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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 1 The Way Of The Natural

There is a subset of men that move around women with ease. These rare men
are those that have consciously learnt the ability to see women in their natural
state, see right through their make up and walls, their insecurities and their loss.
They see women as they really are. Women can sense immediately when they
are in the presence of a man that likes women, who thinks they are beautiful,
makes them feel lovely. He genuinely likes women, and therefore he is liked by
Women open themselves up to him willingly, because he understands the things
that women universally respond to. He is not like other men and women know
Who are these men? What qualities do they possess?
We call them naturals. A man who is comfortable in the land of women.

Am I a true natural?
Am I comfy around women?
Do I flirt with women?
Have I dated beautiful women?
Have I had great relationships with wonderful women?
Have I slept with a lot of women?
Have I had three-somes or more-somes?
Does that make me a natural?

I always say I am not a pick-up artist. I am a lover of beauty beauty in all

its forms. And that attitude will make you automatically more attractive to
Tactics and techniques might bring something, but what we teach is SO MUCH
What interests me is the notion of creating chemistry and amplifying attraction.
The belief that you could seduce any woman in a room will get you far with
women and there is no harm in it. I could but I wont.
It will open much more doors than it closes.
I decided long time ago that any woman that meets me or is talking to me is
interested in me. Very empowering reality.
Secret of naturals: They are not born with it
At one point in his life, tired of rejection, he decided to get that part of his life
handled. Tried and failed retained the things that worked, discarded what did
not. Naturals are not born, they are made.
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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 1 The Way Of The Natural
What makes some people so attractive? Can it be broken down?
Asking a natural, most cant explain to you what it is.
It is more than self-confidence Inner clarity, centeredness, purpose.
10 traits all natural seducers have
1. They are all his girls. He has immense compassion for them sees their
faded dreams and he makes it his mission to impark beauty into her life
again. He makes her feel alive, and inspired, once again. Because women
deserve passion and he knows they are not getting it from the men they
are involved with. Natural seducer has compassion for all women. Most
girls are never really single. He knows that women love sex as well
they just have to hide it somehow in society. If you think that they are all
your girls there is no picking-her up because she already is picked up.
2. Every natural seducer knows that the secret to his power over women lies
in the power they have over him. Against I am the price. The power of
showing a little vulnerability to women. Showing he is delighted by the
way they flow through life. He lets it be known that he is delighted by her.
He needs her, but he is not needy. He puts her on a pedestal, but it is
one of his own chosing.
3. He has a purpose in life that is not her. Does not mean that he does not
delight in her, but he is on an adventure through the jungle to see what
magic he can find, and he would love if she comes along, but if not, that is
okay. He might be sad, but he will go anyway. Mistake if the guy makes
her the adventure. Something that allows them to escape their banal
existence, that is what they want.
4. He realizes that honesty is the greatest aphrodisiac. He can not bear the
thought that a woman would ever feel she was manipulated by him. He
embraces his sexuality, presents it to her without presumption, and he is
delighted if she responds favourably, but if she does not he is okay. He
has a lot of respect for a woman opening up to him. But for flirting
always let her guess if you are saying the truth or not. Thats how to
banter .
5. He never kisses and tells EVER. Feels no need to validate himself to
other men by bragging about his encounters with women. His encounters
with women are all about respect because he is not interested in taking,
but in sharing something with her. If she does not feel like a queen, he
does not feel like a king. HE IS NEVER OUT TO GET LAID. Having said
that, if she tells other people, it is actually very good. He is not ashamed
of it. Out of respect for her and her reputation, he never kisses and tells.
How do you let her know you dont kiss and tell? I tell her.
A woman that trusts me enough to open her body and her emotions to
me that is a very profound thing. That is something that can never be
taken lightly. Your goal should always be to leave her better than you
found her and her sensing that she will open herself up to you, you
never before dreamt. The concept of LMR will completely go away. I make
no apologies for my desires as a man. I tell her I am not content with just
looking at her.
6. He never defends himself EVER. Deflect it! If you are challenged, make
fun of her and the situation.
7. He never takes himself, her, or the situation too seriously. He even uses
self-deprecating humor at times.
8. He realizes the massive importance of body language. He studies it
carefully. 93% of communication is body language. Women are relying on
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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 1 The Way Of The Natural
their senses to make an image of who we are. E.g. if you are just that
they will allow themselves to be touched, while not allow it others. They
will allow liberties to certain men they would never allow to other men.
9. He knows that women are not attracted to men that are good looking
they are attracted to men that are attractive. hover factor: women
within 30s of meeting guy if she can picture him in a sexual position
hovering over her and on top of her, she will be receptive to him sexually
if everything works out that way.
To an enlightened seducer, his relationships never end. He is
connected to the women in his life forever. All man who are naturals are
friends with women. They never say a bad word about him. How is that
possible? She will only feel cheated if she feels that you promised
something to her that you did not deliver. They have all added to your life
and to who you are and they will always be there forever.
Often hear I cant believe I just told you that. I cant believe I just slept with
you. Because she can sense that I will respect her in the morning and would
never take advantage of her.
Two ways you can approach a girl:
#1. self-confidence
#2. smug assumption: Yeah, whatever, your loss. I am the price.
Always do first, not second.

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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 2 The Way Of Men & Women

Society has changed for both sexes pill invented sexual liberty. But deep
down the feeling that something vital has been lost among the way.
Men seem to feel lost marriage does not work anymore men/women do not
get invested as much as once did. Men are confused and do not know how to
approach women. Often our traditional role of provider and protector have
changed. Men feel like they are gradually losing their utility to women.
What is left?
Society today makes it that few get a lot and some get none.
Women still need us to celebrate them. Women still love and need to be
seduced. Women are complicit in their own seduction. They want it more than
you do every women wants to be part of a love story.
Every women is complicit in her own seduction and every man who
understands this is forever surrounded by beauty.
Equality movement: Men and women shall be equal YES! But problem thinking
they should become the same!. The goal was equality, the result was sameness
there is the problem.
On the one hand we link up that sharing feelings is bad, so we act aloof, but that
makes us feel unhappy when we would really like to share our feelings. Keep the
interactions fun and light.
Used to be son growing up with dad and together try and fail getting
experience and learning the trade from dad. Today less and less dads around. It
is a rare man today who spends time with his son. He is either not there at all or
too busy and distracted. The result is a generation of men largely raised by
Today we are surrounded by boys that are men created by women.
This is the essence of the nice guy today.
That is why men feel lost different than ever. Information is not passed on
from our dads to us the way it has been for thousands of years.
All of us have unhealed wounds, but most do not recognize it you have and are
taking steps to heal it.
Women knows what you are all about, right away.
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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 2 The Way Of Men & Women
5 boxes women put guys:
1. The guy is kinda creepy, I dont like him at all
2. Not here, not there just a guy
3. That guy is a nice guy, he would make a good friend for me
4. Long-term-potential I really like him, lets be nice around him
5. I would like to sleep with that guy
You are in one of these 5 boxes with every girl you know and hard to get
moved from one to another all women have the same rating system.
You want to be her friend, not her enemy. You knock on and she lets you in.
Henry David Thoreau:
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.
as true today, as back then
Alabaster Girl: image of the ideal girl; YOU WILL NEVER FIND HERE! It is a
search without end. A real woman could never live up to her. We compare every
girl to this image inside of us
What you love her for in the beginning you despise her for later on.
The answer we seek can never be found in a woman.
Dont get angry at her for not being able to live up to that impossible standard
that you created.
The way of women
transcending beauty something great about here transcending beauty; They
want to be delighted at and swept of their feet. They want to be enticed and
seduced. Women are missing one thing in their lives romance they are
dreaming about.
Be her fantasy let her feel free, innocent and young again.
A man can be all the things a woman says she wants, but is still unattainable, he
never makes empty promises combined of the attractive things of the jerk and
the nice guy.
Every woman wants to be in a love story that is what they want.

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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 3 The Way Of Relationships

What is love?
Are you in love with her or the idea?
Is there such a thing as true, lasting love?
Definition maybe: Love is that feeling you get when you meet the right girl.
Does it magically create when she appears?
If that is true, then true love is new love. The problem with that notion is that
the feeling comes and it may go. Most people approach a relationship like that.
Usually the intensity we feel is taken as the sign whether true love or not.
When talking to her and saying you like her her saying: Why you say you like
me so much? You have just met me. Say: I dont know, Im trying to figure
that out myself.
But after some time, feeling goes and magic just isnt there anymore.
Happily ever after is still the idea we love.
If we would fail as often in business as in love, we would shake our head and
realize Hey, something is not working., but in affairs of the heart, we repeat
cycles over and over again. We think we know what we want, but we dont.
Danger: think that what we want is that girl that ideal. And think that then we
will be happy and all problems solved. Then, finally, I will be happy.
Truth is: That will not make us happy.
Then what do we need?
We only need one thing: to be loved, to be accepted as we are.
Falling in love is that euphoric sense of sensibility, that exquisite madness that
takes over all our senses. It is a form of madness, like seeing a miracle, that no
one else can see.
Every passionate relationship began one.
We men spend fortunes, work hard, so on to make us in the end more lovable,
women tune their looks.
That fundamental longing in our soul is what has fuelled every endeavour of
The better you get with women, the less you will feel the need to prove it to
other guys. The things you thought you always wanted, is not what you want at
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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 3 The Way Of Relationships
It is not fair to put the burden on her to make you happy. The less you need
women, the more you will have.
This has never been about women. This has always been about
rediscovering your soul and regaining a former clarity.
The answer you seek can never be found on a woman.
Every passionate relationship began with passion. The problem starts when we
expect the feeling to last for a lifetime and build a life around it.
How to stay out of LJBF tell her right of the bat I am not that kind of a guy.
I am more honest than most people you will ever meet. So ontell her what you
are about, she will be refreshed and if she stays, she is complicit in her own

How do you keep the love alive?

1. They meet and start to date
As spend more time with each other start to demand exclusivity. Both
want to move on to stage 2.
2. Girl and boy start referring to each other as boyfriend, girlfriend. Stop
seeing other people. Directly agreed or quietly understood.
3. They are completely comfy with each other. Wonderful communication,
great sex, go for drinks, merge friends. When the typical relationship is
the most blissful. And they are much in love.
4. This is the stage where they settle into the routine of daily life. Up and
downs, their jobs, their classes normal life. But routine starting to settle
in. In this stage they start to long for the days of stage 3 before the
routine set in. There is a quiet unrest starting to simmer underneath.
Where are we going to be in 5 years
5. Realize that all their best intentions about communicating more, so on are
not really working. Sex happening less and less often, and if,
dispassionate. Now they are starting to resent each other some what. And
being surprised, that what attracted them once now annoys them. This is
where affairs are usually introduced.
6. Little more nasty. Accusations start to fly. At this stage, one of them is
getting more confrontational, the other one more and more apathetic. Just
does not care anymore.
7. Make-or-break-time. Breaking apart still technically connected, but
taking a break. Either end it or get back and try again.

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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 3 The Way Of Relationships
Maybe the difference between her and her in the beginning is that i.t.b. she is
asking for nothing.
In my opinion a relationship should be pure, perfect and natural in its own right.
Without having to be worked upon.
The moment you attempt to analyze something, you change it.
Relax in the relationship and let it flow only that way it can last forever.
In my opinion working on the relationship is the death nail for the relationship.
If the two of you are not on some kind of spiritual journey together, your
relationship will fail.
Can only last if the two of you are working on becoming better as a person
personally evolving.
To a true lover, a lover of woman, a master seducer, his relationships with his
women never end. He has touched her so profoundly, that she will always carry
him around with them.
A woman is a butterfly that landed on your hand. You must be very still and
enjoy it as long as you can, before she flies away. You need to recognize that
you have been blessed with her presence. Keep your hand on her to protect her.
But maybe she flies eventually away. Admire the butterfly as it stays, maybe it
stays for a life. She will stay there as long as you are fascinated by her. The
moment you take your eyes of her and get distracted she will notice do this
long enough and she will eventually fly away.
Some hate that thought and try to hold on jealousy, so on pushes her away.

A woman must be free to leave, only then will she stay.

You give her room to breath, being together apart. Woman will only feel
cheated if they thought you promised something to them and you did not deliver.
You will come to the realization:
The memory of the beauty she infused into your life will never be over-shadowed
by the cloud of a deteriorating relationship that is a profound and beautiful
Once you have learnt to let go of a beautiful woman, all things are possible with
Jealousy is fear of loss, rejection, abandonment. Take it as a reflection about
our own insecurity of our worthiness.
introduce the hot girl you are with as your sister It completely takes her
off guard. Smiling and winking to the girl you are with.
People like to dive at different depths that is just the way it is. Maybe the girl
swims for some time at your depth but does not feel good there for long back
to the surface. You can never change a persons preference at which to dive.
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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 4 The Way Of Change

Can the art of love be learnt?

Can we learn to become the man that women respond to?
Can we learn new ways of being to increase our aura and charm?
Can you learn to live a life that is purposeful?
Can you learn to be compelling a man to be admired and desired?
Can we actually change?
Have you ever been a womans fantasy?
How would you feel right now knowing that a girl is fantasizing and dreaming
about you right now?
Zan: I would always fall for the pretty, popular girl in class and she would
always freeze me out of her life.
I consistently rejected myself on her behalf and took her the part of even
having to acknowledge me.
I always carried the belief that I do not deserve a girl like that. decided to
become a student of women.
Fake it till you make it works!
But because of you taking actions out of your comfort zone by taking the first
step of change you are becoming a new self. That is you are doing something
that you are. There is only making it.
When is someone a true natural?
There is no magic point. Whatever number you decide is the point that you
would call him a natural. You are never truly accomplished.
Self-limiting beliefs make you limited liable to yourself. Comfy, cozy reality.
What is it that you want from women? How do you want to be perceived by

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Zan Enlightened Seduction

Vol. 4 The Way Of Change
We always feel like we have to do something be idle. We can not just sit by
ourselves, because that is wrong. Rather: join classes, watch TV, do everything
to be busy.
We often live to work, not work to live. The truth is 30 minutes sitting by
yourself thinking about your place in the Universe, not watching TV, is the
highest activity you can do.
Picture what you would like to have in your life in 90 days. Does that TV-show
look like you? No, get rid of it! Stop watching depressing news that add nothing
to your life.
There is no better way to make your life better than to stop watching TV and
start doing something else.
Do these 3 things:
1. write down in a list everything that you desire
2. read that list 3 times a day without fail; think about it constantly
3. dont tell anyone else what you are doing
The key is thinking about what you want and casting the things off you dont
want. Every reality you create inside will determine your reality on the outside.
Everything and everyone prospers me now.
Everything I desire, my entire future, is contained in this day, this morning, this
Stop surrounding yourselves with people or reading books that have nothing to
do with the picture of the future you.

Asking wise man how to get wisdom keeps him under water almost to black
out What did you want when you were down there? Just breathe! That is how
bad you have to want wisedom! /success.
Universal sign of attraction: raising eye-brow when something passes we like.
Pupil-dilation. Blink rate will tend to go up.

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