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Level 2

Unit 10A

Students Worksheet

Party Word Search

A Work individually. Find 12 words or phrases related to parties. You have


B Work in pairs. Create a short role-play using at least five of the words you found

in the word search. Act it out.

A: Hi, Sally. Thanks for inviting me to your party last night. It was really great!
B: Thanks for coming. And thanks so much for the gift. Im going to wear it when I go out on Saturday.
A: Oh, are you going to Davids birthday dinner, too? Why dont we ?
Photocopiable: D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

Level 2

Teachers Notes
10A Notes

Party Word Search

Objective: to find party-related words and phrases in a word search puzzle; to write and act
out a short conversation
Time: 3040 minutes
Skills: writingwriting a short conversation

speakingacting out conversations
Vocabulary: parties
Preparation: hand out one copy per student

Divide the class into two groups and have them form two
lines in front of the board. Tell them they have five minutes to
take turns writing as many party-related words as they can
remember. As each student writes a word, he or she should
pass the marker to the next student in the line and then return
to the back of the line. They can only write one word each time
they visit the board. They can include words from p. 98 of the
students book or any other words they know. After five minutes,
stop the game and count how many words each team has
written on the board. Do not include words that are not related
to parties or have been spelled incorrectly. The winner is the
team with the most words.
Elicit the meaning of the vocabulary on the board and explain
any unknown vocabulary.

Give each student a copy of the worksheet and explain
that they have to find 12 party-related words or
phrases in the word search in 10 minutes.
Explain that some of the words appear diagonally and
some appear back to front.
After 10 minutes, have the students work in pairs and
compare their answers.

Have the students stay in the same pairs. Ask them to
create a role-play using at least five of the words from
the word search.
Give the students some time to prepare the role-play.
Circulate and monitor, giving help if necessary.
Have the students act out their role-play for another
pair of students. Encourage them to give each other
feedback and make corrections.

Have the students quickly think of sentences about
them using six of the vocabulary items from Ex. A. The
sentences could be true or false, e.g., I usually play rock
music at my parties; My favorite snacks are chips, etc.
Have Student A say their sentences to Student B, who
has to guess if they are true or not.

Web homework
Ask the students to search the Internet for word search
generators and to create a word search puzzle, using
more party-related words. Ask them to bring their
puzzle to class (or send it by e-mail) and give it to a
classmate to complete.

play music, house, conversation, bring snacks,
guests, gift, celebration, party, welcome, birthday,
decoration, invitation

Written by Jimena Lizalde Design: Jordan Publishing Design Illustration: Oscar Spigolon 

Photocopiable: D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

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