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7 Steps To Heaven Or Hell

It is remarkable how the most minor detail of a small oversight can change the
entire course of a great destiny to a fateful existence, or vice versa. There are 7
visible steps to climb to the highest state of personal realisation and it takes so
little for these seven steps to become a descent into a prison that is hard to
escape from.
By a simple involuntary oversight of judgement we embark upon a long journey to
self-imprisonment. 7 small steps and we are in a complex trap we have weaved
for our self. The key to leave this prison is on the inside and begins with one
simple agreement. When we can make the final judgement that equals the
original judgement that God made on the 7th day of creation then we will enjoy the
elevation through the 7 steps to an unqualified, and eternal happiness.
The 7 steps are related to the 7 colours and to numbers as shown in the table. It
is the insight of numerology that allows a deeper insight into the 7 steps.
7 is the number of archetypes. Each of the 7 is like the part of a puzzle. They are
blueprints for action..
Facets ; faces of the ego-mind ; the persona

7 above increasing frequency.

7 below decreasing frequency.

The mind is like a rainbow with 7 projected rays. They have no substance but by
adding colour to the universe it seems to take on an order and shape through
which we can navigate, or that we can manipulate.
From one side the ego-mind is like a 7-headed demon where each head is busy
with one of the 7 deadly sins. It is territorial, possessive and guards the gate to
Or again these 7 could be like the dwarfs who labour away, but without any real
sense of purpose unless there is the purity that is the feminine presence of the
virgin soul.
7 seals, 7 rays, 7 days of creation & of the week, 7 x 52 = 364 [1 year = 1 week]
Now we will take a systematic look at the psychological stages that we go through
on the journey to a self created hell and then we will show the simple but
challenging step we can take to experience the journey through the 7 steps to a
natural happiness that is not dependent and therefore self-sustaining.

Journey to hell
The ego-mind is an effect of the creation, in this way it can act as a secondary
cause but, knowing nothing of its creator, it assumes itself to be a primary cause.
Here is the full description of the 7 steps to self-punishment and all the mind
games that are involved in its search for happiness. A search in which the true
thing sought is lost in the very act of searching. It is like the light that illuminates
our eyes blinding us.
1 Passive Expectancy
existence is 1 dimensional; the unit of the universe. But there we can become
What is just is. The transcendent unity of all existence and non-existence is a selfregulating reality, but we are not convinced of this and nor are we committed to it.
Numbers Colours
Steps to
Steps to





1 lethargy,




Tantra /

2 character

2 preferences,



Solar plexus
Small int.
Navel pulse


3 dignity,

3 planning,
leads to fears,

Ya Ho Wa

Air - aether

Breath , sat


4 divinity
we in me
thou in all

4 win or lose,
succeed or fail,


Electric fire



5 grace

5 pride and


Prana / chi



6 power to

Mars , rest
Ram = 789



Lion heart.

7 happiness

Reward and
7 justification
seals the lock

Instead we maintain a certain quality of passivity. And we wait to be entertained

while the whole universe awaits our full participation.

It begins simply enough, and innocent enough; a little passivity, a sense of noncommittal, just the involuntary tendency to hold back something of ourselves. We
notice but refuse full attention. Is it laziness, slothfulness, lethargy or merely
ignorance? Are we in a state of stupor, blinded by the light and assuming
ourselves in darkness; an innocent enough assumption, but with immense
The energy that is freed by our non-committal becomes available for other things.
This is the seed of self-importance and the hopelessly doomed journey of seeking
[imaginary] pleasure and avoiding imagined pain.
Instead of being committed to what just is we will now proceed to construct
something that we feel is worthy of our commitment. It is the beginning of manmade gods and man-made magic and the forgetting of the God whose magic
made man. We start to add something that was not there. Call it fantasy,
projection or illusion, but it is what happens and we hardly realise it.
Assumptions lead to expectations.
2: Illusion of Knowledge
existence becomes 2 dimensional. This stage is the beginning of our perception of
duality and polarisations, of high/low, near/far, heavy/light, dark/light, warm/cold,
and so on. It is merely an innocent sense of proportion but with the energy set
free by our prior passivity we begin several alternative activities that become
highly problematic.
A] We start to formulate; to measure, organise and categorise our perceptions.
This results in the nave illusion of knowledge where we believe we know things.
This illusion is 'Maya' and is very seductive.
B] Along with the sense of difference comes a sense of lack.
C] We make separative choices of preference, developing likes and dislikes, and
therefore the idea of good and bad, right and wrong. Such preferences include the
practice of exclusion and the creation of problems. Not yet spoken but implied is
the intention to control our universe. Little do we know that the illusion of control
only gives us control over our illusions. None the less the preferences we make
activate us into the third stage of our journey.
It can happen that we are the ones who feel excluded; the sense of victim. If this
happens then we are virtually in hell now, there is no need, or even much
possibility to go further. Except that we might still try to use the victim attitude to
go to the control stage.
Perhaps here are the two trees, one of knowledge and the other of eternal life. At
this second stage there seems to have been a choice. Beyond this stage we are
caught up in the law of cause and effect, the law of karma as you sow, so shall
you eat.

3: Illusion of Control
Now that we have the illusion of knowledge, built on unconscious assumptions and
conclusions about ourselves and the world we live in, we begin to think about all
the fun we can have with this. In addition we have preferences, therefore there is
an increasing motivation to begin scheming and planning manipulative
manoeuvres. This speculative projection of future possibilities however, is not
based on an intuitive sensitivity but involves the troublesome weighing up of the
pros and cons of every action before deciding anything. It is therefore a stage
coloured by delusion and haunted by indecision, doubt and uncertainty, which will
be the seeds of self-sabotage later in the process. Self denial, self deceit and self
criticism. In fact what is hidden behind the scenes of this stage is that we are
setting up hypotheses. These will later be called to the surface as we arrive in the
final stage [of proving it]. These theories are used in the background to support
our false hope.
We are out to get-for-self.
Having created problems we can now play at creating solutions, which builds false
The transition into the next stage is carried out with the establishment of the
criteria for winning or losing, and the resulting fear about whether we will win or
lose. We already know that everything we are engaged in is based on an innocent
lie to ourselves. We have come to far however, and backtracking to the original
base is generally not an option. We are passed the point of no return and to help
us forget we must now throw ourselves deeply into the trance of self-investment.
We have rules for the game we are creating and standards of acceptability, by
which we pass or fail. This standard setting is the nave attempt to unify.
4 Investment
In this stage we have given ourselves over to the achievement of the desired
results. With blind faith we lose ourselves in the hands-on contact of the theatre of
life, and there are consequences.
We live this stage with a lot of anxiety. There will be results - gain or loss, win or
We can be so invested in the outcomes that we become completely out of touch
with any sense of fundamental value. We have no relation to a base from where
value can be asserted, yet we will fight against all that comes in our way, not
really knowing what are fighting for.
Yet no matter how much we have invested we are still haunted by a parallel
awareness that fills us with doubt or a false sense of security. We have tested and
built up a fantasy of our non/ability, we are lying to ourselves about our merit (we
do not really know what we deserve or do not deserve) and we will proceed from
the confusion about our permit.

There was fear of gain or loss but now this intensifies because there are
consequences. In anticipation of these consequences we must set up a defence
line. This is the next phase.
5 Karma Drama Trauma
winners and losers, success or failure, chosen or frozen.
The winning or losing brings us right into this stage. Now that there are winners
and losers our faculty of judgment becomes judgemental. We experience the
torturous cries of pride and shame. Pride is the ego-minds substitute for the
souls dignity, while shame is the ego-minds substitute for the humility of the
Judgement, anger, defend, attack. Accusations, . Reinforcing the false sense of
consciousness of the threat, but it is not from where we think, it is due to the
fallacy of our construct.
Combination of repression and assertion.
We get caught up in a discussion about licence, what does this victory permit us
now, while secretly knowing that it permits us nothing since it is always a false
Linked to the confusion about permission, the game of hide and seek dominates
this stage. Some of its manifestations are:
Show our success to gain respect clearly the success is never enough of a gain.
Show our loss to gain sympathy wanting to pull others into our feeling of lack.
Hide our achievement for fear of losing its false value. Hide our failure to win the
Seeking for or hiding from recognition. Seek pleasure avoid pain.
Distractions, lies, dramatisations, indulging in trauma performances all serve to
deepen us into this stage. There will be a voice inside screaming, saying stop,
stop, but in spite of this we are unable to interrupt the game that has become
self-reproducing. The soap opera has its own momentum and we cannot stop it.
As the next stage is anticipated there is an increase of fear and we prepare our
strategies of attack and defence.
6 Compensation
So now is the time for the prize giving, or the prize demanding. For if we do not
get the prize we believe we have merited then we steal it. Our loss or our gain,
asserted by our pride and our shame is used to give weight to the argument for a
compensatory reward or punishment. In fact, since the winning or losing is based
on false premises, and secretly we know it, we are not at ease and there can be
no peace. It is as if we seek to comfort ourselves; the compensation is not so
much for winning or losing, but for the dissatisfaction that we feel and wish to
ignore further.
It is at this stage that we become more ruthless, prepared to do anything to keep
the show on the road. Addictions, of all kinds, take root and no compensation is

If we lost then someone is to blame. This is the stage of blaming, finding the
Power play, .. forgiveness is not an option. Rescuing comes at a price.
Revenge is sweet.
Treats, revenge revenge, punishment, etc . are seen as treats
The self-doubt, or the self-obsession, remains, and it is to press out all the
shadows created by these that we proceed to the next and final stage of our
journey to hell. The shadows are never convinced of our ability or non-ability,
they never accept our merit or non-merit and they give no credit to any assertion
of our permit or non-permit. Instead these shadows cry out tyrannically in their
demand for proof.
Certifying, certificate, label. Good or bad karmic points. Scoring and keeping
Seek credit, avoid responsibility. Someone is playing god. Others are projecting
god-like qualities onto someone. [flattery]
7 Justification
Certificate, or label is the validation, proof.
And so it is that we arrive at the most sophisticated activity of our ego-mind,
which is to self-justify. All its resources are now employed in proving the
hypothetical arguments and clutching at straws of evidence to maintain its
position. Everything is used to reinforce the same conclusion.
Excuses, attempts to explain away We know this karma drama business is not
based on any solid foundation. The emptiness we experience is directly traced
back to the innocent apathy at the first stage. But weve come so far we dont
want to confess its all a lie. Nor do we give or receive forgiveness. We have to
prove our merit or demerit, that we are a winner or a loser. We must permit the
reward or punishment and the self-justifying validation is the padlock that seals us
in from the inside of our own construction.
In action we will attempt to re-perform the same deed to verify our status, and of
course any deed repeated 3 times becomes a habit. A habit also in the sense of
the cloak we wear around us. This cloak is our protection and our prison.
We set our self up as we wish to appear in the eyes of others and once we have
proved it three times, it will be believed as that. Now even if we try to change,
the eyes of others will serve to keep us in the construct that we have colluded
together to construct. They eyes of others is a difficult prison to get out of.
Wondering around, each one in their glass coffin, we have built a house in which
to suffocate our soul; we are in hell.
What is the condition of a soul in this critical condition? If you have taken the 7
steps to Hell, theres doubt and no foundation and being in a permanent state of
suspicion someone will see it. Everyone is your potential enemy because you
have no confidence in you or your God. Theres a weak link in the chain and

someone, somewhere will find it and everything has to be evaluated to see how
much of a threat it is. It is isolation of suspicion and is different from solitude.
There is no joy, no safety and your prison does not protect you. This condition of
a cynic, a sceptic and a critic inside you is burning you up and there can be no
happiness, no unqualified happiness (and yet this unqualified happiness is our
birthright) so you live in envy and jealousy of those who accomplish.
Here we are locked into the triangle of victim, persecutor and rescuer. And the
endless Q & A game.
Our habit becomes our habit. Totally trapped in our mistaken identity. Who we
believe we are. Endless suspicion, of all. Knowing subconsciously that if we live a
lie then so must others. And so cynicism and scepticism. No faith possible. Fear of
being found out. Fear of the past catching up with us. = knowing it will.
Talk of escape.

From this spiders web. Infinite complaint. Exhaustive.

How can this prison become a cocoon from which the butterfly of the soul can one
day fly free. Turn it into a temple, a monastic cell. Realise the common solitude.
See even this prison as the face of God. Be content with what you are and what
you have. Commit to what is , understand it as Gods will. Find the sweetness in
the mud.
Take guidance, but unconditionally. Commit.
3 PHASES [3 + 7 = 10]
Free the energy.
Right diet, exercise, asana, kriya,
sexual rhythm,
set the body car in good running order

Breathe and nervous system.

To bring balanced relation of all parts.
Alignment of spine = alignment of will.
Mudra, mantra, meditation.
Concentration, use of locks, central channel.
Bring all up to the top. [La.] infinite link

Far simpler is the description of the 7 steps to heaven. Indeed its simplicity makes
us doubt it; such is the state of the ego-mind. The journey to happiness requires
only one step, the first step. It is an unconditional commitment to what just is.
On the 7th day of creation God is said to have looked over the creation and made
one judgement that all is well. This was the first and final judgement. If we
could end all our judgements that are based on dualities of right and wrong, then
we would live the last judgement. There can be no end to the conflict of life until
we pass a judgement that is equal to the first. It would be a judgement of infinite
pardon and a return to unity. Active affirmation leading to celebration and praise.
1 Commitment:

The conviction of dedicated devotion, to serve and represent something higher

and greater then your personal self. Where you bow you will be blessed.
This is the first and only act required. It involves recognising all as the creation of
one creator, accepting the unifying interconnectedness of all and agreeing to play
the part that you have been created to play.
Realising oneself as the created creature rather than the creator, and having no
argument with the creator is an active commitment to what just is, and the death
of the ego. It means never saying no to the will of the creator, to the inevitable.
Thy will is my will. Whether you keep me near or far it is all a joy to me my lord
and master.
The scriptures say take one step to the master and the master will take a
thousand steps towards you. And so it is, that after taking this first step, all the
other stages on the journey to happiness are natural and effortless. They are
given to you rather than you have to go and achieve them. Remaining in the
anchor of the first step all things come to you. . Commitment gives anchorage,
which then gives leverage. A springboard is established for effective and
meaningful response to all; a base for unconditional giving.
Virtuous living is based in the consistency and coherence of integrity where all
ones deeds stem from the same basis. Staying in the innocence an active longing
is generated. [innocence = harmless, intoxicated with ones own essence] The
natural order is an order, a command, a Hukam.
2 Character
Commitment gives you character (you dont do character).
By the steadiness of commitment we are prepared to look in the mirror and stand
before our own consciousness, to know where we are wrong and where we are
right. With a clear sense of proportion and perspective the measure is clear I am
the smallest, Thou are the greatest.
This mirror might be in the form of another person; someone who we are prepared
to ask for help and who will be a mirror for us. The commitment allows us to stay
in front of the mirror till it is empty of self.
Our helper is also our role model that we imitate with unjustified enthusiasm.
Commitment is engagement; the keeping of a loyalty bond. Reflect the 1 in all.
We know it is our birthright to be happy but we do not demand this happiness
from anyone. It is for us to add the smile. Becoming carefree rather than
careless, it is the beginning of making choices without attachment to the
consequences. We learn to fake it and make it, to play the game that we wish to
become reality since all games played with commitment eventually become a
3 Dignity
Character gives you dignity

Having played the game, it starts to become real. We become a giver, a [divine]
helper to others. We learn the right use of the 3 tools [body, mind and
environment]. Selfless service is the way in which we offer our mind, body and
our vital force into active honouring of the 1 in all.
Nothing is ours but we do not feel a lack of value. We know that we are adequate
just as we are, sufficient within ourselves. Therefore there is no need to create
any plans to acquire something beyond what we are. An inner door has opened
and it fills us from within. Someone has been kind to us, now we are inspired to
be kind to others.
We then honour and acknowledge and serve at that door in all.
4 Divinity
Dignity gives you divinity.
Here we are prepared not just to serve, but to put our self and our life on the line
to serve others. Since there is no attachment to outcomes there is no concept of
win or lose, we know the truth wins. Sat Sri Akaal.
Free of fear of success or failure we also do not concern ourselves about how we
might appear in the eyes of others. Remaining neutral the five robber passions
are transformed and become five friends.
We are conscious of being and do not forget that we are - 'Spiritual beings having
a human experience'; Responsive not reactive.
divinity is my definity.

Its the beginning of brightness.

5 Grace
Divinity gives you grace.

The sacred is not secret. The only secrets are the ones we keep from ourselves. In
reality there are no secrets and there is nothing to fear. Grace is a presence that
works by just being. A presence that has immediate impact. It brings
enhancement to any space.
Because there is no hide and seek, no pride or shame, we are then ready to die
with dignity and embrace the grace. At this stage there is nothing to break the
continuity of our awareness and everything is transparent.
We are fully aware of the revelation of harmony.
6 - Power to sacrifice
Grace gives you the power to sacrifice.
All is given to be given; this is the sense of abundance. The power to sacrifice is
the power to be powerless. We feel like the fish in the ocean, the whole ocean
passes through; therefore the whole ocean is also in the fish. In God I dwell and
God dwells in me.

There is a flow; it is cleansing, purifying and healing. The link to infinity is being
forged towards a permanence.
There is no sense of self-importance therefore no desire of reward and hence no
sense of punishment, we offer the infinite pardon; forgiveness without limit. This
corresponds to the state where there is no conflict between head or heart God is
fully filling all the spaces. Compassion.
7 - The attainment
Sacrifice gives you happiness.
The crowned state is that we are finished seeking for experiences; we are
unconditionally available to be an experience for others. Fully appreciating what
is, we have received the gifts of the steps to a non-dependent joy.
It's our
'birthright to be happy' is a realised reality.
We have arrived at the state of peace and no justification is needed. It is a
homecoming. I have found in me, what I am to be. That I already am. And Ill be
what I am, because only I can. I MY MIND WE THOUGH THEE.

Commitment is a non-movement. You hold still and everything comes. If God has
passed the test then you hold on and what is, is and you have no argument. You
invest in it and confirm it in action. This is fake it and youll make it, as in a
posture which you think you cant do, but you hold on and you dont give up. You
make a sacrifice and it becomes a commitment. You find a treasure you didnt
know you had and your soul comes through, you deliver and you are delivered.
Commitment is something you do when you are foolish.
In a moment of wakefulness:
The clarity of love and the love of clarity. When youre foolishly inspired youll
make this commitment (at 4.00 in the morning youre going to forget!). This love
must go with a clarity, a clarity that tomorrow you will forget. Now you must
instigate whilst youre conscious. Set yourself up, trick yourself so that tomorrow
when youre in despair and have forgotten and are in a self-justifying hell, there
will be something to hit you right there in the heart. When you say, Oh, but its so
painful, so lonely etc. another bell will sound and youll think, Oh, but I am
committed. To remember, set it up now. Excellence is to take advantage of the
opportunity so that you can sabotage your forgetfulness. I WILL SABOTAGE MY
Deliver to tomorrow. Create remembering spirits. This is excellence and it has to
come from love and inspiration. Everything in the world is designed to make us
forget. I wondered how I would remember it and it became very clear to me I
would teach. This way the same things that made me forget, now they remind

Dont tell people but set the world up to remember. Set it up to serve your
remembering. It sounds selfish but it is the best thing. The more I am in the real
selfishness then the closer I am to you. The only thing we share is solitude.
How can you remember? Its always about tomorrow, all opportunities are about
tomorrow and what kind of environments will hit you in that way? Dont imagine it
from your mind, but go inside and feel how you are in the moment. You may have
fear or tears go into it. The moment is the time to establish your future so set
yourself up. Only what you establish in that moment can set you up. Your mind
can only give it shape. Mind is serving your hearts instruction. And dont worry if
people have a problem with you being selfish its only their complaining.
You argue the most with the person you love the most and you argue most with
God. That means you love Him the most. You are the body of God and you argue
because you love. Can you be honest enough to know this? You try and
manipulate what you love. Can you say if God doesnt change and everyone and
everything goes on just as before that you still love it, that you are still here for
this marriage? There is no escape and things wont change. WHAT IS, IS.
And if you cant get this you will be in hell forever and ever. The only thing God
needs is your availability so that the God in you can do what it has to do. The first
and only thing is a commitment.
If you think you know better, thats hell. You were created out of love and youre
arguing with it. When will you rest?
Remember this and see the light in your own eyes.

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