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A collection of articles on various issues
related to health, nutrition and
disease prevention
he doctor of the future
will give uo mediciue
but will iuterest his patients
in the care of the human frame,
in diet, and in the cause and
prevention of disease.

This book is intended to inform and educate the

reader regarding new and different health issues.
It is not intended to diagnose disease or to
provide specific medical advice.

ISBN 1-929205-05-8
Published by Weisman Publications
P.O. Box 405
Eagan, MN 55122

Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamins 24

Organic vs. Inorganic Minerals 32


There are many theories as to why people get sick or

acquire a disease, and there are even more treatments than
there are ailments. However, most treatments today preform
either a quick fix of the problem, and thus never cure the
problem, or they treat symptoms of the problem, which also
does not cure the problem. To cure the problem one needs to
treat the cause of the disease or illness, and this requires
knowing what the cause is and what it is not.
While modern medicine has a host of drugs and medical
procedures for the treatment of disease, these methods have
not been very effective and often cause adverse reactions.
Drugs do not work with the body to help it heal itself. Instead
they work against the body forcing it to do something it
normally would not do, or preventing it from doing something
that it normally would do.
So what causes disease and illness? Most might state that
germs are the cause. This is not actually the case as we will see
later. The vast majority of illnesses and diseases are caused
from one or both of these conditions:
• Deficiency
• Toxicity
First let's deal with the deficiency problem. A deficiency of
what? A deficiency of food. What is food? It is not merely
the things you eat, but actually the things your body needs
which are contained in the things you eat. The following is a
list of these substances which actually make up our food.
Types of Food:
1. Proteins - Needed to build up the muscles, meat,
ligaments, tendons, organs, glands, nails, hair, and
many vital body fluids, and are needed for bone growth.
2. Carbohydrates - 200 different types, only 8 are
essential. In the form of sugars, starches, and fiber.
Supplies the body with the energy it needs to function.
3. Fats - Essential fatty acids and unsaturated fats are
necessary for good health. They are used by the cells
for rebuilding and producing new cells. Fats provide
energy and support growth. Improves skin and hair.
4. Water - Makes up 70% of the body. Is involved in every
function of the body. It transports nutrients and wastes
in and out of cells. Necessary for digestion, absorption,
circulation, and excretory functions.
5. Vitamins - 13 known kinds. Regulates metabolism,
assists in biochemical processes and bodily functions.
6. Minerals - 5 major minerals and 13 trace minerals. Every
living cell depends on minerals for proper function and
7. Amino Acids - 28 used in the body, 9 are essential. The
building blocks for proteins; used by the brain to
communicate with nerve cells; enables vitamins and
minerals to function.
8. Enzymes - Catalysts for all biochemical activities. Used
for digesting food, stimulating the brain, providing
cellular energy, repairing tissue and cells.
9. Phytochemicals - There are 103,000 known types of
plant compounds. Needed for the immune system,
healing, utilization of vitamins, general health.
These then are the components that actually make up our
"food." An apple simply contains some of these things and
the rest is waste. A deficiency in anyone of these food
categories can weaken or upset the immune system, digestive
system, lymphatic system or other bodily functions and result
in an illness or disease.
The other problem which causes or leads to illness and
disease is that of toxicity. A toxic substance is that which
adversely affects one of the bodily functions. The following is
a list of things that are toxic.
Types of Toxicity:
1. Poisons - Includes obvious poisonous substances: rat
poison, arsenic, strychnine, drain cleaner.
2. Metals - Metals such as lead, mercury, aluminum.
3. Drugs - All drugs, whether they are the medically
prescribed drugs or the "illegal" kinds, including
alcohol, work against the body. They are not food.
They all cause some type of chemical imbalance.
4. Biotoxins - Salmonella, E. coli, botulism which at high
concentrations can result in food poisoning.
5. Pollution - Due to our industrial age, toxic pollutants
have greatly increased-smog, industrial waste,
carbon monoxide, petrochemicals.
6. Chemicals - We have many toxic chemicals in our
cleaners, detergents, deodorants, soaps, cosmetics,
paints, solvents, pesticides and herbicides.
7. Food Additives - Many substances added to food are
toxic-colorings, flavorings, NutraSweet, saccharin,
preservatives, MSG, BHA, BHT, nitrites, alum, phenol.
8. Refined Foods -Sugar, salt, white flour (bread, pastries),
and white rice are not well assimilated by the body.
9. Excess Food- Certain vitamins, minerals and amino
acids if taken in excess can be toxic to the body.

When any of these things are present in the body they will
adversely interfere with normal physiological functions. This
is the definition of a toxin or poison. These things can
deteriorate the cells, weaken the immune system, upset the
digestive system, constrict the lymphatic system and damage
the nervous system. The result is sickness and disease.
Most people today are told that germs and viruses are the
main cause of disease and illness. This is not really correct.
As long as you have a healthy immune system, it will repel
every form of germ, bacteria and virus, thus preventing
disease. What causes the immune system to be unhe,althy?
Deficiency or toxicity. This is what actually is the cause of
nearly all disease and illness.
For the most part, germs and bacteria attack only that
which is unhealthy, diseased, or dead. When the body does
not have all the nutrients (types of food) that it needs, the cells
which make up an organ or tissue do not receive the nutrients
it needs. It becomes unhealthy, entering diseased state as the
cells are weak or dead. The same is true if a toxin gets into the
cells. The function of germs and bacteria are to consume and
clean up the unhealthy, diseased or dead substance. This is
what is called decay or decomposition of organic matter.
Germs and bacteria are attracted to these conditions, just like
insects are attracted to trees and plants which are diseased or
dead. The insects will not consume the healthy trees and
plants. Likewise, germs and bacteria do not consume healthy
tissue, cells and organs. This is the order of things which God
created. If the germs and insects would consume everything
that was healthy, then the biological world God created would
be self-destructive in its nature. Life as we know it never
would have gotten off the ground.
When the body becomes unhealthy due to deficiency or
toxicity, germs or viruses will invade the unhealthy tissue,
organ or bio-system (respiratory, digestive, circulatory,
nervous, etc.). The proper course of action is not only to
eliminate the germs or virus, but to also correct the deficiency
or toxicity problem which allowed the infection by the germs
or virus in the first place. Germs are simply part of the natural
process of cleaning up diseased cells and tissue.
There are only a few types of germs and bacteria that
actually cause disease or illness, but only under abnormal
conditions. These are biotoxins or pathogens. A pathogen is
a microorganism or substance that is capable of producing a
disease.1 An example of this would be E. coli. Pathogens
only cause disease when they are in such concentration as to
overwhelm a healthy immune system. This would be the case
with food poisoning (salmonella), or having poor sanitation in
which sewage gets into a water or food supply.
Germs, viruses and bacteria are everywhere. They are on
everything you touch, in all the food you eat, and within every
breath you take. The body has the amazing ability to ward off
germs and viruses, prevent diseases, and heal itself if given the
proper food and kept from toxins. Actually, most diseases and
illnesses do not involve germs or viruses, yet nearly all of them
do involve the problems of deficiency or toxicity. Alzheimer's
disease can be due to aluminum toxicity, and cardiovascular
disease can be due to a magnesium deficiency. Cancer,
arthritis, ulcers, chronic fatigue, gallstones, constipation,
hypertension, diabetes, asthma, insomnia, and eczema are
ailments that are due to a deficiency or toxicity problem, but
do not involve germs, and only cancer may involve a virus.
Today we have many new and different causes of deficiency
and toxicity; much more than what existed only 50 years ago.
The result is a greater percentage of people having illnesses
and diseases than before. The following are some of these
modern day problems that result in deficiency or toxicity.
Modern Causes of Deficiency & Toxicity:

1. Depleted Soil - The soil is being depleted of nutrients

due to our failure to implement God's land sabbath,
giving the land a rest every 7th year. Result: Deficiency
2. Inorganic Fertilizers - Causes harmful nitrite com-
pounds to get into the crops. Result: Toxicity. SuppIi~s
insufficient nutrients to crops. Result: Deficiency.
3. Hybrid Crops - Contain fewer vitamins, minerals and
Phytochemicals. Result: Deficiency. They are more
prone to disease causing insects go after them and thus
require pesticides. Result: Toxicity.
4. Hybrid Cattle - Are more prone to disease thus they need
vaccinations and antibiotics. Result: Toxicity.
5. Herbicides - Chemicals used to kill weeds around crops
get into the food. Result: Toxicity.
6. Produce Not Vine Ripened - Picked early so it will not rot
in transport or on the grocery shelves. Contains 90%
less phytochemicals and 30% less vitamins and
minerals than vine ripened food. Result: Deficiency.
7. Junk Food - We have a very high intake of nonfoods
(snacks, instants meals, fast food, canned foods,
coffee, pop), which have little or no nutritional value.
Result: Deficiency.
8. Impure Water - Chlorine (a poison) and fluoride (a toxin)
are added to municipal water supplies. Both can be
carcinogenic. Chemicals and pollutants also seep into
water sources. Result: Toxicity.
9. Processed Foods - Food processing removes up to 90%
of the vitamins & minerals. Result: Deficiency.
10. Bad Health Habits - The use of cigarettes, tobacco,
alcohol, aluminum cookware, etc., puts harmful sub-
stances directly into the body. Result: Toxicity.
11. Sterilized Foods - Many foods are pasturized,
sterilized, heated, or radiated to destroy germs and
bacteria, but this also destroys enzymes, vitamins,
amino acids, & EFAs, thus making the food biologically
dead or inactive. Result: Deficiency.
12. Drugs - Most drugs interact with nutrients in the body,
causing a depletion of vitamins, minerals or enzymes.
Result: Deficiency.
Diseases which were rare or infrequent only 70 years ago
have become major problems. Today 92% of all people will
die of some disease. In fact, the diseases we used to consider
old age diseases, are now children's diseases. We now have
childhood diabetes and childhood arthritis, while cancer has
become the number one killer of our youth. Today, the
average four-year-old already has plaque build up in their
arteries, while over 90% of the youth of America cannot pass
the president's minimum physical fitness requirements.
Why are children suffering for "old-age" diseases and
illnesses? For the same reason that older people suffer from
them-deficiency and toxicity. From the day a child is born
he gets poor quality breast milk or not enough of it. Then the
child gets baby food that is refined, processed and biologically
dead. Mter that the child is allowed to eat candy, processed
foods, and other junk. The result: disease due to deficiency
and toxicity. There is no scientific reason why someone
should have heart disease, cancer or Alzheimer's disease just
because they are old, let alone a child. Age does not cause
disease, it only offers more opportunities for bad health
practices and incidences of deficiency and toxicity.
It is odd that no one would ever consider putting kerosine
in their automobile's fuel tank, or putting castor oil in the
crankcase. They know it would not run properly. Yet they
have no concern at all for what they put into their body's fuel
tank or stomach. God designed the human body to function
with food, and much of what people eat today is not food or is
even toxic. It tastes good so people think it is all right. But ...
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked, For whatsoever a man sows,
that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6:7).
As it is said, you are what you eat. So when junk is put into
the body, you get a junky body. People who eat toxic food
products may think they get away with something since they
feel all right. But the problem is cumulative over the years,
and eventually results in a disease, and all the doctor can do is
operate or drug you to death. When the issue is really boiled
down, it seems that ignorance is the real cause of disease.
God's Food Laws

Many Christians may be surprised that the Bible is in part a

book on health, and that God established various laws and
procedures for us to follow to promote better health. There are
laws on sanitation, hygiene, quarantine for contagious diseases,
and many food laws.
God told Adam and Eve after their fall that they "shall eat
the herb of the field" (Gen. 3:18). Plants and herbs were a
major food source. In fact, there are many verses in the Bible
which indicate that plants and herbs could be used for healing
and medicinal purposes:
• Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean. Psalm 51:7
• Let them take a lump of figs, and apply it as a poultice on the
boil, and he shall recover. Isaiah 38:21
• Along the river will grow all kinds of trees ... Theirfruit will be
for food, and their leaves for medicine. Ezekiel47:12
• He [the Lord] causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and
herbs for the service of man. Psalm 104:14
• For one believes that he may eat all things: another, who is
weak, eats herbs. Romans 14:2
• And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the
nations. Revelation 22:2
In regards to animals, God specifically told man which
animals we can eat and which ones we cannot eat. The food laws
given by God were not based upon some ritualistic practices, but
were based upon sound biological principles. For example, the
prohibition against eating shellfish such as lobster, crabs, shrimp
or snails is based on health principles. These animals are
scavengers and bottom feeders. They eat the scum, excrement
and dead decaying matter that settle on the bottom of the ocean
floor. Thus, their meat is toxic and harmful to us.
The body is a unique and complicated mechanism. When we
buy some complicated device at the store, we read the
manufacturer's operating manual to see how the device should be
properly operated. Likewise, we too have a manufacturer, the
creator God Almighty. It thus would make sense to read and
follow His operating manual-the Bible-to determine what are
the best procedures to follow so that we function properly. The
foods that were fit to eat God designated as being "clean," and that
which was unfit to eat was regarded as "unclean." The following
are the laws and guidelines God established for our food:

"I have given you eve/}' herb that yields seed, and eve/}' tree
whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food." Gen. 1:29


'These are the animals which you may eat. .. Among the
beasts, whatever divides the hoof, having cloven hooves and
chewing the cud, that you may eat. "

'"' Lev. 11:2-3; Dent. 14:4-6 ~

cows & bulls' ., gazelle

~ caribou bU~:~~ &

antelope elk & moose
You shall not crossbreed ~
sheep & lamb livestock. Lev. 19:19 ox& cattle

Also products from these animals: milk, butter, cheese, gelatin, oil
"These you shall not eat among those that chew the cud or
those that have cloven hooves." -Lev. 11:4-8; Dent. 14:7-8

hares &
camel, llama rabbits
chews the cud but does has cloven hooves but does not
not have cloven hooves chew the cud

"These also shall be unclean to you among the creeping

things that creep on the earth. Also every creeping thing that
flies is unclean for you." -Lev. 11:29-31,42; Dent. 14:19

'I _~.,lib ~V
turtle & \.,II( flymg ~ ~ .
tortoise lizards insects snakes bugs centipede
Also: worms, butterflies, moths, caterpillar, alligator

"What ever goes on its paws, among all kinds of animals that
go on all fours, those are unclean to you." - Lev. 11:27



~ beave;...
~... .
fox ~

weasels & ferrets

''These you may eat of all that are in the water: whatever in the
water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the
rivers-that you may eat. "
Lev. 11:9; Dent. 14:9
~ -'""T'~"


pollock bass anchovy

Also: crappie, sunfish, cod, mackerel, tuna, flounder, snapper, haddock

"But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins
and scales, . .. they are an abomination to you. .. You
shall not eat their flesh. "
~ Lev. 11:10-12; Dent. 14:10 ~

sharks <£@ '~ catfish

octopus &

E(C lobster
frogs &
clams &

dolphin snails
Also: jellyfish, seahorse, rays, sturgeon, whales, seals, walrus, starfish
"And these you shall regard as an abomination among the
birds; they shall not be eaten."
Lev. 11:13-19; Dent. 14:12-18

storks, swan .".

herons, & vulture &

falcon cranes hawks buzzards
Also: raven, kite, seagull, hoopoe, crow, pelican, osprey, & bat

dove & and the eggs of

pigeon all clean birds

"Of winged insects that go on all four legs,

you may eat those with jointed legs above
their feet for leaping." Lev. 11:21-22

• You shall not eat anything that dies of itselfDent. 14:21

• You shall eat no fat or blood of any animal. Lev. 3:17; 7:23
• 00 not eat internal organs (liver, kidneys). Lev. 3; 7:3-5
The Problems with

Debate on childhood immunizations and general vaccinations

has not let up since routine vaccinations of children began in the
U.S. in the 1950s. The proponents of vaccines claim they are
safe, which is not true, and that they are responsible for
eliminating many diseases, which also is not true.
Since vaccines are a big money making business, those involved
in their manufacture (drug companies) and use (doctors &
pediatricians) are not so willing to tell the public all the facts
surrounding vaccine use. Too much income is at stake. Here are
some facts regarding vaccines and vaccinations which everyone
should know:

Toxic Chemicals in Vaccines

The biotech firms are cranking out new vaccines as fast as they
can, and the general public has no idea what is in them. These
are some of the harmful ingredients used in vaccines:
• Formaldehyde-a known cancer causing agent.
• Thimerosal-a mercury derivative used as a preservative in
the vaccine. It can cause brain injury and autoimmune
• Ethylene glycol-antifreeze.
• Phenol-also known as carbolic acid, which is used as a
disinfectant and a dye.
• Aluminum-is associated with Alzheimer's disease and
seizures; also is cancer producing in laboratory mice.
• Neomycin and Streptomycin-used as an antibiotic in the
vaccine. Have caused allergic reactions in some people.
Vaccines also contain many harmful viruses, guinea pig cells or
monkey kidney cells (this animal DNA can change human
DNA & cause genetic mutations), drugs, MSG, man-made
antibiotics, sodium hydroxide, and hydrolyzed gelatin.
Aborted Fetal Tissue Used in Vaccines
Many are unaware that aborted babies are used to make
vaccines. The following vaccines use human diploid cells from
human aborted fetal tissue as the medium for the vaccine:
HAVRIX (Hepatitis A) MUMPSVAX (Mumps)
MERUVAX II (Rubella) IMOVAX (Rabies)
BIAVAX (Rubella & Mumps) M-R VAX (Measles & Rubella)
VARIVAX (Varicella or Chickenpox)
MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella)

Adverse Reactions
Vaccines have a long history of causing adverse reactions.
From July 1990 to November 1993, the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration counted a total of 54,072 adverse reactions
following vaccinations. The FDA admitted that this number
represented only 10% of the real total, because most doctors
were refusing to report vaccine injuries, or wrongly diagnose
the disease. Here are just some examples of vaccine reactions
in children:
1. Persistent screaming or high pitch cry.
2. A state of unresponsiveness, blank stares, or the child goes limp.
3. Fever with or without seizures/convulsions.
4. Excessive drowsiness, will not take food, or sleeps too long
5. Severe swelling and/or pain at injection site.
6. Neurological disabilities. 11. Fainting or paleness of face.
7. Immune malfunction. 12. Vomiting, diarrhea & nausea
8. Cancer 13. Headaches & dizziness.
9. ADD & Epilepsy. 14. Autoimmune diabetes.
10. Brain damage. 15. Death.
The Tetanus (DPT) vaccine is known to cause high fever, pain,
recurrent abscess formation at the injection site, anaphylactic
shock, loss of consciousness, and inner ear nerve damage.
Crib death or SIDS was very infrequent in the pre-vaccination
era that it was not even mentioned in the statistics. It started to
climb in the 1950s with the spread of mass vaccinations against
childhood diseases. Crib deaths are now over 8000 a year. Dr.
Viera Scheibner stated that, "Vaccination is the single most
prevalent and most preventable cause of infant death."
The general public is unaware of the true number of people
(mostly children) who have been permanently damaged or
killed by vaccines. In fact, most parents would be surprised to
learn that the government has a computer database containing
several thousand names of disabled and dead babies and child-
ren, all who were healthy just prior to receiving the vaccines.

Vaccines Cause Disease

Since most vaccines are made out of the germs or viruses that
make up the disease, such vaccines actually cause the very
disease they are suppose to prevent. Further, their toxicity has
caused other diseases. Here are some facts in this regard:
• In 1977, Dr. Jonas Salk (inventor of the polio vaccine) testified
along with other scientists that 87 % of the polio cases which
have occurred in the U.S. since the early 1970's were the
by-product of the polio vaccine itself.
• More than 500 persons who received swine flu shots between
October 1 and December 16, 1976, subsequently contracted
Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Twenty-three of them died.
• A tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving over 260,000
Indians resulted in much more TB cases in the vaccinated than
the unvaccinated.
• The' rubella (German measles) vaccine has been followed in
some cases by transient and not-so-transient arthritis.
• In Great Britain, since 1970, more than 200,000 cases of
whooping cough have occurred in fully vaccinated children.
• Japan experienced yearly increases in small pox following its
compulsory vaccine program in 1972. In 1992, there were
29,979 deaths, and all had been vaccinated. In the U.S. in 1986,
90 % of the 1300 pertussis cases in Kansas were vaccinated.
Vaccines weaken the immune system making people more sus-
ceptible to other diseases. Dr. W.E. Clark says that, "Cancer
was practically unknown until compulsory vaccinations."
The Myth of Epidemics
Some try to tell us that vaccines have been effective in wiping out major
diseases. This is not really true. It is a known fact that many diseases
greatly declined before vaccines were used for them. For example,
scarlet fever was a terrible disease in the 1800's and early 1900's, and
today cases of it are rare. But there never has been a vaccine against this
disease. The reason is adaptation and developmentof "herd immunity."
Smallpox declined 75 % before vaccination was enforced. The most
noticeable decrease in smallpox and other zymotic diseases began
with the sanitation reforms and improved nutrition prior to 1900.
Mandatory vaccinations against the measles were enacted in the
early 1960s, when the disease was limited entirely to children, and
deaths and complications had already declined by over 95 % .
Tuberculosis, whooping cough and diphtheria vaccines were intro-
duced after these diseases had declined up to 90 %. Polio declined 50 %
before vaccinations, & cases ended in countries that never vaccinated.
Modern research indicates that epidemics such as diphtheria,
pertussis, and tetanus died a natural death in the 1940's and 1950's
without the assistance of vaccines. The reason was due to better
health conditions and reducing overcrowded conditions in cities.
The age-old "terror diseases" such as the plague, black death,
cholera, etc., that were previously believed to be contagious, were
eliminated by improved health conditions, protecting the water
supply from contamination, or making a change in diet. They are
diseases of nutritional deficiency or toxicity just the same as all
other diseases.
Childhood diseases are not so dangerous. Such diseases can playa
vital role in developing a strong immune system. A child is much
more likely to die from a vaccine than from the disease.

Doctors Condemn Vaccinations

Although the medical establishment promotes vaccinations,
many doctors have stepped forward and revealed the problems
with vaccines and vaccinations.
"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children
does more harm than good." -Dr. Anthony Morris, Research Scientist
"The greatest threat of childhood disease lies in the dangerous and
ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization."
-Dr. R. Mendelsohn, Author and Pediatrician
"Official data have shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in
the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases
against which they were supposed to provide protection. "-Dr. A. Sabin,
Developer of Polio Vaccine
"There is now sufficient evidence of immune malfunction following
current vaccination programs to anticipate growing public demands for
research investigation into alternative methods of prevention of infectious
disease." -Dr's. H Buttram & J. Hoffman, Vaccinations and Immune
"In addition to the many obvious cases of mortality from these practices,
there are also long-term hazards which are almost impossible to estimate
accurately ..... the inherent danger of all vaccine procedures should be a
deterrent to their unnecessary or unjustifiable use."- Sir Graham
Wilson, The Hazards of Immunization
"Everyvaccine carries certain hazards and can produce inward reactions in
some people ..... in general, there are more vaccine complications than is
generally appreciated." -Professor George Dick, London University
"Laying aside the very real possibility that the various vaccines are
contaminated with animal viruses and may cause serious illness later in
life (multiple sclerosis, cancer, leukemia, kreutzfeld-jacob disease, etc.),
we must consider whether the vaccines really work for the intended
purpose." -Dr. William Campbell Douglas, Cutting Edge, May 1990.
"Allvaccinations have the effect of directing the three values of the blood
into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia."
-Professor L.C. Vincent, Founder of Bioelectronics.
"Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin polio vaccine, being
made of monkey kidney tissue, has been directly responsible for the major
increase in leukemia in this country." -Dr. Frederick Klenner, Polio
Researcher, USA
"We really don't have a clue how the vaccines work inside the body ... To
bombard a newborn baby with a whole battery of vaccines, as, in effect,
their very first immunological experience, I think is reckless beyond
measure. I think it borders on criminal." -Dr. Richard Moskowitz,
Natural Health, 1997. P. 94. .

Fats and oils are a rather misunderstood health item

among the general public. There are several different types
of fats as shown in Figure 1. Some fats are essential to proper
health, while some are detrimental.
Unsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature
and are therefore referred to as oils. Unsaturated fats are
generally good for our health, especially the essential fatty
acids. There are two main types of essential fatty acids,
omega-3 and omega-6 which are actually polyunsaturated fats.
Essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids, are
absolutely essential to optimal health. The highest source of
these essential fats is flax seed oil.

Saturated Fats Unsaturated Fats Trans fatty Acids

Animal meat fats Polyunsaturated fats Hydrogenated oil
Dairy fats (corn, soybean, sa~ Margarine
(whole milk, flower, sunflower oil) Lard
cream, butter, Monounsaturated fats Shortening
cheese) (vegetable and nut Imitation butter
Coconut oil oils, olive & canola oil)
Shortening Essential fatty acids

Saturated fats are usually in solid form. Most experts

recommend that the daily intake of saturated fats be kept
below 10 percent of total caloric intake. Not all saturated fats
are the same. The saturated fats in dairy products such as
milk and butter are more readily digested than other saturated
fats since an enzyme in our stomachs helps break them down.
The worst types of fats for the human body are trans fatty
acids. An example is margarine, which is made by turning a
vegetable oil into solid fat through a process called
hydrogenation. Although most of the fat is still technically
polyunsaturated, the body cannot make use of it. Even worse,
it blocks the body's ability to use healthy polyunsaturated oils.
It is called a "trans" fat because its nature has been changed.
During the manufacture of margarine and shortenIng, a
vegetable oil is heated and hydrogen molecules are forced into
the oil to make it more saturated. Hydrogenation results in
altering the molecular configuration of the oil. Hydrogenated
oils are not very susceptible to becoming rancid. They thus are
used in nearly all processed foods to extend shelf life.
Trans-fatty acids such as margarine and hydrogenated oils can
contribute to the following health disorders!
• Low birth weight in infants
• Low quality and volume of breast milk
• Low and abnormal sperm count
• Decreased testosterone in men
• Increased incidences of heart disease
• Increased levels of harmful cholesterol (LDL)
• Lowers the level of protective cholesterol (HDl)
• Increased cancer rates & advanced aging
• Increased rate of prostrate disease
• Increased prevalence of diabetes
• Increased incidences of obesity
• Immune suppression
• Essential fatty acid deficiencies
Many researchers and nutritionists have been concerned
about the health effects of margarine since it first came on the
market. Although many Americans assume they are doing
their bodies good by consuming margarine versus butter and
saturated fats, in truth they are actually doing more harm.
The ideal diet should contain about 18% fat (4% saturated
fat, 8% polyunsaturated fat, 6% monounsaturated). However
the average diet today is about 42% fat, and unfortunately this

1 Michael T. Murray, Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements, Prima

Health, 1996, p. 244.
diet mostly contains the worst type of fats-saturated fat and
trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are responsible for many of
the heart problems today.
A positive association between intake of trans fatty acids
and coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction has
been observed, as has an association between blood levels
of trans fatty acids and coronary artery narrowing.2
Trans fatty acids are basically man-made fats and should be
avoided. The natural fats are the saturated, polyunsaturated,
and monounsaturated fats. Almost all foods that contain fat
have a balance of all three. Olive oil contains 13% poly-
unsaturated, 73% monounsaturated, and 14% saturated fat.
It thus is regarded as a monounsaturated fat. Flax oil contains
75% essential fatty acids (polyunsaturated), 16% mono-
unsaturated, and 9% saturated fats. The fat in beef is 45%
saturated, 49% monounsaturated, and 6% polyunsaturated.
Essential fatty acids are vital for brain and nervous system,
immune system, cardiovascular system, and skin. Theyaid in
the prevention of arthritis, lowering the "bad" cholesterol
(LDL) and triglyceride levels, reduce the risk of cancer and
infections, and are used by every living cell in the body.
Common signs of deficiency of these substances are dry skin,
any inflammatory problems, or a tingling in the arms or legs.
Along with the hydrogenation process, frying and heating
are other ways to damage otherwise healthy oils. The high
temperature makes the oil oxidize so that, instead of being
good for you, it generates harmful "free radicals" in the body.
If you do fry or cook, use small amounts of olive oil or butter
because they are less prone to oxidation than top-quality
cold-pressed vegetable oils.
Due to the bad reputation that the process of
hydrogenation has attracted, some companies are using a
different processing procedure known as esterification. This
is also undesirable and likely to interfere with the body's
ability to make use of essential fatty acids.
N"aturaIvs. Synthetic
The first vitamin discovered was vitamin B1 (Thiamin) in
1926, which is about the time that the term "vitamin" started to
be used. Vitamin C was discovered in 1935, and most of the
other vitamins thereafter, some in the 1960s and 1970s. Thus,
vitamins are a fairly new subject.
To date the evidence is that most people are being
short-changed on health due to inadequate intakes of vitamins
and minerals. Since the 1980s scientific studies using multi-
nutrient supplements have shown that they boost immunity,
increase IQ, reduce birth defects, improve childhood
development, reduce colds, stop PMS, improve bone density,
increase energy, reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, and
basically promote a long and healthy life.1
The obvious need for vitamins in our daily nutrition, and the
lack of nutritious foods today, has caused a high demand for
vitamin and mineral supplements. Thus, Americans consume
billions of dollars of vitamins and minerals every year. While
everyone who takes these supplements believe they will keep
them healthy, the truth is most of them do little good, and in
some cases adversely affect their health.
Nearly all vitamin supplements available in nutrition stores,
drug stores, supermarkets, and elsewhere are nothing more
than chemicals. They are termed "synthetic vitamins" as they
are manufactured in factories from chemicals. Vitamins
derived from food sources are termed "natural vitamins." For
years doctors and nutritionists have claimed that synthetic
vitamins are just as good as natural vitamins found in food
sources. They say that the synthetic vitamins are chemically
identical to natural vitamins and are both just as good for you.
There are, however, some big differences between natural and
synthetic vitamins. So let's look at some of these differences.
1. Vitamin Complex- A very significant difference between
natural and synthetic vitamins is that the natural vitamins are
found in complex groups. Ascorbic acid, which is sold as
"vitamin C," is only one component of the natural vitamin
C complex. Isolated ascorbic acid is not found in any food.
The vitamin C in foods contains not only the C molecule
(ascorbic acid), but also other organic compounds as shown in
Figure 1. All of these things work synergistically with the C
molecule, and some are even bonded to it. This is called the
complete vitamin C complex. These other components are
needed to help make the C molecule absorb into the body more
readily, cause it to be utilized by the cells better, make it a better
antioxidant, fight cancer, colds and other ailments, and keep it
from oxidizing.

Figure 1. Vitamin C Complex

1. Ascorbic Acid 7. Proteins
2. 8ioflavonoids 8. Ascorbigen
3. Rutin 9. Tyrosinase
4. Hesperidin 10. P & K Factors
5. Enzymes 11. Phytonutrients
6. Polyphenols

As an analogy we migh t ask, what is it that supplies energy for

an automobile? The answer is gasoline. But we cannot just put
gas in the gas tank and expect the car to work. The gas needs to
be assimilated, so we need fuel pressure. There also has to be
oxygen mixed with the gas. There has to be compression, and
there has to be a spark. Now what is the gasoline without all
these other components? Nothing. It cannot supply the energy
it is suppose to without them. Likewise, the isolated vitamin C
molecule, whether synthetic or natural, cannot do much of
anything without the other components of the natural C
complex. It has been determined that it takes 1000 mg of
synthetic ascorbic acid to equal the effectiveness of 1 mg of
natural vitamin C complex.
In some synthetic vitamin C supplements, they will throw in
some bioflavonoids or rutin, which helps a little, but they are
not in the same proportion to the vitamin C molecule as they are
in foods. Other synthetics add some rose hips which contain
natural vitamin C, but it does not help the synthetic C .
The other vitamins are also part of a complex, containing
other nutrients, some of which are not yet discovered. Vitamin
E is a complex nutrient surrounded by protective antioxidant
tocopherols, such as vitamin E2, E3, along with tocotrienols,
unsaturated fatty acids (F1 and F2), Xanthine, Lipositols,
Selenium, Co-enzyme Q and more known and unknown
components.2 Vitamin E and selenium are synergistic. They
are both needed to make the other work. Thus selenium always
occurs with vitamin E in foods as a vitamin activator.
Sometimes vitamin supplements will say "Natural" on the
label, but it is an isolated vitamin molecule. With vitamin E, for
instance, the label might read, d-alpha tocopherol, as a
"natural" vitamin. But this is only the vitamin which has been
separated from the food without the other components of the
vitamin complex. It is an isolated natural vitamin, which is only
a little better than the isolated synthetic vitamin.
Food is a very complex matrix of nutrients and organic
chemicals which science does not fully understand. All vitamins
consist not only of the organic nutrient identified as the vitamin,
but also enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, and trace element
activators that are required for proper function.

2. Bio-Availability - Another difference between natural

and artificial vitamins is that of bio-availability, which is how
well the substance is absorbed into the bloodstream.
Studies have shown that Vitamin C from a food source
complex is 1.68 times greater absorbed than plain ascorbic acid
(as shown in Figure 1).3 Not only is the absorption of the C
complex greater than ascorbic acid, but it also is retained by the
body longer. Natural vitamins are bonded to proteins which
help make them much more readily absorbed than synthetics.

2 Bicknell & Prescott, Vitamins in Medicine, pp. 735-736..

3 Source: J.A. Vinson & P. Bose, Comparative Bioavailability to Humans of
Ascorbic Acid Alone or in a Citrus Extract, (1988), American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, 48 ( 3):601-604
Figure 2 - The Bio-Availability of Vitamin C
Vitamin C Ascorbic acid
complex (synthetic)

3. Bio-Activity. Once the vitamin is absorbed, we need to

also consider how well it is utilized by the cells and organs of the
body. In other words, how biologically effective is it in
providing a beneficial function in the body. This is actually the
bottom line issue with a nutrient, since even a poison can be
absorbed into the body. But a poison is not at all bio-active
since it causes a harmful result rather than beneficial one.
One way we can determine the bio-activity of a vitamin
supplement is by how well it exhibits a known activity in the
body. Thus the bio-active effectiveness of vitamin E can be
determined by seeing if it exhibits an antioxidant activity. Tests
have shown that natural forms of vitamin E have one and a half
times more activity than synthetic forms of vitamin E.4
Synthetic vitamins are usually 30 to 70 percent less biologically
active than the natural forms. This would indicate how much of
each type of vitamin can be used by various organs and cells.
Another way to determine a vitamin's bio-activity, or how
well it is utilized, is by noting the side effects that result from its
use. There is much evidence now that synthetic vitamins cause
4 Michael T. Murray, Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements, Prima
Health, 1996, p. 47
adverse reactions. Synthetic ascorbic acid causes stomach
upsets in some people and can damage tooth enamel. It also
causes collagen disease, kidney stones, and impairs mineral
metabolism. Ascorbic acid also is ineffective in combating
scurvy, which is a commonly known vitamin C deficiency. In a
published report in Health Alert, a study found evidence that
Vitamin C as ascorbic acid, at doses greater than 500 mg, both
suppresses and supports oxidation-the very culprit that
antioxidants are suppose to be fighting.
Vitamin E, which is heralded for its cancer-fighting abilities,
was recently tested, along with beta-carotene, in Finnish male
smokers as protection against lung cancer. TheNew England
Journal of Medicine noted that the smokers in the study who
ingested normal doses of synthetic vitamin E and beta-carotene
actually had a higher incidence of lung cancer, more heart
attacks, and an 8 percent higher overall death rate. This effect
of synthetic vitamins was verified in experiments at the
University of California Berkley.
Heavy doses of synthetic vitamins can cause problems
ranging from birth defects, to kidney problems, to diabetes.
Synthetic vitamins are incomplete nutrients, and thus cause a
deficiency. They must rob nutrients from other foods or stored
in body reserves in their attempt to work. The synthetic
vitamins thus deplete the body of nutrients causing deficiencies
and making the body weaker.
In the past three decades cancer rates have escalated, and so
have the consumption of synthetic vitamin C, E, and beta-
carotene. These synthetic nutrients have failed to reduce the
cancer rate, and have even made some cancers worse. There is
other documented evidence to prove that we live longer or die
sooner depending on whether we take natural, whole organic
nutrients, or isolated and synthetic vitamins.
4. Molecular Polarity - It is true that most synthetic
vitamins have the same chemical makeup and molecular
structure as the vitamins in food. However, it is often pointed
out that synthetics are the "mirror image" of natural vitamins.
A mirror image is opposite the real thing. When we look at the
molecular polarity of the synthetic vitamin is opposite of the
natural vitamins found in foods, and thus has a different effect.
Most complex organic molecules form a spiral (like DNA) that
rotates left or right (clockwise or counterclockwise). This can
be detected by refractometery. When a polarized light is passed
through a natural vitamin the light will always bend or refract to
the right due to its molecular rotation. Synthetic vitamins
always refract light to the left, or both left and right.
Thus, while synthetic vitamins have the same molecular
structure as natural vitamins, they are a mirror image of the
natural. It is like looking at a bolt in the mirror. The image
looks identical to the real bolt, but the threads are reversed. A
mirror image is identical in every detail to the real thing, but is
the exact opposite. A bolt with left-handed threads will not
screw into a right-handed nut, although its composition and
appearance are the same as a right-handed bolt. The left-
handed bolt is not compatible with the right- handed nut, while a
right-handed bolt is compatible. The human body is designed to
accept and utilize vitamins possessing the polarity of those
found in foods like plants and animals. This means the
synthetic, man-made vitamins are not very compatible with
human biochemistry. They have an opposite polarity.
5. NMR Scan- A molecule, such as a vitamin molecule, can
be examined and analyzed using a process known as Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance (NMR). When a molecule is scanned by
this process, a waveform is produced representing the
molecular vibration and construction of the molecule.
When natural and synthetic vitamins are analyzed by using a
NMR scan, the resulting waveforms are quit different. Figure 3
shows the different waveforms produced by vitamin A derived
from a food source, and the waveform made by synthetic
vitamin A. These waveform analyses show that the vitamin A
from a food source has undergone a physico-chemical change
during its development process in the plant or animal, and is not
simply a mixture of the vitamin and the food matrix?
Synthetic vitamins are not vitamins. Vitamins are living
enzyme complexes that naturally produce biochemical re-
actions in the human body. Synthetic vitamins are chemicals
5 Thomas V. Q'Halloran, The BiD-availability of Nutrients, 1999, p. 12.
Food Source Synthetic
Vitamin A Vitamin A

Figure 3.-NMR Waveforms of Natural and Synthetic Vitamin A

that produce drug reactions in the body. This is because man

cannot duplicate the complex matrix of vital food factors like
vitamins, enzymes or phytonutrients. Thomas Edison once
said: Until man can duplicate a blade of grass, nature can laugh at
his so-called scientific knowledge. We can look with amaze-
ments at a computer IC chip a quarter of an inch square that
contains millions of transistors, diodes, resistors and capaci-
tors. Yet a blade of grass is millions of times more complex.
The public is often misled in regards to the vitamins they are
getting. They look on a vitamin label or a cereal box and it says
Vitamin A, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 and Niacin. They
believe they are getting vitamins just as if they were eating food
but they are not. If some product just lists the vitamin name,
like Niacin, it is a synthetic form. Figure 4 shows the names and
sources of natural and synthetic vitamins.
Calling things by the same name does not make them the
same. We now have sufficient evidence that synthetic and
natural vitamins are different. Not only are synthetic vitamins
quit different from natural vitamins, but they also contain other
undesirable substances. Many synthetic vitamins contain coal
tars, artificial coloring, preservatives, sugars, and starch, as well
as other additives which do not have to be listed on the label.
Most beta-carotene on the market is an isolated synthetic
compound made from acetylene gas. Some "Natural" vitamins
are mostly synthetic with a little bit of a natural substance so
they can put the word "Natural" on the label. Finding true
natural vitamins is not an easy task.

A Fish oil, Chili Acetate or Palmitate

(Retinol) peppers, Carrots
B-Complex Brewer's yeast, Source not on the label
Rice bran
B-1 Rice bran, Yeast, Thiamine hydrochloride,
(Thiamine) Molasses, Nuts Thiamine mononitrate,
or Thiamine chloride
B-2 Rice bran, Yeast, Riboflavin
(Riboflavin) Molasses, Almonds
B-3 Rice bran, Yeast, Niacin or Niacinamide
(Niacin) Molasses, Peanuts
B-5 (Panto- Molasses, Yeast, Calcium pantothenate
thenic acid) Royal jelly
B-6 Rice bran, Yeast, Pyridoxine HCL
(Pyridoxine) Molasses, Beets (Hydrochloride)
B-12 Cheese, Eggs Cobalamin or
Fish, Molasses Cyanocobalamin
Biotin Alfalfa, Walnuts Source not on the label
(Vitamin H) Meats, Soybeans
C Rose hips, Parsley, Ascorbic acid
Peppers, Acerola
Choline Soybeans, Eggs Choline bitartrate
D Fish & Fish oils Calciferol
E Soybeans, Wheat Alpha tocopherol acetate,
germ, Vegetable dl-alpha tocopherol,
oils, Nuts Succinate, Acetate
Folic Acid Rice germ, Beans Pteroylglutamic acid

K Spinach, Broccoli Menadione

Organic vs. Inorganic
Minerals are needed for every bodily function, and by every
living cell. All nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes,
amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, oils, etc., require
minerals before they can be utilized. The body needs and uses
over 70 different minerals, and about 18 are important in daily
human nutrition. Minerals are classified as macro or trace
minerals, according to the quantity the body needs.
Macro Minerals Trace Minerals
Calcium Iron Chromium
Phosphorus Manganese Molybdenum
Potassium Copper Silicone
Sulfur Iodine Vanadium
Sodium Selenium Zinc
Chloride Boron Germanium

Minerals are naturally occurring elements found in the

earth as ores, rocks or mineral salts. These erode and break-
down over time into small particles of sand, dust and crystals
and become part of the soil. The soil is teeming with microbes
that utilize these small crystals and particles, which are then
passed from the soil to plants. The plants are eaten by animals.
We obtain these minerals by consuming plants or animals.
There are two different kinds of minerals. One is organic
and the other is inorganic. The body does not treat both as the
same. Inorganic minerals are just the plain elements, such as
iron, calcium, and sulfur as found in rocks, soil, ores, and
seabeds. They are also in the form of element compounds or
mineral salts. Organic minerals are minerals that have been
modified within plants or animals by bonding the mineral to
organic materials such as proteins, lipids, enzymes or
Some so-called experts insist that inorganic minerals are as
nutritionally effective as organic minerals nature puts in food.
If this is true then why can't we be free of all mineral
deficiencies, since every mineral is cheaply available in its
inorganic form? The problem with inorganic chemicals is that
the body cannot assimilate them as well as organic minerals.
For example, a common compound used for "calcium" in
supplements is calcium carbonate which is the main substance
in limestone and chalk. It is not organic and thus it is not easily
absorbed into the blood stream as is calcium from milk,
broccoli, or soybeans. Calcium from a food source is 8.8 times
greater absorbed than calcium carbonate, and 2.8 times greater
absorbed than calcium gluconate, as shown in Figure 1,1

Figure 1 - Absorption Rates of Types of Calcium

I:: 700
~o 600
~ 500
eft. 400

> 300
a::: 200

o Food Source Calcium Calcium
Calcium Gluconate Carbonate

Calcium in milk, nuts or broccoli has enzymes, proteins or

carbohydrates bonded to the mineral which make it organic
and easier for the body to assimilate. Calcium carbonate is an
insoluble mineral salt. In order for calcium carbonate to be
absorbed it must first be solubilized and ionized by stomach
acid. Calcium within food is already soluble and ionized and is
thus readily absorbed.
Magnesium in mineral supplements is often in the form of
magnesium salts such as magnesium chloride, oxide, sulfate, or
carbonate. Evidence suggests that magnesium from food
sources is nearly twice as better absorbed than these inorganic
forms of magnesium. Organic zinc is 1.75 times better
absorbed than the inorganic zinc sulfate. Organic copper is
1.45 times better absorbed than copper sulfate or copper
gluconate.2 Inorganic iron (ferrous fumerate or sulfate) has
an absorption rate of 1 to 3 percent, but the absorption of
organic iron is as high as 35 percent.3 All organic minerals are
known to be absorbed better than inorganic minerals.
The problem with obtaining minerals from food sources is
that it is difficult to obtain a high concentration in one capsule.
Organic minerals are bulkier and more expensive. However,
inorganic minerals can be obtained in high potencies in smaller
tablets and at much cheaper costs. That is why nearly all mineral
supplements are inorganic, despite their poor absorption.
A compromise is available with chelated minerals in which
the elemental mineral is bonded to a protein or amino acid
molecule. This is actually the process that is performed by the
digestive system. When inorganic minerals (such as dirt or
chemicals) are consumed, they can be bonded to a protein
molecule in the stomach or small intestine. However this
natural chelation process is rather inefficient, and that is why
most of the inorganic mineral supplements taken are of little
use. When a mineral becomes part of a plant, this also is a type
of chelation process but is more complex.
The chelation process can be duplicated chemically and the
resulting chelated mineral is much better absorbed than the
inorganic mineral, though not quit as well as minerals from
2 Vinson JA, Bose P, Lemoine L, Nutrient Availability: Chemical and
BiologicalAspects, Royal Society of Chemistry Bulletin, No. 72 (1988),
Cambridge, UK, pp 125-128.
3 Michael T. Murray, Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements, Prima
Health, 1996, pp. 210-211.
foods. Chelated minerals supplements are noted by certain
terms such as citrate, malate, succinate, ascorbate, peptide,
aspartate,gluconate, picolinate, proteinate, or just AAC
(amino acid chelate). Not all are of equal quality or
effectiveness. The most effective form of chelates are amino
acids, peptides, ascorbates and proteinates. The least effective
are gluconate and aspartate.
When a mineral is chelated it is more like the form found in
natural foods. Chelated minerals thus provide higher
absorption rates and cell utilization. A magnesium amino acid
chelate is twice as well absorbed as magnesium carbonate. Iron
amino acid chelate is four times better absorbed than ferrous
fumerate.4 Generally, amino acid-bound chelated mineral
supplements provide three to ten times greater assimilation
that nonchealted ones.5 Another advantage of chelates is that
the mineral can be obtained at higher potencies and lower costs
than from food sources.
The bio-availability of minerals is an important factor to
show why inorganic minerals should be avoided. But the
amount being absorbed into the blood is only part of the
nutritional process. As with vitamins, we also need to consider
the bio-activity of minerals. That is, how well the minerals are
utilized by the organs, tissues and cells.
One means for determining how well a mineral is utilized by
the body (bio-active) are the resulting side effects. Nearly all
inorganic minerals are known to cause negative side effects.
Calcium carbonate often contains lead, and can also cause
kidney stones and calcium build up in joints. Inorganic
magnesium often causes diarrhea at high dosages. Potassium
salts can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and ulcers.
Inorganic iron such as ferrous sulfate and ferrous fumarate can
cause nausea, flatulence, and diarrhea, and is more likely to
form free radicals.6

4 Patrick Holford, The Optimum Nutrition Bible, (1999), p. 260.

5 Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible, Warner Books, 1999, p. 29.
6 Michael T. Murray, Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements, pp. 152,
Inorganic minerals can also interact negatively with needed
nutrients and with digestion. Inorganic iron interferes with
the absorption of vitaminE. Inorganic magnesium will
neutralize stomach acid which causes digestive problems.
Calcium carbonate can reduce chromium absorption.
Magnesium oxide interacts with the digestion of other
minerals. These negative side effects are virtually nonexistent
with amino acid chelated minerals.
Due to the poor absorption and utilization of inorganic
minerals, people are not getting what they read on the
supplement labels. If you take 1000 mg of calcium carbonate,
only 40% (400 mg) of that is elemental calcium. Out of that
400 mg about 25% (100 mg) is absorbed into the bloodstream.
Of that 100 mg approximately 5% is the correct size to be
absorbed into your cells. The remaining 95 mg floats around
your system gumming up the rest of the body causing
arteriosclerosis and calcium build up in joints.
There are other differences between organic and inorganic
minerals. All inorganic minerals have a slight electromagnetic
positive charge. When a living plant takes these positive
minerals up into its internal structure, the electromagnetic
circuitry of the mineral is somehow altered through the
biochemical process of photosynthesis, making it negative.
This negative electromagnetic energy has been called the "life
energy" because it is opposite of the human electromagnetic
circuitry which is positive. Since opposites attract, the negative
plant minerals are drawn to the body like a magnet. The
positive inorganic minerals are repelled away. Also, inorganic
minerals have alkaline pH, but organic minerals have an acidic
pH. Minerals are best absorbed when they are acidic.
All mineral supplements should be avoided which are
mineral salts or mineral compounds. They are expressed in
terms such as sulfate, chloride, oxide, phosphate, or carbonate.
A food source is always the best form of minerals, and choosing
the right foods can supply a needed mineral. For instance, if
you needed vanadium, foods that contain high amounts of it
are buckwheat, soybeans, safflower oil and oats. The chart on
the following page shows what foods contain the highest
mineral content for some of the more common minerals.
Kelp. 1,093 Almonds 234
Cheddar cheese 750 Brewer's yeast . 210
Dulse. 296 Dandelion greens 187
Turnip greens. 246 Brazil nuts. 186
Kelp 760 Brewer's Yeast. 231
Wheat bran. 490 Brazil nuts. 225
Almonds. 270 Dulse. 220
Blackstrap molasses 258 Tofu. 111
ZINC (mg)
Pumpkin seeds 7.5 Rye or Oats 3.2
Pecans. 4.5 Peanuts or Almonds 3.2
Brazil nuts 4.2 Lima beans 3.1
Whole wheat 3.2 Buckwheat. 2.5
Brewer's yeast 112 Wheat germ 23
Whole wheat bread 42 Green pepper 19
Rye bread. 30 Apple 14
Potatoes 24 Butter. 13
Brazil nuts 2.3 Pecans 1.3
Almonds. 1.4 Buckwheat. 0.8
Walnuts 1.3 Butter or Barley 0.4
IRON (mg)
Kelp. 100.0 Wheat bran. 14.9
Brewer's yeast . 17.3 Pumpkin seeds. 11.2
Blackstrap molasses . 16.1 Sunflower seeds. 7.1
Pecans. 3.5 Barley 1.8
Brazil nuts 2.8 Rye 1.3
Almonds. 2.5 Whole wheat . 1.1
Wheat germ 111 Whole wheat bread. 66
Brazil nuts . 103 Bran 63
Oats. 56 Barley. 24
Food Qualit~__
Today's diet has drifted a long way off the ideal intake and
balance of nutrients. Due to factors such as depleted soil, hybrid
food, refining and processing, and junk food, we no longer get
an adequate supply of nutrients from daily food. The idea that
there is full nutrition in a well-balanced diet today is a myth.
Survey after survey has shown that even those who believe that
they eat a well-balanced diet fail to get anything like the ideal
intake of vitamins, minerals, essential fats and complex
carbohydrates. 1
Food production today is not geared toward health and
nutrition, it is geared toward profit. Refining foods makes them
last, which makes them more profitable, but at the same time
makes them deficient in essential nutrients. While the variety of
foods has increased in modern times, the quality of foods has
decreased. As a result more Americans are sicker and dying of
more diseases than anytime in history.
The fact that the typical "well-balanced diet" falls well short
of having a complete supply of nutrients is bad enough, but the
fact that most people don't even eat a well-balanced diet make
matters worse. The result is a sicker and unhealthier population.
Foods today have significantly fewer nutrients in them than they
did just 60 years ago. Let's look at some of the main problems
with food quality today.
Much of the produce today is of poor quality due to hybrid
crops and not being vine ripened. Hybrid crops grow faster and
taller than regular crops, but there is a sacrifice for this. That
sacrifice is fewer phytonutrients, vitamins, and enzymes. A
similar effect occurs when food is not allowed to fully ripen. It
lacks vitamins and many phytochemicals. A vine ripened tomato
has about 10,000 phytochemicals, while one that has not been
vine ripened has about 400. Look for color, the deeper and more
vivid the color of food the more nutrients it has.
About 75 % of the foods Americans eat today have undergone
some manner of processing, refining, pasteurizing or radiating.
Pasteurizing destroys enzymes which the body needs to digest
and utilize the food eaten. The high heat of pasteurization is
intended to kill germs, but it also kills beneficial bacteria. It is
really stupid to pasteurize fresh foods such as milk which does not
yet have any pathogenic microbes. The pathogens develop later.
Refining food to make white rice, white flour, and white sugar
removes most of the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and up
to 90 percent of the trace minerals. Wheat flour that has been
refined and bleached has been depleted of over twenty nutrients,
many being over 70 percent removed, as shown in Figure 1.
Similar results are found in white rice which has been polished.
Whole wheat bread is much higher in almost every vitamin and
mineral, and especially trace minerals. Most breads, rolls, buns
and cereals, and all snack and junk foods (donuts, twinkies,
cakes, pastries) are made with bleached and refined flour. Some
of these white flour products sayan the label that they are
"enriched" or "fortified" with vitamins and minerals. This
means they added some artificial vitamins and inorganic minerals
which have little or no benefit.
Food quality is directly related to the quality of the soil, and
since the 1930s, agricultural reports have shown that our soils do
not contain enough minerals. Most soils are being depleted of
minerals due to over farming, and not giving the land a rest as
God prescribed (Lev. 25:4). The unfortunate remedy for this has
been the use of inorganic fertilizers, which are usually a mixture
of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. There is overwhelm-
ing evidence to show that while this chemical combination
produces a higher yield per acre, the plants grown on those soils
are weak and subject to attack by a variety of pests. The plants
then have to be controlled with potentially harmful insecticides.
The use of chemical fertilizers containing only three
chemicars cannot supply the broad range of minerals, vitamins
and phytonutrients we need. Natural composting and fertilizers
supply dozens of minerals and organic compounds, and produce
much more nourishing foods than plants grown in soils treated
with chemical fertilizers. Scientific tests show that organic
fruits and vegetables contain three times or more minerals and
trace elements than inorganic produce, as shown in Figure 2.2
Figure 2. Nutrients in Organic and Inorganic Foods
Ash P Ca Mg K Na 80 Mn Fe Cu
Snap Beans
Organic 10.45 0.36 40.5 60.0 99.7 8.6 73 60 227 69.0
Inorganic 4.04 0.22 15.5 14.8 29.1 0.0 10 2 10 3.0
Organic ·10.38 0.38 60.0 43.6 148.3 20.4 42 13 94 48.0
Inorganic 6.12 0.18 17.5 13.6 33.7 0.8 7 2 20 0.4
Organic 24.48 0.43 71.0 49.3 176.5 12.2 37 169 516 60.0
Inorganic 7.01 0.22 16.0 13.1 53.7 0.0 6 1 9 3.0
Organic 14.2 0.35 23.0 59.2 148.3 6.5 36 68 1938 53.0
Inorganic 6.07 0.16 4.5 4.5 58.8 0.0 3 1 1 0.0
Organic 28.56 0.52 96.0 203.9 237.0 69.5 88 117 1584 32.0
Inorganic 12.38 0.27 47.5 46.9 84.6 0.8 12 1 19 0.3
The following are some items that we should watch for or
avoid in regards to food quality:

• Sodium Nitrite - An additive put into packaged meats. When

combined with the stomach's chemicals it produces potent
carcinogens known as "nitrosamines." If eaten, take vitamin Cas
it can assist the body in flushing out these toxins. Meats that need
to be sliced usually do not contain this additive. Check the labels.
• Roasted Nuts - Roasting nuts, peanuts, etc., destroys the
enzymes in the nuts, and it also damages the unsaturated oils.
Always buy nuts and sunflower seeds that are not roasted.
• Coffee - Coffee is not a food. It is not even a good source of
moisture. It is a diuretic in that it causes the excretion of liquid
from the body. Decaffeinated coffee is worse, since methylene
chloride, which is used to remove the caffeine, introduces the
same carbon-to-chloride bond into the body that is characteristic
of so many toxic insecticides.
• Genetically Engineered Foods - Also called GMOs
(Genetically Modified Organisms). They are created by taking a
gene from an organism and inserting them into the DNA of some
food crop. The added gene may be from a plant, a bacterium,
virus, or even an insect or animal. One of the objectives is to get
a plant resistant to herbicides. There is no testing required to
assure these modified plants are safe. Genes are arranged in an
orderly sequence of commands that is important for normal
functioning. The artificial insertion of foreign genes into another
species disrupts this sequence. Such a process has long been
known to have many harmful and fatal effects including cancer of
the host organism. This is another reason to eat organic produce.
• Fluoridated Water - Fluoride was a waste product of the
aluminum industry before it was put into drinking water supplies.
It is known to cause cancer as it damages in the cells, brings
about degenerative diseases, brittle bones, and dulls the mind. It
is so toxic that it used in some insecticides and rat poisons. This
is why you see the poison warnings on toothpastes. Fluoride does
not fight cavities but rather causes pitting and mottling of the
tooth enamel. Can only be removed by a process that desalinates.
The Value of Real Seasalt
Salt is one of the most common commodities consumed in
the human diet. The average person consumes about 16 pounds
of salt a year. The health problems and warnings about salt are
frequently heard every year.
But not all salt is the same. None of the salt on the grocery
shelves or put into foods is natural seasalt. It is seasalt that
has been bleached, baked, refined, and
chemically altered.
Natural seasalt, when it is derived from
solar dried seawater, is dull grey-white in
color. It contains 82 minerals and trace
elements many of which are essential to a
healthy diet. The most important of these
minerals in seasalt include:
Magnesium Potassium
Sulphur Iron Iodine
Phosphorus Manganese Chromium
Copper Zinc Boron
Salt companies learned a long time ago that these minerals
were valuable. So they developed methods of processing salt
and separating out all these elements and minerals. After this
process, the remaining solution of seawater is dried in kilns at
temperatures in excess of 400 degrees, which produces a big pile
of sodium chloride. Unfortunately, these high temperatures
chemically alter the sodium chloride. Then chemicals are
added like Silico Aluminate, Potassium Iodide, Tri-calcium
Phosphate, Magnesium Carbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate,
Yellow Prussiate of soda, Ferrocyanide, and Alumino-calcium
silicate. These are added to further bleach out minerals, act as
conditioners, and to prevent caking so the salt will flow free
even on humid days.
The extracted minerals are a great source of profit for the
multinational refining companies, and are thus sold to various
industries. Most of the remaining sodium chloride that is
chemically bleached and refined is also sold to the chemical
industry, the rest is sold to the public as "salt." Since the sodium
chloride has a salt taste similar to the real seasalt, it is only a
matter of marketing to convince the public that the refined
garbage salt is as good as or the same as the natural seasalt.
If you mix table salt and real seasalt each in a glass of water,
after several hours the table salt will have settled to the bottom
of the glass. But the seasalt will remain suspended in the water.
The anti-caking agents prevent the table salt from mixing with
water or absorbing water while in the box. This also prevents
the refined salt from being absorbed and assimilated in the
human body. The chemicals added are not nutrients your body
can use but are in fact toxic. It is for these reasons that refined
table salt causes a host of health problems such as high blood
pressure, congestive heart failure, and kidney problems.
It is interesting to note that the solution that forms the
plasma of our blood, the lymphatic circulatory system, and the
extracellular fluid that bathes every living cell,
each have a mineral composition and salinity
similar to seawater. Each of these solutions
require frequent mineral replenishment, which
is best done by taking small amounts of seasalt
in our food.
All of the medical research and scientific
studies condemning salt were conducted exam-
ining only refined white salt. The studies and
Refined Salt
research rightly reveal that table salt is is toxic
biologically damaging and generally unhealthy.
The trace elements and nutritive minerals in seasalt fulfill a
vital role in enhancing life and maintaining optimum health.
Clean, unrefined, natural seasalt, used in the proper manner,
has reversed many "chronic illnesses" and restored wholeness in
just a few days. Because of its complex beneficial minerals and
bio-electrical power, it offers countless health benefits: it
balances alkalinity/acidity levels, enables good digestion, and
relieves allergies and skin diseases. Natural seasalt provides
renewed energy, and at the same time gives higher resistance to
infections and bacterial diseases.
Pig & Pork Facts
The pig or swine is a very popular food item with most
Christians. Yet Christians are unaware that the God they
profess to believe in had condemned the eating of swine's flesh.
The condemnation was based on some very sound biological
principles. Here are some facts on pork that prove it to be a
very unhealthy food to eat:

• A pig is a real garbage gut. It will eat anything including

urine, excrement, dirt, decaying animal flesh, maggots, or
decaying vegetables. They will even eat the cancerous
growths off other pigs or animals.
• The meat and fat of a pig absorbs toxins like a sponge.
Their meat can be 30 times more toxic than beef or venison.
• When eating beef or venison, it takes 8 to 9 hours to digest
the meat so what little toxins are in the meat are slowlyput
into our system and can be filtered by the liver. But when
pork is eaten, it takes only 4 hours to digest the meat. We
thus get a much higher level of toxins within a shorter time.
• Unlike other mammals, a pig does not sweat or perspire.
Perspiration is a means by which toxins are removed from
the body. Since a pig does not sweat, the toxins remain
within its body and in the meat.
• Pigs and swine are so poisonous that you can hardly kill
them with strychnine or other poisons.
• Farmers will often pen up pigs within a rattlesnake nest
because the pigs will eat the snakes, and if bitten they will
not be harmed by the venom.
• When a pig is butchered, worms and insects take to its flesh
sooner and faster than to other animal's flesh. In a few days
the swine flesh is full of worms.
• Swine and pigs have over a dozen parasites within them,
such as tapeworms, flukes, worms, and trichinae. There is
no safe temperature at which pork can be cooked to ensure
that all these parasites, their cysts, and eggs will be killed.
• Pig meat has twice as much fat as beef. A 3-oz T -bone steak
contains 8.5 grams of fat; a 3-oz pork chop contains 18
grams of fat. A 3-oz beef rib has 11.1 oz of fat; a 3-oz pork
sparerib has 23.2 grams of fat.
• Cows have a complex digestive system, having four
stomachs. It thus takes over 24 hours to digest their
vegetarian diet causing its food to be purified of toxins. In
contrast, the swine's one stomach takes only about 4 hours
to digest its foul diet, turning its toxic food into flesh.
• The swine carries about 30 diseases which can be easily
passed to humans. This is why God commanded that we are
not even to touch their carcase (Lev. 11:8).
• The trichinae worm of the swine is microscopically small,
and once ingested can lodge itself in our intestines,
muscles, spinal cord or the brain. This results in the disease
trichinosis. The symptoms are sometimes lacking, but
when present they are mistaken for other diseases, such as
typhoid, arthritis, rheumatism, gastritis, MS, meningitis,
gall bladder trouble, or acute alcoholism.
• The pig is so poisonous and filthy, that nature had to
prepare him a sewer line or canal running down each leg
with an outlet in the bottom of the foot. Out of this hole
oozes pus and filth his body cannot pass into its system fast
enough. Some of this pus gets into the meat of the pig.
There are other reasons grounded in biological facts that could
be listed to show why pigs and swine should not be eaten. But a
true Christian should only need one reason why not to eat this
type of food - because God prohibited it.
And the swine, because it divides the hoof, yet does not chew the
cud, it is unclean unto you: you shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch
their dead carcase. - Lev. 11: 7-8; Deut. 14:8
Those who say Christ abolished the law condemning pork are
motivated by their stomach not Scripture. The problems with
pork are biological, and Christ never changed the laws of biology.

More than a hundred substances that qualify as sweet can be

called sugars. The ones we come in contact with most often are
fructose, a natural sugar found in fruit and honey; glucose, the
body's blood sugar and the simplest form of sugar; dextrose,
made from cornstarch and chemically identical to glucose;
lactose, milk sugar; maltose, the sugar present in malt and
formed from a starch by the action of yeast; and sucrose, the
sugar that is obtained from sugar cane or beets.
Sugar is a type of carbohydrate. There are two basic types of
carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates such as sucrose, honey,
lactose, fruit, or malt, and complex carbohydrates, as in whole
grains, vegetables, starches, and fibre. The human body is
designed to run on carbohydrates. While we can use protein and
fat for energy, the easiest and most efficient fuel are carbo-
hydrates. Plants make carbohydrates by trapping the sun's
energy in a complex of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
When we eat plants, the body does exactly what it is designed
to do. It digests these foods and gradually releases their potential
energy. Further, all the nutrients that the body needs for
digesting and metabolizing carbohydrates (simple and complex)
are present in those plants.
The white, crystalline sugar which is found in all grocery
stores, is the result of a cane or beet sugar which has undergone a
refining process. As a result of this process, most of the nutrients
are removed. About 95% of the chromium, 88% of the zinc,
100% of the magnesium, 94% of the phosphorous and cobalt,
92% of the copper, and 89% of the manganese are removed.
The refining process also causes 100% of the vitamins to be
removed, and all of the enzymes. Without vitamins, minerals and
enzymes our metabolism becomes inefficient, contributing to
poor energy, poor health, and poor weight control.
If you were to take a sample of your blood, and then eat a
teaspoon of refined sugar, wait 8 minutes and sample your blood
again you would find that the mineral content has greatly
increased. Your body expected that there would be minerals in
the sugar but there were none. So the body released its store of
minerals in an attempt to metabolize the sugar consumed. This
results in a deficiency of minerals in the body.
Refined sugars enter the bloodstream very rapidly, causing
and contributing to health problems. According to Dr. Appleton,
author of Lick the Sugar Habit (1996), there is documented
scientific evidence that refined sugar can cause these problems:
• Refined sugar suppresses the immune system.
• Sugar can lead to degenerative diseases such as arthritis, osteo-
porosis, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, and atherosclerosis.
• Ingesting sugar increases the rate at which we excrete calcium.
• Sugar causes drowsiness and decreased activity in children, and
causes concentration difficulties and crankiness in children.

• Sugar can lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostrate,

rectum, colon, and gall bladder.

• Sugar can lead to the formation of gallstones and kidney stones.

• Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey
hair, and cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.

• Sugar can decrease growth hormone (HGH) and cause hormonal


• Sugar can cause appendicitis, myopia, and constipation.

• Sugar lowers the enzymes' ability to function.

• Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.

• Sugar can increase cholesterol.

• Sugar can cause candidiasis, allergies, and asthma.

If any other substance were known to cause this many

problems it would be classed as a poison or toxic substance.
These health problems for the most part are not associated with
the use of natural sugars-raw cane sugar, honey, fructose,
maple syrup. Natural sugars contain all the vitamins, minerals
and enzymes the body needs to safely utilize the sugar.
Due to these facts, refined sugar is, in fact, more of a
pharmaceutical drug than it is a nurturing food. Refined sugar is
99.6 percent pure calories-no nutrients, vitamins, minerals, or
proteins, just simple carbohydrates. It is essentially just a
chemical the body does not utilize well.
Sugar is addicting. The more you get, the more you want!
The average person eats about 12 pounds of sugar each
month, nearly 4 'l2 cups per week. Refined sugar is found in a
majority of foods today, even in meats, ketchup and salt. As a
result we are consuming ten times more sugar today than was
consumed 60 years ago when the sugar was unrefined. Is it any
wonder why we have so many health problems today?
Instead of white sugar, use fructose, honey, molasses, or
Stevia for recipes that call for sugar. Brown sugar is not a good
substitute as it is merely white sugar coated with molasses syrup.
Light molasses is about 90% sugar while Blackstrap molasses is
about 50% sugar and has a wide variety of the raw nutrients
remaining, and is thus a preferable product. Raw evaporated
cane juice products called Sucanat and Rapadura are the only
unrefined sugar available to the average consumer.
In 1976 the sugar industry discovered it was cheaper to make
sugar from corn than from beets or cane. Since then, high
fructose· corn syrup has replaced refined sucrose in many soft
drinks, baked goods and processed foods. High fructose corn
syrup is somewhat of a processed sugar, and is not much better
than refined sucrose.
Sugars cannot be avoided and should not as long as they are
natural sugars in moderation. Glucose is critical for life, as it is a
major fuel for all of the body's cells and the only source of energy
for the brain and red blood cells. Except for fiber, both simple
and complex carbohydrates are the main source of blood glucose.
Those who proclaim a "no sugar" diet are a little unrealistic and a
bit of an alarmist. As with fat, cholesterol, and minerals, there
are good sugars and bad sugars.
Dealing With Cancer
Cancer has become the dreaded disease of the 20th century, as
it is the second greatest cause of death. Previous to this century,
cancer was a minor problem, but now millions in the Western
world die every year from cancer. However, cancer can be dealt
with. Cancer is very preventable and fairly easy to treat once we
know what causes it. The causes of most cancers are exposure to
or ingestion of cancer-causing agents, coupled with immune
insufficiency. The weak immune system is a nutritional deficiency
problem, and ingesting or being exposed to cancer-causing agents
is a toxicity problem.
The common sense treatment of cancer is to first eliminate the
cancer-causing agents, such as smoking, high-fat diet, excessive
sun exposure, pesticide exposure, chlorinated water, drugs, etc.
Secondly, one needs to build up the strength of the immune
system which can fight cancer.
Cancer is essentially defective or abnormal cells that continue
to multiply. Such cells normally die off when formed. In the rare
case that they do not then white blood cells from the immune
system kill them. This occurs every day in the body. If certain
toxins or carcinogens increase in the body, then the chances of
defective cells are increased. If the immune system is
malnourished, this again increases the chances for cancer.
Other than carcinogenic substances, a main cause of defective
cells is free radical damage. A free radical is an oxygen atom that
has lost an electron and is unstable. In the attempt to become
stable it steals an electron from other atoms, such as those in the
cell membrane or even the DNA. This causes the cell to become
defective and leads to cancer. Free radicals are produced by the
normal metabolic process. They thus always exist in our bodies.
Substances which can protect us from free radical damage are
called antioxidants. An antioxidant keeps a free radical from
forming, or it neutralizes it by supplying it with an electron thus
turning it into a harmless oxygen atom. The following is a list of
foods, nutrients and supplements which are antioxidants:
Figure 1. Natural Antioxidants
1. Vitamin C & E 6. Pycnogenol
2. Beta-carotene 7. Grape Seed Extract
3. Zinc & Selenium 8. Garlic & Tomatoes
4. Lipoic Acid (amino acid) 9. Co-Enzyme Q1 0
5. Glutathione (protein) 10. Melatonin (hormone)

Diet is clearly a most important factor in regards to preventing

and treating cancer. Here we should adhere to the Hippocratic
principle, "Let your medicine be your food and your food your
medicine." Plants contain a wide array of complex phyto-
chemicals which have medicinal qualities man cannot duplicate.
There are many common foods which contain phytochemicals
that help fight cancers, as shown in Figure 2. These foods should
be taken every day for preventive measure against cancer, as well
as during cancer treatment. The role of nutrition in cancer has
been confirmed by new scientific observation which shows that in
cancer patients the blood is lacking in organic minerals.
Many substances have now been discovered which fight or
eliminate cancer. They do this either by building up the immune
system or by directly destroying cancer cells. A main aspect of the
immune system for fighting cancer is the NK (Natural Killer)

Cancer-Fighting Foods
Food Active Ingredient
Brazil nuts Zinc, Selenium
Tomatoes Lycopene
Spinach Glutathione
Cabbage & Broccoli Sulforaphane, Indole-3-carbinol
Garlic Allicin
Apples Elagic acid, Fiber
Soybeans Genistein
Carrots Beta-carotene, Fiber
Hot red peppers Capsaicin, Vitamin C
Green Tea Catechin
Sunflower seeds Selenium, Vitamin E, Calcium
cells, which identify and destroy defective or abnormal cells, i.e.,
cancer. The following are some cancer-fighting substances:
Aloe Vera Extract - A strong aid in healing and fighting infection,
and has NK cell activity.
IP-6 - Inositol hexaphosphate. Has the ability to inhibit cancer.
Olive Leaf Extract - Has NK cell activity plus strong antibiotic and
antiviral activity.
Cat's claw - Enhances immunity and has anti-tumor properties.
DMG - Dimethylglycine. And also Liquid Stabilized Oxygen. Both
enhance oxygen utilization. An oxygen rich environment will
inhibit the spread of cancer cells and cause them to die.
Chaparral - Contains the powerful antioxidant NDGA which has
known anti-carcinogenic properties.
Echinacea - Enhances NK activity and boosts the immune system.
Glyconutrients - A complex of naturally occurring plant poly-
saccharides. Increases NK activity 50% and boost immunity.
Pancreatin - A pancreatic enzyme that can enhance metabolism.
Vitamins - Especially vitamins A, C, E, and beta-carotene.
MGN-3 - An extract from rice bran and three types of mushrooms
which increases the function of the NK cells by 300 percent or
more. Tests with patients with leukemia, and cancer of the
cervix, breast and prostrate, resulted in complete remission in
seven months. Used to treat cancer in Japan.
Bloodroot - Botanical extract that has anti-cancer properties.
Colostrum - Has high levels of immunoglobulins (antibodies) to
strengthen the immune system. Also has cytokines (containing
the powerful cancer-fighting interleukins), and lymphokines.
Maitake - Contains a substance that prevents carcinogenic activity
and inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors.
To this we could also include enzyme therapy, ozone therapy,
metabolic therapy, etc. Many people are turning to holistic or
alternative means of treating cancer due to the ineffectiveness of
conventional treatments. The drugs used by the medical
establishment to treat cancer cause cancer, so does chemotherapy
and radiation, and their use results in only a 5% success rate
against cancer. Holistic treatments are often 70-90% effective.
Aspirin is the most popular drug that is consumed today.
Americans alone swallow over 19 billion aspirin tablets each
year, which comes to over 15 tons each day. Yearly sales for all
types of aspirin are well over $2 billion.
Aspirins are used for pain-relief, to reduce fever and
inflamation, but like all drugs, there is a risk of side effects and
interactions. These side effects include ulcers, anemia,
gastrointestinal bleeding, lethargy, hyperpnea, dehydration,
sweating, hyperthermia, and restlessness. Taber's Medical
Dictionary refers to these symptoms as signs of "aspirin
poisoning," which "may be present with moderate doses."
Under the topic of "poison" Taber's also states the following:
Aspirin is not usually thought of as a poison, but overdoses of
this drug kill more children accidently each year than any of
the traditional poisons. 1
Other pain reducers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) and
ibuprofen (Advil) are not good substitutes for aspirin. Current
research indicates that these drugs are also associated with
gastrointestinal upset, headaches, and dizziness. 2 Twenty
tablets of acetaminophen can kill you, and just one can
overexert your liver.
Like all drugs, aspirin also acts to deplete the body of
essential nutrients. Since aspirin is a gastro-intestinal irritant,
it increases the permeability of the stomach wall. This in turn
upsets the absorption of nutrients. Aspirin will antagonize
vitamin K action in the body, deplete the body of calcium,
potassium and especially robs the body of vitamin C.
Even a small amount [of aspirin] can triple the excretion rate
of Vitamin C from the body. It can also lead to a deficiency
of folic acid and Vitamin B, which could cause anemia as
well as digestive disturbances. 3
1 Taber's Ccyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 18th edition, 1997
2 Senior Counselor (Special 1991 edition).
3 Earl Mindell, Vitamin Bible, Warner Books, 1999, p. 326.
Researcher Dr. Edith Stanley found that aspirin blocked an
area of the immune system needed for the healing process.
Aspirin kept the infection-fighting leukocytes from traveling
to the infected tissue. By suppressing the body's natural
response to infection, aspirin may "relieve" the symptoms
caused by the leukocytes battling the invading virus, but the
reproduction of the virus is left
unchecked. Thus the virus is free to
spread within the body, prolonging and
complicating the illness.4
Another researcher, Dr. N.M.H.
Graham from Johns Hopkins School of
Hygiene and Public Health, found that in
a study of patients with viral infections,
there was a suppression of the immune
system in those given aspirin.5
Researchers have found that aspirin
and other pain medications can cause
irreversible damage to the kidneys and lead to kidney failure.
It doesn't take very much. Just three 350-mg aspirins a day can
seriously impair the vital cleansing function of the kidneys.6
For centuries the herb white willow was used as a natural
pain relief treatment. The drug companies simply took the
active ingredient in white willow, its salicylic acid, removed an
ingredient and called it "aspirin." This was done so they could
patent it and make a lot of profit from it. So if you need pain
relief try using white willow, since it has none of the negative
side-effects of aspirin. Other useful herbs for pain are blue
violet, catnip, chamomile, gotu kola, rosemary and valerian.
4 Edith Stanley, et al. "Increased Virus Shedding with Aspirin Treatment of
Rhinovirus Infection." Journal of American Medical Association, 231, No.
12, March 24, 1975, pp. 1248-1251.
5 N.M.H. Graham. "Adverse Effects of Aspirin, Acetaminophen and
Ibuprofen on Immune Functions." Journal of Infectious Disease, 162,
1990, pp. 1277-1282.
6 Richard S. Muther, Donald M. Potter, and William Bennett. "Aspirin-
Induced Depression of Glomerular Filtration Rate in Normal Humans: Role
of Sodium Balance. " Annals of Internal Medicine, 94, 1981, pp. 317-321.
The production of man-made antibiotics has gained wide
spread usage in the past 50 years. The U.S. National Institute of
Health estimates that by the year 2000, a total of 50,000 tons of
antibiotics will be used every year throughout the world. There
are perhaps hundreds of different antibiotics, some of the
common ones being Neomycin, Tetracycline, Amoxil, Ceclor,
Keflex, and Augmentin.
There is no doubt that antibiotics have helped in the
treatment of certain bacterial infections, and have saved lives,
but it is also true that they have caused more problems than
benefits. This is partly due to their overuse because we live in a
society which demands "quick fixes" for our maladies. Also,
doctors commonly over prescribe antibiotics rather than allow
the body to heal itself as a matter of profit.
The data and facts of the results from the use of man-made
antibiotics are now well known. These are some of the problems
associated with the use of these antibiotics:
• Common side effects from antibiotics include rashes, fever,
bronchial tube spasms, blood vessel inflamation, kidney and
ear problems, upset stomach, vomiting, fatigue, and
• Antibiotics inhibit the ability of various types of white blood
cells to neutralize or ingest a microorganism, cell, particle or
other disease matter. The use of antibiotics thus weakens
the immune system since the white blood cells cannot
produce their natural antibiotic function.
• Antibiotics - such as tetracycline- can be toxic which may
poison the internal organs. This can lead to infection of the
bladder, and is a relatively common cause of hepatitis or
inflamation of liver.
• Antibiotics are largely ineffective, and often aggravate the
illness they are suppose to treat.
1 The Signet/Mosby Medical Encyclopedia (New York: The C.V. Mosby
Company, 1987).
• Many microorganisms which antibiotics are used against
can develop a resistance to the antibiotic, thus becoming so
strong that they cannot be destroyed by stronger antibiotics
or a strong immune system. The drug-resistant strains thus
make you more susceptible to illness. Ironically, our own
medical system is creating new breeds of killer bacteria.
• The use of antibiotics can cause invasive overgrowth of
yeast, resulting in Candida-related syndrome~
• Allergic reactions are common. With Penicillin alone 1000s
of deaths occur world-wide from anaphylactic shock.
• Antibiotics cause nutritional deficiencies. They deplete the
body's supply of vitamin B complex, vitamins C, D, K, Biotin,
Folic Acid, and Niacin. Minerals depleted by antibiotics are
calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.3
• Antibiotics can't distinguish between good and bad bacteria,
and thus destroy beneficial bacteria which perform useful
functions, such as acidophilus, needed to prevent infection.
• Antibiotics pave the way for harmful bacteria to multiply,
increasing the risk of infection which, by stressing the
immune system, leads to nutrient deficiency~
It is believed by many health experts that antibiotics are
weakening the gene pool due to these problems. It is
irresponsible of the medical establishment to tell of only the
benefits, and not the negative ramifications of antibiotics. It is
also irresponsible not to inform people of natural alternatives.
Natural antibiotics and infection fighters include: Garlic,
Vitamin A & C, Selenium, Grapefruit seed extract, Oil of
Oregano, Olive leaf extract, and Green tea. Natural substances
that boost or stimulate the immune system include: Bovine
Colostrum, Coenzyme 010, Ambrotose, Essential fatty acids,
Astragalus, Glutathione, Echinacea, Cat's claw and Aloe vera.
2 Harold E. Buttram, "Overuse of Antibiotics and the Need for
Alternatives." Townsend Letterfor Doctors, November 1991, pp. 867-869.
3 Lieberman & Bruning, The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book, New York:
Avery Pub., 1997, pp. 26-27; Mindell, Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible,
Warner Books, N.Y., 1999, pp. 327-330.
4 Patrick Holford, Optimum Nutrition Bible, Crossing Press, 1999, p. 26.
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener found in a great number
of consumer food products. Aspartame is marketed under such
names as NutraSweet, Equal, and Spoonful. Aspartame is used
as a sugar substitute, having no calories but being 200 times
sweeter than sugar. It is found in the following products:
Instant breakfasts Juice beverages
Breath mints Multivitamins
Cereals Soft drinks
Sugar-free gum Instant teas & coffees
Cocoa mixes Wine coolers
Aspartame consists of three components: synthetic forms of
two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid, and methanol
or wood alcohol. Although it has been claimed that the amino
acids in Aspartame are metabolized in the same way that their
natural counterparts found in foods are metabolized, research
suggests otherwise. Consumption of Aspartame in sodas, for
instance, causes a flooding of the amino acids in the blood-
stream. This rise can be the cause of many health problems.
Phenylalanine and aspartic acid are actually toxic when un-
accompanied by other amino acids and proteins.
Methanol (wood alcohol), the third ingredient in Aspartame,
is known to be poisonous even when consumed in relatively
small arilOunts. Disorders caused by toxic levels of methanol
include blindness, brain swelling, and inflamation of the
pancreas and heart muscle.
Aspartame is chemically unstable, and so when temperatures
exceed 86 degrees F (as in the human body), the methanol in
Aspartame converts to formaldehyde, and then to formic acid,
which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. Formic acid is the
poison found in the sting of fire ants. Formaldehyde is a deadly
embalming fluid, a Class A carcinogen (cancer causing agent).
Methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis, thus Aspartame
users were being diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis. But
the multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol
toxicity is. In the May 1992 issue of the official U.S. Air Force
Magazine, Flying Safety, it stated this about Aspartame:
"In pregnancy the effects of Aspartame can be passed directly to the
fetus, even in very small doses. People have suffered Aspartame related
disorders with doses as small as that carried in a single stick of chewing
gum. This could mean a pilot who drinks diet sodas is more susceptible
to flicker vertigo or to flicker-induced epileptic activity. It also means
that all pilots are potential victims of sudden memory loss, dizziness
during instrument flight, and gradual loss of vision."
Some pilots who consume a lot of diet soda have experienced
grand mal seizures in the cockpits of commercial airline flights
and have lost their medical certification to fly.
The FDA has received more than 10,000 consumer com-
plaints on "NutraSweet Poisoning," that is 80% of all complaints
about food additives. Still the FDA remains comatose and has
done nothing to alert the public, who assume that since Aspar-
tame is so highly advertised it must be as safe as mother's milk.
If you are consuming Aspartame and have headaches, de-
pression, slurred speech, loss of memory, fibromyalgia, shooting
pains, numbness in your legs, loss of equilibrium, vertigo, anxiety
attacks, chronic fatigue, vision loss, insomnia, dizziness, spasms,
joint pain, eye floaters, seizures or heart palpitations you may
have Aspartame disease! If you want to avoid these health
problems, then get off this poisonous drug now!
Fetal tissue cannot tolerate methanol or phenylalanine! Dr.
James Bowen calls NutraSweet "instant birth control." So
fertility clinics are overwhelmed by sorrowful women sipping
diet sodas. Dr. Louis Elsas, Emory University Professor of
Pediatrics and Genetics, testified before Congress in 1987
stating: "Aspartame is a well-known neurotoxin and teratogen
(causes birth defects)." This includes mental retardation.
Aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates, due to serotonin
depletion, so you gain weight. It also slows down the digestive
process, causing weight gain. Since NutraSweet hit the market
obesity is epidemic. So if you want to be fat, drink Diet Coke!
NutraSweet is sold by Monsanto Chemical Co. It is found in
thousands of foods and on every restaurant table for the same
reasons tobacco is everywhere: Greed, Addiction and Profit.
Detoxification is the process of clearing toxins from the body or
neutralizing or transforming them, and clearing excess mucus and
congestion. Many of these toxins come from our diet, drug use, the
air we breathe, or environmental exposure. Functionally, poor
digestion, colon sluggishness and dysfunction, reduced liver
function, and poor elimination through the kidneys, respiratory
tract, and skin all add to increased toxicity.
Toxicity, or the presence of toxins in the body, causes a lack of
energy, more frequent occurrence of sickness, increase of
degenerative diseases and cancer, and a shorter life span.
Every person has some toxicity problems, especially in our time
of chemicals, industrial waste, pollution, food additives, etc.
Detoxification involves dietary and lifestyle changes that reduce
the intake of toxins and improve their natural elimination.

Detoxification Systems
Our body handles toxins by either neutralizing, transforming, or
eliminating them. These are the areas in which detoxification is
Respiratory- lungs, bronchial tubes, throat, sinuses, & nose
Gastrointestinal- liver, gallbladder, colon, and intestines
Urinary- kidneys, bladder, and urethra
Skin and Dermal-sweat and sebaceous glands and tears
Lymphatic-lymph channels and lymph nodes.
Detoxification results in certain physical and mental symptoms.
They appear when you alter your lifestyle and start something new,
such as a change in diet, environment, start to exercise, or
discontinuing a toxic habit, such as eating chocolate, drinking
coffee, or stop smoking. Some of the common symptoms
associated with detoxification are:
• Headaches • Stomachache
• Cough • Diarrhea and gas
• Skin rashes • Clogged sinus
• Fever • Feeling rundown or irritable
• Flu symptoms • Constipation
These symptoms may be of short duration and slight irritation,
or they could last longer and cause you considerable discomfort.
Because these symptoms are the same as those that show up in
certain illnesses, changing your diet or lifestyle can result in
misunderstanding: If I am doing something that is suppose to be
good for me, why do I have these symptoms? Why do I feel worse,
and not better? Understanding this apparent contradiction is
perhaps the first, and the most important, hurdle you must get over
when making a dietary or lifestyle change.
Detoxification is the body adjusting to something new. Nearly
everyone has experienced this basic adjustment concept. If you
engage in some rigorous activity you have not done in a long time,
the next day you might feel bad-tired with sore muscles. If you
continue with this activity, the bad symptoms would disappear
since the body has now adjusted to this new activity. Likewise when
a person stops smoking they feel bad because their body is
detoxifying. If they start smoking again the detoxification stops
and they feel better, even though they are doing something
harmful. When some people take an herb or natural supplement
they sometimes experience a detoxification symptom. They
assume it is an adverse reaction from the herb or supplement, when
in fact the herb is causing some form of detoxification to occur in
the body. The problem is not the herb, it is a toxic body.

Detoxifying Therapies
There are many different types of detoxification procedures
and therapies that have been proven to be effective and safe.
These are some of the more popular methods:
Fasting- This is the most ancient, effective and natural means of
detoxification. Hippocrates (400 B.C.) once stated that for
improved health one should fast for a day instead of taking
medicine. Start with a one day fast, then a two day fast the next
month. Use two 8 oz glasses of juice per day.
Chelation-A chelation substance is one that attaches onto a toxin in
the body and then removes it. Some oral chelating agents
include Alfalfa (liquid or tablets), Apple pectin, rutin, calcium
and magnesium, and amino acid complex.
Activated Charcoal - Absorbs toxins, drugs, and heavy metals
throughout the body.
Colon Cleansing-Retained debris in the colon leads to the absorption
of toxins. The best way to rid the colon of these debris and
toxins is to fast and use an herbal enema. Also increase the
amount of fiber, and take acidophilus and Aloe vera juice.
Change in diet-The reason many people have toxicity problems is
due to bad diet. They can do much to detoxify themselves by
stop eating foods that are more potentially toxic, such as drugs,
allergenic foods, organ meats (liver), margarine and
hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, fried foods, refined flours,
and pork. Foods that help keep toxins out of the body are fruits,
greens, roots, herbs, and water.
Cleansing Herbs
Many herbs can support or even create detoxification. In fact,
this is generally regarded as the strength of herbal medicine.
These are some herbs that help in detoxifying:
Garlic-blood cleanser, lowers blood fats, natural antibiotic.
Red clover blossoms-blood cleanser, good during a convalescence
and healing.
Echinacea-Iymph cleanser, improves lymphocyte and phagocyte
Dandelion root-liver, gallbladder, and blood cleanser, diuretic,
filters toxins, a tonic.
Chaparral-strong blood cleanser, can help in cancer therapy.
Lotus root-helps clear mucus and chemicals from the lungs.
Cayenne pepper-blood purifier, increases fluid elimination and
Ginger root-stimulates circulation and sweating. Keeps the lymph
system moving so it can remove wastes.
Milk Thistle seeds-used for a "liver flush" to remove excess fatty
acids and other toxins from the liver.
Licorice root-a great detoxifier, biochemical balancer, and a mild
laxative; helps gallbladder detoxification.
Yellow dock root - skin, blood, and liver cleanser.
Burdock root-skin and blood cleanser, diuretic and diaphoretic,
improves liver function, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Sarsaparilla root-blood and lymph cleanser, contains saponins
which reduce microbes and toxins.
Prickly ash bark-good for nerves and joints, anti-infectious.
Bloodroot-strong purifier of blood and liver.
Oregon grape root-skin and colon cleanser, blood purifier, liver
Parsley leaf-diuretic, flushes kidneys.
Goldenseal root-blood, liver, kidney, and skin cleanser, stimulates

Every year we hear statistics about some situation or

problem that is causing deaths in America. It is also urged
that something must be done to eliminate this situation which
is causing deaths. The problem or situation might be
seatbelts, contaminated meat, cocaine, rattlesnake bites, gang
wars, unsafe toys, guns, alcohol, hazardous conditions in the
work place, lightning, cigarettes, drunk drivers, drownings,
and other such things.
But the really big killer remains virtually unseen and
undetected by the public. The biggest cause of death comes
from a source that most people would least suspect. What is
the number one cause of death in America? It is our own
medical establishment! By "medical establishment" is meant
the FDA, the AMA, the doctors, hospitals, and pharma-
ceutical industry, and the diabolical force that is behind these
things. Let's look at the facts which prove this to be true.
In 1998, medical journals and studies revealed that adverse
drug reactions in U.S. hospitals were responsible for more
than 100,000 deaths.! It was estimated that 2,216,000 hospital
patients experienced a serious adverse drug reaction and
106,000 deaths were caused by drugs. But the researchers
estimated that the number of deaths maybe as high as 137,000
a year due to drugs.2 This is not talking about cocaine or
heroine, but rather FDA approved, doctor prescribed drugs!
In 1999, an independent medical report showed that, "as
many as 98,000 Americans die unnecessarily every year as a
result of mistakes made by physicians, pharmacists, and other
health care professionals."3 It is no doubt true that many
fatal medical errors are covered up or not reported to avoid
1 The Journal of American Medical Association, April 14, 1998.
2 Minneapolis Star Tribune, April 15, 1998, page A3.
3 Minneapolis Star Tribune, November 30, 1999, page A13.
lawsuits or loss of jobs. It thus is a reasonable estimate to say
that 115,000 deaths are due to medical mistakes and errors.
Many other nations have also reported high death rates
due to prescription drugs and medical errors. In America
adverse reaction to drugs along with medical errors accounts
for over a quarter of a million deaths a year, making the
medical establishment the third leading cause of death. The
table below shows the top fifteen causes of death in America.4

1. Heart Disease 745,200

2. Cancer 563,100
3. Stroke 159,682
4. Drug Reactions 137,000
5. Medical Errors 115,000
6. Lung Disease 96,077
7. Accidents (all types) 94,523
8. Pneumonia, Flu 83,312
9. Diabetes 62,484
10. Suicide 30,535
11. Kidney Disease 29,955
12. Alzheimer's Disease 24,245
13. Blood Diseases 23,875
14. AIDS 16,340
15. Atherosclerosis 16,050

While the medical establishment is directly responsible for

over 250,000 deaths, we need to also look at its role as
contributing to the cause of deaths of other people. This is

4 Source: National Vital Statistic Reports, from the Center for Disease
Control and Prevention, Vol. 47, Number 19, June 30, 1999. The
American Cancer Society, Statistic Report, 1999.
realized by its use of treatments that are largely ineffective,
while prohibiting or not using alternative treatments which
are proven to be very effective and nonfatal to the patient.
The treatment of cancer is a good example of this cause of
unnecessary deaths. Many proven cancer treatments and
cures have been developed in the past 70 years which are
banned by the FDA or are not used by doctors. With the
advancement in cancer knowledge and treatment, it is safe to
say that 75 percent of the deaths caused by cancer could be
prevented. This would mean that some 420,000 deaths due to
cancer could be avoided, and those deaths are due to an inept
or corrupt medical establishment.
There also many natural treatments for heart disease which
the medical establishment blocks or refuses to use. Even
something as simple as cayenne pepper has improved the
circulation in patients with heart problems, saving the lives of
many who would otherwise have died. One researcher writes:
Much is known about the causes of cardiovascular disease and how to
prevent it... However, few if any general practitioners are applying
what is already known to prevent and reverse heart disease?
We could easily prevent 60 percent of the deaths due to
cardiovascular problems. This would account for another
445,000 deaths that are due to the medical establishment's
refusal to use effective treatment, or outlawing them.
As we go down the list of health problems and add up all the
deaths that can be attributed to the medical establishment due
to inept treatments, we come up with about 1,250,000 deaths.
To this figure we can also add 1.3 million deaths a year due to
abortions in the medical clinics, for a total 2.5 million deaths a
year. This makes the medical establishment the number one
killer in the country. Yet their acts go unchecked and largely
unnoticed and thus are essentially given a licence to kill.
Now if some herb or natural supplement was known to have
caused the death of a few people, the medical establishment
5 Patrick Holford, The Optimum Nutrition Bible, Crossing Press, 1999, p.
and media would make such a big deal out of it until the herb
or supplement was eliminated.
Despite the dangers inherent in medical drugs, surgery,
and ineffective treatments, doctors advise people to not stop
taking their medications, and claim that natural treatments
are only a "theory." In light of all the foregoing information,
it is hardly surprising that during a 29-day physician's strike in
Israel, the national death rate dropped 50% according to the
Jerusalem Burial Society's statistics. In Columbia after a 52-
day doctor's strike in Bogota the National Catholic Reporter
pointed out that the death rate in Bogota went down by 35%.
In Saskatchewan a doctor's strike resulted in a 25% drop in
the death rate. An identical phenomenon was reported when
physicians went on strike in California and Great Britain.
When people who have chronic diseases are left alone,
their immune system catches up with their ailment and in
many cases corrects the problem and cures the disease. But if
doctors intervene before this is allowed to happen, they
poison the person with drugs which weakens the immune
system and kills the patient.
Doctors often do not know what all is in the drugs they use.
They simply take the word of the drug and pharmaceutical
companies that their drugs are safe. They know their noxious
drugs and conventional treatments cause deaths, but they
don't really care because it makes them a lot of money. And
so this evil process goes on, as Scripture states: "The love of
money is the root of all evil" (1 Tim. 6:10).
Instead of focusing on the real killer in this country,
politicians and the media focus on trivial matters like seat-
belts or guns. This is just a red herring to distract the public
and to keep people from looking at the deadly medical
establishment. There were about 13,500 persons murdered
with firearms in 1998, most of which would have been
murdered even if guns didn't exist. Compare this to the 2.5
million people killed by modern medicine every year, which
would have lived if the medical establishment didn't exist.
Nine out of ten people who are alive today will die
of some disease. Why? This is not what God had
intended for us, and it is not the way it was eighty
years ago. People are suffering and dying from
disease because they don't know fundamental facts
about health. Facts such as:
• What is the real cause of nearly all disease.
• Why certain fats, cholesterol and salt are
good for your health.
• Why the medical establishment is the number
one cause of death in America today.
• Why 99% of the vitamin and mineral
supplements do little good and in some cases
do harm.
• Why aspirin is a drug and sugar a poison.
• The food laws God prescribed for our health.
• Why cancer can be safely treated.
• The dangers associated with vaccinations,
antibiotics and prescription drugs.
Most doctors will not tell you about these things
because they donot know, or are part ofthe problem.
When it comes to health, ignorance is not bliss, it is
suffering and death.

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