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Be prepared for answering the following questions. In some cases the answers are given
1. What is a brand? Mention your favorite mark.
A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product, service or organization.
2. What is the brands trademark or logo? Give an example
The symbol or phrase that identifies the product. For example NIKE is a check
3. What are the main differences between brand identity and brand image?
Brand identity symbolizes firms reality while brand image symbolizes perception of consumers.
4. Why is brand awareness important?
How well the consumer identifies with the product affecting brand identity,
recognition and loyalty.
5. What is brand essence? Is it tangible or intangible? Give an example
The promise of the brand synthesized in one word phrase. It is intangible for
example just do it
6. What is brand stretching? Give an example.
It is expanding business to include other products using the same trademark
mane for example
7. What is brand loyalty? Give an example?
The tendency of consumers to continue buying a specific brand, product or
service, despite the competition. For example coke, there are people that
refuse any other brand.
8. What does me-tooism mean?
The practice of making a product, offering a service that attempts to
duplicate one that is established.

9. What are lookalike products? Give an example of lookalike cola

Brands similar in appearance or packaging to other established brand of
products for example cocacola which mercat cola

10. Explain the example of the lookalike product given in the reading "Brand war"
The supermarket chain sainbrurys put out a cola similar to Coke. Coke told
sainburys to change the packaging or it would lower the price and leave
sainburys cola overpriced.
11. What do you understand by market saturation?
When there are too many brands of the product
competing with each other

12. Look at the pictures an tell:

a. The brand
b. The brand identity
c. The brand essence

14. Mention three reasons for branding a product or service.

To create consumer recognition and trust
To increase sales and profitability
Creates sustainable competitive advantage
15. What does a brand profile give?
Strategies for brand behavior and communications

16. What is brand positioning?

The placement of a brand in the consumers mind with respect to it is

17. Give an example of war of brands in Chile. Choose a side and explain why
An example of the war of brans in Chile would be the operating systems of
electronic devices such as android and eos. I prefer android because it is easy for
me to use

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