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Since the gland/chakra posts began and the mention of calcification of

the gland as the major cause of aging and hormone gland/malfunction

many have been asking for anti-dotes and how to ensure against this.

I'm still yet to type up the biological transmutation post (so below
is a combined brief). Also i will make brief mention here especially
for those whom love calcium and assume calcium is needed in large qty
to ensure against osteoperosis ... folks i can not stress any further
.... i will dare say here ... calcium supplementation is not absorbed
into the bones and ends up floating around your body organs clogging
them up ... so to does excess calcium food like MILK and CHEESE (
these industries will do whatever to hang onto PROFITS/SALES) ..

the biggest contributor to osteoperosis is body acid pH ... the

western diet, sugar laden is very acidic ... throw in lots of meat ...
and more acid ... and various other factors ... such as old age and
hormone break down ..... why!!! because when GLANDS FAIL SO DO
HORMONES.... remember some glands monitor body temperature and pH
(acid/alkaline) and produce hormones to keep balanced ...

the body is very intelligent as when it goes acid ... it begins to

leech minerals from the bones as well as muscles (mainly calcium) in
order to neutralise the acid ... the fix for this amongst many things
is to alkalise ... increase body pH to alkaline levels approx 6.8 -
7.0. ...further to this no matter how much calcium you throw at the
body it will not be absorbed without various hormones and especially
Vitamin D3 and MAGNESIUM ...


body meets spirit ..

however ... i'll mention the theme of biological transmutation here

..... and those inclined can search google .... back in the 50's there
was a Frenchman by the name of Louis Kervran who was France's minister
of Health (also a biologist) ... who by certain observation discovered
that calcium was formed in the body not by calcium from food or
supplementation but simply from SILICA (silicon) and the magic mineral
MAGNESIUM ... he went on to discover that IRON was formed in the body
by MANGANESE ... there are other transmutations but suffice to say ...
especially for women needing IRON..... take MANGANESE ... and if you
need strong bones ... take SILICA .... as the body uses what it needs
.... i.e. converts only what it needs .... now Dr. Kervran was
humilated by his peers and made out to be crazy i think you get the
drift here ... it wasn't until much later certain a Japanese scientist
as well as USA military believe it or not were able to SCIENTIFICALLY
prove what he said ... no body could believe that the body could
transmute elements, especially minerals from one form into another ...
BUT IT DOES!! .... still to this day medical establishment have
difficulty believing this ....
here is an excellent article that gives a good overview of this
especially half-way downwards ...


Keeping your Glands Primed (anti-dote to calcification)

there are several ingredients that can be mixed together; they are;
and the below three can be taken together in a glass of water.

EDTA (preference di-sodium EDTA) = removes some types of heavy metals

but in particular de-calcifies glands.
add 1/4 teaspoon to one-quart of water (1-litre)

Borax (boron) = antidote to fluoride.

a few dollars from super-market (i think in USA they call it 20MULE???
or something like this??)
add 4 x pinches to one-quart of water (1-litre). what is a pinch? ...
just imagine you are adding a pinch of salt to your cooking pot ...

Sodium Thiosulfate = antidote to CHLORINE, cyanide, arsenic, some

heavy metals and de-calcification of glands in general.
this is a little complicated but not that much

buy sodium thiosulfate crystals (a few dollars) ... can be purchased

from swimming pool chemical suppliers or fish aquariums (gold fish die
when in chlorinated water) ... also hydroponic shops sell them ...
once you have the crystals ... add 1/4 tablespoon to a glass of water
(250 mls) ... now shake well and stir ... and if possible store this
in a glass bottle or plastic bottle and seal ...

now with an eye dropper .... add 20-drops from this 250 mls solution
to the one-quart of water (1-litre).


the above three ingredients can be added to the same quart of water
and drink this one-quart of water per day (perhaps rest/stop on weekends)

IODINE is also something to consider as western diets are very

deficient ... the gland requiring this is the throat chakra ...
thyroid glands

also is MAGNESIUM ....85% of people tested are deficient in MAGNESIUM

.... this one ingredient is key for over 300+ enzyme reactions in the
human body ... and here they are flogging calcium by the truck load
.... without magnesium and some sunlight ... calcium will not even bind
to bone!!!!! ... see http://www.mgwater.com

now the ULTIMATE INGREDIENT for the complete health of glands is

Vitamin C in the form of sodium ascobate and if you can get it

genetically humans are one of very few animals who can not internally
produce their own vitamin c... it has to be ingested .... even other
mammals can produce their own Vit-C ... but not humans ... i don't
wanto go into the reason/cause of all this as it can fill up books
..... but suffice to say vitamin C is seriously required by the body
..... from my own experience andothers ... DO NOT TAKE it in the form
of ascorbic acid ... stick to sodium or magnesium ascorbate .... and
if you can get it with bioflavinoids do so ... the reason to stay away
from ascorbic acid is simple ... due to ascorbic acid in large amounts
can make the body very acidic ... and also give stomach /gastro pains
.... and can even bring on flu .... many years ago some smart arse
doctors decided to test high dose vitamin C to see if it was really
effective ... the results they published to the media to the
resounding joy of the big drug companies .... "High Dose Vit-C can
make you sick and bring on the cancer" ... these smart doctors were
testing with with high dose asorbic acid ... and they were not
bothering to check peoples pH levels ... remember folks when the body
is very acidic .... it can make a good breeding ground for cancer ...

the human body is 70% water ... like a swimming pool the pH of water
must be kept stable at 7.0 pH.

now the quantity dosage i am talking about here is in the several

grams per day .... those who chew on a 250 mg tablet a day are not
even scratching the surface ...

the ideal qty is 70mg per Kg body weight i.e. 30mg per pound body
weight .... eg. if you weight 75 Kg ... then 70mg x 75 = 5250 mg (or
5.2 grams) per day ...

ESPECIALLY IN THE BRAIN .... this is were it is absorbed and used ....


also goes without saying stay away from FAKE SUGAR ... especially
ASPARTAME .... i won't go into toxic effects as debatable ... but i
tell you what happens from a gland/hormonal level ... and many do not
believe this .... ASPARTAME or any fake sugar .... makes you put on
body weight / fat ... i'll keep it simple .... when you take sugar
your brain sends a signal to your pancreas to release insulin into the
blood ... insulin is needed to allow sugar to enter the cells ...
when the insulin in the blood does not encounter sugar ... the body
then stores it as fat .... your next hit of fake sugar does the same
again ... more insulin but no sugar found ... so insulin gets stored
as fat .... apart from side effects due to long term use of fake sugar
in drinks and food ... you actually end up piling on weight ... not
losing it ... and also you end up exhausting your adrenal glands inthe
process ...

below are some of my health notes and am sure you can google also ...
next i will finish Seeds/Swords of OSIRIS and then i'll have along
break ... go within ... do some dreaming ... and when i get back from
within ... hope to focus more on the spiritual/soul aspects and
harmonic shift 777.

I hope the above and health101 has not bored everyone ...

Love and Namaste'



The adrenal gland is among the organs with the highest concentration
of vitamin C in the body.

The Adrenal Glands (especially the Adrenal Medulla) contain the

highest concentration of Vitamin C of any part of the body (where it
is utilized in the manufacture of Adrenal Hormones especially
Adrenaline): references - Vitamin C (2,500 mg per day) lowers the
production of Cortisol and Corticosterone by the Adrenal Glands during
periods of Stress.

Vitamin C is essential for the function of the Adrenal Glands - the

Adrenal Glands (especially the Adrenal Medulla) - the second highest
concentration of Vitamin C of any component of the body.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Adrenal Cortex.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Brain (the Brain contains the highest

concentration of Vitamin C in the body) and supplemental Vitamin C can
influence Brain Wave activity.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Eyes (particularly in the Lens of the

Eyes) where it exerts Antioxidant effects that help to protect the
Eyes from oxidative damage.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Eyes.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Hypothalamus.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Lens of the Eyes where it exerts
Antioxidant effects that may help to protect the Lens from oxidative
damage (at least 1,000 mg of Vitamin C per day is required in order to
increase the Vitamin C content of the Lens).

Vitamin C concentrates in the Pituitary Gland.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Testicles.

Vitamin C is highly concentrated in the eyes, where it is believed to

protect against ARMD.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Cytosol of Cells.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Hypothalamus Gland.

Vitamin C concentrates in the Ovaries.

EDTA may help to prevent (and possibly reverses) the calcification of

the Pineal Gland.

EDTA may reverse calcification of the bodytissues (the bodytissues

become increasingly Calcified with the progression of the Aging Process).

EDTA reverses calcification of the bodytissues (the bodytissues become

increasingly Calcified with the progression of the Aging Process).

EDTA reverses calcification of the bodytissues (the bodytissues become

increasingly calcified with the progression of the aging process).

Intravenous EDTA is recommended for people who have been diagnosed

with severe Atherosclerosis, severe calcification of tissues or very
high Toxic Minerals levels.

The author speculates that many of the therapeutic effects of EDTA

therapy are likely to occur as a result of decalcification of the
pineal gland.

Ethylene-Diamine-Tetra-Acetate (EDTA) may help to prevent (and

possibly reverses) the calcification of the Pineal Gland.

Epidemiologic evidence of a protective effect of vitamin C for

non-hormone-dependent cancers is strong.

High doses of vitamin C lead to lowered concentrations of

corticosterone - a compound related to the human hormone cortisol - in
rats under stress.

High doses of vitamin C reduce the corticotropin-releasing hormone

levels (a stress hormone).
Insulin may facilitate the transportation of Vitamin C into the bodyCells.

Vitamin C (2,500 mg per day) may lower the production of Cortisol by

the Adrenal Glands during periods of Stress and may counteract the
suppression of the Immune System caused by Cortisol.

Vitamin C may be essential for the production of Adrenal Hormones

(especially Adrenaline).

Natural health authors claim that vitamin Cantioxidant effects

counteract stress-induced free radicals production; reduce
stress-induced corticotropin-releasing hormone production; and
counteracts stress-induced damage to the immune system.

Enhancement Vitamin C may help to increase Sexual Desire (by

facilitating the production of Sexual Steroid Hormones).

The role of adrenal cortical hormone-sodium-vitamin C.

The study demonstrates an attenuation, albeit transient, of both the

adrenal stress hormone and anti-inflammatory polypeptide response to
prolonged exercise in runners who supplemented with 1500 mg vitamin C
per day when compared to < or = 500 mg per day.

Vitamin C acts as a reducing agent for the mixed function oxidase

enzyme used in the synthesis of steroid hormones in the adrenal glands.

Vitamin C achieves a healthy sex-hormone ratio.

Vitamin C lowers stress hormone in rats.

Vitamin C may activate Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH).

Vitamin C may alleviate and prevent Fatigue (primarily by facilitating

the production of the Thyroid Hormone, Thyroxine): references - In one
study, people who consume high levels of Vitamin C exhibit 50% less
Fatigue than those who consume low doses of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C may alleviate and prevent Fatigue (primarily by stimulating

the production of the Thyroid Hormone, Thyroxine): references - People
who consume high levels of Vitamin C may suffer from 50% less Fatigue
than those who consume low doses of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C may alter the hormonal response to weight training in a

manner that may create a more anabolic environment.

Vitamin C may increase Sexual Desire (by facilitating the production

of Sexual Steroid Hormones).
Vitamin C may stimulate the production of Adrenal Hormones.

Vitamin C supplementation reduced the production of cortisol and other

hormonesby the adrenal glands and reduced blood levels of these hormones.

Vitamin C may facilitate the production of Sexual Steroid Hormones.

Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate (also known as Borax; Borax

Decahydrate; Disodium Tetraborate Decahydrate; Sodium Borate; Sodium
Pyroborate Decahydrate; Sodium Tetraborate) is a safe form of Boron
that is commonly prescribed by physicians for the treatment of
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Diet Restriction may retard the Aging Process of the Pineal Gland.

Health Benefits of Diet Restriction Aging & Life Extension Diet

Restriction may inhibit the progression of the Aging Process:
references - Diet Restriction may retard the Aging Process in the
Pineal Gland.

Melatonin is speculated to retard the Aging Process: references -

After its release from the Pineal Gland during the night, Melatonin
travels to the Nucleus of all of the body's Cells where it then
communicates important regulatory instructions to the Deoxyribonucleic
Acid (DNA) of the Cell - these instructions probably include youth
instructions that permit each Cell to behave as though it were younger
than its chronological age.

Metabolism Diet Restriction may retard the progression of the Aging

Process: references - Diet Restriction may retard the Aging Process of
the Pineal Gland.

The function of the Thyroid gland often declines in tandem with the
progression of the Aging Process.

The levels of estrogens (estradiol + estrone) in the prostate gland

increase significantly with the progression of the aging process.

The levels of estrogens in the prostate gland increase significantly

with the progression of the aging process.

The Pineal Theory of Aging links the decline and atrophy of the Pineal
Gland that occurs in tandem with the Aging Process with reduced life
span: references - When the Pineal Glands of old mice were
transplanted into younger mice, the younger mice experienced a
shortened life span - to 17 months; when the Pineal Glands of young
mice were transplanted into older mice, the older mice experienced an
increased lifespan - to 34 months.

The Thymus Gland shrinks in tandem with the progression of the Aging

These Ailments may Interfere with the Thyroid Aging Process The
function of the Thyroid gland may declines in tandem with the
progression of the Aging Process.

These Factors Interfere with Melatonin Aging Process The onset of the
Aging Process decreases the body's production of Melatonin: Age:Plasma
Melatonin Levels (Picograms per ml)Altered Lighting The use of
Sunglasses may impair the entrance of Sunlight into the Pineal Gland
via the Eyes, causing reduced production of Melatonin.

These Factors may Interfere with the Function of the Pineal Gland
Aging Process The Pineal Theory of Aging links the decline and
atrophy of the Pineal Gland that occurs in tandem with the Aging
Process with reduced life span: - When the Pineal Glands of old mice
were transplanted into younger mice, the younger mice experienced a
shortened life span - to 17 months.

Health Benefits of Magnesium Bicarbonate Aging Process Magnesium

Bicarbonate may possess Life Extension potential.

Nervous System Creatine Phosphate (in the presence of Magnesium) may

counteract the down-regulation of Type IA Nicotinic Receptors that
occurs in tandem with the progression of the Aging Process.

The intestinal absorption of Magnesium declines in tandem with the

progression of the Aging Process.

These Ailments may Interfere with Magnesium Aging Process The

intestinal absorption of Magnesium declines in tandem with the
progression of the Aging Process.

These Substances may Enhance the Function of Type IA Nicotinic

Receptors Amino Acids Creatine Phosphate (in the presence of
Magnesium) may counteract the down-regulation of Type IA Nicotinic
Receptors that occurs in tandem with the progression of the Aging Process.

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