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por Lanthorn
Agosto 2009
de Redux Sitio Web

Este artculo fue escrito para beneficio de todos. Se trata de la versin 1.0 de una gua para sobrevivir el colapso de las sociedades
corruptas de la humanidad, que se han basado en el miedo, la des-empoderamiento, y la esclavitud.
Est diseado para aquellos que se sienten atascados, o simplemente no s muy bien por dnde empezar, y ofrece algo un poco diferente
de lo que podra ser utilizado para - una va alternativa a la libertad y la prosperidad que se aparta de la guerra y el egosmo. Muestra lo
que puedes hacer, y cmo tener xito desde arriba hacia abajo, no de abajo hacia arriba.
Lo que est escrito aqu es directo y al grano. Usted no necesita un volumen gigantesco de entender estos conceptos - que son
cuidadosamente elaborados para describir la esencia de la cuestin, de modo que usted puede usarlos para crear volmenes gigante de
su cuenta, por experiencia directa. Adopcin de medidas y la adquisicin de experiencia es la fundamento del verdadero aprendizaje.
La gente dice que "el conocimiento es poder -, sin embargo, este algo de una falacia, porque a menudo no lo que realmente estn
diciendo es que "la informacin es poder", y que en realidad no es cierto. La informacin no es el mismo que el conocimiento y no puede
ser eficaz cuando es intil. 99% de la poblacin la informacin han sido alojados en sus cabezas, en libros, o descargado en sus
ordenadores, es intil.
Por intil quiero decir que a pesar de que "tienen" esta informacin:

Nunca comprendern perfectamente, porque no se aplica a ellos - su no adecuado a su vida, su justo 'interesante'.
Porque nunca lo apliquen a nada en su vida real, la posibilidad de que el conocimiento nunca se har realidad, y por
lo tanto, la informacin nunca llevar a ningn tipo de cambio o de crecimiento que beneficie a ellos.
Debido a la falta ningn crecimiento en la comprensin, o falta de acciones (experiencia), con informacin sin el
conocimiento real no empoderar a las personas de cualquier manera.

Adems de esto, las personas pasan mucho tiempo buscando la informacin intil, absorber o asimilar, pensando en ello, hablando de
eso, a veces incluso la obsesin por ella, y al final, nos quita tiempo y energa, y, finalmente, se quedan sin nada.
De residuos, por lamentable que sea, es slo el resultado menos perjudicial de la bsqueda comn y la posesin de informacin intil.
Puedes tener toda la informacin en el mundo y seguir siendo ignorantes, la mejor informacin puede servir propsito es preparar el
camino para la experiencia y la comprensin de que te lleva a un conocimiento real.
Piensa en esto cuidadosamente a medida que avanzamos.

Cul es la nueva existencia?

Aqu est el panorama.
Estamos presenciando el colapso de la civilizacin actual, su ocurriendo en casi todos los pases, no slo de los Estados Unidos. No
podemos huir de esta horrible bestia y su rgimen en el poder, ni debe ser atacado.
La nica manera de garantizar su desaparicin es reemplazarlo con una realidad diferente que funcione, y para todo el mundo con el libre
albedro para empezar a abrazarla. La mejor forma de vida slo se lograr por la gente que puede ver las cosas con claridad (con
capacidad de pensamiento crtico) y que tienen suficiente auto-control y / o de condena definitiva a rechazar la supremaca de la codicia,
el miedo y el control.
Lo que voy a proponer en este manual es la base de un nuevo tipo de sociedad humana que se asemejan a una especie de tribalismo
moderno. La tribu es una sociedad mvil pequeo, contiene todo lo que una civilizacin es grande, slo menor. En la gnesis de un
cambio a gran escala, debemos empezar por la implantacin de un pequeo cambio.
Si usted puede hacer una tribu de xito que funciona mejor que la sociedad institucionalizada, entonces usted sabr que puede trabajar en
cualquier escala.
Tribalismo moderno es una cultura que consiste en comunidades planificadas de las personas que de un conocimiento colectivo y
experiencia son suficientes para apoyar el conjunto. Estas comunidades comienzan con un estilo de vida nmada de modo que no tiene
que estar enraizada en el programa nacional del modelo de la esclavitud actual, que exige que los frutos de todos sus trabajos a cambio

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de un triste (prestados) la existencia material, las falsas promesas, y un sinfn de de la deuda.

Sin embargo, estos factores por s solos no constituyen la esencia fundamental de la nueva existencia, el tribalismo es principalmente una
(temporal) el mtodo para crear una sociedad libre y mvil. El xito de este esfuerzo depende completamente de la visin del mundo de la
gente de hacerlo.
Para el xito a largo plazo que sea posible, debemos tener una visin del mundo que lo apoyen.
Independientemente de su carcter y antecedentes, esta sociedad debe adoptar estos 5 convicciones (como mnimo) a fin de llevar ellos
mismos hacia una existencia humana equilibrada:

Apreciar la vida y el respeto en lugar de objetivar ella.

Amar a nuestro prjimo, y compartir en lugar de competir por los recursos.
Cultivar la confianza de siempre tratando de ser digno de ella.
Ser responsables de nosotros mismos, y participar en nuestra evolucin personal y colectiva.
Ser administradores respetuoso de la naturaleza y ayudarla en lugar de explotarla.

Estos son los tipos de cosas que la gente utiliza para aprender en el kinder, antes de la Acondicionado Imperial sustituye incluso estos
conceptos simples con tonteras. A pesar de que puede parecer simple, son la clave de nuestro destino como especie, y para la
prosperidad de nuestro hbitat.
Estas condenas se basan en principios filosficos y son absolutamente vitales para el xito, porque el cambio efectivo debe comenzar
desde arriba hacia abajo:
La visin del mundo y las creencias que tenemos definir el rango de nuestra experiencia de vida disponibles.
La gama de las condiciones de vida de la experiencia disponible de la naturaleza de nuestros pensamientos y
La naturaleza de nuestros pensamientos y sentimientos produce el comportamiento predominante.
Comportamiento esencialmente determina la calidad de la vida entera, porque afecta a toda la actividad en el mundo
humano, hasta e incluyendo su xito o fracaso final.
Por los principios filosficos, no me refiero a la religin o la espiritualidad, la palabra filosfica habla por s mismo: significa "El amor y la
bsqueda de la sabidura por medio intelectual y moral auto-disciplina".
Sin sabidura, inevitablemente se repetirn los errores del pasado.
El primer paso en la recuperacin es eliminar lo que es txico y venenoso y la oferta slo lo que es realmente necesario para la salud.
Qu ms necesita la cultura humana en este momento es la sabidura.
Bsicamente, se trata de empezar de nuevo, mientras que la antigua est todava aqu. Pero, cmo salir?
Muy pocas personas han podido pagar un retiro en un fuera de la casa de la red en este momento, e incluso estas viviendas se derrumba
rpidamente si las lneas de suministro y el acceso a los servicios iban a venir a su fin. En tal escenario, estaran en un dilema similar al
de su red con destino primos. En lugar de estar vinculado a la deuda de la vivienda, una tribu moderna tendr que aprender a usar formas
alternativas de alojamiento y vivienda, tanto dentro como fuera de las regiones urbanas.
El crecimiento de este estilo de vida es un proceso de aprendizaje, mientras que el Internet existe, las tribus pueden comunicarse a travs
de la distancia utilizando el acceso del pblico. Si bien la industria contina, las personas pueden reciclar las materias primas y utilizar el
ingenio para idear nuevas formas de hacer las cosas que no dependen de la red.
Como la experiencia se acumula y se hacen nuevos descubrimientos, los conocimientos y recursos regionales, se convertir en el
patrimonio de las tribus, que pueden compartir con otras tribus, como se desplazan.

Esto resume la intencin y plan para una nueva existencia se describe en este manual:
de una red de culturas tribales que han hecho un cambio de paradigma y cre una nueva realidad en la que todos los
aspectos de la vida humana se han apartado del modelo de esclavos. La vida se lleva a cabo sobre la base de los principios
superiores que se va a construir una cultura positiva, responsable y constructivo que finalmente reemplazar a la destruccin
de edad.
Cuando las comunidades se han solidificado y de autosuficiencia est en su poder, una tribu, lgicamente, desea seleccionar un territorio
adecuado de territorio en el que construir su civilizacin. Desde este lugar se puede ensear y rehabilitar a la poblacin indgena (que
tendrn la oportunidad de ver un modelo de salud que trabaja con sus propios ojos). Esto se convierte en la gnesis de un nuevo tipo de
Incluso si el xito a corto plazo se hace, un futuro en que no se repita este ciclo de la corrupcin ser inevitable a menos que los seres
humanos pueden aprender a vivir generosamente su hbitat suficiente para producir los recursos suficientes para todo el mundo sin ser

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destruidos en el proceso.
Ya es tan buena como una fiesta, una persona no necesita los recursos de 10.000 personas. Este tipo de pensamiento no es una
plataforma poltica, es necesario para la supervivencia a largo plazo.
La codicia y el materialismo son de la agencia de la corrupcin que ha provocado el colapso que estamos presenciando, sino que son
alimentadas por la ignorancia y el miedo. El miedo mismo es causado por la ignorancia, y la cura de la ignorancia es el conocimiento.
El tipo de conocimiento que estamos hablando aqu slo se logra y se transmite a los dems cuando la comprensin ha seguido la accin,
de una manera plenamente consciente, capacitado, y de manera disciplinada. Recuerda esto.

Con el fin de sobrevivir a la transicin de la existencia de esclavos que hemos padecido durante tanto tiempo, que va a ser necesario
tomar el control de su atencin y su mente.
Los gobernantes de las empresas y la riqueza de lite que controlan la vida y los parmetros de su existencia son lo suficientemente
poderoso para hacerlo slo por haber ganado la batalla por su mente, y tener un control completo de su atencin.
Como lo es hoy, se han rendido a su poder y la libertad, y dedicar toda su energa creativa para sostener y apoyar a los maestros y su
orden de esclavitud que nos ata.
Las cadenas que los esclavos modernos de desgaste en esta civilizacin son: impuestos, impuestos costo de la vida, y la monotona de
los ms de 40 horas de trabajo semanales.

Qu son los impuestos?

Los impuestos son el precio que usted paga para "permitir que existan". Se trata de un saldo de al menos 1 / 3 de
toda su energa, que va directamente al apoyo bsico y el mantenimiento del rgimen en el poder mismo de que se
ha colocado en una posicin para juzgar si est o no digno de vivir.

Cules son los costos de vida?

La idea de que debe 'coste de vivir' es un crimen contra la humanidad, pero lo que se reduce a un acuerdo que usted,
como un ser soberano, no poseen un derecho a la vida y los medios de supervivencia, y tienen que sacrificio para
vivir. Esto juega a cabo como una lucha negativa entre los que "debe" y los que los propios ". (volveremos a este
dilema dentro de poco)

Qu es la semana de 40 horas de trabajo?

Esta es la cosecha de tu alma. Es la obra de toda su vida, consistente en todo el tiempo y la energa que poseen
para crear cualquier cosa en el curso de su vida, intercalados con breves perodos de descanso y reparacin (noches
y fines de semana). Para la mayora de personas, casi todas de este poder creador va directamente a satisfacer "el
costo de vida", y no queda nada ms que ofrecer para las vacaciones, la vejez o la muerte.
Lo que esto supone en resumen es un escenario en el que han renunciado a su derecho soberano a existir, entreg el control completo de
su vida a otra persona, y les pag para hacerlo con su alma.
Es esto realmente lo que quiere para una existencia?
Este es precisamente el modelo impuesto que tiene la gran mayora de la civilizacin occidental en la esclavitud. Las cadenas que
conectan a los esclavos a los maestros en este programa es el dinero, que es un smbolo de la energa creativa se genera a travs de su
40 horas de trabajo semanales. Los capitanes de control de las cadenas (de crdito), mientras que el trabajo esclavo en su esclavitud (la
Este modelo de existencia ha plagado a la humanidad por lo menos 2000 aos, y ha cobrado un precio terrible a nosotros.
Cuando usted puede ver las cosas en estos trminos, todo lo que saba o crea que saba acerca de la sociedad y el significado de la vida
adquiere un sabor muy diferente, porque la verdad es que usted nunca ha tenido una eleccin honesta en lo que su vida debe ser, todos
que ha hecho es decidir entre lo que las cadenas de usar. Esta trampa es lo que llaman "encuadre" en la hipnosis - es un tipo de control
psicolgico en el que una persona recibe un comando en la forma de una libre eleccin.
Cuando se le pregunt a la pregunta "Le gusta sentarse en esta silla, o esa silla?" Puede parecer como la libertad de eleccin, pero al
final, te sientas en una silla si quera o no, y que ni siquiera pregunta ella.
Con esto en mente, si se compara a la elaboracin con el proceso democrtico estadounidense, hay alguna duda en cuanto a lo que
realmente est pasando?
El encuadre es reforzada por otra herramienta de manipulacin: cuando las cosas se vuelven intolerables o sus derechos son pisoteados,
se le trajo en desuso a travs de un proceso llamado "nuevo marco". La mayora de la programacin de televisin se dedica al
mantenimiento de esta manipulacin. El replanteamiento es una tcnica de programacin psicolgica que lo alienta a cambiar su

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mantenimiento de esta manipulacin. El replanteamiento es una tcnica de programacin psicolgica que lo alienta a cambiar su
perspectiva a una en la que el sujeto adquiere un significado completamente diferente (a eleccin del controlador).
Esto se suele hacer en una situacin donde una queja legtima se convierte en la ilusin de oportunidades (ver el lado brillante),
agradecimiento (Cuenta tus bendiciones), o para convertir una reaccin legtima como la rabia en un inofensivo como el humor.
Elaboracin y la reconstruccin no son inherentemente malas herramientas, pueden ser utilizados de manera constructiva por los
individuos a mantener la concentracin, alcanzar metas, o evitar la depresin. Pero en esta sociedad son mucho ms comnmente
utilizado (me atrevera a decir casi exclusivamente) para manipular a la gente.
Lo que hemos hecho en esta seccin llamada "perspectiva" es participar en alguna de pensamiento crtico. Esta es la capacidad de ver la
verdad - para determinar por qu ciertas cosas estn sucediendo, y de su importancia real, ya que pertenecen a su existencia. Es crucial
empezar a hacer este cambio de perspectiva y de ver las cosas en trminos de cmo afectan el estado y la calidad de su existencia.
Con el fin de construir una nueva existencia, tendr que hacerlo con frecuencia, y dejar ir de la programacin social que ha mantenido en
cautiverio durante toda la vida.

Etapa 1 - Borrar tu espacio personal

Esta seccin describe los primeros pasos en la creacin de una nueva forma de vida que lo llevar fuera del mbito de la distraccin, la
adversidad y el trauma, y en una posicin donde usted tendr la libertad de pensar crticamente, y empezar a hacer sus propias
Estos compromisos no son las nicas opciones, pero lo primero, porque tendr los resultados ms inmediatos y esenciales.

Mata a su televisor
Esta es la puerta de enlace entre la mente y la programacin.
Por la exposicin a este dispositivo, su mente es atacado sin descanso a un nivel inconsciente, por la frecuencia de
palabras, los memes (las transmisiones de la idea repetitiva), la manipulacin del deseo, la presin social, la culpa y,
sobre todo, el miedo. Radiodifusin est lleno de todas estas herramientas que son diseado para distraerte, consumir
lo que queda poco tiempo de su 40 horas de trabajo semanales.
Mientras mira la televisin, su mente se pone en un estado de trance. Esto permite a la programacin para evitar los
filtros completamente racional y de tren y modificar su comportamiento en un nivel psicolgico profundo.
La mente inconsciente no puede rechazar estas sugerencias - simplemente no hay defensa contra este tipo de
programacin, salvo para evitar la exposicin.


Evale todas sus relaciones

No estoy diciendo que un culto a abandonar a su familia, soy un ser despierto te anima a asumir la responsabilidad
de lo nico que tiene control sobre: su propia vida.
Si usted est considerando la idea de construir una nueva existencia, entonces usted va a encontrar que una buena
parte de los miembros de su familia, amigos y asociados probablemente no lo har. Usted, tarde o temprano, tendr
que decidir si sus deseos y expectativas de los que son ms importantes que los que usted tiene para ti y tu futuro.
Si usted no acepta la posibilidad de derecho de entrada que puede tener que separarse de esta gente, y hacer
arreglos para que esas posibilidades, usted se encontrar en contra de la programacin no slo de su propio, pero
todos ellos, colectivamente. Sin pensar en estas cosas y el ejercicio de una saludable cantidad de discrecin, es
probable que usted perder. La gente tiene miedo del cambio y todo lo que no estn familiarizados con. Si usted se
preocupa lo suficiente, se convocar a las autoridades que vendrn y neutralizar a ti, si tu haciendo nada malo o no.
Por otro lado, usted tambin puede encontrar que hay personas ms buenas en tu vida que te has dado cuenta, y
podran ser sus aliados ms fuertes si slo habl con ellos.
Al evaluar a las personas en su vida, vale la pena su tiempo para darles la oportunidad de hablar por s mismos y
muestran algunas cosas que tal vez nunca lo esperado (porque nunca se pregunt).


Tmese un tiempo para averiguar cunto sabe o no sabe sobre el cuidado de s mismo. Al principio de cualquier tipo
de nueva vida, los primeros desafos tienen que ver con la independencia, por lo que es importante establecer en su
punto de partida est en el proceso.
Anote la respuesta a preguntas como:
S i usted fue desconectado de la civilizacin actual, sera capaz de crear o conseguir una vivienda adecuada,
el calor, los alimentos y necesidades bsicas de la vida?
Tiene suficiente experiencia de vida bsica para ensear a un nio lo que necesita saber para convertirse en
un adulto inteligente y capaz?
Tiene usted alguna conocimientos especializados, conocimientos, carcter, o habilidades que podran ser de
valor definido en una nueva cultura?
Tienes tiempo u otros recursos con los que aprender cosas u otras de apoyo?


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Cuando usted tiene sus respuestas, usted sabr qu tipo de trabajo es delante de ti.
No se preocupe por sus resultados, este ejercicio es simplemente para que usted pueda saber exactamente lo que
necesitan para aprender, y lo que ser capaz de ensear o compartir con otros.

Empezar a construir una comunidad intencional

Si se han evaluado sus relaciones de manera efectiva, entonces esto ser mucho ms fcil y ms seguro que hacer.
Realizacin de una importante transicin de una existencia saludable a un estado saludable de ser no es algo que la
mayora de la gente puede hacer solo. Muchas manos hacen el trabajo ligero, y dos cabezas son (generalmente)
mejor que uno cuando viene a la recuperacin, la reforma y la construccin de algo nuevo.
A medida que la red con individuos semejantes, usted ser capaz de evaluar los dems y, en trminos de una
sociedad, conocer la procedencia de fuerzas combinadas empezar a construir un conjunto ms completo, y cmo
usted puede aprender y beneficiarse de ellos.


Retirarse de actividades nocivas

Esto significa que cualquier cosa que usted ha echado races en el rgimen actual, como el juego, las drogas, el
consumismo, la tecnofilia y exigentes escenas sociales.
"Ser cool" es slo otra forma de esclavitud, donde las personas se convierten en esclavos de su ego inferior, y la labor
que cumplen las condiciones para la autoestima o la aceptacin entre los miembros de esa escena en particular.
Estas dependencias trabajarn directamente en contra de cualquier tipo de existencia que ser capaz de reemplazar a
la vieja corrupcin, y crear un futuro prspero.

Si yo te dijera que haciendo estas cosas que no estn renunciando a su vida, que podra estar utilizando la tcnica de replanteamiento.
Todo lo que dir es que si sigues estos pasos, usted va a adquirir la capacidad de rechazar la programacin (carrera, falsedades, las
deudas, las trampas, las cargas, etc) que estaban disponibles antes de que usted saba casi nada sobre la vida. Cualquier cambio
importante en su programacin se va a parecer una amenaza a lo que entendemos por su vida.
Pero a menos que se desconecte y echar un vistazo para usted mismo, usted nunca sabr de las posibilidades que han sido censuradas
fuera de su mundo.
Realmente no hay otra manera de salir de las cadenas de la esclavitud hasta que permita que su auto el tiempo y el espacio personal
para comenzar a crear una mejor vida de una manera deliberada (no slo de reaccin a ciegas). No hay opciones de carrera o grados de
formacin que ofrecen una va de escape. No existen subsidios gubernamentales o municipios que pueden dar a usted tampoco. Esto es
as porque esta forma de vida no est permitido.
La libertad es un tab, porque los dueos de esclavos de las empresas no quieren perder sus recursos humanos ms que un agricultor
quiere dejar correr libremente su ganado.
Por supuesto, esta es una perspectiva aterradora, su ok a admitir, pero tenga en cuenta que en este momento estamos fuera de las
opciones y casi fuera de tiempo. Muchas personas (de miedo) parecen pensar que la lucha contra el ataque o la revolucin es el siguiente
paso lgico.
La violencia slo se justifica ms del gobierno y aumenta a ms violencia, y no es una solucin vlida, ya que en realidad no resolver los
problemas de raz.
Una vez ms, los problemas que pasa aqu estn sucediendo en todos los pases del planeta en estos momentos. Somos miles de aos
de profundidad en un episodio psictico que todos y cada uno de nosotros tiene que trabajar fuera de nuestro camino. Si usted cree que
los ajustes de personal que hace son demasiado difciles o demasiado trabajo, por favor, pase este documento a otra persona que pueda
hacer uso de ella.
La buena noticia es que una vez que un mejor modelo de la existencia est en marcha, las generaciones que nos siguen nunca tendrn
que pasar por esta pesadilla.
Ellos heredarn lo que deseamos que han tenido, pero se necesitar valor y un esfuerzo inicial para que esto suceda. Es posible cambiar
el mundo en que vivimos, incluso la ciencia de materiales ha demostrado que la realidad se ajusta a las expectativas del observador.
Esto significa que, individualmente y colectivamente, el control de nuestra realidad basada en el consentimiento y la expectativa. Ese es
un tremendo poder, y todos lo poseen.
Si desea utilizar de manera responsable, siga leyendo.

Desenchufe a s mismo de la Matriz.
Como hemos dicho, la primera etapa de la curacin consiste en eliminar la fuente de entrada de txicos, y comenzar a proveer slo los
componentes saludables. Separando de las fuentes de acondicionamiento mental y social y se fijan sus propios fundamentos, es posible
ver lo que usted haga, comienza a pensar por ti mismo, y hacer un plan.
Usted no se va con el flujo de ms, as que desde este punto en adelante, contar con una cierta resistencia a acumular.

Etapa 2 - Salir de la Caja


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Una vez que su capacidad de pensar con claridad y de manera crtica, y tener algn control sobre su atencin, el tiempo y la energa, un
nuevo conjunto de obstculos que se har evidente.
La primera se ocupa especficamente de las fronteras, el primer impulso para la auto-conciencia de esclavos, que acaba de cuenta de que
pueden librarse de sus cadenas es 'dnde correr. El problema evidente es, como un esclavo, usted cree que no hacer nada propio, slo
los maestros (el gobierno y la lite) propias cosas, por lo que puede parecer nadie est a salvo.
Esto incluye todo, desde las calles a los bosques nacionales. Its all 'patrullado y protegido "(para su conveniencia).
Usted, como el esclavo, les deben su energa de trabajo a fin de tener el privilegio de visitar las distintas partes de esta infraestructura de
ellos por perodos breves de tiempo, mientras usted est en conformidad con su legislacin, y han pagado las tasas de admisin .
Este es el dilema creado por el modelo de propiedad falsos.
La primera verdad a reconocer aqu es que nadie "tiene" nada en esta tierra. La opinin de la lite es que se puede
ser dueo de las cosas (incluido usted), siempre que puede asustar y hacer creer que por hacer un ejemplo de
alguien. Esto da una brutal control total de cada individuo en la mente de todos a travs del poder del miedo.
La segunda verdad hay que reconocer es que los esclavos ms numerosos que los agresores (incluso las filas de los
encargados de hacer cumplir) de 5000 a 1. Si las personas se puedan reclamar su mente y ya no estaban en el
dominio del miedo, este pequeo menos-que-1 el liderazgo% perdera todo su poder. Ellos tienen un temor profundo
que se dar cuenta de esto, y es por eso que la dedicar esos enormes cantidades de energa para mantener a todos
As que el fin principal de negocio aqu es evitar pensar en trminos de su modelo - que no se pueden superar dentro de su propio juego y
sus lmites artificiales.
Tenemos que cambiar las reglas del juego y recuperar nuestro poder. No tener el poder de hacer lo que hacen (destruir) sino que tiene el
poder para construir un mundo en el que la codicia y el control no tiene lugar, y en el que son indivisibles, porque sus fronteras no tienen
En esencia, la fase 2 es aprender a perder el respeto por el hombre falso leyes hechas (el armamento real de la lite) y aprender a
reconocer y respetar las leyes naturales en su lugar.
Esto no significa convertirse en un anarquista - que significa para repensar todo lo que haces en trminos de:
Los 5 principios - si eso es preventiva o problemticas a los principios fundacionales, entonces ser de ninguna utilidad
para el futuro.
Su capacidad para funcionar como una comunidad sostenible, tanto tribal y como civilizacin.
Dado que este es un mtodo pacfico, la estrategia de la sutileza y la resistencia pasiva ser de gran utilidad, mientras que estas leyes
falsos todava existen.
Esto es posible cuando resolvemos suministro de dependencia. Con el fin de existir como una tribu autnoma dentro de este pas, la tribu
deben reducir y eliminar su dependencia de los mecanismos de anclaje ms formidable del pas.
Estos mecanismos son:
Ingresos (dinero)
Recursos (energa, alimentos, combustible)
De Vivienda (ttulos, escrituras y contratos de arrendamiento)

Para todos los efectos prcticos entonces, con el fin de superar las fuerzas que inhiben nuestra libertad fsica, debemos alejarnos de su
influencia y su dependencia.
Tenemos que 'bajarse de la red'.
La seccin de apndice a continuacin, cubre los muchos detalles de cmo exactamente se puede realizar esto, y algunos de esos
mtodos se expanda y se haga a medida de las regiones en las que este manual es poner en prctica.
Una vez que una tribu es capaz de cuidar de sus propias necesidades, es capaz de migracin.

Etapa 3 - la preocupacin domstica

Estamos en el paso de este manual donde se supone que ha desconectado de la mquina de control mental conocido como la sociedad
moderna, se han tomado algunas decisiones personales.
Tener las bases de una filosofa que funciona y que no se reproducen los mismos problemas, y han comenzado a construir nuestra
comunidad planificada, la cuestin inmediata siguiente cuestin: cmo llegar a ser fsicamente independiente?


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Esta es la pregunta crucial, ya que en la actualidad, casi nadie sabe cmo vivir fuera de las condiciones artificiales que hayan nacido y
sido criados. El primer pensamiento en la mente de la gente es que cualquier alternativa va a significar un retorno a la edad de piedra. El
miedo viene de no saber cmo se podra hacer frente sin electricidad, agua corriente, y gasolina.
Este reflejo mental elimina todas las opciones antes de cualquier pensamiento creativo se ha producido, al pensar en estos trminos es
una definicin negativa a s mismos. Es auto-sabotaje a pensar que los recursos simplemente no estn disponibles fuera de la institucin
(nacional, federal, comercial) de distribucin.
Esto es lo que los amos de esclavos quieren hacer creer.
Si tenemos en cuenta lo que es necesario para la vida y aadir esas cosas en el cuadro, y luego trabajar en formas creativas para
alcanzarlos, no tenemos que empezar con un escenario derrotista. No se trata de un exilio sbita en un paisaje estril - vamos a tomar
algn tiempo para desarrollar una estructura slida que nos transicin en.
No queremos fijarnos al fracaso y un rebote inevitable.
Los principales recursos que debemos preocuparnos por el corto plazo son: agua, alimentos y refugio. El principal recurso que debemos
ocuparnos en el largo plazo es la energa. Esto significa que tendremos que iniciar nuestros planes a largo plazo en primer lugar, darles el
tiempo para ser desarrollado y probado para que puedan ser fiables cuando ms se necesita.
Por lo tanto, permite hablar de la energa.

El problema con las fuentes de energa no es que son realmente escasos, el problema es que un modelo de entropa se ha puesto en el
lugar que requiere el consumo de un suministro (artificial) Limited.
Sin este modelo, no puede haber raros, en cantidad limitada para controlar y, por tanto, sin valor real "puede ser colocado en los recursos.
Por qu las compaas petroleras con fuerza comprar o destruir todas las invenciones que se resolvera la crisis energtica? Porque si se
conoci que usted puede obtener energa a partir de algo como el agua, o incluso desde el aire, que nunca seran capaces de controlar y
hacer miles de millones de dlares. No hay escasez de alternativas de energa abundante y los recursos renovables, la nica barrera es su
brutal represin por la Powers That Be (sus amos).
Ser de importancia fundamental para cualquier tribu, que busca llegar a ser verdaderamente libres e independientes para familiarizarse
con algunas de estas alternativas, aprenden a construir y gestionar, y avanzar hacia una situacin en la que convertirse en la principal
fuente de energa. Sin una fuente de energa limpia, libre, de una cultura tribal se mantendr relativamente primitiva, y no tienen la
capacidad de reconstruir una civilizacin en un corto perodo de tiempo.
No queremos tener que reinventar la rueda, el objetivo aqu es ser capaces de retener un poco de conocimiento realmente valioso en el
pasado - pero esta vez, hacer las cosas de la manera correcta.
El Apndice incluye ms detalles sobre este tema, que alguien con la aptitud de su comunidad debe tener de ahora, y comenzar el estudio
y el desarrollo.
Voy a mencionar algunos mtodos aqu por referencia:

Energa Solar
Esta es bastante obvio, pero s requiere de componentes especializados y los recursos que no son muy fciles de
conseguir. Sin embargo, su valor como una solucin a corto plazo es grande, porque uno puede comprar o rescatar
los componentes de un pre-desarrollado y pre-hechos condicin y empezar a usarlas inmediatamente. El
inconveniente es que si se pierden los paneles de oportunidad, es muy poco lo que se podan fabricar hasta que un
desarrollo mucho ms ha tenido lugar. Esto se convierte en un punto nico de fallo para la civilizacin.

Energa Elica
Este mtodo corre paralela a la energa solar en que se basa en estructuras bastante complicada - este este caso,
ms grandes y las estructuras no muy mvil que sera muy difcil de manejar con discrecin. Sus ventajas son tambin
dignas de consideracin, ya que esta es una tecnologa ya desarrollada y disponible, y en realidad no es tan difcil de
reproducir, como qumicos clulas solares.

Bateras de la Tierra
De lejos la forma ms simple y confiable de energa para la aplicacin permanente y mvil. Una serie de tierra de 10
bateras son fciles de construir e instalar, y fcilmente podra abastecer las necesidades energticas de una pequea
comunidad. Que casi no requieren mantenimiento, son limpias, sostenibles y renovables, y fcil de fabricar.
Hay ciertamente ms opciones disponibles que estos tres, pero la mayora requieren un fondo mucho ms avanzada en ciencia y
tecnologa, una slida experiencia y pruebas de campo, y algunos modelos de trabajo.
Estos no son recomendados para el arranque, pero la adquisicin de conocimientos de sus principios es muy recomendable.
De los generadores de imanes relativamente sencillo cero dispositivos de energa de punto, la investigacin de energas alternativas
abunda, y deben ser estudiados, mientras que la informacin est disponible.


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No llegar muy lejos sin agua potable.
Una vez que su evolucin a largo plazo estn en marcha, usted querr invertir en un buen filtro de agua porttil. Habr una buena longitud
del tiempo en nuestro futuro cercano, donde te encontrars en situaciones donde el agua potable ser muy difcil si no imposible de
Hasta que se estableci cerca de un poco de agua limpia (ros, manantiales, pozos, etc) que se puede purificar de manera adecuada, su
filtro de agua ser de vital importancia. No confe en la purificacin de productos qumicos (cloro, etc.) Si es posible, consiga un buen
multi-filtro de la etapa que lleva a cabo la contaminacin qumica y microbiana.
Si puede haber algo que podra llamarse un "costo inicial" para su nueva existencia, ser un filtro de agua.
Si usted no puede permitirse un filtro, hay algunas formas sencillas de hacer efectivos los filtros de agua con materiales corrientes, - vase
la seccin Apndice muy por debajo, para obtener informacin sobre cmo hacer esto.

Alimentos ser su preocupacin ms inmediata siguiente, y slo entrando en el lugar 3 , porque no es tan inmediata de una necesidad
como el agua.
Planning for food independence will require about as much study and planning as energy production, but it is not quite as difficult a subject
to learn and develop - but it ranks very close.
There will be two stages to your food independence; an initial stage where your tribe is consuming some percentage of commercially
available food on a daily basis. This will likely occur during your transition phases, unless someone in your community is already involved
with independent farming. The second stage begins when you have fully transitioned away from all commercially available foods and are
existing only on that which you have produced yourself.
This can go a number of different ways; your tribe may decide to be primarily agricultural, in which case you will have designated planting
and harvesting areas which you actively maintain and protect, or you may (by choice or necessity) subsist primarily on hunting and
This will be dependent on your habitat and the availability of resources, but because it is a finite model that can be easily upset, depleted,
or destroyed by neighbors or competitors, it is not recommended. The civilizations which advanced the farthest and lived the longest were
based on agriculture, and if done properly and governed wisely, it is indefinitely sustainable.
The most likely scenario in the beginning will be an opportunistic tribe which produces food mainly through agriculture, but supplements
with limited hunting and gathering. Over 65% of the United States is undeveloped federally-owned land. This territory is just as well suited
for such endeavors as any other land, and has the benefit of being away from dense population centers, making you very difficult to detect.
A number of alternative methods for food production, from growing to gathering, in urban and rural environments is supplied in the
Don't choose solutions that are unrealistic for the habitat you have targeted - growing blue-green algae will be more reliable in a controlled
indoor environment than a forest, whereas rural dwellers should not attempt to travel back and forth to towns for the sake of soup kitchens.

The kind of shelter you will require for healthy living will greatly depend on your local climate. Suffice to say that in order to become
independent in this regard, you will need to abandon the concept of property ownership, borders, and territories.
While in a transitional state, privately-held property will likely be the best place from which to base your community, but if it is not available,
then other measures will be required.

Privately-Held Property
In this scenario, you will need to determine how soon you will have to leave the property.
When you go off the grid, you won't have a steady income to make mortgage payments, pay land taxes and other new
taxes that crop up, and the Elite will have you removed sooner or later. (although even if you have completely
defaulted or gone bankrupt, it could be a very long time before anything is actually done about it from their end).
While you have the property, use it to develop your community, make your plans, and prepare for independence.

Federal Land
Camping is not the ideal habitat, but in some climates it can be quite sufficient and comfortable.
Many nomadic societies lived in tents, and it is a very efficient mode of operation for a community in a transitional
state. Citizens are free to travel through and camp on federal land and wilderness as long as they move every two
weeks. This is the basic guideline, and as long as your being responsible and discreet, you are well within your rights
to be there.


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Although the Elite would like you to think that you do not own this land, the fact is that all federal land is owned 'in
trust' by all citizens of the country. If you are a citizen and have paid taxes at some point in the past, then you are as
much an "owner" of that land as anyone else.
We do not intend to fight any battles over so-called territory from within the system and its laws, but for what it's worth,
knowing this may help you get over the idea that you are a criminal for living there.
Rest assured, that the actual criminals of our time are the leadership that has robbed and subjugated its own people.

Public Land
Living as a nomad in cities, on the highways, and in public areas is difficult because authorities have stereotyped such
people as derelict and criminal, and being harassed, arrested, detained, or worse will be eventualities for you if you
remain this mode for very long.
The value of this scenario is realized only if your community is already very self-sufficient and physically adept, and is
willing to live on the edge and knows how to stay outside the reach of the authorities.
Public and wild gardening are possible, as is foraging - as of this writing, a great deal of clean and edible food is
disposed of daily from grocery stores and restaurants, and this should not be ignored as an urban (temporary) dietary
Generally speaking, your only true shelter requirements are protection from the elements and privacy. If you have warm bedding, warm
clothes, and something over your head to keep you dry, you will be ok.
The basics of shelter, warmth, and sanitation for each of the above scenarios is detailed in the Appendix, but it should be kept in mind that
as you break free as a society and develop your independence, you will need to be very adaptable and mobile until you find a region that is
suitable for longer term dwelling.

This section has covered the basic considerations you will need to factor into your initial plans. They deal with your short and long term
resource needs, and the better you prepare for this in terms of knowledge and practice, the better off you will be.
If you are fortunate to have a good size community with a variety of skills and education, you may have an easier time scaling your
transitions from the interim stages to independence, and finally, to long term establishment.

Stage 4 - Social concerns

At this point, let us assume that you have a solid community and have rolled off the grid - you have established some working methods for
food production, and you are in a location that is conducive to your lifestyle.
Basically, you have enough to eat & drink, can clean yourselves and sleep safely, and perhaps you've got some free energy for lighting at
night, and operating some tools or devices you have brought with you. With the right kind of knowledge and experience in your tribe, this
situation is not that hard to attain.
However, there are some other factors we have not mentioned until now because they are less universal, and depend upon the character of
your society and the conditions you may or may not be facing which are peculiar to your region and your status with respect to the slave

Firstly, what commonly occurs the moment success is reached in a social group like this is interpersonal conflicts of one kind or another.
They generally stem from 3 types of things:

Power struggles
A power struggle can come about as a result of anything from personal involvements (love triangles, etc) to simple
clashes over direction or ideology. These must be resolved immediately and effectively, or everything you have all
worked for could fall apart overnight.
For this reason, it is highly recommended that you start your community with something more than the 5 Principles.
There are no political or philosophical frameworks that you could adopt which will guarantee a society's survival, but
what is suggested will be to avoid those that have demonstrably high failure rates and those that are based on a
principles of consumption and destruction.
What has been observed in the most long-lived societies was a structure where the population are guided by those
who possess the highest degree of wisdom. This is usually the most educated and/or elder members of the society.
This kind of education was the equivalent to that of a highly experienced psychologist, with the skills of a counselor
and healer. These kinds of people are hard to find in today's world, but in the past, they filled the vital roles that kept
society healthy by guiding it through its most troubled times.
What can be proven beyond doubt is that all the major religions and political ideologies that have influenced civilization
for the last 1500 years will be poisonous to long-term success. They have demonstrated repeatedly that they contain

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the viruses by which all civilized efforts are brought down to the state we are observing in the slavery model of these
This will be a major decision point for most of you, because the major religions and the love of systems like capitalism,
socialism, etc. are very widespread, and their adherents would often rather die than change or abandon these beliefs
and practices. All that can be said at this point is - refusal to change these ways will result in the inevitable collapse of
your new society.
Disregard this warning at your own risk.

Ulterior Motives/Hidden Agendas

This is probably the most common cause of difficulty in a social group, because people who plot and scheme act
selfishly and secretly.
The rest of the group only becomes aware of the scheme until its already well underway or has achieved enough of its
aims to have done serious damage. This kind of behavior undermines the work if individuals and the development of
the collective. It is literally the needs and will of the one outweighing the needs and will of the many.
The chances of this kind of thing becoming a serious problem is minimized by adherence to the 3 rd Principle, but the
possibility exists that such things were brought in before the community was fully formed. The solution to these issues
are the same as they are for power struggles - the entire tribe must come together and agree on a resolution to the
issue quickly and effectively.
The way you handle things in your society is up to you, but I will suggest you read the 5 th Principle before you act.
Behavior includes how you treat other people - forgiveness is just as important as justice, and it can sometimes go a
lot farther in the case where a person comprehends the full impact of their actions.

Boredom & Confusion

These issues may seem harmless, but they are in fact very serious, and can unravel a society as effectively as any
other crisis.
People in your society are bringing with them their hopes for a better existence - that doesn't just mean more noble,
productive, or efficient, it also needs to promote an enjoyable life! Without fulfilling pursuits and pastimes, there will be
many boring and dreary nights that will literally drive you nuts.
In the past you had every conceivable sort of pleasurable diversion at your disposal, but out in your own world, you will
want to promote and encourage people engage in arts, games, and traditions such as music, dance, drama and
storytelling. Inspiration and joy cannot be underrated.
The other side to this issue is confusion.
Confusion sets into a group when they do not sense any kind of structure (social order) or group identity (shared
destiny/vision). The way to avoid this species of social decay is to structure your society from the beginning, and make
sure that it has goals which it is moving toward, and that these are clearly known and recorded. Social order is very
necessary, it gives members of the tribe a role to fill which they can not only fulfill, but also govern.
The easiest way to do this is by putting responsibilities into buckets and assigning them to the people who have the
best skill and affinity for them. (don't put too much power or influence in one bucket).
For example - several people who have worked out the food problems might direct agriculture, those with medical skills
might comprise your hospital, perhaps you have one or more engineers, and so one.
In this way, everyone has a valuable role, and everything gets done.
If you can survive conflicts like these when they arise (not if, when) and develop some re-usable methods for solving them, you will be past
a major trial, and your future will be much more assured. The identity and fiber of your society is strengthened by things like this.
The 5 Principles will give you the tools you need to sort through difficulties, so refer to them frequently.

Secondly, there eventually comes a time for every society when a rival group of hostile force threatens your survival directly.
This is a serious issue, and even the most peaceful societies must establish how they will cope with this kind of threat. History has shown
that when passive civilizations are faced with violent ones, they do not survive. Their fate (at best) becomes that of the occupants of the
most harsh and inhospitable lands, because they have fled to a place where their aggressors do not care to go.
The other fate is as a slave or victim, but having already been there, this is not an option for us.
There is nothing wrong with defending your life, it is a requirement of the entirety of nature, and at this time, while so much of humanity is
infected with corruption, it is still required of us. Among your tribe should be some knowledge of how to respond and direct your group in an
emergency - in order to know how to do things like evacuate, maneuver, take a position, or defend yourselves, everyone will be required to
learn their roles and what to do.
This is a group activity, and if your going to do this at all, then everybody needs to practice it without exception.
Chances are, there will be no shortage of people with some amount of military knowledge and experience, and your society should benefit

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from them, but it will be important to adapt this knowledge to your unique lifestyle and habitat. Defensive measures as a native population
are very different than invasive military training which is based on war and the presence of powerful weapons.
Some suggested resources on this subject can be found in the Appendix.

Stage 4 has been devoted to challenges you face once you are up and running.
The next several years will be a time of severe economic collapse, and a number of other disasters are expected to occur. Most of these
are contrived by government efforts to destabilize the population and kill many of them off through hunger, disease, and strife. It is almost
guaranteed that you will experience some or all of the dangers described above, and how well you fare them will depend on how your
society is structured, and how well you have prepared.
It is important to remember that anybody who is not working for the slave masters could be a potential ally, at least in terms of peaceful
relations. If they are open to an alternative life, their Diaspora could mean growth for your tribe, and a strengthening of your society, as you
are given the chance to teach them everything you know.
This should be seen as a great opportunity, to strengthen your knowledge because teachers learn by greater strides than students.

Etapa 5 - Continuidad
Success is something that should not be an end-state.
Let us assume that over a period of years, your new society has not only become independent and established renewable, sustainable
resources and clean, free energy, but it has surmounted the adversity of troubled times (disasters, wars, etc.) and established itself as a
free nation, and forged relations with several other similar societies.
At this point, while the last of the slave governments collapse and fall apart, what would the next step be for your new existence?
You now enjoy a free and healthy life, a rich and growing unique culture, and love and fellowship among your people. There should be
great confidence that your civilization will fare better than its predecessors. While you may live well, your infrastructure is made up of the
remnants of a bygone era and will not last long. You may have yet to solve the issues of travel and trade with distant communities, or
founded the establishments which will educate and train future generations.
Before this situation arises, you may want decide what direction you should go as a people. Generally cultures will either persist in some
type of development (inwardly or outwardly) or they will stop developing and simply persist at a comfortable level. Although the world could
benefit from continued development and rediscovery of the arts, sciences, and spirituality, your role in that process will be up to you.
It is not necessary at this point to make a decision like this, but it is a good idea to keep it in your mind as a future concern. The hardestwon success can still fall to stagnation and a lack of motivation.
On the other hand, if your society has vitality, remains in accord with the 5 Principles, and its people are benevolent and free to pursue
their human potential, then it is a worthy home for the human spirit, and nothing more can be asked of it.

This section is a reminder that, if we are fortunate to have had success in building a new existence, to appreciate and respect it by making
something of it, and give it everything it needs to enrich the world and perhaps grow into something even greater than you imagined.
When the day comes that we all walk away from this over-complicated and corrupt civilization (its no longer a question of IF), we may have
a choice between a devolution back to primitive life, or a reform effort in which civilization is rebuilt by people who remember how things
went wrong, and can learn from the past. This Manual was created to help create the latter option.
Thus far, the only thing people have learned from history is that no one seems to be capable of learning from history.
We can change this trend.

Getting off the grid
Today there are many ideas about what 'getting off the grid' entails. Lets be clear - the grid is the network of services and
infrastructure that support modern living.
This includes prefabricated houses and apartments, electricity, oil and natural gas, city plumbing (septic and running water),
garbage and recycling services, gasoline, phone service (land and cell), cable TV and internet, and any other subscription
product or service you can have. All these consumable resources and utilities are woven together to form THE GRID.
The Grid is, collectively, the same as the barred cells and shackles of a prison. You cannot live in the civilized zone without
having most of the items in the list above.
Look at how cleverly they literally weave together:


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Every necessity requires money, and earning money demands a job.

You cannot get a job without both an address and a phone number.
You cannot have an address without a house or apartment.
You cannot have a house or apartment without plumbing and electric or gas/oil heating.
Media services are not requirements for the majority of jobs (yet) but chances are if you have a job you will rely on TV
and/or the Internet to distract yourself from thoughts of suicide.
Based on how the Grid is set up, once you take the earning money part out of the equation, every item in the list ceases to
be an actual hard requirement, and they don't force you into further dependencies.
Therefore, because you can't provide for yourself through any other means than a job, the only way to truly get 'off the Grid'
is to both leave the job market AND move outside of society.
This is quite a shift, and people will tend to panic if its done all at once. The most stable 'slow transition' will be to remove the
Grid items from the bottom up, in order of importance.
Some of the things that will make getting off the Grid happen easier and faster include:

Lifestyle Changes
Use and development of home gardening, hand crafts, home schooling. By supplementing your food supply, you
reduce costs and learn the many nuances of how to grow food properly. By learning how to craft and repair your own
goods, you gain the ability to modify and customize your world, and make good use out of raw materials.
Home schooling is essential not only for teaching young people, but to start improving the education process itself learning the difference between the true and the false, and what is useful and not useful to learn. Eventually you will
acquire a curriculum that will provide a healthy replacement for the Imperial Conditioning that passes for state
education today.
Implement a barter system for goods & services among your planned community. When you have a network of people
working together and sharing their skills and resources, life becomes much easier for everyone. This will be the model
in use on a large scale for your civilization, because it is the only well known model that de-centralizes wealth, and
tends to steer clear of the inherent problems of currency (greed, corruption).
Start using energy solutions early on to reduce energy costs. If you could replace the need for Grid energy and fuel,
you could completely eliminate another dependency and cost.
This would also provide the opportunity to learn and develop your alternative technology.

Dropping all non-essential services and/or switch to free ones

Probably the only Grid service worth retaining ( while it is still free ) is the Internet. Free internet access is available at
public libraries across the country, and free WiFi signals can be used in many urban areas. The Internet offers many
free tools for communication and collaboration between tribes (like the website that hosts this paper). Use it if you can,
it can be a very powerful tool.


Most people have access to natural sources of water - rain gutters, local creeks and rivers, etc. If this is the case in
your region, you will be able to gather free water for washing and drinking. You will need barrels that can be covered to
gather water and prevent debris and pollution, but once you have it, filter your wash water with a basic home made
filter, and invest in good quality home or portable filtration device and keep your purified drinking water separate. (see:
"Water" far below)

De aguas residuales

Most people have access to free sources of water - rain gutters, gardening valves, local creeks and rivers, etc. If you
do, and are willing to fill and rotate 4 gallon barrels, you can flush any toilet in the modern world by pouring a few
gallons into the bowl. This is a free way to use sanitation without signing up for it.


If you live efficiently, you won't have much to throw away. However, you will generate some waste materials, and there
are a few ways to dispose of them. Organic waste should always be composted - any (non public) wild growth area is
suitable for this, and if you have local gardens or farms, they may just take it off your hands. Inorganic waste can be
put in public trash bins in small quantities, so as long as you are respectful, you should be able to distribute it regularly
with little to no impact.

Liquidating all assets and ties that bind you to the system
Unless you flat-out own your land/house, and its outside of a high density population area, you will need to free
yourself from it. Sell it if possible, or if renting it will provide enough money to balance it's cost, let it float along until it

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does sell.
If you do not own your land/house, sell it immediately.
The federal government and corrupt banking institutions have conspired to bankrupt the citizenry of this country, and
entrap them in massive debt obligations that they cannot pay from within the (artificially collapsed) economy. This debt
will translate into bonding that will be used to coerce you into the new global economy which they will absolutely
control, and through which you will be controlled.
This is a very serious major trap, and it is best to escape it while you can. What is going to follow the transition to
'global governing' is the elimination of private ownership. Even if you were able to keep paying your property costs, you
will still lose your ownership, but you will not lose your ties to the system, and that is what we are trying to do by
getting off the Grid.


Stocks, bonds, retirement funds, and even gold are direct attachments to the greed and monetary system that is the
antithesis of a prosperous future. We simply cannot afford (as a race of intelligent beings) to continue to play these
barbaric games of greedy resource control and hoarding.
In every case, they lead to the same terrible divisions between people, class systems, and inevitable tyranny.
Sell off these specters of corruption, and solidify those assets into things that will help you build your new existence.
Getting out will free you to live the way you must live - if you think you can 'manage your money' at the same time as
you build the kind of new existence described in this manual, you will be harboring a hidden agenda that will be
destructive to the rest of your group.
If you have liquidate assets from the slave system, you won't have any use for cash in a life without currency. There
will likely be a number of things you could use money for, which would make your transition safer and smoother.
Some examples would be paying off debts that are binding other members of your tribe to the system, so that everyone
can be freed. Your group might find the need for a temporary means of transportation such as a truck or boat. Another
could be rural land for temporary use as a staging/transition area for new people joining your tribe.
And of course, the most immediate things that would help you build your new existence are start up supplies for your
water, agricultural, and alternative energy solutions. (See: "Energy", below)
When you have done most of these things and have enough of the elements of your tribe up and running, drop out of the
workforce last, and go for it.
This is the point at which you will truly begin providing for yourself, breathing life into your tribe, and living freely.

Although it is possible to live life without electricity, the fact is that almost everywhere you go, you will find surplus raw
materials, machinery, and technology. It is entirely possible to create free energy from literally scrap and junk.
The most simple arrangement is the earth battery.
I won't go into detail about how and why this works, or the virtually esoteric potentials of this technology; the best place to
start is the most simple and basic principles that will supply you with free energy on the fly.
Earth batteries were used extensively around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century to power telegraph lines.
They were buried in convenient locations along the power lines and supplied free current for that infrastructure. The
technology was discarded and replaced with hydroelectric because hydro was a measurable, finite resource that industry
could use to make money. Much like oil.
The earth battery bears a resemblance to the common chemical/acid battery you may be familiar with, if you've ever torn apart
a battery or done science experiments. Basically, the battery consists of two metal sheets or rods: one copper or carbon, and
the other zinc or aluminum (galvanized steel is a zinc surface), each with wires running from them.
These are negative (-) and positive (+) terminals of the battery. Once these metals are buried in soil (at a distance of 1-10
feet), you will have measurable current between your terminals.


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Single earth battery

Earth batteries in series

The average single earth battery produces about 0.8 volts.

Some say that to obtain the best current, the rods/sheets should be positioned in a North (copper) to South (zinc) alignment,
but it actually doesn't matter.
There are a few ways to increase your available current with an earth battery setup:

Size and number

T his is basically the 'more is better' principle - you vary the size of your rods/sheets, and how many of them you
decide to bury in series. Using a larger surface of metal, and planting several of them in series, will deliver more telluric



P assing your current through a circuit and capacitor can improve the output and reliability of your voltage. A great
example that is easy to set up is called the 'joule thief'. This takes your direct current and oscillates it so that it actually
delivers more usable energy than is actually available in the form of a direct stream.


Current can be amplified by a number of salvaged devices and standalone equipment such as the common 12v-110v
inverters used with car batteries and solar panels.
With some basic ingenuity, you should be able to pull together a portable kit that you can plant in any soil, and which can
supply you with free energy for lighting, small devices, or perhaps a recharge station.
If you developed this technology, you could very easily power a small community for free with a very small investment in
simple resources (metals, wire, etc). There are people powering entire buildings using earth batteries in the same way that
solar panels are used. The difference is, they keep their mouths shut.
The Powers That Be don't like this technology, because they can't make enough money from it.
This is just one energy solution.
There are others, and they will be added to this manual based on time and availability. The key requirements should be ease
of construction, ease of use, and sustainability. Its possible to engineer a free energy magnetic generator using a rare earth
magnet turbine, but not many people could engineer this device in a tough situation.
The same goes for solar panels - those cells require uncommon chemicals, materials, and delicate processing to manufacture.

Joule Thief
The Joule Thief is a very simple low voltage amplifier that is most commonly used to power LEDs by rendering very low
energy resources into a higher usable output; with a joule thief, you can power on a bright white 3 volt LED with around 0.8
to as low as 0.4 volts of input.
A good energy source to test your joule thief is to use a dead AA battery; a fresh battery normally puts out 1.5 volts, but even
when 'dead' they are still providing about a 0.8 or 0.9 volt potential.
With an efficient reflector and diffusion, even one 3 volt LED can provide usable light. The circuit can be modified for higher
current, and capacitors can be added which greatly improve performance, such as the 2.7v 10f supercap.
With a few small components, you can experiment and produce very low voltage lighting units that can be used with earth
batteries, or simple chemical cells like a home made lemon or saltwater cell.
I've seen a single earth battery (carbon/copper terminals) attached to a joule thief and a super cap running several bright
LEDs at the same time.


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Note : If you use a 2N4401 or BC337 transistor, your LED will be brighter because they can handle more amps.
Instructables - How to make a Joule Thief

Common sources for ferrite cores

Compact fluorescent lamp bulbs, old electronic equipment such as CD and cassette players, phones, and even toys. A
suitable size for small voltage is anything from the size of a pea to about 1/2" diameter.
If you can't get ahold of ferrite, you can get similar results using powdered iron (formed into a donut shape with tubing or hard

Power inverters and converters are devices that change one type of electrical current into another.
Power converters change alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). The box on the cable of a laptop is a converter that
switches the power from your 110v AC wall socket down to a low direct current, usually something in the range of 3-12v DC,
which is what the laptop needs to function properly.
Inverters change direct current into alternating current; a common type is the camping inverter, which takes 12v DC from a car
battery and change it to 110v AC, so that you can plug in household appliances, tools, and other devices. What this means is
that if you can generate 12 volts anywhere, then you can have the convenience of a wall socket anywhere. This is commonly
done with portable solar panels that generate 12v DC.
Although inverters can be created manually, they are much more complicated than things like the joule thief, and it is more
effective to start out by obtaining a ready-made one.
They can be found anywhere from hardware and drug stores to Ebay.
How to choose an inverter
Where to find components
For sheer variety of components, I've found no better source for my electronic needs than Mouser Electronics. In this age of
rapidly diminishing small businesses, there are very few electronics surplus stores to be found anymore.
Radio Shack can be a convenient source for some things, and in fact you could find everything for a joule thief there, they are
very expensive.

Not enough can be said about the importance of water.
Being able to obtain and produce clean water is the first step in physical independence. In an ideal situation, you have access
to free, natural sources of fresh water that require very little cleaning if any, such as glacial streams.
This is not going to be likely for most people, so you will have to be able to clean your water. As a transition step, you should


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get your hands on a 2 stage water filter with as many replacement filters as you can afford.
The kind of filters I'm talking about include a ceramic and carbon stage , such as the ones produced by Doulton or Katadyn.

Portable Doulton Filter (gravity) Portable Katadyn Filter (pump)

In the long term, your goal should be to find and frequent locations that have natural sources of uncontaminated water which
you can render safe with a basic filter you can make yourself, like the one I am about to describe.
This basic earth filter will clean out microbes and viruses so that you can drink safely.
You will need the following materials:
Two 4-5 gallon pails or containers with lids, such as a clean plastic paint drums you can get at the hardware store.
You will also need some plastic screen mesh (like for screen doors) or non-toxic loose knit fabric such as natural linen
or monks cloth
Some silicone or other non-toxic caulking
A supply of loose pumice (lava rock)
Clean sand (beach sand)
Long green grass (the kind you used to run through or pluck and chew on as a kid). If you can't find long grass, a
substitute might be natural (non toxic) hemp rope.
Finally, you will need some black charcoal from burned wood (if there's still some unburned wood in there, that's ok).
Don't use barbeque charcoal or any other burning charcoal that has been treated with anything, or you will be poisoning
yourself. If you've done any practicing, you will have learned how to camp and build fires by now, so you should have
access to all the burnt wood charcoal you need.

Construction method:
1st barrel:
Near very the bottom of the barrel, make a small hole that you can plug up with a cork or valve (if you
have one with a good tight seal)
Fill 1/3 of the drum with lava rock.
Cover this with a layer of plastic screen.
Fill the next 1/3 of the drum with clean sand.
Cover this layer with another layer of screen.
The final 1/3 should consist of a layer of the long grass, a substantial layer of the charcoal, and then a
final layer of long grass on top of that. Twist and coil bunches of the grass to arrange even layers, and
make sure your charcoal is well distributed and solid - its very important that there are no gaps or holes
in this layer.
Add a layer of the screen on top of the grass/charcoal layers.
Don't attach your lid yet - perforate it with 6-8 evenly spaced holes, and use it in the next stage.


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2nd barrel:

Bottom Barrel

Top Barrel

Perforate the bottom of the 2nd barrel with 6-8 evenly spaced holes.
Run a thick line of silicone/caulking around the inside edge of the bottom of the barrel, and center this
onto the lid of the 1st barrel (the holes don't have to line up, in fact its better if they don't)
Put something heavy inside the barrel so there is even pressure bearing down on the lid, and apply
another line of silicone/caulking around the outside edge of the bottom of the barrel, where it meets the
lid. Now you should have a well-sealed connection. Let these dry thoroughly.
When dry and firm, attach the upper section/lid onto the top of your 1st barrel, and take it somewhere
where you can run some water through it to clear out the initial debris.
Pour 4-10 gallons through this filter (slowly) and let run out the drain at the bottom. The initial volume of
water will carry out much of the loose particles and dust from your sand and pumice. For a while after
this initial cleaning, some of these particles may continue to appear at the bottom of your glass to some
degree, but they are not harmful.
Water is poured into the top bucket (the reservoir) and slowly trickles through the holes and into the filter bucket.
Although it is portable, be careful not to carry it by the top bucket, as you could tear the silicone seal.

Although this is not a top of the line water filter, it is inexpensive to make and easy to put together.
It will last for years, and provide clean water for drinking, cooking, and washing. The key operating element
here is the charcoal, so bear in mind that you may not catch chemicals and heavy metals with this.
Its main value is keeping out parasites and diseases.

Foraging is the most immediate option available until you have time to plant and harvest any sort of vegetable crop.

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Unless you are already trained or intimately familiar with your home region, your best resource will be a local field guide for
edible plants and herbs. General guides as well as state or region-specific guidebooks can be found in bookstores and on the
internet. If you obtain any start-up resources, one of these will be essential. If you have no budget, go to your local library and
check out these books and copy it down by hand.
This is not the kind of knowledge that modern people have been taught, so you will need information on as wide of a
selection of edible plants as you can possibly gather.
Examples of reference:

Edible Wild Plants (Amazon)

Make sure each plant is documented with good diagrams or pictures, accurate descriptions, where exactly you look for them,
how to detect them, their growing times, harvest season, and nutritional and/or medicinal properties.
If you can also learn how they reproduce, it may be possible to spread or transplant some species to increase your available
resources in later seasons.
Most importantly, STUDY this manual.
Nearly every book on edible plants includes a section on how to identify and avoid dangerous and poisonous plants, some of
which may closely resemble the edible kind, as in the case of hemlock. I emphatically stress again, read, study, and test
yourself on this knowledge. Go on herb walks and practice. If your uncertain, bring specimens back with you and consult an
herbalist or someone at a plant nursery. Foraging successfully for yourself and others is a learned skill; the better you are at
it, the less hungry you will be.
Even then, availability of wild edible plants is not guaranteed - disasters and man-made waste can render many areas unsafe
or barren.

At some point, depending on the population of your tribe and your plans, you will probably want to raise crops and store food.
This is the art of agriculture, and it too requires study, and experience. The place to start, assuming you don't have any
experience farming or gardening, is with books.
Follow the same steps for learning how to forage for edible wild plants as described above, but learn how to till soil, plant
vegetables and grains, grow and feed them, harvest, and preserve seeds. It is also essential to know how to dry, can, store,
and cook vegetables and grains - without this knowledge, raising crops will result in a great deal of waste.
If you plant in one private location, or a number of secret areas in occupied land, your crops will face different kinds of
threats. Animals and rodents are the main risk to any basic agricultural endeavor, but in the case of urban farming, your
threats will include humans. If discovered, 'invasive' crops are often weeded out or simply eaten, assuming the discoverer is
able to identify them.
Ignorance counts in your favor in this regard, and can be quite surprising how much food can be grown in plain sight without
anyone touching it.
In times of widespread hunger, this will not be feasible for long.


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Vegetable Gardner's Bible

Organic Gardening for Beginners - Comienze Una Granja en La Ciudad
Start a Farm in The City

Spirulina is a tiny blue-green algae in the shape of a perfect spiral coil.
It is a single celled organism capable of photosynthesis, or converting sunlight into life energy. Spirulina thrives naturally in
mineral-rich alkaline lakes all over the world. It is very adaptable and flourishes in different environments, ranging from fresh
water, tropical springs, saltwater and brackish water.
More people are now cultivating Spirulina because of its health benefits. Spirulina is being called a superfood. It has been
proven by scientists to be a complete food that contains vitamins, many minerals, essential amino acids, carbohydrates and
enzymes. It is easily digested because it contains at least 60% vegetable protein, which is predigested by the algae.
Spirulina is now sold in the market as a health supplement in powder, tablet and capsule form, or as a food additive.
Because high protein foods have been found to increase alertness - and it is the richest whole food source of protein it is
best to take spirulina at least three hours before going to bed. In order to assimilate and use spirulina, the body requires 2
glasses of water per tablespoon of the powdered algae. In terms of nutrition, two tablespoons of the powder is considered a
meal replacement.
Spirulina is cultivated in open-channel shallow artificial ponds called raceway ponds. The pond is divided into rectangular
grids, with each rectangle containing one oblong-shaped channel. A paddle wheel in each channel makes the water flow
continuously around it.
Providing plenty of sunlight and maintaining the proper temperature and oxygen levels in the water are important for growing
Spirulina. It is grown organically because chemicals in pesticides and herbicides will kill it along with other tiny life forms in
the pond.
Spirulina enthusiasts are experimenting with ways of growing the algae at home. They say that it can be grown indoors or
outdoors, in closed or open systems. An outdoor system can be a shallow pond with a paddle-wheel that stirs and aerates
the water.
Closed systems utilize transparent tubing. These allow for greater exposure of algae to the light. These also provide better
protection against dirt, harmful bacteria and other contaminants.
Methods of growing Spirulina at home continue to be developed. It is a potential answer to problems of hunger and
malnutrition in the world.
If you are in a varying or cold temperature, or you want to grow spirulina indoors, you will need the following data:


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Water must be pure and free of pollution.

Spirulina growth will require a full spectrum lightbulb (sunlight) to grow.
Culture temperature must be in the range of 25-37 degrees Celsius (75-98 Fahrenheit), which is in the range of an
egg incubator.
Spirulina growth cycles run about 7 days, and can be harvested regularly.
Culture incubators should be cleaned and re-seeded once a month to prevent bacteria.
If safely attached, a full spectrum bulb could be secured inside the same incubator the spirulina is growing in, and provided
much of the temperature required for growth.
Use ingenuity and experimentation to create your own spirulina farm. If you have developed an earth battery power source,
you could become food independent with methods like this.
** Note : make sure you obtain real spirulina when starting your culture - there are many kinds of blue-green algae, and some of them are
toxic. Don't just harvest algae where you see it growing unless you can accurately test it or have it tested for nutritional safety.
Grow Your Own Spirulina
How to grow spirulina
Sources for spirulina on the web

Heirloom Seeds
Farming is one of the foundations of civilized life.
But in today's hijacked world, genetically modified organisms have taken over the market, and don't give you what nature
intended. Many seeds on the market are 'terminators' - that means they will only grow once, and seeds harvested from them
will be sterile. Yes, this means you can't grow without buying. So the best way around this is to obtain heirloom seeds from
sellers who still have them.
Traditionally, in the northern hemisphere planting began on the vernal (spring) equinox, March 20th. You would see faster or
longer times before harvest depending on the growth cycle of the crops you planted, but generally speaking, if you wait longer
than spring equinox, things could easily become difficult, and your crops would fail.
For this reason, time-keeping was absolutely essential for ancient societies, which is why they mapped the stars, built
observatories, created calendars, and often kept meticulous records. One modern example of this is the Farmer's Almanac,
which is basically the collected statistical observation of weather and agricultural conditions over time in America.
While an almanac can be a valuable guide, disasters, weather anomalies, and magnetic or planetary pole shifts can greatly
affect conditions, temporarily or permanently.
Developing the ability to tell time using the astronomy is considered an essential skill for any independent (long term)
agricultural tribe.
** Note : Heirloom seeds are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain in the US, as the government has begun criminalizing the sale and
possession of them. The US Dept of Agriculture has its own agency now to combat the threat of self sufficiency, known as SITC, which
stands for "Safeguarding, Intervention, and Trade Compliance". The objective of this group is to both protect & advance corporate interest,
and control the population by removing their ability to look after themselves by criminalizing independent gardening and farming (sound
Heirloom Seeds
Survivalist Seeds

Urban Foraging
While civilization as we know it continues, there will be needless waste.
Food producers regularly throw away large volumes of relatively fresh food on the basis that their sale value depends on
'freshness'. Many bakeries (for example) will discard food at regular times, and in many cities, people line up to take this food
off their hands. Some restaurants and grocery stores will do similar things, but it will be necessary for you to examine the
condition of the food before you ask for it or retrieve it once its been discarded.
Another urban food source are berries and fruits which grow on bushes and trees in neighborhoods, fields, and roadsides. In
many towns, the summer time produces enough berries alone to eat well and jar enough to last an entire winter.
Modern people conditioned to TV-land have no idea this is reality, and will never touch this food that the world is offering
This type of urban food gathering has recently become popular, so if you plan to use it, you may want to move quickly. Some
producers actually limit the number of people who they will give their surplus or 'expired' foods to, and in some cases you

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need to be on their list, and arrive at the appointed times regularly.

Get yourself hooked up!

Natural shelter such as caves, forests, and canyons offer some of the best situations we could ask for, but in the course of
building your tribal life, you will probably want to have portable shelter.
Many options exist to fill this need, but considering that you can't rely of cars and trucks if your off the grid, simple (and
minimal) is usually best.
The most underrated and overlooked portable shelter is the historical hooded cloak . The cloak is a deceptively simple but
incredibly versatile garment. It operates as a coat, increasing general warmth (dramatically so depending on what its made of).
It is a windbreaker and raincoat, as it falls like a cone over the body and sheds moisture like an umbrella.
When hung over a walking stick (stuck into the earth) and pulled out to its full volume with pegs, it forms an effective tent.

It can be used as a sack to carry goods, and a towel to dry off with. It keeps the heat of the sun off the body, regulates
temperature like a desert robe, and the hood protects the eyes from glaring light.
It offers protection from mosquitoes and flies, sand and debris, and depending on its color, can offer excellent camouflage in
certain environments or at night.
The list could go on, but suffice to say - as a multipurpose item, the hooded cloak serves as the lightest, simplest, and most
portable and useful shelter you can ask for.


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The basic dimensions of a cloak is an oval with an

opening for the head, split down the front.

Desired length from neck to

Length from shoulder to ankle
Diameter of neck

A hood is usually attached at the neck, and follows

the same shape still used today on jackets and
An extremely simple garment, it can be made from
3-6 yards of fabric, depending on your pattern and

Next in line for mobility and ease of use would be a small portable nylon tent.
These things are nice to have, but are dead weight when not in use, and if a part breaks or tears, they can be difficult if not
impossible to repair. Camping tents should be considered a temporary comfort at best, unless you live in a very cold region
where a sealed pocket of air makes the difference between life and death.
In time, you should also learn how to make a temporary shelter. The most basic structure is the simple lean-to. This consists
of a partial frame made of wood lashed together, and covered with tarp or available brush or evergreen foliage.
The knowledge of how to build these will naturally lead you to various techniques for building log structures. As you practice
these skills, do not fell live trees for wood. Any live forest will supply all the dead-fall you will need to fashion usable beams.
Foraging for the wood needed for a decent size shelter is rarely ever a lengthy chore.

In an urban environment, you don't have as much control over your surroundings, so the first choice will be abandoned
buildings (squatting) as the most comfortable arrangement, if available.
After this, you are literally at the mercy of the authorities, and if they will suffer your presence in public places.
Some people can live quite comfortably living by night and sleeping by day when its not so suspicious, and taking naps in the
park or even library.


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To keep warm when you can't make fire or set up a portable shelter, the proven method for city dwellers has been simply to
layer your clothes, wear a blanket (an imitation of the cloak), and sleep in a sleeping bag on top of several layers of
cardboard, which serves as an insulated pad.
Those who own vehicles can live indefinitely in a car or bus, and caravans of urban gypsies have and still do exist to the
present day. The only issue with that scenario is driver's insurance and gas, both of which require an income.
As long term concerns come into view, your tribe will wish that someone had learned how to build with stone.
In the ancient past, when a building was raised it stood for centuries, and provided vital functions (not to mention inspiration)
for the societies that used them. When you begin to rebuild, we must not assume that there will be hardware stores and
lumber yards. If they are around, chances are we still have a long way to go.
Stone masonry can be learned individually but it is hard work, and you can be sure that you will quickly be applying every bit
of mathematics and physics you can to make the job easier.
Construccin de muros de piedra
Stonework - Techniques and Projects
Art of the Stonemason

Alternative Construction
There are a number of alternatives to stone for building custom dwellings.
Among the more popular methods are Cob, Strawbale, and Earthships to name a few. Each of these uses natural or recycled
materials for basic construction, and don't require fabricators or carpentry crew - they are built following natural principles and
simple shapes.
Each method has its benefits, but earth and cob houses offer a simple and fast alternative to stone which can provide
permanent and semi permanent structures that are comfortable to live in.
With some creativity, these methods can produce beautiful and elegant structures that last.

Earth Building - Methods and Materials, Repair and Conservation

How to Build With Cob
Handbook for Building Homes of Earth

Making Fire
No shelter is complete without warmth.
Although many methods exist for keeping a dwelling warm, the most basic is fire. While it is nice to have lighters and fuel,
everyone should know how to make fire from the most basic tools. Best not to assume that its easy - like most things,
knowledge only comes with practice, and there is a knack to making fire. The last thing you want is to be stuck in the cold
and not know how to get warm.
The best method by far is the fire drill method. This requires any reasonably strong cord or string you can use to make a
simple bow. It doesn't have to shoot arrows, what you want is a simple curved stick with the cord attached at both ends and
loose enough to wrap around a dowel or spindle.
Aside from this, you will use two flat pieces of wood (boards) with indentations to hold the spindle.
The technique is as follows:

The drill is placed against the cord and twisted once, so it is in the 'loop'
The spindle is placed into a depression in the bottom board, and held vertical with board on top, which acts as a
'socket' to keep it steady.
As the bow is moved back and forth the dowel spins, and creates enough friction on the bottom board to create red


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hot coals.
Surround these small coals with dry fibrous material (tinder) and blow to air to ignite a flame.
When the tinder catches flame, add small sticks and twigs and build the fire up from there.

Bowdrill Tutorial

As mentioned earlier, someone in your tribe will have to undertake the study of wellness and medicine (if there is no one
educated in this area to begin with).
Anyone can develop this knowledge if they are committed to the practice. Supplied here are some resources that can be used
to embark along this course.
Before medicine is ever needed, everyone should be intimately familiar with all the common preventative measures in the
realm of - diet, cleanliness, and safety.



Physical health maintenance requires you to obtain clean and natural sources of food and water. It is to
remove from your diet all the things that your body does not need or that contaminate it, and to supply it
with what it does need to function, grow, and maintain itself. Good hydration (2 liters of water per day),
and a diet of fresh food (fruits, vegetables, nuts).
Disease prevention starts with cleanliness of body, environment, and input. History shows that cultures
that bathed regularly enjoyed better health over time. An effective method and schedule for cleaning and
grooming of body, teeth, and clothes, should be instituted in every tribe. Sanitation is also very important
as self-contamination and become deadly, so a means for dealing with waste must also be implemented.
Finally, water and food must be kept clean and free of contamination and spoilage. All these measures
are necessary in preventing dysentery, disease, and infection.
Safety is something that should not be learned the hard way every time. All members of a tribe should
know how to safely exercise, labor, use tools, and handle dangerous objects and substances. This should
be integrated in your social and formal education, so that the knowledge is passed down systematically.
Conscious care is necessary to ensure longer and more prosperous life.
Survival and Austere Medicine
A Barefoot Doctor's Manual
US Army Survival Field Manual
Making Homemade Soaps & Candles

Anyone, individually or as a group, who live off the grid, cannot expect police protection.
In fact, even people living on the grid and paying taxes don't get police protection anymore, but their paid housing offers a
deterrent to predators. As at tribe, you will unfortunately have to consider the possibility of this type of danger. If you are truly
peaceful and benevolent and don't have money, the chances of you making an enemy or becoming a target is very slim.
This is where your attitude makes all the difference - you must stand as a representative of proper human living. Just like in
the wild, predators instinctively choose prey that are weak, sick, or otherwise unnatural. The strong and healthy are left alone.
If you project the healthy existence you are building, and are living by the 5 Principles, you won't resemble prey for the kinds
of people we are talking about.
Nevertheless, if the Powers That Be come to notice your success, and especially, if your success is affecting the thinking of
other people on the grid, they will see you and your tribe as a threat, and this is probably the only reason to even consider
the prospect of self defense.

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The forces that control the slave society are very sick and use force to accomplish everything. For this reason, if you are
completely incapable of defending yourselves, and they take an interest in you, they will be able to completely neutralize you
and your tribe, and you will make you disappear forever.
This does not mean anybody has to fight a war.
Doing so is to throw away all the power we have to build a new reality that does not include fascism, and this is precisely why
the Powers That Be are encouraging armed revolution; they would like their slaves to give them every reason to be more
violent, justify more control, and deprive them of all remaining liberties. If the people overthrow their own country their task will
become infinitely harder, because what is waiting for the opportunity to replace this nation is a global regime that will be
infinitely more difficult to change.
Everyone in America has the right to bear arms and defend their personal safety when necessary. That is as far as armament
should ever go - if we become like them, we lose. Any healthy person should have the self-respect to protect their life, but
fighting force is not power. Collective will is power.
If you want this nightmare to end, you have to prove to your fellow people that there is a better way, its simple, it works, and it
offers real happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.
Traditional Bowyer's Bible
The Construction of Crossbows and Other Weapons

In case you are wondering, almost everything in this manual is something that I do, have learned to do, or have experienced.
I would not encourage people to make changes or go and do things I don't know about or could not learn myself (an average
Granted, I have not specialized in surgery, dentistry, or construction, but I do have some experience in the health industry,
and have pushed myself to learn more than one person should be expected to know in 40 years.
Learning and growing is far more fulfilling and exciting than living an online life and consuming one thing after another - if
your not experienced, I assure you, its more wonderful than you suspect and nothing to be afraid of :)
What is provided here is a treasure map and some instructions. Unlike the old days, it works in the reverse now - you need to
use your treasure so that you will be able to sail freely. While we still have the capabilities and the access, educate
yourselves now. If you need books get them, and start a home-schooling course of your own.
You don't need a fraternal corporation to hold your hand, every person learns and masters the arts and sciences because that
is their desire. You have the power to outdo the Establishment .
Besides, they've failed so badly that its not a tough thing to achieve anymore.
This Manual will be updated as time allows with useful resources, and hopefully an online forum. Although I dislike the idea of
an 'online life' and carrying on endlessly in cyberspace, it is a valuable communication tool if used wisely. The next phase of
the New Existence effort is for tribes to network with each other if possible.
While the internet is still going, use it to correspond and share ideas, and inspire each other. It really shouldn't be any more
than that, because if it becomes relied-upon, the Powers That Be disrupt it, push it offline, or try to lead it. This is the popular
strategy now, is to create or assume leadership of rights groups and efforts to expose truth, and carry on with them as if they
are legitimate.
This way, they are assured to stop short of any meaningful action.
Its as Lenin once said,
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.
This is the main reason I decided to use an alias and remain invisible . Anyone who uses this Manual to create a tribe is a
founder. If everyone is doing their share to lead their existence and be responsible, there will never be a single 'off switch' that
can stop it.
When have the greatest transformations of the past occurred? When people acted AS ONE.
The Imperial Conditioning has everyone at each others throats because this, our power , is what they fear most .
If you apply the 5 Principles you take that power back, and dissolve the forces keeping everyone apart, afraid, and in
bondage. You don't have to fight a bloody war or revolution , you just have to stop participating and do something better.
There will be people who do that anyway, but what you can be certain they won't do is think about what to do AFTER their
dark overlord is cast down. That short sightedness is what guarantees a survival and repeat of the past, and that is where you
and your tribe can change that verdict.
I realize that in this culture of distrust, schemes, rip-offs, and mental manipulation, everything is suspect, including this
pamphlet . Your skepticism is healthy, and I won't ask that this manual be above scrutiny. But to speak for myself, I am just a
knowledgeable person out there somewhere, and this paper has no purpose but to help.
I want to live in a world where thought and life is free; A Manual for A New Existence is my way of helping us get there. If

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30/01/11 14:06

you can find a reason why this Manual is useless, then thank you for reading this far, and good luck to you.
This is the end of Version 1.0.
Permission is granted to freely distribute as long as contents not changed in any way. Copy, mirror, and proliferate this
document over digital and paper media.
The more people who get this, the better our chances will be...
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