchanging residences for a couple of months.
Puerto Rico friar Jos ngel is coming to the States to
improve his English proficiency. For part of his
language immersion he will be under the tutelage of
Gervase Degenhardt at St. Augustine Friary in
Pittsburgh. Later he will attend LADO in DC and live at
Capuchin College. Jos ngel is on the Council of the
Custody of Puerto Rico and was the former guardian
of the general curia in Rome. He will arrive in the
middle of next week.
Francis, on the other hand, has already moved to Puerto Rico to temporarily replace Jos at San Antonio parish. He
wrote to us last Thursday, I arrived at our San Antonio friary in Rio Piedras late Tuesday night to fill in for Jose Angel
Torres who will fly to DC next week to begin to study English at LADO. I will act as parochial vicar at the parish during
May and June, excepting the week of the Harrisburg Assembly---which I will attend. The pastor of San Antonio parish
is Jimmy Casellas, who was a student at our school (Colegio San Antonio) when I was pastor of this same parish
(1972-78)! AS THE WORLD TURNS! Indeed!

Missionaries Expected
Alan Wasiecko, long-time PNG missioanry, is expected to arrive in the US sometime in June for his delayed leave
time. He was scheduled last summer, but he was asked to delay his holiday another year.
Bill Fey, bishop of Kimbe, PNG, is also expected stateside soon.

Hyatt Alverno
The persistent algae blooms in the pool
at Alverno should now be a distant
memory. Recently installed fountains
should keep the water moving
sufficiently to discourage those slimy
green micro-creatures from building
large plumes in the stream-fed pool.
Mick Joyce sent us the photo and
remarked that it adds a classy touch to
the outdoors of this place for prayer and
recollection. He dubbed it the Hyatt
Alverno. We assume Steve
Fernandes had something to do wih
this long-range fix to a long-term

02 May
12-13 May
25-28 May
06 Jne

in our prayers

Diaconate Ordination Brian Stacy

Council Meeting
Assembly of Friars Harrisburg
Priesthood Ordination



Manuel Avils and John Paul Kuzma, preparing

for priestly ordination in June
our postulants who are preparing for novitiate and
our novices preparing for first vows
John Williams (Jonathans brother), Robert
Stakem (Wards brother), and Jim Cira (Davids
brother), in cancer treatment

Victor Kriley
Edward Maldonado
Joseph Mathew
Mario Mastrangelo
Michael Sungi
Boniface Poka
Bradly Torres Maysonet

our Benefactors, living and deceased

Al Vincent, John Carey and Victor Kriley, ...
our friars in nursing care
our men in formation

+Eternity Fraternity+++

+01 May 2008
+03 May 2008
+04 May 1979
+04 May 1984
+05 May 1937
+05 May 1944






Malachy McBride, born in Hays in 1936; died and is buried in Denver

Eugene Pelligrino, born in 1935 in Pittsburgh; died and is buried in Denver
John Lipinski, born in Toledo in 1923; died in Pittsburgh and is buried in Wheeling
Edmund Quinn, born in 1926 in Beaver Falls PA; died in Butler and is buried in Herman
Hugo Naderoff, born in 1859 in Germany; died and is buried in Herman
Stephen Bienemann, born in 1878 in Pittsburgh; died and is buried in Pittsburgh

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