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Side-by-Side Youth Page

In St. Paul Youth Group we will try to help others and ourselves grow in their faith while promoting a
nice environment to share our thoughts and ideas. -Senior High Youth
Senior High Side-by-Side Youth
Lets Stay Connected: If you are interested in whats going on in the youth group and would like updates, join us on
twitter! Follow us @StPaulDanbury to keep up!
Rise Up ELCA Youth Gathering: Preparations continue for the RISE UP ELCA Youth Gathering and hotel
assignments have been given. Our group still needs to raise $1500, so stay tuned for a car wash in warmer weather!
Youth/Mentor Gargantuous Game Night: Wednesday, June 24, 6-7:30 pm at St. Paul Shelter House
All youth and mentors are invited. If you are a youth without a mentor or a mentor without a youth, come and we will get you
connected! Gargantuous fun is in store!

First Communion Instruction Children of all

ages are welcome at the Lords Table. Parents
are welcome to contact Pastor Chris when
they feel their child is ready, so she is aware.
Children may be taught to hold out their
hands for the bread, so the Pastor or servers
know and remember. If you would like
materials to help teach your child the
meaning of this sacrament, Pastor Chris can
help. Or if you would like your child to receive
instruction from Pastor Chris, please let her
know. Even infants and young children who
may not understand are welcome to receive
and then be instructed as they are able to
learn more.
Youth Mentors Confirmands from this year
and last, and their Mentors, will soon be
contacted about getting together as a group.
If you are interested in being a Youth Mentor,
please talk to Pastor Chris. She would like all
of our high school youth to have the same
PreK-8 Classes will be taking a break through
the summer

Senior High
Side-by-Side Youth
Youth Sunday
1st Sun. of each Month
Sign up on the easel on the ramp at
church to help with greeting, ushering,
lecturing (reading). Watch for texts and
calls from Chris and Helmi. See Pastor
Chris if you can help with Special Music.

Sunday School for

Preschool 8th
May 17th was also the Sunday
school picnic. Thank you to all our
Sunday School teachers, helpers and
students. Please consider being a
teacher or helper in the Fall.
Please contact Chrissy French (419)
Thank you to our Sunday School Staf
for their amazing work this past year
Chrissy French, Crystal Chapman,
and Heather Lambert.
Thank you to our Confirmation Class
Mentors/Teachers, Beth Lambert and
Bob Strauss for their valuable work
with our middle school youth this

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