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Tak ada yang sempurna,umat manusia lemah,jelek,iri dan membenci hal yang tak

dimilikinya,anehnya itu adalah bakat yang buruk. itu tak masuk akal,itulah sebabnya aku ingin
mengubah itu semua
(yukinoshita yukino)
apa ibumu tidak bilang kalau membicarakan umur seorang wanita bisa membuatmu mati?
Meskipun kesunyian ini mulai membuatku nyaman,rasanya detang jantung ku ingin
meninggalkan jarum jam kedalam debu dan bergegas kemasa depan
(hikigaya hachiman)
mereka yang tidak mencoba tidak memiliki hak untuk iri pada mereka yang memiliki
bakat.mereka yang gagal itu karna mereka tidak membayangkan usaha yang dilakukan orang
yang berhasil
(yukinoshita yukino)
bukankah memalukan jika menyalahkan orang lain karena kebodohan dan kecerobohanmu
(yukinoshita yukino)
selama mereka tau kau berusaha keras,mereka akan tergerak
(hikigaya hachiman)
aku yakin kau harus mengambil semua tantangan jika itu dapat membuatmu berkembang
(yukinoshita yukino)
Sifat asli akan keluar semudah hilangnya riasan wajahmu
(Yukinoshita yukino)
aku mungkin kejam dan kasar,tapi aku tidak pernah berbohong
(yukinoshita yukino)
berhenti bicara hal yang menyakiti orang lain
(hikigaya hachiman)
saat kau bertannya nama orang lain kau harus beritahu namamu dulu
(yukinoshita yukino)
kurasa ketidaktahuan itu bukan hal buruk, lebih banyak kau tau,lebih banyak masalahmu
(hikigaya hachiman)
kurasa ketidaktahuan itu bukan hal buruk, lebih banyak kau tau,lebih banyak masalahmu
(hikigaya hachiman)

kau orang yang sangat populer

tapi masih menyebut dirimu sendiri
kesepian? kau seperti memberi
kesepian sebuah kata yang buruk"
(Hachiman Hikigaya)
The Zone adalah Keahlian yang hanya dia
yang benar-benar Normal bisa
menyempurnakannya. Karakter utama
adalah mereka yang dapat menahan
situasi. Karena mereka sedang dengan
kehidupan mereka,mereka dapat membahagiakan yang sedang murung. Ini
adalah aura unik dari kharismatik
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Kata Bijak Anime [Nev]
Aku tidak terlalu perduli dengan apa yang
orang-orang pikirkan tentangku dan
mencari cari kesalahan seseorang adalah
salah satu dari 108 keahlian khususku.
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Aku meng-sms perempuan saat aku
SMP.Jika aku mengiriminya pesan jam 7
malam,maka dia akan membalasnya
besok pagi, dengan berkata "Maaf,aku
tertidur.Sampai Jumpa disekolah"
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
*Ngenes banget si Hikki
Adik perempuan memang aneh. Tak peduli
betapa lucunya dia,kau tak akan
merasakan apa apa padanya. Ketika kau
melihat celana dalamnya,kau akan
Berpikir,"Ya,itu 100% Katun".
Seperti itulah adik perempuan yang sesungguhnya
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
"Selalu mendengar orang lain dan
membantu mereka,itu belum tentu hal
(Yukinoshita Yukino)

Aku menjadi suram, Pengecut dan

Bersandar Didinding("Didinding" bagian
dari masa Muda)
(hachiman Hikigaya)
Tentang pernikahan atau tentang masa
depan,aku tidak tahu apa yg akan terjadi
dimasa depan.
Didunia ini,itu Normal bahwa ketika ada
perpisahan maka kesedihan baru
Lahir,tapi semua orang memiliki hak untuk menginginkan kebahagiaan,upaya
manusia perlu dilakukan demi masa
Jadi kesimpulannya adalah WANITA yg
menginginkan masa depan yg cerah,hrus
ditentukan untuk mengambil penuh waktu suami rumahtangga dengan ambisi yg
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Tidak ada tombol Reset dalam Kehidupan.
Termasuk bagian yang tidak berguna
adalah Akhir dari kekalahan.
Suatu hari aku akan meratapi dan
mangakui kekalahan itu
(hikigaya hachiman)
"Kau tidak bisa lari dari kenyataan",hanya
yg terkuat yg bisa bilang itu.
itu bukan selalu kesalahan individu
masyarakat,dunia,atau lingkungan
sekitar. Dan orang lain juga terkadang
salah dengan mengatakan "kau bisa berubah",
Itu hanya menyesuaikan diri dengan
Dunia yg SAMPAH dan KEJAM ini.Yang
artinya kau mengakui kekalahan dan
itu hanya kalimat halus untuk menipu dirimu sendiri.
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Okeh....sungguh keren Diriku.Dengan
MeRESET hubungan,Akhirnya pikiranku
tenang kembali,Aku tidak yakin tidak
melakukan pilihan yang salah.
Tidak,tapi Aku melakukan hal yang benar.


(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Kata Bijak Anime [Nev]
Mereka bilang dunia akan berubah jika kita berubah,Tapi itu tidak benar.Tiap orang menilai
orang lain Berdasarkan Klise dan Kesan.
Penyendiri akan dinilai menjadi
penyendiri selamanya.jika kau tetap
berjuan dan bertahan,itu hanya menjadi bahan kritikan mereka. Itulah aturan dalam kehidupan
(Hikigaya hachiman)
Aku pikir merendahkan diri dan tidak
dikenal orang,itu hal yang cukup Baik
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Kurasa aku bagaikan sesuatu yang akan
diabaikan Kapan pun dan Dimanapun
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Ada beberapa hal yang tak dapat
dikembalikan, tapi bumi akan terus
berputar entah kamu tertawa atau
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Ternyata benar,Jika kau tidak
berpengalaman dalam suatu hal maka
akan ada banyak hal yg kau tidak akan
*saat cewek benar-benar menolak
sesuatu,mereka melakukannya dengan
mata yg jauh lebih dingin dan hampir tidak
ada ekspresi diwajahnya.begitulah cara
mereka melakukannya
mereka cukup menakutkan sampai membuatmu jantungan
itu membuatmu ingin mati"
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Kata Bijak Anime [Nev]
Hewan secara alami membentuk
karnvora membentuk hirarki sosial dalam

kelompok mereka.
Mereka yg gagal akan mendapat beban
kegagalan sampai mereka mati aku yakin herbivora merasa bersalah
karena mereka mengorbankan rekanrekan mereka untuk menghindari predator
mereka dan hidup
jadi,aku memilih cara beruang berjuang
sendirian,yg tidak membentuk kelompok
Beruang itu tidak menemukan kecemasan
dalam hidup sendirian,dia bangga,karena
dia bagaikan serigala terakhir.selain itu mereka melakukan hibernasi dimusim
dingin,betapa indahnya itu,Tidak ada
keraguan dalam pikiranku
dalam kehidupan selanjutnya,Aku ingin
menjadi Beruang
Ini adalah Antitesis terhadap Hirarki sosial (Hikigaya Hachiman)
Kata Bijak Anime [Nev]
"Hal yang penting sudah didepan mata"
itu kata bijak dari pierre de fredy Baron de
coubertin ketika pidatonya.
Tapi, Kata -kata ini sering disalahgunakan
dan jadi hal Lazim untuk memaksa
semua orang agar berpartisipasi. There are tons of Wild-goose chases in
this World, you know.
Jika hal terpenting adalah ikut,kalau
begitu pasti ada alasan yg tepat untuk
tidak Ikut.
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Bekerja Adalah Hal yang Sia-sia
Menurut orang dahulu,jika kau bekerja,kau kalah kerja adalah tindakan yg menimbulkan
resiko demi mendapatkan keuntungan
oleh karena itu,pilihanku untuk tinggal dirumah dan tidak bekerja adalah pilihan
yg sah dan dibenarkan sepenuhnya
(Hikigaya Hachiman)
Hachiman Hikigaya said:
(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)

Thinking you'll understand without being told anything is an illusion.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
Don't put me on their level. I don't care about looking interesting. I'm
just self-conscious.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
It's arrogant to think just saying things out loud is enough. Selfgratifying on the part of the speaker, and conceited on the part of the
listener. You won't always come to an understanding by talking things out.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
Expecting others to read your mind is delusional. But... But... I...
I..."It's not empty words I'm after. There was something else I
desired all along. Not mutual understanding, friendship, companionship, or anything of the sort. I
don't care about being understood. I simply wish to understand. Understand, know, and rest easy
in that knowledge-- gain some peace of mind. Wanting to know people inside-out because being
in the dark terrifies me is an awfully self-indulgement, egoistic, and arrogant wish. It's downright
despicable and disgusting. Having a desire like that makes me sick to the stomach! But if it's at

all possible to share that desire-- if it's possible to have a relationship where you're free to burden
one another with that repulsive self-gratification...I know that it's out of the question! I know that
it's out of my reach! Even so!" Even so, I... I want something genuine.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
There are people who can't act unless they're faced with a problem.
Unless they find their reason. All I was left with was the sinking
suspicion that I'd gone horribly wrong.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
So long as a problem doesn't cause problems, it can't be called a

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
If they're not given a problem, if they're unable to find a reason,
some people can't bring themselves to act. Maybe I got something
wrong somewhere. Only that bit of doubt stayed with me.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
What if, and this is strictly hypothetical, what if you could reload
your save data to change your previous choice, like in a game?
Would it change your life? The answer is a resounding no.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
A problem is not a problem as long as nobody sees it as one.
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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
I'm always alone. Other people don't factor into what I do. The
things that happen in front of me are parts of my life and my life

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
Food tastes best when you don't have to work for it.
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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
Merits, demerits, risks, returns; if they were these things then I
understood. I could understand. Desire and self-protection, hatred
from jealousy. I could analyze the mentality of the actions that were grounded on these abundant,
repulsive emotions. That's because I had plenty of those ugly feelings inside of me. That's why it
was simple to imagine. if they were similar things, then there was still room to understand it. I
could explain using logic. However, if there wasn't, then it was difficult. Without the concept of
profit and loss, it was hard to imagine the feelings of people who went beyond people who went
beyond logic and theory. I had too little to go on and above all else. I had committed too many
mistakes up until now. Good will, friendship, or even love; they were all things I had been
mistaken with. I was sure that I was mistaken with them even now as I thought about them.

Comments (5)

Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
That's not exactly right. If you had to sacrifice many things to protect
one, you're more likely to give up and throw it away. Including
relationships you have in your hand now.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
There are some people who don't want a solution. Some want things
to stay the way they are. There's no way to make things convenient
for everyone. So the only option is to find a compromise.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Come Wa Machigatteiru)
Having people acknowledge your existence is a wonderful thing.
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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Come Wa Machigatteiru)
Everyone has something they hold dear, something they never want
to lose. That's why they pretend. That's why they hide the truth. And
that's why they lie.

Comments (1)

Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)
School trips are simply a simulation of adult social life. If you ever
go on a business trip with your boss, you won't get to choose where
to stay or what to eat, but if you compromise, you can still have a modicum of fun. School trips
train you to trick yourself into that kinda mindset.

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Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku)

When a girl calls someone a "nice guy", it means she couldn't care less about him.

Comments (1)

Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Come Wa Machigatteiru)
There is a history to humans. Humans are shaped by the experience
obtained from living as time continued to wind and wind. To be
reborn meant being rid of that history; complete annihilation. However, that just wasnt possible
in reality. Thats why the only thing you could do was to continue living on, bearing the scars on
your body and holding the weight of the sins on your back, without wishing for reincarnation.

Comments (2)

Hachiman Hikigaya said:

(Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Come Wa Machigatteiru)
One ought to experience loneliness at least once or twice in life. No,
you have to experience it. The idea of being chained to another
person without reprieve is far more abnormal and disquieting. One has no choice but to learn
about loneliness. Im sure some things cant be experienced without it.
-------------------------------------Excuses are meaningless. The tougher things get, the more likely
people are to come totheir own conclusions.-------------------------------------Is it wrong to do stuff
by yourself? If someone worked hard on their own until now,why do they have to face rejection
here?-------------------------------------Guys are simple creatures. Just by talking to them, they get
the wrong idea.-------------------------------------If you can't get along without putting someone else
down, it can't be real friendship.-------------------------------------Hard work betrays none, but
dreams betray many.-------------------------------------Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?
When humans are faced with truly terrifying circumstances, they don't think about other people
around them. They're even willing to sacrifice those around themselves. Byexposing that
unsightly part of them, they can no longer get along.-------------------------"You can't run away" is

an ideal for the strong. You're not always wrong. Society, theworld, the people around you - often
someone else is in the wrong. To think that youcan change is adapting to this cruel, indifferent,
trashy world. It's admitting defeat andservility. You're simply deceiving yourself by dressing it up
with pretty words.--------------------------------------They say if you change yourself, you'll change
the world, but that's a complete lie.When people judge somebody, it becomes a fixed idea and an
impression that lasts. Aloner is forced to stay a loner. If you do your best at something and stand
out, that'llonly get used as fodder for criticism. Those are the rules of the Kingdom of
Children.-----------------------------------------------Question: The world will not change, but you
can change yourself. So then, how willyou change?Answer: You become the god of a new
world.---------------------------------------------------Youth is a hoax. It's evil. People who make a
big deal of their "youth", are just invitingtrouble. They try to keep everything going on around
them. For them, if there'ssomething that has to do with their "youth", they jump at it without a
second thought.From normal daily life, to rebelling against the view of society. If you fall in with
them- lies, secrets, failure, and even crimes await you. But for them, it's just a spice of life.And if
failure is also a mark of "youth", then isn't it ironic, that a person who failed tomake any friends,
is also technically leading his "youth"? Though I wonder if theywould agree. Everything runs on
their schedule. Let me be clear. The people who enjoytheir "youth", will eventually fall
apart.-----------------------------------------------------------You can't reset life, but you can
reset human relations.-----------------------------------------------------------I hate nice girls.
Just exchanging greetings with them will get them on your mind. Starttexting each other, and
your heart will be set a flutter. If they call you, you're done for.Enjoy staring at your logs and
grinning like a fool. However, I won't get fooled again.That's what your kind calls kindness. If
you're nice to me, you're nice to others. I alwaysend up nearly forgetting that. Reality is cruel, so
I'm sure lies are a form of kindness.Thus, I say kindness itself is also a lie. I always ended up
with these expectations. And Ialways ended up with these misunderstandings. And before I knew
it, I stopped hoping.A highly trained loner is once bitten, twice shy. As a veteran on this
battlefield of life,I've gotten used to losing. That's why I always hate nice
girls.------------------------------------Aside from the fact that I don't have any friends or girlfriends,
I'm still a high quality product!----------------------------------------Bears are creatures that feel no
insecurity in living alone. They're an animal that lives inisolation. Plus, they can hibernate. What
a fabulous thing that is. If I were to be reborn, Idefinitely want to be a
bear.--------------------------------------------------In essence, language accounts for a mere 30% of human communication. The other 70%is made
up of information collected from eye movements and other body language.With that, even a
loner who never takes part in conversation can pull off 70% of whatwe consider
communication.----------------------------------Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people
just don't care.-------------------------------------Hey! I'm totally an adult! I bitch and whine, lie
through my teeth, and do things that areunfair.-------------------------------------When a person
loses their sense of belonging, they want someone else to hand it back tothem on a
platter.-------------------------------------There are things that cannot be taken back. But the world
will keep on spinning whetheryou laugh or you cry. High school life will eventually end
too.-------------------------------------There's no point in incapable people pushing themselves.
You're better off calling for anexpert in the field.-------------------------------------"The important
thing is to take part." Famous words spoken by Pierre de Frdy, Baronde Coubertin during a
speech. However, this quote tends to be frequently misused andserves as kind of a threat to force

participation. There are tons of wild-goose chases inthis world, y'know. If the most important
thing is to take part, then surely one could findmeaning in not taking part as well. And if
everything's worth experiencing, then there'slittle doubt that the feeling of not experiencing
something is, in itself, worthexperiencing. In fact, you could even call it a valuable experience to
not experiencesomething everyone else does.-------------------------------------Life is something
that can never be lived twice. Even this pointless act will eventuallyend. And while thinking that
one day, I'll surely regret its end...-------------------------------------I don't think ignorance is
necessarily a bad thing. The more you know, the more problems you
have.-------------------------------------A wandering soul in isolation, has no need for a place to
belong.-------------------------------------What does someone whos lost their standing want the
most? That's simple. They wantsomeone to find them, where they're
standing.-------------------------------------I don't want other people to mention my "self". Besides,
if I can be changed with a fewwords, then that wouldn't be my "self", would
it?-------------------------------------They say that if you change yourself, you'll change the world.
but that's a complete lie.They're just forcing you to compromise, by feeding you a convenient
little fib.-------------------------------------Relying on someone, helping each other out,
and supporting each other. Most would saythat's the right thing to do. However, that's just
idealistic. In reality, someone alwaysgets the short end of the stick.

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