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Heideggerian Truth, and Religion

(to work into Post-Atheism)

In a Heideggerian perspective, the essence of truth is disclosure and freedom.
In regard to objects, the truth of an object discloses itself to us if we let the
object be as it is, if we let it reveal itself to us as it is, if we don't subjugate it, or
lose ourselves in it.
Religion at large asserts truth claims ranging from the material world (usually
based on an uneducated assumption of scientific knowledge) to notions of the
supernatural. An example that leads to the heart of this notion of truth is Romans
8:1, which says that, Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are
in Christ Jesus, but if one plunges the depths of this verse one will see the
trouble of not only the verse, but religion at large. In this manner of disclosure,
religion doesn't allow the truth of Being to reveal itself as it is, it is a concealment
of truth. More specifically, religion doesn't allow human Being to be itself, as it is.
It doesn't allow human Being to reveal itself. Human Being is subjugated by
religion as being somehow corrupt, shameful, guilt-ridden, and something to
In the concealment of truth of human Being, one confuses the essence of
truth with the non-essence of truth, or untruth. One mistakes the subjugation of
human Being the shaming and guilting and blaming and corrupting for liberty.
This act is antithetical to genuine liberty. In the disclosure of human Being, in the
unconcealment of human Being, human Being reveals itself in full spectrum of
animality: from the baseness of predatory instincts and instinctual hatred, and
the ugliness of immoral character and atrocious ideology, to primordial love and
unity, and the beauty of ingenuity and innovation. Genuine liberty is birthed out
of this letting be of Being, in allowing human Being to be as it is, in acceptance of
it. This is an application of honesty, which allows liberty to be liberated, to be set
forth. It is to be honest with oneself about himself, which is an uprooting of guilt
and shame. Liberty is an honest assessment and a consequential autonomous
freedom gained from the assessment, and recalling from Heidegger, freedom is
part of the essence of truth.
Religion couldn't foster liberty in any manner, in its concealment of truth of
human Being. It becomes bogged down and hung up on what it perceives as
flawed, as damaged goods. The religious conceals from himself the essence of his
humanity, thereby issuing a No! to his Being, dishonestly representing his
essence and there barring himself from acting in liberty, and then finally this cuts
out any actuality of freedom. Or stating it another way, he has become captive to
his ideology. He is disallowed, prohibited from being human. He must repent and
atone and apologize for something he had no say in being. And so, therefore,
there is now condemnation for those who adhere to religious ideology, one is
condemned for his being human.

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