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Zarathustrian Revolution

Holy Satanic Text

The Superior Man is the Cause of Our Way

Rex Gloriae

Zarathustrian Kingdom

Blessed Lord of Heavens!

Blessed Lord of Heavens!
Blessed Lord of Heavens!
Most Holy is the Avenger

Liber Oscanae
Day 353 Year 24 of Vindex

Holy King


Above all homo sapiens

Super Human Free from Evil

The Secret Doctrine

Only God Remains

Holy Truth

For No Evil to Arise Again

Agios O Satanas!

Natural Ranks: 19 Ranks of Power

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
To Understand the evolutionary process between ape, human, and the Future.

Being the immediately superior species, to which the ape evolved, that we consider as a significant leap, is
called Homo Erectus". A being that looks, like a between ape and human form of life. Below is an
example of the appearance of the ape:

And here is an example of the appearance of the Homo Erectus:

What most extraordinarily distinguished superiority of the Homo Erectus over the ape, was his ability of
shedding tears at losing those he cared about. A weeping today mocked by the Homo Sapiens trained by
the jews. The Homo Erectus was already willing to die for his mate, not caring whether it was appropriate
to defend it or not. He had no spoken language, but the sounds emitted to express things he felt, were
longer and more sensitive than those of the ape. The Homo Erectus was no longer in the place where he
lived, but exploring what lay beyond. This caused many to die before the wilderness. Being more of a
Conqueror, than the races pitied by the European Conquerors today. He had the ability to make objects for

Beings humans, known as Homo Sapiens.

This image is a simple example of this evolution:

These evolutionary processes, take millions of years, or aeons. Environmental stress, causes, one of two
things: the organism being destroyed or falling ill, or the organism evolving. Destruction comes, from being
unable to cope with the danger of the environment. Evolution, is to adapt and overcome, to learn and
develop, strengthen the body, for it to be accustomed to the new difficulty.

When having a son or daughter, such descendant obtains a greater ease of dealing with that danger, by the
development inherited through parents. Thus, Our Ancestors, Honored for Their Struggle.

Being the ape, moved using his legs and arms, using 4 limbs, the Homo Erectus stood out, because he
began walking on two legs, erected. Being his name Erected Man.

The Homo Sapiens, thinking man, was distinguished for his learning ability, through language, and the
use of tools. He started to master the environment. Being possible to him, writing ideas, creating and
waving tools, because of his reversed thumb, that allows him to encircle and embrace objects. His jaw
changed (or that of the Homo Erectus over millions of years), becoming extremely able and complex, and
he could speak.

Being that, Homo Sol means Solar Man, also called Homo Galacticus, or Homo Galactica: Galactic
Man, Space Man. The evolutionary leap above the homo sapiens. Overman, Superman, or Super
Human. Galactic, of the space, because he will be distinguished by achieving the troublesome today, space
travel. Conquering like never conceived the limits of his former nature. The following rankings are not
based on any stupid vanity, sorting beauty. Different ranks, are carriers of different feelings. Which are:

1.- Subhumans. 2.- Pariahs. 3.- Slaves. 4.- Villains. 5.- Plebeians. 6.- Servants and Maids. 7.- Gallants and
Ladies. 8.- Minor Aristocrats. 9.- Aristocrats. 10.- Minor Nobles. 11.- Nobles. 12.- High Nobles. 13.- Princes
and Princesses. 14.- Kings and Queens. 15.- High Kings and High Queens. 16.- Emperors and Empresses.
17.- Demigods and Demigoddesses. 18.- Gods and Goddesses. 19.- Super Humans.

Understanding the Illuminati, is a form of subhuman, with an average IQ of 190.

Taking into account, that the average IQ of a Homo Erectus is 30. The 100% Homo Sapiens, which is
immediately between Homo Erectus and Homo Sol, is 95. And being the 100% Super Human, carrier of a
359 IQ.

These are examples of Natural or Biological Ranks. It should be understood, that he who is not identical to
the images, is not exempt of belonging to one of the classes. They are general examples, for the reader to
see patterns, and for him to learn to identify them.

Being each natural rank has specific features, traits, and skulls revealing their genetic code or DNA. And
being each genetic code carries a specific way of being, behaving, feeling, thinking, seeing life and acting.
Appearance is not mundane. Each rank possesses a level of Virtue or a level of evil, irremovable in the
being. Our descriptions include Esoteric Energy, or the mode of being.

Being the Esoteric Energy of the Super Human: Life, restoration, goodness, holiness, love, heroism, justice,
loyalty, beauty, speed, skill, and dedication. And of the Illuminati: Death, grayness, evil, vengefulness, envy,
disease, virus, conspiracy, and ruin. And of the Adept of Death: Blood, Violence, humiliation, psychopathy,
sadism, and heart-pain.

Being notorious, there is in the facial features and eyes of low ranks, a noticeable wickedness, as well as
unconsciousness. It being felt how beauty is acquired during Aristocracy, and how martiality is acquired in
Nobility. In the higher ranks it can be noticed, a unique kindness in the Eyes. The reader learns to see:
Kindness is Strength.

The subhuman, is the only creature, male or female, that goes against the Holy Spirit.

Here are categorized Gods and Demigods as humans, because the properly understood Mythology is a
poetization, a fantastic glorification of men and women, who were great, unbelievably high over their

Autocrator is infinite power above the Homo Sol. Autocrator Is, Generator of His Own Power.

Today Manifested as 100% Homo Sol, guiding the Homo Sapiens to the Evolution that is Fate, Wyrd,
enervating the greatest sentiments in such a Homo Sapiens and making him despise and leave behind, that
which is of an inferior species. The reader should take several minutes to study these images.

And Holding in His Heart, That It Is Possible to Evolve, regardless of rank if, it is one above the mob, and
if there is A Will.


The Underworld. Hell. They engage in activism to promote the triumph of low-lives. These are mockers
and dare to do anything. Their cruelty is endless against the Higher Man. At mealtimes, they tend to bite
sized portions of a fist, or guard about, in an altered manner, as heirs to the sentiments, of cannibal

They are seen peaceful and happy by an ignorant society, because in reality they feel nothing, or are of low
sensitivity. They envy at all times. To this envy, we Zarathustrians, do not call feeling.

The Subhuman is unable to despise himself, in the sense that, he remains in his mistakes forever. He feels
an extreme appetite for the Higher Man. He admires and hates, the Noble.

We can understand how the subhuman experiences life with the following example:

If the last white man was to wear black makeup (to look of black race), and attended a party of blacks, and
there he met a black lady, who laughs at the extermination of whites, even if she worships this man in
disguise ignoring he is white, this man will hate her, and will seek to do harm.

The subhuman, is like an original jew, without any mixing with Europe, a malignant slave, but with a
different appearance. When the Noble, feels Nobility, this subhuman secretly feels hatred for that Nobility.
He perceives, while unaware of it, that which is natural and attempts to destroy it. He is fond of what is
sinister. The subhumans are what is sinister.

The subhuman makes up untruthful things to downgrade his objective. He makes up things that are not
there, that can make us forget the merits of someone who is superior to him. He irritates plebeians around,
to hate he who is Superior.

The subhuman has little physical strength. And it is usual for him to attack in low manners, such as
poisoning. There are exceptions, under which if the subject had a martial training for years, or in the
bastardy from which he comes there is warrior blood, he may have the ability to physically injure.
Typically, he attacks when the opponent is not facing him. Ensuring he can make a damage and flee. The
subhuman humiliates greatness or superiority, but praises despicable filth. He plans how to create
emotional harm for life. The subhuman does not feel empathy.

Esoteric Energy: Evil, ruin, disease.

His Appearance:

In a time when subhumans, were limited by an aristocratic society, they didnt have money and regular
sexual relationships. They were not the most humble inheritors of the Earth. Being during the last stage of
judaism, these subhumans create, their New World Order, their New World Evil, controlling the world and
bringing it to death. This Saint John Vianney, is a great example, of how subhumans during aristocratic
times had to keep themselves, within christianity, in roles of servitude. Thus we understand christianity,
has always been a game, by the weak, by the evil pusillanimous, to conquer superior men, through making
them feel compassion, for such superior men to later be below the lowest wicked worms.

Notice they are all the same.

Subhuman Female

Notice the eyes of sadness, but do not be fooled. She is not feeling that sadness, being a subhuman. Only
the Noble, is seeing that, projecting his own sensitivity. Subhumans are a punishment: they exist because
noble women were raped by plebeians during plebeian revolutions. Thus they are evil. They are an evil
greater than that of a common plebeian, but they carry, the potency of noble blood.


The Outcast is not a slave because he has no strength or resistance, unless he is a carrier of blood of
another rank. Nor has he any special intellect, that allows him to destroy social institutions, with the power
of a subhuman. The pariah experiences confusion at all times. He does not see meaning in anything.

The outcast rarely messes with anyone. Unless he is confused by anti-Noble ideologies. But in reality he
feels neither hatred nor passion. The pariah has great difficulties to live by himself if a community does not
help him to survive. He doesnt know how to hunt, he doesnt have physical capacities, and does not
know how to build.

Esoteric Energy: Poverty, impotence, exclusion.

His Appearance:

A pariah helped by judaism to reach a noble blonde female.

The degenerate Albert Camus, who tried to destroy, the Noble Virtues of Europe, through his writings. He
created a story, named The Renegade, where a noble following christianity, goes to an african territory, to
convert the locals. These local savages, kidnap him, and put him in slavery, dedicating his life to a statue. A
dark evil statue, of death and injustice. Through torture, through years, all of his ideals are defeated, and he
ends up worshipping this dark idol. Even rejecting the help of noble Europeans who later try to rescue him,
and even attacking them. Camus said the savagery of the african, can defeat the Virtues of Europe.

Female Pariah

This specific example, may seem to be a beautiful woman. Let us remember that in the Kingdom of the
Mob everything is mixed. Her beauty is Noble Blood. But her psychological state, is one absolutely
indifferent to Virtue. Not to mention, she is hiddenly (or it is difficult to see) a natural lesbian. Her torso is
masculine, as well as her face, if they are seen isolated from all other distractions.

Those of white race, but of un-aristocratic ranks, must not be respected by Nobles. Because natural rank is
more important than race. Those belonging to un-aristocratic ranks in Europe, and of white race, are One,
with the plebeians outside Europe. They are the white hordes of homo hubris, the liberals helping
inferiors to destroy the Higher Man.


The slave is compliant, before the implantation of a christian ideology, or any other ideology of retaliation
of the low. Particularly dangerous is the one coming from the mixing of something above the slave, and the
slave itself. Because he is stronger than the slave and the new consciousness, lets him be resentful, and take
revenge upon the Superiors. The slave makes things, without thinking too much, only because it is
dangerous not to make them. The original slave is capable of speech but almost never speaks. The slave is
so insensible that it is capable to work to the death. It is an animal. Weariness does not make him stop if
there is punishing violence. And abuse does not cause him neural damage that makes him sick or
psychologically motivates him to attack his oppressor. He certainly is not given to a Cause, by choice,
allowing him to work to the end. He works till the end because he is a coward.

Esoteric Energy: Submission, surrender, self-defeat, renunciation, suffocation, chains.

His Appearance:

This specific example of a slave, has reached celebrity status in the Plebeian Kingdom. Do not allow this
to confuse you. Let us remember, this is a system against merit, and against Higher Men. A system that
rewards the inferior, the humble, and the funny guy.

The origin of why many negroes possess muscular bodies, is that they descend from slaves who had to
work hard.

This disgusting natural slave said it is human nature to respect cruel people and disrespect kind people.
He was projecting his miserable heart. It is actually noble nature to crush the miserable, the wicked,
and the unjust one.

Female Slave


Those of this rank, can be called as a group the villainy, being villainy, also what you call an attitude
related to, or proper, of a villain.

Villain: natural criminal. Descendants of those who lived in villages outside feuds. He tends to become
involved in gangs and conspiracies. He is very disrespectful. He always seeks to do harm. He only respects
what he fears. He is dangerous, because he is a daredevil in his total lack of respect. His need is constant: to
break, burn, and make what is healthy, to become ill.

He never manifests his intentions directly, but will always hide not to be discovered. Unless his intentions
are far too obvious or his target is at his mercy. He can also attempt to make deals to avoid being punished.

Plotting to take away a persons wealth, make her sick or kill her. They celebrate when they manage to
destroy as if it was a marvelous and warm event.

Esoteric Energy: Crime.

His Appearance:

We can see this type of villain, has inherited savannah instincts. His type is the one seeking to harm
women through the act of rape.

This villain doesnt give a shit, as he would say. A natural thief, and a liar.

His white race does not matter, he is the one who would join a military force, for the enjoyment of killing,
and blood.

Female Villain

Notice these villains, seem to be proud of their actions of villainy.

The last three female villains, that you may see, are murderers of noble children.


The Populace. Plebs. The Superfluous.

A nothing. Extremely envious. Although not very dangerous in direct combat unless he is part of a
psychotic crowd. Capable of all evil if the Noble is at his mercy. He is a coward and a weakling. He likes
colorful and glittering things. He likes transgression and dancing that requires no control, but a lack of
control. He will always pull out the I Am Humble card, when playing at dialogue, because of the judaism
of the time: seeking reverence for him. He does what the head of state (if such head of state represents
plebeian values) says.

Esoteric Energy: Insignificance, weakness.

His Appearance:

He is fed up with honor.

Not being deceived by his costume, we understand this is a plebeian.

Ready to burn down noble creations.

Some sort of plebeian professor teaching children of all ranks to hate Noble Virtue.

A plebeian enjoying some pornography, or perhaps, some gore.

A plebeian loyal to brands and being cool.

Plebeians today have cellphones that can do many interesting things, and they have cars they use to
contaminate Gaia, or run over Noble men and women.

Plebeian Female

Notice at the same time she is harming someone, she feels protected by the Christ. The God of Inferiors.

Beauty from Noble Blood, and the psychological state of a plebeian.

This one, is looking at the chest area of the minor aristoi female that can be found under such rank on this
book. A disgusting plebeian full of envy.


Natural servitude. The Servants are the only kind of plebeian, that has no evil. They are referred to as
Servants, because they feel greater loyalty for Nobles, than for plebeians, and can serve the Nobility. And
they are called plebeian, here, because the mob is the natural rank of plebeian or anyone who is not at
least a Gallant, or a Lady, being these the fundamental ranks of the aristocracy.

Servants, as natural rank, do not feel Nobility. For every rank infinite evolution is possible at different
speeds, if it is one above the natural Servant. The thinking of this servant is loyalty to the Master till the
end. His word is respectful at all times. Performs all work without mediocrity concerned about the quality
of living of the Master.

Esoteric Energy: Cleaning, hygiene, manners.

His Appearance:

Notice the exact same facial structure.



The Gallantry. He feels decency. And he has some concern about Virtues. The Gallant already has a certain
advocacy of morality. The Gallant is respectful of women. Hence the mob tells the woman your gallant,
in certain parts of the world. The Lady, its female counterpart is respectful of men, likewise.

Esoteric Energy: Pretension.

His Appearance:


Minor Aristocrat

The Minor Aristocracy. Somewhat interested in increasing his strength, primarily physical. And the woman
is interested in reaching a better man than not just anyone. The minor aristocrat naturally joins forces with
the one holding power. A worker that wants to be dedicated, but cannot withstand for long. And his
commitment to War is incomplete.

Esoteric Energy: Decency.

His Appearance:

Female Minor Aristocrat


The Aristocracy. The term Aristocrat began with the Domain of the Aristoi family in Greece. Being
Aristocracy came to mean the Government by the Aristoi: Governance by the Best. Aristocracy can
refer to the natural rank of Aristocrat, or may include minor aristocrats and aristocrats, it may cover
anyone who is at least a Gallant up to a High Noble, it can cover from Gallant, up to an Emperor, or can
cover from Gallant, across all Superior Ranks: Including The Super Human.

Natural Aristocrats are characterized by Purity. Interested in Tradition and Hierarchy. Committed to
Defend the Kingdom. The Aristocrat is a studious person and a builder. His words are noticeably more
elegant than those of the mob because he wants to demonstrate his Rank. The Ancient Aristocracy used to
sacrifice the wicked of the Community. Their families are trained to defend the Kingdom. They are True.

Esoteric Energy: Power and Tradition.

His Appearance:

Female Aristocrat

Minor Noble

Minor Nobility. While the Aristocrat are the refinement above the rabble, Nobles are characterized by
being highly martial: they are Warriors. These Warriors are the ones who depending on their rank, begin
to be Kind-Hearted. The Minor Noble is interested in how he is seen by the Lord. He does not worship
himself. His understanding of the importance of WHAT IS ABOVE, is greater than that of the Aristoi. The
Minor Noble reveres his Superior. The Minor Noble is Loyal and a Guardian. He is a More Advanced
Warrior than the Aristocrat.

Esoteric Energy: Loyalty and Willingness to Learn.

His Appearance:

Female Minor Noble


The Nobility. Now presenting an evolution above man. Just at his level of Nobility, Holiness may occur.

The Noble cherishes Feelings. He is Highly Sensitive. He loathes evil. The Noble Speaks as Advocate of
Truth. The Noble is a comprehensive warrior: highly dangerous to the enemy. If faced by a terrible threat,
he will increase his training.

The Nobility, may refer to the natural rank of Noble, it can include the Minor Noble up to High Noble,
or it can include, the Minor Noble, up to the Super Human.

Esoteric Energy: Power, combat, range, capacity.

His Appearance:

Noble Female

High Noble

The High Nobility. Interested in the territorial expansion of the Empire. Very vital and determined. He is a
Caretaker of the Etiquette Towards the King (or His Lord). He has a discerning eye to find the traitor.

A Warrior of the Kind that Combats Against Many at the Same Time. If Faced by an impossible battle his
wrath will arise and he will give his life, not seeking his personal safety.

Esoteric Energy: Majesty.

His Appearance:

Female High Noble


Something being Princely can refer to it being related or proper of a natural Prince. Some choose to call
natural Princes, Royalty, covering up to the rank of Emperor. His Meditations are Concerning Heaven.
The Princess yearns for her Prince and has a Severe Respect for Her King. She plans how to become the
Ideal Woman, and achieves It.

The Prince is Fanatic Advocate of the King. He is also a leader of Peoples. A Princess is an affectionate
hearty nutrition for the male, unreachable by the weak. In the Kingdom of the Mob, there are no social
institutions or rites in the culture that worship Beautiful Women, meaning a Princess. Those women
holding the natural rank, must have mediocre lives with plebeian partners. Any beauty the plebeian
appreciates, is that of the whore. A Prince is extremely sophisticated. His Martial Capacities are Highly
Respected. He is Concerned about the Quality of Life of the Kingdom.

Esoteric Energy: Light, hope, cheerfulness, sea, whiteness.

His Appearance:



Becoming a King is what the Prince Must Strive To. He is Truly in His Heart, Interested in Justice in the
World He Commands. The King is Intolerant to Injustice and His Majesty is Determined to Defend what
is Right. He is a Commander. Noble women and children, know themselves to be safe, before the King.
This leads us to the meditation the ego, or worldview, or Feelings, of the Higher Man, is something that
nourishes the World. While the feelings of inferiors, are damaging to life.

The King has no need for constant martial training, since he has the Ki of Natural Royalty, and is able to
explode to beat anyone. Such a capacity is the inheritance of His Ancestors who fought for thousands of
Years. He is of the Nation Father. He Worships the Female. And the Queen keeps herself to the King.

Esoteric Energy: Leader, father, Crown, sword, Nation.

His Appearance:


High King

The High King rules above Lifes Difficulties. He Trains His People to Succeed. He Trains His Men to be
feared by other peoples. From Him comes the strength of the nation. The High King and His Voice are
Impressive. The High King does not seek the Nation to be stuck in a level of success, but always Expanded
Towards Heaven. The High Queen is punishing, crushing, towards all weak men. She is Mother, teacher of
Victoria. Of frightening Intelligence.

Esoteric Energy: Titanic strength, manliness, and Raising.

His Appearance:

This rank took place mostly during the times of ancient Norse Mythology.

High Queen


His Imperial Majesty does not divide Nation from Heaven, but makes of the Nation, Heaven. Majestic
Master of Life. Patriarchal, Commander, Judge.

Esoteric Energy: Empire, hardness, solemnity, inspection, martial art, people, foundation, rock, religion.

His Appearance:

The Mongolian Emperor Genghis Khan. This example shall cleanse the notion being a mongol is bad.
Let us focus on the importance of natural rank.



The Demigod wants to end evil in the world. Be it within the Kingdom or abroad. Not afraid for he is
Defender of Heaven. That is, he is a force of dimensional change, belonging to something greater than
man. His language is poetic, heroic, and captivating. Since he is a higher energy, he is a manifestation of
the ancestors of the Original Aryan, who did not speak, but sang. Feared by the weak.

A demigoddess Adores Superior Men and is of Intimidating Beauty. It is No small feat, she is mother of
such immense natural forces. Feared by all trash. A Goddess of Eroticism. Of unstoppable Will. The Force
is the purpose for Him, to be a Better Sword for the Principle. A Demigod lives for the Supreme Force, and
the Goddess lives for the Warrior, leading him to that Supreme Force, Accompanying, and Loving Him.

Esoteric Energy: Struggle, Heroism, Love, Loyalty, Passion, Commitment, Courage, Fanatic-Devotion.

His Appearance:



The Gods are Entirely Holy, and sometimes one can refer to them as "Divinity". And being their form of
the third dimension (where the Earth is located), or being their form Immortal (belonging to a higher
dimension after "dying") they are holders of the ability to protect, with physical capabilities and superior
intellectual forces, waving "paranormal" powers (belonging to higher dimensions). Aided by the same
Holiness they are: for those paranormal forces are the saints who already left this world. Only Goodness is
in the Heart of the Saint. He Is Master of what is Good. Defender of Heaven. He is the Presence of God,
which is the Origin of Life. Invincibly altering the Environment. Bringing changes to overcome the
charisma of Jehovah. The Gods exists to bring the Evolution to Man. They are Titanic. Destroying Power
against the Magian. They are Pure Satanic Energy.

Esoteric Energy: Invincibility, limitlessness, MAGIC, Spirit, Divinity, Satan.

His Appearance:


Let us remember the Superman was first represented using the symbol of a lion. The Goddess, in Satanism,
rejects the chalice of the Christ, and embraces the Superman.

These are the Natural Ranks.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

On the Use of this Work

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
This work may be partially or fully reproduced. Audio books from it can be made. Copies of these texts
can be circulated. The work can be shared as an electronic file, everywhere. Spreading the Holy Work
of Satya is an obligation for Heaven to arise.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!


Understanding the Value of Culture and how to cause Evolution and Involution for the Nation
The Envious Deceit of Judaism
The Ancient World before Judaism
The New Reality of the Plebeian Kingdom
Discovering Bastardy
The Consequences of World War 2
La Bourgeoisie
Natural Elite
The Value of Blood
The Subhuman
Alchemical Transformation of the Heart
Transcendence From Goddess Discipline
Impenetrable Autocracy
Anti-Nature Scum
Escaping from Life
A Viper That Teaches Lessons
Superhuman Compassion
Noble Feeling
Female Plebeian Threat
The Virtue of Being Nothing
Emotional Leech
Humble Envy
Invisible Assaults
Morrow Comes The King
Rome Reborn is the Revenge of the Saints
The Cilea Domina
The Mask of Satan
The Popularization of Eroticism
Christ Will Be Defeated and the Autocratic Power Will Win

What Is Supreme Today Is the Child of What Was Supreme In the Past
Having a Child: Inheriting Blood
Child Indoctrination
We Love the Superhuman
The Origin of Behavior
The Reputable Pseudointellectuals
Letters in the Hands of Plebeians
The Equal Tarantulas
The Enemys Conquest of Our Mind
Perpetual Rising
Both Sides of Failure
Temple to Our Body
Betraying Evander
Establishing the Monarchy That Is Like the Eternal Life of Honor
The Tombs of My Desires
The Sword of God: The Wrath of Vindex
Honoring the Hierarchy Empowers the Nation
The Quiet Rise of Power
An Altered Balance: The Last Phase of Judaism
Restorative Pilgrimage
Now Comes the Monumental Violence: Cosmic War - A More Powerful Love
Cryptic Vision
The Convalescent
Divine Woman
Our Great Longing: The Triumph of Love
Powerful Royal Justice
The Conversation of Their Majesties the Kings
Towards Clarity
The End of Snake Lord
A Penalty
The Zarathustrian Kingdom is the Philosopher's Stone
The Cry of the Best Man: His Suffering Is Invisible
Life is Protected by Autocrator
The Owner of Glory

Holy Wrath: The Tyranny of Cowards

Satanic War
VINDEX VICTOR: The Destruction of the New World Order
Manifest Destiny
World of Holiness

These are the Words of the Blessed Autocrator

God of the Superior Man
Who Represents the Superior Man
Thus Zarathustrians are Worthy and Invincible

The Road to Zarathustrianism

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus

A Change that is Forever, yet was not Imagined, and that Covers the Orb. The Zarathustrian Book will be
the School for the Entire Civilization. Teaching What is Important. What is attacked today is the Truth.

Evil is not penetrating despite opposition to it, but opposition to it, does not exist. We must realize it is like
everyone is a jew today. The Superior Man should not excuse his existence! The only way he questions, the

legitimacy of his existence, is, if he is raised by the ideological system of Judaism. We'll reveal what Judaism
is, why everyone is like a jew, and what to do. Through Judaism, the Higher Man Learns, the will of him
who wants him dead.

The Zarathustrian Book, containing all the knowledge to stop those who designed this ideology.

Vindex, besides being the name of a person, signifying "Avenger", it is also a function, of the legal system
of Rome. Being also its Meaning: Defender and Protector. That figure, which intervened in favor of the
debtor to free him from an unfair debt and submission to a creditor.

So we understand, what the NAME of VINDEX means, to all Zarathustrians.

The Jews thought of a world where all are indebted to them materially. And morally, they invented, they
are "good" and all others are junk, to the imaginary moral of them.

So thus they submitted the World. Human society has been licking the boots of this Jewish deception, for
thousands of years. Promoted slowly, has been the rise of the worst garbage. The Flower of Life has grown
into a fungus. And in this fungus are thousands of stars of David. The Jewish rubs his hands in celebration.
And all those who were elevated by the Jew, the humble. These motherfuckers who conspire against their
Superiors in all countries. Those who should not be Respected by the Superior Man.

The rebellion of garbage, has exiled us to the humiliating necessity of establishing a defense, allowing us to
restore the original nature. We the Lords of the Earth, have to Revolutionize against decorated plebeians.

Women are the sexual dreams of garbage, in this Jewish today, making reality the dreams of envious

The Natural men of these women, who are of the same class, defend the violation of the pariah over their
natural wives. Because everyone is ashamed of being "superior shit", having become the whores of all the
humble. Man is becoming lower and lower. He is nothing before the ancient man. These humble beings
established a structure that gives it all to the humble. So the best men are not known, in general, today,
and are randomly around. So those who hold the positions and wealth are weak ugly bugs. And so the
most beautiful and good, heroic and committed to defend good have nothing, compared to what the
humble has received. Evil conquered us. And any ego that will not accept it is allowing the continuation of
evil. This is called Judaism: the worshipping of the humble, and the destruction, preferably in the most sick
twisted, cruel, savage way, of he who is superior, aristocratic, or noble. Because they feel a lot of envy.

The Zarathustrian Revolution is the Greatest of All Time, To Re-Establish Nature, and Letting it Continue
in its Natural Way. Our Way is the Exaltation of the Superior Man. So He Becomes: Super Human.

The Zarathustrians must bow saying: "Vindex is Lord". And must say goodbye Saying, "Now Comes the
Monumental Innocence". These are symbols Important To Us. It must be so, until the end of the Day of
Wrath, when then we will say: "The Monumental Innocence Has Come".

Judaism is a disease on Earth, that will end all life, or cause an immune system, immune to Judaism
forever. The Beginning to this immune system, is Zarathustrianism.

The Zarathustrian Kingdom is an overwhelming light that sustains you in life, being all that exists outside
this life, only death. What is not Zarathustrian is Death. This work is intentionally explanatory, repetitive,
and addressed to all ranks in general. It is disintegrating, of Jewish magic, Jewish rituals. Jewish magic
referring to the manipulation the jew brought all over the Earth. Jewish rituals are social structures that
exist today and propaganda revolving around injustice. Designed to Brake Us. Our Zarathustrian Doctrine
is Disruptive, Destroyer of the wall brick by brick, Breaking the Jewish doctrine that everyone carries.

Since the mob is anyone not highlighted and the distinguished move in degrees of gallantry, minor
aristocracy, aristocracy, minor nobility, nobility, high nobility, princes, royalty, high royalty, emperors,
demigods and gods. The populace is divided into servants, plebeians, villains, slaves, pariahs, and
subhumans, towards hell. These are the biological ranks of everyone. Each of these ranks has specific
feelings. This is important to understand that Judaism comes from the heart of the lowest. Being what is
below a subhuman, a Homo erectus. Being what is less than a homo erectus, the ape. Being lower than the
ape, the reptile. Still below the reptile the fish. And inferior to the fish: the cell. Since this cell, is the
beginning of life. Before it: nothing.

But it must be revealed a harsh truth must be revealed. Judaism is serving, beings not of this world, that
we will be calling specters. A type of energy, that has no respect whatsoever, for the feelings of anyone,
not stopping its attack, no matter how much suffering, how much sadness, how much ruin, it has already
caused, to its victim.

Here is How One Becomes Zarathustrian: To Teach Getting out of Judea, and to Enter the Kingdom. Only
the Gracious is able to adopt Zarathustrianism.

First, the Neophyte level of consciousness, is a Children Ignorant. Being, automatically he moves according
to what he is taught. He does not understand that what you think is your education, being education both
of experience and of theory. He only respects what is immediately physical, not questioning the legitimacy
of power: thus "the state" is the authority to him. Since the being at this stage is not able to idealize and is
one essentially mundane: materialistic. Looking for physical certainty.

The trigger for the further expansion of consciousness is suffering. This suffering brings chaos to our order,
and forces us to seek new paths. This suffering forces us to seek the truth. To experience this suffering the
being should not be one of resignation but must be Noble.

The Temporary Order inflicting this pain which is Jewish, does not come from Natura, but from dementia.
Being the specters we spoke of, are behind every mental illness. Being there is no such thing as mental
illness. The person apparently suffering this, is actually connected to those things. His self, or her self, have
been eaten, by those things of evil and ruin. The person we see, is only a puppet. Only the physical body is

When the subject is able to separate his person from Jewish doctrines of the time, he can yearn for ideals
that are above the world in which he lives, and he can then question the capabilities of the rulers and the
justice system. Suffering moves and increases Noble Feeling. The easiest way to get out of doctrines is
going to scientific thought. This is what makes anyone dissatisfied with the doctrines of the past go to
science. Because evil exists and evil beings are not finished one wants to understand their behavior through
science. The previous prevailing ideology before scientific thinking is of course Christianity. The Christian
heart which proposes equality of all and peace does not give satisfaction to explain why these evil are evil.
Hence recourse to science. The continuation of evil makes any peaceful doctrine fall short before the ardor
one feels against them. One seeks justice! That is, every previous human doctrine including the science of
the time is discarded because it gives no direction. Here it is clear that Zarathustrianism is an ideology of
Nobles who have sufficient sensitivity to feel these things. Here the being moves towards a total opposition
to the previous values. Which will overcome resignation to continue living in failure and will help to cross
the bridge to the Superman. The Seeker of Truth is Ready to leave a tradition of Evil for Values that are
Only Holy. Thus he moves contrary to Jewishness, into the Satanic (Blessed it Be). Since the name of
"Satan" is the most opposite to all Judeo-Christianity and Islam. There is no tolerance for the scum but an

The Being becomes dangerous since he is the victim of an evil majority. Being he does not yet know
Zarathustrianism but just knows he hates this World. Here it begins the Greater Sunrise. Rays of Light, the
Sun Zarathustra, beginning to come from behind dark mountains.

Zarathustrianism is collector, like Great Farmer of the highest conclusions of previous ideologies that
humanity held, most Gracious, so that together with the Radical Will for the Extermination of Evil one can
reach the Holy Truth, the Final Synthesis: Zarathustrianism.

Thus Zarathustrianism protector of Goodness having recognized that it originates in the physical being
precisely in the "arrogant" envied that Zarathustrianism calls Superior Man. "Arrogant" also means "great,
great, great, great, sublime, admirable and insurmountable". Having recognized that this exceptional class,
Noble, is the source of all ideals of Good. Having overcome respect for jerks, mere physical violence, which
comes not from a supreme being who is holy but that came from an alliance of those who persecute the
saint. As the name of this alliance "the state". Having overcome compassion for the evil one, Christianity
proposed. And having overcome, scientific passive assessment of those who are powerful, dangerous and
harmful forces.

Only Zarathustrianism Gives us light. Zarathustrianism is the exaltation of Holiness in conjunction with
Tremendous Will to Defend It. The Zarathustrian is a bold fighter capable to climb a terrible wall which
top never catches the eye while bleeding this Brave One, gritting continues, with eyes that look up to the
Force. He still fanatically climbing. Friend Only to the Holy Spirit. Zarathustrianism Concludes:

1. The Superior Man should be favored in every conflict.

2. The best warrior has absolute authority.
3. Merit is to be rewarded.
4. Do not recognize the Superior and create crime.
5. The humble is undesirable and evil.

Throughout the book the Rationality Behind These Conclusions is Provided.

We Will Create Our Noble World, Ultra-Aryan and more than Aryan, Holy, of Heavenly Landscape.
Invincible and Supra-Martial We will be. World of Satanic Values. Feared and Victorious Deeply True to
Life. So we can say that the Monumental Innocence is Coming.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Message from the Autocrat: King of Supermen

"They think you do things against them because you do not behave like an
inferior. They ignore that Superiority exists because it's comfortable for
them. And then you're just a jerk.
You are happy and never think of hurting them, because you are Noble.
But they are naturally evil and interpret in your lack of reverence to them,
in your face, in the shape of your body, your skin color, your blinking,
coughing, and sneezing, or in the way you drink orange juice... in all of
this they interpret wickedness. Because they actually feel unconscious envy
for what you are, because you are Superior.
They do hidden damage to you to show to the world, to themselves, to you,
that you are not superior, and that they are not inferior because you're
stupid enough for them to destroy you. In reality this aggression, this
evil, proves they ARE INFERIOR.
Although they have this logic of teaching lessons, in reality they are
unconsciously cowards, that would never manifest in your face what they have
against you.
So we see these tiny creatures of evil leave after trying to fuck you
feeling completely moral, good and humble.
While your kindly feelings are constantly humiliated and crushed by dwarves
everywhere in the world, Dominated By the Ideology of Judea.
Unaware that the state is not a natural reality like the existence of the
sun they feel the whole of society protects them from you. And that you do
not destroy them because you know you are wrong and you're afraid.

Actually policemen and soldiers are not weak like them but strong, Nobles
like you.
But they are ignorant to the origin of the state, and are trapped in the
money game.
The state, money, and the thinking of all where the humble commands the

superiors, and is protected, came through the text called The Bible". The
ideology in this text is rightly called "Judaism".
It is a form of anti-nature determined not by mankind, but in ancient times
by a tiny clan in number called "the Jews".
Men and women extremely weak and wicked for life, wicked, sinister,
grotesque and cursed who invented a way of thinking as strong as their envy
to destroy whatever that is good".


Understanding the Value of Culture and how to cause Evolution and Involution for the

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
We expose the modernist ideology. When you want to say something is advanced you say unconsciously
and without thought that it is "modern". This modernism proposes or pedantically declares that progress in
civilization is equal to time; that it has the implication a civilization is superior to what it was in the past.
This Idea lacks Rationale. Terrible Mistake is to estimate that progress over time implies progress of
civilization or that this is True to Achieve Superiority. As a civilization can degenerate and may regress. No
evolution is permanent. The first rule of biology: the treaty or study of organic life dictates that what is not
used is lost. This rule was not determined by the undisciplined ego of someone but comes from the
observation of natural life: it is Understanding of the Immovable Original Design of Nature. An arm that is
not used atrophies, that is, it becomes extremely weak because organic life, physical bodies therefore adapt
to the conditions, environments, challenges and needs that arise. This is what allows the exercising muscle
to grow.

Exercise is a stress that damages the tissue of the body and the body responds repairing the damage and
increases the tissue as a defense and preparation for what is damaging to the body. Evolution is adapting to
the challenges.

Comfort, asking less and less to the body causes involution. The body adapts to the fight, and fits in the
comfort to be weaker because nothing is required. This adaptation combat inherited from parents to their
offspring. Through millions of years a being completely changes: he may evolve or devolve. Because life

forms, prior to the human being, from which humans evolved, lived lives of a lot of struggle and effort,
dangers and challenges, which started adaptation therefore today man is more powerful than these life
forms. Evolution is infinite. But the goal of involution is called "Death": This evolution and involution may
occur in both individual physical beings and entire societies and organizations.

If the conflict and the need to fight is removed the body will fall. Intelligence that is not used is forfeited.
And the culture that has covered the early 21st century is rotting human intelligence. It is Judaism
expressed since the death of Yeshua but closer to its true colors without masks. Increasingly close to what is
purely plebeian against Evolution. Also modernist relativism unfolds: the idea that everyone's opinion is
valuable and different. This ignores a meritocracy: there are levels of skill and effort. Not every opinion is
worth what another one that comes from he who fought more. Actually when this relativism or this
subjectivity is promoted everyone thinks what the Jew says. Because their views are fed by the Jewish media
and schools politically pressured because today Judaism governs. Another branch of this modernism is the
"Technocracy". This technocracy gives more importance to physical technology, devices, than to what is

Never before in history IQs had fallen so much. IQ is the speed of thought, the power of the brain to
process. Intelligence is the information held. If the IQ is low you can only access certain type of reasoning,
and certain levels of logic, no matter how much information you study. Increasingly complex thoughts
require further IQ. Therefore a mental degenerate dwarf can only resort to dwarfish conclusions.

A culture understood correctly is a system within a society or a people or a nation or country, there
intended to cultivate, nurture and develop the person within that society. Today's culture does not meet the
requirements to be called culture by definition.

Culture is not what is "nice" but what Elevates. It is not to give satisfaction to concupiscence. It was
discussed the health effect of excessive comfort. A Culture is causing Evolution of Being.

Culture thus cannot be a satisfaction emanating from the plebeian feeling. Today's culture has caused
destruction of all values because mockery of all things according to the natural plebeian character is

Never in history had there been as many suicides as today or 100 times less. They are caused by an
oppressive culture where all dreams and ideals are crushed, where the evil is victorious, the villain, the
criminal. Where the only answers to personal suffering are sadism. Naked apes tease feelings and the
natural anger that the Noble feels burning against them is being a freak. It is the Defense of Life: the
annihilation of disease entities hovering upon healthy life. We Are Nature.

But in the made up system where this evil is protected our anger should we nobles swallow. We should
regulate it through medication for the disease to triumph. We must attend conditioning therapy to learn to
respect them.

In the world upside-down there is a very disturbed notion that feeling is inferiority: for it is being a freak.
This is merely biological plebeian envy. This is the downward social cult of death.

The Sensitivity we uphold today is a life of Power, is it not being fragile.

Everyone, even the humblest come from evolution. By Will to Power all beings dropped from one cell to be
what they are today.

Any advocacy of animals should be detested. It is a misconception that animals have some virtue: simply
they lack the intellectual capacity to make mistakes and wrongs. And animals even without intelligence do
have teeth and claws with which they are responsible to crush other weaker animals.

Awarding them goodness is the mistake of the mind that is doing so. Man defeated them evolving millions
of years. And this achievement must be Honored. But this human is an attempt. A bridge he is between the
animal and the Super Human. A temporality. The Super Human is Our Goal. Everything that is low we
must reject to Reach this Evolution.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Envious Deceit of Judaism

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Zarathustrianism aspires to free life from the plebeian class resentment. For this Cause it is Mandatory to
rid us of the error that has endured for thousands of years, we must get rid of Judaism. Islam and
Christianity are also Judaism. Judaism is the ego of the Jew, Christianity is the ego of the European
plebeian, and Islam is the ego of Arab underclass.

This Judaism is the idea that the humble is superior to the strong.

This Judaism implies some kind of moral, a way of seeing life that is automatic and unconscious, but not
natural. Taught by the "culture" of this time. Since the death of the Nazarene Yeshua made famous this
Jewish doctrine. It is the magian worldview. The magian soul. Jewish Judaism is not separable from the
Jewish race and its destructive feelings for life. So true racism is exercised. Racism understood as
distinction of Races. Being separated from ignorant prejudiced racism. The Zarathustrian is deeply
disgusted at the humiliation of Personal Merit by prejudice.

Judaism, this form of moral doctrine or teaching that the humble, is heavenly, holy, divine, desirable,
untouchable, fantastic, wonderful, friendly, gentle, folksy, pretty, helpless and other stupidities, dementia
and poisons, founded on jealousy against what is Superior. It is anesthetic for the body for relieving pain
and a way to kill it without reaction. The Noble has furnished the low with his own feelings. This has
allowed the low forward power from their evil hidden under the guise of a "decency". The humble is
actually a bastard, a dwarf (being that "humble" means "small") dedicated to corrupt all values. Dedicated

to hurt others. A damn jealous one and pathetic weakling destroying everything. The humble are the
predators from Hell. To all of the humble regardless of their ideological mask or race, peace is the death of
the superior. Peace to them is to ruin superior life. Every superior man knows that this is so. But he will
not find confirmation for his feelings in those around him because they are generally plebeian.

The humble is dedicated lifelong to destroy through rumor, deception, manipulation, trick and rarely in a
physically direct way those who are higher, more beautiful, more perfect, smarter and stronger than him.

These Superiors Jewish culture called "the arrogant". When a humble calls someone an arrogant it can be
accurately translated as "superior shit". Certainly it is disgusting to us using their terms. But we must not
value what they are allotting our own nobility. We must see what is Truth. This is what the poor feels
when he calls someone an arrogant. It is not "superior shit" really, but it is what the envy and impotence
of the scum chose to call us. The lowness of the humble, ugly, low and vulgar (belonging to the rabble,
which is the same as plebs, now incorrectly called "the people"), living trash, burns extremely hot against
anything that is fucking superior. Their project is to ruin our life, we say it again. Zarathustrianism is not
the initialization of combat, but the defense of life.

We have so briefly that the whole doctrine of compassion for the dwarf, the low, and the charisma to
devastate and violate what is high is only unconscious envy.

The origin of this envy is when the Jewish slaves in Egypt made up their moral from that lifestyle. The
moral that was just described: the idea that the powerless, the weak, the stupid is sacred and the Superior is
shit. These Jewish slaves in Egypt in their meetings secretly began to feel very strange things. They began
to make up they were divine. They were an ultra evil people before being the jews. They were captured by
the Egyptians and punished with slavery. They re-directed their wickedness to create their ideology of
Judaism. They not only developed this to a level of inconsequential ideas but they created a "Lord", the
God of the humble. They put the whole world at the feet of their thinking through this Humble God.
Because this ideology allowed all the lowly, using a simple language: to think themselves a big deal. Not

because they achieved progress but because their envy crowned themselves Lord. This feeling was able to
break an ancient world that lasted 3000 years.

When the humble speaks of Jehovah he is speaking of his personal ego of scum. And the opposite god
called "Satan" is what is superior shit. In this figure of Satan Judaism gathered the opposite to the
baseness of the slave class. "Satan" means "adversary" within Judaism. "Satan" is the Opponent. "Satan"
means "Superior". So what Satanic means is the Noble Natural Life the Jewish came to fuck, the Original
Nature that the envious wanted to bury. Reiterating: all of it unconscious. In simpleton language: they just
dont see it. Judaism imagined a "heaven" for all the failures and "hell" for all those who were successful.

Today the situation is much more serious because no one believes in God or heaven or hell: not like a
general feeling. They eliminated their lord from the equation but kept the idea of humility because it's
convenient to them. So these weaklings even betrayed their own god who gave them freedom and power.

When a strong one feels compassion for a miserable dwarf the dwarf becomes the Lord and Master of the
Strong. The low cannot seize power through combat but the warrior began to feel pity and compassion
because of the Jewish ideology that became popular, famous and public.

There is an international coalition that comes from the fact that the humble reproduced much more than
the nobles dedicated to sink and dishonor the noble worldwide. Hence the abuse that any man who
outstands in daily life experiences. It comes from judaism.

The scientist Charles Robert Darwin discovered and explained the process of evolution. But we want to
refer to his cousin Francis Galton who was the creator of eugenics which is the science of selective human
reproduction to create superior children also called eugenetica. This man of great intellect being he died in
1911 long before all this evil circus as intense today feared the low would reproduce more than the nobles
and would end up destroying the species. Plebeians are destroyers. Their existence is like a corrosive acid.

Namely the rule by the humble because it comes from dementia, envy and resentment and not from the
Force, will eventually destroy EVERYTHING. The weak have evil intentions because they are weak. This is
not pronounced by the strong because he is comfortable doing so. We are not wimps issuing opinions. Our
Suffering is Great. The Strong does not carry a will to hurt anyone but the weak dedicates himself to
damage the Superior Man, every day. Nor is it that the "poor ego" of the Strong interprets as damage that
which is not damage. Throughout the work it will become clearer how the weak is dedicated to conspire
suffering against who is better than him. And he is never stopped because everyone pities him. And how
only those who are bastards like him who are the majority are not aware of this disgusting evil.

They are descendants of anti-Aryan savages who do not deserve life.

Because the low one is not the same as the noble man in a weak version but he is someone with a desire to
do harm. They feel very differently. This feared event has taken place, this mass reproduction of Evil. The
man who outstands cannot expect to lead a normal life which is respected and where he is to find fair
remuneration for his achievements and merits but he is constantly under attack by inferior people because
of Judaism. The humble use phrases like "you try too hard". And they decide those who work harder are to
be humiliated.

The lowest ones are in a mad rebellion against all natural values. They are covered and protected by nobles
called "armed forces" and police who do not know what Judaism is. The current rulers who command these
social forces are generally part of the lower class. They therefore share their harmful values. Those who
issue laws that dont protect Nobles are plebs.

Everything below is envious. The bottom is in fact the envious and no other. Since Zarathustrianism Closes
Doors, to those who live off Hubris, and seek our Ideology, to elevate themselves to hurt others. Stressing
that Zarathustrianism does not condemn someone as inferior because he is not powerful. Zarathustrianism
exercises no discrimination against someone without justification but merely points out and stops the
envious against the law of life. Discrimination is a tool to protect life when in the hands of the Superior.
But discrimination of the weak against the strong is to destroy life.

The lower have grown accustomed to be protected and they think they are the Lord. They demand things
which they are not entitled to because there is a general cultural notion that they are important. Their envy
is reinforced at all times not only because the majority thinks like them but because it is the focus of most
TV shows. Since virtually all programs without exception now talk of a superior or display someone that is
superior and the attack begins. This artificial infracultura of the lower has exiled and dehumanized
superiors in the popular view. But paradoxically the Superior is more sophisticated in his racial quality and
experiences more intense feelings than those of the low, and suffers greatly this dishonor and this
aggression. Thus we see that nature and real life is exactly contrary to the idea that the weak suffers and
must be protected. Since the weak feels weakly. And the higher man that in Jewish society is seen as not
needing anyone or anything is the one that feels the most. This fact repeated throughout the book for full
understanding. The humble is less sensitive without exception. This way of being passes as virtuous within
judaic society because it is confused, seen as temperance and pacifism. Unconsciously he is rewarded by the
other slaves because he is a good slave, he is like them. The superior, whose natural sensitivity cannot
withstand abuse is seen as a dangerous antisocial freak. Because the true dangerous antisocial freaks made
an alliance to fuck his life. The strong has the natural right to seek to live in dignity with all of his
achievements and distinctions recognized by the society in which he lives. However within the ideology of
Judaism that passes for "lack of humility". It is the slave reviewing the Master. It is the unconscious hatred
against the Master Kind. Distinguishing morality and worldview of the natural slave from morality and
worldview of the natural Master. The unconscious resented one sets his injustice on the life of his superior.
Judaism buries the top but rises the bottom on purpose. Judaism kills healthy life and protects sick life on

Intentionally things are given to those who do not deserve such things because the powerless empathize
with others like them, in conspiracy against the strong. For if the man of merit is recognized those without
merit are removed, their imaginary heaven is over. Judaism has shown that attitudes about the powerless
and resentful are Virtue. There is confusion because these attitudes are masked with good words. The
strength of this system of envy makes most opt for acting "humble", small, for the neighbor not to destroy
them in envy. Thus Judaism is an insane charisma, invisible and unconscious, which looms to destroy
things and that would have no reason to exist. It is a temporary accident. It should be noted the difference
between nobles and commoners. What is a commoner? A commoner is he who does not OUTSTAND at
anything. The Nobles are the Distinguished Ones.

The Noble is one that stands out above anything that is low and vulgar. One way to mask Judaism is the
preaching of "equality". Learn your thing, there is no equality, equality is masked envy. Who would
equality benefit? The one who is EXACTLY mediocre. Equality is an idea promoted for the benefit only of
the "equal", the collective majority of those who are exactly mediocre and descend from ancient scum.
Equality is an anti Holiness that all of us above the rabble despise. The Superior is the closest one to
Holiness. Who is Superior? He who loves the Superior Man. And because this top is not part of the equal
mass, the majority, the mass of non-achievers, they radically despise us. But they also despise those who are
even lower than they, for example: those sick in their bodies, the disabled, and the mentally ill.

These low ones have never been for justice, but for the expansion of the will, the ideal garbage of a specific
class. Because they are many it is believed to be a consensus of many different people but they are all a
single class. They are the Plebs. And this Plebe hates the Natural Superior, the Gracious: the Aristocracy,
the Nobility.

For those who dont matter, these irrelevant ones, the highest one is an "asshole" because he exists, so it is
the unconscious envy in this damn insect destroyer of life.

Corrupted and upside down are all natural values. That is, admiring the little jerk and yet the truly good
man is seen as slow and dumb. Since he has superior biological capacities to be more vicious than them,
but precisely because he is superior he wants to live in Good. The cretin is a commoner released and the
kind man is a natural noble being within Judaism the plebeian glorified and the noble detested because as it
was stated Judaism is the feelings of the slave. Judaism is the sound to which the mob dances to.

He who loves the bottom hates the Superior. Anyone without exception who cares for the weak mistreats
the Strong. There is no welfare for the weak without destroying the Strong. When you think about the
lower you vanish the Superior. Our death is required for the weak to smile. The new anti-racist ideology is
a war against all established purebreds because it promotes racial mixing. Especially looking for the
extermination of the white race that is European and that produces the most envy. And also looking at the
contamination of oriental nobility of which Japan is example including Korea and that has representatives

in China. These nobles are attacked by Judaism because they are Superior. The anti-racism implanted a
negativity in the natural appreciation of one's own race. And makes the ignorant manipulated one see as
virtuous and positive because of this social pressure by the infinite tide of humble assholes to seek a race
that is not his. Racial mixing is promoted by popular attack against those who do not agree. Promoted this
racial mixing for harmony being the genes of the lower races when mixed dominate or prevail and the
son or daughter comes out like the parent lowest in the relationship. This Jewish mixture benefits only the
low being that their children become stronger but the higher men disappear. A few years of racial mixture
dilutes the top of every country and only trash remains. It is a way to conquer by the low. When races mix
races cease to exist. So in the name of this mixture extermination is given to the people invisibly.

Until 2010 this interracial propaganda did not exist, nothing close to one thousandth of the current
intensity that is. The way the stupid mob attacks the "racist" makes people fear being "racist", just like
humility is there not to be envied. All of this was introduced through television according to the Illuminati

Through this social pressure you can introduce almost any man and almost any woman in an interracial
relationship. Reiterating, natural rejection for inferior races is blocked from the mind by the new culture
for it is punished. And so the person is delivered to the lower out of compassion and grief and guilt of
being superior. Because Judaism teaches the insane satisfaction to the feelings of the slave.

Because the slave moved to kill the Master and crowned himself Lord and this buried history and feelings
of love. As if the Master never existed. Thus the Master is not Remembered. So everyone lives thinking that
the humble is the Master: this criminal. With lower reptilian cunning the inferior one conquers.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Ancient World before Judaism

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Before Yeshua was the world and it Was Purity. It was Contrary to Judaism. It is this Judaism what came
to rape our eyes. In the original nature the low are disgusting, frightening and we want to crush them like
poisonous bugs. Nobody suffered this because it was NATURA. The Jew brought a virtual equality to live
with these beings and even beyond to reproduce with them. It should be understood that there is no
"humble", there is evil.

Today it is suffered by the tide of natural unfair ones that the King sits on His Throne because we live in
the surreal twisted and perverse dream of all the low. The Nasty DWARF Says So: "Man Supreme, do you
understand not that I do not have to fight you? I can rise myself without any merit talking about my god,
talking about my invisible envy.

The Ancient World was Possessor of Purity. There was a Natural Worship for the Superior Man and this
feeling was never betrayed. There was Respect. Breaking this was bringing death. That is, bringing
immorality causing the will to die.

In Natura the subject will not reproach anything to his Lord not in a single one of the days that make up

Without the intervention of Judaism in history the various peoples of the Earth would be thousands of
times Superior to what exists today. Therefore no progress can be awarded to Judaism. Judaism is only the
progress of what is low. Any progress after the Nazarene came from Natural Nobles. Before the Nazarene
people naturally raised in worship of the Best and from this Royalty Was Born. Before Yeshua there was
not a worship of evil. Death wears a mask and on its forehead Humility is written.

When the Superior Man forgave inferiority the lower began revenge. Yeshua brought the destruction of
life. Heroic Struggle was Crushed by envy of the powerless.

The Heroic was removed and only the coward remained. Yeshua is the entity that destroys worlds. Fighting
was replaced by cynicism. Even then there was no hubris. The man who acclaimed his rank was Honored.
Now everyone is suspicious of everyone, everything is an underestimation of merit and an apology of trash.
It is believed that the trash is "real" and all superiority is "pretension".

In the world of Judaism necessarily everything one says of himself is "probably a lie. In their world where
hubris is force the man who acclaims his achievements is "insecure". Hooker-plebs say: "you are so
insecure that you need to talk of your own accomplishments seeking attention. You want to be loved and
you do not understand that love is weakness and is something from stupid shits. You lack hubris entirely.
You do not understand that a commoner regardless of what he has achieved at all is valuable. And you
fight because you do not have hubris and only have insecurity. Oh, Terrible Traps! They may also want to
tell us: "You have so little confidence in yourself you have to beat the homo sapiens. Being the one that is
not heroic does not glorify himself prior to Judea because Glory comes from effort. No commoner has the
right to self-promotion, this is Hubris.

And they have buried feelings. When you crush love it becomes lost. Judea thus is the Absence of Love.
Today it is no longer understood what one feels for the Monarch. Today it is not understood. Because
nature and natural Majesty were stolen by an alliance of commoners called "the state". Just as today it is
being promoted to break the love between man and woman being successful this in worldviews of entire

She Suffered great pain, Joan of Arc, when there was still a government by nobles in spite of Judaism
having come to Earth where the populace still not that high when her country was invaded and when she
before the living King not crowned yet this woman who imposed her presence upon all men kissed the feet
of him she loved, her Monarch and said, "Why are you not King, as is your right, Why?". Distressing is
that the King is not recognized.

For If the King is not the King... someone else is. If the Natural King is not the bearer of the Crown, the
Crown does not disappear but it will be carried by the one who is unworthy of the Crown. Being the
Crown understood as the Power of Leading People.

The Jews have been promoting all evil to break these feelings that their Jewishness does not feel since
ancient times when humanity was filled with longings and when peoples with their Kings existed separated
from the Jews. The King is coming to take power away from the Jews. From them comes the appalling
contrast between the moral of the past and the death wish of today.

The Bible of the Jews which pretends nobility attacks the immorality of an ancient world where we are
described of all horrors that are normal today and that were the normal everyday attitude the Jews
themselves had when they worshiped Moloch, a dark idol they sacrificed infants and virgins in flames to.
So intentionally they sacrificed the purest of their society. The immoral society attacked on the Bible is
actually Jewish society which existed and exists today. The space between the past and the present when
such evil had not an allowed expression in our Society, when there were values of Kindness and Decency is
due to the interpretation of Nobles of such Judaism. We could call it "The Noble European Christianity" or
"Martial Christianism". Light that came not from the Christ but from the Heart of the European Noble.
This Jewish ritual of slaughter against the pure one of the ancient world have the humble inherited and
they dedicate their lives to chase after the Noble everywhere. This kind of wickedness did not exist in any
people of Noble Blood in the ancient world. Our duty is to Recover This.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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The New Reality of the Plebeian Kingdom

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
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The weak mixed with the strong because they wanted to conquer the strong. Then they taught the
strongest warriors to protect the weak and strong women to love the weak. This is the Kingdom of the
Commons, the Plebeian Kingdom. Violence in the name of the weakest. No insult against the lowly goes
unpunished in Judea but the destruction of all that is not humble is Upheld. The Superior Man must live
under the disrespect made up by the envious. Commoners are malignant from the start of their lives until
the end. They are a force forever treacherous. They are a cult of death. The Kingdom of the Commons is
the world where things do not turn around the King but revolve around the commoners.

Too many fools think themselves tough and smart and sharp in their opposition to the Spirit of Kindness.
And they have replaced this Majesty with the state. Pathetic idol worshipers. Worshipers of rocks, rivers
and all that is inert and low they are. They are ignorant of the difference between the people and the state.
The People, the Country is the Will of its Members: the Realm. But the state is fixed law on paper
distanced from serving the people.

The Sole Authority to be Respected is precisely that which Descends from God being the best of the people
is God. He is King. The Superior Man is God Himself. The best among all men is God. This must never be
forgotten. And this is the Truth.

They live in a temporal dementia that they cannot see. They comfortably believe they hold power. It does
not belong to the weak to talk about God! God is Superiority! There is not a God of the low, weak and

miserable! Yet there is a low, weak and miserable ego. Let us remember the ego of the inferior exists to
hurt life but the worldview of the Strong is Most Healthy for the Entire Life. The miserable cannot permit
himself to believe in God. It Would be too hard for him. He Fears the Judge Greatly. And above that roof a
greater terror, to discover the TRUE God is not for them but for him who is their old enemy! The Superior
Man. This is the Supreme Terror to all those who are miserable.

God was never humble ego. God never was the imaginary spirit that all the humble prayed to in hope to
bash the Superior Man. Both the Terror towards Autocrator and the Trust One Feels For Him are proof of
What He IS. He is Rex Mundis. And it's not because he can exercise Admirable brutal power. This being
distanced from understanding the Holy Spirit.

They Indoctrinate and flatten the High One until he serves trash. The low respects the power of sword
only. But the first choice for God is never the sword but Salvation.

The King is no other entity than the most Beneficent. He who will never change. One who is GOOD. One
who even at maximum correction is GOOD. Actually this capacity is the Most Precious in the UNIVERSE.
The God conceptualized by the mind of the low: the cruelest one. Because they admire this socially
plebeians respect the cruelest and spit upon kindness. This is the difference between plebeian values and
noble values.

Whoever trusts the Zarathustrian King will have his love and whoever fears Him will have Terror. His
Majesty is a mirror. No need to fear the Kindest One unless you're the Opposite to that Goodness.

Before this Majestic Goodness evil is Absurd. To the King evil is unbearable and he will first remove his
own life than bowing to evil. For It Highly Reliable is REX and the Zarathustrian Hierarchs who resemble
REX. Autocrator is the sea in which evil sinks. The Lord is a Light Cloud Overwhelming blackness. This is
what is Divine.

This differentiation between Good, Health and Vitality, and the bitter darkness of Judaism can be
distinguished in the very words being that the word itself is not more important than the intention.

Since the Enemies to Our Spirit are working to destroy our lives through small details and words.

Who is right in every conflict? The One who is at greatest suffering is the one in reason: the most sensitive.
The most advanced and it is this sensitivity that is the Highest Kindness. The One to whom an event
would cause the greatest suffering. The Superior Man is the Most Sensible. This Superior Sensitivity is
what needs most. And so this Being is the one Worthy. The humble is neither the one who suffers more
nor the one who needs because his suffering and need are humble in size. Therefore the Superior Man
rightly deserves. Commoners always longed insulting Nobles they could not touch. And when the Plebeian
Kingdom came to exist they saw the opportunity to downgrade everything saved and today their revenge is
constant humiliating and destroying everything a Noble Heart Loves. They see the opportunity of insulting
a superior and it is not wasted. Because they want to turn your brightness into what they are, inferiority.
Equality is not a liberation from oppression. It is the murder of natural authority, this authority stolen to
be carried by the one who murdered the Lord. In Our Kingdom subhumans will be exiled from our
Society. Found and sent to prison or to the sword. Commoners like ruining something bigger than
themselves. And they also like only that which is a wrecking force of great things to expand. In the white
walls of Our Realms inhabits a Light that repels them. They fear the Crimson Robe of the King Autocrat
King of Saints. The Mighty Autocrat is the danger of the crowd and its injustice. The Zarathustrians are
the Idealist Warriors marching towards the Holy Land. Our Home. Where we no longer bow to the
mediocre and evil. Those who have infested our Earth with their insufferable presences.

And this world so strong in Our Hearts, so just and bright, so Rightful is more real than the "reality" of
failed beings that burn forests, that feed on tears, who abort their children in the womb and want to pluck
out the shinning eye. While their dull eyes roll to refute. For they are living failures and we are the Natural
Life. The worst of them descendants of the rape of a Princess and corrupted Kings.

The Strong are children of parents who struggled but the weak descended from dirty blood, disinherited
descendants of lazy and dishonest weasels hence their envy. Race not being what the mundane eye sees but
racial supremacy being the ability to feel kindness.

Not being the King only carrying the Crown but he who carries the mind, the most tremendous vision and
gracious will to command the obedience of society to build the Best World. When the ignoble slut gives a
lesson in humility, that is, commits any damage to his Superior this stupid ignoble does not understand
that such an action proves the cheapness in him not otherwise. Nobles should stop running isolated from
Life, from non-important ones and must become Masters. Again. By the Grace of Autocrator they must
become Masters. For this God has come to save them. The Nobles of the world must join for the creation
of tomorrow. When Nobles stop helping the ignoble who envy them and want to see them bled and killed
everything will change forever. What Zarathustrianism Manifests is the Only Truth. Watch out for the
ideologies that are distractions for the Jews to establish their annihilation on life. To the commoner hurting
and bleeding love is so very funny. His lifelong damage is very funny. In love with a cult of death everyone
rolling to the abyss.

Those who do not love, those who do not matter, these ignoble envious humble people, whore people: live
off the Love of Nobles and Saints. The structures and the welfare created by Nobles and Saints. To destroy
life Jewish magicians need to eliminate Nobles. Unable to kill them at once they have established a ritual
which is this world for the Noble to rot from birth to grow as a slag, physical and mental. And that if he
developed Noble plebeians constantly emboldened against Nobles give him death. This system made for
trash makes cheating assholes esteem themselves victorious because they are rewarded with money,
admiration from others assholes and the love of women. In nature this speck has nothing. The Noble has
no money, the treatment towards his life is indifferent and the woman thinks that he is the lowest. The
claim of this noble against the system is seen antisocial, and envious. Points out, what the commoners do
not deserve, that they took from him and in the new system where the noble sentiments were destroyed,
the denunciation by this noble is unlawful. They are an Empire of Envy.

They lick their lips ups and down to destroy life but do so with kindness, interracial sex, tolerance, "human
rights", compassion and "affection", and believe that the Holy One "complains" to harm "society". HE IS

SOCIETY! But they THEY are the destroyers of society. The malignant reproduced in mass, they think
their number titles them "society". They think they are real life but real life is the Noble and the humble is
an invading evil on the Noble Domain of the Earth.

Part of this system of the Revenge of the low against the high, feminism, which turned women into the
"great cheap whore". Since the woman is used without being loved she is hurt emotionally. She develops
cruelty and disregard for life. Many stupid ones manipulated by feminism believe themselves to be free but
they live in perpetual depression. Irrelevant is the formal definition of feminism or any ideology: for every
ideology must be understood through its application in everyday life. They change the girl, they change her
admiration for flowers into admiration for a cemetery. Turning the cheerful woman into what is gloomy.
Feminism is a jewish trick to take from women the protection of men. The dwarves at night while she slept
whispered in her ear that the man who fights for her wants to buy her and is a "retrograde" reminiscent of
the old nobles and the one for which she is a sexual object, the humble, does nothing for her because he
has "dignity". But to this weakling she is less than nothing. Because this humble has little manhood. For
Judaism established as false sanctity, the idea the humble is good and this new great feminist bitch
intentionally seeks the weak and feels bathed in virtue. Combined with interracial propaganda that says her
natural feelings are evil so she experiences love for her race as evil and becomes the sexual satisfaction of a
dwarf. She feels so very good and this dwarf knows very well he has reached the unreachable. He scratches
his head wondering why she despises the superior man who this dwarf envies and admires but wont be
foolish enough to say it someday. The failed one who is always a failed one achieved glory, the glory he
never conceived and never deserved. The superior man made for his natural woman is aborted in the name
of humility. His strength, his beauty, his merits and his desire and longing for her are ignored and are
replaced by weakness, jerkness, ugliness, meanness, misery, indifference and cowardice of the new ignoble
crowned as Lord.

Those wishing to move into the future must renounce to their previous identity and personality. Learning
what is Noble. Without fear of the taunts by insignificant ones for all of their mockery is envy. They wish
they could be Noble and since they cannot they must hurt us. If they let the Superior Man grow their
trashy society will be removed. Autocrator does not despise those who come to Him. And So is every
Zarathustrian. We do not despise because we do not fail to recognize. On This Approach There will be no
despising. Justice recognizer is Autocrator. Zarathustrianism respects repentance. For everyone is a
philosopher whether he knows it or not. Each one has had his way of seeking truth. Whoever can

demonstrate he is not superfluous by a change of heart must do so. Those who are only fillers are wrong.
Those who choose to continue spitting on life will be removed from life. Their life is the bane of happiness
for the future. This kind of being that does not want to be with the community but wants to set fire to the
town, to the place which he inhabits. If you pay attention you will see on streets Nobles have sadness in
their eyes but insignificants are happy. Because this world is accommodated to them, to their immorality.
Because this is the Plebeian Kingdom. Our Nightmare their dream. The world where their dreams came
true. And the success of their dreams Wiped out Superior Men.

We bring the true definition of "democracy" that should not be missed: "tyranny by the ignorant masses".
Democracy is a modern cult and being modern it means it is commoner-avenger. Nothing from the
populace is good. It is true previously there were virtuous men honored by democratic systems and this is
good and right because democracy should be a meritocracy: government by the deserving. But after the
expansion of anti-virtue in society, this is the approach to the final draft of Judaism against Life: then some
of the worst buffoons began to be voted to be rulers. So he who knows nothing determines the future
including the future of Geniuses. Democracy parading as truth being that the peoples throughout history
were Ruled by Kings who were the best of the people, it was always so. The humble ignoble comfortably
refutes any knowledge that smells like the Truth through laughter. Thus his stupid laughter blocks the
words of the Holy so he cannot be heard.

The only god the ignoble respects is the modern state ruled by insignificants manifested more intensely in
the 21st century so the ignoble only respects the physical violence that this state exercises. A damn coward.
The ignoble cannot respect someone as natural norm if no punishment is guaranteed. The ignoble attempts
to undermine and damage if he thinks he will go unpunished. He dares to everything. If nobody stops the
plebeian torturing a noble this plebeian has no limits. Plebeians are cunning and teach many lessons in
humility. The lowness of the lackluster burns in anger at the success of his Superior. And because his
baseness burns this ignoble retaliates.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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Discovering Bastardy

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
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The European Kingdoms and those Nobles of Asia defended by their Champions with maximum fervor
today are in impunity invaded by ignoble anti-Aryan immigrants. Through propaganda mind tricks and
policies issued by plebeians in power to rule with no honorable combat these anti-Aryan invaders come to
take noble women, to kill all men by not allowing their offspring and they slowly turn the nation into
something anti-Aryan like them until that original nation they invaded never exists again.

The racial mixing among the elite, among nobles is not to be understood as mixing or as undesirable.
When the high mixes with the low even being this low one of the same race apparently but without having
the common lineage among the Elite of the Earth: this is mixing and the result is bastardy. Just like the
mixing of a doberman and a dachshund being such thing monstrosity or just like the mixing of a horse and
a donkey. What could come of it? A deformed and ruined being which will never be the tenth part of his
ancestor in strength. A weak and unjust one suffering for what he is and who wants to extend his suffering
to others. A being who lives in a limbo between strength and weakness. And it has been taught empathy is
agreeing with this type of being.

If the weak takes the woman he is taking life because without the woman there is no man: and the
Superior dies: the son of the weak lives. Therefore the Noble should understand he owns Noble women.
Because he comes from them and because they are him. And because they are his continuation. The
Understanding that they both are One. Man and Woman together are the species. Composed by Heritage:
Physical Strength of Man, and Marriage: Family of which the Woman is Beginning and Axis. Bastardy
must Zarathustrians fight against. For it goes against Nature.

When the inferior gets a Superior woman it is vendetta against the Superior Man. It is a form of raping
him. It is his very own personal way of disappearing his Superior blood. It is a sexual revenge. It is
climbing to what does not belong to him.

If one is like the ancient nobility and has lowly biological parents they are not ones parents. These lower
parents are a container which transmits the DNA. They are nothing more. Parents are the ancestors who
were like us a long time ago.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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The Consequences of World War 2

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
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What are the consequences of the world having conspired against the Reich? What has been the impact of
this on life?

At the same measure the Nobles of the world met in Total Combat allowing civilians to be relatively safe,
policy to defend the weak that has existed for thousands of years named "Judaism", the Nobles were killed:
most of the best Aristocrats and Nobles: the best of humanity.

The majority of the most beautiful ethnicities the Earth had ever seen were lost. For those awake by the
charisma of the Reich which rose to Defend European blood from Jewish plans were faced by the
descendants of Europe itself but manipulated by Judea. So the best killed each other. Hence the Earth today
in the time of this book is full of bad blood.

On the side of that Reich rose an anti-capitalist and anti-zionist force being:

"Zion" is the name of the state in which the Jews have destroyed every Gentile in the world, everyone not
Jewish and govern themselves as inheritors of the Earth according to the word of their imaginary god
Yahweh. Succeeding by manipulating all nations using the ideology of Judaism to compassionately give the
power of money to the Jews because their Bible teaches that are reliable people. The international bankers

are Jews today. For Gentiles to hate their own heroes because they are not "humble". For through
interracial advertising being able to destroy the European Hero forever. To through pornographic
propaganda morality to be annihilated. So that women are objectified. For the love for them no longer to
exist. Being also women who have the notion the man is just looking for a disgusting act of copulation
learn not to feel love for him.

These Jews fear the Asian martial type too. Today there are plans and actions to contaminate the race of
Japan with the inclusion of blacks. Being Japan is a pure breed. And being Japan an expression of the
Aryan Race.

Let us remember judaism is ruining what is Superior. The Zarathustrian doctrine must be repetitive and
explanatory against their infinite invisible attacks.

Along with this attack against Japan the United States of America seeks the invasion of North Korea. This
country whose absolute isolation and military power is a hope for humanity and a threat to the plans of

The oriental does not experience compassion like the European which was worked for the European to end
up worshiping the Jews. But this oriental understood relieving the difficulties of life through a different
way: that of temperance.

Europe has been the great foundation of Jewish thought for the Jews to take the world by manipulating
such a powerful race.

Through the ideology of Judaism compassion for lesbians and gay men has risen and when the Lord pities
the weak the weak become his lord. Today already established lesbian and gay political mafias that
discriminate against heterosexuals. Being them in every social sphere. This is part of the War on Nature

established by Judea. The origin of the homosexual or lesbian is bastardy. The homosexual hates women.
The lesbian hates men.

The plan is to cause war and conflict so that combined with the general demoralization Gentiles accept the
Jewish tyrannical government. To finally systematically exterminate all of the nations of the Earth. By
introducing ideologies opposed to natural wellness causing the will to die.

The plan has been to introduce the ideals of the Jehovah and then remove them leaving the Gentile in an
abyss of nihilism, not believing anything anymore, in disappointment, hopelessness, anxiety and suicide.

Thus the Jew manipulates love and then breaks. Since Jews are so bad that if they were to establish Zion
they will kill each other because that's what they do: destroy.

To the Reich, Italy and Japan joined, peoples of purity who wanted a world without Jewish capitalism and
without their damn poisonous Judaism. They did not let them be FREE. Well Contrary and Opposed to
this movement a whole world deceived. Because he who is indoctrinated in Judaism is defender of Judaism:
it is his world.

Top leaders of the Jews: the Rothschild those who run the New World Order today through their financial
power activated propaganda campaigns to lure the people of the world against the Reich. And literally the
alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan with few other allies in the form of little organizations, for example in
Africa, had to hold TOTAL COMBAT against the rest of the Earth. Driven these madmen against the
Reich by the Magian feelings of humility teaching lessons to the Superior Man. There was a war against the
Nazis and it was a war against Superiority.

Proud are the ignorant of the death of the Reich but the consequences that are not in the propaganda
documentaries financed by Jews are: The ignoble were taught they can win in mass against the Aristocrats.

The beginning of their most intense disrespect. And being over a million german women were raped by the
invading forces the inferior became Most Sacred Respected as Kings and the Superior is now seen as
arrogant, idiotic and dangerous. The expansion of US influence in the world being the United States is
the most powerful Illuminati company. The most ruined people by pornography and holding the maximum
military power. Since the Illuminati infiltrated the time when the country was founded and have been
corrupting its original ideals. The United States being conquered by capitalism and Russia conquered by
communism. Both Powers under sinister Jewish games.

Another consequence is that the Jews imitated Hitler being he was the first Superstar in history gathering
audiences who came to him and appearing on camera. So the Jews realized the power of this and created
the concept of "celebrity", an immoral destroyer of values commissioned to serve the agenda of Zion
manipulating the masses using his butt or his plain mediocrity.

The average gentile does not have the intellectual capacity to distinguish this manipulation. The Illuminati
manipulation is evil above the human mind. The manipulated one is carried away by the emotions evoked
in music and film and confuses those emotions with actors and singers being God. These emotions evoked
earlier in the ancient theater and temples of the Gods, as well as in the Worshiping of the King: the True
Leader of the People.

Therefore understand where your opinions and personal taste come from: they come from TV, movies,
books and what everyone repeats every day. Ideas revolving around the Judaism of the present era and
exquisitely designed to destroy the Gentile. The way in which the Gentiles have been manipulated like
puppets to destroy all values in the name of "progress". This reality is Frightening. That which has been
allowed is frightening. Therefore many prefer to ignore it. But it cannot be sufficiently explained the
stupidity of taking this course of action. The jews have not won and must be stopped instantly. The fear
must be replaced by a reliance on Zarathustrianism. Nobles should all enter the service of humanity within
their capabilities to Perform the Rescue of Life. The omission in this attitude will be the end of life.

All work all days for the benefit of the jew because money is a jewish system. A system to with a piece of
paper break Honor, Pride and Strength. All money goes through jewish banks.

To Us the Heroic Combat against this evil belongs. Their New World Order, their New World Evil will be
established by 2020 account of the Nazarene at the latest, being possible for it to arrive by June of 2018.
Reiterating that this war is not only physical but invisible mental manipulation. Everyone will be in love
with death and any suspect will be prosecuted by the new world order state. So it begins a will to empire by
the humble like never seen before. Today death is worshiped through horrific music and general
dehumanization. The awakening is urgent.

The rabble is at borderline psychosis. Every time they become more daring. The lack of action against it
makes them think theyre right. It is sufficient to hear their everyday conversations containing constant
cruelty, sadism, mockery of suffering, extreme violence, permissibility of the violation and laughter at the
war they ignore. This rabble only requires a gentle nudge to set loose. Precisely the violence of the mob, it
will be a great foundation to justify to the idiotic popular opinion the New World Order.

The Reich represented saving Europe from what was a jewish campaign to destroy it, a campaign that is
alive to this day.

The European is not like the life that is not European but with different looks. He is the one who has
shown to have a psychological structure of Nobility, of value without-equal. We cannot allow this to be
lost. But the anti-nobles do not care. Defending what is Noble must come from Nobles. Certainly those
supposedly Europeans who do not agree with the Virtues of the Historical Europe distanced from all
Heroism are not included in the description of the Nobility that just took place. They are the plebs in
Europe. And theirs is not the opinion to assess what comes from the above. And theirs is not the Judgment
to define what in Life Matters Most. Without the Nobles the jews have the open space to comply with all of
their agendas.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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La Bourgeoisie

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
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A Heavy and Hard Zarathustrian Hammer Breaks the chains of the judeo-capitalist monetary system!
Everyone believes the infallible indicator that can demonstrate who is superior, who is high or low is little
money. In the form of a piece of paper outside the physical body. Or some numbers on a computer that
represent wealth. The jews promoted issuing paper notes that represented wealth. The little money
invented by the Jew is an anti nature system in the hands of bandits. Under the excuse that it was
impractical to carry precious metals our enemy brought banking. So far we have a logical foundation but
the evil of the jew showed up when he began lending money in the form of pieces of paper, in the form of
bills to those without it representing using the power of imagination savings in the bank of the Jew. The
jew discovered he could lend infinitely more than what was saved in precious metal in his bank because
nobody ever checked the physical savings. Thus the jew began to lend money created by the power of his
cunning that no longer represented any real wealth, it was paper and making money in exchange for it was
lent at interest. That was bringing slow and certain ruin. This monetary accumulation will do much to end
the Nobility of Europe because it promoted the countrymen of all Shires to stop living according to Nature,
as part of the Kingdom and in Respect of the Hierarchy and instead make little money" if they betray This
HONOR. So every commoner began promoting his narrow personal interests. This little money created by
the Jew, this natural evil one today tends to be in the hands of bad people of his class, because although
they are not racially jews they are like him in malignancy.

The only Europeans who volunteered to play like the jew were the villains, natural criminals. So today the
riches of the world in general are in the hands of people of cruel attitude, insensitive hoarders, because they
are the descendants of these ancient villains. With their psychopathy free from normal human feelings they
know how to manipulate human emotions. This does not weigh on their consciences because they do not

have an empathic capacity (feeling what others feel) that could cause them distress for their criminal
behavior. Every too rich businessman, every bourgeois, is based on monopoly, the hoarding attitude we
spoke of, or on massive advertising campaigns that go against human psychology manipulating the forces
of sadism and lust. Sexual attraction is natural and it is life itself but it is used by the jew wickedly to
transform it into a kind of debilitating drug which makes one concupiscent, which soothes, while the jew
expands his empire to destroy life. They use weapons in their logos to attract ignoble sadistic ones or sexual
parts to attract the lust of the mob. This is of course hidden from view. Messages called "subliminal" in
psychology: the study or treaty of mind. The marketing student who will then work for the bourgeois is
taught these tricks. They also use the feeling of social interaction and building trust, that is, you can see
they sell inert object, but with a big smile by the seller. It is impertinent joy surrounding the inert object, it
is impertinent humanity around the object because it is manipulation. The bourgeois is thus not admirable
nor celestial although incredible within the anti-values of our times. Let us see what the bourgeois was in
the past to understand what he is.

Who was the bourgeois during the governments of the old nobility? The bourgeois is an individual who
attends a stand outside the walls of a feud or city and sells stuff. He is not accepted within the feud. The
jew came with this lifestyle of the bourgeoisie because it was the way to get a life within the European
society that he had infiltrated as a foreign outcast. And this was imitated by other local non-jews. This
attitude was imitated by the villains who also lived outside the feud like him. Because classes join forces.
Being that what one loves is that to which one belongs. So dangerous anyone who is not distinguished as a
threat part of any group or nation and who is against that group or nation. While his comrades are perhaps
contemplating the protection of this other than Comrade, this different one is planning to open the Gate of
the City, slipping at night to let the invader in.

Anyone who inspires disgust in us when we see him feels at the same intensity envy towards us. Therefore
tolerance for the different and lower is allowing the Nation to be destroyed. Distinguishing the one who is
outside Zarathustrian Ideals.

Certainly the Nation is not represented by the worst. Great buffoonery is this jewish today where rebellious
plebeians, outcasts, criminals and villains have determined themselves owners of Destiny.

A demented dream where they persecute those who truly are the Living Nation: those of Noble Rank.

The bourgeois live outside because they are rejected malignant riffraff away from the Nobility and are
dangerous. The walls of feuds rose to defend Nobles from them. The Nobles forget about them as well but
those outside devote their entire lives to hate those that make up the freehold.

Being that the freehold is a high society created by the selected for the selected. But the jewish ideology
creates an entitlement mentality where the low one thinks everything exists for him. So being his invasion
and robbery lawful in his head.

The lowest rank in the Feud was that of Minor Aristocracy and those belonging to this rank too repudiated
commoners outside the manor.

Nobility thus is not a paper title nor is it little money but it is a biological condition and natural level.
Notable in the Honorable Character Defending Values and Goodness. This being contrary to the promoted
"humility" of the enemy which really is only envy.

The best opinion originates in the strongest body, this is a good infallible indicator. The Superior
demonstrates his ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY by Physical Combat. The Noble always Honors the
Hierarchy. Why is that physical combat is demonstrator? Because the Noble is not a coward. And if pushed
enough to do so he will defend what matters and he can win in direct combat because his unique body,
Noble and Distinguished inflames and explodes for the destruction of what is ignoble. Being the commoner
a being who only feels a desire to hurt and being the Noble a Protector.

Previously passing the crown from father to son rode the Champion of the Realm, the best warrior,
hereditary, trained by his father also a Champion, through the town square and invited anyone, noble or

commoner to question the Nobility ranks, that the King had determined. The applicant had an opportunity
to demonstrate that the case was correct and covered in merit in mortal combat.

Since for the weak it is easy to destroy things by mere word. But he who is right gives everything. This is
the law. No nobleman should allow an ignoble to be keeper of larger physical strength because it allows
confusion. This Noble must train hard. It is a shame that a commoner has the ability to hurt a Superior

Opposite bodies to force contain ugly souls. Nasty, jealous, helpless and low character. To them the Body
of a Noble Man is a mirror showing what they wanted to be and their attack on this Superior is a psychotic
breaking of the mirror because they cannot bear the image. So appearance is anything but mundane or
lacking of meaning and effect on reality and everyday life. Those who are not Martial do not exist in real
nature. Because those who are martial do not protect them, because the lowest form of life with ability to
speak, the jews said so. Nature Free From Judaism.

The persons facial traits reveal his/her unchanging personality. And the bodies that are not martial are
plebeian and have plebeian interests.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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Natural Elite

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
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The Name of the True and Only Natural Elite: The Super Human. It is an ideal that we can all achieve but
we must aspire to become. Near Us is Achievement if our leap is Tremendous. The Super Human is the
evolutionary leap of mankind and it was always its goal. In these times the war between life and death
unfolds. We are crossing as on a tight rope suspended over the abyss.

The human should not move backward adoring mediocrity, dogs and trees but must understand that all of
his kindly ideals exist in the Super Human. No more like ideals but already Incarnated. The Meaning of
Life Taught Here. Noble Virtues is what the whole of society aspires to. After understanding the plebeian
evil and how the noble to the extent that he is strong increasingly higher in rank and how he is kinder we
can conceive what lies even further, Above a being of Absolute Holiness: The Super Human. Who built
Himself INVINCIBLE IN LOVE. Profoundly Admirable. Worth of giving all for him. For Him Let Us
Make War. The garbage that has been unfolding since the Second World War has been the least
Honorable, the least Aryan, and the least Super Human. Society has been moving according to the will of
the worst, towards the Jew. The Super Human is unable to be touched by nihilism. In Him and in His
Name Our Moral Values Find Shinning.

His world is a state of a true Benevolent Society and true civilization, and it is more than this civilization.
The Super Human is the evolutionary leap that everyone should love. Autocrator is The One. As Patriarch
of the New Species. Bringing Guidance. Equipped with unsurpassed intelligence, kindness and skills in the
most honorable bodily or sword fighting. These are the values that should govern. When you understand

the power of Autocrator going against him means shame. This is the Super Human Zarathustrian Society

But the infra-culture of our Enemy is dedicated to harm this Super Human because it loves what is low.
Because the envious lackluster type who wishes not to lift a finger experiences the triumph of His Superior
as wrong. We Must Remove what exists to scratch the Supreme Being. We must get angry. We are the
protectors of a New World. Allies of the Best we must be. And of his values. Judaism is the greatest threat
to the Super Human and the entire life. What Dares to Go Against the Super Human Dares to Go Against
Anyone. It is the glorification of the commoner and the extermination of the nobles thus nullifying the step
toward evolution setting fire to Our Bridge. The unjust experience justice as injustice. For such Justice is
against what they are. It is good that evil fails. It is good that evil dies. Unfair: this is the Humble.

Society must not pour its love on garbage and instead must seek that which is Majestic. That is The
Majesty of Love.

When a man walks through a zoo and walks by the cage of apes often it can occur they use their own
excrement to throw it at humans. This is Terrible to our human senses! So humans are apes to the Super
Human. They are accursed apes always seeking to do evil.

The plebeian spits on the Noble. The commoner who dared to insult a Noble is in a frenzy where the
struggle of the Noble to stop being destroyed the commoner perceives as danger to him and this increases
his plebeian violence against the Noble. More nonstop evil.

When the commoner is about to cause us nerve damage he sees "the straw that broke the camels back"
meaning we believe to be more superior than ever and this makes him feel a lot of envy and he proceeds to
break our soul, to mutilate. Confident he is protected at the time. He has no respect for man but for guns
in this Kingdom of Commons. He has already forgotten who the Lord Is. He has already forgotten who the
Alpha Male Is. And who is the Authority.

This son of a bitch slaps the woman shouting at him to stop destroying her life. He is a son of a bitch. The
humble are pissed, very pissed at our Noble Feelings.

We run to save the child from being crushed... but the ignoble, he is excited at our failure. He can taste it,
he expects this to happen.

Great shame is to be human when you know of the Super Human. But without human no Super Human
can exist. What We Have Suffered was for Us a Necessary Way.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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The Value of Blood

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
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An archetype is a beloved symbol in the mind of a person that guides his/her life. The True Archetype of
Racial Supremacy must be dug up and recovered. It Must Be Understood Once More. Only he who is
Noble can carry this pride. Many are the outcasts present in every race. It is easy for them to raise
themselves devoid of any merit because of their personal pigmentations. Those who want to reach the stars
lunched by something that is not their own efforts or the progress of the society in which they operate.

Starting today and to forever it is no longer time to recognize merits of groups or movements of the past
which may overshadow the Super Human clogging our vision to reach him. All of it distraction. Followers
of such hindrances: confused hordes of homo hubris. It's Time, the lifting up and the Exaltation of what is

Our Enemy, feels the need, to bring down everything we love. The image perceived by the senses is not
separated from the soul. If she came, an ugly woman it should not be understood: She might be a princess
soul in an awful body. Or: "Poor thing, she didnt choose how to be born, this cannot be said by anyone
faithful to the Truth. No: the body and mind are the same. She is that dark mass in body and mind. On
the other side the beautiful nobleman is seen as fancy arrogant and in fact that magnificence in him, that
finesse and supremacy in his body are also HIS MIND: and he will deeply suffer the abuse by the

I once met a pig that said "I cannot stand Zarathustra". How this pig had the ability to speak is a mystery.
This pig liked to go to a subhuman. The subhuman appeared before the pig as a Nazi.

At home this nazi had a book, on the cover: Hitler, but: 3 pornographic magazines below the book. The
pig believed this subhuman was a hero. Hitler was the first builder of the house of the Super Human. This
Super Human is announced in the philosophical work Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Autocrator is the
Superman Nietzsche sought in mountains all his life. Zarathustrianism is the shock to the senses described
by Nietzsche. That Truth for which everything else is cast overboard. That Cause which surpasses all and is
contrary to everything previously held. Therefore we must ask: "How can this pig estimate himself as a
Nazi and despise Zarathustra?". This pig only believed in mud. So are too many "neo-Nazis". Stupid
immoral ones several of them drug addicts, hubriati emanating their hubris from thinking themselves to be
"white". So these miserable defame the original light of the National Socialist movement which was a little
light of the Zarathustra Sun That Comes Today.

Through such hubris they give reason to liberals, letting these liberals continue to feel "good" and continue
watching the values of the Superior Man as jerkness. Since these imitators of Higher values are not the
Superior Man. These hibriatos neo-Nazis are social exiles who would not have been accepted within the
party. Since the original Nazis gave a great sacrifice of their lives in great affection for their blood and
people while numerous neo-Nazis of this day are just looking for a teenage rebellion. The Nazi past
followed the Leader of the People but the neo-Nazis follow themselves. And they are unable to establish
anything because they dishonor each other. None of these works for one cause or real movement but
anarchy for the pleasure of damage. For the pleasure of fuck society. Rebellious is every commoner. It is
not fair that they carry the name to defame it. When these tadpoles made a sad representation of Nazism it
became a doctrine of assholes in the eyes of the people. So the Racial Meaning is lost. The meaning of the
Race is not in the hands of what is banal. The best is not humble nor pretty, in man.

The best is hard because the Defense of Honor IS HARD. Supremacy is not what the populace believed to
be "cute". The delicate and tender must exist within a protected society of Warriors. Therefore the Warrior
is Lord. The strong becomes weak when his hopes are far from war.

The evolution of man himself comes from war against all other species. And in woman the greatest beauty
is what must be sought. So true that this Beauty is the Superiority in Women that every woman devotes
her life to this Beauty and she exudes pride from it.

The ape does not know that man before him is a supreme being. So those who are inferior are ignorant
when they see the presence of he who is superior in power. The man that holds racial supremacy does not
have a presence that flatters the mob, on the contrary he is Intimidating. What the populace considered
beautiful is what causes welfare to their plebeian senses and this prettiness allows their daring. The Noble is
impressive but what the commoner thinks is beautiful is of the same plebeian level. We must strive to be
glorious in the eyes of the Superman.

At the moment the superior man is indoctrinated by the Jew the superior man gets the character of the jew.
If you live within a society or order with laws and propaganda of anti-heroic in nature the will of the jew
lives in your superior body. Leaving us mentally canceled. We Stop acting according to our natural
character. Hence the racial meaning fades. He whose neighbors are only cretins although their races are
apparently high will think racial hierarchy does not exist. Since you are not dealing with original nobles
and a pure people but with those who have gone through a system of jewish conditioning. Being the
plebeian state overrides the high physical strength and mental capacity of the Noble not letting him decide
what is best for the Community.

The great opponent of the Reich was the blood of Russia which has never been conquered and is Aryan, in
general. But at that time it served a Jewish ideal: that of communism. This shows how the will of the jew
lives in the mind of the Aryan. Understanding of Race is Fundamental.

Contempt for inferior races must come from an understanding of their wickedness not a pedantic
prejudice. And the valuation of high breeds should be in the proximity of them to Holiness. The ancient
world was already demonstrator that a Purity is not enough to defend the Kingdom: we need Holiness.
Purity is a Good Defense Force against what is humble but it is weak against evil. Evil is cunning and
invisible: only faceable by HOLINESS.

There is nobility in all parts of the world without exception made by descendants of ancient Aryans whose
characteristics survive as indicators of beauty in all 5 continents. The members of every people on Earth
and every race that are extraordinary resemble each other. The Pharaohnic body of some mestizos whose
torsos seem a triangle pointing down, Celtic faces of beautiful Asian women, facial hardness of some blacks
expressing martiality, are examples. Dishonoring the Nobles of other races creates powerful enemies.
Plebeians have no will, not one that is martial. Every movement comes from Nobles. All Nobles, we are
one family.

The cranial capacity (distinguished in a large forehead), means a high IQ. The lower classes have similar
facial traits to animals. Non-Aryan races do not feel shame. The way they immigrate to countries where
they are despised imposing their humility is proof of that. The way they resent the superior woman raping
her or directly exercising violence against her demonstrates this. They feel the opposite to the Aryan. They
fully disrespect that which we protect. Within plebeian values they feel they will continue making their
lives no matter what others think. So they think themselves "free" but they are just shameless. A Noble
never imposes his presence on the home of another who hates him. Unless he is Declaring War. But these
invaders do not call their destructive war actions against the white race war, because non-Aryans are
cowardly, manipulative and they move between the marshes of the shame they cause. The humble in his
selfishness glorifies himself, and so he is unable to respect the Higher Man. This allows for example the
low one to rape a woman because to him what matters is he. While we are dedicated to Win the Heart of
the Woman We Love for a Lifetime. While the Noble, this perpetually linked to biological condition is
interested in the feelings of others and is protective of Women. Easier for a Noble is killing to defend the
woman than to impose something against her. For the Force of MAN is to Defend Women.

It is impractical to recognize in every person racial quality using the mere eye today, unambiguously, but
there are indicators of character that are a good guide:

A Noble under no circumstance believes in equality. Because he does not come from equality but from
progress. A Noble hates envy. The Zarathustrian proclaims "envy WILL NEVER defeat me". A Noble is
physically strong, impetuous or wants to get these forces. A Noble has the ability to forgive. A Noble
always does things openly and never under water but against those who are sinister we Zarathustrians are

highly skilled! Because we are Superior Our Camouflage in Shadows is Superior to that of the Weak who
seeks to eliminate us secretly. Unexpectedly We Meet them and Give Them Death. And this Noble has the
will and the power to crush evil.

An ignoble is embodied envy. Committing invisible underwater attacks. Always carrying a desire to insult
achievement. Physically he attacks if there is a trick involved. He hates Royalty. This ignoble executes
damage and carries no consequence with him, he does not carry any suffering for what he has done.

The ignoble if the plane in which he is travelling was to fall and it was on an unknown island, he is only
interested in him and nothing else. While the Noble is interested in others who were with him. The Noble
would seek them, the ignoble not a single day wonders where they are. A Noble is racially pure and an
ignoble is racially impure. This is the True Race. This is what is Aryan.

Superior Men inherit blood quality but this does not matter in the game of the weak where this evolution is
not respected but little money. Promptly these comfortable ones have increasingly weak children while the
upper ones maintain the ancient force Latent. The way in which the Jews have organized the world has our
Aryan Spirit in Great Danger for they ruin us and make us like them: weak and unfair. Our Atlantic Aryan
Spirit Shines within us in Mysterious Ways. When one who is like great warrior feels tired and fed up
sometimes this will be an ultra-abundance of strength in him he cannot see. If he during this seemingly
weak state conducts combat or perhaps the powerful training he will find that his forces are phenomenal. It
is good to find that there is trash in all races to reach the demystification of "racial supremacy" hubris in
inferiors. Only what is Superior to be Admired.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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The Subhuman

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
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The terrible Subhuman. The tiny lout destroyer of all things. The moron who lives off the system that
protects him and is unable to defend himself. Who uses social institutions created by the ancient Nobles to
kill the descendants of those Nobles. Know of the Subhuman. The worst so far.

"Subhuman" is not a derogatory label for it is a perpetual biological condition. Linked to a certain way of
seeing life. He is a being of such degeneration he is well below the plebs. He is not a pitifully low human
but he is below a human. It is important to understand. His origin is bastardy being bastardy is racial
mixing. But as stated earlier racial mixture does not refer to the color of eyes, skin and hair but to the
mixing between what is high and what is low: between natural nobility and plebeian ranks.

Since Alexander the Great had skin of dark appearance or Genghis Khan was a mongol, and they were
men of supreme power.

The Subhuman is the worst because he does not know he is inferior but he FEELS with plenty of safety
and foolishness that HE IS SUPERIOR. And nobody teaches more lessons always from cowardice and
using rumor while the state defends him from the wrath of the Noble he is dedicated to fuck with a
passion. The subhuman, he destroys a Nobles life and says: "I didnt do anything the issue here is HE
THINKS HES BETTER". He cause suicides, almost impossible to remove nerve disease and
disappointment towards life. Everything is indifferent to the Subhuman. He does not love anyone and

Honor seems fantasy to him. The Subhuman minimizes everything that is Great. The subhuman is bored
at Majesty. But this boredom implies to think, speak and then go against what is not evil.

Although there are Nobles involved in Psychology the Subhuman loves to study psychology and speak of
what he does not understand. Today many amateur psychologists exist who like to talk of that which they
ignore. Using their knowledge in psychology to reduce achievement. And for all Noble sentiments they
have a label with the word "pathology". Extremely complex is to be able to assess the mind but these
plebeians throw right and left their ignorant opinions. Since the Noble is distanced from the sick it is
extremely insulting that he is confused with them. And this is not because he thinks hes a big deal but
because he is loyal to health and life. He holds his conscience even in the most terrible battle. Because
evolution requires consciousness. If his mind shall be reduced by the irresponsible, a lesson from them, this
is disgustingly offensive. He is not indifferent to anything and is largely responsible.

If the Noble was to take an oath of loyalty and no one shall be oversight on whether the oath will be
followed the Noble will still give his life, but the subhuman, if he sees a chance to escape he does so while
thinking himself sneaky, bad-ass, and tough.

To the weakling the state is the truth and history ends at grandpa. This means that everything that is
legal is good to him even if appalling criminal assault. Everything that is illegal is to him "bad" even if it is
Glorious Honor. This distortion of justice arises when law is not issued by the Best. This confusion is
because the modern state does not descend from the Authority of the True King. History ends at grandpa
because the ignoble thinks the world was always like it is today. And if he was to read some history he will
mock the past because he can do it. The Subhuman is a liberal full of hubris that from his couch mocks all
of the achievements of the heroes of the past. All monumental and titanic efforts this comfortable one
makes fun of.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
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"Hubris" is an invisible mental illness presently of global scope. The "hubriati" as we will call the carrier of
the disease feels superior to a person with tremendously greater achievements. This system allows the low
one to flourish and this inferior type never learns of his true insignificance in nature. Judaism created a
society where the lower ceased to be plundered. Where life is built for them. This inferior did not become
happy but developed a complete ignorance of himself thinking that he is never wrong and that hes always
good. The bottom is always wrong in Nature. Superiors were unprotected to protect the weak. No peace
came when the lower stopped disappearing and began appearing in mass, but it came a new sense of
security in them where they no longer had to adapt to the world, to reality, to nature and their true will to
evil began. When the strong ceased to sacrifice the lower malignant he allowed the increase in power in
these lower malignant: for them to kill the strongest. Plebeians live off compassion but plebeians feel no
compassion. Toppling the recognition the Superior Man deserves is the most delicious relief for lower lifeforms who live in their excessive hubris. The hubriati is a wimp but feels incredibly admirable. You may
find that if you challenge him to duel he will never accept reducing you to being "childish". When
Zarathustrianism condemns hubris this doesnt mean we envy strength or power. Real Power exists but the
hubriati is a 0 degree that thinks hes a 10. If the stupidest hubriati are taught about hubris they think the
Superior who they envy is actually full of hubris: they see confirmation for their attitude in life: they believe
it is most suitable to attack him. Here are the best representatives of the Jewish sentiment that destroys life.

Man thinks he is what is right and he is the center of the universe because he is the most over-estimated of
all animals. And he thinks what is stronger than him is something without feelings, bad, stupid and
gullible. Because this way of thinking is a system whereby the naked ape manages to kill the Superior. If

the Superior was a dinosaur this one is certainly not Superior because his conscience is lower than that of a
human being, being a dinosaur: his insensitivity would be terrible to humans. But today the Superior
automatically attacked is not a dinosaur. The Superior to defend Today is the Evolution of the Human

This new being in the same measure of his progress perceives the human as that form of callous and
wicked life just as man sees predators of lower consciousness.

This Above Human Being that comes from the Human is kinder and lives in a system made by malignant
inferiors who are convinced that they are the truth. This Super Human deserves to establish systems of
defense for his life that humans perceive as part of his assholeness. These humans living in the same
uncompromising judgment that this Supreme Being is "bad" and dangerous because unconsciously they
fear and envy him. What is against the Superior Must Die. The Zarathustrian Knows This. The danger of
humility must reach us as realization.

Fear is a system for the defense of life, for life not to be killed. Hubris removes this protective system and
the fungus ventures to kill the higher life because it is not afraid. This dangerous hubriati can make his
attack because the Jewish society protects him out of compassion for the low one. But if the Noble aware of
the violence of this dwarf acts to eliminate him this judaic Society that masturbates the humble will crush
him because he's tall, strong, because he causes envy in inferiors and his defense of his life is "being
abusive". Whoever wants to bring death to the Best puts the strength of his life to destroy Victoria because
this Beautiful Goddess rejected him. All humans are unjust against the most shining one in the depths of
their shameful hearts. Against the Best they always conspired previous to the arrival of Sun Zarathustra:
and they were delivering the scepters of each people to the Jews because the Jewish turpitude does not
make you feel little envy. These impure ones ascribe evil to this Bright One, what He Has Never Been.
They fear his abilities. And they do not understand that these capabilities go hand in hand with goodness.
To the eye of envy the higher one is the lesser one becomes. The handsome is ugly and the weak is
stronger. Noble sentiments are weakness to this ignorant. To the mass of those who dont matter it is
indeed dangerous that the good man is recognized and they automatically attack him and all those who
think differently than most because the good is identified as threat to the herd or flock. Being he is not

threatening to the flock because he exercises aggression against them but because he is good. Being a
commoner appreciates the commoner who spits on him because if you spit in certain ways, in commoner
ways you are one of them. Those who dont matter want to preserve their existences and this is their
defense. When a noble stumbles the ignoble comes running with his tongue hanging out in sadism.

When a Noble is respectful of plebeians plebeians attack him because being Respectful is showing Noble
attitude and thus the invisible war between natural classes is established. The plebeian lives to ruin what is
better than him. The humble came from hell. This mob has the idea greatness is acting. Actors are taken as
the new royalty. But the actor intends only great things. He is not the character the audience sees but an
actor. The admiration they feel for him is the admiration they feel for the character itself.

So we understand that the actor itself is not the sentiment expressed. Hence the feeling itself is what has
value. Many actors are admirable, virtuous in their art, trained to express the highest feelings, this we do
not fail to recognize. But these higher feelings arise throughout Noble Hearts. Serving the Illuminati are
some actors and singers to manipulate the crowd. Serving them will not continue the virtuous ones, who
have Nobility in their blood and who know of Zarathustrianism. At their service will only remain what is
mediocre, leading movies or music with the destructive ideas of the Illuminati plan.

It is an obscenity to be proud in having no merit. Decorated like Gods with lights and colors to stimulate
the senses of the ignorant are these actors and singers. These celebrities are "Archetypes". Archetypes
were gigantic ideals. Among them the gods, the ancestors, family, the Kingdom. The archetype of the hero
admired by society has been replaced by a stupid whore on a stage whose only merit is the size of her ass.
And the woman traded the Hero for the Coward. Being that a woman must serve her man and man must
serve his King. The woman herself should not be under the spotlight of the social eye. Since female beauty
is admirable and majestic but under no circumstances should replace the highest values of Society. For the
Beauty of Women is not lust, It Is THE CREATION OF LIFE.

Ignorant people love what TV tells them and now they worship the inferior because the TV says so. "God
TV" has the power to make or destroy anyone. They have a Trinity, these plebeians: Money, Television and

God TV determines what is beautiful. It shifts (destroying) the concepts of beauty: showing the blonde lady
before and now showing the black vulgar female. Not showing for example beautiful mulatas (females of
black skin also carrying European blood), but intentionally seeking the lowest nigger-whore. The figure of
Barbie as concept of beauty was replaced by the lowest.

When immorality is the new normal the moralist who is against it is the new "destroyer" because people
forget the morality that existed before the establishment of evil.

The morality of inferiors is one that is defamatory and restrictive against the pleasures and freedoms and
celebrations belonging to the Master Class. The impotent one defames everything the Superior possesses.
This is what made Judaism say sexual relations are bad. And that all the arrogant men and women are
going to hell. Maybe they were referring to the hell they brought today on all Nobles. Because the slave
class has no right to what they defame they have accumulated a twisted resentment and today all
commoners live a pornographic culture where they finally managed to have but in a resentful and twisted
demented evil dirty way, in a plebeian way. Since being a plebeian is not an attitude. It is being born in
evil. Evil living in flesh and blood. The pervert is not seeking in sexual actions pleasure but harming others:
only this one is perverted. Sex is nature but the perversion is seeking to inflict pain through it.

They do everything backwards, they do everything wrong. Because the inferior does not deserve intercourse
since his type of life is negative against the world his sexual relationship is an imposition and a rape when
coming from him, it is a daring, it is a robbery, it is rebellion and he performs this sexual relation with
horror, violence and insult. The inferior does not seek the female because he longs for her but to harm her.

Being that those who may have sex without love are subhuman. Since men who do not feel reverence for
women are homosexuals. And since the woman who mocks the love of a man for her is a lesbian.

These homosexuals and these lesbians are beings that exist because Judaism Exists.

Let us make clear that perverted is not he who has an abundant libido coming from his natural strength.
Prohibiting his life is unconscious envy and judaic morality. In the new system the Higher Men are scary
and they are not included in the sexual culture.

Liberalism is a branch of judaism and a powerful tool for evil. The low-breed that has the Noble female is
apparently enjoying "equality". "Equality" that DOES NOT include Noble men because they are not
"equal". Ignoring inferiors have no merits includes ignoring Nobles do. The Superior, Our Beloved
Superior defamed by Judea may not have the Noble woman no matter what if it depended on the Jews,
because he is the new "pariah". The more effort he puts the LESS EQUAL he will be. The dwarf will
automatically have women, this one who feels no shame because EVERYONE CLAIMS HE IS THE
ALPHA MALE. First they removed from the Superior what was his using Jewish morality to make him live
in the impotence of low, then these inferiors started to take that which they forbade the Superior to have.
Today the average commoner because of the propaganda that claims he is alpha male in a global frenzy of
envy has access to women as if he was King. Spreading the seed that creates beings who hate life. Or not
conceive anything at all.

The plebeian should not be valued seeing each commoner separately. But the danger of the Commons
should be understood seeing them as a collective of all plebeians. They are some form of gigantic gang. The
Noble Cancellation of the enemy's life should We Prepare.

The Natural Rex is not to be found as neither a commoner or as an entrepreneur because society is made
against him. Thus the revenge of the inferiors accommodated Superiors under the sign of "bad outcasts",
and the wicked commoners under the sign of "Alpha Males in Group". The opinions of all these low ones

you should disrespected. Envy Must Be Crushed. They must be removed. To their class does not belong
pleasure and their twisted-resentful ambition therefore must not reach it because they are expressed in a
distorted manner. The Saints, the kindest and most powerful tolerating them in the past, Infinitely Strong
are those who are the Holders of Power to give them the end, regardless of the number of the enemy.

The weak has never surpassed the strong. All weaklings live under the Superiority of the Strong because
they live compassion for them and what enabled them.

Pity for inferiors was introduced by the evil jew. It is like a small crack which ends up destroying
everything. It is the ideology of "sacred-envy". Plebeian vengeance, ignoble vengeance, rendered virtuous,
because they used words masking their sick envy, their bile resentment, their dusty lungs, runny impotence
and miserable self.

Here It May Be Understood what the Autocrat symbolizes and what resembles Him. Why it is so
important. The Autocrat Constitutes the Opposite to this Midnight for He is the Monumental Innocence.
He is the Great Noontide. Today Nobles feel isolated and lonely. Each Noble thinks he is alone. Attacked
by insignificant neighbors wherever he goes and not being able to understand why. There is always an
invisible aggression against his life by these mediocre and cursed. The Noble is in danger of taking the
suffering of this life as natural not knowing is it only a temporary evil imposed by those who hate True

The mean current human society is responsible for all the pain. Because this society dehumanizes and
many members of the class which is called "criminal" (under the commoner concept) are simply those who
endured no more. The powerful man who has the natural force in True Nature has everything. In the
system of envy if the envious say no he has nothing. This has established a system to specifically destroy
the best, the most powerful men of immense feelings and for the impotent that do not even experience true
pain, who suffer nothing, who are insensible trash, to arise and continue as "virtuous". To continue as
"tolerant not picking on anyone those who enjoy the system torturing Nobles. All those who are low of
slave type created a society just for them, where everything is organized against the Superior Man. Where

everything is intentionally made to go against what he feels and where his feelings in suffering are viewed
as blatant crime. So far they have gone so that villains can harm what is good because these villains are
pitied. Here's how invisibly the slag tide was promoting values that would give power to it. For the artificial
peace of the commoner state to be established they had to establish Invisible War against Superior Men
and Women.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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Agios o Vindex!

The Alchemical Transformation of the Heart

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Jews make us Jews through the suffering caused over our lives. Turning Our Aryan Spirit into dust.
Nobility is unattainable by the Jew and he turns that Nobility into jerkness, into a lout, so tiny and sinister:
they make us like them. Having understood Evil we can get rid of it. Making a Decision. According to Our
Noble Blood. All Nobles must enlist within Zarathustrian Ranks.

We must not keep running through this labyrinth for we have discovered that we can break these walls.
Life awaits rescue by those who Love Her the Most. Let Heroes Prove it with Force. Brushing Clean
Judaism away from Noble Spirits. Loving what is good not what is bad. Honoring what should be Honored
and discarding what dishonorable. What's Good entirely is to Be Strong. The Goodness of Autocrator is
Evidence. The pain of discovering the Truth does not come from the Truth! It comes from the lie in which
we lived. It comes from the Enemy. Our Force is Goodness. Our Force and Our Goodness Are The Same.
Because Our Force makes possible all other values. Because it Defends Existence.

This force that does not descend from what a comfortable weakling commands but a Force that comes from
the will of self-sacrifice for the Divine Principle. THE PRINCIPLE IS THE TRIUMPH OF GOOD. The
Divine Principle is Honoring That which is Superior.

The weaks concept of force is called "cruelty". But cruelty is not force, it's cowardice. Where does cruelty
come from? It comes from fear of suffering. The subject aims at not suffering and thinks insensitivity will
help him escape suffering. This is learned from infancy throughout the world ruled by the jews. As the

infant learns that his crying and pain will be meanly ignored by the "good people". This is the revenge
established by the jews making everyone a slave like the jews were in Egypt. It is their way of dishonoring
the untouchable Master. Introducing he who in True Nature is Worthy and High into the ruin of pain.
The being grows dehumanized. As an expert lout. Making reverence to that which took everything away
from him. This culture is a direct war on feeling because inferiors do not feel.

The stupid one does not plan revenge by training hard over years as expected against him who killed his
family and burned his house. But this damn one mud-swallowing coward acquires the will of the murderer
urinating on the corpses of his parents and becoming one with Evil. Here's the Failure of All those who
Respect Evil.

Dreams are crushed because. If man or child is naive in his dreams it must be shown to him by word how
the dream is impossible being that you are trying to judge because already you widely analyzed the
circumstances surrounding the ideal to judge. But dreams should not be proven false by sabotaging them
for this is Judaism. The dehumanization of cruelty causes degeneration.

And compassion for the weak is cruelty to the Superior Man. A madman's embrace of evil because it makes
him feel so much pity. And the tears of Nobles do not matter because they are Superior Shit. The Jewish
resent the feeling of the ancient world where the inferiors are treated as what they are. And ignorantly
believe that this contempt was exiled and now there is goodness. Actually this natural treatment for
inferiors was turned against Nobles who defend them, who are kind and who are Warriors. The piece of
shit Noble is trying to get attention when he feels agony. And the ignoble conspiring against his life is
"Admirable". Everything revolves around those who feel less. To us Nobles the Truth is not their dishonest
happiness. Discipline in Philosophy is Our Happiness. Since Philosophy Means "Loving Truth.

The herd mentality is to follow the crowd for in animals this behavior guarantees security. But humans
make more mistakes than animals. Because the human IQ ventures to conquer all in effort including things
that are mistakes. And today the majority is heading into the abyss. Following this majority is a fatal error
today. For this majority is one: an evil jew. For this majority is presently indoctrinated in judaism.

Nobles must stop loving those who despise them. For loving the one who is evil is seeking the triumph of
evil. Although the Noble feels compassion for them they are just envious. They think "anyone who is
superior is guilty". Or they say the Noble has an unjustified sense of superiority and they mean superiority
is unjustified. And they exert TREMENDOUS Violence Against his life. Examples of it: cutting the hair of
blonde girls, the raping of superior women by the inferior, being these women will always reject their trash
blood and they are entitled to do so.

If the lower reaches the power to decide on the life of the high one he will always keep the Superior sunk
and he will elevate the inferior and this he will call justice. Not being possible that this is interpretable so
it looks like we defend arrogance but being it clear: there where the noble runs a mile he is given the tenth
place in prestige than those running 50 meters. Because there's the mentality to raise the miserable loafer.
NO MATTER what the Noble does! He will always be crap in the world where judaism rules. And through
this evil, they are invoking a greater evil that will kill them. Being their actions are breaking this dimension.
If a woman could write an entire magazine but her natural rank is Noble and if she is under the authority
of a commoner she will always be inferior to those producing mediocre items if they are commoners. The
only way for a high woman not to suffer this degradation is if she willingly seeks a mediocre life.

If this Noble exiled himself to a forest the villagers would poison his apples while hes sleeping, while this
Noble one dreams of flowers and beautiful animals he saw during the day. And when these plebeians leave
they do so saying poor superior piece of shit.

The hubris of believing yourself free and independent based on the information those who want to destroy
you have given you is your own downfall. Take care not to be living the magian lifestyle, being a puppet in
the game of the Illuminati, living their society.

The gentile defends the tribe of the jews manipulated by them being such a tribe absolutely impenetrable
by him. This means they would not lift a finger for him. And they would not welcome him among them.
But this gentile does break up with his class for this tribe. Not following Autocrator is dying. All life
outside the world of the Autocrat is to introduce oneself into the jewish world. The natural life of the

people is to follow the King. Because the King is not one more but he is the Power that allows Survival and
Expansion of All Those that Form the Kingdom. The jew converts the people into mob when he teaches
otherwise. He has brought the deception there is now "freedom" and all the gentiles were left helpless
before the agendas of the jew: who hates all gentile races. What is Right and tremendously right is to follow
the Autocrat.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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Agios o Vindex!

Transcendence From Goddess Discipline

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
It must be reiterated that intellectual capacity can be put in defense of errors. Something bad or wrong can
be argued strongly by a brilliant genius mind without such genius knowing. Everyone must become higher
to better serve the cause of the superior man, of what is higher.

Zarathustrianism has Dialectic Perfection and the Zarathustrian has the duty to Prove That when debate is
required. Being that we do not live by faith but by the Authentic Power Originated in Our Effort. The fool
thinks you do things because you can but the valuable knows what is important must be defended against
all powers. The Zarathustrian Warrior does not expect the enemy to understand. So his actions are not
mediocre full of hesitancy and retention. He thinks only of the order of the King in the destruction of the
enemy. Anyone who does not get his wisdom from suffering is stupid. What does not come from having
tried personal forces is not real. Physical experience overrides the idea. The information can be analyzed
endlessly. But if consciousness is not expanded of the information acquired only a fraction is valued and
from experience only a bit is felt. The maximum expansion of consciousness is the experience of combat.
What comes from effort must be honored and the knowledge of he who already fought is to be appreciated.

The young must work harder pushing his life away from a jovial concupiscence. To never fall into old age
but to only progress to maturity. The Zarathustrian has no adolescence where his ideals are broken
constantly for his insertion into a world of evil. Instead he begins to understand that which is
Zarathustrian: The Martial Spirit. There must be a worship for merit, a worship for what was
accomplished. The Wisdom of who struggled most is to be longed for. Personal Power is relative to the
ability of self-honesty. Hubris is a world that does not exist - let us have the courage to face reality.

Honesty is certainly far from humiliating the value of things. This is not honesty. The brutality of he who
is dedicated to humiliate is taken as "honesty" in the Plebeian Kingdom. The Noble cannot offer anything
to the ignoble because now they have their ignoble pride. They are proud of being humble, low, envious
and vulgar. Before they knew they were vile and they knew they could never get a say on what is Superior.
Justice depends on the action of Nobles. The time of those who preach resignation as virtue has passed. By
no one will injustice be tolerated. Against all lessons by the ignoble there must be penalties. Penalties
damaging to the soul.

Against each of their actions against the Superior Man there must be punishment. Those who want to
make us fall must fail. Since their intention is to maul they must live mutilated. All enemies of the Superior
Man will be Crushed.

For the Zarathustrian Kingdom, Our Realm, is like a farmer who has a dream at night about the
destruction of his world, and when he wakes up he sees everybody ignorant and this farmer discards them
and forgets them, to build the World that will not be broken by anyone.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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Impenetrable Autocracy

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Judea is anti-Health. The Earth has its face covered in a virus. Our Beloved Gaia. The name of this virus is
"the humble". It is a parasite that devours all resources, torturing animals and fond of humiliating himself
and others. For the plebeian is destructive and self-destructive. Because the human is not the goal but the
bridge towards the goal. Human beings, humanity are a test. It's an experiment: it is an attempt. The Goal
is the Super Human. Contemplating the eyes of this Wondrous Being is Destiny. The subhumans of this
now gather their retinue of misfits, outcasts, social exiles and villains who admire the power in these
subhumans to refute Superior Men, to disrespect them. Their lives are only destruction. Through them
shine the worst values of baseness. These sterile beings are unable to conceive. These subhumans reach all
the positions of power in the slag society. Contrary to their will to fall is Zarathustrianism. Therefore let
them fall. Their society is degenerating until it disappears. The Autocrat wants a world where men
learned to fly. We are the Re-Birth of That which they tried to kill.

The Zarathustrian is the one that before the sword of death managed to make the decision that helped him
save the life of what he loves, the non-Zarathustrian is the one that did not make it and lives only to
remember the loss of his loved ones. A Zarathustrian Acts. Man of Action.

All life that is not malignant is worth saving. Since Superiority is not to be measured by the power of
vanity. Contrary to the conspiracy of the inferior to harm us should Zarathustrians plan defending what
matters, never abandoning dedicating their lives to this. So if the Powerful saves the Powerless today if this
minor one is Pure, Tomorrow it will be given the opportunity to that level to become Powerful, and

increased turn to be protective of what adventures to understand, again. Understanding what is Fatherly. So
living in a family protection in the Zarathustrian Society.

The Myth of Icarus speaks of a man that created wings for himself to fly to the SUN. Icarus did not fail
because it was his destiny to fail but because he thought he might fail. He who wanted to fly to the SUN.

The Zarathustrian Kingdom is the Imperishable Work and Zarathustrians are the Honorable Immortals.
Zarathustrianism is the Great Expansion of the Wings of Will. When the mediocre hear this they die in
envy. "Im seriously pissing my pants and vomiting laughing, said the dwarfs. And got so angry it seemed
they would die in rabid jealousy. "Poor superior piece of shit, they say, and they clean the foam
accumulated in their muzzle. They would like replacing the words that could reveal their lies using a new
language: "woof, woof!". And they say: "Guys, guys, now we will not talk like those arrogant humans and
we will begin speaking the most exquisite language of dogs. We will also crawl because we do not humiliate
anyone not even worms". This is the project that humans pose, an expanding decline.

Salvation of Humanity is that it converts to Superhumanity only. For humanity there is no future but the
Super Human is Approaching. For this Super Human we live.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Anti-Nature Scum

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Jews are an anti-Nature thing that through their ideological propaganda have tried to put our minds
upside down. The folly of the ideology of Judaism to protect the weak is causing all that is degenerate to
arise while protected and masturbated. All that is sinister, evil, wimpy and cunning. Since we Nobles are
the opposite to this degeneration in their New World Order, their New World Evil, their Subhuman
Empire, we are their objective, their target and their enemy. The salvation of the sheep brought death to all
those who were not sheep. Who can bear the weight of Truth? The Salvation of the Saint who today the
evil ones pitied yesterday seek to exterminate requires the extermination of those evil ones.

Life is a source of pleasure like a field of infinite spring, like the always available honey, it is a splendid blue
sea which is reminiscent of the beauty of the Trojan Woman, life is a glowing orb in danger. Given this
danger we fear not nor do we worry but we take spears to defend the World. Slag is the danger. They bring
Judaism throwing more and more dirt on the Saint captured by them and in a dug grave manacled,
abducted and humiliated. The more this holy man suffers in the measure he spills his clear sweet tears the
happier will the plebeian type be. The more he suffers the more envy will the humble feel because that
Saint is aristocratic and sensitive. The madman who worships the twisted smile and welfare of this humble
who in compassion worships his humble phallus thinks himself so very good and kind and continues to
bury the Saint. This necrophilic that hates Love. This sinister undertaker. This they call 'society'. The
wretched one projected his psychology to all fields of the Earth. He wants revenge against what is more
beautiful than him. He wants to take his ruined worldview to all beings. To the noble hypocrisy is to allow
evil but to the plebeian hypocrisy is pretending to be good. Inferiors do things or not because they fear and
envy. Superiors do what is good and do not do that which is evil. Evil can only be respected if it is alive.
Therefore it should not be alive. Giving to the weak do not change their hearts upward towards good. It

makes them daring even more to kill what is Superior. The damn ignoble became king. He is free to do
any damage, any violation and the Noble does not annihilate him because that humble one is pitiful. In
this compassion the weak understands that he himself is king. The lesser beings experience compassion as
reverence to their envy.

The Noble leaves the door to his house opened because in Nature the Community should not come and
take advantage of this opening to make some damage. This opened door which comes from the innocence
and goodness the plebeian interprets as "this noble really is stupid". Because to the humble evil is normal.
The high woman fears rejecting the pathetic blood of the stupid because that would be "racism". She being
a prisoner of an alliance of morons. Following at the same time this same group that taught this idea also
says Superior Men are shit. Extorted so she must despise the Superior Man, Her Lord.

The new anti-racism created to introduce the New World Order is an IMPOSITION on nature. It is an
agenda to elevate the inferior above the Man of Virtue. It is racism against whites.

If this target was eliminated the Nobles of Asia should be eliminated to get rid of the Best. So without
Europe its not that a different type of life will continue. No, sir! Without Europe those even lower than
the mediocre of today will go against those attacking us. Those who are totally anti-Aryan will exterminate
those who are half white half non-white. This target is the temporary target because it is the best there is in
general terms but if the jews and his friends succeed in the extermination of whites they shall proceed to
the extermination of the best remaining race.

The main topic of conversation in a game of ignoble ones is always the same: an ass and its properties
thereof, the exciting failure, drinking alcohol or booze how to fuck life, as well as sugar coated envy
against any Superior Man and Woman. Punishing the conscience of Superior Men and Women. Punishing
the one who realizes their shameful condition. Not that the Noble is doing well and they are doing bad but
they are bastards. They adore evil. On purpose.
These ignoble even venture to teach lessons to themselves being the ignoble females like in modern times
to abort their children in the womb. Saying: "I have decision about my own body." Being Zarathustrianism

replies "the infant's body is not your body. "Abortion" is a cute and funky word. It can be translated as
extracting from the woman snipping each body part of a developed child. The ignoble is a frightful ruin.
Making the ideal licit for us to aspire to just fantasy. It is not fantasy! This criminal ruined it! The Nobles
serving the state of envy are worried chasing famous criminals while ignoring the real evil is the plebs.
Those who hold positions are concerned sustaining the lives of the plebs. Precisely what must be defended
and protected and nurtured is only the Noble. In the lake of life the Noble looks, sees the reflection of his
beautiful face and Shining eyes because this Gracious One is the True Beauty, and maybe he sees by his
side a beautiful Woman but across the lake a repulsive smiling ape who came to ruin the moment. This ape
is mocking this victory. Like termites who experience their destruction of things as success. So this ape
taught a lesson and gave him an attitude adjustment so he doesnt think hes better. The difference
between ignoble and Noble is Dimensional.

The slag is dedicated to abuse the good man they fear and when he explodes in anger they say: "you see?
He was evil, oh yes. Because hurting him they want to convert him into what they believe is right and
real: they want to make him a dwarf. When the noble because of his racial character does not turn into a
dwarf but reacts with noble indignation the plebeian perceives the noble is a fool who wont understand
hes not a big deal.

The stupidity of the absence of hierarchy in society allows the weak to see the strong, unaware he is strong
and makes the weak think the only way to be like that strong one is through hubris. That is the weak
thinks the stronger one is a hubriati who thinks of himself too much. They think your strength is a
pretense of your little ego because this weakling is projecting psychologically. This is what allows the
natural rank of Aristocrat if judaized, thinking natural Nobles are bodyguards or guards of little intellect.
Actually they are Superior. This is what allows them plebeians to appreciate the holder of physical forces as
"gross" being his Body Superiority. This projection also allows the evil commoner when exposed to an
ideology against Judea to project his evil thinking again and to think a world where his wickedness has no
penalty is being proposed. Because the commoner still is today slightly retained by the Nobles of exercising
his true evil. Certainly what is against Judea does not promote evil but Goodness free from the actions of
lower ones who hate this Goodness.

It seems incredible that there is a way of life dedicated to fuck but it's understandable. Just denying it is
allowing the rise and reproduction of so many damn plebeians. Evil does not come from nowhere, it comes
from a specific biological class.

Today the world hangs on the balance because the slag rules. And it is believed it is something intrinsic to
human beings for all to go to hell. IT IS NOT!, it is the Government by the Populace, populace to be
removed immediately from the responsibility of directing society not to mention to be judged for all of its
crimes. The Noble should rise as a Ruler as it always was. The ignoble through his ass worshiping
government want the abyss of death to swallow us all. My country my ass they say. They are small dick
fetishists. They are something that loves dust. And doing so they do not seek to be left in peace but their
love for dust implies that which is not dust to be destroyed by them. This will serve their tiny idols
destroying everything else. Only they must leave. Only these cursed ones should withdraw from life. And if
a Noble is held by them this Noble should cut off their hands. The abyss in which they fall was excavated
by them for many years. Architects are they of their own demise. They are the same scum that crucified
Yeshua for fun, they crucified their own savior. Because the ignoble way to love is to destroy. Yeshua rather
than punishing the wickedness of the people named himself "God" and allowed them to destroy him.
Setting free those who were evil. He made the evil one respectable, allowed and empowered. Yeshua
without a fight being a true slave let himself be destroyed and brought the charisma of the ultra-evil sorry
for what is low for it to arise and destroy the Nobility. The Jew is unable to fight.

Christ brought the idea that instead of fighting one must be crushed: it rose the scum of all peopl, against
their Superiors because after dying in their rebellion was waiting an imaginary heavem and for the
Superior the imaginary hell.

They brought these metaphysical ambitions from their slave hearts to begin transforming the Empires of
Old and now that they have achieved their plebeian state they have removed these metaphysics. Now
Nobles who are still loyal to nature are the new pariah in this plebeian world. Actually these ancient slaves
and current plebeians of any race have always been evil and have always been condemned to hell.

After the death of Yeshua it was never deployed in any form what Nobles thought in their youth
Christianity was, a supreme kindness, because the Noble projects his kindness on things. True Christianity
was deployed, the world of those who killed Yeshua: the world of the evil mob. This is true Christianity! To
them the highest man is the weakest scum, and he should be crucified: thus we understand their
worldview. They chose Yeshua, a random hubriatis plebeian, as GOD. We understand how current
plebeians came to feel they are god. Christianity is the destruction of life done in secret. Against the life
that makes the weak suffer because the ignoble is a living mistake. He wants revenge against nature.

If the European in the middle ages established a beautiful Christian society this is due to his own European
blood, this is due to his natural breed being Benevolent.

Plebs slowly over the centuries has been moving to establish their revenge against the Superior Man and
finally destroy life. Today they approach their goal. Now rulers worship the new plebeian kings in
exchange for a vote. This democracy comes from the sewers of ancient Greece! It is a doctrine of outcasts!
Of illness! Of Dishonor. Slaves and illiterate servants who were never free have always been bad people.
Before the Jewish intellect came to infect Nobles it was the natural response to control them, hence the
birth of slavery. The slave is a convicted criminal.

The Zarathustrian does not comfortably claims to be Superior to begin condemning what is below, this is
not so. The Noble begins life believing in all this nonsense of equality absolutely adapted to the jewish
society in which he was born and as kind protector of the weak. Infinitely tolerant. But the mob around
him he does not see as mob yet starts attacking his life nonstop because they can, because he is a good
man. There are two possible outcomes to this: the Noble dies crushed by them or he becomes an
Awakened One.

Freedom to these plebeians meant these damn ones to batter down the doors of the Palace to kill the Prince
because they felt a lot of envy. "Poor things". LATER ESTABLISHING A DAMN MALL. Being malls the
temples of the rabble. It can be noticed in them that the populace is especially hostile and arrogant.

The powerful Noble today protects everything lowly he once hated. In these malls there is armed police.

The Life from which this slag cannot drink is Our Zarathustrian Realm. We await. It also awaits for us.
The Realm Spinning Around what we feel. The Kingdom that emanates from the Feelings of Nobility. The
Zarathustrian Kingdom. On the Greatest Tree Named FUTURE: It is that We Build Our Nest.

The God of the humble Yeshua said: "In my Father's house there are many mansions". Indeed in the
Zarathustrian Kingdom no abodes prepared for the damned! For them only prepared are prisons and
swords. They would take so long littering the white walls of our Olympic cities that such a task would
intimidate them. This work exposes them today. Our destiny is to live above them and let their memory go
forever. The Super Human is the sea in which all of their wickedness will drown! Free from their evil
doctrine. And our Autocrat has spoken: "Beware of spitting against the wind". Because the Sun of Justice
VINDEX is peeking out from behind dark mountains of thousands of years of mistake to lift Nobles and to
burn that slag. This Monumental Innocence approaches. Now Comes the Monumental Innocence!

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Escaping from Life

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Autocrator Rules
The unfortunate escape from life by the Best the government of the mediocre has caused. Today we will
talk of suicide. All desirous of suicide should be invited to leave life motivated therefore to live or to
complete their death wish. Only he who commits suicide is suicidal. Whoever thinks of suicide is not
suicidal just because of it. The event is the big test. It is only acceptable if the warrior accepts no longer to
live in dishonor.

The Zarathustrian Female should commit suicide rather than to allow herself be taken by the enemy of our

He who cannot deal with reality because hes weak should escape it and get rid of himself. All those
depressed with low self-esteem if they themselves are the problem should go away. Nature abhors them.
Their existence is pollution. If other abuse them they should attack. This is the big difference. The Noble
being pushed to suicide should go or should kill his attackers. Many of Good Blood now live apart from
society, the mediocre society. And to clean misconceptions we must contemplate: that there is the one
isolated from society because he is sick and secondly the one who isolates himself from those who are sick.
The superior man who lives in isolation is none other than the descendant of an ancient Lord who lived
separately from the populace. Let us remember for example the Ancient Royalty of Spain who were
extremely white because they lived in their castles almost never exposed to sun-rays: therefore their veins
becoming clearer and the notion of royalty having blue blood arose.

Plebeians realize the natural revulsion towards them. So all commoners subconsciously hate he who turns
away from them. Not their damn business! But they plan things against him. This superiority is perceived
by the commoner within his inherited subconscious and he dedicates himself to speak ill of those living
apart and tries to inflict damage. Sadly several times those who are part of the most extraordinary members
of natural society found themselves before a solution chased by the inferior: departure from society. The
Man of Kind Heart is moving away from their iniquity. And they to show that he is not special do
something bad to him. The plebeian exiles the Noble from the plebeian world but wont allow a separate
life. This is the Revenge of the plebs.

This group of losers is deeply immoral. They are the defenders of an empire of meanness and they are
afraid of what threatens their world.

Poor thing indeed is he who is left mesmerized by the infernal visions. He who sees life crushed by the
tragedies in it is a failure. How many things are possible! If we respect this depression we are respecting
what insults our Struggle for Good. Eternal Struggle STILL remains! Many Conquests are missing. How
much have we given and will continue to give! It is ever possible to find Inconceivable Victories. Before
letting yourself be Defeated you MUST AVENGE HEAVEN, Zarathustrian, You Must Always Remember

The Superior Man does not hate the inferior because this Superior is very strong. They ignore what is in
his heart and what makes him Superior. He is bothered by their war against all Holiness. He is bothered by
their mockery of all values and their lessons made to harm life. He cant stand their envy and malice nor
their recreation in infidelity and betrayal. The liberal feels the pain of the humble but the Zarathustrian
feels the pain of the Saint.

Theirs is the miserable world where if the Noble woman trusts a plebeian this plebeian could use such trust
to expose the intimacy of this woman, both by rumor and through video sharing, of sexual events she had
with this commoner in confidence. To the riffraff certainly this is no big deal. Because they only feel I
must harm life. To the Noble this kind of attack leaves lifelong damage, and takes away the joy of living.

Therefore we Prepare Noble Vengeance. The arrogance of the Superior Man does not come from haughty
hubris but from true Superiority, a Different Feeling. Moral Superiority that is. What they see as
"arrogance" in the Higher Man is Heroic Value.

In the world of mediocrity where the weakling is sacred many push the Noble child, the teenager or the
adult, being these many plebeians, and being part of their abuse that their objective cannot properly work
under this stress, and he or she will fail at school, at work, including this plebeian social pressure nobody
establishes relationships with this Superior pariah, this Superior outcast, until they achieve the subject
leaves the territory or dies. Being that if he leaves he will find the same abuse a few days later because this
abuse is not a phenomenon of a small group in a place but an attitude in the blood, of anyone belonging to
a lower rank to what is Aristocratic, anywhere in the world.

Debris benefited by compassion of Judaism manages to penetrate institutions of high government, large
corporations or academies, to set a mafia, and end up conspiring against the best workers.

When they intentionally remove the deserving or some tragedy happens to him, he gets ill or dies, the gang
of inferiors celebrate this. Plebeians have celebrated with meals, when the Superior man gets cancer. This is
no exaggeration but it is a practice by the humble. Plebeians believe mistreating him they make the higher
one understand his little fucking hubris. But what this Supreme One experiences is these commoners
incessantly continue their evil against his life. Life is not what happens in it. Life conquers everything,
including that within her. Life is infinite. The danger of Nobles is the world's conversion into something
unbearable for them. So we must stop the efforts of the rabble. Since their New World Order is coming
and with it, this evil we describe and denounce but a thousand times more intense, we can understand that
we do not have to do anything for this hell to covert the Earth. All inaction allows the advancement of

This force of the humble, the Magian, the jewish, what is of the whore people, has already taken everything
from us. We should not be afraid to fight to the death. Because it will continue. The only option is to set

the Fight against them. A Noble is not interested in winning when Honor has been lost. In so far as the
world becomes hideously immoral the Noble is exiled from the world.

We must act before they break our ideological, moral and nervous system. Before the air becomes
unbearable to us. They the Jewish breathe well both above-ground and under-ground. They are only
interested in themselves. They are self-serving. They are hard to kill cockroaches. They are insensitive like
snakes. They should learn by heart what they are and kill themselves, remove from our Way themselves.
Stop hindering us and poisoning us. They provoke our Superiority. The Power called Zarathustrian
Kingdom is the Final Solution.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

A Viper That Teaches Lessons

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Moving through the grass of tolerance and civility. One day Zarathustra was asleep and building his dream,
taking advantage of the sleeping Hero a dirty snake approached and tried to teach a lesson in humility. The
dirty snake bit him in the neck. Zarathustra suddenly awoke and screamed in pain. He cried in so much
pain that this snake was astounded. Zarathustra saw with his Dragon Eyes of Noble Man to the eyes of the
snake and it froze further. For the plebeian blood in this viper remembered those eyes belonging to Ancient
Kings. When it regained consciousness it wanted to escape. Zarathustra then said: "No, do not go. You're
not going anywhere". Here Zarathustra gripped with speed the snake by its tail. "I still have not given my
thanks. I want to thank you for waking me up from my sleepy compassion and depression. Still my road is
long and there is yet a cry for help from the Superior Man: there is still a Superior One to SAVE, thus
said Zarathustra.

The hubriati snake tried to answer so: "No, youre well fucked up cause my poison kills. You're not
going to last long after what I did, after the damage I did to your heart. I am very good at screwing things
up. I cannot help it. I am a snake". The snake even showed its little tongue in attempt to tease.

Zarathustra laughed so loud in a way that the snake felt the weight of its lowliness and humility.
Zarathustra seemed Incarnated Budo. Then Zarathustra said: "Dirty snake... can you answer this: When
has a Dragon died by a snakes poison??. The hero drew his sword and cut off the head of this snake. The
Enemy Is Dead.

As there is prejudice in any conception that the higher man is evil the subject facing the superior seeks
above-all to meet this definition of this superior as bad. This is as strong as seeing something that is not
familiar with strange shapes and wanting the eye to give meaning to this new form. Consciousness seeks to
stay conscious. The mind turns to what it already knows to identify the new. Those covered by the jewish
propaganda against the Superior Man seek to understand reality (that the top is rubbish) even though they
realize this Superior Man is undeniably remarkable and noble. Those confused by the propaganda of the
jews fear not understanding reality, almost going crazy and give the superior maltreatment despite the pain
they feel for doing so. Another way to say confused is "trapped". While establishing fanatical prejudice
against the Superior Man they are also removing all knowledge, of reality and nature, claiming that
knowledge is "prejudice", to help the advancement of anti-nature scum.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Superhuman Compassion

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Autocrator has the Supreme Consciousness and the Purest Heart: Autocrator is the Superman. But judaic
humans have no goodness, they have only cowardice.

How do you become invincible? By Love. Love in the Flame of the Sacred Heart Shines in Defense of the
Beloved. The Most Gracious Warrior is the Supreme.

The Heart of the King is So Abundant and Immense He can ignore aggression so there is a Change of
Heart. Thus if this change comes, these faults never existed to the Heart of the King. But anyone who
thinks his aggressions remains invisible and unpunished: he will not be forgiven. For the Holy Heart is the
One that Loves the Most. THIS IS POWER. And in the hands of a Holy Man is POWER. DEFENDER: to
Defend what matters most. The defeating of those dishonoring us lies in our willingness to self-sacrifice.
We are Prepared to Suffer More to Establish Our Worldview of Honor. The removal of the being that is
not evil is judaism. So ours is not Supremacy that because it worships the Higher goes to touch the
innocent. Let it Be this Understanding: Who is the one who deserves the compassion that shines in such
form? The Superior is the innocent who does not know that others are against him. It is the Superior Man
antonym of the humble embraced by the judeo-christian Bible. The Superior being of Heavenly Virtues
whose eyes reflect Holiness and Perceives the World and Acts in a Holy Way. It is the Noble having
reached the Best he can be. And this achievement is broken by judaism which teaches respect for evil.
Being Zarathustrian is overcoming grief not by forgetting but by building a society that is like an altar
which embraces the life of what once was lost. So the Zarathustrian becomes immune to the cold of the
mountain for he knows the Sun Comes. Approaching is the Zarathustrian Sun and this uplifts every

Zarathustrian. Eager to fight the enemy we are. Because his death means Our Freedom. Preparing our
bodies, our minds and our esotericism. Decorating the place we live in with the flag of Autocrator speaking
of the Galactic Empire.

One that expresses what is Pure Life. Faster and faster we become. More Accurate. With legs accustomed to
March. Being this March Our Culture. Since the Sword is Every Day in Our Hands. Developing Love for
Our Comrades, Fellow Countrymen in Superhumanity. Lovers of this Superhumanity. Desiring of what
Matters Most. Displaying Our Superiority through the quality of our Martial Capacity. Life like the Most
Beautiful Dream. Turning Combat into Innocence. Seeking etiquette towards our people, our Sword to be
unavoidable, seeking... our fists to break walls and looking, for ways to make women happy.

The humble causes in the supreme being a state of mind hardened that is not the Super Human but a wall.
True Love makes us strict and harsh towards those we love. Precisely because we do not want to see you
fall. We dont want them to fall into the well. And the true comrade will jump into the abyss if he didnt
have the strength to rescue his brother that slips. Thus the Kingdom is not rewarding of those who
abandon their comrade. If the enemy is overwhelming one must fight to the end. So no one comfortably
continues his life if he had shame and abandoned his people. If to a Zarathustrian it was possible to defeat
the enemy his return must not be allowed by Zarathustrians for he is guilty of Cowardice.

When someone is irrelevant to one it is not necessary to say anything. And even more if you want to sink a
mediocre teach him to fail. So the fellow who shows us our mistakes no matter how hard he is is the one
who cares about us.

The envious reddens before the goodness of the Superior Man. The humble thinks humiliation is justice.
He highlights what could make us suffer, he ruins our lives, he steals and cuts our dreams. Because he is a
natural slave he understands justice is crushing the arrogance of other slaves. He believes that everyone is a
slave like him. And he understands that the free is evil and it is good to crush his ego. Since "ego" means
"I". They want to crush the love of self. The Pillar that Separates Perception of Justice by the mediocre and
that of Nobles has a carved name: "Destruction and Construction". What today the humble builds
Tomorrow falls. And the Temples Erected by our Ancestors have been here for thousands of years. The
humble believes that destroying and overthrowing he demonstrates his righteousness, and that he is good.
But all he has shown is his wickedness and that he is worthy of receiving justice against him.

The Homo Sapiens is an evil that must be overcome, his attitudes of Holiness come from his Homo Sol
blood. That is, his kindest traits are not there because he is a Homo Sapiens but because he is becoming
Super Human step by step. It is true this homo sapiens is evil the Illuminati are destroying him simply
allowing his wickedness. That which he himself wants.

Our Swords are sharpened and we accept the Idea of Dying for we cant stand his evil. A Heroic Joy
replaces fear. The Noble is Construction because even in his top severity he seeks the salvation of him the
Noble is correcting. Compassion cannot be something that feels delicious. Because this is the vanity of
believing yourself to be good. True compassion is something that the bearer suffers because he truly feels
the pain of that other person. Zarathustrians are concerned by what the Saint suffers. We have seen him
fall and this must not happen again.

Of every cheerful face in the jewish world we must suspect because the carrier is cruel. Today it is not
lawful to be happy! In Judea it is not lawful to be happy. This Today DEMANDS The Final Defeating of

Let it be to the superfluous the nightmare he imagines to bring to the Superior Man, that suffering, a spear
turned against himself. The recognition of his wickedness his own ending. The nasty abandonment of a
Noble man must the Noble experience as a suffering that is the carbonization of one's heart. This must be
our pain if we allow injustice to be. He who cannot get rid of his compassion for Judea must be destroyed.
Because the will of the jew is absolute to destroy the gentiles our determination against his success must be
absolute. For those who dont matter there is no other agenda than this one: the destruction of the strong.
In any event it should be remembered compassion for the superior man. Favoring the stronger. They
pretend civility here and now to obtain the power to completely crush the Superior Man. Thats how they
achieved the power they have. But they are revealing what they are further every day. There will be no
future for humanity, none at all if they are not detained. The perversity of following them is treason against
all Life. Those who claim to be promoting freedom while harming human dignity are really breaking life.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Noble Feeling

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The consciousness that is not aligned to Autocrator cannot be Holy by itself, separated it is from the
Source. Consequently this consciousness is bad. It conceives evil and it must not be respected. The bearer
of it thinks the Superior One has more than him and resents this, because this inferior one is living in a
jewish world where he is protected and has time to focus his aggression against our Beloved Superior Man.
He wants to cut off the possibilities the Superior Man has but what would he think if his inferior
possibilities were taken from him? For example if he was mutilated. Certainly his suffering would be
terrible. But he thinks his aggression is lawful because culture attacks the Superior Man. So you should not
engage in damage to the Higher Life. The jewish world is made according to what the inferior feels not
according to what the Superior feels. The ignoble wants to fuck and the noble wants Love. The Virtuous
should not expect a reward for their Virtue by those who have no Virtue. To them the immediate solution
to that which they cannot reach is hostility. If they fail to recognize what is important they begin to matter.
Here's revealed their cunning today. To them Virtue is irritating and provocative of their envy. When you
learn to tolerate the unbearable inferior what is Superior becomes unbearable. Wrong is right and right is

The life perception of Nobles has never been the same the commoners hold. The happiness of the subject is
not "I want", but My Lord Commands". This is the Highest Nobility. So He Himself Part of the Force of
His Lord. And Nobles require to align themselves to the Principal Power to defeat the evil now covering
the Earth: the Principal Power that Autocrator Is. A pride not even death can touch. Fighters for
Superiority they are Both Victorious. So in Complicity Against the Enemy. One Accompanied by His own.
Living with them and if it shall be Dying with them. The ignoble follows the leader that tells him hes right
but the Noble follows the Leader Who Is Right. The extremism the ignorant sees in he who is against

Judea is not actually the life the Superior Man chooses to have but it is a defensive shield against the
terrible insane blind conviction of seeking the destruction of Higher Men. But for those who do not want
to fight neither their Lord or the enemys Lord is someone they like. These yielding ones see in the
hardness of their Lord a grief when fleeing from the enemys hardness. Being the one who does not fight
for his Lord but hides behind him a plebeian parasite. He would like to close his eyes and cover his ears
wrapped in cowardice and say: "Cant we just get along?. So he promotes his personal fantasy that
emanates from his cowardice. Failing to recognize the evil of the enemy and allowing the death of his

In total unconsciousness to our evil enemy our goodness is like a small flame in the dark he wants to put
out. He want to break our soul forever. Breaking all of our dreams. And he wants us to become malignant
slag for life. Or let us live in suffering.

Zarathustrianism is not respectful of the ego of one who does not fight. The hardness of the Lord exists to
defend the Kingdom. That Hardness is Abundant Health. Just look at the life produced by the government
of the Natural King: vital men without cowardice and free from the pain of weakness. Because pain does
not come from war, it comes from cowardice. Anything that is worth it, goes first to the best. This Ancient
Nobility is annoying to the plebeian.

The despicable is despicable, you cannot tell the Superior "what would you think if you were him?".
Because the top would be working for the bottom, the kindly working for evil. There is no what if, there
is reality. And this Reality wanted the inferior to break. To the Noble, it is rude, unbearable and incendiary
being awarded the baseness that he is not, which is antonym of him and which he detests, by those who
are jealous and they themselves are, that baseness, poverty and wickedness.

This is how the mob ascribes to the Virgin being a whore and to the Holy being manipulative. Because to
them Good or Virtue are falsehood.

Virtuosi, the Nobles, should be allies to establish their government all over the earth: their Noble Order
and in this Mutual Honor Rewarding Virtue. If Virtue loves only some then those elected must love her
back. Of those unloved by Virtue certainly it is not duty to do something for that Virtue. And Virtue does
not need them.

The envious destroyer of life that tears your Nobles dresses and pictures of your ancestors with his little
wooden knife pretends to suffer as an extortion to you.

He the commoner with his viscous eyes looks at you and says, "how are you that holy and you will not
forgive me?". So he mocks you. The slag KNOWS the Noble directs his Life By Codes of Honor. And
when the Justice of Noble Wrath descends upon them they try pressing the appropriate buttons: Noble
compassion to save their skin. The weak precisely because they cannot bear the weight should carry it for
the mighty Noble. The strong must not be sacrificed for the weak.

Because the Strong is the Triumph of Life and the weak is insignificant, or even worse, a poison that kills
Healthy Life in envy. Because the weak is bad and the Strong is Good. Therefore Zarathustrians must
conspire their demise. We must take the property they have stolen, to put it before The Power of the
Zarathustrian Dawn. Nobles must Become Zarathustrian and Engage in Military Service to the Cause.
Spreading the ideology to all corners of the Earth: understanding we are saving our people. Being we must
prepare Zarathustrians to Establish the Zarathustrian Kingdom.

What is Supreme is not something inferiors cannot kill because this would be a rock. The Supreme is the
Kindest Heart. The Best Must Succeed. The Best Must Rule. And We Will Achieve This Through OUR

To think otherwise is jewish rule over the mind. Which promotes the domain by the weak and
exterminating the life of the strong. Suitable only to this jew and what resembles his impotence. So he

promotes himself as a ruler. He gets rid of the Virtues he cannot reach and makes up a system that elevates
his virtues: those around his inferiority.

This is like machismo that diminishes the woman because the male feels he has a dick or like the feminism
that puts women above men no matter how insignificant these women are, so are the ideologies that do not
come from effort that raise a subject because, ensuring that the competitor's work is never recognized. All
of these ideologies are Hubris. And this is the hubris of the humble. The insane deep confusion that rises
the inferior because. Enemy is every pathetic weakling to the real goal in life: Evolution. For this humble to
develop these humble ideologies he must possess an advanced brain above that of any animal: being such
capacity a product of evolution. The maximum being to arise is the goal of every natural society. The weak
is not he who has no power, the weak is the dishonest one. And that within his dishonesty he seeks
harming Superior Health. The weaker the hostile. In every animal group in nature there is an alpha male,
one admired by the rest because he is the best. His blood, the most valuable to propagate life. His Victory
is the Victory of His Species. So is Natural Life. The Immovable Nature before the jew.

Judaism turned reality upside down for the weak to be seen as noble and for the noble to be seen as a
fucking jerk. Only in human society the weak collectively named themselves "alpha male".

If Nobles did not exist contemplate the future: subhumans who are much more powerful than plebeians of
natural rank and like to infiltrate causes, they, who are radically foolish when teaching lessons in humility,
who are particularly bastards that dont know when to stop, working to destroy Superior Lives, they would
be seen in the new scum society as the new nobles. So these advocates of the mob are seen as "good".
The origin of this subhuman is the conception between a person of noble rank and a natural plebeian or
something less than a plebeian. Here's how the subhuman was born. Being insane plebeians raped noble
women during their rebellions.

The superfluous would not distinguish the new "aristocracy" would be made of degenerate subhumans
below the homo sapiens and therefore below the animal. Because the animal is perfect in what it is at his
infinitely inferior grade below humans. The animal is also free from intellectual capacity to feel compassion

for error and to engage in such a mistake and regress. Many humans are involved in compassion for
animals being animals do not give a fuck for humans. And we're certainly not respecting those who hurt
defenseless animals for fun! But compassion for the animal is Judaism, it is the same story: the worship of
everything underneath. Compassion for the evil inferior feels the Superior like his own will and
determination but it is the power of that inferior who cannot physically fight and dominates the mind of
the Superior.

Just like outcasts and all kinds of garbage who infiltrate Noble movements was the case of Winston
Churchill, an ultra-hazardous subhuman who supported Adolf Hitler at first because he thought Nazism
existed to hurt. When he recognized himself as one of the subhumans that Nazism would not accept he
allied himself with the charisma of the Magian, the humble, the capitalist, the anti-Noble, to destroy the
Reich, becoming the leading voice of the alliance against Nobility. The plebeian exposed to a Noble
ideology always experiences it as cruelty because he is the threat to the Noble world. The certainly
overestimated deluded one far from our capacity to love and think thinks himself very affectionate because
he is with the plebeians. Since the wickedness of the plebeian is unconscious.

The mental state of the degenerate allows this comfortable one to think he is advanced and wise and all
that is Imperial of High Will and Vitality is smallness and jerkness.

Some like to argue races are already mixed. Being true racism is not exercised because miscegenation
between equally important races is not wanted. As if we were measuring ignorantly the being through a
mundane appearance, through a damn color only. This is extremely stupid. But lo and behold, these races
are not equal. They have different powers, ways of feeling and being. They have different body language,
facial expressions, thinking, worldview and behavior. Low races are rising because white liberals, superior
in power help them. In a fully interracial world the many would attack the racially pure left. And in a
world full of beings below the worst current degenerate the new humble in mass would attack those who
today are dedicated to destroy life.

There are breeds that do NOT feel Nobility. That never can be indoctrinated into Nobility. There are races
who feel in a noble way, these are the Aryan Races. Since "Aryan" means "Noble". For he who is not
Noble this is insignificant and he can never conceive it, but the Noble knows what it's like to feel in a
Noble way, he knows a real love and does not want to see this DEAD. Precisely from his love the inferior
hangs in cunning to eventually give him death, because this inferior is very envious.

So the Noble does not enjoy the nightmare of seeing the world full of men and women who will never be
able to feel like a Noble, even if they learned about Nobility throughout life. The Best shattered is their

Like an animal that does not meditate on the more advanced human life it killed. Only the human feels the
suffering of death of his brother dying by an animal. This animal: a biological body that does not shed a
tear and asks itself no question regarding the life it destroyed. There are levels to Sensitivity: levels in

The race is defined according to the largest percentage of a race in a person remembering that within those
races there are ranks: nobles and plebeians. Because the ancient tribes are mixed. In all miscegenation
inferior genes dominate. Being a person inherits the look and feeling of the inferior race there is no more
sensitivity or the full power of the superior parent in the relationship.

Judaism has come in the Name of Death. And the Science of Vindex has come in the Name of Life.

The subhuman is a cretin who defends immorality and passes as good in the sight of the group of losers.
This subhuman is someone worse than the commoners and hates the Noble like no one else who in the
world ruled by the jews is merely and only a weird little isolated kind man. This world is made for good
men to lose. Designed for the holiness of the good man to be completely disregarded. For his feelings not
to be seen as important. And for what is done against him to go unpunished. The lowest feel sexual

stimulation when performing evil. The evil that is horrible to Nobles. And this inferior likes the risk of
making a Noble man angry.

Nature Free from the jewish intellect or way of thinking is determined on the fate of the weak and that of
the strong. The strong is rewarded in all nature and real life and the weak is eliminated. The opposite is the
Magian Spirit of Humility. The resented will of inferior weakling to impose their empire of envy that
claims to be absolute truth. That world where what nature determined was over-written and those who
have no natural power come together and become like a giant gum to go against the Heir of Force. Judaism
taught it was lawful for the weak to join other living errors and deteriorate in group the Noble, the
successful one loved by Nature. The consequence of this is that he who is wrong is upheld as Lord.

The jewish compassion is to the Homo Sapiens something to defeat, a barrier to his development. Because
it involves benefiting those who wish to stop the evolution of man: the envious humble. There should be
understanding but no compassion for the failure. Understanding a fault and repairing it. But the previous
compassion which is jewish, implies a perversion of truth where it is decided that the error is not an error
but something cute and beautiful. One can understand the feeling the jews made up does not involve
goodness but its the way of the jew to survive and increase in power. And this feeling without knowing is
what modern society has inherited as general moral.

Contempt for the weak must not be because he is not powerful, this is being a jerk. It must be because he
is evil. They despise us because they are evil. We despise them because they are evil. Our Supremacy is not
a humiliating attitude available to all those who decide starting to be disrespectful and name themselves
"Superior". Supremacy is not hubris. Our Supremacy is Living in the Holy Spirit.

When a lover of Judea teaches a lesson in humility to those seeing reality as it is, those separated from the
charisma of being humble and small: this lesson teaching snake thinks inflicting pain on those who do not
deserve proves something. But if the Superior One is brought down by the inferior he does not lose his
status, he is health being attacked by disease. The Superior does not become an inferior only because the
weak conspire against him. They conspire because they envy his power and through their attacks they are

confirming that He is Mighty. The artificial equality of the time was established by the physical violence of
the ignorant named "the state". Since modern society does not honor the Superior Man according to
Natural Life but goes against him because this society is led by inferior people who envy him and fear him.
The envy of the inferior masses was normalized and noticing today everything in their world is envious
seems to be an exaggeration. Because they were able to establish their empire of humility. Judaism which
now covers every mind was raised on the blood of the Masters of Old and now nobody thinks of them. It is
automatically assumed those Masters are not people. Everything is covered in a type of mentality that
claims there is a people and there are tyrants. But what they call "people" is a collective of evil inferiors
who are evil forever, who only have the ability to damage something because Nobles help them, not
knowing what they are. And the Ancient Kings and their Nobles DID NOT DISAPPEAR. They are
findable today through their descendants: those who carry their genes.

Thinking against Love is the feeling of the jewish slave in the mind. The Masters of Old were the Kindest
Men Ever to Walk the Face of the Earth. And this was annihilated by outcasts who from the outskirts of
the city living among dirt and poverty because they like such filth, NOT because of an "oppression" since
they are out of town , who envied and resented the creations and lifestyle of the Superior Man. We must
favor the Master. We Must Be His Voice and His Sword. Because the Master is the Master. And He is
what is Good. And the inferior is evil. The jewish modern society eliminates the Superior and establishes
an equality among inferiors. The Zarathustrian states inferiors are wrong and they are undesirable. He
aspires to what is most powerful, noble, sensitive and good. Qualities that exist only in Nobles while the
weak is just wrapped in his cowardice. The Zarathustrian wishes for the leveling of society towards what is
high for the whole of society to be like the Best. The jewish society elevates the weak, the helpless, the
envious who is near death because he is in involution and goes against the Superior, the Noble, the Saint
approaching to be Super Human: the Ultimate Expression of Life. Our Super Human MUST LIVE. All
humans are below a single one of his heart beats.

This is what causes the adult to sacrifice his life for a child. Because during Judea the adult knows himself
to be dirty and rotten before the purity of a child. And he sacrifices his life. This is what causes extreme
anger towards the abuse of children for they are ruined when just starting to have an awareness in this
world. Even the most evil today have a spark of goodness. And those who already surrendered to evil
should not seek their own salvation. They will not become good. But they should find that in the future
only Good Exists. For them there is no future and they must help the Best to Arise.

Jewish values teach as uncomfortable that we take away from the ignoble what was already given to him
but this is because in judaism the noble man is a fucking piece of shit. Judaism is the feeling of the slave
that failed. Everything the ignoble have obtained, the humble or those who dont matter has come at the
expense of the blood of Superior Men. It was taken from them.

For the humble to be rewarded he has to live within a social structure that rewards his humble values
opposite values to Nobility. So the Noble is exiled and crushed and torn. Thus the humble criminal
destroyed his life.

The Noble is carried away by his sense of social justice. However what the weak feels as maximum passion
is envy. So without cognitive ability the envious feels this fire of envy as the standard of what justice is. Not
being able to meditate on what is righteous he is wrapped in his jealousy and sees nothing else. Every
ignoble thinks Noble values must be gone. This one is only interested in preserving a single value: Modern
police. The police under the Jewish government serves the ignoble.

Since the original police was the King's Guard which kept the Nobles values in the manor or village and
protecting the community from external wild: wild, smelly villains, bad people, they TODAY RULE. Bad
people who now bear the title of "humble people". Savages that became citizens. For whom the Noble
builder creates homes. They have stolen all institutions created by the High Nobility of antiquity but they
have perverted them to serve the populace. The Autocrat says "I bring them the end". Everyone thinks part
of virtue and in that way they dishonor the word of Virtue. The slag changes the definition of all words and
takes possession of what the Noble loves. Our Virtue that makes the envious neighbor burn alive is to be
measure of all things. How can the Noble discover this virtue? The mob attacks what they envy. Superiority
Itself. The Virtue for which the Noble was envied he must adopt as MEASURE OF ALL THINGS. Just
that. This Virtue Above all material wealth.

Objects have no value if they are of no use to Life. Opposite is what was taught by jewish materialism: the
valuation of objects above living beings. So is this insane doctrine of helpless worshipers of mud. Of those
who hate life.

The father went mad if his car was scratched but it was good for TV said so that his daughter gave herself
to a mediocre.

The full spirit of man must seek the Autocrat to Distance Oneself from anything that is not Noble. For
there to be a guarantee of maintaining life. To Reach Heaven. We have the Opportunity to Be Free
Forever. Under the Sun Rays of Zarathustra. The Power of His Majesty will be so great that the rabblescorpion will sting against itself. The Flame of the Autocratic Power will surround the envious ignoble and
will force him to commit suicide. The aggression of the jews and the mob was only possible against
humans. Thus humans must be exceeded. The Autocrat is the Light of Success and Victoria. His Birth
Constitutes the Monumental Innocence.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Female Plebeian Threat

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Women who hate Nobles should not be seen as women. This is what they are: female beings of evil. Their
energy is dark, sinister and terrible. Women who reject the man that loves them: because they dont want
the good man to reproduce, but he who is evil. For they are evil. Distinguishing this character in the
natural plebeian female but understanding the jews also cause evil in noble females through their abuse and
constant humiliation.

The ignoble woman takes revenge for her ignoble parents by lashing at the son of Nobles. This is the great
harlot who lurks behind bushes. Identifying shinning eyes and seeking to ruin this.

This ignoble teaches lessons confident in her womanhood making use of judaism widely deteriorating
thinking that nothing will happen because after all she is a lady. Not reasoning the social rite to protect
women came from the fatherly heart of Higher Men of the past, Natural Providers and Protectors: this
compassion she takes as a natural power she possesses. Dressed in a beautiful female appearance she knows
how to deceive.

The profoundly masculine type of man adores women and this the enemy uses to infiltrate. This woman
against men loves death. This pygmy brings evil to the garden of love. This unreliable stupid one fights her
insecurity by doing extraordinary aggression performing perpetual emotional harm. Since for real men
distanced from the mediocrity of plebeian men the words of ones wife do matter. Not to mention her
action. It is easy for the woman that is loved to harm the one that loves her. The plebeian female is

attracted by the man indifferent to her words because she feels this plebeian could not be blackmailed by
feelings, she sees him as strong and not a noble piece of shit. To the plebeian female love is
manipulation, a trick in order to get sex. She thinks the noble man that loves her is seeking such thing
only. If she discovers a man truly loves her for her disgust and derision begin. Because the god of the mob
is evil itself. Through small details evil penetrates our society.

The plebeian discards the Noble for a subhuman and thinks having taught a lesson. The ignoble will never
forgive kindness. Plebeians attack the forgiving and honor the hurtful.

Previously to a jew it was annoying to know a Noble Aryan Woman would never do anything for him.
Through his judaism he sabotaged the Aryan Love between Noble Man and Woman. Current Noble
Females during Judea giving themselves to scum are the final satisfaction of the jew. The ultimate
humiliation he has achieved. And the next step is only Death. We must bring them knowledge that Our
Holiness implies our ability to finish them.

It should be noted about the woman who is the enemy: if of a lesser rank than that of two men and she
breaks their friendship she is the enemy.

The ignoble seeks the destruction of Nobles despite his own life. Great gifts the Noble could give become
irrelevant to them for this Noble dying is far more relevant and interesting.

The wretched plebeians we fight did not come out from nowhere for they have fathers, mothers, sisters and
daughters and certainly also do they have women who are like them. These women like their jerk
boyfriends and how they spit on them. Because they are ignoble. The plebeian female is the plebeian man
we fight. Nobles should keep themselves from touching these women. And they wonder why women like
bastards! Such universal statement is incorrect to the extent that it is universal for there are plebeians and
there are Nobles. Noble women too wonder why all men are jerks. This is due to the condition of the
Plebeian Kingdom where everything is mixed. Being the sexual relationship between ranks, between Nobles

and plebeians comparable to bestiality: monstrous sexual acts between species. Both men and women are
confused. Each one looking for what they think is strong and high. So the noble man ends up with a
dangerous whore and the loving woman ends up with a walking piece of shit. So these noble never get to
meet. Hellish! According to the jewish will.

The adultery the ignoble does for fun is something that devastates the soul of he who was loyal. We are so
different. You cannot love a woman if her treachery is feared.

To an ignoble female marriage is a chastity belt because she is promiscuous. She feels trapped, she feels
love imprisons and remains promiscuous. She is like an ape. To her love and marriage are an imposition, a
prison and chain and they are not something that is sacred, or high or that is important. The pleasure to
the plebeian is to cause us suffering.

Women should not choose their man. It is a fatal mistake to think so. Ignorant women seek someone who
shares their tastes being this kind of "man" is a sissy and a weakling and ergo a degenerate. Men must not
resemble women or the stupid and the inferior triumphs.

A woman must be with the one who wants her the most. All things belong to the Superior because he is
the one that wants them most. And if a man wants a woman he must be willing to give his life for her. She
is a maternal force. Living for man and for her children. The very masculine man protects women in
combat and the very feminine woman craves making this man happy.

The woman is the center of desire that ignites the forces of men and motivates the rise of the species.
Because she is the Creation of Life. Hence it is so dangerous and evil she rewards the weak causing the
decline of the species. A woman cannot see how important she is to a man. She should understand she is
the Yearning of the Hero. The judaic female confuses her man with her son thinking his disability is
something tender to be protected but really this stupid one would be a lousy father and will give her weak
children. The strong is strong because he strives, the weak is weak because he is lazy.

Liberalism branch of Judaism the most dangerous today, shows that the strong live "privileged" and were
born "special". The strong remains strong through work. The inferior type upheld by this jewish liberalism
in the name of "equality" is in fact comfortably without any merit obtaining the glory.

This is for those who humiliate the Superior on purpose. They preach seeking the end to discrimination by
unconsciously discriminating Superior Men.

Zarathustrianism removes all prejudice of who is valuable, and who is not, without knowing. It Declares
what is worthy based on merit and what is unworthy, if it engages in the destruction of what matters.
Liberalism does not seek merit but seeks to elevate the anti-Virtue above Virtue, the weak above the strong,
and the coward above the warrior on purpose. And this evil they dare calling "justice".

Emotional nutrition women should only direct to developing children. Since both the father and the
mother should stop intervening in the lives of their children for this help should only exist for the child.
Being parents must give everything to their sons and daughters if requested by them and give them
nothing if not asked. A son will find in himself the will to expand himself and dominate things and will
become a Man. If parents harass their children assuming they need them they ruin their capabilities.

Every Man must be a warrior and every woman must be the treasure of this warrior. The Supreme Man is
the Most Martial and the Supreme Woman is the Most Beautiful carrier of Erotic Power. Illuminated is the
Zarathustrian by these Virtues of Tomorrow's World.

The ultimate dream of women is belonging to the most powerful man in combat: the supreme warrior and
to be mother of the supreme son. For women it is the one magnificent compliment to be the Superior
Man's choice. And Zarathustrian Men build themselves hard as rock to reach women to be worthy of them.
These Men and Supreme Women seeking each other build the PYRAMID of OUR REALM. Living
according to the Virtues against which judaism established war, those Magnificent and Titanic Virtues
envied by all those who failed.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Virtue of Being Nothing

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Everything has become small, tiny! If you think what is Superior is good you evolve. If you think that you
are what is right you enter involution. If you think inferiors are fine your involution is faster. The plebeian
thinks himself worthy separated from what is Superior but the Noble knows he is worthy if he is like his
Superior. The quest to be nothing this filth has been brought by Judaism and its dwarf virtues: the idea
trash is sacred. It should then not be that surprising the political class during jewish rule is formed by lazy
and ugly manipulators and weaklings. Equality is a struggle for that which does not deserve power to
increase in power. The weak say "you do not respect our envy". And they mean that if the Superior does
not adapt to a self-humiliation, to a perpetual reverence for the mob and to a self-castration of his
possibilities (not accomplishing anything), he will be damaged by the "humble". This is the System Made
Against The Best. The vitality of the Strong is a reward of nature after the long suffering but the weak who
is loyal to his own cowardice thinks in this impotence he owns the right to hurt this Superior Vitality. An
immense evil has covered the Earth. Judaism allows the lowest to become Lord. We must incessantly repeat
what the Jewish menace is. So much cure for this disease is necessary. Especially today in Planet Judea
where their propaganda is everywhere. Everywhere we get to see dwarf-size doors: made only for dwarves
to go through. And the giant will have to bow or maybe he will even have to crawl. He was taught a lesson.

The desire of the mediocre to humiliate us is like the strike of a hammer. They are mud-blood. The ignoble
think the tolerance the Noble gives him is a perpetual state, that this Noble is essentially a small idiot.
Hence the Noble in Wrath is the scariest kind of man. Anger builds up with each ignoble rudeness and
aggression from the servant until the Master explodes. Tolerance is measured by the ignoble values as

The Zarathustrian Realm is where those of Noble lineage have no longer to bow to the small and live Free
from their extortion and violence. In the world of Judea we find property and power in the hands of the
stupid, the mediocre and the degenerate.

A man who is too imposing will find difficulty in getting a job being that his interviewer might be a
mediocre afraid of him and being the wife of this interviewer might be a noble woman who should be with
this Higher Man. Or if he was to obtain the job he will be feared by the inferior in that work environment
and they will conspire against his life. And this is very funny. Fucking his life is so funny. The mediocre do
not forgive the Superior Man is not envious of them. These mediocre without spirituality are fundamentally
mundane and above-all fear death because their physical bodies are all they have. But the Noble fears
Shame more than death. For Honor he gives his life.

In this system of structural ignoble vindictive violence rats can kill a cat. Thousands of rats may kill a cat.
The funny worms gather to speak ill of the Superior who they envy, they talk a lot about him but no one
thinks of him.

And it has been taught empathy is helping this dwarf who is the most miserable and wicked. The only
spirituality the mundane has is the spirit of humility introduced by the Jewish magician or summarized as
"Magian Soul. The envious slash many times at the souls of the objective of their envy. And then the
Community is surprised when a suicide or a killing occurs. Both are expressions of a Noble that cannot
stand it anymore. When the Noble systematically is robed from his life and happiness pretending to abort
him and pretending he does not exist they make him start wondering that perhaps he does not even
deserve breathing. This occurs at the intellectual level but the body KNOWS the truth. Therefore your
body makes you explode in anger. The Body Knows the Truth: the most envious clouded in their hubris
preach the Superior Man is no big deal but their bodies perceive the Superiority in this one and attack
him. Their plebeian blood is afraid and wants to end this Superior species.

The envious condemned by the Zarathustrian Justice believe it is lawful to mess with this Noble superior
piece of shit because "he has everything". And why do they think so? Because he deserves everything. But

NO, he does not have everything because this jewish world takes everything from him. So acute is the
insane injustice of the era which the jews have managed to rule. And these jews do not always rule
physically themselves but their charisma rules, their way of thinking that they made up and that serves only
to their class: Thus the jews rule the world.

These Jews that in their dinners remember when they were slaves in Egypt and that they must be loyal to
each other against gentiles. Being the Jew is not a human being who can distance himself from the Jewish
feeling. He is racially the origin of Judaism. Its how he feels and how it will always be. He sees everyone as
shit and thinks he is very humble.

Thus the Jew is in no need to be involved in sects, being Jewish, because he is Jewish he carries the feelings
of Judaism not to mention the Jewish texts that indicate how to deal with Gentiles: such as the "Talmud"
and "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Bible which is the greatest tool to control the Aryan

The attack by the mediocre is specific against the Noble. Calling here an "attack" that which is specifically
to destroy us. Since the plebeian fucks other plebeians slightly for fun, and that other plebeians celebrate.
They also reverence money but insult Nobility. They do not mess with their bosses at their workplace, they
do not mess with the owners and do not pick on the rich, nor the bankers. They accommodate life to lift
the weak and take absolutely everything from the Superior to make him crap.

Here's how they show they truly are slaves who worship the foreman that uses the whip on them. They are
defeated ones kissing their chains. Since we do not promote rebellion but we point out they attack those
they see helpless. "Humble", yes they are humble! They are small!

The Illuminati are the top of the upside down pyramid because they are the bad guys. So they have their
own hierarchy ranges of envy, cunning and evil. They worship him who oppresses them, who will not
listen to them because he is insensitive. They hurt what is alive, but adore rocks. They get even, with those

they envy, those who owe them nothing: the Good, the Gracious, the Noble. So respectfully exerted the
Hierarchy of Evil where the kindest is the lowest. Clinging to the idea that this Noble will not make them
pay for their faults. But this was only valid until before the arrival of Autocrator. NOW THEY MUST
PAY! Autocrator is Here for them to PAY!

The Noble during combat should not think of his personal wellbeing but must completely give in, to the
fight to the death.

They pretend scratching their backs to insult use using their fingers or elbows. And they think we do not
realize this because they are abundantly morons. We do not destroy them at first because our power is far
too great and we retain it. The Noble tolerates them because the Noble when acting does not perform small
deeds but gigantic ones according to his natural rank. And this they will never come to understand. They
never get to see it. They dont conceive it. They are Ridiculous in this.

They refute with stupid giggling or coughing or using concealed obscene gestures when their Superior is
speaking. Smiling in the presence of the Lord and grimace in his absence.

Such is their shame they say to themselves they are smart and the Noble is silly. They have the idea that
"strength is not everything" and think that the strength of the Noble does not include intelligence or
cunning, and that this Noble little idiot can be defeated by good and humble people. These
tadpoles think those possessing physical strength are stupid. So they fight shame because something they
must have and they must win at something. They cant stand being completely inferior. They are really

The Noble realizes absolutely everything they do and tolerates because he does not want to hurt because
his heart is in abundance Good. For wickedness makes him ill. He does not want to embarrass or
humiliate. The Noble is the one that is truly peaceful.

Simple is the Life Our Noble Hearts Need. We need our temple of beautiful walls and columns,
surrounded by gardens, to go and meditate. But we need also that no commoner comes ruining this place,
painting the walls with obscenities, breaking its decorations created by Sensitive Nobles, and stealing.

It is not incomprehensible why is there evil: plebeians exist. They, the ones who have a thirst for blood that
goes along with their weakness. Ignoble instincts perceive Noble patience as weakness and act upon it by
throwing their bile and their desire for revenge.

The ignoble envies Kindness because Kindness is a Noble Capacity. Of a being racially superior to them.
Kindness is a Trait of Extraordinarily High Races. They mock what to us is touching. This Sensitivity of
Ours is That which is Aryan.

The ignoble do not use their intellect like us but go out there just like automatons of their primitive
feelings. Their struggle is ignoble for evil while our fight is in the name of Vitality. So we distinguish what
the true Fight is. However these unfair ones pretend an "ignoble pacifism" which actually refers to the
establishment of a specific society: a structure of violence against Nobles where all ideas are damaging to
them and to their values and where to the fact these Nobles cannot defend themselves they call "peace".

With plebeian grace, humility, affection and "human rights" they promote extreme evil against all
things that are not putrid. The consequences for ignoring this evil state of the world and allowing its
continuity: the end of life. Every immoral society destroys itself. Jehovah is the God of Self-Defeat.

A system of injustice cannot be sustained because injustice is not something that exists and that is
unpleasant but something concerning death. It is not something with the option of continuity because for
something to continue it must be alive and injustice is something that kills and kills itself.

The continuation of these attitudes of a pedantic ignoble ridiculously walking by thinking himself Lord,
this immoral tadpole who should be shoveling shit and who might be given in time a presidency over a
nation under plebeian laws, means the decline of our species. It is the literal decline of the species: the end.
This is not an irresponsible expression.

The most lamentable blindness is Majesty before you that is indeed what you yearn for but you will not see
it dressed as expected. You put the blindness of what you thought Supremacy was before and above your
dreams come true. Thus no Ideal is Above That Which Is Zarathustrian. Zarathustrianism is the Arrival of
the King. It is what the heart was waiting for.

The government by those who dont matter reforms structures leading to psychological collapse: mass
killings, suicide, the idea hurting someone is virtuous, marriage for the sake of a later divorce, the
development of sexual perversions, the accumulation of pains that lead to believe in nothing, a modification
of the meaning of all things until the entire population reverences death. Dementia is nothing else than
changing the meaning of things. The mediocre in society slowly change it until it is destroyed.

The fundamental difference between the ignoble and Nobles can be seen in childhood when a child of
Noble character cares for his toys while a child of ignoble character destroys everything he has. The noble
cares for what he has and the ignoble destroy what they have. The Noble loves his world and the plebeian
destroys it.

When the Noble speaks of having a woman he will give his life for her. When the plebeian says he owns a
woman he refers to using her despite her feelings. He thinks hes being a "badass". Plebeian values are of
vulgarity and jerkness. Government by the inept is evil. In what other way can we explain this? More than
a single insignificant came to me with grandiose pretensions of being a Lord being that to be Lord one
must be more than a jerk. One Must be provided with Heavenly Virtues of Light and Goodness. The Noble
sees in the King the Maximum Protective Kindness but plebeians think "bad man with crown". And you
have to understand the malignancy of the collective of living failures to protect society from it.

Many are cowards who fight their shame annoyingly walking like haughty sistas waving their hips
ridiculously being men! In the moment possessed by the will of their plebeian mothers.

They try to fight their shame of corroding supreme life by parading their butts. The bastard superfluous
product of the mixing of high and low is dotted with noble powers but not with noble feelings. And when
he sees the noble he cant stand it because that noble is entirely that of which he is just splashed. The will
of the bastard that comes from the jumble is totally alien to the worldview of a pure noble.

The most ostentatious charities are established in the world of Judea to help "those who have less". In the
name of those coming incomplete and underdeveloped at birth. The least worthy are hugged, maintained
and revered. They are given the treatment of Royalty. The mud sits on the throne and the crown is in the
mud. It is the idolatry of Judaism for what is inferior. It is the pyramid upside down. So strong is the
current jewish rule that I know saying it causes the anger of those possessed by this jewish charisma who
will give their lives for mud. Because their notion of what has to be protected is perverted. Anger is a
response for the defense of ones ideology. We Zarathustrians feel this anger.

Within this view of reality through the eyes of a slave: Judaism, we can find them saying what would you
think?. They say: "Whoever criticizes has it easy because he was not born less healthy". Because this rabble
lives off what isnt real. It has always been so. And they believe the desire to damage the healthy body is
justice. But indeed he was NOT born that way. And what stupid and evil one could ever have the right to
harm health turning it into a disease? They are serious offenders to the world of the future. Nobility is not
serving what is weak and if this weakling had virtue in his heart he would seek freeing the Superior Man
from his wickedness. But this inferior cannot want Superior things because it is inferior. All inferiors
should greatly fear the Name of Vindex. He who was born inferior has an inferior consciousness. While
taking from those who were not born inferior is true suffering to their higher consciousness.

At the same time the less is worshiped and helped the noble lives without being recognized in the new
society of garbage in rebellion. The glorification of what is worthless was normalized in the jewish world

but it is automatically offensive the Superior One is called Superior. Since the noble must live within the
dignity of his rank unconditionally.

Paradoxically the noble government would be truly cleansing of all diseases and social injustice: the world
where there is no poverty. Never in history a Noble has left abandoned another Noble being these Nobles
clean of judaism.

This means that not because what is not supreme is not to be worshiped it should be annihilated. The
Noble Heart is Protector. The jew as usual in hubris thinks if you do not worship what is low the only
thing left is evil. Actually evil is their worshiping of mud.

His Majestys Government is what truly with Generous Heart gives everything to the Nation while the
ignoble government of gentrified plebeians and ambitious politicians, those who climb to the honors they
do not own only pretends to help to feel good about themselves. Their support is absolutely mediocre and
miserable. They seek being able to look at themselves in the mirror without vomiting. Their temporary
help is a ruse to deceive people as they get what they want.

The bravest commoners feel they are "dark" and "strong" and "tough" and that the Noble is childish and
naive. When they discover the Noble feels more hatred than them, much more, then they start shaking. We
love and hate more intensely. Because Cognoscencia Belongs to Us. We Zarathustrians Advocates of Life:
Champions of the Super Human feel the Wrath that obliterates their envy. We Elevate By Our Power the
Super Human as Single Cause. The Time is Approaching Them their end, reaches them. And Our Day is
Coming. Our Day of Victory. Every day they become smaller, poorer and more barren. More humble
dwarves. Closer to Failure. Becoming more afraid of Holiness. Becoming more evil and convinced in their
wickedness. Trapped in their evil. Ever unjust. Growing in injustice. Ever more afraid of the Name of OUR
KING. Soon they will stand before the Throne of His Majesty totally defeated! Tired of their own
deceptions and claims of "greatness". Tired of their enterprises and efforts against Life. Tired of themselves.
These subhumans longing to leave Nobles alone and yearning for leaving this world, longing to rid society
from their incompetence. And more than thirsty of water thirsty of fire. And we will give them fire! Time

of Blessed Rays! Prior to the Mystery of Innocence! Into scattered ashes Autocrator will transform them!
Our Day will Come! And their names will vanish from Memory and Time! Monumental Innocence is next!

It is the Day of Wrath

With the Fire of Satan
Destiny Was Written
But much fear is Future
When the Avenger Reaches the World
To Give the Final Judgment
With the Power of the Sword
Vindex descends in Light
Upon All the Mundane
Natural Element
When the Letters On the Throne
Spell Autocrator
Nothing Remains Unpunished
Against what was Dictated by Heaven
Nothing Can Be Done
Tremendous Majesty the King
Against Judea and Untermenschen
I Gave My Loyalty

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Emotional Leech

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Dedicated to destroying your emotions for the love you feel for her is the emotional leech. She makes you
responsible for her crimes. One that gives herself to the enemy to be destroyed and continues her life
without suffering this but leaves the pain in your heart that leaves you wondering: "why did she allow it?".
You suffer but she doesnt. Christian ideology is corrupting. It is the one that brought this. It created this
compassion for the Holy to suffer for those who do not feel.

Those distanced from Zarathustrianism, those who do not want to be Super Human are those who do not
want to live. Since distanced from them is the assertion of Immortality. We require this affirmation of life
to fight the monster of Judea. Whoever decides not to live forever has decided not to be responsible because
he thinks that someday he will leave. The charisma of the Jewish compassion presents the world in a way
that is not reality. Creating hopes of good in those who are evil. And it deletes our responsibility to stop
them leaving this responsibility to exercise justice to Imaginary Forces. Imaginary forces such as Jehovah or
impersonal forces such as the state, being that this state is part of the same evil. Since the state and
society are not the same.

The modern domesticated man is a coward, having been accustomed to leave his security to the state. This
state is controlled by those who want his death.

A Zarathustrian must be Honorable. The Kingdom is not there to look after him as if he was a helpless
baby. He Should Be Responsible for His Own Honor. If the anti-Noble cunning type defeats the Noble the
Kingdom will gladly avenge him.

Sweetly the scam enters the heart and then removing it is almost impossible. It is a system created by the
mind of the low specifically against high feelings. Only a true nobleman perfectly adopts these illusions.
Only he is capable of the highest goodness while the ignoble benefited by this goodness is unable to leave
his intent to harm. Values are perverted and the noble becomes the slave of the plebeian. The Noble is
stripped from all of his forces and the ignoble commands. The emotional disability of the ignoble is seen as
"strength". His jerkness in everyday life is seen as "force". When the Superior Man spared inferiority these
inferiors began their revenge and became Master. This failure must we repudiate for vitality to return and
for sadness to be exiled. All sorrow is cowardly. It too fears Honor and seeks to extort us. With tricks it
reaches to extort us. This kind of sadness is hard to understand for anyone who was never a Saint. There
should be an assessment and an exaltation of goodness but separated from being poured on commoners.
What mocks Feelings must perish.

In the world of our heart must not ever penetrate the commoner but must be received by a Border Guard
and pierced with spear. The bolt that goes to our heart must be struck by the Sword. And we must step on
the flowers given to us by those wishing to extort our hearts. Distinguishing their manipulation from the
true love of our people. Because by this sweetness they seek wearing our bones until we die. All of their
kindness is pretense, it is plebeian. For Life to be Immortal it must be free from these gooey morons. They
may as well die drowning in their corruption. Everything that to us is Love is to them tactic.

The Satanic Zaratustrianos are the Spirit of the Opposition to all of this trash. And everyone who does not
understand that this World and the New Age belong to Autocrator is deceiving himself. Because to this
God the World Belongs.

To the Hardest Knights, exiled and separated from all mob and to all the Princesses forgotten by the
mediocre, what is more important to them than That Name? Autocrator. The Invincible. Enemy to all tiny
and pathetic life away from Honor.

These Remaining High Nobles Bear the Mission to Save Life. And enemy to their lives is the leech: this
creeping class living off pity organized against the Superior Man. To all of them we will bring Fire.

Autocrator has come to burn the minds of all these insignificant miserable ones in the name of something
bigger than all of them: Life! For the Dominion of Nobility we must Invest Immense Personal Vitality. This
comes naturally to our inherited blood. What we are looking for is so Immense Nature Promises one thing:
those embarking on this quest will suffer. But our ancestors suffered in establishing empires, therefore we
are ready. We are meant to live this Victory! Enduring will gain us the Promised Power! Autocrator is
Living Proof that this is Truth. Evidence can give the power of his sword against any unhappy snake.

Do men not understand the value of a warrior who could give death ten times in a second whose strike is
faster than the bullets of cowardice? The original King is the Mightiest Warrior. When his children sail
away from what is Martial they allow the plebeian to arise.

These immense merits are living proof of the Super Human and the alliance of worshipers of insignificant
and dishonorable firearms seeks to overshadow Him. Since the plebeian judges things plebeianly, such
judgment is worthless.

In the original world the champion has the inimitable strength and is King. In the jewish world inferiors
join forces and decide this isnt so. But behold! For we will not allow a single victory by cunning! Super
Humans will create technologies that outperform their technologies. Being we are not bowing to
technology. Our technologies are there to Defend the Life of the Superman. Ours is the Total Faculty to
Bring them Obliteration! No country is a gift: it must be Conquered. The Zarathustrian Kingdom wants to
be Conquered!

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Humble Envy

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The destruction of the strong by the envy of inferior organisms. They want the musician to have his hands
cut off. They want to cut off what is possible for Men and Women who are Superior. They are jewish, all of
them are jewish. This trash thinks it should not celebrate what it sees as "ego" in the Higher Man. They
feel unconscious envy and fear that if the Superior is recognized they will stop living in the world where
comfortably they are paramount.

I urge the Noble to recognize the sly look around the miserable. And to Distinguish for his Life to Be
Saved in every being whether it seems jewish or Heroic and he will know who hes dealing with. Those
who could not be warriors hate warriors. It is easy for them to sit and think and secretly resent Warriors
Exist. The mediocre never misses an opportunity to humiliate what is High. They make jokes through
which they introduce an insult towards the Lord or towards what is related to the Lord. Or they damage by
alleged "accidents" but no accidents exist.

Everything they achieve through gossip and if they dare going further and doings things in your face they
feel protected by their current state. In this today where the jewish charisma rules. Prepared for the weak
to be protected and for the strong to be destroyed. Where there is the idea that it is normal to tolerate
meanness and when the Noble complains against this crime his plebeian audience thinks he agrees with
this crime and that he is complaining as part of the fun of it. These inferiors who carry the hubris disease
or mental disorder dishonor what is worthy and at the same time worship what is meaningless. To the
ignoble, the lowest of whores is important above all Majesty. They have their own world and their own
upside down reality.

To this unfortunate carrier of ignoble blood Higher faces that speak of a NOBLE DNA are "ugly". The
strong he can never hope to mimic is an asshole: These are like naked apes and created their own world
of naked apes. So they teach you lessons because you are not part of this category. So they punish you for
your inherited blood.

They put you in your place no matter if your are a blondie, a whitey or even a kingy. You get your
fucking lessons. They exaggerate their reverence towards us to score hidden damage. Wrapped in their
hubris they do not fear your sword because they do not conceive the consequences of their actions. They
have never had a martial training and to them reality is offending comfortably being protected by cowards
who cannot face Nobles hand to hand. "We are all equal" they say but this does not include superior pieces
of shit. No place is free from them because they are many.

No matter how much you fight to be worthy and to attach yourself to doing justice to cease their attacks
they continue these attacks because your attachment to justice is part of your nobility which makes their
plebeian envy burn intensely.

In the workplace of any type all the loafers envy he who works the most. If he is not protected by Natural
Authorities of Nobility he is at the mercy of these mediocre. They will teach lessons. They conspire against
his life endlessly. They'll take what he deserves incessantly. In the end they are protected by little silly
nobles according to how the mob sees them: we are referring to the police.

Such is the violence of these miserable damned ones that it must be proclaimed: compassion for the
Superior Man! The inferior thinks of himself at all times. All those who are inferior pity themselves and
punish Superiority. This must be reversed. Life was given for the low and today must compassion for the
Superior have its Dawn. And we must be for the Superior Unconditionally. They preach being empathetic
and they mean the weak is right. Empathy for the Superior Man... where is it for them? They feel envy.
Zarathustrianism is the Heart that Joins Superior Men. Feared Ideology. Honorable Way. What should the
Higher Man do before this insanity? Before this dementia longing to steal his life? Where is the Noble that
will hold up the torch to ward off these beasts? Nobles must help each other. Their dispersion and personal

egos are their death. Collection for Blood must exist when the commoner insults the Noble. Where is the
one to give his life for the Best? We have already given our lives for the worst, where is the antonym to this

The populace resents the Superior thinks hes a big deal. But they collectively seek to be a bigger deal
than him. They impose themselves because they are many and being many they are much evil. The Noble
swallows suffering and if he is specially deceived he blames himself. Because the Noble longs for Justice.
The noble must learn commoners are not like him who are beings of injustice that should have never been
born. The modern Noble confuses the ignoble with the King remaining loyal and enduring every offense
because of this. There is continual Propaganda about the sacrifice for the humble indoctrinating us from
childhood. The benefited one from this propaganda killed the Kings. The Kings protecting the Earth from
the penetration of death. The ignoble feels he is showing he is glorious and he is right by disgracing the
Superior Man. Ruining things to him is proving something. But this is the demonstration he is ignoble,
through teaching lessons he is showing he is crap and does not realize this, he doesnt know this because
today the group of losers live well thousands of times higher than what they deserve in this Kingdom of the
Commons. Because they live the reward of their deceptions, the compassion of the strong, so they also
reward you teaching you lessons on being humble. The Noble demonstrates by Overcoming but the
inferior demonstrates by knocking down anything higher than him. The level at which they harm they
cannot see because the Superior to them is not a living sentient being but only shit. A shit who came to
humiliate with his successes disrespecting and provoking the envy of the type of people who call themselves
good. Oh, what the hell is this good people!

The Pure and Superior Man lives his life and the ignoble interpret he knows normality dictates attacking
higher men and then they think he is on purpose provoking them by being a superior asshole. They
made up ranks do not exist and only personality exists. In their world plebeian behavior is what is right. So
the Noble to them is a commoner like everyone who decides to be an asshole. Because personality is
bound to DNA, to biological rank and race: they are unconsciously attacking our blood, our flesh and our
Honor. They say that "looks do not matter" and that "there are no races". The Noble is completely alien to
their wickedness and cannot conceive it! They promoted the being not to be judged by his appearance but
they created a world where the Superior Man or Woman is crushed because he/she looks Superior. Against
this happy man these naked apes plan evil. Planning revenge as he is happy. They squirm because he is
happy. They are the monsters of all mythological tales. The systematic destruction of a good man is the

goal of the plebs. The mediocre is enervated against the strong because the strong exists. The strong
reminds those who dont matter they are not the top of the world therefore they hate him.

The morality inherited as what is "right" is invisibly the wretchedness that comes from the lowest. In the
world made by those who envied Kings and Nobles the heir to this ancient aristocratic blood who doesnt
love the mob and the miserable attitudes of wickedness of the mob: this supreme one is the new
"miserable". The lessons by the inferiors will always be invisible and will never make any sense because
they are based on injustice. They plan long before their attack. They are criminal treachery. For the Higher
Man a normal life is not available without being hurt by the inferior. They gain access to his heart with
kindness and once inside make permanent damage. So kindness is temporary but eternal their damage.
They attack what the noble loves.

Mutilating his dreams and obscuring his brightness naming Him TRASH in the Kingdom of Plebeians.
And they feel most holy teaching him fucking lessons. Because the populace gets extremely angry if the
humble is touched they feel confident, unconsciously masters of all. If the commoner fell in a street he
knows the world will help him. If he gets hit by a Superior he knows the world will help him. If the
Superior attacks him for stealing his wife he knows the world will help him. Because the bottom is always
right in Judea. Because the Superior who causes envy has everything to lose. If the Superior falls they will
not help because he is fucking strong and scary.

Temporarily absent is the Nobility that would give instant death to these cunning ones. Innumerable are
these damned ones because they are the leftovers, they are what we dont need: they are superfluous. The
worthless tide. The sea of scum.

Even the highest tower thousands of droplets from their mega-splash of humility can be crushed and
broken down if we do not establish the salvation of this tower. They are a Great Whore, Heavy pouncing
on a Noble child to teach him his muscles are useless and that he should worship humble cum. They are
sinister crap protected by those who do not know what they are.

Jewish games involve Superiors seeing other Superiors as dangerous outcasts of society against that humble
mob making them want not to establish the most needed alliance for the tide of commoners to fail in their
killing of all Higher Men.

They have sayings like "the strong will be strong until the weak wants and they await revenge. Because
they made up the strong is abusive. Being the damned infinitely disrespectful one is the weak when he
joins other weaklings around him to defeat the strong.

And they also say "Higher men have fallen and masturbate with their previous murders. They destroy
lives and continue to live destroying lives. As they are inheritors of the will of Moloch. They crave burning
the virgin female alive turning beautiful women into ash in the name of those who are not loved: the
outcasts. These who do not matter have no limits when satisfying their envy and always go too far.

Although they say they do no wrong they do to the Noble what they would not do to their superfluous
parents. They do to the Noble what they would not like to be done against them. Because they feel they are
carriers of the "new morality of envy" and feel untouchable. To them the humble is absolutely untouchable
but the Superior, the more Superior he is must suffer more. UNLESS he is an evil one! A cursed one like
them, a corrupted evil and dangerous madman. Only then it begins for them: respect.

They think that nothing will happen because they see your stupid noble face and cling to your nobility to
deteriorate your life. They are used to seeing Superior Men thinking they are with them and we must bring
a re-structuring of the mind for them to identify our faces and our bodies and our emblems, as dangerous
to them: dangerous and Superior. They incapable of reasoning think two things at once: you're a superior
and cause envy and you're really fucking dumb and fucking your life is just fine. Subconsciously they
reason you're alone in their world. In this structure that exiled all of your merits for you to be a poor
asshole. Where what exalts you in the world of nobles is worthless. Where those who are nothing in nature
are Most Respectful Lords. Where the nobody is worthy if he has pieces of paper that bestow authority on

The beauty of the revered Noble woman is worthless in the Kingdom of Commons if it is not a product for
the rabble. In this sick nightmare-world where those who are pathetic and had nothing are the new kings
who command Higher Men. A world where the judaic woman does not bow to the Superior Man but to
the mass populace.

You have fallen like a hawk, to guard a weasel under your wing and for it to bite at your ribs. After
deteriorating someone in love with their own baseness and rotten wickedness they pity themselves and kiss
themselves whimpering and thinking "I'm such a nice person". Today they are destroying everything. First
they ended the domain of Warriors and were elegant aristocrats. Pay Attention! Now the most radical slag
is going against these aristocrats! The immoral went against the King's name and became the new morality.
And the immoral of today go against the immoral of the past that ended monarchy while preaching
"freedom". The world is becoming inferior every day. Not moving towards consciousness but towards what
is anal. Here's the process towards death when the lowest is right. They make crowds to slander and
discredit the Superior Man. They bite their lower lips thinking of his death. And the cops say "we must be
respectful of evil". And they ruin the life of the noble if he goes against this evil. The populace punishes the
Noble because of his virtues. They make them very envious. This mob only respects those who are more
evil than they are: their "rulers". Displaying what kind of power they serve.

Inferiors dont attack us because they are mistreated but because. The Superior is not the origin of violence!
And when they are treated well they feel insulted and this increases their violence. Because it means that
the Noble does not yet recognize their wickedness or thinks he can go against it. Because their god is Evil
they are offended when failing at evil. Because they feel the Noble sees them as minor. Because they in
their plebeian ideology only treat well those who are inferior while the Noble does so because he is a
person capable of loving.

In their world where they established we are all are equal he who is not equal is the new misfit, the weird
and aberrant pariah. Since they are aberrant outcasts that because they were very envious made up their
"equality". The envious plebeian perceived compassion as "this superior shit thinks its untouchable" and
they get angrier. The ignoble is natural evil who awards all of this evil to his Superior. The unimportant
denies the existence of the Superior and His Superior Feelings. So the Superior to him is a non-important

like him who feels special and must be humbled: taught a fucking lesson. Here's the inferiors swirling

The son of servants avenges the resentment of his plebeian parents by deteriorating a Superior Mans life.
A descendant is the revenge of his ancestors. The daughter of servants seduces and/or rejects the son of
those Superior to her parents. The ignoble of today are the ignoble of yesterday because they are their
children. And the strong men of today are descendants of Heroes and Champions and all previous
Nobility. The stupid faces of plebeians including those plebeians in television and films do NOT appear in
the paintings of ancient nobles for one reason: Because before the world was ruled by Nobles.

Today the good for nothing ignoble is born with all the luxuries and ignores history, feeling he is the King,
at an unconscious level. He feels entitled to everything, he teaches lessons in humility to Superior Men, he
is extremely insolent and arrogant and thinks everyone will take care of him. His hubris is strength. They
believe to know Power which is actually a massive temporary psychosis.

They set fire to the qualities that cause their envy. The beautiful female is sabotaged in every possible way
by the ugly. If she doesnt become friends with the ugly they will teach lessons. The only beautiful woman
valued by the populace is the whore, which already sold to them. And even if she becomes her friend they
will ask increasingly greater humiliation until she no longer accepts and they will teach a lesson. If she is
not a whore the mob has a name for her: "tight-ass".

They say "tell me what you brag about and Ill tell you what you dont have" and await attacking the
greatest merit of a Superior Man or Woman. Everything is a perfect trick by these dwarves. Just like the
Superior Man is an outcast the female immersed in this jewish reality cannot compete against the
whore and she will be alone. The Noble is extorted by the maids. But for these maids the medieval knights
sword awaits. Only the Noble that was born in the armor of money is relatively safe from the mob for now.
Because well above his purchasing power is an impenetrable Jewish structure made to bring death to

The ignoble dishonors physical strength. Men near being Supermen are limited to remain as circus
entertainment for the ignoble. They are never praised according to natural reality. For example
strongmen. If they think theyre a big deal their life will be harsh because everyone will teach them
lessons. The little fame they had as circus-men will be removed and they will be nothing.

The humble tells his Superior "You're not special, hey you are NOTHING.

If a beautiful woman rejects a daring humble dwarf he will say: "oh, no modesty I guess", or will say, "oh,
Im sorry mam whore, or will say, hey, are you a racist?. Or his body language will say so.

So this damned stupid one who glorifies himself because he is sacred for being a dwarf seeks to make her
feel ashamed. If the woman is especially ignorant of these tricks and is living in a Jewish society she will
feel that somehow it is unfair not to give herself to this weasel. Everything starts as compassion for the low
and the low ends up dominating. And with him his baseness expands. The Noble should not forget
"beware of the mediocre". We say it again: "Beware of the mediocre". Before him the mob feels tiny and its
baseness burns and writhes in randomized retaliations against him that he will never understand. They
cant stand him. They are bad people. They are wrong. Their -name is the mob: their name is the
rabble. They are a mud-blood. Theyre something terrible coming from anti-noble lands since ancient
times. They are scum. The ugliness of their presence is the ugliness of how they think. Their faces reveal
their psychological structures.

The ugly pitied for thousands of years have survived with their evil. Good and evil can be explained in a
racial way. The Vengeance to Execute is Ours. Like the Name of Vindex. According to Lord Vengeance.
Refreshing Water! Because We Are the Living against their death. Today Vindex is giving everything, do
the same.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!


Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
What is not for the Super Human is the enemy. Where the humble is increasingly respected what is not
humble starts getting the natural feeling of contempt one feels for the humble. Plebeians (those with no
aristocratic rank) have never felt compassion or respect or admiration or esteem or appreciation for
anything other than a plebeian ever. The Noble is allowing the expansion of the plebeian empire because
he pities this plebeian. He must be careful not to awake in Wrath when plebeians are an inch away from
killing all Nobles.

THEREFORE the Being must serve Superiority, not himself. Shameful is that he serves himself.

Untouchable is the judgment of the Hierarch on his subject. If the subject is offended he should look at
how he has failed but must never seek to disintegrate the judgment by his Superior through dishonoring
His Superiors Authority. He who does so is of the Magian. And he is representative of death. He is an
ambassador to the Malum u Olom. This is the name of the entity of death and ruin and evil the jews serve.
A force of ruin that respects no anger, sadness or hatred, something that exists only to harm life. Jehovah is
a manifestation of it. Yeshua is a servant of it. It is the energy served by the Jewish magicians, the Magian
and that gives them power.

Mankind tells the Super Human: "you are guilty of everything we do against you". The humble wants to
make the Higher Man accountable for his inferiority. And if the inferior is irresponsible NOTHING must
be in his hands.

The Superior Man Distinguished for His Purity Must Be Saved.

Fanaticism in Zarathustrianism is the annihilation of subhumans. We have to defend the Holy. Humility is
not an attitude of virtue but a perpetual physical condition from which the weak cannot escape. He is
humble: physically inferior. Heroism is dying.

For a woman to pity the humble she must have inherited noble blood from the men she despises if her
ideology is judaic, being this is really not about her feelings for it is the will of the enemy in her mind. This
is the deception of the envious. These superior men she loves if she lives in original nature. This went on
for 3000 years before the Nazarene. During 3000 years of civilization. But for millions of years from the
beginning of life always found themselves each other that male and female that, could create the best life.

Today there are dangerous enterprises against Holiness by those miserable. The Redeemer of the Humble
threw the world in chains. Now everyone is relaxed against evil. The rise of Infinite Evil tolerated. If these
humble had not coveted world domination to break it they would have never been discovered as a threat to
life and would be integrated in society. False values and words arose. The idea Im right because Im

It is the insane defense of a virus in nonstop movement against life. When they were rewarded for being
weak a will to power to be better was snatched from them. They were emboldened to defy the natural
hierarchy injuring life and their hubris in the future being punished by Zarathustrianism.

The Noble is the charisma of protection but the humble is the charisma of abuse.

Is it easy for us this mission? Do we talk from pedantry? The Holy Man hates war. His heart is not made
to suffer. But do you suppose he should let the garden left in flames and his children frightened before
invaders? Those who make up the death cult seek destroying everything and they must be stopped.

The humble is a black smoke that wont let any creature fly. He is poison. He looks foremost to decrease
the achievements of higher life. He sees the eagle flying over his head and wants to cut off its wings. He is
the origin of evil, envy and hatred. Because he is an unconscious and unfair being he seeks to blame the
Superior Man for the discomfort he feels when looking at him. Because the Superior activates in him all his
blackness. The humble tell the Superior: "You cause something that I didnt know was in me to arise.

When the evil one began getting away from being eliminated and began killing good men, the evil one
became standard of virtue. Therefore those violated by the damned mediocre believe what is wrong is the
good man, that has not been destroyed. They feel they are teaching a lesson but the Holy sees pure evil
before him. Disturbing. Putrid. And twisted. The Superior is the Saint target and victim of the humble.

There has never existed the popular propaganda monster who is a giant wanting to hurt the small. Reality
is exactly contrary to this lie.

Thousands of man-eating ants destroy your life while you're enjoying the morning lying. Does this man
has exercised an aggression against these ants? Did he abuse his size and intelligence to hurt these poor

The humble interprets in every detail of the life of the Superior evil because he wants the excuse to hurt
him. The humble are less intelligent and less strong but in large numbers and malignant wildlife. In them
there is no helplessness. And therefore they collectively form the Predator against Life. The highest evil is
not a physical being but it penetrates through the mind. And it makes its conquered ones those who
exercise the will of that evil. Responsibility of Nobles Servants of the Light is finishing them.

Being estranged such understanding from exercising evil on the innocent. Since those awarding evil to
Zarathustrianism are judaic or plebeian. And in both cases working for evil.

Like Fresh Water is Having the Nobles of Abundant Kind Hearts, who join us in times of grief to give Life
Against Evil. The road to Zaratustrianismo is arduous. Because you have to get away from the evil of the
time. This leads us to understand that the Zaratustrianismo is a philosophy that is acquired not one you are
born with. Because the Noble projects his feelings and is not sure of the threats out there. Without the
Humane Doctrine of Zaratustrianismo he is in great danger. Zaratustrianismo is made to Protect Your
Body, Your Mind and Spirit. This Acquired Doctrine only by those who Love Truth.

The comfortable who does not know, who has never changed his ideology, who has never been challenged
by the environment, the one everyone says hes right thinks the Zaratustriano (the Zarathustrian)
comfortably talks about these things. But the Zarathustrian understands the scope of his words. The
Zaratustriano already suffered in the past alchemical transformation of the spirit. He had to see those
around him turned into evil. Realizing what they were. To dispose of them and move towards the Holy
Spirit. Did he easily dismiss them? No, not at all. But the fool without any courage thinks it comes easy. So
this dishonest one projects his evil on our lives. They award us what we hate: the evil we have never been
carriers of. The smallness of the humble is not defenselessness but threat. They belong to a past of
primitive violence forcing their wickedness on those moving forward: the Future of Holiness.

Oh, to the Superior Man violence is nasty but necessary against those who wish his death. This Lover of
Life cannot fail to Life. Since he has the ability to exercise a greater fight than that of the enemy because
nature protects him having given him a Superior Life. If Your Honor Code is True and Right you will find
Superior and Overwhelming Forces on the Enemy: proving the Authority of Heaven.

The humble establishes war against his own life. Because his life does not come from humility but from
power. Yes, even this humble envious and a scorner was created by power. Because all life is created by

Who could reflect the size of the gap between the object lifeless and the living body without becoming
dizzy? It is an overwhelming sight! Oh, all life was created by Power! The humble are murderers.

Those who use their hands and their minds to harm are traitors to life. And they respond to Autocrator.
Do their mothers raise them when defenseless babies for them to snatch the opportunity in the future from
another who could not defend from them? Autocrator allows the elimination of evil but avenges that Saint
if touched.

Thus we understand those who live off love do not love. The humble itself is responsible for his own
weakness. He is committed to his laziness.

All those depressed, inferior, absurd and strange people are killed by natural life and when the state
protected them, this state descending from Christian values, Jewish values, life was then filled by bacteria.

The humble are a form of life that in nature where their state does not exist dies. So in natural and in real
life they do not exist. They are eliminated by Life Itself. Since the rebellion that Yeshua brought of all the
inferior is the rebellion of the descendants of all the disgusting rabble who invaded Rome.

Today life is full of disease because of this! Spiritual disease shown in those who only seek to do harm. The
Community Free from the jewish thinking annihilates the inferior.

We must only Love the God who saves us from our enemies not the one creating homes for them. The
Autocrat is the GOD of Nobles! This Lord is of all of us Rex. He is the King of Aryans. He is the Aryan
Spirit that Crushes Judea. A Goodness Exceeding what Yeshua claimed to be.

Nighttime is coming to those who do not matter and who are enemies to those loved by God. The jews, the
most evil people on Earth created Jehovah imitating Nobles values to conquer Nobles. This concept they
cannot incarnate is what they call God because it is precisely for them unreachable. The malignant admires
and hates the good.

The Nobles are what every plebeian envies. They gathered in their Jehovah a mask of the Olom, all that is
noble but reverted to serve the antinobles. They want to be what we are but not because they want to
change but because they want be it within the limits of pretension. Great Freedom!

They want to delude themselves that they are a good thing. But when they find that good one they
promptly destroy him.

Beware Nobles, of getting involved in the burning flame of Honor because to the humble this is ridiculous.
They do not follow our code. You Nobles will give your lives for honor but there is something better and
that is the Command of the Autocrat: Let them die for Our Honor! All those pretentious tremble before
the boiling blood of true Nobility and Manhood. This Manhood is Protection! Reject the leaders who are
not Zarathustrian Hierarchs. And if in the mist you shall see the Super Human reach out never cease to
follow him! He only Walks Towards What is Clean, Natural and Honest. So the Impetuous Wind whose
Name is Vindex arises. The Lord is the one that Gives Us Strength and We Become like Him. The Union
of the Global Nobility is the God of Vengeance. Humans have the opportunity and responsibility also to
redeem all sorrows of the past. The pain that seems we will carry forever must be stripped off all meaning.
Alchemically this pain must be transformed into fuel to reach the Super Human. Resentment Free! And
anyone who has suffered the greatest sorrow: the loss of the one he loved must undertake the construction
of the world he would have wanted for this loved one! So we turn our tragedy into having been chosen by
Heaven. Oh! The boiling Will of Man is still weak before knowing what was suffered still exists in the
world. Oh yes, still available and waiting that pain, to catch someone else. Will deceives itself saying :"I
have overcome pain". But is this right? By this desire the being deceived itself, because he has simply
forgotten. Renunciation is not Overcoming! Resignation is No Choice. We can only forget when we're
done with the Enemy. The Cosmic Ascent of Humanity is to Exile the jewish pain from the World. Since
we want this Victoria She Belongs to Us. Life Belongs to the Will of the Living Being.

Clearing from Life the evil thorn waiting for another one to do to him what it did to you: that is the
Mission. Cleanse from pain the world. This is how humanity becomes One Being. Marching Towards
What is Best. Not when it becomes like the worst!

Earth is a Miracle of Life in what seems to be the Vast Death of Space. No being around the Earth to hear
us. The human being has the Single Responsibility to Assist other human beings. The species must Rise

The government by the malignant will cause the death of the Earth: Our Home. In the future that depends
on them only the emptiness of the universe where nobody will hear our story. It is the duty of us who live
in the Magnificent Hugging of the Earth Saving HER. To this Mother who has given everything.

Here's my urge to surrender to the Spirit Zaratustriano of the New Age, which means Universal Revert for
all values of death into Immortality values. Absolutely giving in to the LIFE of Blossoming Love. So the
Day After Tomorrow in Truth death exiled from our Universe.

Most dangerous are these times when our consciences have expanded so much life loses its charm. And
more dangerous is that our minds are fed with sinister thoughts. Proponents of the abyss like a good place
to live. All these ideas are our enemy. Given this Destruction of Truth we must return to the original
nature and observe the child. The human being before programming of evil. We must regain the innocence
and set it as normal throughout the lifetime of the being. The Love for the Superman and no more hope in
what is in the past. This world ends! If you look into an abyss there is the fear of falling but this force is
confronted by the will to live. Now picture this! A force above that will to live: Superhumanity! Let no
vanity be blocking this Great Dream. Where vanity is wounded only corruption arises. It sees itself
wounded when it encounters the True Greatness this vanity was claiming to be. This vanity that is merely
the idea of greatness is embarrassed, and torn down, by True Greatness.

What is the Single Force that when defeated Rises to Be Even More? Noble Pride. A Pride that is not
illusory or intended to stand on what does not exist but a Pride descending from the realization of what
personal effort has attained. This pride finds its possible to be better. Because its possible it must be. The
inferior who achieves nothing HATES this Pride.

Super Human Kindness is so great that all those who are evil in these times will call this Superman The
Devil". The Devil will be the one finishing the plebeian paradise of evil. And proudly so this Super
Human being The Devil to these evil ones!

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Invisible Assaults

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The population of every capitalist country, those countries living in the mist of globalist popular culture
is being carefully manipulated by the Illuminati. Their intention is success to those opposite to Virtue and
the Virtuous One to die. Superior Man: they resent your Dignity greatly because they believe the existence
of your dignity oppresses their freedom to be scum.

The first thing a man should say to understand the Super Human is "I'm bad and he is good". Because if
this man that really is bad says he is normal or the axis of the universe then all of the superiority of the
Super Human, all of his goodness will be "weird". And this man can continue to be bad and will continue
to do damage to those superior in goodness. Man is a fucking beast before the Super Human. A wild
asshole of intolerable cruelty that is destructive and self-destructive. He must be overcome.

The Superior Man does not feel he is higher and important, he does suffer evil by the inferior. Jews and all
the garbage that resembles them introduce by joke their will. What they seek bringing begins as an
innocent joke and ends up being accepted by the mind of the ignorant until the evil that started as a joke is
the New Law. Autocrator tells those who Seek Truth. "I, Autocrator, I transmit you the Power to Defeat
Evil. These dangerous subhumans serving the Void. They themselves believe to be part of that power
being senior members of it but in reality, that very power wants to destroy them, too. For that which is evil
does not love. Evil is the absence of love.

That power of spiritual destruction found its entry in the low self-esteem of the inferior. And this low selfesteem plans to exterminate the life of the Superior. The Noble during the rule of the Jews because of the
education they provide, unwittingly projects on the inferior the pity the Noble feels when looking at him.
This inferior does not feel this pain but feels only what is inferior. Outraged we must stop all inferiors. If
we built our Noble walls once again creating a Heavenly World, if this world includes a plebeian he will
not integrate to this effort. He Challenger of our laws would damage our walls when no one is watching
him. The Honor of Nobles is Building but the honor of the commoner is destroying. He who has no
martial skills has dangerous cunning. When a commoner says "I dont think Im better than anyone,
okay?, this is not to honesty in such a commoner, but he is saying: "I aint no superior piece of shit. He
is loyal to the garbage he comes from. Not because he is able to decide loyalty but because he is not able to
be something higher.

Everyone is in love with the death cult of Zionist Propaganda. The one teaching values that are uniquely of
descent. Unfortunately global populations do not carry a consciousness but only in a non-consciousness,
manipulated by the evil ones who took the throne. Those who control the consciences of all the humble are
Jewish magicians called "Magian". The manipulated mundane thinks himself independent. Everybody feels
special. But all of them are exactly the same: a concupiscent envious prick.

The lessons one of them teaches are also taught by his neighbor. They are the same thing. They are
dangerous and dirty commoners who lived outside the walls of the manor and well away in the
countryside. They are wild. Each of these stupid ones, each of these imbeciles feels carrier of great morality
according to present Judaism. Everywhere lines of humble inferiors appear to attack Superiors thinking: "I
will stop this arrogant douchebag. Feeling this humble he is Guardian Of Morality. That morality
implying crushing what is higher than the mediocre. Being this mediocre the plebeian, the anti-Noble. The
Super Human doesnt see himself as superior interpreting this feeling from human vanity. The Super
Human is not a conceited plebeian trying to cause envy. Since for humans superiority is being able to crush
and fuck life.

Super Human Strength is not something that for him is an automatic and convenient process. On the
contrary to him human comfort in evil is incomprehensible. The power of the Super Human is that he tries
desperately to protect life. He is suffering this fight.

His strength is not like that of the hubris we can find in plebeian films where with background music
proper of a conceited ape the strong one is cruel, mean and cool. The Super Human does not live for the
plebs. His forces are not for the populace to see him as special.

The Super Human defends what matters most: the Holy, because he is that Holiness. To him the human is
not inferior or weak because he is not a great destroyer but because his indifference to morality is absolute,
and his laziness to Justice as well.

Humans only care about living and their living implies the destruction of what is good, if they arent
Nobles and they eventually die of old age. That contributed greatly to Life. Those who succeed departing
from the charisma of the humble without going to the sinister, as both ends are Judaism, but being they
attain an upward movement towards the Super Human, must separate themselves from fellow companions
of hippie character and Jewish dreams. This type of fellow betrays when he fears the strength of his
comrades seeking in them an empathy for his low level, so that they become weak ready to be devoured by
the enemy. If it's a woman she wants man to become a pet, which in exchange for licking the phallus of the
conqueror, is allowed to continue living.

The parasitic woman speaks thus: "Let this son of a bitch take me right in front of you because I
wouldnt like anything happening to you". So she secretly enjoys this rape because although she pretends
to be part of Nobility, her god is Jehovah. The tolerant rabble converts the pleasures of life into something
horrible. Because they in their heads decided that pleasure is evil trying to teach lessons. Inheriting the will
of the slave, his most daring and surreal fantasies, that world where he was master. But not becoming
master truly but a slave-master. He is still a slave in blood and flesh artificially holding power. His dream, a
world where this helpless deprived one could take the happiness in life from he who had everything. Oh,
but this will has arrived! It's called "humility".

In the jewish world in which the poor bastard is disrespectful to all, worldview is twisted and this one
protected, becomes what is valuable. It is valuable because the strong protect it, because they were
implanted the mentality that a force called "Jehovah" was for the humble. Actually this they call Jehovah is
the ego, the ideal of the humble, that came to Earth from their envy against Superior Men.

The Zionist through his cunning discovered that, if he motivated the destructive character of the mob the
Noble anywhere on Earth could be destroyed. By direct violence and by racial mixture, including this
proposing relationships between nobles and plebeians he could degenerate blood so before evil there was
no opposition. Ignoble rebellion had to find victory in this ranks mixing.

Being the Noble ventured to have children with women who were far too inferior ignorantly, or a Princess
had offspring with caregivers of horses and, from this adulterous mixture they provided their kingdoms
with quasi-noble heirs, pasteurized nobles, strengthened ignobles, or exalted villains, whatever you wish to
call them. Against these impure ones the ignoble rebellion was possible.

The breeds or races and their ranks do not seek each other in that way, if there is no Jewish propaganda.
The King was never defeated understanding such a King as one who does not come from bastardy and is
entirely Biological Royalty. This purity must we recover through a policy of Hierarchy where marriage
between man and woman of the same ranks is established.

Since a Kingdom can be sustained if the child is weak by the powerful structures established by the father
but if the child of the child is too weak the kingdom will fall. You cannot pretend Greatness for too long.
Being such son a weakling if the King mixed with inferior women, or through the inheritance of ancient
plebeian genes, or because the child is educated in comfortable concupiscence out of discipline.

Those who are weak and complain about the hardness of any instructor, have no right to speak if that
harsh instructor, is stronger than them. Any hardness can be criticized, as harmful, if it produces sickness
and disease. If she feeds an increase of power it is Health, it is Life. If he who criticizes Force is a

degenerate, if he is sick and weak, he moves towards the abyss and then his judgment is like what he is:
degenerated, sick, weak and descending. We must be careful on how much respect we give to the judgment
of those who do not want to be parents. Being the opinion from this kind is the opinion of those who see
no future and who feel that only they exist. When they die they do not mind their ideological filth left in
the world.

Separating this teaching from our outmost respect to warriors, or servants of the Zarathustrian Kingdom
who focus their lives, to our cause and therefore, choose not to have personal biological family.

Several paths do not exist: there is the Way of Autocrator which is built for the Life of Nobles. To establish
this way mountains and cities will be demolished. The Way of the Lord. The Lord is the Principle by which
we all live. Dishonor to it means dishonor to Life. Nature belongs to Nature. The Conquest by Superior
Races of any object is the Natural Process of Life.

When the inferiors live off compassion and progress in their destruction of the Higher Man, in these
inferiors we are seeing the same desire of conquest for which Superior Men are ashamed if educated in
judaism. The only difference is that the rule by the weak has to be allowed by the Strong. The stupid who
inherited evil Judaism as "morality" thinks lawful that everything low and disgusting, everything related to
the humble crowd performs a vengeance against these superior races where their evil torture of Nobles is
now justice. This scum bitch is just very envious. When the envy of inferiors punishes Power, this, this
Our Power must punish: the inferior must pay. Anyone of evil, especially fanatic should be captured by
Zarathustrians for the trial before the Zarathustrian Kingdom.

The immorality implanted by zionists in different peoples to destroy them begins like small weed, but in
time extends over the entire affected Community and destroys it. Minimizing the enemys action is to allow
him victory. Because the worst rules the population perceives the will of the ruler like authentic life.
Following the conquerors will thinking he is the alpha male. A conqueror who was not established by force
but who has the power because warriors a thousand times superior to him allow it, because the ideology of
Judaism brought the notion that the humble is important. It is very serious and severe belonging to the

police or the armed forces today for they are in the hands of the rabble. Judaism is humble fantasy. If
Judaism is not served by any Superior Judaism does not exist, even if the majority of plebeians want to fuck

The Illuminati have been commissioned to demoralize the people who are the most dangerous to them.
Those who feel in the most noble and heroic manner. What helps the inferior to become master this
inferior values as supreme. But this is only a temporary toy for manipulation, to lift his ego. The project
goal is the death of the manipulated one himself, this superfluous. Giving him freedom is killing him and
giving him the tools for him to kill another.

What the ignoble wants, what excites him and makes him feel good is something evil that kills. If the
superfluous remains respectful of his superiors this does not serve the Illuminati who want the death of
Superior Men. If the insignificant is taught that he is sacred, that envy comes from "God and if he is
taught not to be afraid, you create a mini-warrior of trash. Judaism has promoted a breaking of nature,
introducing equality and then reversing. That is, reducing with the ideology or idea of equality Natural
Superiority. Creating Disrespect for the Best. And developing Hubris, enabling the low to become ruler.
Then reverting for the bottom to be seen as Superior.

It is guaranteed by the Zarathustrian Ideology that these low ones who already tasted the fruits of
governing their own world will never again accept Nobles. Only those of a minimum rank of servant
(biological or natural), could adapt to the Kingdom. That is, it is mandatory for us to get way from the
mob and to create our own world, that is isolated and impenetrable. We Zarathustrians will either collect
the Nobles of the Earth and will choose a land, or an existing nation will be transformed by us: into the
Zarathustrian Kingdom.

Under no circumstances should we favor the enemy of those who love us. The humble benefited by the
Jewish ideology is wholly indifferent to the world. The Noble should pay more attention to the ones who
love him, his noble class and not to the pathetic humble man.

The inferior does not respond love with love. Wrecker. Pig Destroyer of all gifts. Bringing mistrust and
hurt to the virtue of love. Since these precautions of establishing relationships with malignant rabble would
not be necessary in the world where there is no rabble. The Noble has no right to say "they hurt me but it's
normal". The malignancy of the superfluous in their quality of life destroyers must be recognized for
rehabilitation to arise. The superfluous hardens the heart of the Noble until he is finally made of steel and
his body looks like an armor and this Noble is seen as hard and cruel.

When you see the hardness of the Noble you should distinguish between what the Noble is and what the
evil attacks by the humble caused in him. The moron superfluous is seen meanwhile as humble rabbit.
That hardened should not be interpreted as something that simply exists but as something that was
developed by events. The superfluous evil is not a powerful one but one of meanness, accident and misery.
So the power of the strong is confused as the real danger while the weak damages in subtle and invisible
ways. The superfluous is the insect that extorts with pitiful eyes. Judaism has gone so far that the pain of
the noble confuses those violated by this ideology being seen this pain as false. The pain of the inferior is
false and this manipulative falsehood is honored.

In the world of the mob Holy Wrath is a mental illness and such riffraff says: "Nobody even did anything
to the saint cause saints do not exist.

The superfluous whose existence is pure evil masquerades as good to reach the heart and strike. The Noble
is Mighty and Kind: before the jew comes trying to ruin him.

For the insignificant who dont matter benefited by this system of injustice for whom everything is
convenient and celestial, living well above what they deserve it seems the Noble comes revealing the truth
to cause harm.

The more cautious humble promote precisely Superiors were bad oppressors. But today that all government
is infested with anti-Noble slag what can they argue? Certainly the Nobles are distanced from the reins of

today. These reins in the hands of the progressive, the tolerant and the liberal, the evil in revenge against
all values. Today the world is more evil than ever. Giving power to the humble that claimed to be kind
never achieved goodness. But it allowed this deceiver to make the world like him: an ugly insane dwarf.
Being worshiping those who dont matter is what is damaging our world. They are stealing women and
homes as well as the respect of the Community from the Higher Man. Taking away his family. What can
be worse than this? Those who already got used to the Jewish society feel as violent taking away from the
dwarf what was already given to him because they are Noble but their Nobility shall serve Nobility, not
this. Noble Men and Women look into each others eyes wanting to be together, and they must be together
but fear hurting the dwarf that has been protected for a long time. This is abomination! Buried by the
humble is the good old love between men and women. When society sees only the humble man and his
way of dealing with things Noble Feeling is forgotten. Sinking and crushing the right of Nobles, the
Superior Men to respect the "right" of inferiors is abomination. It is the will to radical evil.

In the Zarathustrian Kingdom it is not possible for a Noble to be touched by an inferior. In the Jewish
world the logic is that if the woman was not defended by policemen she is helpless, she can be insulted and
raped. In the world of Nobles if the woman is before men she is with her protection.

This we have seen far too many times in the society ruled by jews or by the jewish charisma. We have also
seen the woman who loves a man that is with the plebs. One that strives for his man to change for good.
Being such a woman Noble, but a hugger of commoners. This Beautiful Noble when abused by the
commoner she cannot understand it and thinks: "Why does he do it despite what I feel?. When the
commoner or the evil judaic type continues his abuse, indifferent, she begins to wonder "maybe I deserve
it?". So secretly she is being converted to Judaism. The Understanding Reaches Us: The Humble is harming
meaningless scum. We UPHOLD the Value of the Aryan, the Saint. The humble is a form of life incapable
of happiness. And in this inability conspires against the happiness of natural men. He managed to take our
Happiness on Earth away from us. He attacks when Our Smile is Honest, when we are Truly Feeling Well.
Bringing ruin to original life. The ignoble is a force that leads down to savagery, an ape scared of those
more evolved than him. The Noble is a way of life moving towards a form of civilization away victorious
over the violence of the past. A single Holy Man is worth more than a billion wicked ones. Majority is not
a number but lives in He Who is Most Worthy. Therefore pragmatism dictates the worthiest is to be saved.
The Greater Good.

The Noble exercises violence against those who want to destroy life just as a way of defending life his
action exists. However the ignoble and the weak are a constant wearing down of human emotions and
every strong will and so they are dedicated to destroy everything. The Noble is seen as violent and the
ignoble is seen as civil.
Let us be like the Samurai, the most extraordinary warriors in history that had paintings in which they
appeared dominating devils of all kinds with their pathetic bodies trapped in the fist of the warrior. Ugly
devils who were usually dwarves.

We are what is Satanic and they are the Ass Shaking Serious Lol On Top. Since the morons who believe
themselves worthy of Satanism from outcasts of all kinds in clandestine circles in cities including the
Illuminati themselves who perform satanic rituals are merely a corrupted version of Divinity. They are
the weak pretending to Be Strong. Nothing Divine is weak. Nothing Divine is envy. Here the difference of

what we are and what they are. In the brightness of the Samurai era a different hierarchy was life. Learn
from her:

Above all beings the Emperor: Divine Being impossible to judge, descending from the Gods who created
the land of the Nation. Then there were the Shogun who were masters of the Intellectual and at the same
time Warriors, carriers of Sensitivity. Since Our Super Human will be a Genius and a Warrior.

Below the Shogun the Daimio, Warlords capable of intellectual delight. Then there were the Samurai: Elite
Warriors. "Samurai" a name meaning To Serve. Forged in the Doctrine of Honor and trained in the
martial art sophistication from infants. Deeply connoisseurs of plebeian evil. Testing their swords against
the ignoble they would find in their way. Can we well understand how this contempt was reversed against
the Superior Man? These Supreme Beings defended Superiority not the lowest. They fought in the name of
their Lord not for the commoner.

Every soldier of the Ancient World, the World According to Nature was not trained to be physically
attractive and to be healthy, but to Honor Caesar, the Lord in battle. Being that Victoria is not personal
ambition but the species obtains Victory when he who is epitome of the Living Species Increases in
POWER. Below the Samurai farmers responsible for the production of food. We see the TRUE
HIERARCHY OF LIFE. But it was the cunning of the new Japanese bourgeoisie which made use of
firearms to crush the last Samurai.

The military industry complex of the sub-human can crush the lives of those who reached supremacy
through DECADES OF TRAINING. Since the bourgeoisie of Japan was allied with the Western
bourgeoisie to overthrow by military ultra-faggoty modern machinery the supreme warriors. So once again
the cowardly and advantageous cunning "taught a lesson" to the Nobility.

Were the Samurai dedicated to war unable at all to fanatically train themselves rigorously like Samurai to
master modern weapons? Of course they could do it! THEY WERE SUPERIOR. But the Noble chooses the

most Honorable Way intentionally. This never passes through the mind of the stupid commoner who
always chooses advantage and feels really smart on his murder.

These bourgeois in the hierarchy mentioned above: below all things. No part of society but a pariah. The
bourgeois have always been crap. Bringing nothing but living off the work of others: taking over the work
of others. The current hierarchy of "Planet Judea" is the exact opposite to this Honor. It is a pyramid
organized upside down against the Best.

The Christmas tree of Christianity carrying a star at the top symbolizing without those who are judaic
knowing the government of the Jewish on life, at the top of the pyramid, and being the spheres of this tree
representative, of every realm in the Cosmos. Their ambition for everything to be dominated by death. The
star of this tree is a reminder of the star of Bethlehem used by the "wise men", the Magian, to find the
place where Yeshua was born.

Therefore the Satanic Pentagram is the Star Reversed Contrary to Them.

The ultimate symbol of the Illuminati is The All-Seeing Eye having inherited this symbol from Horus, it is
the eye of the Egyptian God. Inherited through Moses. These pathetic slaves now think they are the Master
they themselves killed. They are not this Power! The All Seeing Eye is Autocrator. The mentality of the
humble is selfish. The humble thinks of himself only. But he who seeks Superiority is forced to think about
the All and his life will serve life entirely in the extent that he reaches this Superiority. Because it requires
to get closer and closer to the Heart of God. He is Forced to Become like the Supreme Being. Because
Superiority Demands Conversion of One Who Loves Her Into That Which is Superior. This meaning the
inferior cannot become powerful while keeping his inferior mind. Hubris, the propaganda of the humble
promotes the idea that he who is nothing in a fantasy magical way (in the way magic is seen by inferiors),
can obtain immense powers while his mind is still that of a squirrel.

Magic being understood as the movement of the energies that make up the Cosmos by Our Will. And
being magic for the ignorant things happening because, as a whim, without will.

Also allowing the inferior to triumph with no will through the systems of money, or the political structure,
that makes warriors obey the jerk.

Responsibility of All Nobles is to Conduct Counter-Revolution against these revolutionized slaves. These
slaves are already ruined and their heart is black forever. Reversing their revolution is our Duty. And Then
Ergo: Exercising Our Greatest Enterprise: The Final Establishment of the Zarathustrian Kingdom. Forever
High. This Kingdom is the Goal of Humanity.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Morrow Comes The King

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
They must be careful when insulting the Blessed because he who is Good Entirely also Understands:
everything that is not good. When Autocrator gives you Some of His Mind you will forever be free. What
is bad is not good, but the good man may award goodness to evil: Understanding this he will be free. The
King is here to bring the Day of Wrath. Mighty is the Lord who has Determined the Future of Being.
Autocrator is the King of Glory. Blessed is the Lord and He has given the Order: they die tonight.

We do not come to get rid of Authority but Authority has been misused. Tomorrow what they believe "the
state" is will the Zarathustrian Hierarchy Be. Now Comes The King Himself. And with His Majesty the
Protocol against all those who are evil. Without the Authority of Autocrator everything will die in the
embracement of evil. Denouncing so many crimes. The world is filled with cursed ones. And all of them
must burn in the fire of Zarathustrian Justice. There are light-eaters everywhere from the reproduction of
condemned outcasts who had no children freely.

They fear the Rex Mundis (King of the World). Above all things they fear the Radiance of the King of
Kings. Just like the homo sapiens annihilated the homo erectus the homo sapiens must give in to the
Superman: He is Lifes Victory.

The Saint must not consider the evil of this world as something that is real or that exists. He must
understand it as part of the Magian Domain. Being nevertheless his lack of action against it to end it, the
absorption of all life within such evil forever. Being the Original Reality of Holiness and Light. Being even

those delivered the most to resignation suffer evil because they are not that thing, but the opposite. Still it
remains in them the spark that is like the Principal Power. The sadness in the eyes of Nobles speaks of the
danger surrounding them.

Women disappear in mass and turn up dead or they are never found at all. They are sacrifices to Judea. For
those involved in carrying out the acts are involved in the ideology that Judea promoted against Holiness.
They are fascinated by evil.

Zaratustrianos are deeply disgusted against the villains destroying plebeians in wickedness. Although these
commoners, are distanced from good we cannot accept any wrongdoing. Their destroyers are not those
exercising any judgment to exercise what they do and their actions are only crimes. They feel that nothing
will happen to them.

Such subjects are not bums but powerful community members, they are millionaires and politicians,
though they do have accomplices who are poor. Usually they look for women they know will have no way
to defend themselves or that are not a threat: those without much social power. Beautiful women have been
abducted and enslaved as sex toys without honorable trial, and being their captors in absolute moral

The Illuminati perform rituals where gentile babies and infants are sacrificed and their blood is used to
make "matzo bread they eat at dinners. This is the time when the highest number of children have
disappeared from the world. There are those out there involved in cults in charge of removing children
from the streets around the world with one goal: their sacrifice. They have to be children because they are
pure energy and the name of the game is to fuck Holiness.

This is the power of hell hidden out there and which will increase. Pretending that evil does not exist is the
beginning of the expansion of that evil. The opinion of those who do not lift a finger on warriors is always
that of sheepish hubris. They are tolerant but in reality they are allied to evil. The jews call us "gentiles"

because our gentile heart is annoying to them. Culture is Composed by Those who Adore It. We the
Zarathustrians are the Origin of Heaven because we exercise with the Will of Our Lives the Ideals of
Heaven. Our Duty is to bring the Light to all the hiding places of these beings of ruin. The Patriarchy
Protects the Matriarchy. And their friend, who know the identities of those guilty will too pay. No One is
going unpunished. It is Duty of all Zarathustrians to Create and Keep Lists, where all those who serve evil
are recorded. Since the Zarathustrian Realm will Quickly find them the Day After Morrow. Our Duty Is
the Establishment of the Empire of the Holy Spirit. When the Zarathustrian Kingdom Arises its Justice
System will Arise with It. From the Zarathustrian Hierarchs. The new Nobility ruling the world will be
responsible for receiving any complain however small to establish TRIAL. The Penalty, from forgiveness to
verbal reprimand, imprisonment and immense torture including that which cannot be escaped by death.
The new Society will be able to find anyone in the world in a matter of minutes to solve everything, leaving
nothing hidden not even in the deepest past. Because Zarathustrians will be beings yearning for justice and
the entire population will be engaged in not allowing the survival of evil. Everyone who knew and kept
quite will receive the same penalty as the culprit in the end. The one who feels sneaky today is recognized
as evil by the mind of a kind man, at least one man. Tomorrow that cunning one will be prosecuted
because he will be reported by he who knows what he is. Contrary to the current persecution against the

On those seeking to escape through death we shall exercise Satanic Ritual, so that their souls are sent to
Hell. In the Name of Vindex!

"Not the Truth, what you say and you do say it well,
and what you call "illusion" in me is the Truth.
For when You Speak from YOUR SOUL in this Life,
You will encounter confusion.
Dangerous Confusion and Prisons
that threaten to Hurt What You Love the Most.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Rome Reborn is the Revenge of the Saints

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Terrible are the enemies of Honor and terrible Our Revenge Will Be. Zarathustrian Legions have
discovered the enemy camp. An infiltration into the territory of Light. Coming like vomit from a sickening
dimension. Their god is Evil Itself. The Good makes them feel ashamed and disgraces them. It makes them
uncomfortable. They are a form of life that is so weak it requires a constant will to evil in order to
survive. If they let it go, oh yes, they will die. Because they are a weakness that without the fire-frenzy of
evil cannot stand breathing, seeing and touching. They are a life that has just passed the ape and cannot
stand being aware. They are above apes in the potency of their minds but below the ape in value since they
are malignant. Evil is what the powerless uses to be strong.

An ape millions of years ago discovered that if it cooperated with others it could raise itself and its group.
Another ape discovered if it hurt the other apes obey. The Health of Nobles is the Opposite. The first
example is the Noble and last one is the Plebeian.

Because they are extremely evil when we talk of something other than masturbating the humble they
interpret extreme evil. There are still many things to understand about their wickedness. We live in the
Totally False World, in the Exactly Wrong Backwards False Reality. We live in the World that is
Completely Evil. The social decline, the rebellion of plebeians is an intentional project led by what I call
"highly functional retards", but who call themselves "Illuminati". Illuminati is a Latin word meaning
"enlightened". So successful they qualify their own stupidity. Their filthy daring. A gang made up by the
most powerful international bankers. Their leaders are all those surnamed Rothschild. After them in
power and of the same group the Rockefeller. As the current leader of this family David Rockefeller,

someone who is suffering much in the dark because he is not Jewish. He is supporting the New World
Order but he does not have the reptilian heart. He is imposing evil on himself.

They are descendants of bourgeois who obtained lucrative contracts either by luck or by reptilian cunning.
And so these who worship gold are really convinced they are the elite. Their natural ranks is that of
garbage. These, the origin of the most outrageous wickedness, the most hidden under respected costumes.
Benefited by an illicit, arbitrary, unacceptable and undeserved system. Those who do not govern because
they have attachment to the truth but who rule through fraud. How can it be that a small gang controls the
minds of millions? It's actually easy if you have the proper tool. The tool is called "the media". I invite you
to look at the credits of all Hollywood movies when going to the cinema and at some point at the very end
you will see thanks for the financing of the film to a bank. Usually you will see the bank JP Morgan, part
of the Illuminati gang. Another notorious bank is Goldman Sachs. "Gold a common word in Jewish
surnames. Demonstrator of their values. The aforementioned bankers have the decision on what script to
produce and what film will be financed. Thus they are adapting the minds of society through their films.
They can change entire countries through this propaganda, immorality affecting every social order, being
our Nobles immune to their wickedness!

On films until the early nineties there was a hero of beautiful presence, a lady of highness and beauty,
protected, defended and although things were bad good always triumphed without exception. You knew
what to expect. These were aristocratic values. These were aristocratic, noble movies. Then on movies
around 2005 onwards and this intensifies with time: the protagonist is a type of increasingly lower and
increasingly ignoble commoner presence. Having changed the role, admiration from the noble to the
plebeian. Trading the Hero for the coward: the Brave for the humble. This new protagonist is not strong
but sarcastic and cynical. He doesnt win through the force of his heart nor by a commitment to noble
values but by cunning and luck. On the new films EVIL ALWAYS WINS, according to the Illuminati
agenda. This indoctrinates. So the success of the commoner and the villain above all things is promoted.
What was good is now bad and what was wrong is fine now.

Damn you! The enemies of Heaven will be sent back to the abyss. When an infant sees the triumph of evil
he is left with a reverence for evil he will uphold in life. Their films have brought nihilism. The idea that
"nothing is worth it", "everything is false" and "everything can go fuck itself.

Before it was impossible to introduce this evil, the plebeian did not live in a world that would allow full
expression to his wickedness. This propaganda of evil was made gradually: step by step. Since plebeians left
the stage of Judaism called "Christianity". The Nobles have a blood naturally of Light. Plebeians serve the
Fog. And liberalism exists merely because christianity existed. This is important to understand that the
Nobles interpreted in Christ Light, because they are Light, where every ideal of the plebeian has always
been ruin. This displayed on the following Illuminati card:

From a game published in 1995. Displaying the evil intentions behind liberals, those preaching being
very human.

The global banking system is controlled by the Jewish leaders Rothschild leaving North Korea, Cuba and
Iran as the only lands free from this kind of control. Although they experience another kind of revenge: the
exile from the international community: Isolation. These countries those capitalist countries under jewish
rule seek to invade at all times.

You can see the overwhelming difference between the Magian spirit of humility, and Aryan Heroism
watching the behavior between the judaized west and North Korea. Because in the judaized west there is a
perpetual admiration for insignificance, this order mocks, ridicules the greatest merits of North Korea.
Maintaining superiority crushed. This discrimination, this rudeness we see exists against nations and
individuals if they are superior.

Wishing is this Jewish alliance to wrest Korea and Iran's nuclear capabilities. Desiring those who have
thousands of nuclear weapons. They fear that if they cease to hold the knife the naked man with his heart
only that burns in nobility will crush them. And who will not crush them because he can but as defense
against those coming to destroy everything. Peculiar is the threat against Iran being "Zarathustra" a Persian
name. Of course understood that what today is called Iran was Persia before. Under the isolation that the
Judeo-capitalist alliance imposes was Germany before Hitler. The Envious of our happiness have attacked
everything we believe in.

One can understand the state of the world also by the music of the time. Songs of Mexico (properly
understood as "New Spain"), of women despising men, or about men who dont give a damn about
anything but they were of love.

American songs of today glorify drug-addiction, crime, they promote doomsday and a cynical pride, a lack
of belief. The songs of the American people were of Freedom, Immense Desire and Vision. They were
about the homeland, of Youthful Vitality. That the Illuminati had to bring down.

The songs of Italy, land on which Rome was, are about the feeling of loneliness, love and noble
Christianity. Not understood this Christianity according to the heart of the mob: which is envy against
what is Superior, but understood as an ideal of goodness possible in hearts of Natural Nobles. The songs of
the current Spain are about "fucking", about sex and about a constant crushing of love. Since the modern
Spanish people do not have in their vocabulary saying "I love you". Literally not said in that country today.
Pain in the nations that lost Christianity is great. Snatched from their ideals. Having become the opposite.
In submission to the jew. To Evil. The most religious peoples suffered the most when losing their ideology.

This is the outburst that brought Spain to kneel to be the global center of feminism and to have a respect
that is of national policy, for homosexuals, lesbians and dirty foreigner of mixed blood. This mob is
respected when the Noble has ceased to exist. Where the ignoble is a national attitude. Where also their TV
shows and movies that even children watch are about promiscuous women destroying a man to a breaking
point, making him mourn the death of his wife because he was cheated on purpose (and therefore its like
his wife dying), or where he is abandoned at the altar just before getting married where the woman says, "it
is my right": because apparently her wickedness is "freedom". Being the feminist movement also part of the
Illuminati agenda as displayed on the following card:

We must always be aware of someone against Christianity "for the wrong reasons". Since there is scum
who seek in Christianity to be right and there is scum against Christianity because they seek being able to
do harm. There are saints who see Christianity as goodness interpreting with their cheerful hopes and there
are saints who have rejected Christianity because it defends the evil one.

To Jews it was important to crush the Empire of Nobility Spain was. The Sanctity of the Ancient Hispanic
(from Hispania, not to be confused with latinamerican) bothered the jew.

Japan's songs are about love and heroism, still reflective of the nobility of Japan. But this land is slowly
being converted to nihilism, and its outcasts are reaching positions in society like never before in history.
Today almost all Japanese television shows are plebeian. This was what prompted the Hero Yukio Mishima
to attempt a coup detat with some followers because Japan was becoming a bitch of international Jewishcapitalist interests. Also on Japan the New World Order will extend as its name says: "World", but more

The jews managed to conquer through tricks using little money lands of invincible warriors. Always
penetrating through the local commoner.

If a child grows up in a society where there is no love, word today uncomfortable because it is normal to
harm others he shall be dehumanized: growing up without humanity. He will be cruel and will also fuck
life like others. This is why Europeans are giving their lives to the humble allowing mass immigration of
foreign ugly ones and engaging in interracial relationships.

The cunning mind of the Illuminati indoctrinated whites in evil, and whites end up seeing what is closest
to kindness in the races that are not noble, who are so powerless they do not receive the Illuminati doctrine
with the same excellence. So this impotence is seen as kindness. The Europe invaded by the Jewish mind
is seen as source of hostility against the "humble" anti-Aryan. The Jewish taught to be bad and the
powerful white European passes as specially bad while inferior races are less intelligent and their evil is
more pathetic: passing through as "good". Being these humble are bad for life where the Nobles of Europe
are deceived. So normal is now destroying life everyone fears being offensive to those who torture babies,
rape women, dig graves for our children, but will quickly insult a Holy Man for he is seen as intolerant
asshole. Today everyone is deplorably and disgustingly respectful of garbage. No question against the most
disgusting destroyers of society but utter hatred against Nobles.

Part of the sinister Jewish teachings they have brought is for man to be measured by the size of his penis
and the woman by the size of her buttocks. Severe trap. For a disproportionate attraction to these an
intellect to be manipulated is required. An intellect which is the product of a cranial capacity above the

apes. This is how jews use our evolution to fuck us. The monkey has an appearance that is a face and
immediately above the face starts the hair. It should thus be understood that the homo erectus has a small
distinguishable forehead. Relevant this is to grasp the importance of our cranial capacity in relation to the
power of our minds and to assess the long road of our evolution. That evolution that took millions of years
of struggle. Evolution that now the degenerates hate and want to ruin. The homo sapiens has this much
clearer and developed forehead: expressing cranial capacity. Expressing a larger brain. The Zarathustrian
Super Human will have a greater cranial capacity than that of homo sapiens.

A powerful human intellect is required to exaggerate the importance of the penis or buttocks, leading to
more than an instinctive attraction if they are glorified by culture as is the culture imposed by the
Illuminati. Thus the Jew uses the strength in humans for them to kill themselves.

Why are the Illuminati doing this? How can they be so evil? Because they are jewish bourgeois who were
lucky to get power. They have never been arrested and are ill-educated. This covering those who are in
their group and are not commoners (of un-aristocratic rank). But remembering that their leaders are of
subhuman rank and come from bastardy, which makes them evil and powerful throughout their lives. The
Illuminati also called "zionists", "globalists" or "technocrats" also promptly callable "enlightened pigs",
believe they are the elite and everyone else is rubbish. They got their power too easily, because their natural
evil is rewarded in the Judaism that governs the time. They have no merits of Nobility and they have no
pathei mathos: they have not had painful experiences in their lives that their Nobles Feelings could find
touching and nourish from to become better people. They are not prepared because of their natural ranks
to exercise power. All anti-Honor garbage that has been deployed it is nothing other than the government
by the slave, its his revenge. These weaklings do not value humanity because they themselves are ruined,
hence they prefer yellow metal. They plan not to reach a glorious body by training but by technocratic
cunning, aspiring to be superior to man replacing the body by the machine: unaware that they will always
be just assholes. They are a bad race. They are dirty-blood. They are something terrible that our hearts that
want a life must stop respecting.

The Jews are not normal people with different ideas, they are a separate blood and flesh from all others.
Covering the term "Jews" all those who are commoners of that race, not including the Nobles with

ancestors of Hebrew blood. Since these Nobles should be considered European. The Jewish race is therefore
naturally an evil one. For they not to be discovered the person must live in a society ruled by them. Where
their way of feeling is imposed on everyone. Where the governed think like them and cannot not see them
as alien. Their plan is NOT to enslave human beings as some believe to understand and therefore minimize
their intentions. Some even in terrible childishness think their plan is to make people buy products. This
reduction is incredibly stupid. Their evil is not "some disrespect against our lives, their evil is damn real.
The plan of this project called "New World Order" (New World Evil) is certainly to subdue man, but then
through increasingly weird and disturbing, demented and sick laws, break our souls. In addition
increasingly destructive propaganda to break our feelings. The goal is the destruction of all life. They are
not ambitious dwarves who want power, and thats it. They want to destroy absolutely everything.

The minor in the hierarchy of evil do things against some people, using the cunning of their minds or the
strength of their hands. But on top of that hierarchy of evil there is something more sophisticated: men of
great intellects and extreme evil, plotting the destruction of entire societies through financial skills and
exquisite mental manipulation.

Comfortable large whores that from a computer monitor make money in seconds, control puppets and ruin
lives. If they manage to kill everyone they will kill each other. And that was it.

Because theirs is not the logic of love, theirs is the sick ambition for power for the sake of power. Being
they have no idea what True Power Is. They seek THEIR personal concept of power. They do not want to
live with others. They do not think what we think. They want to surpass and kill the one they exceeded.
That will be the end of life if they are not stopped. They are stopped if the being gets out of their system
and his mind, becomes Zarathustrian.

Their god is an evil feeling that burns life in paralyzing horror. Their plan is to cause so many problems in
our societies destroying all morality so in the end everyone accepts their absolute tyrannical government
revolting around their values of shit. In the eyes of the deceived masses the chaos they brought will be
offered, or the imprisonment to exterminate everyone gradually sold as "security".

To this they call "New World Order". He who is not embraced by Holiness cannot see the evil of this
project. To the corrupt what is happening is normal because he is part of that evil.

But these unfortunate ones, these Illuminati fear the King of Glory. Their secret texts, those available only
to the Illuminati at first but discovered by Heroic Nobles, say: if they become conscious (referring to us),
the Principal Power will be awakened and it will send us to the abyss we came from. They know that they
are something evil and opposite to them there is Light.

To understand the Light we must understand: that the success of a nation is not measured by the welfare of
the plebeians within it. A nation is superior if Follower of Nobles Values. The "First World" is not
monetary, the First World is that the Nation Lives in the Holy Spirit. And this is the True Power.

This type of values that make the blood boil have Defended, over time, countries of little material wealth
against Hubris Empires with infinite material resources whose thrones, were taken by commoners. The
Budo of Autocrator is what is unreachable, Inspired by the Defense of the Holy Spirit. This is what Must
Be Admired By the Heart. Not hoping to beat their technologies only by the hand but understanding this
effort to defend the Holy Spirit is a symbol that speaks to us of our duty to establish an entire Nation like
this. The nation that can defeat their subhuman empire in one moment. "He who does not know God
bows to anyone", let us remember this phrase, for this is what the mundane are.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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The Cilea Domina

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
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In the year 309 after the entry of the Nazarene to Earth, in the Roman city of Cilea, there was a Domina.
While the clouds sailed across the Skies she looked and said:

"These clouds remind me of the ships on which I sailed. With which I explored part of the World, in times
of my childhood. And also on Waters My Father ventured to Expand the Glory of the Roman Empire.
Son my child, what do you want to be when you grow up?".

His son scratching on a piece of wood said: "I want the Romans never to hurt anyone again. "What do
you mean?", she replied. And he said: "Well, to my father it wasnt fair working for the Dominus. He was
always strutting around with that armor and my father had to clean the weed. Did he think my father felt
nothing when he saw him walking around as if he was a big deal? Who did he think he was?".

The Domina replied: "That is already in the past". The son continued, "No, you shut up, bitch. My dad
taught me something no one can take away from me. The weak can defeat a higher guy. His armor, his
sword, his nobility or his pure Roman blood didnt help the Dominus. Poor fool he couldnt escape!
My father was a better person because he didnt think he was BETTER THAN ANYONE. What good is
their empire to those Romans if they just die like any pleb? Quite nicely that Dominus twisted on the
ground. What good is to a hero all that kindness and strength if a weakling can kill him? They are the
weak alright! In the end this land is ours this day and you cared more for my father than for that

The Domina shed a tear.

The son continued:

"After thinking about it I want to be like my dad. Thus spoke the Bastard. The weak is the evil.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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Agios o Vindex!

The Mask of Satan

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Super Human damaged by the weak is not the same as the respected Super Human. When the "good
people" dedicate themselves to fuck his life, his eyes are obscured, his smile does not exist, his posture is
bent, he is ill. Emotionally he knows all happiness he has will be destroyed by the humble, therefore he is
not entitled to anything. The original Super Human illuminates life itself with his smile. His eyes are
absolute goodness. His features are not modified by suffering and are the most beautiful thing there is.
Emotionally he is not interested in war because there is no enemy. He is not interested in dominating
because there is no evil to regulate. He's happy and makes others happy. Those discovered as plebeians by
the Higher Man intentionally and constantly dishonored him. Zarathustrianism is a response to the insane
desire to kill by these commoners. The monster feared by the villagers because it was different and
dangerous to them, was the Holy surrounded by these evil villagers.

They do evil to you to make you evil. Do not allow it, Zarathustrian.

They increasingly make us more cruel through their abuse, they wont let us be free from their world. And
with their mistreatment they leave damage in our minds. We must hold to the end to that which is good.
Because injustice is merely what exists while Justice comes to finish it. We must remember our True
Nature. That Which is Aryan. Like the Devil fleeing from human evil. Like Divine Secret.

If we allow evil to corrupt us: We ourselves suffering it we endorse the damage done to Holiness. Do not
confuse what the Super Human must be before humans with what the Super Human is originally. Since

his way of life would be different away from human evil and in peace. His bright smile talking of absolute
peace. When he unnerves against evil this is not what he is. Pity for the low allows the parent who stabbed
the lion saving his family to be seen as a murderer. He is not bitter, happy destroyers of our world!

The enemy comes smiling, while we in wrath prepare for battle. If the Holy Man desperate sees his
reflection on the water there he would see a demonic mask. Like furious Samurai. Hardened against the
world to the point that the inferiors go through as good and he is seen as evil. The wicked who stole his
happiness high above him. The most ignorant do not mind asking: "Why is this one evil?". They want
nothing to do with his darkness. But that Darkness is Holiness. It is the force that they enervate to Active
in him. It is the force that comes from Satan. Our Salvation leaves trembling all of these damned ones.

Holiness enervated against them. Of the Darkness on the surface they see they are the cause. Their entire
existence is the curse on the heart and the Holy Land. Our Agony Today Rises Against the Christ.

Humble people exercise intolerable cruelty against the life of the Saint. The Holy finding increasingly
terrible evil beings to overcome is a proof that he is not like them. That is, he is Good. Villains are weak.
He suffers them because He is the Opposite.

Because this Saint sees Reality and is Refreshed by the Water of Life it is now that He is ABLE to despise
all mistakes and with Contempt Against Such malignancy he may reach Heaven. Understanding that his
past mistakes have been contaminating an impure world in his mind. Since all past errors are reduced by
the opportunity Heaven is giving. The disenchantment towards life comes from THAT THING the jews
serve. The Great Shit, the Great Waste: Malum u Olom. Jehovah is what the little mind of the jew can
perceive of that thing. That thing, that is only ruin, and that has no respect for love, hatred, or sadness.

A being of the fifth dimension that is not a demon but a specter, and that is the ultimate evil. The one
seducing through envy and resentment. Being all plebeians are its representatives. They are the Portal. We
become like Autocrator Hardened and Merciful. Being we Zarathustrians are Free from Our Compassion

Meaning our Crucifixion. Our Holiness does not consist in a submission but in a Defeating of all enemies.
Several tools available for us, Infinite tools to Defend Our Heaven. Finding Our Loving Will of the Sky
such tools. Our strike is too fast to be stopped. Being reproaching of enemies. So pigs are stopped by
barriers from entering the Gardens of the Kingdom. For many cretins will take the doctrine to pervert it.
Being they take the gifts of Heaven to make them dirty. Since they thus become what the Zarathustrian
Fights Against. The Zarathustrian wishes to Become True Kindness.

Why are there Christian rituals that achieve cleansing pain? Their power does not come from the Christ
but from the will of goodness, in those running the ritual. They are close in that shocking moment to the
Heart of Autocrator. This Goodness Cleanses Pain. The same is for every kind ritual, of any ideology. The
Heart is transformed by the Holy Spirit. What can stop the mother fighting for her child? No power can.
And the man who defends the woman he loves what can stop him? No power can. Everything is weak
against the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is what the Zarathustrian Kingdom Defends and It covers a whole
kingdom. This is the Celestial Power Opposed by the weak. Not for the Super Human tolerance and
pacifism. We dont leave the door opened to evil. Only In Our World we live the Good Agreement. Against
what is not this world we must be Martial Force. Force against any threat to the world Illuminated. The
World where the enemy is no more and thus the in-existence of aggression against good. Today everything
has become haughty, everything that is inferior and evil. Daring. They are no longer Worthy to be called
"The Thinking Man" but deserve to be called Homo Hubris. There is no longer a Thinking Man, just a
Daring Man. This idiot has reversed the chemical reaction of fear for the Superior Man to ridicule him in
his mind, to make a parody and thus get rid of fear and respect in this mockery. Getting rid of natural
reverence for the High One and achieving hurting him. This daring one ventures to insult the feelings of
Nobles unaware Nobles could easily break him. In the presence of this type we must keep our hand on the
handle of the sword. They are always up to something Jewish. We should not rely on the humble at any
time. Proud are the ignoble in their way, proud in their limited capacity, proud in their baseness, in short,
proud in ignoble manner. They believe themselves to be good and the Superior to be bad because the
Superior is canceling them by existing. Unconsciously they want to defend their wicked lives. Our Superior
we defend is the Holy Man that hates their evil.

Theirs is the big, evil, long, slow rebellion from everything that is lower. The Rise of everything dirty,
rotten, unjust and evil. The Rise of anyone from the ignoble class, of villains, outcasts and slaves against
anything slightly higher than that. Not to mention their subhumans!

The Noble says: "I am in my home quiet, and everyone who comes to my house plans how to hurt me.
Thus says the Noble during the Reign of the Commons. In this putrid nightmare where several nasty, truly
nasty villains together gossip and plan on how to incriminate the Superior Man.

That little world where everyone hates Caesar, the best there is: the King. For this one is incorruptible and
is the Kindest, the most dangerous for the upside down reality the collective of losers imposed. He is The
Threat to their Anti-Virtue.

The dishonorable commoners feel in their inherited subconscious fear towards those who honor the
Superior Man, because they are the descendants of Ancient Nobles. They are the Aristocracy of the King.
To us Nobles it is paralyzing they worship trash, but to them respecting he who deserves things is most
frightening. Ignoble ambition, hatred for merit, triumph of the failed, sick unconscious envy, choosing the
idiot above achievement, sinking the Superior, traps, ruining all works, sabotage, poisoning, constant insult,
conspiracy, plebeian humiliating jokes, disgrace against rank, defamation, intentional intoxication, theft,
burial of those who struggle the most, degradation, all of this, all of this the dirty whore humble people spit
on the face of the Superior Man. Like a deformed madman crushing roses. Never was it true the poor were
blessed. Once given power they were also given the opportunity to prove what they are. At that time they
pulled the Master who helped them into the abyss. Once given the opportunity to slag it moves to become
master and to destroy the original Master, who helped it out of compassion.

Only the starving are worthy of carrying the title of "humble". No one else is humble. This famine does not
allow the growth of anyone who suffers it. Only those who are truly helpless in this way are the ones who
have no chance. Autocrator will get rid of this famine. Autocrator has come to exterminate the wicked.
Thus Autocrator is the True Goodness provided the aid does not involve the cancellation and
disappearance of the Superior. This is not goodness but revenge by inferiors. It is the Chaotic Breaking of
Nature. No glorification of chaos should be allowed. For what is what ails the body? The disease is nothing
but chaos in the order of the body. The comfortable cosmopolitan, those benefiting by the capitalist system
are radically evil today when they are indoctrinated by the Jew. Anyone who claims to carry a higher
goodness than that of Autocrator is a cocky and injurious commoner: a dangerous hubriati that must be
removed by the Zarathustrian Society. Those comfortably issuing opinions against Autocrator should be

trampled by Zarathustrians. Against the blind doing evil we must be radical. They carry torches and
threaten to destroy everything. Being that the Torch in our hand is Illuminating. But the torch in their
hand exists only to burn.

If you gave his own forest-world to one of these dishonoring puppets, this unruly plebeian promptly will
burn the forest saying: "I do not care about rules, its my life".

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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The Popularization of Eroticism

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Since the ignorant mass of our time dedicated to destroying life is what is called "vulgar", "vulgarization"
refers to when something loses its value because it is acquired by them. Dangerous reality is the
popularization of eroticism. A change in the way women are loved. The Illuminati came up with
pornography because man still had instincts from the tense folly of ape. If man is motivated to give
expression to what still remains in his DNA of apes, involution can be caused.

The woman is the Beginning of Life.

Since women are the Desire that drives the evolution of the species if gotten for free, there is a perpetual
corruption. The man thinks he doesnt have to take any action of combat or construction to be recognized
by Society and to reach a woman. The Zaratustriana woman must be strict in establishing the relationship
with the man of merit. The Zaratustriana woman wants to belong to the Strongest.

The inferior has no right to have a libido because libido is for the reproduction of the highest life. The
inferior only experiencing lust. He has no love for the woman to be with her, neither does he long to see
his son's eyes.

The inferior does not love the woman in the sexual action, and does not live for her. The inferior use
women as a personal masturbation.

The true man for the woman he seeks gives his life. No marriage for this Honor is necessary. The man
should give his life for the woman he loves regardless of the extent of development of their relationship.
Being that if a woman is in the company of a man he from there must give his life for her against whatever
threat. Oh, do not be like damn faggots, love women by heart! The repressed homosexual is the only one
who can touch the body of the woman without loving her. The new Jewish society rewards the failed males
and ignores the successful intentionally. The presented corruption affects both men and women. The
woman thinks that nothing should be done for her. As she acquires an understanding of Jewish meanness:
she is worthless, not special, not a big deal. This disgrace is taken as "freedom". She starts wanting the
Prince to discover that men around her are stupid plebeians, and ends up adapting her hopes to baseness.
She believes she is achievable and can be taken by a walking-by asshole. Once she learns to respect the
inferior she develops contempt for what is above that inferior male. High and low are opposites and if the
low is contemplated for years the top becomes the enemy. Because the woman was adapted to a world of
baseness the higher is the threat to that world. She has a delicacy which is being corrupted when ignored
and lowered by the rabble. The Jewish society is organized to go against her feelings to bomb her with the
idea that her aspirations are arrogant. From this comes the contrast between the young bright woman and
the opaque emotionally mature woman living in Judea. The woman taken by the garbage who claims to be
free from time to time will stare at nothing because she knows her life was ruined. The female leading a
promiscuous life has her eyes hardened although she claims to be happy. Her Female Heart, Divine, is
tortured by sexual impositions from garbage. Her natural contempt for inferiors and failed males, a natural
mechanism for her womb not to be taken by the mediocre, is removed through social contempt against her.
The weak organized to despise her. They despise her because she despises them. This Jewish society takes
the triumph of the undeserving as "justice". Those with a low level in life, in Real Nature, are organized
like a huge piece of gum or mucus, to degrade the life of the Superior and they begin to issue their own
"truth". This whole damn circus is the vengeance of the mob.

When the mediocre takes a pure woman he eliminated her, because he degrades her turning her into
something that she is not, pulling her out of her Noble World and not allowing her to be mother of
Nobility but to be mother of a bastard commoner against Holiness. On the streets this is so offensive: the
failures holding hands with the noblewoman. Not to mention what happens in private! Assaulting what we

love the most! The descendants of the today glorified garbage who bear live without women because they
are natural powerless slaves are nowadays considered to be "independent". They insult women and are
respected. These mock the separation between Noble males and Noble females firstly because they do not
deserve to have a woman.

Once a woman gave herself to a mediocre she believes she is mediocre and thus she was turned by the
Enemy. The weak are sinister. She will now feel too ashamed to return to her people. Through coexistence
a philia, a certain dedication, an appreciation, develops, for the person with whom one lives.

Through advertising interracial philia for another race introduced as being customary, the female acquires a
natural revulsion for her race quite unconsciously. The being acts what propaganda said and then is unable
to despise his mistakes of the past, having given himself to an inferior because of developing this philia,
and because of shame. This being ruined by this philia will feel hostility towards anyone who comes to
erase this philia. The manipulated one blames he who tries to get him out of manipulation. The Superior
Man is he, who because he deserves things and is a form according to natural life is the opposite to the
inferior and is the force that ruins the philia of perversion. The manipulated ones unconsciously attack
him. This is the popularization of eroticism. The way in which mediocrity took what is great and
unattainable through deception and fraud. The manner in which the non-deserving took women, the Very
Forces that Create Life Itself.

What comes from untouchable dignity and what comes from broken dignity distinguished. The
Zarathustrian woman says, "I do not want to be with garbage, I want to be with Superiors, FOR I AM

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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Agios o Vindex!

Christ Will Be Defeated and the Autocratic Power Will Win

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
He who Proclaims Autocrator Proclaims Good. When the plebeian loves the humility of Yeshua he is
worshiping himself. All that is sinister is to be exterminated by Light. The Best Must unstoppably Prepare
the Best to Arise. The Zarathustrian thinks, "I see before me the Power of the Lord and seeing His Power, I
can offer my life to His Power. We Must Be Loyal to the Strongest. What belongs to the Christ, the
Magian, is the anti-nature ideal coming from the resentment of the weak. We fight envy they see as
absolute truth.

Christus, God of Death said: "Consider yourself at greater importance than every man or woman who is
superior to you. Deny they matter. Find ways to harm them. Our Total Contempt against the Enemy of
the Zarathustrian Kingdom. The Nazarene is an envious hippie, and a robber who placed himself above all
the goodness of the Kings so that those who resemble him are free from the Authority of the Good Man,
and their malignant way of seeing life rules. The Day After Tomorrow Everything is Autocrator, and like
HIM EVERYTHING, like the IDEAL OF THE HIGHEST STRUGGLE. Immense! Abundantly Holy! All
Life in Hands of the Kindest Lord. Christianity has distorted the True Virtues that Zarathustrianism
Upholds. It has created an alternate version of reality where the Zarathustrian Justice System is not in
charge but the antonym against justice, only disguised as the Nobility Zarathustrianism protects. The
Jewish ideology and all previous doctrines to Zarathustrianism were evidently incapable, and inept, in
bringing satisfaction to humanity. These ideologies catered to the will to power of only specific minorities.
While Zarathustrianism bathed in its Virtue that it is the Holy Truth Re-establishes Natural Society and
Vital Health. Free is the Zarathustrian to exercise war in all its forms without any moral impediment when
the flame of the enemy is within inches to burn our World. In fact Zarathustrian Morality URGES HIM
SUCCESS! And not waiting for the enemy to reach this closeness that allows him to attack but

understanding that what is not Zarathustrian survives and develops to give us death. Studious the
Zarathustrian must be concerning everything to do with Military Science. He should develop Himself as
Strategist of Heaven.

Covering Our Powerful Royal Justice Only those who are Zarathustrian. Thus this Zarathustrian Book
leaves Noble Codes for Zarathustrians telling them that to without meditation bowing their heads to the
enemy they must eliminate him instantly.

Let every ambitious one who claims forces superior to what he is be eliminated as well. Origin he is of the
hubris that has corrupted our world.

The group of losers wants to reverse against our class the Elite of the Earthour own doctrine. They will try
to teach lessons to show us that we are not special. And like it was already said these smelly descendants of
former slaves teaching lessons is exactly what constitutes them as inferior. Because life is not a competition
to see who is the biggest jerk. We are good and they are evil. They want to kill the Superior Man, they
want to kill the Best. If they do not succeed they have to die!

Just like Christianity found its launch pad in all the miserable outcasts of the ancient world rising against
the Majesty of Rome, liberalism today is finding in all present trash its followers. These biological failures
are inspired thinking they have found something to fight for that suits their destructive baseness. It
removes the stigma of exiles because they no longer compete against the natural elite but like with
Christianity being humble and lower they are better in this surreal mental hubris. Liberalism is antisocialism. What is Social or socialism in its true expression is looking for what makes society better and the
antisocial, or antisocialism is seeking what destroys it.

Many stupid ones caught by the Zarathustrian Doctrine awakened to SEE what they are and what the
Superior Man is will be in need to run away.

In creative ways they will give themselves death and we invite them to do so. The Autocrat for the
miserable brings the collapse of mind, body and soul. He is The Feared Warrior Vindex. Avenger of Saints.
Powerful Mind that conspires the Enemy's End. He Who Walks Above Them. And Walking Above them:
Champion and Standard Bearer of Nobility. The Noble Feelings the populace says "do not exist". Oh, be
careful, to the extent one arises the envious eyes see you getting smaller and smaller ever more silly, every
more a little asshole and increasingly worthy of a fucking lesson. They feel more and more envy. Thus
these criminals want to DOMINATE, Powerless Bastards. With the Envious we should not shake hands
but we should give them the end of the spear. And their pitiful eyes and crying quickly becomes blatant
hatred because everything was extortion and deception against our compassion of Noble Hearts which they
see as weakness. These are the Jewish values.

These criminals want to Force the Love of Life by taking her by the hair. We Nobles see this and sharp are
our blades to cut off their hands. The Nobles aspire to Heaven and the ignoble to the Abyss. Nobles can
thus see Autocrator is the Top of what they seek. Autocrator is Heaven.

To the ignoble, it is really dangerous this Heaven to arrive. Who can say what their hatred for Superior
Men is deep within, behind all ideological masks, politics and all deceit and pretense? What is the harsh
truth? Its a War on Good. The ignoble is deeply disgusted by the name of GOOD. This commoner says
"God is rubbish" and certainly we prepare boiling water to punish him. Certainly we are Offended.
Certainly his words remain in our minds for a lifetime until the punishment falls on him. This is no
tantrum. We are not commoners manipulating soldiers. We are Warriors. We are the Warriors of Vindex.
Our task is to do what has to be done.

The Super Human is a way of life that moves towards communion with God. They are the servants of Evil.
Not because the Earth is evil but because the energy of these gray beings is the invasion of it.

Their war against marriage and against the blood is against good. Since marriage is the Home of Family, Its
Foundation. Family is the Center of Life. And the racial hodgepodge is the abortion of original life and the
creation of evil life.

Superiors are blessed by God. And Lowlifes are enemies of God. Superiors Move Towards God and
inferiors move Towards Hell.

The reptilian beings against humanity would destroy it by converting it to something not human. So the
extermination they bring is not performed by using only the armed forces but by attacking tactics that are
invisible and against the mind. Manipulation. Tactics categorically to dehumanize through an evil culture.
Man loses his humanity and becomes close to the reptile. Cold and cautious like a viper. These enemies
run and fly everywhere in the Presence of Our Blessed Autocrat.

All human life pain is caused by the spread of the jewish sentiment. It is never random. The Jewish
sentiment is one against the love for life. All of the world's affairs are governed by the power of the time
called Judea. The magical power of the Jews arises on the sadness caused. The charisma of injustice is
destroyed by Autocrator. Our Zarathustrian Kingdom Manifestation of the Invincible Ideal of Kindness
will clean this Dimension. To the bright future pains of the past cannot access. In the fire of Califax jewish
spirits burn. They fear the name of our Emperor for All Time.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

What Is Supreme Today Is the Child of What Was Supreme In the Past

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
So said a King of the ancient north to his daughter: "everything that is good is like the snow around us
white and pure. Concerned about what would be her union with man. Hoping for the best for his beloved
daughter. And what evil was in this? There was no malice. There was no inferior around to defame the
feelings of the original people. No stranger around, being understood this stranger, as one who feels no
Nobility. For Aryans are the Noble. There was Only, the Love of the King for his daughter.

In ancient paintings of Asia the woman of pearl white skin whose presence was considered Divine, can be
found, and was worshiped. European Queens used ultra-white makeup to display this Divinity. And in
Africa tribes whose members paint their skin white for their most sacred rituals. The Glorious Samurai is
also Represented white. Miyamoto Musashi, the best of all Samurai can be found as an ultra-white Martial
Arts entity. This Whiteness indicates Aryan Ethnicity. The faces of these Queens and these white SuperWarriors are not flattering to the mob, but reflective of without equal height. The teaching is: faces inviting
to play with one, sympathetic to the populace, are plebeian. The Warriors have never been as what the mob
says it's beautiful. The Aryans are the Noble and Nobles are Warriors. Today everything is mixed with
everything, and more important than racial concepts is NATURAL RANK. For even among the same
ethnic groups Rank difference exists.

The populace intends for the promotion of democracy that to the Higher Man it is convenient Honor
recognizes him, saying this mob: "Yes, honor is recognizing YOU. Wow sure thing, I guess its easy
honor recognizes you after what you have achieved and if I havent achieved anything, I guess I am
nothing, right?. They are the ones moving in the swamps of convenience. Because there are many

mediocre commoners in this present they are imposed simply because they can. Even the envious inferior is
scorner of what is beneath him, so he should not deceive us.

Today everything is mixed: there is good, bad, and good mixed with evil. The noble original peoples where
there were no plebeians, are mixed by a sweating jew with a booger hanging out. The Jews were scattered
throughout the earth to bring death to all peoples in the form of ideology, and in the form of blood

Since those who are not Noble in Nobles countries are descendants of foreign anti-Aryans and something
local. For example, all of the scum of apparent white race that is allowing the invasion of Europe. Those
who do not speak for Europe, who secretly are not Europe but foreigners in their inherited blood. Or this
is like the outcasts of Japan who are descendants of a foreign shit long ago, and they are allowed to
promote their unhealthy view of life to infect the nation. The few things that you can criticize Japan for
come from them. Care must be taken because bastards, noble and commoner mixtures inherit beauty but
their heart is black. Since most of the women involved in pornography are bastards. This allowed the mob
to taste beauty for the first time. The ignorant who ignores ranks gives respectability to these descendants
of garbage.

The woman who carries physical beauty but flees the Noble in wartime to get out of the castle instead of
resisting with her people, is a plebeian and an anti-Noble. Her beauty should not deceive us. The faces that
attract sexuality of the mob are at the service of that mob. And what is delicate and effeminate in a man
who requires protection from warriors is not the Lord. What the mob thinks is beautiful is not the Lord.
The Lord is the warrior life depends on. The plebeian if insulted becomes smaller but the Noble is exalted.

Just like the humble promoted he is better because he is humble the hubriati confused failed-racist guy
promotes himself superior while being a commoner claiming his race is superior. It matters little whether a
subhuman is white! So they live off hubris and antimerit. The pride of garbage lets them uphold their own
mistakes before the severity of the Superior that finger points them. Therefore we distinguish there is a
plebeian pride and there is a Noble Pride. The woman who mixes outside her race must do so with a rank

that is at least equal to hers not having rejected those who were still higher in rank of her race. If she did it
intentionally mixing to attack her race this is evil. This should be answered with social bashing.

The surviving loser because others feel sorry for him through Jewish ideology is embraced by fabrics woven
by Superior People. And during his time living in this den he plans his revenge against this Superior
People. What is anti-Noble never joins a society of Nobles. The Nobles may think that he is resigned to
Honor and recognizing his lower rank but he suffers and plans revenge at night. Non-whites in white
countries are not integrated into the society that gave them everything but are reproducing and taking
advantage of the increase of Judaism to destroy whites. The most stupid slag from the third world thinks
the quality of life in Europe is there because the continent is called "Europe". The origin of life in Europe is
the European. If the inferior reproduces to take that place invaded by him that place will become
something that reflects his inferiority. It will be like him. It will be garbage.

If Japan was infested by aliens under its natural rank who do not conceive the purity of Japan comes from
its race, who think the state is what keeps things going Japan would be like those disrespectful foreigners:
terribly vulgar, declined in the dirt and anti-Noble. "The state" is treated like a person or a God but it is an
administration maintained by the work of individuals. If any excellent administration begins to be in hands
of anti-Aryans because the race in the country was changing everything will fall. The Illuminati are
organizing Europe to become like the third world having forced the jewish equality over all of the earth to
bring their New World Order.

Everything is Racial. The breed is absolutely determiner of what someone is. The physical presence fully
expresses what one is. But the interpretation of the presence must be correct, it cannot be according to the
standard of what the frivolous magazines say of this, for they repeat what television says. The weak does
not determine what is beautiful. Plebeians exist in every race, and all of them hate Nobles of any race.
Putrid presences contain malignant souls. Hard bodies express hard wills. Strong bodies express strong
wills. Dwarf bodies express dwarfish wishes. Let reality be seen with open eyes: every man or woman who
has natural power has strength in his or her presence without exception. Bright eyes express bright minds.
The natural repulsion or attraction you feel or perhaps impression or reverence when looking at different
beings, is not a system that Nature put in our minds because this Nature is ignorant. These systems have a

reason of Protection. The subhumans have a perverse aspect that tells us what they are. Whoever is
ignorant of that to which they dare is not able to relate their evil faces to their evil personalities. The
pariahs are characterized by their broad type of face. Commoners look like nothing remarkable at all. The
features of commoners are simplistic or of degenerate weakling. Aristocrats as biological class are carriers of
fine features. Elongated faces are aristocratic and noble. Eye color, pigmentation of skin and hair are not
infallible indicators of Superiority. But the facial features of Nobles are always of Holiness or they are
Martial. A large forehead is cranial capacity indicative of a larger brain but the skull should be well defined.
Being that there are subhumans with degenerate skulls or some people have big heads full of water, this
completely distanced from brain capacity. The smile should be of vitality or purity but that of the
commoner is always mocking. The noble smiles but the commoner grins. The beauty of hands is
incontrovertible Nobility. The softness of the skin is finesse. The eyes should shine. The torso should be
strong and the chest broad. The Super Human Chest is huge and perfectly squared. It reflects the ability to
crush dwarves, to protect. A sharp and broad chin reveals blood quality, always Celtic-Germanic heritage.
Not because the Celtic or Germanic humans are the best being they are below the Superman but because
the lands of the Celts and Germans were a major settlement of the ancient Aryans being the Superman is
above the Aryan. Since the Aryan is the same as the Atlantean. From the Legendary Atlantis. The Super
Human we love is Superior to that Atlantean. Here's how we Redeem the past.

We clean it all and overcome all: In Nomine Vita: In the Name of Life. A Life we dont serve with comfort
but in the Struggle for Evolution.

When choosing a fish all people who know look for certain traits: shinning eyes, never opaque, and tend to
prefer the whitest meat. If these are indicators of physical health that people of all races look for when
choosing food that will be in their mouth, that they will give to their children nurturing them life, so why
not look for the same indicators in humans? They are indicators of physical health distanced from toxicity.
Chicken meat: there is ordinary and there is noble. One is more expensive than the other, cleaner and
tastier. If the different races of the world hadnt found each other little more time would have been
necessary for them to become different species and reproduction between them would not be possible. So
we close the doors to lies.

The mind which determines all things is the most powerful in direct combat. The beasts are stronger than
man but man has a super consciousness compared to them allowing him to train and evolve rapidly. The
fighter with the most rigorous Code of Honor is able to overcome the beasts by his speed. Those dark
beasts can be stroke down by the swift sword. Being this tool lawful because it is activated only with
physical effort. Absolutely no animal has the speed he has, he who has dominated Mushin. Being "Mushin"
treated as the mental state of the person skilled in combat. The name given by the Samurai to the state of
"no-mind", stillness, the natural response to combat. A state of relaxation (but not submissive), where the
body explodes in Ki when combat comes. Ki being the name we give to the vital energy or spiritual energy,
or to our morality.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Having a Child: Inheriting Blood

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The child must be stronger than the parents. Great pride is to Inherit the Blood of Ones Fight to Ones
Son. But not everyone is entitled to the child. The task of creating a child should not be a hobby but a
Great Cause. It should not come from the feeling of Solitude. Having a child should be the will of the
father and mother to create a superior being. The Higher Son or Daughter that is Increased in Goodness.
So Life Moves Into the Celestial. This is what causes sexual desire. The attraction for the opposite sex is a
desire to create the Super Human.

The concept of sex to the slag is to break down and humiliate. Nothing gives more pleasure to the
humiliating miserable. Only pariahs impose their rape.

Opposite to them is Our Conception in Love. Since the child's life is not possible without Deep Love that
protects and fosters early in his development. Without such a nutrition of Love the son will die or will not
reach adulthood, or will grow twisted hardened, in meanness. The child must find the limit to his strength
by the force of another as a natural and spontaneous event, not because of a parental scolding that limits
his abilities. Mothers should not limit the Force of Conquest in their children from the very childhood
because if they do listen to them they will be humiliated forever by the humble. Since the superior man is
the one who has the sensitivity to be so kind to the point of compassionate tolerance, which seems
submission. This being of immense forces passing through as "weak" in the world of the jews. Commoners
know their wickedness as normal and fear extreme levels of evil, goodness seeming to them imbecility. This
means that the plebeian must be constantly regulated because he is infinitely corrupting of rules and
morals. But the Noble who does have a respect for Good does not require this amount of regulations and

therefore exaggerating regulation on the Noble for him no to think hes a big deal is the will of garbage
and he may be developed as spit without manhood. To the Noble Domination on his life does him much
harm. He already behaves without the need of domination on him.

When you forgive the mistakes of the child or anyone if this one forgiven is Noble, he understands this
love but if he is a commoner, he understands submission to him. The Noble is fatherly because of his
abundance of strength but the cowardly and weak commoner only thinks of himself. The Immense
Strength in Nobles understands tolerating because others are children before them. But the wimpy Jew and
all of his kind understand being aggressive because they are afraid. The strong should not grant power to
the weak, but should give him what is his only.

The son of superfluous exists against the son of Nobles. The reason the superfluous have many children is
to hurt the Noble, the Superman and Life as a whole. They naively ignore this destine and lead boring lives
of frivolity but there is a time when their passions are incensed, when they find some "higher crap" and
then all of their instincts are activated and it becomes their life mission to harm him. Stealing his life is
their "passion". This Man Loved by Heaven. For the miserable Hell is Fate.

Every man and woman must unite in their classes. Joining he who is not equal to one is an attack against
life. The superfluous regret the parents they have. From a commoner Heavenly Virtues cannot be expected.

Sacred rituals should be reserved only for Nobles. The ignoble began to marry as did Nobles and today
they do it for the pleasure of coming to break the Union. Our Marriage is the beginning of family, do not
allow the aggression by the plebeian on marriage.

The damage you inflict on your wife is the damage you inherit to your son because a suffering woman will
transmit their children whether male or female that suffering even if they never live together. This is, that
this transmission occurs in the very blood, in the DNA. And these will carry those psychological damages

from birth to death. Being a woman who is made nervous because she is not loved will inherit this
nervousness to her son.

The delicacy of women is not there to be dominated by the strength of man but to be loved and defended
by the strength of man to the end. Love is absolutely necessary for life to exist. Therefore should the
realization a woman is life itself to be treasured arise. Men and women are not separate, they are both the
species. The Super Human is the Meaning of Life. The Super Human is the direction of the Earth.
Everything that is constructed for the Super Human is by being for him Sanctified.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Child Indoctrination

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Illuminati believe that to destroy the future they must destroy our children. Within the propaganda
controlled by them it has radically been changed the content of children's programming on television and
films for that purpose.

In all children's programs without exception from 50% to 90% of all the characters are not white being
usually black. And how surprising the audience of these programs is not African being then it would be
licit or even more than licit. These programs are displayed to the white child so he allows the increase of
power of another inferior race and that therefore plans revenge against his Superiority. To normalize in the
mind of the child for life that these naturally alien beings are completely normal. Being this not humiliating
on the merits of noble blacks who are in fact mulatos. Being most of those of black race are inferior and
anti-Noble: being this the case in every race: the majority is the enemy today.

The Aryan (the descendant of nobles) is taught that they are normal but these abnormal ones plan evil
against the Aryan. This has allowed the white woman to be beaten and kicked by foreigners and she never
understands why.

These anti-Aryan characters never have parts of submission to whites in their programming. Sometimes
they are equal and in most cases higher in artificial social power being they are for example police officers
or police chiefs. The Community of Superiors should wrap as one of their own whoever works for
Superiority. Being that those who leave the mob for the Superior though born in the mob, born in lesser

races or carrier of any defect should be welcomed by Nobles. The Superior Man is not the origin of racism:
but the inferiors recognize themselves as inferior although the Superior took them as equals in childhood
and begin to insult the Superior Man. They begin to harm him invisibly. The higher tolerates the most
because his love is the most intense. They never stop until they destroy his life completely or until the
Noble explodes. There is this aggression by the inferior and there is aggression by the high one in the
name of inferiors. That of one of a superior race but who is judaic and who decides to do all possible harm
to his own race in the name of inferiors. This attack based on the judaism that destroys anything that is
higher. So true racism is a defense prior to the attack. Since there can be respect, appreciation and support
for those who accept their natural ranks. Being that the inferior chooses to venture to touch a Princess he is
doing an awful aggression and should be destroyed. The Love from inferiors to a high woman should be
serving her.

Sometimes what is used in the new children's programming is to put in a program all possible races
combined with propaganda about democracy and humility. Literally scripts containing this democracy
advocacy and working as equals led by some idiot. Including some shows bisexual themes presented as
normal. The owners of the television companies showing these programs are Jewish. In children's programs
imaginary humanity is endowed to the animal. Countless animals with human qualities are shown that
speak and have feelings. This introduces to the person an idolatry for inferiority and shows animals are
equal to man.

Drawings created to be seen by children until 2010 were usually very pleasing to the eye, aesthetic and
mood lifting, full of goodness and heroism. The new designs are ultra-Jewish, ugly and deformed. The
characters are increasingly pathetic and stupid. And while previous children's program were full of
innocence they are now full of maleficence. The characters no longer have a child's heart but are full of
hubris. They are filled with a mocking arrogance against all things. They are cynical. They are chattering
weaklings. They are cunning and evil. This programs the child to ruin him for life. He receives as normal
what is extremely violent. And this evil propaganda gets him away from God. The children's TV programs
today are the most violent propaganda in history.

It should be mentioned that part of the Jewish heart has been promoting the "surreal and abstract art
which removed admiration for classical art mainly displaying the Majesty of Woman, Aristocracy,
Architecture, Chivalry and Heroism. Naming "art" the feelings of deformity that come mainly from the
biological Subhuman. The entire structure is made to elevate the inferior.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

We Love the Superhuman

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Love and compassion are not the same. Women naturally love the Strongest but Judaism promotes
compassion for the weak. We have Nobility as a Princess kidnapped by the Ogres of Judea. Anyone that is
for the weak is evil. Anyone that is for the weak is the enemy.

The judaic woman on purpose gives a treatment of trust to the inferior and this inferior does not wish to
stop having her and a relationship is born. She gives intentionally contemptuous treatment to the
Superior and he reacts in anger, and it is reinforced to her this higher one is scum.

This contempt is natural downwards but was reversed in the most radical way after the death of the Reich
when the humble charisma came to rape all Nobles. It was enormously traumatic to Nobles seeing their
dead husbands. There it was learned the envious wins. The insane tyranny of impotence expanded. The
idea that weaklings dominate. Since German women were humiliated by the invaders on Berlin, they were
raped and had their heads shaved, their faces were beaten and they were paraded, as parody before male
and female jews who at the pain of these women were giggling.

Judaism has found in the female heart the place to bury its parasitic egg. It manipulates the will of women,
selling like skilled Judeo-bourgeois merchant, illusions. The product to sell: it is sublime loving the weak.
But not mentioned in this sale that this love requires to admire what is contrary to the Strong. It is kissing

the weak on the cheek while putting a rope around the neck of the Strong. What's the opposite to life is
well appreciated by life. An extreme violence against the hearts of Superiors Men.

Some justify it saying these inferior have relationships with superior women because they are what they
find. Being that the white race is not 10% of the world population and nobles of all races are 15% of the
world population. These inferior men have millions of inferior women available to them who are their
natural women: and they should leave us alone.

If love is not conditional and is given because, the subject develops a pedant hubris where he is loved in
spite of all his intentional failures coming from his acting and his lack of it. This leaves the Fighting One
Fulfilling Duty, he who respects Virtue, like a fool who chooses painful life and nobody knows why.
Actually this Faithful to Virtue is what is healthy. Those who celebrate failure which are the most are
punished by Nature when she removes from them Mind and Body. When they go in involution for
quitting the Fight.

You can see the disgraceful life of the plebeian in old age: of extreme weakness. While Nobles are warriors
for life.

Loving the weak requires hating the Strong. The woman who thinks of the weak seeing herself as good,
she is ignorant to the suffering she brings to the heart of the one she buried to raise the weak. She should
not seek to establish love with he who is like her son or friend but she must look for the Superior Man, the
one who is Martial.

Not for very long is the beauty of youth and the jews steal the Superior Mans life. In the fading time youth
remains the humble steals his wife and the dreams of this Superior One to be with his beloved one never
cease to be dreams. Beautiful it is to the Jew and all the "good" and humble people, all those people who
are vicious, that this Superior in old age remembers his beloved one, the one he never had and takes his

hand like a claw to the chest because of pain. Dying drowned in the pervasive sadness of this outrage: they
took life away from him.

Hazardous liberals, the most public representatives of Judaism say Superiors live "privileged". But they are
not living privileged because this structure is meant to elevate the inferior.

Against the vitality of the young noble the humble says, "the whole lion attitude goes with old age", and his
strength is ignored in the world of the jews, until after years of taking everything from him and in old age,
he only has the sensitivity to drop a tear to which the humble will wink and say: "ya got it". Ruining his
life is their passion.

The abuse by the humble on the Superior degrades his nervous system because the way out of suffering is
to stop feeling. The being becomes an evil lout. By enough abuse you can transform the most noble into a
terrible villain.

The inferior pretends goodness and when he recognizes the Superior to be Kind he hurts him to turn his
happiness into blackness and this inferior continues as charismatic and joyful.

An abused woman takes revenge on the Noble for the damage done to her by he who lives in impunity
under the system of the jews. Such is the life that awaits the Noble who was left alone in the Plebeian
Kingdom. The Putrid Kingdom of the Commons.

And where are the companions that like Spartans accompany his youth? Nowhere because they were killed
by the humble. All around just commoners. Against his suffering there is only more violence because he is
one and they are: everyone.

Near their final goal their dream today: killing all nobles they are almost gone.

To give the undeserving, those who know they do not deserve, and to kill the deserving ones, those who
know they deserve. Giving attitude adjustments, burying dreams and ruining lives. Crushing what is

The weak does not have the sensitivity to appreciate that he is pitied. He feels nothing. The compassion
one may feel for the weak is not reality in any case, it is what you feel and thats it. It is a natural treatment
by a Noble to Nobles. The beauty that one ascribes to the weak is not real but what he who is fatherly and
strong feels. This pitied weak one plots the destruction of the life of the Strong. The Strong must abandon
compassion towards the weak and become their predators. We Must Become Satanic. We must take the
attitude that has not been taken before. Not Fearing the Strength Nature Kept for Us. The Jewish empire
that is now established has not been stopped by anything before. Therefore the Force that allows us Victory
should not be feared.

The dreaded Strong Man feared by women who have their heads full of judaism or by those who pity the
weak is ironically but perversely the one who feels the most. This Sensitive One abandoned by the
meanness of an ideology of plebeian revenge. The weak without any merit or concern receives treasures.
Turning the beloved treasure of the Strong into crap thus. It is a perfect system for them, where the more
effort exercises the Noble the more highlighted his status as waste. Where the humility that he cannot
achieve no matter how small he tries to be because it is not his humility by birth is the new Supremacy.
Here are the tricks of the weak; this is their dishonesty. Where all the descendants of the servants also
mixed with those lower to the servant savages, dishonor the name of the Superior and ruin His Life. This
Superior is sent to work for them if they dont let him die by hunger.

The increasingly nasty races are flaunting the power of Property in their materialistic global system and are
organized so that Martial, Noble and Heroic Men have less and less. The Honest is crushed by garbage.
This course was available to society for thousands of years, life was resisting. Today the consequences are
before us. Life is dying. How natural is this happening? It is not natural, it is the attack by those who

should not be alive against those who yearn for life. Obligated are those who yearn for true peace to pursue

The humble comes to destroy and at the suffering of the Saint he says: "I thought you were fucking
strong, because this humble thinks the Holy did not choose evil as a way of life in which the humble has
been living for a long time because he thinks hes a big deal.

Compassion for the wretched one who does not deserve anything and who is so estranged from the values
of what we idealize in him, who is so insensitive ends up rotting our heart. This causes misanthropy:
hatred for man, for every man. Because we think everyone is like the one hurting us if we ignore there are
plebeians and there are nobles. There must not be trust on those who will imminently betray us. Holiness
poured over those who are not Holy is evil. It means their flattering and their expansion. It is the Magian

The fool does not know that he who pities him is a Higher Power that decides to show him mercy. He
never learns this because the weak does not have the same sensitivity and awareness. The inferior is not
capable of anything that is not of the same inferior level. What is low is low. It cannot be repeated enough.
And this inferior is always right, he always wins under the ideological system of Judaism.

Its not that the weak are in peace and the strong comes fucking them but they are in a biological class
alliance where all those who are evil created their world of evil and the strong hates them. This Strong One
is what is Valuable. Stronger than everyone is the Super Human. His Name Lives!

We the Zarathustrians love like no one else so life is ours. By our value evil is broken forever. The end to
mistake. No compassion for the one who will never change but compassion for the one suffering the lack
of change by this inferior, the one suffering this for thousands of years. The Day of Wrath is the
Annihilation by Saints against all others. Only then can we run free across Fields of Virtue without any
plebeian trying to make us fall. The extermination of all enemies. We Love the Superhuman. Only to Him

the Most Intense Flame of Passion in Our Hearts must We Dedicate. Only His Kindness is Worthy. For
He we must Fight. His Existence is the Triumph of All Nobles. Holy is the one that is "Guilt Free and
Perfect in Kindness". The Super Human is this Saint. Goodness is perfect in Him. And We are Forcing His
Victory. We must Force the Beautiful Earth to be Contemplated By HIS EYES: and that To HER He Can
Devote the Beauty of His Smile. And secondly it should be loved that world that allows the existence of the
Superhuman: The Zarathustrian Kingdom.

That place of magical forests where all men are free to build their body, mind and spirit. Everything that is
not serving the Super Human and the Kingdom must be set aside. Forever Abandoned that which does not
matter: what matters FOREVER UPHELD. Anyone who cannot find full satisfaction in this Zarathustrian
world is a ruined being.

In this world life is like before the Flame of the Sacred Heart that feels like INCREDIBLE KINDNESS,
Loyalty and Honor.

Part of the Jewish government is to indoctrinate the soul for Heaven no longer to be possible within the
wishes of the person. The ruined one no longer shall find satisfaction in his heart at the thought of a life of
Welfare and Peace: a Heavenly Life. Eternal not fluctuating: but Unbeatable. Keeping Our Holy Spirit is
How We Defeat Judea. Not only the one against what he knows to be true is lying but also the one
speaking against that which he ignores, like those speaking against the Super Human. Certainly they do
not know anything about Him but they think they do. The humble is the one truly over-estimated by
himself. There is no criticism of him coming from himself or others in the Plebeian Kingdom. His
arrogance is customary. He always lives outside Honesty. The Strong is the most Honest Man. His
Strength cannot exist otherwise. He who loves Hierarchy Loves Nature. Achieving greater levels comes
from this Superior knowing what He IS and working, Struggling to Be Better. He does not appreciate the
lack of fight by the humble. And so we understand what the Autocrat Symbolizes.

So vain is the mob that she wants to persuade everyone she is measure and meaning of all things. They
believe now it is heroism to help the mob, to protect them, to serve them, to sacrifice for that thing. That

vain and deceitful she is. But this is commoner advertising reproduced significantly on recent ignoble

The Hero has never been the servant of the populace that envies him. The Hero will Serve the Kingdom.
And the Kingdom is the King. From the Heart of the King comes the way everything is done. Different to
the anti-aristocratic form of "state", the Kingdom of the Commons, that is impersonal and imposed by
most because they are many. While the KINGDOM Rises on the Loyalty of Warriors and the Mothers of
Warriors: to the King: to the Crown. If Social Structures descend from the most healthy, vital, powerful
mind, they are just like this maximum power. AND LIVING in the KINGDOM is LIVING in the HEART
of the KING. Certainly undesirable is that the plebeian holds power. So with power, the power of social
institutions he commands, he exercises his plebeian biological evil. Hence the distrust of power in the
hands of One but if this One is the Best, his judgments are supreme above all democratic collective
determinations. Therefore we desire Autocrator to Rule.

Democratic groups made up of people each being painfully inferior to the King but with the ambition to
rule: an ambition that is plebeian. The People is the King because He is Axis of All Roads. He is the Law
and Truth and Cultural Guide. In Nature, not only the Self Exists but there is a Father: there is the King.

What today is called the people is actually the rabble. Hence the word "vulgar" meaning "ignorant and
common. The vulgar used to be a small group of the worst antisocial and dirties cretins, anti-Aryan
descendants from tribes that never built any kingdom. Today these few are unfortunately many. No one
will know the ruin of values and this disappointment in the Kingdom of the Future. The mob follows the
will of the conqueror being a blind force that follows the pastor. Today the pastor is Jewish. Today the
Jewish owns the plebs. The group of losers is NOT what is better. What matters is the Superhuman. The
Majesty of what the King SYMBOLIZES penetrates with golden spear the inflated chest of the plebeian full
of air only: the arrogant superfluous who pretends to be what he is not. AND THIS VICTORY Allows the
King to BE RECOGNIZED and His AUTHORITY to be FREE: to Impose what Nourishes Society Most.

Distinguishing what is imposed by those who imitate the Empire from what is imposed by the Empire.
Being the EMPIRE: The Way the Emperors Heart adopts the people: for they to live HIGH by the Designs
of the Warrior, that is Affectionate and Fast Victorious in Truth.

True Majesty without pretension nor acting belongs to Autocrator and his Zarathustrian Nobles. At the
extent of their Ranks Zarathustrians are bathed in such a Majesty: therefore Highly Longed For is Rank in
the Zarathustrian Society. Praise Be the NAME OF THIS NATION.

Worshipping the Autocrat does not exist as a prejudice except as necessary appreciation of the living force
that guarantees social welfare. Since before Saying "the State" for thousands of years of civilization shining
in PURITY it was said: "THE CROWN".

Ensuring that humanity never again deviates to perverse and crooked ways is OUR ZARATHUSTRIAN

Since the Subject serves his Superior and the Superior of all Superiors Serves the World. This is the MOST
DIVINE CIRCLE IN NATURE. Being such an Allegiance to Honesty provider of a Vision that makes us
see over the tricks of the enemy.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Origin of Behavior

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The origin of every etiquette, every style and way of behaving is something established by ancient Kings,
and in modern times by the bourgeois or actors. The way ancient Kings behaved is what determined what
education is and what being polite is. Life has never been defined by a majority. But the nation inherits the
vision of the Lord. Part of this behavior is that man must fight to the end, to defend the homeland, family
and His Majesty. The subject who fails his Lord should be filled with a shame that makes him give death to
himself. And every insult to His Lord inspires Battle. Here's how Life is Served. Whoever follows the order
of his Superior reluctantly proposes the Authority of his Superior as false, and thus he seeks stealing the
deserved product of his Struggle. The Noble must only be kind towards those who are Noble.

In the plebeian current government where all of the ignoble have named themselves Lord, they created
their new education where pointing out their wickedness is now being an idiot and a jerk. These evil
commoners are absolutely convinced they are Gentlemen: result of the treatment towards them. They say
"respect my disrespect". In the world where the only physical violence is exercised against those getting out
of their system: usually Superior Men becoming Super Human: there is the general idea those protected
and who are never touched are what counts.

When a humble says "I did nothing" he means "I have done nothing against the mob". Reverence to the
destructive mob is to allow such a destruction to continue. A humble commoner is seen as moral by
other commoners if he destroys higher life. Highly feared is to shame the humble in Judaism but within
commoner values the total destruction of the true Lord is appropriate.

The ignoble unwittingly ventures to confess he aspires to Aristocracy. The ignoble who hates Nobility
wants to imitate it. They use phrases like "he is such a gentleman.

The fight is tremendous to sink the values of Nobility and it is difficult to understand its essence in the 21st
century for the jews are close to exterminating it.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Reputable Pseudointellectuals

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
While Autocrator was once Meditating on the Zarathustrian Throne His Majesty was approached by a
sheep who said: "Poor silly Superior Men no longer know anything, you would really like to be respected
scholars, being liberals, being famous if you are right why do intellectuals say the mob is sacred?

The sheep said so because neither Autocrator nor His Nobles defended the mob anymore. Freed from
illusions Zarathustrians live. But the sheep spoke thus and swollen in vanity even stumbled upon leaving.
Now rid of the presence of the sheep Autocrator enjoyed a very different company. The Shining faces of
the children of Tomorrow came to mind. Free. With no weight upon them. Free from judaism. Merry and
in Untouchables Happiness. Fruit of Our Cause. The Happiness Contrary to what Judea is. For what is
against the Jews is against Evil. The sheep spoke of pseudo-intellectuals who were rewarded by the mob
because they said this rabble was right.

These, living comfortably reviewing everything, or maybe doing literature and reports, while they
themselves had never fought, nor honored the one who did. Their views: were not for sharing, feelings, or
reporting something but to promote, their petty, tiny, tiny will because they felt themselves far superior to
what they were. And is it not the only writing to be respected written in blood? Because it descends from
personal experience. It descends from Tragedy. Understanding Tragedy Through the Old Lyric Spirit: that
the pain that plunges us also elevates us. This tragedy threatening the people makes the Hero arise to fight.
This is not a promotion of necrophilia, an appreciation of death which Zarathustrians despise.
Zarathustrians have no admiration for violence. The Hero has respect for the blood that comes from having
Fought for the Principle: what is in Defense of the Holy Spirit.

The Fight that raises to finish what is destructive against life and the plebeian violence that destroys life,
they are so different. Socrates brought Great degeneration to the World, through his weak ambitions,
where any piece of crap can "discuss", or debate, the truth, and deny everything rising above Kings.
What isnt Honoring the Struggle is the idle pleasure of issuing opinions. Because the Noble is in
abundance strong he becomes Distinguished When he Follows Good. The commoner is distinguished if he
becomes violent because his nature is weak.

So when we Nobles talk of Combat we understand fighting for the cause. If the plebeian hears the word
"combat" he understands "harming".

The mental state of those completely ignorant to war is inevitably different and limited, before a Warriors
conscience. There were famous chattering pseudointellectuals advocates of the evil mob preaching equality
and the welfare of the majority. The unjust majority against the Holy minority. These persecuted Saints are
what Matters. And they are what the Zarathustrian Kingdom upholds.

These pseudointellectuals were rewarded in television programs where they were invited to talk about
nothing. Because the Forums of expression in the Jewish government are made to support the Jewish

Towards anyone outside this system common people are very similar to a mill. We have to simply throw
our cereals at them. The Cereals of our successes and dreams and victories they promptly and effectively
turn into dust. They never forget donating at least a grain of sand, or a pile of shit, to the cause of
Judaism. They are always committed to bury the Superior. Ever yearning to ruin his life.

Their hearts are those that when seeing a beautiful woman they dont admire this, no, sir, but they begin
planning and designing how to sink that womans "ego". Unless she is protected by policemen in a feminist
country! This is it: they go against the one they see helpless, and alone.

Also among their desires and wishes cutting off the legs of the fastest running child. It is the desire of
commoners teaching Princes are jerks who think too much of themselves since these commoners could
never compete if Princes were recognized. And this they dont do it with passion, not our noble passion
that is: this populace doesnt feel anything. They do it because they do not care.

This dirty scum is watchful of every "suspicious" Noble face asking: "Isnt this Oh Im so Holy face some
sort of trick to fuck things even more than we?. They project what they are on others and never trust the
Best. This is an excuse to harm the Holy Man. Because to them there are only asshole nobles, and "good"
louts that elevate the humble, to kill the asshole nobles. To them there is no Goodness, because they are

Their evil is legal under state commoner law, a system they stole from Rome, where all of them are free to
insult Honor. Since Rome had social ranks and no slave could venture to urinate the garden of the

Also the plebs call "geniuses" those who are reversely disabled. Those weak and vulgar, whose impotence to
acquire martial capacity led them to concentrate their minds on small dots, developing atomic bombs or
becoming living calculators, or creating better acids against health, or mundane mobile phones for the
plebs, or writing books on equality.

Men who have nothing to do with Nobility, weaklings with no Manhood and powerful only in a specific
tiny thing. Thus reversely disabled. Distanced from the Maximum Value of Kindness.

Trained in ignoble ideologies some intellectuals are skillful at coming up with little tricks. Constantly trying
to bring down the Superior Man masking their cruel and perfidious words to make it look like they are
legitimately defending something. They want to fuck, but they call it "equality, human rights, tolerance
or whatever.

Not being that we are against values, thinking so is part of Judaism to hurt us. But they use words that
sound virtuous to exercise their wickedness. Subhumans think themselves champions of humility.
Cautiously preparing their poison. The Noble prepares his body to run as fast as a tiger but the plebeian
prepares how to ruin this will.

In the infested world of Judaism to their anti-martial presences, to their evil faces goodness is
automatically awarded, because they are more "humble" than the one they are attacking. Since in True
Natura the one they attack, the Noble, is Goodness.

The commoners have attack systems in their minds, to identify Nobility and identifying it they begin to
cause damage. They mock sensitivity by inflicting pain to that sensitivity.

They believe that superiority is prejudice and by degrading the Superior they believe to be bringing the
"truth". Below the word "truth" THEY use, there is another word: "Envy". The jews want our
consciousness to be there to suffer.

They cant stand not being right because they do not care about the truth but they want to win no matter
what. They call this "intelligence". Their values are crushing and their concept of intelligence is always
winning despite running over everything and everyone. This is their petty mind: their pathetic weakness.
They are humble people. And what they produce is humble too.

Meanwhile the Noble is just looking for the Welfare of Honor. And his heart may die if there are too many
disappointments. If the world is too black this Noble does not want to live. It is not genius nor victory, the
expansion of a world devoid of Nobility.

The Noble Sentiment is the Genius and the gemstone that distinguishes the one to be admired by Society,
and the one that helps her the most. And this feeling is the most elusive one for every pseudointellectual.

This Goodness the plebs envy and constantly award malice to this kind man. Or they dedicate themselves
to ruin his life until his anger is immense and they can "prove" that he was bad. So the ruin the best, they
do justice in the name of plebeian envy, and their god Evil is satisfied.

Caution must exist against the consequences of over-intellectualism. Intellectual excess, super rationalism
without any martial ideology eventually rots the being. It turns him into a coward. Fundamental instincts
are ergo Higher than reason. Who can define these instincts? The Best Warrior. These instincts are
Original Nature. On what is being intelligence invested?, we ask. Is it being invested for an expansion of
concupiscence or for the convenience of those who do not fight? Intellect must serve the expansion of
Noble Virtues.

Winning is not what the ignoble considers winning, winning is the Triumph of Heaven Only. The Noble
dwells above these neighbors and the ignoble do not forgive this. The Noble goes up the Stair of Life above
all envious steps and these steps do not forgive this.

The Noble dislikes greeting the commoners and when a Noble does so it begins the vengeance of the
Commons. He does not care about greeting the malignant. But for the Noble he will wait under a Storm.
In fact, he will Bring the Storm Upon Them! A Crimson Storm!

They make the highest women opt for not being at their height, for not being beautiful and magnificent
because they know they will be attacked. And they also make the highest man walk with a hunched back
not to cause their destructive envy. This is a structure of violence: this violence is massive and "cultural",
performed by the inferior. When they damage what is ours they devaluate it and that longed for thing
becomes insignificant because with enough pain they manage to break our feelings.

The Beautiful Woman has a Natural Victory and if violated by the inferior mediocre outcast she will learn
to see this Victory as curse. And if the Supreme Man is dishonored daily and it is always planned to hurt
him he learns his natural Victory is curse. If they damage our art, our house or something belonging to us

the Superior Man begins thinking he does not deserve to even breathe! In ways that are not combat which
are not punishable by law (if there is cunning) or by culture (because their culture is envy), they manage to
fuck the life of men and women who are Superior natural heirs to the Noble blood. Heirs to the Natural
Noble Blood the inferior insult daily in their stories, tales and movies.

We must silence many pseudo-intellectuals who venture to speak of Lord Nietzsche. They are part of the
superfluous against the Superman. They have no shame. They talk comfortably about the ideology of
Superiority and in daily life they are against the Superman. They want to venture further and pervert so
those engaged in destroying Superiority are the "Superman" in the demented version of their chattering
minds. Interpreting the superfluous are those who think theyre a big deal. Interpreting that when this
society is exposed there is an intention to harm naming the scum special. Plebeians think Nietzsche wants
to fuck life like them while he is exposing what they are and what the Superman is. That is, they believe
the Superior Man hates baseness that the plebs call "society" because he wants to hurt others: these
commoners projecting their wicked feelings. They believe the Superman is hurtful as well. They believe the
liberal subhuman is the Superman and the Nobles this subhuman destroys are the superfluous. Thus
every ideology is adopted by the populace. Thus the last bastion of defense of the Superior Man they want
to ignite. Since all religions and ideologies are based on the inferior. Every way and every idea that is not
Zarathustrianism is Judaism. Where is the house for he who is not humble? Only Zarathustrianism is for
the Superior. This Work is proof Autocrator Gives Everything for the Best. This is the Zarathustrian Heart.
Only Zarathustrianism is for the Best. Zarathustrianism is the Best.

No man should expect Autocrator to come down and be like him but this man must seek being like
Autocrator. Women should not be like Autocrator but should be like a woman for Autocrator. This must
be her dream. She as high as possible every time proud in her beauty, feminine, fanatically loyal,
contemptuous against the inferior, fast of powerful heart, athletic admirer of the creations of Superiors
priding herself in man's desire for her and that for her he is getting stronger. Made to make man happy.
She hates the weak and uses her Beauty to instigate the Superiors of Society to fight to Reach whatever goal
Society has and to overcome the opponent.

With Dances She ignites the Power of Warriors. Her Honor is that she is a Superior Woman. And her
Honor is that she is better at Love than the women of the enemy. She loves the Man of Achievement. She
is the Mother of the Warrior. She proclaims "Within Me Is Only My King!". So frightening to the inferior.

In the society of cowards who call themselves "men" the role of women is nullified. Queers do not want
women. They do not have the very elemental testosterone for it to be otherwise. But for Zarathustrians
Women are Goddesses. The Zarathustrian invades entire countries for a single Zarathustrian Princess.

She is the Treasury of a Zarathustrian. Before her the warrior kneels. She is his Maximum Longing. For her
he goes from one island to another swimming among beasts. For his beloved one the most powerful man
gives his life. For women empires rose and empires were destroyed.

What Autocrator loves does not belong to anyone else. Because he loves more than anyone is that to His
Love all things belong: Realm, Warriors and Women. And this is the Truth! He is the Principle of
Strength. What is strong is strong because it is like Him. Admirable is Our King!

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Letters in the Hands of Plebeians

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Let's bring understanding to what the newspaper, writing and literature are in general under their modern
Jewish expressions, to get rid of flattery to what is not good. Since those who entertain the rabble will be
rewarded with riches. As the possessor of wealth through writing in most lamentable cases are those who
produce stupidities that entertain the populace. That which expands the feeling of fucking is what the plebs
adore. And being that in most cases lamentable who writes what is extraordinary, aristocratic or genius not
taken into account. Because Nobles and commoners are not equal. The Noble longs to see through the
stars. The commoner is an admirer of mud. For wisdom stuns the mob. If this was otherwise, if they were
faithful to the truth their Kingdom of Commons would not exist. Rude subhuman Fellers have great
success in writing because the populace admires their aggression. This rabble rewards those texts of the
plebeian worldview where the center of the story is copulation, cunning and money. Quickly what is
commoner indoctrinates millions but the works of immense nobility are completely ignored by the mass.
They never follow what is Noble but inferiority becomes guidance for their daily life.

When an ignoble goes to school he is trained to know how to hurt. He does not change his vile natural
evil, he just gets more tools to give success and satisfaction to his task and mission to break. If he is taught
a kind doctrine he understands he is this goodness. This is how Christianity became the religion of
garbage. The nobles farthest away from the trash thought that "the humble" defended by Christianity was
the kind one but the mob thought the "humble" was the plebs.

Newspapers are a circus of sadism for this mob. As there is no Coliseum. In which all horrors are exposed
to the delight of the reader. The problem should be known for its solution, this is true but the ignoble does

NOT buy the newspaper for it, but to feed his sadistic bloodlust. He has no involvement in solving the

Books, intellectual masturbation today. Unable to provide the reader to help him grow. The writer issues
endless opinions on what is un-important. There are thousands of books to waste time. Since knowledge
can and should be passed briefly. Wasting Lifes Time reading entertainment and opinions of level 0 or we
can quickly prepare us with valuable texts that effectively develop the reader.

So it should be the future Zarathustrian quality regarding education. This Education Around the Holy
Spirit. Thirst for Wisdom Zarathustrians have. The Wisdom of the Kami, the Divine. In our world without
the stress that garbage brings to our lives we can devote ourselves to the domain of information. Ours is
the Way of the Most Intense Life. We do not wish to stop Fighting but to Fight without the presences of
those attacking life.

Previously writing was not lawful to anyone. Once a Jew said this: "Many of you would have liked if I had
never learned to speak so I couldnt express my perversions". Thus admitting what he was. Not admitting
to make personal change but for cynicism.

A Christian Society creates altars for their evil but a Satanic Society Annihilates them. Because Christianity
is Judeo-Christianity, created in Judea. And the Jews are evil. Along with Islam we have hidden ideologies
of evil.

The European Noble or the Noble that occurred in Japan has a longing to see her woman happy. But the
Islam is the trampling, crushing and submission against women because a miserable named Muhammad
determined that is the way to treat women. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the will of the low to
impose their miserable worldview.

Therefore Zarathustrianism says: No sympathy for the wicked: compassion for the good. This is
Zarathustrianism. Where can we find what is good? In contrast to these low. We found the highest
Goodness in the Nobles who Approximate to be Super Human.

Not everyone being able to write is relative to education being for nobles only, and what the Academia
produced was such a high material the nation was based on it. This nation did not have to choose between
100,000 works. What came from the Academia was the Best.

When the commoner is trained and there is no ideology to stop his rising he removes the Noble rulers.
Because he deceives the populace through his rude way of speaking thinking he is smarter. Not respecting
the passion in Noble Hearts but respecting humiliation and cunning. Comfortably issuing opinions that
can bring everything down. If he is free from being engaged in combat protected by a commoner law: he
will prevail. This rude way is one that reduces the merits of the opponent and promotes the enhancement
of the inferior at all times.

The Noble when loving his attacker freezes before the evil of his aggressor. The commoner thinks he is
right and that Noble is silent or without action because he is wrong. The child may insult the father, the
wife may insult the husband and the subject may insult the Lord if they are loved: for there is hope they
will change.

This is not said to uphold the impotent. The ego of the powerless lets him think his inaction is goodness
but to the extent his inaction allows the death of what is important he is serving evil. This is exposed by
Zarathustrianism because Zarathustrians know those who allow evil feel deliciously kind. These fools who
never knew the Holy Spirit feel kind when defending that against Good. The Zarathustrian does not value
physical appearances based on a disrespectful vanity being that it is available to all saying what they please
based on their egos and personal tastes: like a contest to see who disrespects more. The Zarathustrian
having identified the qualities of the various biological ranks now knows what different appearances
express. One Should Know How to Identify Those Against Good.

The classic body language of the Jew is a hunched man rubbing his hands planning evil. This is far from a
cartoonish representation. We can discover a number of Jews in this pose. This weak villain unable to
defend himself. He depends on manipulating others. Only able to manipulate a gentile (as the jews call
anyone non-jewish), so that he goes against his gentile neighbor to defend another race: the jews. They are
not stained with blood and make the gentiles kill each other.

He does not require Force for he has Learned to master the mind of the Aryan Warriors.

Thus the jew needs no force, because he feels that his craftiness can master the Force. The ideology of the
time defends the destroyers of life and it is against this destruction the moral conservative speaks and acts
against but in this ideology he is a dangerous antisocial prick. Being he who does not kill those against
Moral Principles dies himself, because his life loses Purpose. When the evil one is protected by society
extermination is given to all natural systems defensive against those wanting to destroy life. Pity for the low
is destroying the protective antibody. To those who already allowed their moral to be annihilated nothing is
worth it and allow life to be killed. With tricks they are taken to suicide. Thus promoted what is Magian,
what is humble and what relates to death.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Equal Tarantulas

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Among the collective of cowardly vermin the Equal Tarantulas are distinguished for being the worst and
most dangerous. Before their arrival Peace Reigned. A land of fresh air. No one thought about the horrible
creatures that were coming to the valley. They came from the Equality Caves hence their name. Watch
Out! Beware!", it was said but not a soul would listen. Tarantulas came and stung consciences. Hopes were
killed and the dark dreams were born. Stung children grew disabled; diminished hunchbacks. They learned
to bite their tongues when they wanted to speak. Deformed by the blows of the mediocre. They learned to
drop on their knees when they wanted to run. The learned self-castration for desiring. Giving satisfaction to
the envy of the enemy. They learned to contemplate with tearful eyes a plebeians twisted smile.
Contagious is this disease! Because they came from the Equality Caves the substance injected by the
Tarantula was called equality as well.

Anyone having contact with those bitten by the tarantula will be amazed and then they shall feel their
brains being destroyed. Such person, such poor fool better be a Super Human and only then he could be
saved! But in this village where this story is from they were not Super Human. Even some began collecting
tarantulas to worship them. Some prepared their entire homes for the tarantulas.

And others would put on their children tarantulas at night to teach "humility". Making them afraid they
intended to teach "humility". What was intended to punish? It was the punishment for Living according to
the feeling of equality. The old man had his life stolen by tarantulas of humility and now he must avenge
himself on the young and teach about humility as well as the arts of cunning and fear. That young one in
no way is going to live without the stone they want to put on his back. Those who should not live punish

the Life of the Free Man. Once the region was visited by beautiful Beings of Light from a so different land.
They claimed to be "Zaratustrianos". They were amazed at the reverence the local had for the tarantulas.

Carrying the image of Autocrator and locals when seeing it said: "ah right, one of those superiors, and
they would turn their back. The Zaratustrianos unsheathed their swords to give them death.

They saw all dreams humbly crushed by the will of the majority infected by equality. It was their wish that
the whole world might be filled with their lessons and in equality remain all beings stranded. This equality
requires cutting what grows. In the leveling for what is low the one who grew more suffers scalping: for he
exceeded the height of dwarves. So mutilated live those made part of their bitter "society". He who lived
with them though not bitten had it hard to see to the horizon for a few seconds without looking back and
behind him he saw the sly watchful eye of one of the infected telling him: "Do not dare".

This degenerate preparing a stone in his hand to throw it before I learned to fly, one of the locals told a
Zarathustrian. So that envious one remembered her elderly mother whose last words were: "do not let a
superior man win. Avenging his mudblood! Life is adventure to freedom but failed ones want to cut off
Lifes Wings.

The infected mocked those who did not carry the disease. "Equal" they called those who were already part
of the infected crowd. They thought to refute the success of he who escaped from their prison of illness
through laughter and dishonor from all of them together against this FREEMAN. Doing all sorts of evil
against him.

Creating a society where the achievements of the Superior Man were aborted. This damn mob proclaimed:
"I will continue to uphold my ideals no matter what may happen. I want all Superiors to pay. And all of us
the inferior must dedicate our lives to fuck him. This is what they swear to their mud-heart built to mimic
the human heart. And also "Whatever it takes. Such is the passion of revenge by the inferior. The
unconscious envy of "good people" burns against everything that has power. Oh, the meager go too far.

But above all of their evil undertakings something so magnificent that motivates every fight because it
physically embodies not only idealistically and in imagination nor in metaphysics all Goodness. His name,
the name of this that is a Being, who is The Being is Super Human.

The Super Human is the highest ideal and actually physical contrary to metaphysics made up around the
Jewish ideology. The Super Human is the sea in which all unrighteousness drowns. He can never be
converted. For the Super Human to be born the Earth must cease belonging to his enemies, those who
would promptly attack his life. To all hiding places we have to carry the Light of Vindex that exposes all
tarantulas. Unable to bear this light are their opaque eyes, unable to admire Good. Let the World Be Free
From Judaism! The Super Human is the Maximum Longing of the Superior Man. An Affirmation of Life
by the Aristocrats that un-learned the renunciation of life of inferiors.

These inferiors hate life because they themselves are a biological failure. And their new nihilistic religion in
which they no longer believe in Jehovah is their former will to Death: the very same Judaism in its final

The ancestors of mankind could build temples moving huge stones and today man is spiritually humiliated
unable to repeat this feat. The woman cannot stand a natural birth being that all animals have their
children naturally because the Jewish doctrine has destroyed the human spirit. It is true that if man is freed
from this Judaism he will above all beasts in strength. Therefore damn humility. Let it be buried forever!
The Zaratustriano says "Death to the humble".

There is struggle and inequality even in the delicacy of feminine beauty. The Beautiful Woman surpasses
all others. She is attractive because she has the ability to create the most powerful life. And Judaism teaches
her to appreciate the weakest of all males. Thus the Jew takes her and pulls her to death. So she is cheated
by the cunning of the Jews, the meanest and weakest of all the people.

Under no circumstance one may love the Superior Man and be at the same time preacher of equality.
Because Equality is Cancellation of SUPERIORITY. Had the best warrior joined the most beautiful woman
the Earth would have already seen the Super Human covering her entire body.

Real Justice Rules: There are Superiors and there are Inferiors. Merit must be recognized and Achievements
MUST be Rewarded.

Dishonor is the origin of crime. Preaching equality or love to those who dont matter is kicking out from
the existence and criminal indifference, forgetfulness against anyone who is not part of the insignificant
majority. They hate morality being it only exists in the Noble. They strut being close to stifle life. This
insignificant majority is evil and the objective of their wickedness is he who is good. This being is the
Superior. And the Superior of Superiors is the SUPER HUMAN.

A world where man was freed from their plebeian revenge is the Future. Where Judaism was defeated. The
World called Zarathustrian Kingdom. A world of lightness where the stones tied to the bodies were
disintegrated by the Zarathustrian Sun. This Kingdom is Our Rainbow after long storms. It's what we
deserve After Stopping Them. And the Zarathustrian proclaims "I will die before being equal to them!.

Nows Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Enemys Conquest of Our Mind

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The most beautiful flowers are ruined by the mediocre clever propaganda. The liberal woman loves the
weak and she is insulted by the weak.

Women indoctrinated by Judaism they learn in modern television, in movies and from everyone's lips now
deliver themselves to the lowest mediocre possible. She says: "since childhood I was taught that those who
envy win". Being this never existed before in history. The Responsible One to Be Seen By Us: Judaism.

There is a phrase that says "God gives to those who cant even take. Yes, the god of the jews. The ideal
that the jews made up for the humble to be right. Judaism is the mentality of elevating what is low and
taking from he who is like the Ancient Master. Those poisoned by this ideology feel such compassion for
the failed ones is virtuous. Because not even for five minutes face to face have they talked to one of the
members of Natural Nobility: a Pure Noble without Judaism of glowing heart before whose goodness the
plebeians feel shame.

She does not see the inferiority of the child she will have with the non-important ignorant to the
achievements of the ancient Nobles. The more mediocre the best in the world of Judea. In the world where
the best is the worst. She humiliates her ancestors. She degrades them terribly, she tramples on their names
when mixing with the bottom. Her beauty would not be possible nor her intelligence if in the past had the
bottom been worshiped. She is a product of the union of the strong: she is evolution.

If man's ancestors had attacked the alpha male, those ancestors would have been killed by beasts which are
today humbled by man.

So she loves the humble and thus she becomes the mockery of the son of her father's enemy. When she
agrees respecting the inferior she is enemy to life! Wrecking millions of years of evolution in an instant.
For racial supremacy takes millions of years of evolution to appear. Millions of years never to be recovered.
Her intelligence is inhabited by the will of the bottom. Her powerful mind, the mind of noblewoman serves
the idea of the enemy. Her mind explains this idea and gives it a development. Because of her nobility she
is loyal to the idea, she was taught by the jews, if that's all she knows. And this enemy is a being dedicated
to the destruction of nobility.

Many, too many times I have seen women of extraordinary beauty with inferior men. The men were always
looking at the floor and were insensitive embarrassed while those women were happy and full of life. So the
natural contrast between them is made clear. Since beauty is not mundane and saying it is mundane is the
achievement of those without beauty to take beauty.

The inferior who get a higher woman do not even want her, they dont love her, they dont value their
friendship and they dont like her. Because they lack the sensitivity for it to be otherwise. This is hard to
understand if one ignores without the media of the time and transport technologies other races are alien to
the senses. To breeds that are not Noble, Noble women are nothing. Disgust is a system not to fall to
inferiority. When what stinks is tolerated what is Higher begins to be disgusting. Out of compassion for
the lowest there is rejection to the natural man who is like them, who loves them and longs for them. They
make the woman stay with the one who does not love her and who never will because his mind is inferior,
and keep her away from the one who has always loved her, her natural man. The senses of the stupidest
have been twisted without return so that those helpless who die in original nature, who do not work, who
are cowardly are seen as cute, cuddly, and fine, and those strong, powerful, mighty and martial, are seen as
distanced from cuteness, not nice, aggressive and outcasts. The degrading descriptions above are those that
like thousands of rocks were thrown by judaism on the Superior type of Man. Where full respect to that
which is ugly and stupid is given there is a constant aggression against the high and martial. Some will
experience these words as cruelty but it is because they got used to giving to the undeserving. Actually

cruelty is the rapture made against the Superior Man. And no one thinks of the pain that is directed against
the Superior Man. They just think of the humble who has no value. The idiot does not have to lift a finger
to get the love of the Princess in the new world where the inferior has been glorified. She understands
unconsciously that asshole is the alpha male, the alpha male the Superior Man Is. The indifference of this
asshole towards her passes as grandeur but it is actually organic impotence from his physical weakness.

The Superior Man who seeks her because she is his natural woman is "weak", the lower one that deserves
nothing is indifferent to her.

The dwarf cretin pitied by a much higher woman will demonstrate his ignoble resentment in private and
she will have to bear it: bear his pettiness. Being he is a dirty one dedicated to hard work only who knows
nothing of subtleties. And if she is an ignorant she will think that this is a "man". It's just a commoner.
The woman thinks that ultimately infatuation will exist later but it never comes because this helpless one is
forever powerless.

The Noble defamed by the Jewish society looking at the woman very eagerly passes as needy and weak. His
heart still shines in capacity and desire to love, for his capacity for love comes from his strength. Since his
abundant masculinity feels abundant admiration for women. Zarathustrians want the female to belong to
this man. And that He is Entrusted to Responsibly make her happy.

Women who reject these "needy and weak ones demonstrate they are not for any compassion not for any
nutrition, of the one who needs things being their judaism, being their liberalism claims to be about
compassion but they are, for the evil one and they are, for the revenge of everything that is low against
everything kind-hearted. So we reveal their true intentions. They are for Judaism. The disgusting rabble
now claims to represent virtue but it is actually doing what everyone else is doing: its easy and convenient.
In the past this rabble respected the King because the King had the power. The Noble today, we are against
a planet of evil showing that we are not making it convenient but we are for Justice. These superior men
are willing to defeat the louts to which the judaic woman gives everything in combat. Proving who are the
carriers of Natural Superiority.

And they are responsible to prove that their search for a woman is not the search for a mother. They must
demonstrate it to the women they want by loving them. The most beautiful women yearn to be loved by
the strongest.

The most beautiful women called the desire of the best warrior. She and Him Origin of Life: and together
they have the most intense pleasure. This is Satanism. Contrary to it is Judaism which comes from the will
of the one who will always be weak and who decided to call evil all that is available to the Superior. The
commoner in his cry cries for himself, for someone to give him some money. The Noble cries when he is
breaking his compassion for the inferior. Most Dangerous is to mock Him!

Beautiful women with inferior men and high men with humble women who are the only ones that because
of their humble ranks can accept a "superior outcast", this exiled piece of shit reminiscent of the Old
Nobles: and bastardy continues. The hodgepodge of high and low. It produces powerful louts and beauties
who love trash. The Noble woman given to the mediocre cretin will have a son more beautiful because of
her but with the intention to hurt from his asshole father. And it will be a bastard with more power than
his parents to cause pain. Already having inherited talent from his dwarf dad to conquer Superior Women.
And owner of all things he will feel. He will teach many lessons and will destroy Superiors. From
childhood he starts talking of envy, it will always be so. He will complain about the success in school of
other children who work harder than him. He crushes using words penetrating through Noble sensitivity
but the Noble cannot finish him using combat because it is illegal in the Plebeian Kingdom.

Plebs are the most frightening tyrant, a pedantic midget who is fucking untouchable. A disrespectful
bastard that always has his way because everyone will give everything for him. He steals women, he kills
children and tortures Nobles and he is always right. Through his evil, he is invoking the specters to
devour everyone. The children of the mob are not carriers of any tenderness but are the beginning of what
in the future will be an adult commoner much more dangerous and evil. The woman gets used to be the
sexual object of the miserable and forgets about Nobility so if a Noble shows up and lover her to her she is
weird. She does not trust him and fears him. If she was with a plebeian before being with a Noble she will
think that the Noble is the jerkness the commoner is but at a more powerful degree. The plebeian is
allowed to urinate on women because there is no reaction of anger against the commoner in the Jewish

world. The pitiful plebeian is tolerated and understood at all times. And this same structure is made to
detest the Noble has the very least. Welfare for Superior Men: this is offensive to the plebs. In general it
has been inherited what the commoner feels as Absolute Truth.

The woman mentioned thinks it's natural that her man is abusive if her first man was a plebeian. If she
discovers that reality is not thus at the Kindness of the Noble she will be ashamed. He reminds her of her
failure and how she delivered herself to the mediocre. It is painful to her. Superiors are being robbed from
life when they are denied Love. A Man needs a Woman and a Woman needs belonging to a Man.

And all this is caused by having been born in the world of Judea. Since without the education of the jews
their minds would have never behaved in a jewish way ever. Thus Zarathustrianism is War.

Humanity must be pure and committed to evolution without meanness. Not stuck in inferiority. Inferior
wants to punish our ability to progress and they seek mutilating us, this they call attitude adjustment.

They cannot exercise combat, no but they perform psychological microviolence. Our bodies are not
easy to touch but our lives around our bodies, they quickly try to turn into ruin. When the Noble responds
in Wrath he is a fucking asshole that wants to harm defenseless people and a racist. It is NOT they
have no CAPACITY. Not so. They exert all they can without restraint. All unrighteousness available they
exercise. They are incapable of Direct Combat and Honor. Their aggressions are hidden. This Superior
Man of Generous Heart sees this as they cant do anything more, and lets it go. But this Christianity is
They dont keep a single word, a single bullet they do not retain from their humble resources. The Superior
has a MORALITY that limits his behavior. They are entirely given to the fight their humility can give. In
total cruelty. Damn These waves of scum are a Jewish spell. All this is not reality, or Nature. They are the
product of the Magian Soul. They are what comes from the decision of an Aryan not to strike that humble
with the Sword but to instead eat his humble feces because he felt very, very sorry for him (poor thing).
The world of the humble is the world of evil. They are the masters of lies. The feeling of anal-humbleequality is seducing, but Zarathustrianism Reveals it is Absolute Evil. What they feel: "no, no, wont make

me be a hater to humble people, that is EXACTLY WRONG. The Noble thus realizes that everything that
is humble comes from the desire to do harm. They think we're miserable: they are. Evil is attractive. Oh,
evil is attractive. For the Magian feeling which is deception, seems to be Goodness. She comes dressed in
tricks. It is the most cunning game.

We are the Nobles, what the inferior decided inside his own head is miserable. This game is to them honey.
What an absurd lie has been lived! Their envied victims perfectly caught in that net. Everything has been
evil. Zarathustrianism is Awakening.

For the fancy pretentious plebeian this groomed chimpanzee who opens the door to his mansion when the
Noble knocks on it fleeing from villagers with machetes, for this commoner the Zarathustrian Dagger has
been Prepared.

This comfortable one will have the opportunity to see the color of the Zarathustrian Kings Robe when
standing in a pool of his own blood. To bring him the end while hes saying in absolute hubris: "oh heck".
Certainly any degradation of women hurts us and Vengeance is Ours. Like Furious Demons we are before

When the Nobles are mad at the beautiful woman falling to the arms of an inferior this is never about him.
Thinking its about him is judaism: thinking everything revolves around the humble inferior. Its about
HER. Because we love her our reasoning is not difficult to understand: this pathetic one does not deserve
her nor she deserves to fall. The Noble seems an aggressive jerk in his willingness to fight for what he
Loves. But the commoner exercises his aggression through a legislature when the system is made for him to
be upheld. He lives off the benefit from a daily propaganda that says he is the meaning of life. His
aggressions are made unconsciously. And it seems that the Noble holding the sword impacts on the
"civilized" commoner. But this commoner is not the one to perform physical aggression, he is defended by
thousands and thousands of police members or armed forces. Therefore AWAKENING.

Compare the Noble man in defense of virtue with their thousands and thousands of insane blind men
carrying firearms. In whose hands is the overwhelming cowardly and insane tyranny? How comfortable is
the upside down world. This world Zarathustrians will bury forever.

The Superior has to stand in the rain to see his wife holding hands with the insignificant. An insignificant
of ugly presence and ugly heart of inferior blood, a stupid one who ignores her and sees her as a sex toy. So
the woman trusts the one she should never trust and mistrusts the one who loves her. This insignificant
cunningly whispers in her ear with an envious gaze: "be careful against that guy.

Because he knows if she realizes he defamed by the humble, that Noble is her natural man, this humble
will be lost and exiled according to what he deserves. He should have never reached her. The insignificant
who obtained a beautiful wife end up beating her to avenge their ugly moms. The woman involved in an
inter-ranks relationship thinks there are no races but the man benefited by this relationship thinks himself
to be incredibly lucky. The mother of a commoner in a Noble-plebeian relationship envies the beauty of
Noble women.

There is a disgusting phrase wrecking of higher men and women that dictates: "the nail that stands out is
hammered". It exists in different lands. It is the envy of the most mediocre drooling for the Life of the Best
One to be destroyed. Smacking their lips to see him dead. When a woman who was born with
extraordinary beauty delivers herself to an insignificant who does not even have the ability to appreciate
what she is: she seeks not be the nail that stands out. The weak man can defeat a Superior Woman when
instead of having reverence for her this weakling decides inside his own head that this woman is not
Superior but privileged, so he can then bring her down imposing inferiority on her and overcoming his
low self-esteem becoming a distinguished plebeian. Because the society made for inferiors punishes
Superiority. Unless Superiority is serving inferiority. Unconscious this acting to her. If this Superior woman
is for what is inferior to her she is spitting on the gift of nature to her, the gift of her beauty. And we are
fed up. The Nobles are Fed Up! All of this is the deception by the envious. And Because of It:

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Perpetual Rising

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Power of the Strong is Holy. The audacity of the weak is Evil. So intense and general is the domain of
waste at the time, that there is a shame for being noble, being a good man or being better. But in them
there is no shame whatsoever, when imposing their baseness, and in them only envy exists, which leads
them to carry out attacks against those who are noble, good and above.

In the world set against good there is an aristocracy (a governing body which is not necessarily the natural
rank of "aristocrat"), based on cruelty in youth and decency in old age. He who is kind since youth will
accomplish nothing.

This means the wily judaic seeks power by humiliating and crushing, in absolute immorality not giving a
fuck and once he has lots of power, now in mature age he is respected as "Lord" and no longer defends the
immorality of his past but he is now "decent, sophisticated and educated". But he who was always kind will
always be crushed in the society of the Jews and will never achieve social power. But The World Belongs to
the Heroes not to those who simply happen to exist. The Hero Forged in War so distanced from the ego of
garbage. The One Who Understands What Matters.

Once in the Bible of Inferiors, the one to give them victory over Nobles, their Superiors, deeply hurting
Life, a song was recorded like carved into a rock for it to remain and it said: everything is vanity and
everything is in vain. So this is the anthem of the mediocre. An Absolute Truth of Envy. The absolute
ignorance of the rabble allowing them absolute security when hurting us.

This song intended to refute all work and all will and all building and all wanting. Humility is Terrible.
They are unconscious, collective and massive evil. The failed one thinks himself Conqueror, he would like
the orb to be covered in his laziness and sings: everything is vanity and everything is in vain. And this
madness was taken as "wisdom".

In other times the concept of the Gods was a slob. They were stupid arrogant unjust ones and untouchable.
So early humans understood that was divinity. But Autocrator is Strong Because He Loves.

If the life of what kills Love is allowed a type of life that doesnt feel Love remains: and the life that cant
Love Destroys.

Evil to Autocrator is what is alien to him, where Goodness to man is what seems to be strange. The One
Freed from Judaism by Zarathustrianism, remains forever awaken. In Perpetual Rising admiring what is
important. And when the ignoble sees The Awakened Noble, fear will be great. How much terror is to
come for Vindex has arrived! And with Him Vengeance. This is the vision that every Superior Man will
have and that will be described as follows: "I had given up on life. I had removed myself from a horrendous
world gone dark and deadly and lived in the Castle of Death on the top of the black isolated mountain.
Wrapped my heart in sadness I saw in the throne room of the castle, a glass coffin but no Throne! As I
approached I saw with her eyes saddened a dying life! THERE INSIDE! Horrible! LOOKING AT ME
WAS LIFE DYING! All ideals reduced to dust. And on her forehead engraved as with a knife a Star of
David. Crying tears of blood she saw me. In a swirl and a falling was my Soul Trapped. This forced my
heart to remember its True Nature. I WAS NOT THIS HARDNESS I pretended to be! My Compassion
certainly suffered for her. My Deepest Strength Woke Up in Me before This. On the Gates of the Castle
something knocked Nine times with the Power of Lightning. And a voice that sounded like a million
screaming trumpets said "Unveiling!". I truly thought demons were coming at me.

There was silence for a minute there was silence, and shock. Then a roaring wind broke and threw the
doors. And imposing Laughter joined the breaking of such weak barriers. Some sort of purple vortex that
was now at the castle gates flung at my feet a black coffin. I did not want to imagine what sinister surprises

were inside. In a glow appeared before me a golden dagger. And in the coffin came a pounding heart as
part of it. The Shock brought my tears to Revere this Moment. On my left reality became a mirror that
folded in two. And when it unfolded I saw my reflection and behind me with her chin resting on my
shoulder she was. A goddess who appeared in my dreams and seemed the origin of beauty itself. And She
whispered "you have to kill death". Overwhelmed and infatuated by her I took the dagger and stabbed the
coffin in the heart. The coffin was bleeding terribly and she smiled. I felt as if I had opened my eyes for the
first time. Also the box shook and seemed to start to open. She whispered to me again saying, "You are the
wind that has brought down these doors.

Electricity through my body. It felt like a long time, years roaming through the plains of my own mind.
And finally the coffin was opened: looking at me the responsible for what had happened. Someone I loved
long before. A small man whose humility was prior to me the meaning of all things. And he said dying:
"Superior piece of shit. And I realized that it was he who exiled me to the Castle of Death. While I was a
prisoner he was living my life. And he said: "I had everything, why did you have to fuck it?. My tears
came again Before the Understanding. That force that brought him into the coffin to this Castle of Death
invited me to an exchange: a return to Life! I understood it all. I understood yes, who were the wicked:
the humble who I defended to the hilt!

Finally by This Truth I could say: "The World Belongs Now to the Master. That was what my Heart

Precisely the opposite to them, Zarathustrians, hear this! Never again will the Best isolate from Life.
Through Our HONOR We DISPLAY WE ARE THE BEST. The Castle of Death now expects very
different guests, awaiting for them: for so many envious are reserved the Castles chambers.

Wrapped in the Robes of the Gods Nobles Return to Life. Our Robes Represent Our RANKS. And the
woman wearing the color of the man she belongs to, Distinguished. So Forever Recalling the Fight
Conducted Today.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex

Both Sides of Failure

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
There is a first condition to understand: a man is not a woman and a woman is not a man and so they do
not fail identically. The difference between the man who wants a woman and the man who does not want
her. The difference between the woman who wants to be loved and the one who seeks to manipulate she is
loved. For the Super Human to be Saved from them he must know:

The unsuccessful man is he who is proud of his faults, he is effeminate, dishonest, cynical and he seeks for
bargains, he is a cheater, cruel, and full of hubris. He is the one who flees when needed. He is not
responding to any claim of the heart. The victim of his assault is guilty in his mind.

The unsuccessful woman is an insensitive prostitute manipulative of the love of man. And by being against
this man she is against the species. She is masculine, cruel, a feminist and a coward. She is the one who
loves the weak. She is the mother of all evil.

These two are seen as strong" in Jewish society where all values are of defeating and overthrowing what is
valuable. Because they meet this wrecking mission they are recognized. No one should suffer confusion
wondering why are they so different from the Kind Man. They are unsuccessful since birth. Abortions and
underdeveloped. Not that their consciences choose evil or error but that they may only be error.

The Noble who grew up in an evil culture tricked will have the pain in his face and his eyes are obscured
by this pain invisible to his own conscience. Although purporting to be well his body cries for help. If the
person seems happy in failure then that is environment of that person. That person is that failure itself.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Temple to Our Body

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Autocrat is the God of Martial Arts Faster Than Thunder.

The weak say the physical is not important but they decided this with their lower physical. Their moral
inferiority comes from their bodies. The beauty is kindness and she comes from the strongest body. Let the
Most Powerful Body Be Honored. The plebeian is worth less than the food of a Noble Man.

Those against this truth are promoting the will of their lower bodies. For body is everything and not just
"appearance". Preaching it's appearance is promoting evil. The glorification it means of the bottom to harm
life. What looks anti-Aryan is anti-Noble.

Very comfortable is the one promoting himself as "Aryan" being he is just a commoner in Europe. Aryans
are Warriors.

Nobility is not an abstract concept to study. Nobility lives in the Martial. No stupid weakling is part of it.
Terrible is that the Nobles are manipulated to serve Judaism because they think it is goodness. We have to
bring realization that Superiority is Holiness. The Noble does not seek self-promotion but always serves to
what he believes is right. So the movements against the humble, the jewish, the liberal, what is of specks,
the tolerant interracial, the ass-licking, the anti-white, are filled by slag seeking self-promotion. Incapable of

self-sacrifice. They engage in it because it suits them. Since they envy what is above them and they are evil
homo sapiens. What is not the Super Human is therefore smaller than the Super Human in Goodness. It is
evil. The pain suffered by the kind in the world is due to something biological. The naked ape, the inferior
does not feel what the upper sophisticated ones feel.

The same races and especially the same ethnicities have the same body language and character. All being
determined by race. Races feel the same. There is not a separate being from his race, one is his race.

And a way to exterminate a higher race is to make the members of it work to exterminate their own race
serving the weak. If a high race which feels Nobility is combined with a race that feels anti-nobility, that is
envious and impotent, you obtain a being that is envious and that has the will and power of Nobles. That is
a bastard. Consciousness exists after the physical body. There was no awareness first. So nobody decided
how biological life is, it just is. And within its rules are the consequences to bastardy, to hodgepodge.

What we feel when romanticizing anything is the strength of our own body. Those dishonoring Majesty are
considering from their own physical helplessness. Insignificant is the judgment that comes from their

Being unable to determine the truth not even their own personal truth because their life is not worth more
than the lives of all the others put together. The being can see the truth depending on his personal rank.
The only consciousness that can see the Truth is the Autocrat. And this Truth goes along the Best Species.
Because Zarathustrianism is the Glorification of Superiority. We are Supremacy. We are the Supremacy of
the maximum biological body. No Supremacy and attitude available for all louts which involves crushing
and thinking one is a big deal.

Certainly the powerless is not kind. His consciousness is inferior. He made up in his head that he is good
when Judaism came to Earth because he has to win at something. Precisely his impotence never lets him
recognize the Truth and he is always against the Truth.

It is better to hear the voice coming from the strongest body as it is the most honest and purest one. It is
better to hear the voice of the fastest warrior. He who can impose morality. Since the Supreme Warrior is
not an ordinary slob like everyone who simply has more muscle. This is the reduction made by the envious
in his head. What does not recognize the Authority of Budo is the moral of resentment. Hear the voice of
the greatest warrior. Who has the perfect squared body which is manifestation of the Super Human: The
Meaning of Life. It is Better Hearing the Heart of the Brave One Defender of Purity Who Can Fight
Against all those coming together to dishonor Life. The One Who is Like a Roaring Lion Defender of the
Woman He Loves. The man of Fearsome Force marking with his tears the birth of his children. So
Approximated to the Heart of Deus Deorum. Inferiors do not feel these things for life because their inferior
lives are nothing. Nobility Devours the Enemies of the King. Like a Guardian Defending the Principles of
the Kingdom. The Noble may choose to have a ruined life from beginning to end or instantly kill the
aggressor leaving the World Free. If Our Noble Values become broken, nihilism comes and ends
civilization. Being understood such a depression and such a disbelief not as what is exercised by our minds
but as a contamination, an invasion by foreign powers, alien, to convince our lives to hate themselves.
When we begin to be aware in addition to viruses and bacteria and those things attacking our physical
bodies we also become open to new threats: ideas, thoughts and mental states made to destroy us. Coming
from the biological bodies that are not like us, that are inferior from the Inferno, from Hell related to
failure and death.

Seeing This We Aspirants Returning to that which is Super Martial because it means Supreme Health. That
which is Super Martial Defending Justice. Making our Bodies Superior so they dont envy and resent: we
build ourselves away from all unrighteousness and wickedness.

The lower need to be rowdy in the lust for evil. If they are required to work in excess to their comfort they
are discouraged most of the time to do evil.

We have a body capable of carrying the sword and with the power of lightning cut through evil. This body,
this glory in the ancient sculptures of Empires. Splendor unpleasant to the eye of every savage. Idolaters of
phalluses and mud, sadistic ones sacrificing virgins and children. Dirty rabble wrapped in Negroid and

Jewish values. Of cruel savagery. Terrorizing the heart of Nobles. But increasing Our Will to Destroy their

Being those of dark skin male or female but of Noble rank come from Europe, and therefore their lives
must be free from being confused with the original Negroid.

And being a Jew distanced from the original Hebrew character heir to a European Nobility. If he can bear
Zarathustrian Values he will be protected as a Noble. We left the door opened for no one to say it was
otherwise. Let it be seen who crosses the Portal and let him be distinguished, or let it be seen not one of
them did: to therefore be sentenced. Thus Zarathustrianism Protector of anyone Good-Hearted.

The ancient idolaters of mud are the same ones of today. Those who worshiped pathetic statues of mud are
the worshipers of mediocrity. Idolaters of phalluses are pornographers. Since sexuality is Free and Natura.
Zarathustrianism does not condemn the pornographic because it is not capable of exalting this sexuality
but because it is against the objectification of women. Precisely because it is so important to us life cannot
be reduced. Being the pornographic violence estranged from the erotic that adores female beauty. This
pornography is intended to measure the male by his penis size being the man that shall attract women the
most in every society is the one that loves them the most. This assessment based on penis size puts the
black above the European and the animal above the black. It is the Jewish worshipping of what is low.
Since taking as success what you have by birth in your body without struggle included is Hubris. It
involves no merit. The heir to powerful parents must exercise Struggle for these forces not to be lost. So
thanking the forces of evolution for providing ones body the ability of adaptation.

The penis understood correctly as an injection of DNA and this DNA being Supremacy itself. Since the
attraction between men and women is life becoming eternal. And those who sacrificed virgins and children
in Jewish antiquity are the ones that like to ruin women and children in the destruction of their most Holy
hopes. Representatives they certainly are not of what man is. Certainly they are Hated by True Man. In this
feminine heart Christianity found good nest using her maternal compassion and creating the archetype of
"Baby Jesus". Ominous parasite in the heart.

Woman is morally destroyed and becomes the great masculine and promiscuous whore not being
promiscuous because she holds a sexual relationship according to Natura being her beauty attracts man and
since she loves this man, but being promiscuous in Zarathustrianism if she lets herself be touched by the
inferior. The one who is like this: enemy to love. The man is robbed from his natural values, his honesty is
damaged and his love for her. This filth brought by the Illuminati Zarathustrianism and Autocrator have

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Betraying Evander

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Evander, Impetuous Warrior without equal. Admirable traveler of seas. Whose hands seemed to be able to
hold the stars. Shining Heart that did not see what awaited built against him.

In the spring fields of cooling winds Evander found the satisfaction to his hopes and dreams in the woman
dressed in white walking through the countryside. Gifted was he in values of loving women but he was also
an ignorant of the enemy's intentions. Being such meeting Blessed by a Bright Sun. He would approach in
Manifested Destiny. She: like a Maiden of beauty that was touching to His Martial Heart. Being his
Longing to find the woman to fight for. She, the Hero approximating responded with a frown and eyes that
seemed to suspect him. Although Evander was Warrior without equal his Noble Heart had no hidden evils.
The Warrior is Love Empowered to Defend Love. It is not weakness distanced from Love wanting to hurt
the dignity of Love. Evander could not understand the illusions and games lurking in these fields. For not
all eyes saw like his. She called herself "Aglaia" and changed her frown for a seductive smile. Evander
upheld her name because the man of Royalty upholds everything about His Beloved One. Aglaias skin like
bright porcelain: like marvelous Pearl. She was Fantastically Beautiful. This the Forces in Evander Glorified
with a Full Soul. Throughout the Day Aglaia and Evander settled in the Glorious Love. Aglaia embodied
the Highest Nobility that Evander had ever seen. And no one on Earth was more like him. But all that
Evander despised Aglaia loved. And so this Union was a pendulum between Love and Blackness.

Carrier was she of the feelings Evander remembered having known in the remote little island called
Jaden. Inhabited by dangerous pariahs where Evander had descended upon in the past to expand the
Goodness of the Empire. He himself was witness to the horrors of the culture of outcasts. They liked to

sacrifice virgins, maul babies and had beheaded their Kings. Their new plebeian king was a jew. They were
extremely wicked people. Evander was reproaching to Aglaia for her worshipping to that cult. It was his
hope to get her out of it.

Like him she was tremendously strong. And the words of Evander did not penetrate the walls of the
Beautiful Woman. Precisely this Strength adorned her with garlands of a Goddess. Then came the moment
when the love was eclipsed by the sun. And Sadness had to fall upon this Union. What was wrought by
Heaven Divided by Heaven.

At the Center of Their Love in the Chambers They Shared Evander found mud idols of Jaden. Just as
talismans in worship of Death. Evander everything smashed with his sword awash in sadness. Aglaia would
never forgive this. As Aglaia saw what she loved destroyed she returned to Evander the rose he had given
her. Convinced, convicted she loved more than him the ideology in which she was indoctrinated as a child.

Was this returned merely a rose? It was much more: oh, it was much more. Earlier that day it was Prelude
to the Marriage between the Two. Mortal Combat Between estranged Gods. Oh, the blackness of pain
remained. It remained throughout years. How to save the woman you love from the abyss she herself holds

Evander became King of his people taught and hardened by suffering. This is "pathei mathos". The Gods
train us. The Force obtained like the consolation of new landscaping: oh, new white lilies before you! He
would create the Empire in which there would be no pain anymore. The Black Sun rose from the Eclipse to
bring the Light of a New World. The Crown of Evander rose over all evil.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Establishing the Monarchy That Is Like the Eternal Life of Honor

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Zarathustrian says "Glory to the Autocrat!". They will be defeated by His Majesty. A Powerful Process
unequal in Strength to establish our Monarchy. The rewards are infinite but the consequences if we fail are
lethal and final. Lord Autocrator is the King of Glory. Victory DEPENDS ON HIM. He Represents the
Principle to Protect.

Those making the Drums Sound in the name of what is Zarathustrian must express in their physical
strength the Will to War for the Principle. Culture of Honor. They are like those who live in the evenings
and unknowingly expect the Dawn: Waiting for God. They who feel in their hearts this world is WRONG,
the world of Judea. They suspect that this evil cannot be reality. And they are Correct. They are Warriors
Opposed to a whole WORLD. And Their Hearts Belong to Original Nature. They are like a Warrior that
at Night before the waterfall plays his flute. Playing the melodies of his country, the one that is
Approaching. And certainly the KING IS NEAR! And Brings the Light, the Light of the Kingdom that is
Better and that is Above that which will be lost. The conviction of the weak will be lost. Their notion
Superiority is false will be lost. And with that their system to harm the Superior Man. Their notion
inferiority is honesty will die. What will be lost is what is bad. What is coming is that which is Heavenly.
Meanwhile the masses will follow the "Day". The apparent Day. The Day filled with the antivalues Saints

They are guilty of worshiping the evil masquerading at the surface as truth. If they were faithful to the
Truth and not to comfort, if they were Philosophers they would reach after traveling the long labyrinth the
Gates of the Zarathustrian Kingdom.

The ignorant hate life and use their strength to kill those who want that life.

The Saints travel halls and gardens at night-time seeking God. Finding homeless people peculiarly
intelligent, even wise. Wondering: "Why is this genius living so?. Those who do not accept modern times
and do not conform to this "reality" are the last vestige of God. They are the Ones Who Despise Evil and
the ones who are despised by Evil. They are what evil fears. They are those who will be Zarathustrian. Thus
the King was born in These Night Times.

Part of the Mystery of the Age and for the One who can understand is that the King is Satanic Energy.
Adversarial to this world or to the dominant power. The Satanic Zarathustrian Power because contrary to
the anti-holy present world: it is Godliness.

This will never cover like a permissive dome those who call themselves part of the Satanic that do so to
harm Holiness. Since their hearts are jewish. Since what is low is estranged from all that is Divine.

The dominant energy is the ideology of Judaism. In some way it is true Jehovah is the God of this world.
Jehovah is a Jewish sentiment at the service only to the Jew. The infatuation of Gentiles by this Jewish
sentiment is part of the power of Jewish magic. Because Jehovah attends a Jewish empire that includes the
extermination of Gentiles Jehovah must be banished from the Original World upon which his charisma is

The King is the Savior of Life and Humanity Converting It Into Super Humanity. Judaism is the Will of
Destruction from the natural slave. The Empire of this slave will collapse and with it life will be gone. We
must eliminate the organisms that are the source of evil.

Commoners think the will of the Holy man, the Kind man to defend life originates or is explained in how
he feels strong, untouchable and able to impose his power on the weak. Since these weaklings

unconsciously like blind junkies, are collectively, indifferently and in insensitive psychosis, destroying every
social institution, every value with humility and plebeian affection tolerated and with monthly payments.
They are absolutely convinced in their own wickedness. The power of the Holy during war does not
emanate from they being dangerous Titanic destroyers, but from their immense suffering defending what
matters most against the waves of those demented and blind. The Saint is fanatically defending life. The
plebs who quietly destroy everything interpret this Saint is a poor cavalier asshole who will go to impose
his ego. Thus we see that all consciousness requires self-justification for any action.

The weak for being the lowest has an antonym: the Superior Man. His ideology of Jehovah, this Jewish
magic is made to impair the Superior Man. This ideology blinds the senses so that the Superior cannot be
given any opportunity and is treated like an outcast by the society possessed by Judea. The idea of Jehovah,
the charisma the humble is sacred takes happiness away from the Superior Man and brings perpetual
suffering. Because this Superior Man is mistreated on purpose. Therefore the Superior Man is not living
today, HE IS ONLY SURVIVING. The Superior feels things that are extremely valuable and they are
completely ignored by those who decided that this Superior Man is garbage. The personal egos of the weak
are respected in return. The system of Judaism is made to exterminate the Superior. The inferior could not
make up an ideology where they could express the disgusting things they feel for the Superior because their
blatantly grotesque intentions to hurt him would be seen: they had to do it in a way that would elevate the
inferior as virtuous. Judaism does not directly say that the Superior sucks and the pariah is sacred but
speaks of "arrogant" people with specific attitudes of Superiors Men and it speaks of "humble people who
will inherit the Earth with specific attitudes of the natural outcast. The worldview of specks is without
them knowing destructive. The mind of the inferior thinks inferior stuff. As the will of the majority is to
destroy today the opposite to that majority is taken as a threat to this new insane society. Since the
opposite to evil is Good.

Humility the jewish class likes, vile villains and those similar is a feeling annoyed by everything that is
Superior. They resent how the Superior walks, his eyes, his face, his skin, his muscles, his smile, his
sensitivity, his kindness, his intelligence, his capacity to love, his physical strength, his passion, his ideals,
his desires and his laughter. The Noble loves all of this. Because this is all part of his Superiority. This
distinguishes Him. We Must Recover Everything that is Beautiful. Those who preach "appearance" is
nothing hate the one who looks Superior. The entire life of the Superior is hated, despised, bombed,
envied, sabotaged, maligned, damaged and broken unconsciously, invisibly, by all those who dont matter,

the mediocre emboldened, the malignant dwarves, driven and tossed by Judea, the ideology of the jews,
Judaism, the humble charisma or the charisma of Jehovah. This is the Magian Soul, the humble feeling.
Autocrator is the only way out of the labyrinth of Judea. The Noble manipulated by Judea decided in his
mind that the humble is good and delicate while the humble is evil. And this manipulated noble thinks the
noble that looks like him, the one who looks Superior is this beginning to be understood? He thinks that
other Superior is an asshole. Why? Because the Jews said so. We have to bring the realization of what the
plebeian is. Because the Jews brought a mind that is the Superior seeing another Superior not as brother,
but as dangerous outcast who wants to harm the weak. When the commoner knows what he is and stops
thinking he is heir to ALL GLORY he will cease to ally with other commoners against Us.

Simply put: the malignant say the good man is evil. They achieved the Noble to help them fuck his own
kind, other Nobles. The judaic Noble thinks: being Noble is helping the mob and being against it is having
a tiny arrogant mind not capable of feelings. Since the judaic Noble is a damn ignorant and has been
indoctrinated by the Jews to hate his class, and promote the malignant.

Everyone complains about an act of envy that has been done against them. But they do the same thing to
those even more Superior than them, being this done unconsciously. Therefore in order to merit the Justice
of the New World and to OVERCOME the Jews we must leave this disgraceful attitude. Being through
their envy they are serving Judea. They must begin Honoring the HIGHER MAN, not the bottom.

Only this Zarathustrian Intellect can Ensure the Continuation of Life. Only Zarathustrianism is exalting of
the Importance of Community where Judaism is the will of those below who want to destroy the
Community. Only Zarathustrianism Admires Good. The high woman manipulated by Judea sees the
humble albeit of a totally different class, below her as kind and heroic. Being he is only impotent. Since
this humble, this ignoble is the antonym to the Hero. The Hero is exiled by these fanatics of garbage. The
one who is not anyone or anything lives in his home. He eats at his table. And he puts his dirty-blood
hands on the skin of his wife. This invading rabble hates the King. Because the King is the contrary to the

The humble is the axis, the new invisible "monarch" in the society of the Jews. And the Jews are the
opposite to Nobles.

The King protects the Hero and Builds the World to give him Life. In the world of Jews there is no Hero.
The Jews love the humble from which they came. And the Nobles Love the King from which They Come.
Here the Shocking Difference between their anti-Nature and Aryan Nature. The difference between the
Ancient World and the World of Yeshua. The humble, this crafty weasel does damage secretly. He doesnt
have to lift a finger because he is pitied. He is the worst of criminals. This woman in this example sees the
Superior Man, her natural man, the true man of success and the alpha male the humble mimics as predator
of he she UNCONSCIOUSLY sees as her son. The REAL threat to her flesh and blood is this humble!
Only by having a child with him she will destroy her flesh and blood.

She thinks that appearance is mundane and what matters are feelings and decided in her head that the
Noble has no feelings for "feelings" are just whatever attitude of the humble, the commoner, the plebeian,
because today the jew rules and this jewish order promotes what is of its humble jewish size as that which
is to be seen as high and great. Being they achieved being able to rule because the Strong, Superior Men
feel compassion for the weak and also live in the ideology of Judaism.

Since this woman is not of humble appearance and this beautiful Noble does not ask herself: "Why did he
find ME or why is he with me?". This humble sought her because she is physically beautiful. Because she is
healthy, Powerful and Superior.

The charisma of Judaism is one that if aristocrats died would elevate those even more inferior than the
mediocre of today being kissed on the cheek by the liberal interracial humble-humping pricks. So this new
slag would annihilate the current slag. This occurs when the concept of justice is envy.

The energy of Judea which now covers the Earth uses its manipulated ones to crush the Satanic
Opposition. It will be difficult to see a tiny ray of truth within the same system of Judea. The Monster
Judea covers everything! It is preparing its dirty mouth wide open to swallow life.

The media in the form of video, music, printing and schooling in their hands. One of the names of this
monster is "The State". Since the state does not descend from the Will of the Natural King but it is
precisely a "state, a condition of life imposed because, coming from things not defined by the feelings of
the Most High King but trying to define life in papers called "laws" created by democratic groups or
political parties or mafias formed by natural plebeians. Their talk of "justice" is a cloth to wrap the blade
against the Noble. The recently promoted science of "psychology" is a system of thought to adapt the
subject to Judea. It contains authentic knowledge indeed, but also Jewish manipulation. Democracy and
freedom of expression exist within the system of Judea but exclude and exile the opposition, they are a tool
of the jews to once again break natural peoples encouraging a rebellious ego to introduce them in the
Jewish agenda.

The New Age and the Dimensional Human Ascent towards the SUPERMAN depends on the Triumph of
the SATANIC CHARISMA OF VINDEX. The Re-Establishment of Nobility. For the New Kingdom to
COVER THE EARTH and for the Jewish threat to be EXILED FROM LIFE. This Empire Understood as:
Life Organized According To Our Highest Desires. Even the most radical away from the system will find
great difficulty when trying to understand the system and even more when trying to see what is NOT THE
SYSTEM: what lies BEYOND. Since the BEYOND is Vindex. A breaking of the idea harming others is
living. Vindex is the Punishment Against the mindset that harms life. The temporal rule of baseness sees
these noble sentiments as an intrusion.

The attack by the King to the ignoble of this era is an extermination of the ignoble lifestyle so that those
formerly part of it move towards the evolution of Nobility. Being those living in plebeian values are to be
provoked to be Better. Being the subject Freed from the notion of being ignoble. Those who cannot make
this change are malignant.

Those who reject the Jewish system only partially fear Vindex because he is too strange. So their egos make
them believe they have the ability to distinguish the evil they were taught. Being that those who are not
Zarathustrian will judge the whole using the will of the enemy. But those who can get out of the whole
system will see that Vindex is the True Light.

Since the ignoble class uses tolerance for their crimes to remain unpunished intolerance should be
considered Virtue. We Nobles want their Hopes to end. We want their energies ceasing to exist. Only the

In Our Zarathustrian Future we will not only walk but we will march. Free from the concupiscent, the ones
who reward themselves without merit forever free from their lies and lack of vitality, from their disloyalty
to Life.

Instead the rigor of a martial dedication to life gives a surprising vitality, invincible and amazing,
unstoppable and that never ends. It gets cowardice away from one and the meanness coming from it. It
Allows the Ability to Love. And to Protect Those We LOVE. It Fills the World with Admirable Goodness.
Power is nothing more than what allows me to take up the sword to fight endlessly against the allies of
Judea enemies to Honor. There is no homo erectus because the homo sapiens surpassed him. Life seeks to
belong to the Super Human for it seeks to SURPASS ITSELF.

Autocrator is The Lord of the Earth. Whoever denies it in his heart is a criminal. For whom there is no
future. All those who dislike the Name of the King Are Evil. Through Endless Night Valleys and also
through Swamps must men venture to March for the King for He is the Principle of Power. Laziness and
doubt fear this Principle. The Purest Ones must be Lords of the Earth. This NATURAL LAW want
criminals to deny. The Kings pain is deeper than all pains at such injustice. Forever Awaken we will be
once he have seen REALITY. We will be like Autocrator. The Day After Tomorrow everyone without
exception must possess His Blood, the Blood of the Superman. For the Holy Species to Arise. Since those
without the Blood of Autocrator shall mix with Autocrators Direct Descendants. This will clean the blood
forever and cause the Dawn of the Super Human as the only species. Being that this is the true way all of

the races of the world become a single force. So Heirs to the Force and Mind of the Lord. Leveling towards
the top, not leveling down. Gods Dominating Over Life.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Tombs of My Desires

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
In that remote deserted island lie the graves of all of my desires. Today I remember them. For so many
years I kept mourning. Today I unearth them in my mind because I found Higher Values. Today I dare to
see their dead bodies. For Now I Love Something More. This is the meaning of "what is falling must be
pushed". Since we do not exercise cruelty but we understand that our hearts should be loyal only to the
best. That's what makes us feel Love. We loved what was lost because we thought it was the Best. It was
not and having before us what is Zarathustrian it comes before our eyes that which we Truly Loved.

Today I would venture to bring Crowns of the Life I have found. With them I hope to scare the ghosts that
inhabit this place where my longings found their burial. I am Now Carrier of Feelings Never Before Seen.

Indeed my jovial dreams died too fast for me. And at the moment I loved them the most and had so many
plans for them they had to die. I did not betray them and they didnt betray me. They were killed by my
enemies. Those who find satisfaction in the destruction of things. The enemies to Heaven and God. They
do not want to allow the Superior life, they would never spare him but they want their inferiority as

Oh, for years these leprechauns made me live in Darkness hardened in inhumanity. They had to ruin what
most shone in Me. They had to Touch My Virtue. My Goodness is unattainable to them, it makes them
ashamed. When I thought my strength would save me from them I found they envied me even more. As
my skill in war increased and my manhood I came to discover the Divine next to me. That Strength

defamed by the Jewish: the Divine Woman. For I had become True Nature. I found a new appreciation of
the Feminine Foundation of the Cosmos. I was Saved by a Goddess!

Before the Zarathustrian Revelation: Women were Divine beings subject to the will of men who did not
love them. They would be set free by Zarathustrianism. This woman also imprisoned by the enemy's tricks
fearful of the Awaken One before the arrival of the King: Who Brings the UNDERSTANDING of
TRUTH. These women I appreciated during the Jewish age feared the Super Human. These divine women
wounded by the feelings of the weakest men attacked by judaism.

When the jews managed to rule the destroyers of Kindness they taught women to reward. The cunning and
the weak who hardened the Heart of the Saint were loved by women. They were seen as good and the Holy
as villain. Oh, the hardest man is the one the humble have hurt the most. How can this Beautiful Man of
Holiness ever relax allowing his Beauty to be seen if he is surrounded by those who hate him? Would not
such tranquility in him be an invitation to the enemy for him to dare even more? So this Saint is never free
not under the system of Judea. And those apparently joyful in this world in Planet Judea are the ones
benefited by an anti-Holy system of evil.

This humble was seen as original and pure life and the strong was seen as aberrant. The happy seems the
one who messes with no one and the strong seems violent and undesirable. The first lives comfortably
while the Saints are tortured. And the undesirable is the true man of peace exercising war for that peace.
The humble because they do not feel: not at a level that would make them change remain humble for life.
Like insensitive evil beasts they are not hardened.

Because the heart of the strong burns in desire for righteousness his life grows and grows for the defense
against evil. His superabundance of vitality and health are seen as danger. Since we are only dangerous
against the unjust, the real enemies to life.

Against ideals those who dont matter always shoot their arrows. And there are so many arrows from so
many cretins they had to strike someday. They kill the wife, son, Leader of the Superior and they also burn
down his house.

The humble are brutal savages who come to rape and kill loved ones and that being many performing these
actions legally under THEIR law are seen as "civilians". Oh, what a wicked deception! The Superior Man is
the Original civilian. He is Civilization Itself. Nobles are the people but commoners are the riffraff.
Following their wrecking mission they have some mud for lunch. This is the humble people, this is what
they are. They continue their lives destroying other Superior Men.

To the Saint it is not that easy to continue living without air and the very purpose of living. The Saint is
exiled to the abyss. He becomes a demon to guard against the weak. So, what's every crime compared to
what the humble have done? This is what they do to the Saints, the Noble and Superiors of all kinds. And
the suffering of the Highest Man is the Greatest. They are cursed therefore by Heaven. And the Illuminati
will kill them. Their actions of injustice, and evil, by plebeians of all sorts, are bringing the vibration of
Hell, in the form of the New World Order. That Hell will finish everyone outside the Zarathustrian
Kingdom. And during the Day of Wrath, Zarathustrians will save to save Gaia, and defeat Hell itself in
total combat. Then the Zarathustrian Kingdom will cover Gaia entirely.

I have come to the island and in memory of what they killed I deposit these Crowns and this Revenge.
Well, I was not finally seduced by them! I was strengthened within Invincible Brightness! Not their will but
Holiness has triumphed. And for them Awaits The Immense Final Judgment. And that Day will be the Day
of Wrath. The Most Holy Day. The Day of Cleansing. With God and Victory as Witnesses. Moved so I
proclaim: I am the avenger of all those who died at their hands. I am the avenger of all Nobles mocked. I
am the avenger of all the tears of those who were truly good. I am the avenger of all humiliated women. I
am the end of all the wicked. Once like all young people I thought "everyone is good. Until I learned what
they are. Detestable.

He who wants to live in the illusion despises the scorner. Certainly we tell the judaic who feel so good
worshiping the evil humble, those who despise us for being despisers: we cannot stand evil! Now you know
the truth and who is who. The Zarathustrian Feels in His Heart: I despise and hate and scorn and swear
vengeance against the enemies of Kindness. Whoever loves these cursed ones is like the brother that opens
the door to the murderer for him to kill the entire family.

The Autocratic Figure is the Incarnate Goodness of Our Kingdom. That which is kinder is usually
surrounded by those who seek to feed off the Holy Man they hate. They want to eat him. The
Incomprehensible Divine Mystery to All Inferiors is that the Holy Man tolerated them in the past because
he had the capacity to destroy them. There was never a submission by the Superior to the bottom, there
was only tolerance. And Destruction Time Has Come. That Time Has Come. No One can stop the Ascent
of the Super Human. A being because it exists is not what is important. The life that is not Holy does not
matter. Holiness is what must be Loved. Anything else is below evil, and can be eaten by evil.

For Holiness we must exercise TOTAL WAR. They Must FEAR THE DAY OF WRATH. And criminals
will defend those to receive the judgment and will be seen as good: they never knew Holiness. The
extermination must come upon those who were given the opportunity for thousands of years to change.
The Martial Force of the Autocrat should be a demonstration and salvation for those who yearn the name
of good. Invulnerable and Incorruptible is the Will of the Autocrat in Saving the Saint.

In order to become that strong, you only have to love good. It should be the desire of the Nobles who find
the Autocrat to become True Kindness. Truly become good. Instead of flattering the mob. Always Faithful
to the Truth. Always Faithful to Heaven. Since the reward is Satya (Sanskrit for Truth). And Living
Embraced by Her. The world was covered in black light, falsehood for the world to look like an abyss. But
the Being chose to take the Light Sword of the Autocrat in his hand to destroy the enemies of jewish

The Zarathustrian Realm is the Force to finish all sorrow, all pain and all darkness in the universe. So
natural life free from the sorrow imposed by the charisma of the ideology of Judea. This happiness of the

Heart is Wealth! Not a lifeless object like Judea taught. Serving the Living Being is all matter. For the Heart
the World Exists. The Autocrat says wealth is the being and the object is only a reward for this being.
Whoever is Exposed to the Autocrat is Forever Filled by the Holy Spirit.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Sword of God: The Wrath of Vindex

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
We are like the Sword on which It Was Recorded with Fire "My Heroism is Victory". Like the one that
Encouraged Heroes of the Past to travel endless plains for Honor. The Sword of Honor that is With Us
when we leave home to Hunt the enemies to Our World. Venturing to the depths of the place in which
they live. The Zarathustrian feels in his heart "I protect what matters most.

The Noble World Belongs to the Autocrat with all of its beaches and mountains and forests and cliffs, with
all of its waterfalls, valleys and islands. When things belong to the Autocrat they belong to Holiness. When
things belong to the Autocrat they Belong to All those of Noble Heart. Because the Autocrat is Made to
Defend Us.

And the Autocrat puts them available to man to be His to the extent that his Strength Deserves. So the
Whole Apart from the small interests of the Enemy and reserved only as Rewarding to the Struggle of the
Kind. It is Our ZARATHUSTRIAN DUTY to Expand these Ideals All Over the Earth and to the Worlds
Beyond. It is Our Duty to Bring Them the Fire of Glory.

If you asked Death it would tell you that Life is impossible. Thus not available to all is Light. Those
undeserving to live in this Light cannot see it. They are Guilty Therefore. Zarathustrianism is not for the
weak! To the weak belongs luck, to us belongs Effort! Poor thing is he who defined himself as weak
before proving himself. Judgment by non-Nobles on our Nobility comes from their total misunderstanding.

Life exists so Death is wrong. And Life is there by the Power of Love Creating Her. So Love Beats the
Impossible. Through Love all chains can be broken. For Love one can travel through flames. For Love it is
possible to jump above and across the Abyss. Love makes the Rainbow Penetrate Through dark skies. Love
is the Most Powerful Capacity. This Love also lives in the Longing for Justice. For this Yearning the Self
Becomes Invincible. This Invincibility is to Protect. Many Treasures of Life and many Nobles Chests must
be cleansed from the dust of defamation. Let us paint this so:

Statues of gorgeous bodies greet the invaders arriving by sea. The Bodily Majesty which is the natural seal
of a high civilization before them. Sign of its Rank and Triumph. An overwhelming reality that like heavy
stone weighs upon those below and those of bad race. Those living off vanity. Those planning the
destruction of the Superior Man. The one better than them. Welcomed to the Kingdom is the enemy where
Combat Awaits. And the Supreme People Celebrate with wine in Marble Palaces before the Blue Sea
accompanied by the Conquered Women the enemy wants. They are Representatives of Higher Blood.

The sound of the clash of swords is the music for this Great Event. People with malignant subjugated slaves
who would do harm that at their haughty stare against the Lord receive the flaming whip. Conqueror of
Evil People. People with Saints trained at discovering the deceitful eye that is planning evil. Majestic and
Supreme People with Temples inhabited by the golden Victories in each of the battles. People performing
forfeiture on all others. People who expropriate what the weak do not deserve. People whose Virgin
Priestesses worship the Superior Man and the God of War. People who uphold the banner of Autocrator.
People that follow Autocrator and is therefore Feared. People who Rewards itself for its own Virtue. When
arriving by the power of wind and sails on foreign soil of inferiors who did not worship life but in-action.
And in that in-action powerless and helpless against the Armed Forces of the Imperivm. Thus bringing that
land into the possession of Superiors according to Natural Law being such a Conquest the Work of God.
Since everything is in the hands of Superiors Belonging to Them because they Love It. Being the
intervention by the weak limiting and corrosive over our lives something that should be finished through
the Death of that inferior. The weak is GUILTY. So it was Determined by the Nature That Loves Us.
When the Superior stops Conquering the weak will conquer him. When a strong person becomes passive
the weak understands his triumph. Every being enforces his will to power. There is no innocence in
weakness but there is Guilt in being Defeated. The Superior is the Sword of God against all weaklings.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Honoring the Hierarchy Empowers the Nation

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
He who has suffered in battle is the Absolute King. And this battle must be brought to him who does not
think so. The Noble Prides Himself in his Loyalty to the Lord while the plebeian has his ignoble pride and
his rebellion. Because to the Subject His Lord is the Light of Goodness. What dares disrespecting the Best
dares disrespecting anyone. So Honoring the King is Honoring Everything. The Autocrat is the Leader
because he is the Strongest. The Strongest Worship the Superior because they live through the Triumph of
His Life. It is insane a leader is weakling protected by the Strong.

Life is turned upside down. For too long compassion was given to the weak they believed in time they were
the POWER. They were pitied and POWER was given to them. Then cretins with very bad intentions
reached the leadership of entire governments. We are the Force and they are deception only. They are
psychopathy and cruelty. Experts at cheating and talking using their hands offering what they cannot
deliver to hypnotize and imitate the Autocrat. The dishonest have pretended for so long being Great no
one now understands what Greatness Is. The Autocrat is Truly the DRAGON KING.

Those without merit have no right to determine the future. How can he who is not the top of nature
pretend to determine the destiny of society? His limited vision is limited understanding of justice causing
injustice. If Justice does not Descend from the Supreme Being the inferior pretending to be Judge is afraid
of what is above him. The bottom has interests that do not cover everything but only what suits him.
Here's the Importance of Natural Hierarchy.

In which the subject does not raise his hand against his Superior even if his Superior strikes him leaving
him dying. Powerful Honor. For the Highest does not need to learn Goodness but is himself the origin of
this way of being. Honor is Honesty. Praise be this Superiority!

For the ignoble to start getting power an extraordinary phenomenon had to happen: Nobles were born in
the plebeian hodgepodge who thought the ignoble around them were like them, that they were Nobles too,
and with Noble Power defended them and helped them get power. These Nobles established the ideologies

that are against Nobility. These Nobles promoted ideologies of ignoble revenge. The power of change has
never come from the plebs. These Nobles unknowingly were defending a populace indifferent to their
feelings. And when this mob is not indifferent they are just making fun of us.

Therefore it should be appreciated as irreparable mistake the Noble is not recognized and is forced to live
among the ignoble. Dramatic is the Absence of Rank.

Therefore the Ranks of the Zarathustrian Kingdom shall not be for life but temporary and may be reelected indefinitely if no better candidates with better merits arise. Ensuring the Triumph of the Best.
ABSOLUTE FREEDOM. Freedom does not come from equality but from HONOR.

Since the first term should be of one year for any rank that a person exercises and if there is no rival when
finishing the next term shall be of two years. If still no other candidate emerges and the person has not
merited losing his rank for any reason the new term shall be of 4 years. In duplicating logic. The person
may acquire a higher rank if his merits become higher. And if a Zarathustrian again finds himself in a lost
rank he must re-start this process from one year in office.

Through shameful hidden paths the weak slides into the Castle where he intends stealing Power from the
Lord. His unworthy presence must sneak in. He aims at placing the heavy Crown of the Kingdom on his
dirty head and weak neck. Being the Crown is not luxury but heavy responsibility.

Only the bourgeois or those benefited by the business of the bourgeoisie manages to live protected by the
state structure without lifting a finger. That is, one who accumulated property separated from his personal
merits. But at the moment the King falls asleep the Kingdom will fall. So the King is always Watchful and
at Work. Certainly the Crown is the Highest Labor. The new untainted Hierarchy to Rule the World will
be determined by The Wisdom of the Autocrat. The Autocrat will Elect the Rulers and they will elect their
own Subjects. In continuation every subject will do the same. So this Hierarchy descends from the
Autocrat: IT IS the Autocrat. The Holy Will of the Autocrat covers everything.

The Authority of the Superior shall be Absolute and Unconditional.

In the times of Judaism the subject says: "I am small and nothing depends on me. Allowing what is
Important to be neglected. Now replaced by I understand everything that depends on my action.

Jewish systems allow famine and inequality in the opportunity to Ascend. The Jewish capitalism seeks a
system of mutual predation and the being is abandoned to his own luck. Capitalism is explained to the
ignorant as competition but it is not a competition based on the achievements of the strongest but whoever
rises in that system is endowed with cunning values that exist only in the inferior. While in communism,
the other term of material administration of Judaism there is an artificial "elite" a higher man cannot access
to if inferiors dislike him.

If the social system does not cover absolutely everyone competition is impossible and Honor is destroyed.
The Zarathustrian Realm is like a Single Family and no one is abandoned. Hierarchical Ranks are a
relationship between older brothers and younger brothers. The Zarathustrian that goes against a
Zarathustrian will be considered fratricidal: murderer of his brother.

We define Honor. "Honor" means "To Recognize". Recognizing the merits of our Superior.

"My Life Serves My Hierarch" is a phrase the Zarathustrian knows by heart and proclaims in martial pride.
This is how the Highest Honor Expands. Building the Pyramid comes from Honor. Personal ambition does
not build anything higher than a mud idol. So there Will Be Honor. For It we give our lives. We
understand that without Honor there can be no life. During the times of ignoble government or
government attempt, we observed the effects of Dishonor antonym to Honor. When the Superior Man is
not recognized and instead the undeserving is recognized and adored all things turn upside down becoming
perverted and monstrous. Society rapidly moving towards death when Nature is broken. Therefore Let
There Be Honor.

What is Noble belongs to Nobles. The ignoble is its scorner and does not deserve it. Not everyone has
equal rights to evaluate or think alike, not to even talk alike. Not everyone has the right to what belongs to
Effort. What does not belong to the weak should be taken from him. Nothing belongs to the coward.

Being Zarathustrians shall establish teams, of combat, that will take property away from the mob, therefore
we using their own materialistic tricks, while we establish our power on the land that will become the
Zarathustrian Kingdom. So We Dominating All Angles.

The plebeian, he walks the halls of museums without feeling anything for the Splendor around him. The
insensitivity of the ignoble is clear. This wretched one buys ancient castles and palaces with his little money
and decorates them in the plebeian-interracial trendiness. Or they get to go to elite universities to create
"courses" on gay sex. To the weak belongs jewishness and to the Strong Belongs Zarathustrianism.

No humble is entitled to project his humble psychology to defame the pleasures and treasures of Noble
rank. The Noble is Worthy of such Treasures. They are His. The humble does not suffer his lowliness
because that is what belongs to him.

To determine the rank of a person one must meditate if such a person would withstand holding that rank
for life. One who would endure being a slave for life, this means who would not fight to the death to be
higher: that one is a slave. This applies to all ranks. The Prince could not bear the life of humility.

This differentiation is immovable in nature like an animal walking on all fours while a man walks on two
legs. In the Jewish society where everything is constant disgrace and dishonor the man who claims his rank
is seen as misplaced and arrogant. The crime never being in him but in the structure of the weak to
dishonor him. They created a world where the more you strive the more you are scum. Because it is not a
system that rewards merit but cunning that occurs in specific ways.

The life of each is made to live differently. Never again will this dishonor exist. The Noble demands what is
of his rank. He cannot see life differently.

In the hodgepodge of a world without hierarchy where the ignoble and the Noble are living side by side it
occurs that the Noble expects the fields of lilies, having love with his wife, having a family, being part of
the community, being with his people (although at first he does not understand the ignoble are not his
people or he doesnt know they exist), and this Noble encounters: dirty neighbors who mistreat him, who
humiliate his feelings and take Honor away from him. He in his ignorance cannot understand why. In the
world where plebeians became majority the Noble is a weakling because the forces of violence are at the
service of this rabble. These commoners were few, few savages outside feudal walls but reproduced. They
replaced the majority formed by aristocrats and nobles of medieval times. Today they live their revenge.

Within the values of the submissive slave it is not licit to feel. Because this defeated one lives in a natural
condition without the freedom to establish love with anyone. A life of suffering and hard work is what
belongs to him. The defeated one is low and is made to suffer further part of a criminal class, normal to
him he will one day be punished. His species is made to suffer. Feelings are to him something he cannot
afford. They are something that only the Master he hates can experience: the Noble.

I am referring to the natural inability of all those who are defeated ones: the petty and miserable. The petty
and miserable are descendants of slaves.

Since it is not only criminal he who assaults but he who is absolutely indifferent to Honor. The indifferent
to this honor even if he never attacked directly is a criminal. So we have it highlighted the daily
manifestation of Noble Values and Plebeian Values.

The most recent expression of Judaism called "liberalism" which proposes the descendants of slaves to be
worshipped: the ideology of evil. Ignoring the fundamental difference in feeling between the plebeian and

the noble means the triumph of the plebeian to finish the Noble. The plebeian type does not require to be
trained, he is naturally evil and acts this evil.

Meanwhile the Noble begins life loving his neighbor while this neighbor wants to hurt him. Because today
plebeians are everywhere.

Let this wisdom signify the liberation of Nobles for them to know the cruelty of these failures is a product
their sick and low minds spits and Noble Feelings are what is lawful and right and good, and above in
Value than the lives of the miserable. The way to counter subtract the evil against Nobles is an increasingly
intense hatred towards evil. A hatred that increases until the smiles of those planning his death instantly
disappear. The Kingdom does not punish the indignation that is like a fire coming in the name of justice: it
promotes it. That anger is fuel to Practice War. The Zarathustrian is Free to Do Justice. Only responding to
his Superior Kind. That's why the Kindness of the Super Human places him above all interests.

The Noble must proclaim "I will not allow my kindness to be seen as shame by the weak! My Kindness is
There Because I am SUPERIOR!.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
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The Quiet Rise of Power

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
When hubris is removed the weak in his true form will be seen. Crushed before the Superior. The one who
wanted to crush us he himself crushed. It is ONLY FAIR that VERSUS EVIL WE ARE BUT A MIRROR.
The dew is seen on the grass when the night is quieter than ever. Subtly causing the Growth of Life.
Zarathustrianism Moves Invisible to those who dont admire Good. Life grows in power secretly. Because
the bad and the kind are different dimensions. They are becoming weaker and increasingly degenerate. As
we become awakened Nobles increasingly Strong. Autocrator Provides Evolution to Those Loyal. Do not
rely on what they think of our lives or what they want to give us, those who are falling into a painful
degeneration. The delicacy of the Most Beautiful Flower Protected by the Sword. The Beloved Woman
smiling. The son laughing at Home. This is the Mystery of the Rose Thorn there to Defend the Flower.
Wild animals learn that their destruction on the Garden causes them much pain and learn to walk away.
The purpose of Combat is to Defend Light. In the middle of a bridge against a million fixed the Champion
stands. His Heart Overwhelmed by Service to the Kingdom. Moved by a Drop Falling on the Flower the
Warrior is Able to Cut. Creator of New Tactics to Win.

Today Zarathustrian Honor is radical and our Sword must cut the weed so that there is space where to
plant what is good: indeed the most beautiful flowers. Oh, the 21st century infested by Judaism, the time
the final iniquity of the Jews choose for its entrance will be saved by Zarathustrianism covering it, and
Eternity. Allowing Enemies to attack us during our peaceful mental state is giving them the opportunity to
beat us BEFORE our Ki Explodes.

I know the mysteries of the mind. I know many will flee when they hear me but I will stay with them
forever because as soon as they heard me I became their Lord. My Guards Will Go Through Stubborn
Walls. My Words will Act and change their Souls.

The Nobles should always seeing Nobles use the Zarathustrian ideology to bring the Awakening. Whoever
flees today tomorrow returns. The seed is planted as soon as Zarathustrianism is touched. The Bell of Our
Monumental Innocence will awaken everyone. With poisoning, explosion and penetration Vindex is

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

An Altered Balance: The Last Phase of Judaism

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The final ascent of the slag was given at the end of the Spanish Empire. This empire was the last time of
Noble Domain. A Catholic Empire of High Nobility. Since Hispanic blood knew to adopt Christian ideals
without going into the slag but to serve Nobility.

The Spanish Inquisition was responsible fiercely to keep evil appeased as the immoral were crushed by
torturous punishments. Today punishments reserved by the ignoble against the Superior Man in a plebeian
and pathetic way: organized emotional violence in discrimination against him. Strongly indicating that
emotional aggression is physical because it goes against the brain. Their constant attacks are destroying the
nervous system. Their attacks on what we feel should never be underestimated. It is possible to die by the
sadness their actions cause. It is possible for the Warrior to die in an instant if melancholy is too great.

Once freed the commoners from the King and His Law then it began the law of the plebs made to destroy
Superior Men. The humiliation plebeians direct on us never existed before in history. That is, it did not
occur even against slaves.

How did the Spanish Empire fall, the Last House of Nobility? By the populace of course. Specifically it was
due to the invasion of the Jewish Napoleon. Emboldened by the unruly ideology of the French writer
Voltaire the French populace ruffled to create a new empire of anti-ideals. It is dangerous for any doctrine
to be interpreted to be of service to the plebeian. This France, at this particular time had no nobility

anymore, not as a social institution, that is. The mob had their famous French Revolution in which they
killed the Royalty and Nobility of France. The only country that did so directly!

They used the guillotine which can be seen in works of art, where commoners, of evil faces, appear wearing
dirty clothes and killing nobles.

Interestingly once Napoleon gave all power to France the French populace exiled him to an island to die of
disease. Even this Jew was a "superior piece of shit" to the mob. For trying to help them, feeling special,
they taught a fucking lessonso he learns.

The Spanish Empire was weakened by this invasion, rebellions in America in the Spanish Domains and a
war against the United States. All of it enabled by the Jews. Since the rebellions of America were
orchestrated by the local Masonic lodges. And since the war with America was triggered by the destruction
of a US military ship blamed on Spain. Thus like the self-destruction of the "Twin Towers" to have the
excuse to establish war. All of these actions attacking Nobility came from the Jews.

Spain already had its military forces weakened after a war against Britain where these forces that were the
best in the world sank in the waters en route to Britain. Sometimes nature is pissed and unfathomable. It
also proved so by freezing the Reich soldiers who ventured on the communist Russia.

The Queen of England herself also had to deal with the bourgeois who were rising. Being she sought to
issue a coin of gold of the kingdom to counter the bourgeois class getting too much gold.

Today the Bank of London, the most important because of its massive domestic and international funds is
of course in the hands of the Rothschild, leaders of the Jews. Thus we reveal every bold move the Jews have
been making on the Chess of the Earth.

When our beloved Spanish Empire saw its downfall Britain would use this chance to create its own empire
that would occupy a quarter of the Earth. This is the origin of why the Anglo-Saxon countries today are the
most powerful in the world. Heirs are they to the cultural welfare, wealth and will to power of the golden
era of Anglo-Saxon blood. Spain expelled the Jews but not Britain. Thus the Spanish Empire was lost and
with it the Noble Domain.

Spain today is not a sign of inheritance of the Spanish Empire. For the best, that most martial and heroic,
the most Noble Spanish blood went to America, in general. The most extraordinary Hispanics can be found
today in America and are the descendants of the Spanish Conquistadors.

Original Royalty which remained in Spain was removed by ignoble Spaniards after the invasion of
Napoleon. The populace is allied with the populace. And they imposed a new french-ignoble "royalty".

Being this Latin American Hispanic Culture continued from the Spanish Empire while Spain herself,
continued according to liberalism consequent of the Napoleonic invasion. Therefore Latin America has a
reputation of martial land.

Francisco Franco carrying the same nationalist sentiments as the Fhrer returned Spain to the values of the
Catholic Empire but immediately after his death the slag rose in never seen fury, in never seen retaliation
and today Spain is one of the most immoral countries: global center of feminism.

Today France is the European country with more blacks and that loves them the most. When the murder
of France against Nobles was mentioned it was to disrespect most of the modern French politics making no
reverence to the ideology of a country that comes from an ultra malignant plebeian revolution.

These protected by the new ideology blacks have ventured to hold demonstrations accompanied by noble
whites to beat other whites walking by. This France is the global center of liberalism. Daring to advertising

in the form of TV shows, movies and pornographies where the black despises the French Female giving her
a treatment as if she was a piece of cloth, teaching a lesson to that whitey chick. This France was the first
country where the Rothschild Jews who now run the New World Order and international banking
established their power. In this France it is punishable by imprisonment to criticize the Jews, the Holocaust
or the Muslims who invade it in mass.

Recently on Sweden, it was established also as illegal to criticize the mass immigration from the third
world. So that Sweden can continue being the world capital for recreational rape. Where those adopted by
pity, can beat, rape and kill Swedish women.

Free this enemy from retaliation because the great Europe for many years has received the doctrine of the
Jews about worshiping the humble dog.

Hundreds of thousands hundreds of thousands are coming illegally to Europe every year having millions
succeeded from the third world and these invaders are untouchable because the rule of law in Europe is in
the hands of those who would destroy it.

In Germany, the land where the armed forces have been supervised and limited because everyone is afraid
of the awakening caused by Hitler they show on screens in public places homosexual propaganda that
children walking by can see: men kissing men and women kissing women. To normalize immorality.
Immorality means weakness. From this immoral mental state a Noble character cannot arise. Morality is
Cerebral Capacity. The demoralization of propaganda weakens the entire Will. They are bombarded with
propaganda spitting and trampling on the Reich history so ashamed that Germans were about to establish
an empire of Noble blood on Earth. It is clear before our eyes the Jewish agenda invisible yesterday.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Restorative Pilgrimage

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
White hair must again signify wisdom. The man who reaches old age in a world of Honor and True
Culture, Martial World is one that necessarily has the Spirit of a Giant. The fact he is old should be an
indicator of his greatness. Expressing he has lived in sufficient moral wholeness to reach that age. He
resisted. Also that he never failed to Society so that his life had to be stopped by the Forces of Justice. If
you live in a rich culture, mind and body are nurtured for years and years and they are deeply admirable.

Within the unruly hubris of everything low the old has also been defied being that for example in the
Nordic Mythology Gods are represented old, bearded and white-haired. Since Odin All-Father was called in
Britain The Old One".

The young unless they are exceptional individuals can rarely compete against the wisdom of the old. This is
buried in the society where this wisdom has no compensation. The old is victorious. If a young man seems
to be superior to the old that young man has the psychological maturity of the old.

Zarathustrianism Itself is the Return of the Old continuing its evolution. The idiotic and poisonous
monetary value has replaced all true values. The Old also swallow this and truly believe their existence is
shameful. Malignant dishonor; there is no Honor sword against them and the victims of his dishonor are
taken as scum. If we Nobles see something that is high being abused we finish the one attacking this. Any
defect in the Superior is the attack of the weak against him, it is what the inferior did to him. But any
defect in the weak comes from him, comes from what he is since birth. But the ignoble are stupid enough

to see the battered woman as the "official beaten lady normalizing evil, or they see the noble attacked by
commoners as the officially silly one.

For there is an evil one, there is a mediocre and there is a Saint. The evil humble, the mediocre half good
half bad and the totally Kind Saint.

The Nobles are Kind But Have Been Schooled in Sinister Teachings by the Jews. In values of cunning,
humiliation and crushing. Values of injustice. Because these Nobles are Powerful the liberal ideology that
today is the best weapon of Judaism sees them as arrogant and dangerous. And those who are naturally
powerless are seen as good.

That is the Nobles races Led By EUROPE, and Being Japan like a Lighthouse of It in the East, are naturally
kind but are deceived to respect evil. They are Able to Create Civilizations of Kindness and Justice. At the
same time those seen as "humble" and "oppressed", those low, ugly and detestable races, those of plebeian
rank are natural louts, and Virtue to them matters less than a peanut. Therefore there is an evil one, a
mediocre one and a Saint. The dangerous liberalism that today we fight against proposes that there are
oppressing jerks and there are good humble ones. Helping to exterminate Europe because it is thought that
power is bad and impotence is good. Because there are humble who are nothing, there are Nobles who are
powerful and there are Saints who are Superior to Nobles and come from Nobility.

This is all a great game by the Jewish evil for the Natural Kind Men, tricked into Respecting Evil, European
Nobles and Nobles of Asia, to be exterminated because they are seen as dangerous, by the worshipers of
the humble. So only powerless, immoral and unjust beings are left, much easier to eliminate by the Jews.
Theirs is criminal life. We must ensure that those who want to live are free from evil. The ignoble beings
are mental weakness. The Nobles are cognizant. And the Saints are the Geniuses.

The ones Loved by a Noble have much power. The son dishonoring the father has much power to hurt.
Feminists gain power in their wickedness because men love them. The wisdom of old should be appreciated

contrary to what has been the protocol in the world of the mob. Where what matters is only the monetary
value. Wisdom is then brushed aside. Yet it should be noted that the old plebeian hates the natural
Superior one even if he is a baby.

Divine Restoration we also bring to this: in the ignoble society the maximum Heroism can be crushed in a
few minutes by the police under the command of the worst. Putting the highest natural triumph and the
value of life below the exercise of an impersonal tyranny of violence. That which completely disregards the
person is the faceless state of the mob. The idea that beings can never defend themselves, that they must
always respect the rights of the offender that is not respecting their lives when attacking and a force that is
not passionately involved, that is indifferent, is vested justice (the state): all of this is what is plebeian. It is
what it spits in the face of the Noble made against what he feels and against his worldview, his way of
seeing life. This state placed among trash above the buried ruins of the kingdom. It is the insane tyranny of
the helpless, the unconscious hatched to destroy life. The destruction of what is better by what is worthless.
Poisonous is a police force following the laws established by those ignorant ones. Those ignorant ones, they
are forever incapable of Sensitivity, always incapable of the Kindness of Old Kings, not to mention the
Kindness of the Blessed Autocrator: to rule the people. They are incapable of responsibly and in a sublime
way lead Society along the Best Path.

They aspire to have the world in their hands but it falls on them because they are weak, it breaks their
heads and they blame for this ridiculous shedding of their own blood those who had nothing to do with it.
They cannot lift the world they aspire to rule because they do not deserve to rule. Autocrator is the
government of Love for He is the incarnation of the Holy Spirit.

The laws of the non-important are too cruel. They come from his cowardice and the in-existence of
Generosity within that cowardice. His chest is small, his skull is small and his muscles are small. All of it
tells us about his mental degeneration. His heart is small.

Those who respect the Noble the most but who also worship the humble think the Superior has the right
to be an arrogant crap and to be a harmful retrograde jerk. The humble like immorality. They do not
hear the words of the Superior but let him speak because of "freedom of speech".

The Noble has to endure living in Judea between two statuses: being underestimated as ignorant or being
seen as truly Superior whereupon the humble flee in shame and so in either way this Noble is dishonored.
The government of garbage causes the very crime it seeks to punish. It is a vicious circle of evil.

It causes the crime they wish to punish by abandoning its "citizens". By serving an oligarchy and neglecting
the rest they cause crime. The government descending from the administration of those who do not matter
call "justice" dismissing the citizen who by the very same administration was ruined. Throwing him into
prison discarding him.

Most of those called "criminal" by the plebeian state are men ruined from birth with constant propaganda
about the destruction of values, ruined because their families do not have a decent life, ruined because they
have no food, because they live near other ruined people and when the person is finally converted the
person is discarded. The majority, millions of natural criminals never set a foot in a prison.

Authority must descend from Merit. Only He who is Glorious and of Moral Character with the Capacity to
Physically Combat for the Highest Virtues Must Be Obeyed. This One Must Be Obeyed. He does not Serve
Himself: He Serves Great Principles.

To the Hierarch one does deny anything. And the Subject says "I Take Care of It. And also This is My

Allowing the weak to intrigue against the Glorious Successful is something that starts like a cancer cell in a
group of 10 but that proceeds to infect an entire nation.

The Noble sees the challenge to his authority like deep infection: it degrades his joy. He becomes
susceptible to evil when injustice is exercised against him and thus we see that what is undesirable begins
being a dot and is expanded exponentially. Whoever defames wants to convert the prestigious Best in doubt
awarding errors that do not exist on this Victorious: so that when looking at this Superior what is not there
can erase what exists: what is not worthy can overcome what means everything.

It can be said for example about a wise man that he is a drug-addict. And everything this wise one
teaches is what a junkie is saying. You may attribute to a Champion of Fight that he is crazy and
everything he says will be part of his "insanity". So is the ability to completely destroy a life of the words of
plebeians. Any reduction of the effect of plebeian insults is an ignorance that has allowed life to be
annihilated step by step.

Before pitying the weak it must be understood the consequence of such compassion that glorifies mistake
as the new standard that will rule Society. This weakling will never change. Thus producing a society that
worships mistakes. The weak are then able to establish their revenge. Because the weak does not have a
self-contained authority and does not know a limit for his behavior if there is not someone outside his
physical body that can stop him. If he is pitied he understands his mistakes are correct.

Women hate weak men and men hate ugly women in True Nature.

If a woman during the Jewish government punishes the arrogant man who thinks these truths, she
elevating the weak to show that she does not hate him she is actually doing the will of the conqueror: the
Jew. In whose government the Superior Man is the new "outcast". So she unconsciously is going for what
she believed to be the alpha male and is despising what she sees as outcast. All that is of low rank in the
true and natural society has its own low rank ambitions, that must not be attended by the Superior Men
and Women but stopped.

A meritocratic system naturally accommodates the best in their appropriate ranks. And not through any
dwarf prejudice. Civilization has already put in several historic occasions despite Judaism and always before
Judaism the reins in the hands of the best.

Racial Supremacy is defined according to the possessor of the greatest martial capacity. The holder of Racial
Supremacy is not one to which the Warriors grant things. The Master Race is THE ONE that is the BEST
AT WAR. Being the Maximum expression of this War Martial Arts.

Peoples throughout history established institutions of the Crown, Monarchies, in their most martial men.

That which is best in which our will lived in the past blindly, must be again lived but this time with opened
eyes. We Becoming Advocates of the Best. And we will be like the Best: the Entire Society will be like the

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Now Comes the Monumental Violence

Cosmic War

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Vindex is Lord. The Heart Knows It. And Most Holy is the Lord Bringing Power. He Who Has Brought
Our Liberation. Summoned by the pain of the Saints. Autocrator is the Will of All Nobles. He is what they
are in a Higher Majesty. He gives the opportunity to the Saints to Take the World for themselves.
Autocrator Exists For the Good Man to Win.

The absence of Reverence to Autocrator indicates the rank of he who is Our Enemy. Because perhaps to
him the Fight of the Lord has not been enough? He Disgracing the one who Fought the Most is of the
Magian. He does not disgrace everything only what is Good. And what is Good is to us everything. The
Goodness of the Superior humiliates them for they are malignant baseness. And they make Sensitivity pay
by inflicting pain to it and making it suffer. What is Good hurts them. The Noble wants the Triumph of
Good but the humble, the ignoble and plebeians, those who serve Judea want the triumph of evil. And
certainly they will Fail. No empathy deserves the servant of the enemy! Our enemies live off pity. The
Noble exhales Mighty Pride from prostrating before his King. Weakness is rebellious but Force is Loyal.
The Noble sees in Force Merit, but the bottom sees in Force tyranny. The inferior becomes distinguished if
he is rebellious. The Noble is Distinguished by His Obedience.

Autocrator is what Defines Justice. With his left hand he lowered the stones and with his right forefinger
gently touches them marking the Laws of Heaven. Rune Stones living as town centers Leading Life
Settlements to Heaven. The Zarathustrian Kingdom is like a warrior who goes fishing and doing so is
approximated by a Jew trying to sell new fishing rods, and stories against respect for the King, and this

warrior kills this Jew to continue his fishing day free from tricks. Autocrator is what Creates the
Zarathustrian Kingdom and Redeems Gaia Nourishing Purpose to Man.

The Day After Tomorrow every temple not carrying the Z Demolished will be. Since it was ruined the
splendor of the past had to fall. What Is False Embarrassed Faces the Truth. What is already falling is
Pushed by what is Most Holy. The history of the future is very different. Temples Rise in the Name of
Vindex God of Restoration. His Light Rising Forever. Sempiterni Zarathustra Regi! Zarathustra Eternal
King. By the Relentless Force of our Effort Comes Redemption. Great Honor is so Immense Consequence
to our Effort. Our life producing immense works where the ignoble seeks to live freely.

His life is not producing anything but just consuming and bringing things down. The ignoble is a servant
given asylum in the Manor to receive from his a unique token of gratitude: he scratching the murals. So the
ignoble is an invader against the Earth. His will to equality longs to hurt our body and wealth. Because in
all and above all it is an agenda to safeguard and ensure the survival of his species, the humble malignant.
Since the survival of the malignant class means the end to all life; their final agenda is destroying

The Yeshua of Nazareth taught them they are divine and are right and it will be difficult to show them they
are not angels. Their Nazarene god was merely a humble hippie. Each of these humble believe to be the
Lord and seek their interests at the expense of everyone else. They are self-serving immodestly. All that is
real life, vital, heroic, healthy, tall, beautiful, powerful, victorious, is envied and spitted upon and crushed
by the humble doctrine, by the Christ. Their "justice" is their plebeian revenge. To poison healthy living
with their "humility". Imagine the mistake of teaching the ignoble devoted to hurt us a God must sacrifice
for them and despite all of their faults and violence and aggression they will be forgiven. Yet it was written
their sheepish God would return as Judge because they would never change. This should be taken into
account. This is the poison that Yeshua brought to the world. Because the humble is always fucking right.
This tadpole gets his fingers snapping and dances. When this immoral dwarf says that God cares for him
and he should not be judged in reality he is unconsciously saying that He is God. The humble feels
strongly that he is God. He says "God is like I guess he is.

For aeons giants were frozen but today our fire sets them free. The Zarathustrian Titans Will be Free.
Zarathustrianism is the Return to Natural Values. Let this be preached in every city in the world. There
will be prisoners imprisoned by commoners who preach the good news. And there will be Superiors placed
in asylums preaching and released by New Celestial Power Breaking All Bars. Those who held the yoke of
slavery on Themselves. Because the Noble longs to be fair. So Discovering the Truth which is
Zarathustrian: He is Free. Also freeing the homeless whose fortune was stolen by a plebeian trick. Those
whose lives were slyly fucked by the "good people". The ghosts and curses cleansed. The ghosts of those
who left life. And with the healing of their suffering the end of the curse. Therefore a curse is the desire to
be heard in a spirit that is in pain. Holy Avenger. Who can see your face really? He is the Highest
Kindness. And his sword is Fatal To DEFEND GOOD.

All of those exiled and beaten will receive their triumph and treasure. The times in which the Noble is
mistreated by the ignoble are like childhood and adulthood is to become Bearers of the Sword. We are the
true "humble". Discover How Strong is the Truth! Therefore do not be loyal to names but to the Essence of
Things! We are Good and they are evil. Like Teutonic Knights in the name of Autocrator Nobles Must
Recover HONOR! Mandatory is the establishment of the New Nobility, Incarnation of Zarathustrian
Virtues: a new power to set Forts on the tops of each city and at their entrance and towers the banner of
the Fight for Superiority. The Fight that is for GOOD.

In the Banner of Our Galactic Empire is the Will to a New World. The Immune World. The World that is
Like the Smile of God. The World that rises like Tremendous Embracement of the Heart. The World that
is like the Singing of Angels. The World where the stranger does not exist for everyone is One. Free from
being purchased. Awaken before the tricks of the Jew. Free from the illusions of those who bought the
Palaces of Kings and Queens with little money. For the Castles are not built for the bourgeois but for the
Super Abundant Souls of the Original Kings: Warriors of Infinite Power.

The Super Human is the Re-Constitution of what moves us, we breathe him, we lost identity based on the
past. The goal towards which we go: as what defines us. For us, Heroic Ones, are Distinguished by the
Honor Were Willing to Fight For, and Die For. The brightness and love in the eyes of the Super Human
making it all worthwhile. For This we throw away everything else. Being the Life of the self not but the

species is life. The Homo Sol Species. Blood and Flesh of God. Because we yearn for the Super Human and
His World we are the ancestors who made His Life Possible. There Is No Greater Pride than this. There Is
No Greater Pride. The Superior is not just a step but a Meaning. High Life is Sacred. The Superior is the
Sanctified Life Through Our Way. The Superior is the Cause of Our Way. He is the Cause of the
Zarathustrian Way. The Superior is worth more than the whole. He is All. So Reverence to this Superior
Man is Building the Universe. So it is this Truth that the Lower wants to kill, when trying to kill the
Superior. The advent of the Super Human World is Mastering Life to serve all of our Desires.

The ignoble ruined by the Jewish ideology that tells them, "You're free and small and ignoble, you dont
have to obey and you can go ahead and hurt others: this is just the method of the jew for world
domination! Because the jew coaxes the ignoble against Nobles. Globalism promoted today is nothing but
the rule of the jew.

The Jewish gives the ignoble freedom not to follow Nobles and instead make little money and be
"independent". Being not having a Lord is cause of shame. Because you do not live for yourself but for the

Many of the Aristocrats of the Earth lead a life of material wealth far from Nobility, unaware the jew
controls them. They must be part of a hierarchy that Descends from Royalty like their ancestors. Anyone
who separates from the Natural King is left to the Jews. And while these Aristocrats live relaxed in wealth,
in the world the Illuminati plan their moves. Against the doors of their houses will go those ruined by the
NOW: too late to wake up.

Instead of being Awakened by the Great Noontide they are awakened by the Abyss. The Aristocrat was
Distracted. "People dont know who they are working for is a phrase of deep meaning. So those who are
successful in the Jewish game are also victims of this game. All Aristocrats are those above the collective of
failed ones and they are a manifestation of a life going UP. Since the group of losers is nothing but
stagnation. And being outcasts and subhumans something that worships defeat. They are a dangerous tide
to all of the houses we have built. The Aristocrat is lost without the Noble and the Noble is lost without

the King. Above Nobility lies a Royalty. And the Man of Royalty is becoming a Super Human. So these
descriptive titles of social rank are not mere words to talk about equal humans but labels of natural
conditions, steps in the evolution and Power Levels. This Natural Hierarchy is Disgraced but the artificial
one of money, and authority based on paper, is honored.

All personal power comes from effort. Therefore this effort will be Honored. Merit is what is built in life
and that which was obtained by birth: the Effort of the Ancients in the Blood. He who did not inherit racial
power is a being of special laziness, in him and in his ancestors that did not allow him to inherit POWER.
Power in the form of blood. This Racial Heritage is True Wealth. Hence the desire to make war against all
races supreme. Reality is being dragged down by the black claw of the jew increasingly to make that which
is natural, that which is forbidden, in the upside down society. To Burn what we Love! And those
respectful of them are afraid to offend this trash! Ever worse will be seen that a man and a woman are with
their own race. Man and woman look at each other far apart with tearful eyes: they do not understand. The
face of each reflection of the other. For an outsider said their love was unfair. So, Life twisted by envy. Isnt
it true a man lives for a woman? And isnt it true a woman lives for a man? Ruining our blood will be
increasingly normal so only assholes are left, before the intellect of the semite judeo-germanic Illuminati.
The intellectual power of the leaders of the Illuminati is product of their mixing with German blood. Being
they inherit the power of Germania but maintain their slave will.

We are so different Nobles and plebeians, to us pleasure is a reward to our efforts. This motivates us to
fight more. But they are just concupiscent, pleasure plunges them.

The humble wants to declare war on reality and pull time for the Higher to disappear and for him to be
rewarded as Alpha Male. He does not want to wait for his time nor he wants to become stronger. He
doesnt want to be part of natural society at all; he seeks living in his made up world.

This same ignoble would want to have children who were superior but does not realize his children would
be envied by someone like him. This struggle between ignoble and Nobles is a struggle between species like

the one the homo erectus would do against the homo sapiens. Nobles are embracing hives! Loving those
who want them dead.

Nobody really knows it is indeed strange, where did the jews come from. They themselves do not know.
Their history as Jews begins with their slavery in Egypt. But before being the Jews they were the
Canaanites. Today they claim they built the pyramids but is this true? Destroyers dont build! The
Illuminati have put on the 1 dollar bill the pyramid to strut the achievements they see as jewish. They
inherited the esoteric knowledge of Moses. This Egyptian Aryan who felt compassion for them. He who
freed the Jews from slavery was not a Jew but an Egyptian who was merciful. Who was exposed to Jewish
ideology and successfully was manipulated by them.

Compassion has always been a sort of Jewish sorcery against the senses of the High One, the Noble, the
Aryan, the Martial. These beings obtained immense monetary fortunes by cunning and because of the
compassion of their Superiors, and to the extent they are still followed by a general ignorance, as long as
there is a reverence for their little money and respect, for their Bible that names them "sons of God", they
remain destroying the world from the shadows. They really think they are superior. The inferior thinks
inferior things. Because they are not Aryan they are not bothered by their iniquity, they feel they are
winning. Eternally We Feel differently. Compassion Should Be Just For the Superior.

To the ignorant masses what is great is what is before the television cameras. If it is a dog then everyone
loves dogs and man becomes nothing: the party begins in bestiality. The screams of a tortured man draw
attention but the noise a dog would make if tortured would be more striking than those of man. Abused
dogs are defended but the Honor of Women is not Protected. Putting the animal above man. This speaks
of the dehumanization of this era. The idolatrous worshiping of what is stupid and low: Judaism. They are
the same idolaters worshiping the penis of the golden bull Moses found when returning from the
mountains with the laws of god. Those who preach racial mixture do not easily mix. These Jews who
preach blacks are sacred putting them above whites and who promote beauty and feminine value to be
defined by the size of the buttocks putting the mestiza or black characterized by their wide hips above the
European woman to hurt Aryan blood, out of envy.

Zarathustrianism exerts no injustice. It says there are Nobles in all races but these Nobles, are Noble
because they carry European blood where most of the Aryans settled. This is what makes them exceptional,
they are not exceptional because of the other race they carry in conjunction with this European blood.

If the Jew mixes he does so with an European trusting the Jewish genes dominates at conception being
those having a Jewish mother are Jewish no matter what other race is being mixed. The intention of the
subject is Jewish with greater force. So these Jews who have an understanding of racial purity go around
preaching to the Gentile, especially to the European that he should mix with foreigners to degrade his race,
feared by the Jew. The propaganda that says race does not exist comes from those who are experts in the
importance of race. Jewish eyes are callous and evil similar to a reptile. And these eyes fear the eyes of the
European. This one carrier of Beauty, Strength and Mind the Jew can never be.

Let Us Recall that these evil Jews did not receive Jesus, their own savior and taught him a lesson crucifying
him. Because the way to love of the jew is destroying what is loved. This Sealed the Ritual for Judaism to
be victorious. Today we live in the world of the Jews where we suffer but they live well. Because everything
today is sinister like them. And tides of evil assholes make small cuts on our souls on a daily basis. They
live because Judaism came. The Aryan one day decided not to strike that weakling with the sword and
instead decided to flatter the ass of that inferior because this noble felt very sorry, indeed very sorry for that
piece of shit. When the inferior was saved, that inferior reproduced, and his kind went on to bring death to
those who were not inferior. Today the shadow of the evil of the weak is covering the Earth. Remember the
Roman Attorney Pontius Pilatus sought ways in which Jesus could be saved at his trial: seeking justice. The
Jew wanted to harm while Rome sought justice. Autocrator is the Return of Caesar. The Opposite to the
Jewish humility. Autocrator is Caesar. Recessive genes, sleeping genes inherited in the blood, but not
activated in one descendant after another, suddenly being manifested in one of the descendants even after
many generations. Autocrator is the essence of all Old Kings: the Nobility Incarnate. Old Kings are the
Ancestors of Autocrator. A Force Prepared From Antiquity is Him. Everything Defined by Blood. The
buffoonery of equality is war against reality.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

A More Powerful Love

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Love must triumph not that denying Love. This is Our War. The bastard has a fluctuating will. Part of his
will, his good blood looking for Nobility and the other part seeking the low, what is of inferior vengeance:
to harm life. When the plebeian mixes with a noble this phenomenon takes place. And a subhuman may be

The book "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" speaks of the control of Gentiles through banking and the
media. Also mentioning their demoralization through pornography. This pornography starring Europeans,
not jews. It even mentions that if discovered, they will blow up Gentile cities using explosives prepared in
the sewers of each city. The Jews are enemies to humanity. They serve the charisma against life. They
belong to a repulsive force of a peculiar evil. Their evil higher than the evil of anyone else. This Jewish
book came out in 1903 31 years before Hitler became Fhrer of Germany. When the book came out Jewish
power was not even ten times less than what it is today. And the book describes what is happening right
now. They didnt have such a control over international banking, there was hardly any form of
pornography in the world and television had been recently created.

Today the entire world banking goes through jewish banks, there are millions of pornographic productions
that indoctrinate millions of people and virtually every channel of radio, television and all cinematic
productions, belong to jews. Jews who are less than 15 million and who control, a world with a population
of more than 7 billion. Serving an extraordinary evil they are. The Jew is not a human being but a Jew,
something else and they know it. They came to establish a project of destruction upon us. They are the

carnal form of a completely estranged from human levels wickedness. They do not reason any goodness,
just keep an alliance between them to destroy all nations and then themselves.

A holocaust of six million is alleged but throughout history hundreds of millions have been killed and the
Empires that brought the progress in which we all live were never crushed. Because secretly Jews dominate

Genghis Khan established the largest continuous empire in history and was never stopped by a global
alliance against him.

The way in which the world was launched against the Reich is due to the world secretly being controlled by
the Jewish race. The Jews created communism in Russia that killed more than 100 million. But their deaths
do not matter because they are not "sons of god" in the Judaism era. It is regurgitated Hitler invaded
Poland abusively. But it is not said in Poland there was a general treatment to those of Germanic race of
rape, abuse, attack, daily.

Since Judaism secretly, the higher is being fucked and when the Superior establishes war to defend his life,
to the humble this Superior is starting an attack on their "peaceful" society.

Members of all races served the German Reich being that the Reich was only against the Jews to defend

Our enemy has his very own genesis, his own world and his own history. The Gentile is not included, the
Gentile is disposable. They have always wanted to kill the Superior, this is why they exist, why they came.
Now they want to kill Europe. Hitler responded to this with war. The Jewish introduces the Superior in a
war to defend his life. Turing Superior against Superior. He makes him judaic and makes him fight
himself. The Jew comes to destroy with ideas and the Hero who is not playing these games, the one who

acts head on without masks is seen as hostile being he is in fact the defense against a very hostile enemy
who came to destroy everything.

Of course in Judea Planet nobody realizes what the Jew is: an invading parasite. Because everyone is
indoctrinated by him and they are him. The judaic Aryan or Gentile gives the hostile treatment belonging
to the jew to those awakened Nobles who see what the jew is. The judaic thinks that the Noble is the Jew
and the Jew is the Noble. Since the will of the Jew lives in him he sees the Superior Man as a threat
because the Jew hates this Superior Man. The one with no merits whatsoever is adored and the one with
the highest body and mind is bombarded. Because in the will of Judaism that promotes the weak the
cunning and the evil one, the humble, the one most similar to the jew is king, and the strong is like the
gentile foreigner, enemy to the jews. The Aryans abandoned their gods who were of Aryan values for
Jehovah. But this is no imbecility. The Noble commits Noble errors. He interpreted in Jehovah with his
Nobility, goodness. He could not see the hidden beneath will because he lacked the jewish malice. The Jews
created an ideal to make everyone fall in love with it. They control the Noble through the ideal of Jehovah.
The ideal of Jehovah was adjusted to Noble Feelings. The ideal of Jehovah was adopted without seeing the
jews physically face to face. If the warrior had seen ugly, low and weak jews of evil faces preaching Jehovah,
this warrior would have thrown the concept of Jehovah directly over the ravine. And he would have tossed
the jew as well. The warrior had to be seduced by Nobles like him, who preached the Christian ideology,
expression of Judaism. These preachers too seduced by the ideology in form of text without seeing the Jew.

Interpreting the Old Noble with his forces wonderful things in Christianity while the Jewish writer of the
ideology is an evil one.

Since during the Christian Middle Ages evil characters were represented in paintings with physical
characteristics belonging to the jew. Europe has always despised the evil jew. Only the recent jewish
propaganda in all media has violated our minds. The manipulated by Judea think those against Judea are
the jew. They think those awaken who see the jew for what he is are Judaism, the force of evil.

There are lands where Christianity did not penetrate with the same power as in Europe. One is Japan, a
land that could not be Christianized because the ideology was too weak for the Samurai. The evangelist
sent was crucified and his nose was cut off. This is how a natural warrior punishes the weak. That ideology
was disgusting to the Samurai. Disgusting is the Jewish feeling to a World of Honor.

Where that which is valuable still exists even if there is little of it, there Judaism does not enter. The Jewish
sentiment comes to kill and not understanding it today means life is dying. Everyone is aligned to this
ideology of death.

The Natural Warrior distanced from judaism feels extreme revulsion for the tricks of the weak. When an
original community that is not jewish is indoctrinated in Jewish values: those around humility and bringing
down Superior Men: such a Community will act those values committed to running over what is

The Aristocrat systematically crushed, humiliated and stripped ends up becoming in many cases "criminal"
or as he feels: Avenger. Those who did this to the Superior in the insane society sell themselves as "civil,
good and peaceful". No they are just an alliance of wicked ones distanced from all peace. The noble
crushed by the mediocre sees himself alone when the other nobles are the protectors of this damn scum
because Judea said so. All those around him in the community fear him because Judea said so and if this
man is of an especially High Rank he will be unable to engage into the jewish charisma against the
Superior and will not understand why is he attacked. He will not understand the treatment of the mob.
Within the corruptions brought by Judaism is the accumulation of money. And how many crimes have not
been committed for money? Money is a structure by these representatives of evil to bring the putrefaction
of the heart to all. They mask their evil saying "oh heck, oh heck, oh heck, pretending to be tolerant and
that they understand everything and all unveiling of their wickedness and sadness they cause us is prejudice
and ignorance of "silly Superior Man.

Together with the recent propaganda in films and television portraying villains of Aristocratic appearance.
Their "villains" are martial, beautiful, high, powerful, deadly, healthy and vital. Their "good characters" are

of Jewish values: dwarves, cunning, lesson teaching, weak, mocking, cynical, making a parody of the
Higher Man, loved by the gentile judaic woman (or a jew female of European appearance), carriers of
stupid and vulgar facial traits, of evil race. They win by luck and settle in the minds of millions as "alpha
male". Wonderful are these pathetic morons in the propaganda of inferiors.

All kinds of violations are made against the Superior Man to the extent he is dishonored and unrecognized.
The humble stick their penises in the mouths of the Noble females and spit on their faces. This is their will
to ruin. Women who will not let themselves be defeated pay the highest price.

They established a world where no one judges the wicked because he is a bastard others feel sorry about.
This is not reality but the fantasy of the inferior. We are living an insane world.

And everyone wonders why the Superior Man is pissed at reality. At reality. The kind of man that cannot
stand them and that is not included in their wickedness. They will not give us recognition because in the
world of Honor they are not free to hurt us. Because Honoring us is to Recognize us. Superiors are scary
because they are hardened and enraged against the constant abuse. Comfortably daily micro-aggressions are
done against him. The plebeian thinks he did only one not more. But like him are thousands and
thousands of his biological class to contribute their bit to bury the Saint's life. Our Enemy established a
World Against Us. Because he was envious. They ask us to integrate to his society but he did not to
integrate to our original nature and decided to destroy us. Our eyes and smiles are brighter than those of
the enemy even in our suffering. We slandered by everything that comes from the trash are the True Lord.
The Jewish ideology of resignation and love for mud was for too long considered "wisdom". To us does not
belong the worldview of the failed. Ours is the House of the Superior Man.

Everywhere on this earth has come the ideology that makes you fall in love with poison in the blood: the
Jewish, Judaism: the feeling of fucking, the humble, the feeling of bringing you down. When in school the
strong dominates over the weak this is Nature Manifested. The weak says "it's not fair", and means that he
is the law and the world should revolve around him. That he should not give reverence to nature and the
natural Superior is to be ignored and socially made insignificant. It is the revenge of the inferior. In the

jewish world outside this school where what matters is money, the strong ends up being the bodyguard of
the weak. Being that today it is very comfortable and easy to dishonor but if an entire Nation was made of
Higher Men, those outcasts today considered sacred are merely dangerous criminal waste. He who
honors does not complain. But the plebeian claims all. So the silent Noble is considered stupid in the world
of the Jews and the commoner who complains nonstop is seen as someone who has "character". Against
Our Blood their blood exists. So justice is not what the weak majority say justice is but what makes the
Superior arise. Justice is not what is convenient for the survival of the weak but that which advocates for
Life. What Increases Power of Life is Justice.

This Love is natural when viewed in the eyes of the child, what father questions whether the beauty of his
child is offending some inferior? Originally We Love Life. The Superior Life is the Most Important One.
And the One We Love The Most. They greatly dislike power. And tomorrow what has less than them will
exterminate them. In their world where smaller is better. Understand what goes through the head of the
Enemy. Several times I saw subhumans referring to beautiful women as "whores". These subhumans
decided in their damn heads that they were whores. Since their "crime" was their beauty, their superiority.
It is the Jewish war against everything high that this low one resents. The feeling brought by the Jew.
Beautiful women know this, they are not cared for, they are mistreated, since they are higher than those
treated well. The insecure and pathetic man carries an attitude indifferent and of jerkness towards the
beautiful woman but is respectful and flattering (within the commoner levels) of the lower female.

Only if the beautiful woman flatters the inferior she is saved from this treatment or if her personality is that
of a Domina which makes her be seen as unpleasant not flattering plebeians in the Kingdom of Commons.

To the weak it is much easier to defame that which would be too difficult to achieve. He is hostile to
everything that is High. Since the power of the sword must be Honored. The Best Warrior should be

These commoners who may be destroyed instantly by the Superior Man in Direct Combat raise their
jerkness and the power of their plebeian flatulence carrying haughty attitudes of rabid weasel, to even if it

sounds so very funny impose something to the Higher Man. The weak want to intimidate the Lord of
Force. It is possible for them because available in the name of plebeians are many bullets from many guns,
from many cops.

The jews managed to fuck Nobility because their ideas seduced villains and the lower ignoble of all peoples
against the leaders of the People. To the pure all things are pure. Every wise being projected his psychology
and believes that others are like him. This is the danger to the Noble and the man who is truly good,
believing that the world is like him. But there are secret agendas on his life. And for pigs everything
becomes pork. The subhuman goes around the Earth hopping making everything his size. Reducing
achievement. Shitting on every victory. Pissing on any Superiority. The subhuman says: "I laugh my
fucking ass off, everything noble is false, in fact everyone is just trying to harm life, trying to fuck it, like
me. And he winks. What makes them burn, that which they see valuable in the Superior, THAT they try
to turn into excrement. The Noble rebukes the low when exposing his vices before his eyes. But the low
makes up all sorts of slurs and degrading fantasies about his Superior. We rely on the truth and they are
based on fuck. Some refer to the world as "crap" and it is because this world is dedicated to crush their
dreams: others also speak bad of the world but it is because the world is not shitty enough for them. The
little surviving morality makes them suffer and they want a bigger collapse for the world. All of them are of
unclean spirit: for they are humble.

Zarathustrians must not think that to the humble there is a limit when trying to destroy us. The way we
suffer which activates feelings in the hearts of Nobles to help us, and that makes us help others, is offensive
to the plebeian. It makes him hate us further and harm us even more. Most believe letting everyone do as
they please is justice. However these petty indifferent ones when receiving the power of evil against
themselves will not feel comfortable being alone and abandoned. True, the commoners are evil, they fuck
lives and they accept a certain level of evil happens to them, but all of these commoners have an extreme
fear before the name of Satan.

The relativism that allows everyone to think what they wish is a jewish agenda to bring chaos, fuck gentiles
and dominate the world. The chaotic opinions within every asshole are introduced by the jewish in the
media by modification of educational programs under pressure of jewish policies. The one only thing

remaining fixed in the mega-chaos of the views of all the ignorant: is little money. And also fixed: the
nobles who defend the little money. Thus the jew promoted rebellion and ended up dominating. His
money is not questioned but he makes all commoners go against the Crown of the Natural King. It is not
true that people are prepared to decide their lives. At least not as long as the jewish charisma seeks to
devour them. If humanity directs itself in a way that is not Autocrators Way it will always find the
development of the crimes of the past returned to grow in Society. The subject chose the worst roads and
made all the wrong decisions. We must save those who are lost from their mistakes. The human must not
engage in weak personal ego if Autocrator offers all. Only Zarathustrianism under the Leadership of the
Autocrat is Guarantor of the Highest and Purest Civilization. Zarathustrianism is the Highest Good.

And many learn the renunciation of desires is wisdom because they do not want to suffer the pain of losing
the beloved and they think this is somehow success. But it is not success: what was loved was always lost
since cowardice did not allow reaching it. And we live in a system that rewards natural cowardice of those
who are not Noble, the cowardice Nobles cannot endure to be an attitude for them in their daily lives. And
this system is also made to crush the courage that only exists in Nobles ensuring the success of the inferior
at all times. In their glorification of cunning they say, he who gets angry will lose. The man descending
from Conquerors is under a peculiar kind of danger: fast dominator of things he is, and when his works are
about to reach the top he abandons them precisely because he already achieved his domination. Doing so
he will never find the greatest fruits that were just beginning to appear.

When the inferior falls he is looking to be masturbated or obtaining money, honey and shelter. His power
is never effort but to cause pity. He does not conquer women demonstrating his strength and capacity of
Heroism but becoming small: "cute". He does not suffer his downfall because his life is worthless together
with him knowing someone will lift him up because since birth he lives in a society in his name, because of
judaism. When the Warrior falls he knows he is alone in Judea before the arrival of his Zarathustrian
comrades, wondering if it is the end. Feeling overwhelming shame and knowing that if they (plebeians) do
not kill him when he gets up HE WILL KILL THEM. The inferior is only clever but the Superior truly

Those who no longer want to aspire to anything should be flogged. Lowered to the level of a slave.
Punished so by those Who Love Life.

The comfortable one develops an increasing cruelty because from beginning to end his life is protected
without requiring any discipline from him. He learns through tactics he can end the moralist who demands
Honor from him. Being the comfortable one we speak of, the specific form of life, that the humble is
during Jewish domination. More Holy than pitying those who fell is killing them. This is Natura. If a
commoner hears this doctrine he will adapt it to his wickedness and thinks that once a Superior finds
himself in trouble, it is proper to fuck his life. The Zarathustrian exercises no violence at all against those
capable to Feel. The Zarathustrian gives his Life to Defend the Goodness that exists in those not defeated
by Evil.

The Judaism of our enemy brought the sentiment of the inferior punishing higher feelings, teaching lessons
in humility, retaliating. He who allows himself to be humiliated shall be despised and humiliation upon
him shall continue for the recreation of the Satanic Community. This is the true fallen one who does not
want liberation and only complains about himself and pities himself. We can recognize him because if we
kill those hurting him this victim reveals he was on the side of his attackers. He will reveal it through
fearing us or telling us our actions are wrong.

Being this should not imply the capacity to deceive by an inferior, being such an inferior could come and
report someone to the Zarathustrian Justice and that someone might be a Noble Superior to the one
reporting him.

He who cannot be humiliated because he is willing to give death Must be Respected. Whoever seeks to
disrespect the Feared One using attacks which cannot be punished by the physical strength of this Superior
must be an Opfer. This fucking coward must be an Opfer. A cunning one crushed. Offering to the Gods.
Sacrificed. To the Name of Autocrator Must all trash be Sacrificed. The mediocre values were created by
the lazy. Learn From the Sun: like God Father He is warming you and giving you life but burning you if
you lie on the ground surrendered. We have Much to See in the Designations of Nature. Beautiful lands

have created beautiful races. And the jew comes from the desert. The Autocrat Draws Circles and Sacred
Borders. He is the Dome that will protect the Saints from their enemies Forever. His Name Feared and
Glorious Forever. Living Institution that Guarantees Justice. Yeshua came to save the enemies of Heaven
but Vindex came to Avenge the Saints. The King Never Holds the Sword Against Those Loyal! He who
trusts our King has a place in His heart. He who fears him is humble, wishes to harm us and for him
awaits the Revenge of the Saints.

Incredibly inferior is the inferior, this disguised by the artificial equality of the time.

So High is Autocrator whose consciousness sees ALL things head on without closing the eyes. Autocrator is
Eternally Reliable. Never delivered to small evils. Never abusive of His Power which he Built in Defense of
the Holy Spirit. Immovable Fatherly Heart. The Leader is Good, Eternal, Invincible, Perfect and SelfTaught All Seeing Eye. Of Abundant Forces Not Living for himself but for the WORLD. Assimilating to
this Heart is what we should do. Only Holiness Must Succeed.

Reverence we make to this Majesty not to what envies it. No respect for those who imposed themselves
entering the palace knocking down the doors. Power was never theirs. Terrible was the absence of the

The mob is like the fire the jew uses against the Kings. And Today When the enemies approaching Become
Visible to us coming to kill what is left of us is that the Power that is the King of Kings shows up.

The Saint is harder than all things because he is the maximum sensitivity defending what Matters Most.
Every Sword is Wielded Against the Enemies of Honor! Talking is easy. Merely talking is cowardly. We
must be suspicious of those who only talk and never do. Evil has never been in Effort. The Warrior is like
the Heart of God. Zarathustrianism allows Nobles to make justice for themselves. Responsible and
accountable to the Superior if they committed injustice. Holy is withdrawing love from the wicked. But he
who tolerates this evil one forever knows nothing of true love. Above all screams must be the speed of our

Cutting Sword. This is how we stifle the Folly of Evil. This is what the Zarathustrian Has Become. The
Battle For Heaven Must Be Fanatic. The Day the Saints are Awakened that Day will the Earth be Cleansed
from All Evil. And Holy Man is the one most hated by their evil. The quest by the Holy to save those who
are not saints is the death of the saints. The Super Human. HIS LIFE IS THE VICTORY OF HEAVEN.
The Life Weve Created FOR YOU, Super Human!

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Cryptic Vision

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The boot of a Holy Soldier was stepping on the rocks of a terrible terrain in the mountain. Committed to
Fight. Stepping on every rock that wanted to make him fall. Following the Path.

He had a dwarf carrying his luggage. Until at one point of the path the dwarf said, "no, I'm not going up
there", looking at the peak surrounded by a green sky. Concerned about his personal safety this dwarf. The
Holy Only Concerned About Fate and the Calling of Heaven. "Just give me my gold the dwarf said. Who
had plenty of confidence because all pitied him and treated him well. The Holy Soldier meditated: So the
weak is unfair because he has not the strength to be faithful".

This Holy Soldier continued his Path with what was His by the force of his own legs.

Later he encountered a young man writhing on the ground: 3 sheep around him. Rubbed in dirt. This
Pathetic One seemed to be choking. The Saint came closer and said: "Who did this to you?". Great pain
was in the face of the Holy Soldier who prepared water to Give. The young one just pointed to one of the
sheep. The Holy told this sheep, "you did this, evil sheep?". Horror easily defeated before Will. Because the
Heart of the Saint was the Heart of the Judge.

The Holy Soldier told the Dying One, "I see you suffer, cursed one. But I'll help you. The Holy drew a
silver dagger and stabbed the one already dying in the throat. Took the corpse into the abyss for it was
polluting the Beauty of the Environment. He ate sheep. This Admirable Holy Soldier at the Campfire
mused: "The friendliness of the Noble comes from him being Noble. But the friendliness of the plebeian is
his attempt at hiding what he has done. He used a branch to write on the earth: "VINDEX".

He breathed deeply and said, "I was, I am, and I will be, Because I Am One With Lord VINDEX". This
Holy Soldier was One with Lord Vengeance.

A Cry of War was then Heard. Was it the Superior Man? Was it Autocrator Congratulating, this Holy
Soldier? Putting out the fire a Frightening Wind came. AND SOMETHING came with the Wind,
Indescribable really. But in human words: So Good and feared. Something that was Satanic. And THAT
said: "Invictus Fatum". This is: Live Unbeaten in the Acceptance of Fate. Aware Zarathustrianism is the
Top of the Tree of Life. If the Noble asks the god of his imagination: "Why do you do nothing against the
evil ones?, he will have to answer himself: "because you have to do it". Zarathustrians have the ONE AND
ONLY Duty to Bring the Super Human. Not because it is convenient or comfortable, but because it is the

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Convalescent

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Theyve left us Convalescent. They think we will die and already celebrate our death. He who saw the light
will live eternally awake. The Meaning of the King is thus: He is what every member of society is once he
had the highest commitment and willingness to Achieve the Victory of Wisdom. And this Being Heir
Carrier of Accountability Now Protector to Those that initialize their paths. So the Scepter in His Hand To
Exercise the Will of Life. Accompanied is this Monarch of the Force that allows him to Love the Most. To
this Life that Loves the Most Belongs Everything That Ca Be Loved. He is the Soul of Nobility which
revolves around Duty. Opposing it is the Magian Soul that comes with thoughts of sweetness, hugging evil,
and love to injustice. Honor is not the most pleasant, it is the most right.

Breaking Honor in the name of comfort, breaking the Duty to exterminate the evil, seeking integration,
will cause the triumph of this Magian Soul. The type of heart, mind, feeling that sees as delicious to defend
the evil weakling and seeing the Superior dead. The Noble heart sees the weak as they are, a miserable
impotence which always plans evil and injustice and sees the Nobility, and the Superiors part of the
Nobility as the Goodness Worth Fighting For. The ignoble is unable to respect where there is no danger
for his irreverence. Without the Guardian Wielding the Sword the ignoble ventures to insult the Lord.

When the inferior complain about injustice: attention must be given: this is part of a ritual! Yes, where all
of them enjoy all those who are dirty rabble feeling some suffering for the Jewish charisma on Earth. Oh
yeah, they do not want to end injustice! Their complaint is part of the act to make fun of life and celebrate
the pain of Judaism. We are dealing with the ideology of natural slaves against natural masters. And
because the ignoble will go to the end to ruin the Noble this Noble better Remembers His ANCESTORS

and HONORS the SWORDS OF KINGS. Honoring the Loyalty of His Ancestors to the King. Fight to the
Death! Do not let your Honor ever be taken away. We do not adapt to the wills of commoners and dizzy
over-estimated ones. The moment we leave Nobility Our Life Ends. So we fight to the death. He who
swallows it all was born among slaves. To the ignoble Honor is incomprehensible shit and only knows
tricks to save his own skin. Certainly the Noble who betrays is exiled by himself, a living dead, like a ghost,
all emotions taken from him because if he loses this insensitivity, he is doomed to remember those he

The charming plebeian has tactics to recruit Nobles. Those most decent commoners tell the Noble: "You're
trash. But do not worry because we are ALL trash. Or they say, "Everyone makes mistakes and I want you
to make one. The plebeian is degrading but you can find him the next day kissing the ground before a
statue of mud. They do not degrade because they really see insignificance in the noble life they demean,
they degrade because they can see One is Superior. Thus the plebeian when before something Supreme
tries to bring it down while the Noble before Greatness simply Admires It.

Whoever degrades comfortably fears the reality of the Honorable Duel. The members of the Nobility
should challenge to duel the cruelest destroyers of Honor and Merit. All ridiculous plebeian petulance
trembles in the knees before the boiling blood of a Natural Noble. This type of Martial Being Naturally
Protects what is His: Home, Woman, Blood and Collected Riches. While the being of humility before
danger flees and hides. Being the Martial does not exercise this Defense because he has an ensured victory.
Being His Value Self-Sacrifice to Defend What Matters Most. It is not that there are tools available to him,
that are not available to the humble. The humble decides to be a coward. The weak organized against the
Strong. The omega males, the lowest joined and collectively named themselves "alpha male". The alpha
male is ONE, not a crowd! Beautiful children are those of the Alpha Male with His Woman. This the mob
envies and separates this Superior One From Her.

The new ignoble masters are so used to living with what does not belong to them and so used to
ignoring everything discovering reality seems a hellish experience. They think we Superiors agree on the
treatment given to us. And they think we have assimilated we are outcasts. Our suffering is perpetual, it is
there everyday while the ignoble has what is ours, and it is strictly forbidden for us to have no matter how

we collect merit: including submission to the state of the mob over a lifetime, the ideological defense of the
lowly and military service to the humble. We are always slaves, because it is an invisible ideological revenge
which came from the Jewish slaves. Where they decided that those not humble must be fucked. The
Disgrace against the Superior Man Draws Consequences. This Superior does not deserve the dishonorable
treatment and his indignation makes him be taken as violent".

He is a being of Vitality which defends against these abuses. It's difficult for the humble to be touched in
the world that says the humble is god, this humble that was always worth less than a Noblemans pet.
But if this humble was ever touched his suffering does not exist, he only pities himself. If the weak is
dishonored he does nothing because he is weak, his natural rank is low, servile and this weakness, is
considered being "civilized".

Ideologies that protect the weak were created by Nobles, by Superiors who thought the weak were good.
The belief the humble is tender or cute came from Judaism incessantly preaching the value of the humble
and the importance to fuck the "arrogant", the Superior man, the Heroic Knight, the Strong. This doctrine
of Judaism became famous and covered the Earth when Yeshua died showing that it is not necessary to
fight against the strong but one can be killed and keep thinking one is good and the Strong is a jerk.

The ignoble, fear death, extremely, while we Nobles feel as unbearable that which destroys Honor or what
we Love. Making up a "heaven" waiting for the humble allowed them to stop fearing death so they could
fuck Nature, and the Higher Man.

That fear is precisely a protective system of life for what is sick, not to kill the healthy. So Judaism
sanctified envy.

Today they have spat upon Yeshua those who were "saved" by him, for they now have other ways, coming
down from Judaism, to dare to hurt superiors. The way of hubris and nihilism. The hubris that allows them
to self-estimate as invincible because they are never touched. And nihilism, which makes them welcome

their death because they believe in nothing. With these sinister Jewish methods they achieve hurting our
Noble lives, the lives of Nobles loyal to a list of virtues and who love Life.

These pathetic little sinister ones are responsible for making our lives impossible full of suffering and ruin,
shaming us because we were born, because of our appearance, our feelings, slandering us, trying to steal
from us, blocking our wealth or damaging what we already have, while they are protected by Nobles, Noble
soldiers loyal to social institutions which were instituted by Nobles without knowing what these humble

The Noble may be silent but his anger is real and patience has limits. The humble complains about
everything, he is very noisy and this in the Kingdom of Garbage is"character". The humble insults us
because it is part of the plebeian behavior: he does it without any consciousness and with lightness,
thinking he must not let the Higher Man abuse him. They think the Superior is abusive because he is
Superior and exists, causing envy. Their words are noise only and before combat they desist. Their worth is
pretense. What they do against us lightly, really offends us, but this evil one is wrapped by an ideology that
says hes cute.

Commoners revolutionized against Nobles because they were led by Nobles born without being
distinguished as Nobles, who lived plebeian lives and thought the other commoners were Nobles like them
and were oppressed. We curse the hour garbage became intellectual. This garbage views the man of
excellence and decide he is bad. And today they preach they have "arguments". They have stolen jewels
from Philosophy. "Argument" to them is what says the populace is right. They are absolutely incapable of
truth. They live in the realm of lies established by the jews teachers of lies and believe that by sitting down
and reading philosophy of noble hearts they have rights.

These masters of lies said in their doctrine of judaism, evil, what is Satanic, Satan himself, is anyone that is
Superior. Whoever is Strong, Proud in his achievements, possessor of sexual power, agile and happy: that is
"Satan" or "the Devil" to natural slaves, the poor dirty rabble. These envious think they are the truth and

think these things about the Superior. Meanwhile the Superior is a Noble, Honest and Virtuoso who does
not know that the humble he sees as tender, think this of him.

The humble never in life, will achieve the martial capacity of the man they envy. So they made up a way of
thinking to take what belonged to the Strong and fuck his life.

The humble made the Higher Woman admire humility while hating the strong, hating power and the
Superior Man. They could conspire for the Strong to be exiled from the plebeian councils that govern
society. Thus the humble in group are capable of exerting an insane discrimination. They are dogs
resenting seeing a wolf.

These times are like a Noble staying at an inn managed by a commoner and this Noble certainly has
neither the intention nor the time to think what to do against the mob, still resting because he was
summoned by the King and adventures to go to His Majesty. He is Joyful. Meanwhile dirty commoners
resent that he exists and are planning a revenge, perhaps on his food and drink, perhaps a poison because
they deeply fear his sword and would never manifest to this Noble they have something against him.

So this Noble has very different yearnings to this rabble and is surrounded by those who are like dangerous
snakes moving underwater. He longs to reach the Kingdom but they long having him chopped.

All humble, all weaklings are evil scum. Their hearts are full of all sorts of tricks against life. Since the
death of the Reich the danger they win is great and with their victory life finally being killed. That's the
unfortunate situation that in this in-action was brought. And how did this Reich die? When manipulated
Nobles defended the weak. In the form of Reich millions of Nobles came together against Judea. It was a
great opportunity. Feelings of Absolute Honor covered it. Today the pornographic extremely evil society of
poverty and ridicule says the Reich which eliminated all poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and where there
was no reduction of women to being bitches was "bad". Because we live in the historical version of those
who killed the Reich.

Today the ignoble have been reproduced and are more arrogant than ever. They are fanatical. They are on
the edge. The Natural Response to stop them is crushed by a Respect for Them. They say cruel things in
public to give us death. But there is absolutely no ideology or propaganda against these humble. Only
Zarathustrianism is for the Superior One. To protect the Strong and conquer the weak. Being our Superior
Man is never right in their world! If the crowd of ugly plebs overwhelms him, knocks him down and kicks
him he will not see a response from anyone to stop them. In this world he is a "Superior shit". He will see
more and more allies of this rabble coming from below the rocks and behind corners to join the
humiliation against him.

This Noble is alone without the Nobles. It is therefore important for the enemy of Nobility to promote
racial degradation so that only beings who feel no Nobility exist.

So we are Convalescent. If we do not close the curtains from the window occasionally as we ponder these
sorrows to the light of a candle we will find a plebeian peering and enjoying of our pain. Zarathustrianism
is like these abandoned Nobles opening a mysterious parchment that tells the Truth. So growing immune
to them. So the one stalking us to see our pain is captured by Nobles this dwarf could not see coming. To
the Extent the aggression of plebeians increases against everything that is not the mob they are revealing
the wickedness of their true face. Their excess in boldness will be their end. The name of this ending is The
Monumental Innocence. How much tremor is future.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Divine Woman

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Zarathustrian woman says "I belong to you, Vindex, Because You Are the One that Loves Me Most.
You GAVE ME LIFE". The Noble During Judea was forced to say: "The more I wanted her the more I lost
her". Zarathustrianism understands that women are Divine Beings.

The concupiscence of these times that keep well fed and entertained is weakening. What the plebeian gives
to himself without effort is called concupiscence. It causes involution. For the abundant supply must exist
to feed the body that fights. Entertainment should be no other than a Nobility Propaganda. All pleasure
must be a reward to effort.

When man ceases to care for himself and leaves his security to the state as if it was his daddy he
degenerates. The model of the New World Order is that the state is the husband of the new feminist
women and men are stupid brats. The butch lesbian feminist not possessing physical strength takes her
revenge to the use of machines. This great bitch speaks thus: "I only need one finger to shoot a gun". And
so she erases the strength of the male body. Feminism is something created by the enemies of women. This
great fucking feminist Whore comes from the revenge of the low and has decided that her target she envies,
wants to harm her and it is permissible to run him over with a truck. Being a mother uses it to pick up her
children from school but feminists use it to compensate their weakness.

In the world where the Jews got the idea the bottom is not of inferior worth but the victim of an injustice it
has been caused that natural inferiors increase in artificial social status. So the will of the plebeian ambition,

the feminist, has taken modern tools to give satisfaction to this revenge. So all power in the hands of the
holder who does not have the proper natural rank leads this inferior to the satisfaction of deeply unfair and
harmful unruly feelings related to his low rank. The feminist compensates her ambitions to compete
against men. These feelings of revenge are sordid. The community must never listen to them. For the True
Nature of Human Relationships is Hierarchical. And the Dominion of Man is the Protection of Women!

All feminism was initialized by ugly female jews.

When respectability is given to what is sordid a temple is created for children to visit, and to be converted
to the worship of the fetish, that exiled and forbidden from lands of outcasts.

One of the tools of modernity to give expression to the plebeian revenge is the police force. In it from time
to time engage subjects with the intention to obtain the power to abuse. Also recently natural lesbians who
yearn to crush what is patriarchal around the Authority of the Father and of the Male Figure because the
envious believes that which they envy is the source of their discomfort. Today all dross has found an
expression for itself. It is no longer time to seek welfare for the majority. This majority has demonstrated
its infinite evil. Now the Powerful is suspected because plebeians have attained power. So there is a social
mechanism that consists in limiting the Superior. But when the collective populace gets used to its ability
to shoot down the arrogant this collective becomes the most tyrannical abuser. This group of regulators
against abusers becomes the worst abuser.

The origin of feminism is the lack of protection from males to females. Being man lost his martial capacity
due to judaism. Being that a man should not prefer himself before any enemy threat. Being that if a Noble
man is with women and a threat of any kind was to fall upon them being this battle, this man should not
safeguard himself despite what could happen to women, but for they to be attacked he must be dead first.
He fought to the death.

The Zarathustrian Woman lives fearing nothing and knows She Is Protected and Longed For by a Whole
World. So not available in the mind of any scoundrel to disgrace women in impunity.

Without male protection women have to survive, one way is feminism. If men are effeminate women have
to become a butch. Because Natura requires the male-protective force. In a society where men become
queer, women become men. Deeply regrettable is that women become masculine. Far Below the Feminine
Female is the masculine female. The Most Feminine Woman is the Best.

The woman cannot imitate the masculine and nothing else can imitate that she is a woman. She is unique
in nature. The inimitable Honor of a Woman is Being a Woman. This force would imitate the homosexual,
who is in a limbo between man and woman and therefore realizes that a woman is Glorious. Nothing in
nature can be what the woman is. Only She is this Force.

The real and natural society that is heading to the Super Human makes of women, women, and develops
men as martial. In times of maximum splendor for Humanity Where Warriors of Titanic Forces existed,
the man was ultra-masculine and the woman was ultra-feminine. This is nature at its finest. Women Must
Be Proud to be the Mother of Men. The Superior Man loves this woman. Without the Mother the
Mightiest cannot exist. The rotten feminism emboldens women against men. It is the intention of the jews
to break life and take love away. The conquest of tribal beings, outcasts, on Superior Women. This is the
lesbian feminist mind. The feeling of a degenerate who hates women and she was never really a woman.

The inclusion of the degenerate in society lets them promote their will to power and kill natural life. Since
the victory of an inferior one is not a new world but something closer and closer to death. He will establish
war against life itself. The tomboy lesbian model that is created in the woman when installed the feminist
ideology is the Annihilation of Women. What is left is certainly far from being a woman, it is just similar
and brutal. A sad copy. A crude jewish attempt. Oh, the Honor of Women is Being Women! The woman
who is not feminine is unsuccessful, degenerate separated from Nature.

Feminism teaches woman that man wants to hurt her, that she is less and must defend herself with
aggression. Since for a real man a woman is his daughter and gives his life for her. In an Absolute Love
that gives every drop of blood. A man pursuing a woman to hurt her is to be obliterated by Society. So the
feminist is an ultra-clever one carrier of quite a silver tongue, expert at hurting and crushing using words.
The man who loves her suffers greatly but jerks do not care. The victim is always the Noble. Maybe she
unconsciously seeks rescue from Nobles? This the Nobles can see and that Rescue carries the Z on the
shield taken to battle. The feminist uses Judaism thinking being a woman she is allowed to do damage.
Feminism is Judaism. It is a pornographic ideology. The woman feels free because instead of committing
her life to her man she works for a bourgeois. The feelings of garbage are advancing. Failing in group gives
no justice to such a failure.

In a society palaces were created for cockroaches for thousands of years the one coming to exterminate
those insects is seen as insane, dangerous, and cruel. Zarathustrians are the Return of Nature.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Our Great Longing: The Triumph of Love

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Zarathustrian is to be more violent than all others to establish the Empire. Their End is Our
Beginning. Appetite for Great Success. If the Noble is unwilling to defend his ideals these ideals are the will
of a slave fantasizing. Further description of the Magian, and the Satanic:

The Magian - The Jew, the Jewish, the envious, death, anti-Europe, the ignoble, the plebeian, the antiAryan, monetary themes, materialism, cunning, what is anti-white, anti-love, anti-purity, pornographic, and

The Satanic That related to Honor, the old, the traditional, the Empire, Glory, Immortality, the Superior,
the Noble, the Aryan, Love, Life, Existentialism, Vitality, Affirmation, Brightness, and what is Romantic.

Our Violence is Virtue if at the Service of Heaven. If the Saints do not win this dimension will be Jewish
forever. The evil, death will have triumphed. Our Empire is the HOLY SPIRIT. The Autocrat is the
Protector of Life. We inspire ourselves in His Name. He imposes the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit.

But... the Jew is the designer of pain. With Us is a Sense of Justice at all times of agony, like Prevailing
Hope. Freeing us from every chain. The Saints are confident that for them there is a seat in the morning.

The Super Humanistic Sentiment lifts us from pain and death. We saw Nobles into the abyss, we saw how
JEHOVAH pulled them. Before the Kingdom. The One Now Coming as Expected. The End of Judea.
Introduction to Real Life. Our Satanic Holiness, True Life.

The character of the plebeians look for a release, they are in constant rebellion against everything, against
all natural values. They must discover what imprisons them are their own feelings. What they call
"liberation" is something that will destroy all life. They are imprisoned they are imprisoned by
themselves. The plebeian evil against our Imperivm cannot take place. Only where the Noble is not a large
collective the commoner can try to lecture us and harm our lives. In the Imperivm, Society Founded by
Those of Noble Race and Martial Capacity, commoner daring feelings do not exist. Because Where There
Is Great Fear, anger of garbage never gets up again.

Wherere fed up of pain and do not want it to leave us alone. We want its exile from the World Forever.
This the greatest enterprise of all time. The human being has been scammed by so much pain. He has to
become what he hates to stop suffering. Pain is the enemy that must be Defeated. The evil lies do not
expire when the Noble Heart becomes evil. Certainly the ignoble ignores what pain is. If he speaks of pain
he is speaking of discomfort.

Oh, we are the Hope of the World spotless! This is our dangerous and difficult mission. Bringing the
Kingdom of Heaven. For Us the Sun of Righteousness Vindex has come to enlighten those who lived in
Darkness. Inspired His Fire by the Tears of Saints. In Our Hands Spears are Taken to direct them against
the necks of the enemies. And they lie bleeding before the Gates of the Kingdom having failed reaching it.
They will never reach the Kingdom! Our Freedom never was a whore and it will not be given to us without
fighting for her. We release the man made small by the sadness of what the Jew took away. We issue Death
on the Beast of Infinite Heads. We Represent the Super Human. We are the Great Liberators. On the Head
of Autocrator We Place the Crown of Life.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Powerful Royal Justice

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Any law which does not emanate from the Autocrat leads itself to failure. The "Court" is not an institution
for the populace to beat Warriors. The Court is the institution lead by the King to impart justice over the

The bastard male or female element that rots the whole Community, that spreads rumors and survives
through pity damaging secretly is to be beheaded by the Community. And he should be told when he
thinks we are the same wickedness he is: "The Superior now bring Penalty over you BECAUSE YOU ARE
AGAINST HEAVEN. This is no wicked abuse. Because YOU are lower and you abuse others you think
now you are being abused. Being to the lower Goodness does not exist: there is only advantage. If a dwarf
uses hidden methods to hurt his Superior Society must deal with him and apply appropriate penalty. This
is cleansing against damages. This is law for every community governed by martial values. Not for the
sadistic recreation of the act should the punishment be severe being those obtaining sadistic recreation
from it are criminals like the one being punished. This is not saying coldness is fine. Zarathustrianism has
no place for the mentally ill. The punishment should be severe for Shame not to Rot the whole
Community. This punishment is an example. When attacks are not penalized Honor dies. The execution
must be quick and painless. When you delete an enemy in combat under no circumstances must exist
ridicule towards his fall as we are not Jews. To us the Aryan mockery will never belong. Justice must be
determined, not inhuman, not scoffing. The killing must be the final solution as a compassionate approach
towards those whose suffering is so great that they cannot get rid of pain. Because we understand that pain
is the origin of crime. Covering this those above the rabble but psychologically affected by pain. And
understanding that what is not aristocratic at least of the degree of Gallant or natural servants to serve the

aristocracy is originally evil. The ignoble celebrates the idea the King dies. This is as naked ape. This
offender. This despicable vulgar.

To ensure that no one will judge from the comfortability of power and that There Is Honor the Judge must
be willing to Duel against the one being accused by his Court, being the Direct Subjects of such a Judge
elected by the Judge in a maximum number of 9, one on one bearing the grief if the offender requests such
a Duel. After this the Hierarch is obliged to hold such a Duel. With the obligation to have the duel against
one who can Beat His Direct Subjects. Taking place the first match in a maximum of 30 days after the
challenge. Being the 10 defenders and the challenger shall meet so that everything is resolved in one day.

And here is the Justification of Dueling: The one truly emboldened by his Longing for Justice will crush in
Total Combat those he denounces unconditionally, it will always be so. Or otherwise the Noble will
demonstrate that those he defeats who denounced him, were very malicious and vile rabble. Because to the
Noble nothing hurts more than injustice. And the pain of Fighting for His Honor is something that
redeems him. That's why duel is the absolute guarantee of justice. The Duel is the most honorable and
Open Combat. Above all forms of Justice. Hand to hand or using sharp weapons made for war unable to
use any vulgar tool. There should be no armor for the realization of the Duel. The Trial by Combat is the
Maximum Solution in all matters of Honor. The Superior Demonstrates Superior By FIGHTING. And
anyone can represent someone else. To ensure that there is not a benefit from the advantage of being
strong today over those who temporarily do not have so much power. The Hierarch holds the right to
refuse a request for a Duel made by he, who in the eyes of the Hierarch has no honor whatsoever. Being
there are criminals who think they can easily escape through dying. Being here permissible the Subjects of
the Hierarch to act as a group on this one devoid of Honor. No Respect for the duel in a fatalistic
disposition must arise where death is distributed everywhere. This is not the meaning of Honor. The same
Noble we are talking about is abundantly Able to overcome the insult, if available: clarification, correction,
apology: repentance: Change of Heart. The Saint is not Able to go against the Saint.

There is Authentic Kindness which emanates from the Bodies of Superior Men and Superior Women, but
the false goodness as described in the ideology of Judaism is not about worshipping the glorious but the

humble, a thing made up by those who could not conquer: it is a work of Mud, Driven by envy. It is a
grotesque, unjust and Demented feeling.

Against a Honorable One it is not Justice, two or more go against in combat. Actions of envy are
characterized by going in mass against the individual. We should not imitate this!

Externally, Operating in the land that is not Zarathustrian the Noble is allowed with other Nobles, to form
a group or groups against the infinite enemies who do not abide by Honor.

The justice system should not allow the cunning of those who make fun of Honor. Subhumans still enjoy
the manipulation of sensitivity. They think that pretending to be small they can blackmail the judge
making him pity them. Thinking that the Noble is Jewish because commoners got used to the protection of
Nobles. That is, to the crafty there is only one Christian spirit allowing them an eternal victory. But they
must know what is of Zarathustrian Satanism Defender of Heaven and Destroyer of Evil. Those who scoff
at our Codes of Honor see the Temple of Nobility Opened and throw their trash inside.

The desire of nobles for combat comes from their sensitivity. They are sensitive to implement justice and
sensitive to forgive. The opposite end of the fatalism that dispenses easily death is the alleged "civility" of
the Kingdom of the Commons. There where the only physical force is applied by the security forces of the
ignoble which are impersonal. That is, all of it antonym to Honor. The Kingdom allows the Zarathustrian
to act but shall be responsible to his Superiors, if he is found Guilty. The guilty before Zarathustrianism if
he shall not ask for the Duel mentioned shall be subject to the actions the servants of the Superior Man
apply on him. All fanatically serving the Hierarch of One and being the first loyalty to the Superior of the
Superior not respecting more the direct Hierarch of one, than the Superiors of the Hierarch of One. The
Zarathustrian Kingdom is the home of the Superior Man.

Each Member of the Nobility must safeguard respect for the Zarathustrian King as Sacred. Not
understanding Him as a rank but as Source of Truth. Being Maiestatis (HM), at the same Time Protector

of the Authorities of the Zarathustrian Hierarchs. He is the Hierarch of the Hierarchs and Origin of the
World. From Him Descends that the Merit of Everyone is Protected. And there should be persecution
against those who do not think so. Understanding, Accepting and Defending all Zarathustrians that any
offense against the Crown is not to go unpunished. Standing Against the Crown is Standing Against

Believing the King clothes those who insult rank precisely because this King is the Highest of Nobility is
Jewish ideology. It is Judaism: the idea the malicious ignoble damaging is what matters most. The lower
does not have the strength to be loyal but has the strength to betray.

Being ours culture of effort, we respect anyone who has struggled more not the one who wants to kill the
one who fought more because he feels envious. The Self in Championing Heart must promptly unsheathe
the Sword for the Dignity of the King. Worshipping the King is the Highest Will to Power which makes of
Our Nation the Homo Sol Nation. Because we Worship Superiority we are the NATION OF
SUPERIORITY. Shame is to allow the Superior to exercise his own strength to defend himself because the
subjects are inept. Over-understood is that the Superior is Superior. The Tribute consists of the Noble
Representing His Lord in everything that can be in his hands. Since the Subject is The Lord: Extension of
The Lord. The Minion is the presence of the Hierarch.

Also distanced from Honor modern warfare based on cunning, deception, abuse and advantage. We despise
it. Being that he who is treacherous has such a small mind he does not conceive others can betray him. His
temporary cunning elevates him for a while but he will be brought down by Honor. The injustice of
allowing betrayal means life is assaulted: society becomes garbage. What is anti-social is developed, what is
sick, what brings death.

Having understood the Honor of Duel we can praise the War of Champions, as the Supreme. She is the
one which involves the Mortal Combat between the best of the best in two worlds facing each other. So
things are not done because it is easy to do them: this is the commoner heart. Things are upheld by blood.

The Noble is not stupid. If there are those who break these codes Nobles can widely use their natural forces
to defeat the dishonorable using every weapon.

In all circumstances the Superior Man is Right. The Superior Man who lives Endowed with extraordinary
qualities of humanity and sensitivity. Being "humanity" not the same as what the plebeian means: baseness.
Being "humanity" a concern for others. Taking the best aspects of humanity. Apart, not combined with
evil. And being "Sensitivity" not being "fragile". But simply a capacity to Feel away from all pettiness and
indifference. Sensitivity is a fire that increases in size but fragileness is a glass broken by a single finger.
Whoever owns this fire: the knower, the most conscious one.

Sensitivity is recovered and cleansed from the dust of slanderers. For the Road to become Super Human
requires such a sensitivity. The Super Human is fatally moved by what those who dont matter are
indifferent to. Visions of abuse chase him for life. These details are key. As the difference between the nonimportant and the Supreme are stated in detail. Today we establish the Zarathustrian Kingdom To End the
abuses arising from the weak. The Noble Heart is Here: self-sacrifice for Saving those suffering Injustice.
The plebeian heart is the feeling that if you do not get injustice one is crafty, and the one suffering injustice
receives no compassion just teasing. It is not the work of the Super Human to resign. This cowardice does
not belong to his natural rank. If something is wrong in the world it has to change. And if the world is
wrong the whole world has to change. The Super Human cannot live otherwise.

The subject who is the victim of a society that oppresses him becomes imminently a "criminal". He must
fight for his natural rights. This desperate struggle to live is "dementia" and "stupidity" in the world of
Judea. The state is Jewish and wants the monopoly of violence, to be the only one entitled to exercise it, but
there are astute ones doing damage and they are not hurt by the law. Extremely stupid is that the law is
fixed on paper separated perpetually from a Physical Person. What does not live or think decides the life of
what is alive. The Honorable never work under water and are victims of the chains of the Jewish state
where the aggressions of commoners are legal. They plan the unhappiness of the Noble. They destroy what
he has, they destroy his emotions and keep him sunk intentionally. He can be violated by the crafty but he
cannot exercise the right of self defense. Because by the time he turns dark and moves through the shadows
he ceases to be what he is, losing Nobility and this he cannot stand. The Zarathustrian prison is daunting

for anyone seeking to venture to commit a crime. And it's Reconstructive of the prisoner. Since the
prisoner receives the ideology of the Kingdom as it is for anyone who is not a prisoner. So not isolated. Its
name: "Zarathustrian Retire. A life of peace and reflection.

There is no meanness on the life of the prisoner by other prisoners or custodial staff as this is punished.
Being we block the mentality of abuse. He serving his sentence recovers His Honor. The social stigma
because he was a prisoner does not exist. The prison of the government of the humble to be destroyed.
Since it destroys the prisoner. Not content with how they sabotage the person in their demented society
and thus they are the planners for that person to go to jail since being born that person will also be
damaged in prison. The humble state has dared to imprison for decades those who took food to feed their
families abandoned in poverty. It has practiced, sadistic insane destruction we hate, to penalize those who
were victimized by this very state. This course of action so harmful, dirty, low and vile: so irresponsible,
erased by Our Will. So is the law that does not descend from the Best. The one descending from the
ignoble. Terrible is the place where absent is the Authority of the King.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Conversation of Their Majesties the Kings

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Dressed in the Purple of Royalty came the Kings of the North and South walking with Grace. Walking on
a beautiful marble road established on earth. Product of Noble Labor. They of martiality Feared by
commoners. The North King said: "In truth compassion for this so bad people". The South King replied:
"It is a death cult, my brother. Judaism introduced the idea they are tolerable. Before they were simply
crushed. I come to the conclusion the Jewish destroys healthy life. The one belonging to us is the Aristocrat
eliminating that infected. The Jew made all those who were evil join the community. Pretending and lying
about wild dwarves having human capabilities.

The King of the North stroked his beard and said: "Mental Midgets! Mmm then damn time! We left
those Jews wrap our hearts. Those cursed reptiles. Damn the time they opened the doors to Europe. Damn
the time we fell in love with the Nazarene. You do not know how much I cried for him. But Jesus is a
thing that goes from world to world destroying it! He was never an Aryan! Damn Time when Goodness
was established as the most evil: the evil mob! That damn hippie taught that the Holy should be allowed to
be destroyed by evil. It's a brilliant move for evil to win! He gave the world to the Jews. So they bring the
world to Death, their true god.

The South King replied: "Gloomy Violins sound when they adore he who is deformed by birth or even
those of deformed souls. And they do it to hurt life. They do it to insult Autocrator. Everyone moved
before these altars of death and failure and wait they will give their lives for them. They hate us so

Here a commoner ran like disastrous dunce, dressed in ugly rags, stumbling upon the Kings Personal
Bodyguard screaming like an animal: "Top of shit!". Following his cry, the commoner had already fallen on
his ass. He rose quickly and had already launched again with open mouth and drool hanging. This time the
face of the commoner was received by the Knee of the Guard. This is How We Nobles Must Be.

The North King said, "what a nightmare". The South King replied: "they experience their wickedness as
goodness, brother. They are too selfish and insensitive. They are weak and their baseness is evil. They
sometimes call it "nobility". They say: "He is so noble". But they hate Nobles, they hate us". The plebeian
bleeding and whimpering said: "My dog is nobler than you!". Does His Majesty deserves this treatment?
Their Majesties continued their journey and the King of the North said, "When did this happen?. The
South King said: "Its human evil. About 3 weeks ago I think I had in my Throne Room to judge a rapist
that you're not going to believe it (he placed his hand on the shoulder of the King of the North since they
were Equal), but he was engaged in daily and public life in activism against rapists. Criminals steal Noble
sentiments. With them they are disguised. The King of the North only said: "This is Truth". And the King
of the South said: "The merchants, these we see around us, have an origin as my father told me when he
was alive. They began to accumulate gold outside our castles while women of the feud began having affairs
with plebeians outside. Because the Sentiment of Nobility was weakened by a Christian propaganda
increasingly interpreted to the service of the plebs. The bottom became "cute". The community of the time
did not know did not imagine the consequences of this. A Noble cannot be bought with little money but
an ignoble can. While we lived in our feuds outside they multiplied. And they created their society
independent from Nobility. Governed by the plebeians who gathered more gold. However commoners
alone cannot achieve bringing down Nobility. They needed bastards: ignoble mixed with Nobles: the
children of the adventures mentioned that no one scolded.

When the Duke of Alba led to the King's Court the concern of this, when the problem began an Infanta
said: "The law is not for a Princess". So did she to defend who was her Mistress, the Princess of Sajrm. In
Loyalty to the Higher Man.

Do you know, brother, where did this Princess get her ideas from to mix with them? When she was 13
years old she learned the natural sciences for one year, in one of the African territories of the Kingdom.

She met slaves without the supervision of Nobles, without the protection of Nobles and her natural love
made her esteem; indiscipline allowed her to develop an appreciation for this class.

At this time the Kings had reached the Palace of the Southern Kingdom where a butler opened the door
and when the Kings were entering he sat on the floor and bowed deeply until his forehead touched the
floor and said: "My Lords".

Having passed to a living room in the middle of which was a pond of clear water where the 33 most exotic
fishes across the country were swimming around and they sat down. They continued their conversation
before the eyes, smiles and uniforms of their ancestors who watched them from magnificent murals on
every wall of the room.

So the South King continued: "The bastard has the strength of us and the intentions of THEM. The
bastard champion of the mob along with plebeians who reproduced without control and the change of
Nobility for money sent everything to ruin.

The North King said: "Certainly! Right now democratic political parties are planning our ultimate
destruction. If my daughter Lucia goes around the city without bodyguards commoners approach her with
the intention of producing a bastard, carrying the power of my blood.

I've noticed people of the countryside, are not like those surrounded by the merchants. Perhaps working
life surrounded by nature has allowed them to develop a different worldview. You do not know the kind of
nobility that I found in the field. I Found Gods!

The cosmopolitan city dweller is a mascot of the games of these Jews. It is the concupiscent comfortable
commoner produced by the Jewish government. It was so different when our cities were Lighthouses of
Noble Culture. I swear brother sometimes it feels like a spear in my Heart". The South King said: "This

Will End Soon, brother! Doa Lucia told me on one occasion she slapped a commoner being alone, the
police of these plebeians tried to go too far. I am glad that your daughter does not tolerate them. When
they learned who she was part of our Zarathustrian family they gave up. I do not know if it's in bad taste
to mention it but it affected them to find that fella shattered on that occasion". The North King replied
laughing and suddenly in seriousness: "That plebeian insulted Autocrator! We had to do what happened".

The South King replied: Call it the Kingdom of Commons!. The temporal Kingdom of Commons.
Where everything is mixed with everything. For white not to exist and everything is something gray
between black and white. We do not know who to trust. Those who should be in prison are outdoors. The
walls of the manor were demolished. The good ones are mixed with the villains. Higher girls go to school
with the daughters of the ignoble. The Noble is surrounded by this damn trash. Putting his hopes in
friends and in women who happen to be vile and hate him. Our Women also face cretin men just like we
saw. The Noble of course does not know why, cannot understand it because he should not live among
them but with us in a Noble World, the world belonging to his race.

The North King sat on the edge of seat most committed, determined and said: "This Kingdom do we
have to recover. Autocrator is doing everything possible. Our enemies are letting their baseness be. The
common citizen is introduced to read about all the things they have done to us, "revolutions" against the
Nobility and learns that is fair. They read about the Feats of our Ancient Nobles and Our Empires and the
fear towards our strength makes them start a mockery: and that is nervous laughter.

If the one mocking our name is reinforced by the ridicule of others, he learns disrespect is allowed. Making
the same mistake failing to perceive Natural Reality and the Importance of Nobility.

In the Kingdom of the Mob, the ignoble world the man of justice is overcome, by the taunts of those who
have no virtue. When his merits are never rewarded he learns cunning and mockery are tools to defend his
life and expand it. Thus they convert Nobles. Through the trials I have presided I understood that when
the evil one is on the spot it is normal that he attributes in a vile way to his victim, or to the one judging

him, dishonor of some form to attenuate, the painful contrast between his radical evil and fact others were
never evil".

The South King replied: "That is what has been produced by their government"! They call it "Freedom".
Yes, what nerve, freedom to do harm, to ruin. Their world is horrible. Full of crime and evil".

The North King said: "They always suffered the existence of morality. Nobility was heavy upon them. They
do not see our ranks are not merely an idea. They believe proclaiming themselves kings things have
changed, they name themselves president or C.E.O.. The lowest called himself "top" and thinks the top
is the lowest.

The South King said: "To the values of inferiors the High One is foreign and undesirable. And what is
holding their new reality? Hubris. They dont need to understand reality, they dont need to know
anything, they just need to believe they are what they are not". This was the Conversation of Their
Majesties. And commoners every day saw them with much fear and wanting to fuck their lives.

Zarathustrianism is the new Kingdom of these Nobles: Heaven they can aspire to. It is Their Protection
and Salvation. Permitted only for Saints. Home. And these Kings seek the King of Kings Autocrator. The
Autocrat. The desire of Nobles who live in suffering today extorted by the group of losers watched by
ignoble deceitful eyes: the One Superior, Superior even to them, Above All. Autocrator is Revelation. And
with Him Comes the Power of Liberty.

Before him, the Noble learned to swallow suffering. Autocrator manifests the plebeian injustice and ends it.
The Superior is the Highest Goodness. The Superior of Superiors is Autocrator. We say it in trust. We say
it Breathing Light with Eyes in Love of the Satanic Flame. He is the Lord of the Earth. Ridden from all
shadows will the Earth be by Him. Certainly not for the benefit of His Government Maiestatis Must Rule.
This pursuit of interests is plebeian. He must rule because He is The Best. The Best Must Dominate. We
love the Force. And This Best Gives everyone exactly what they deserve. Rome called God Domine. The

Noble wants the Best to Dominate. Wherever something else is taught there what is the best does not exist,
there Holiness does not exist.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Towards Clarity

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The lowest is coming out of hiding to take over life: Horror. The Assault of the mediocre against Him
Peculiarly Strong reducing this Strong one to exiled and isolated freak is not something that "just
happens". It is not something that is "natural" or that should be accepted on any level. The mediocre
thinks the Superiors discriminated because theyre powerful already know their place as pariahs in existence
and that they have assimilated it. But in fact these forms of mediocre life should never exist. They could
reproduce and take the world only because the Christ (Christianity), brought a compassion for these
humble that allowed them to take over the world. The game of the weak is perfect for life to be fucked.
Their tactic is impeccable. Where they do not recognize we are good but it is taught we think we are a big
deal, and our morality is being a fucking jerk. During the government of Judea commoners have hubris
and Nobles have self-humiliation: equality. Warriors will stop helping the wicked recognizing our
goodness. Below the bridge to the Superman, towards what the one who cannot stand our struggle will fall
to: the populace.

Being the New World Order, the New World Evil, a place of entirely evil energy, those dying in it, those
who never knew the Holy Spirit will go straight to hell. There is a type of Inferior, insignificant, worthless,
male or female who insults in ways that deserve instant death, but in the artificial Kingdom of the Plebs
against Nature, if the Superior kills him he himself might be killed or he may be insulted a thousand times
more through an "arrest". Since the arrest was set against the outcasts who today are protected: the outcasts
who seek to harm the Empire or the Lord. Pity is a mechanism by which the inferior dominates. The
bottom does not cause admiration but causes shame and this is how he manages to defeat the admirable.
This type of Inferior when Unpunished, thinks he is right and that the Superior he insults is a "coward".

European Empires established in the past on lands outside Europe was a way to establish the Aryan Vision
of the World on lands of sadism. The Noble who serves Judea victimizes the Good by his intention to do
good. The danger lies not in acting but in inaction. The time near the Monumental Innocence will be
plagued by high opposition to our ideals. This opposition indicates the closeness of Our Victoria. It is an
evil state, collective, sustained envy on the Higher minority, of the Benevolent and Honorable.

Compassion for the inferior is cruelty against those who are not inferior. Commoners should not be
understood as something whose existence is normal but as the descendants of specific tribes cursed, who
mixed with the descendants of noble tribes being that Rome itself was born as a small tribe. Vindex is the
Holiness that Cuts Evil. The Autocrat Brings the Truth. The Triumph of Good requires radical contempt
for evil. The eye that does not admire good is evil to Autocrator. The increase of wickedness comes from
the vengeance of an inferior species. A Vengeance consisting of envy that the bottom has felt from the first
moment he met a Superior to his life. This time is like the very last Barrier behind it, the End of Evil. Their
malignant democracy emboldens the wicked servants to kill the Master. Being thus the Illuminati
esotericism Revealed:

Where the father is conservative and the son is rebellious taught in immorality. When the father is old no
longer has the strength to defend his morality. The child is now an adult and begins to impose the
immorality he was taught. The owner no longer exists but there is a "president". We have to impose the
World of Love. The opposition to these ideals coming to Free Humanity will fail. It is an attempt by those
who no longer have ideals left. Zarathustra says "they are already fallen.

To the noble evil is foreign to his biological condition, he does not conceive it and always believes that
there is not such a thing as evil that the commoner will change, and that the endless aggressions by the
inferior are unintentional.

They ridicule things because that's how they become theirs, of their level and their world. The ignoble are
disgusted and whine asking, "why are you Noble?". They would have to know what is Superior to their

trashcan world to contrast, to see what the humble are. Enough propaganda is capable to exile as outcast,
inferior and detestable what is moral, kind, strong, beautiful, heroic and holy.

The populace is not against pornography because pornography is the possession by the mob of women.
Where the woman has sexual simulations according to the heart of the Jewish reptile with several men
programming in viewers: equality. The noble values dictate the fight for women, immense struggle to
achieve it, to win their trust and kiss their hands. But plebeian values dictate having it for nothing. What
comes from the Truth and what comes from envy.

The commoner experiences kindness as an idea of "silly fucks", the Nobility he always felt like an
imposition. Recent evil is the plebeian free in the expression of what he is. All those who betrayed Justice
betrayed themselves and will cease to exist when Zarathustrianism has triumphed. When this
Zarathustrianism arises we must become suspicious of everything that is not Zarathustrian. To transcend,
Crossing the Bridge to the Superman we must Sacrifice the worst of ourselves before the Altar of Our
Highest Virtues. Vindex is being free from the Jews.

The bourgeois who enjoy oppressing will oppose. Those who are too cowardly and must keep everything
for themselves. Opposition from the ignoble who do not want to pay for their crimes and want to kill what
is Superior.

The realization of Truth, realizing it is very hard to those who had lives of crime. All unconscious damage
done is unmasked and exposed before them. Since everybody seemed to be doing the same damage in the
slag society, in a huge Party of Impurity, those part of it appreciated themselves to be fair. They already
lived their feast of injustice, they had their show which we are about to close. These are the Spheres of
Justice. These are the levels of severity with which to measure if someone is just confused or if he is entirely

- Spotless. Not guilty of anything. Zarathustrianism follower.

- Noble protective of slag. Clothing those who envy the Superior Man.
- Noble directly attacking Nobles. Who is not aggressive when protecting slag but even if the Nobles
attacked do not mess with this scum.
- Noble self-abased. Holding the attitudes proper of the garbage class to which he belongs not. Who is no
longer a Noble in service of the Ignoble but seeks the degradation of his own forces. No longer wants to be
- Noble conspiring against Nobles wishing to Save him from his criminal mistakes. He already loves the
black flame of Judea. And cuts against the hand of his brothers who seek to save him. Noble aiming at
becoming entirely inferior and intentionally destroying Superiors.

It is possible for them a pardon but not impunity. Justice must be coming down from what the Super
Human Determines rather than the opinion of ignorant populace. We must understand that our hearts
may be entirely Kind towards Our Own only. Once on the Day of Sadness all things have been cleaned we
can move to the New World. A new world of unimaginable splendor. Well-Being Without Equal.
According to the original and natural life. A Sacred World Only for Saints. New fresh air ahead. And those
who are accustomed to mud cannot come. Those who understand hurting is social interaction cannot
continue to the Future. They Will Be Stopped By Us. They Cannot Approach the Heart of God. There are
certainly not welcome!

Wrapped is the Innocent by a Grand and New Love. Patrolled is the Holy by New Forces. The Perfect
World is the one Approaching. The World Prepared for Him. After the Long Journey. After the long
suffering. This is the Secret Hour. So solemn that nothing dares interrupting it. And this can only be the
action of a God, but not only from God but the God of Gods. Autocrator Has Come! What we need to be
Happy Autocrator Brings It.

A world where the pretention of being strong is not there so they dont dare attack what is loved. A world
where the threat no longer exists. A world where we are Free. Forever. Under the Light of Zarathustra. The
Power that Hates and Defeats our enemies.

And when that Day Comes Autocrator in the Sky will say: "I free you from the evil forever. And Truth
Will Be Happiness. Magnificence!

Once there were those who despised Autocrator and believed themselves smart. But then would they
understand they despised themselves. Rejecting the Love of the King is wickedness.

The task of Establishing the Kingdom Demands from us to be Brave. The Requirements are Colossal. Their
intention is to impose a reality of evil forever. Like betraying dogs are those who bow to their plan! The
Invincible Ideal of Goodness has never been asleep! There have always been Saints suffering this world!
The Will of the King Has Come to Set Them Free.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The End of Snake Lord

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
When the ashes rise around us and our faces are emaciated we hold the Sword in our Hand, to Bring the
End. We loved the Deceit that was always Contrary to what we thought. And we cried out to a God who
was just part of what the enemy placed in our minds to hurt us!

The Heroic Ending to the Jehovah Snake that tried to devour life. Sad but we are also prepared for
Freedom. Ready for our Prison to Break. The place where the Snake Hides fears Autocrator. That world of
red rivers of blood and jagged rocks everywhere that threaten to trap anyone, that world recognizes
Domine. And Autocrator This DAY descends to hunt down the blind snake of Judea. Accompanied by
Those who Love Life! The Zarathustrians! Of all Jewish sorcery we liberate man and Earth! Even the most
ruined by the blind snake brought to life again! A different destiny for Judea. For the life that Judea
produces is dedicated to the killing of all other life. And let this Sun Zarathustra nourish my veins of
Satanic power so that my very blood becomes hot like lava and my arm can be driven to wield the sword to
the End. Wielding this sword against all enemies of humanity. So I Can Be Redeemed by the Sword. The
failure in this Fight for me is the pain that surpasses all death. And with the death of the Snake dies its egg:
that preacher, advocate and champion and defender of the little people, the common people, the rabble, the
bad people. The one who gave them the kindest child to be annihilated by them. The God of Protection to
Evil. He who in hubris called himself "The Truth". Hypnotizing the Honest who easily believed what
anyone walking by would tell them. Those of Noble Heart who cannot imagine the complexity of the tricks
of the Jewish class. Those Natural attacked by the corrupted. For a long time the Nazarene inflated the
insignificant. For a long time he emboldened them against their Superiors. He called "divine" their will to
destroy life. And Autocrator tells those who make the Zarathustrian Hierarchy: Beware of Compassion. As
she is a Jewish trick! The Only Compassion should be dedicated to their Superior Class. When the snake

dies we are free to destroy the mob. And We Are Free ALSO TO BE FAITHFUL to the Superior, the Good
One, the SUPERMAN. Noble Hearts found the Truth. The Truth that Autocrator is Lux. Autocrator is The
Light. And the Truth that all fear the jews introduced in them was always a lie. Slander and games against
the senses! To handcuff, enchain, imprison the soul! We Break Judaism! Breaking the evil that established
the world completely opposite to the Truth! Man has been exceeded! Surpassed By Himself! As Super
Human He Lives!

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

A Penalty

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
We have to destroy what comes to prohibit Vitality. The End of the Christianity of slaves. For Imperator
teaches thus: "a slave is an animal and should not know freedom".

There is a famous prayer in Christianity called "Our Father". The original in Aramaic Yeshua used was not
about God or the Father but about generally living in peace: a humble hippie prayer: "Father-Mother,
Breath of Life Source of sound, action without words, Creator of the Cosmos! Shine your light within us,
between us and outside us, so we can make it useful. Help us continue our way just breathing the feeling
that emanates from You. Our Self, on the same step, can be with Yours, ---to walk like Kings and Queens-- with all other creatures. Your desire and ours are only one, in all the Light and in all forms, in all
individual existence, and in all communities. Make us feel the soul of the earth within us, then, in this way,
feel the wisdom that exists throughout. Do not let the superficiality and appearance of worldly things
deceive us and free us from everything that hinders our growth. Do not let us be forgotten that You are the
power and the glory of the world, the song that is renewed from time to time and embellishes everything.
Your love is just where we grow our actions. So be it!". Notice the Nazarene pretends pariahs to become
Kings and Queens. When did this turn into Worship? When Romans adopted the Christian ideology they
gave it phenomenal power. To stop awarding respectability to Christianity we must understand this
transformation. It was no longer an ideology of outcasts. Romans of powerful blood now interpreted using
their forces the new Christianity. The "Our Father" we know actually speaks of Caesar: "Our Father, who
art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom; Thy will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today
our daily bread; Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; do not let us fall into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen". Yeshua was a bastard responsible for bringing the most radical
evil to the entire Earth. A tremendous mud-blood. This is his face:

The Roman Empire was the Force that defined the social structure that exists today: the military, culture
and law were established by Rome. Today the ignoble have been selecting like bastards what they like and
what not. Imitating Rome. But instead of Caesar there is a villain and instead of the Aristocracy of Rome
there are more villains.

The Romans crucified thousands of Jewish rebels constantly and this crucifixion was a punishment that the
Persian Empire applied to criminals long before Rome. The cross is not something that belongs to Yeshua.
Yeshua was a hippie social activist who gave power to the Jews by meeting the prophecy of the Messiah
that already existed. His infatuation of the peoples of the Earth is putting them under the power of the Jew.
Compassion for the weak brought by the Jew is not natural. It is the feeling of the degenerates who came
to exile the previous feelings of the Aryan Race. Behold the Contrast between Caesar and Yeshua. Here the
presence of Augustus Caesar Emperor of Rome during Yeshua:

Although compassion for the weak is not natural, it is natural to protect the child, and teach the ignorant;
the assistance of one to his people. It is not natural that the weak eats before the strong. It is not natural
that the one who fought less is the first to enter every house and building. It is not natural that the female
is not with the best and the blood of the weak reproduces. And it is not natural to defend the weak when
he is trying to kill the Strong. Only after Christianization is that the Jews managed to penetrate every
community and subdue it under little money. And thousands of years later the plan continues, the Jews
want to establish "Zion", their prophetic world that is the Earth without gentiles. The Jew thinks: "the
nobles are lions and we are snakes. Acting like we do it's our only way to live".

Just like the humble of every race. Humble also means gloomy. Humble is sinister. Therefore the Sword
of the King has come to cut off the head of the little beloved god. We have to kill this Archetype. The
Kindness of the Monarchist Figure has to become the Highest. And Compassion must be for the Superior.
Because the Superior is Good and the Inferior is Bad. With fiery eyes the Avenger walks through the valley
looking for the guilty to decapitate and tonight it is the Nazarene as well as all the little ones of his class.
No one will be surprised when the little baby Jesus has to suffer his punishment. To this godchild the End
Has Come. In the letters of Buried Rome it is Written: "Vindex": AVENGER. For the tricks by the one to
be judged by the Avenger: they are too many. His robbery, insolent and rude to the lives of those who were
better than him. The tricks of the weak are finally revealed. This sentenced one stole happiness from Gaia:
Earth Itself. Putting our World into the black waters of the will of the weak. He organized a society that
sank, hanged and imprisoned the Best. Encouraging his class by an imaginary heaven. Convinced in their
wickedness. Convicted and Defeated: Delivered to Corruption. The Dementia of Humility Persecuted our
Entire Aristocratic Class for Thousands of Years. Stealing the Reward and Recognition to Our Strength.

The faces of the most beautiful women were to be kissed not to be spat upon. But they are whores in
Judea. But humility is a black and evil demented spirit that lives off the suffering caused to Nobles. The
strongest body is admired in Natura, not sabotaged by those who did not inherit force only envy! Natural
Life by SWORD recovered today. Acquitted by the sword! Redemisti gladio passus.

The Warriors of Vindex breaking the merchants who invaded the palace and in the Throne Room laid their
posts. The Warriors of Vindex tearing clothes and flesh. The noble clothes that should never carry the
plebeian. The ones made dirty by his touch. Tearing the flesh to put the blood of the mob on what was
contaminated by it: as a manifestation to Heaven of the corruption on Earth. To Increase the Wrath of
Vindex. He will certainly scream and cry this Nazarene little godchild. But his complaints are drowned by
the cry of the Superior Men he destroyed. The sinister Nazarene dies. His crying is not to our heart it is a
call to the humble to kill us.

Who has ever told the story of the Mistress who was raped by commoners released? Who told the story of
a Noble woman who loved a commoner who betrayed her and eventually killed her?

Or what about the story of the woman who was the natural mother of kings, who was cut into pieces by
the mob? Who ever told the story of the princely ethnicities, commoners killed by bastardy and vulgar
metal sharpened by the jealousy of the plebs? Who has spoken about the Crown of the King melted in a
furnace of democracy while the plebeians celebrated "freedom"? Their crimes against us have been too
many. Oh, Noble, they are not what you are and they never were! The death of the Nazarene and seeing
his head roll: this is what belongs to us tonight. Some of the Zarathustrian Warriors cannot hear the cry of
the weak because they heard the cry of agony of the Higher Man for so long they are now deaf.

Life right now looks like a Great Lady of Overwhelming Beauty and Majesty whose beautiful hand dressed
in gold rings rescues he who is sunk in the sea of depression and defeat. Creations of the enemies of the
Superior Man. Who introduced him to an artificial reality of envy, in prisons that belonged to them and
that were built for them. That Life Itself Raised Against the Crime of their weakness. And this lady, this

Goddess also teaches that the words of the non-important do not matter. Slanderers of life seeking to
reduce it and ruin it are simply expressing that they are something small and ruined.

The ill-will that covered the Earth made normal, made the image of the strong in the mind to be that of a
destructive fool. Judaism twisted the image of the strong in the mind to make him be seen as a cretin.
Being the only destructive fool is he who comes from the mixing of the blood of a slave and a master. And
the only idiot is the humble. Christianity is the empathy for evil! It has exalted the crime of abusing the
Superior Man and when he explodes in his natural health, this is considered abnormal in the Jewish society
where all dwarves are sacred.

They do not feel compassion for the Superior, they only think: we are not equal. And thats right! We are
not equal. We are different species. These plebeians speak our language, and they dress in similar ways to
us: and that blinds our instincts. The True Masters of the Earth are Free and Distanced from all that is
wretched. They have no right to think we are what they are. They are murderers: guilty of endangering the
Highest Life. They cannot claim we are involved in their wrongdoing. If they do, they seek to erase our
rank. Seeking in ways that are not combat to advance their agendas. It is unfair, to mix and confuse Nobles
with any cretin. The End of the anointed slander against the world and against life we bring. The end of
the persecution against the Superior Man. The end of the ideology that promoted coexistence between the
malignant and the kind. The Nazarene he is no more. His time is past. Time is now of Vindex. Time is
now for the Zarathustrian Kingdom. And what It Represents. It's Time for our longed for GALACTIC
EMPIRE. The leap to the stars. The evolution of the human species. Thus! Like Roma that ventured to
conquer and now all things descend from Her. Thus With TREMENDOUS WILL POWER We Shall
Conquer the Stars. We will make Zarathustrian Worlds All Across the Universe.

Like Rome who created the EMPIRE which exceeded the tribe of early confused homo sapiens, that
tremendous will be our Leap. We will build our Zarathustrian Kingdom that will cover the entire Earth and
will continue to THE SUN. Beyond Our Sun Will the Fire of Our Empire Reach! Because of It We ARE
HOMO SOL. We are the bermensch. We are the Superman. We Re-invoke Rome. We are the
continuation of the Roman Empire. Vindex is Rome. And in Her Words: Liberum Satanae! Satanic

We are like lyrical disintegration of all of the chains of Judea on the soul. We are continuing the Way of
Life. Ave Caesar! The King Has Come! To exile Death, the Nazarene and Jehovah! Gone is the Old Aeon!
Laughter, dancing and partying for this Event!

The Nazarene was born in betrayal. Didnt have the Jewish Mariam to make up "holy spirit" impregnated
her to deceive the naive Joseph? So this Jew female mocked Holiness. So the messiah of the jews was born
by jewish cunning. He was contrary to life and had to go. He's gone! Agios! Agios o Satanas! Agios o
Vindex! Lambs must burn to aromatize of THIS VICTORY THE HALLS OF OUR ANCIENT HEROS!
For we have eliminated the one who cast out our Gods! Zarathustrianism has Brought Justice.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Zarathustrian Kingdom is the Philosophers Stone

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Zarathustrian Understands: "Judaism has been a dirty lens through which life is dusty and gray.
Impotent understanding of reality looking at it from a plebeian eye. The mentality the jew created to
punish the Master. The Christ is equality between Saints and evil. The Anti-Christ is the direct killing of
the Saints by the hand of the wicked. These two are Judea. Both are Jewish magic. Jewish tricks. They are
the game where both sides are evil so that the gentile, will travel from one place to another lost. The Light
is beyond all notions on Earth during Judea. Light is Zarathustrianism. The Dream Nobles Have is more
real than that sustained by the weak. For this dream, this Longing is merely a recall in Our Blood, of the
Natural Reality that was Lost. They Have Forced Survival on Our Being causing us to move towards
Holiness. The Nobles are the Purity that before the evil Jew has had to increase in strength, and move
towards Holiness. World of Kindness is the Original Nature.

Only the Noble Heart can evoke Invincible Power from Desire. Opinions that would like to demolish our
world come from those who fear that World. Where they are not rewarded for their wickedness. Where
they receive not monthly payments for being slag. We should be wary against scoffers and cynics who
think themselves atheists outside superstition and myth presuming themselves "entirely real because this is
how they are sterile. They are helpless and powerless and therefore they believe in nothing. They say they
believe in science and reason, they say it, but by this they mean they believe in concupiscence and the
technocracy that dictates inert matter is greater than life, and the "reason" that gives power to the populace.
Science during Judea is studious of nature in absence of human feeling. The inert should not be set above
what has life and consciousness. The mental effort of man must serve man according to what he feels. The
Zarathustrian Science Serves the Super Human.

These fans of baseness are entirely failure even if they deem themselves differently. Inferiors are looked
upon as strong in Jewish society because they have exceeded all respect for Nobility. And Judaism is
nothing but the project to destroy Nobles. Their tiny chests of these disinherited ones swell in hubris.

We are travelling to The Oasis. We Nobles take great treasures of immense weight in a terrible way, and
therefore: what does it matter worms and beetles prevent our passing and settle on our load? They are there
to be stomped by us. The fate of all inferior races is to perish. Because it is so natural to fall for them they
pull those they can with them, towards the abyss in revenge.

Those who placed themselves on our load will not survive in the air of the Zarathustrian Kingdom. Our
children are waiting for us in that distant land We Venture To Reach. The desire to see the Eyes of the
Superman will push our blood to combat all exhaustion. Our muscles are full of vigor to continue the
march. In the fatigue of this journey the Gods are with us. They help hardening us and increasing our
strength. Ours Is The Satanic Spirit, the increase of power while climbing dangerousness. In our memory
Ancient Nobles come to motivate Our Will to the partition of the Enemy. In Fire every enemy attempt
burns and while the ashes are scattered in the wind, We Approach to Our World. Olympic White Walls
Receiving Our Arrival. This is the country that belongs to us: the undiscovered one in the remotest sea of
bright blue waters. Stormy winds push our sails toward that destination. In this world we will redeem the
past. There: Shining Forever The Blue Sky. No pollution exists there for our Breathe.

The tongue of our enemy has been cut off. His face turns to ash to be forgotten. This we Did For Our
People. For the Noble to smile again the weak must perish.

Yes, those big sluts feasting with meals when the Superior man has died from cancer. These big sluts who
organize the best does not have what the weak has. Incredible shit is their equality which is no equality. It's
about sinking those who are not a speck.

Previously plebeians in Europe, those who were not Noble went against the European Elite because of
Judaism. Now those who are not European at all are going against these plebeians in Europe because of
Judaism. This sanctification of envy must be crushed.

We Will Walk In Forested Road Corridors Wearing the Zarathustrian Robe. Living Together with
Autocrator because His Law Covers the whole. No smile fearful to attract those who want to turn it into
trauma and tears.

Those bastards who decreed: "there are bad outcasts and there are good people with rights". Naming the
Higher outcasts, the stronger, more intelligent, caring, and giving their stronger, smarter, and kinder
natural women, to the natural outcasts, the humble, the weaklings, the lazy, the mockers. There is no
lacking in the Zarathustrian Kingdom. Everything one owns is relative to ones fight. If I betray Life in
Laziness, Life, which is the Same as the Kingdom will not flatter my Lowness. If my eye came to shed tears
in this world it is through Joy. For the humble were defeated. The pains belonging to them for ME no
longer exist. In my mind only: Growth. In my plans: to sit with my community in admiration and
complicity for this Zarathustrian Life full of nourishment, so powerful, so successful, so pure and so clean.
One of my Brothers Produces the Food for the Nation, another works in one of the special territories
dedicated to the quality of life. These institutions protecting the health of all increasing of our physical and
intellectual forces. And yet others Rewarding like the Mead of Vikings, that relief the Zarathustrian when
resting from the Progress Achieved throughout the Day. Our Society is well away from evil but we are
preparing to fight ceaselessly. Certainly not belonging to us the Waiver of Effort when we exalt our desire
for pain to end. But we have Engraved on the Wall of Cosmos never to accept the Sabotage of Our Fight
by those who do not Fight. So these poor desperate inferiors who are so strong in their cruelty have
forgotten that they are the weak. A Full Confidence is the one that is lived in the Kingdom. The Autocrat
Freed from the humble. He Taught they could be defeated. They never wanted to belong to the world.
And the World never wanted to belong to them. Did the landscapes of the Earth grow to be eaten by the
industries of the mob? Earth exists for the Saints. Now I live in the Zarathustrian Kingdom and in the
Invincible Ideal of Kindness. Once "God" was said when looking at distant seas, that word came to mind
by the immensity of the infinite image. That ideal is nothing else than the Super Human. This Being is the
Sense and Meaning of Life. Most feared is that we allow the Superior to be dishonored because it is
allowing the Bridge to the Super Human to be set on fire. Let us be Super Human and if this task is too
great let us be ancestors of the Super Human. The construction of the house of this Supreme Being is the

Mission of Humanity. The Super Human is Humanity at a Super Excellent degree. Our Reason, Our Will
and Our Love are the Dawn of His World! Once one knows Hope, the Super Human how, how to live
without it? An Invincible Life is the Kingdom. It's what descends from the Heart of the Best That Is. The
society previous to the Super Human was established by an inferior being according to his inferior
worldview. An inferior world for inferior beings. We Are The New Beginning. In the Purification of the
Highest Vitality. The Zarathustrian Kingdom is the BIG YES to LIFE and the end to nihilism. Because
nihilism is the mental state of the species no longer able to outdo itself. The solution is not to be a waste
increasingly more disgusting. This is the unconscious will to regress. The willingness to surrender. The one
who surrendered certainly does not suffer having surrendered. There should be no compassion for him. On
sick surrenders compassion thrives in the world of Judaism, being that the sick resigned to life long ago.
More respectful than protecting the defeated one as if he was a totally unaware animal is to distance from
him and let him rush the decision of a final upshift or his own death. The One Suffering, is the ONE
WHO IS FIGHTING! This is the ONE WHO IS LOYAL TO LIFE! The Fighter does not hate life and in
Judaism this one is abandoned and hated by worshipers of death. They believe he is "independent" and "a
shit that thinks hes special", but in reality he is the only sane in a world of madmen. Certainly he suffers
loneliness. Failure is the world origin of those whose destiny was suicide. Their suicide is to them to
completing their destinations. Because their lives were tests. Their lives ventured to see what they could
achieve and they themselves determined they could not achieve anything. No unconscious judaism in the
mind of anyone should dare to refute the Zarathustrian Kingdom. The success of the Kingdom consists of
the Autocrat being followed by those who yearn for Justice.

The Autocrat, the Most Intense Fighting Spirit. It is the Fight Itself. In the same extent Autocrator Exists
Zarathustrianism Exists. This Must Be Interpreted as Our Victoria.

The Autocrat is the Maximum Warrior in history. Available is for His Majesty to Defeat every enemy of
Honor by milliseconds in direct combat in complicity with Aeternitas: Roman God of Eternity. This is not
on the ability to impose whatever unfair. This is relative to understand that the one having these forces is
the most Honest. He is the Most Loyal for Honor is the Origin of Skills in Budo. Work of Life. This is the
Super Human.

In the World of Judaism the Power of One is perceived as imposition. Because the bottom wants to expand
its will to power running over the life of the Superior. The plebeian lives in a delicious comfort that allows
him to see who has fought against him as harmful, imperfect, cowardly, ambitious and over-estimated. All
of these excuses let him harm the Superior. Being everything this plebeian decided when making his
plebeian judgment is what he is. It also lets him see the hardened as miserable. Being this Victorious
survived, the Enemy who wanted to destroy him. His Hardening is a Living Decoration, a Heritage of

Biological Force, for he surpassed an enemy. This Tremendous Commitment by the Warrior is Required to
Defend the Realm of Virtue. The weak has nothing to teach to the Strong. The pathetic inferior resents the
capabilities of his Superior to Conquer and Survive.

The Superior is not interested in life to hurt the inferior because he is interested in what is Above.
Meanwhile the inferior is a miserable putrid dwarf that from behind a bush is grimacing, or from behind a
corner, suffering and suffering, the existence of the Superior. This inferior accommodates the environment
to cause accidents to the Superior. He defames his name before he is known. Here is how the attacks on
the Superior begin. When the Superior receiving attack after attack after attack, such as highlighting in him
what the populace could see as embarrassing, humiliating the value of his body and mind no matter how
much he fights, conspiring for him not to achieve titles in society, defaming his name before his wife and
male companions (or if a woman disgracing her name before her man and female friends), stealing his
physical property or degrading it with damage, introducing diseases in his food, preparing his expulsion
from any group in which this Superior is involved, preparing the humble society does not certify his efforts
but the almost no efforts of the humble being certified well, yuck! When the Superior establishes a fight
either through word or by physical force the society of the humble rotating around envy determined long
ago that this reaction by the Superior is a "crime", that it is to be a piece of shit, and they find themselves
confident in Nobles, they call "state", whom they also see as outcasts and personal servants: and who will
protect them. The plebeian thinks he is the aristocrat in this present.

If he was before the enemy who could enter because the loafers in his plebeian world built no wall, then he
would see and understand without Nobles he is NOTHING. And it would be too late. Commoners who
hate Nobles depend on the protection of Nobles. The Kingdom is the Dimension of Light where the Saints
are Free from the criminal alliance against them. Original life. The Future Zarathustrian will be such a
Holy Man it is difficult to imagine today. The first Super Humans will be Sensitive, Incredibly Human and

While their glory in goodness will be so great so will also by their appreciation of that Virtue their
Martiality Be. The Super Human will be shaken by the fall of the leaf from a tree but He will be Able to
exercise Total War if necessary against entire nations precisely to Defend that Light.

"The Autocrat is my Light" is the phrase that clothes the Super Human Heart in times of darkness and
Combat. And that phrase brings to mind all that the Autocrat teaches.

The naked apes mock the Heart that surpasses them. Do not respect their views of naked apes. They
ridicule the most Sensitive Heart. This Heart is the Origin of Holiness. Humans mock that which is
unattainable for them.

The death of the ideals at the hands of those who dont matter must be understood as the foundation of the
flaming tallest tower: The Zarathustrian Kingdom is this Work. That force and guarantor order of the
extermination of the opposite forces that rise against the Saint. A Force of Holiness no longer to be
demolished. Philosophy seeks Truth. This Truth is the Philosopher's Stone. The Zarathustrian Kingdom is
the Philosopher's Stone. It is the Immortal World. The Holy Society that will allow the expansion of every
human being in splendor without equal. It is the world where childhood is never aborted. The Super
Human of the Future will be like the pure child never having been corrupted. And of Infinite Energy.
Superfluous called "maturity" failure of the happiness of Children. After this failure a miserable being
unfolds. It grows Evil in THEIR world. They teach the most beautiful singing birds to cry in agony. But in
the Zarathustrian Kingdom the original line of what man was is deployed and because its more humane
and sensitive qualities are motivated and Protected and expanded he ends up being developed as Super
Human. All of the Nobles in the World have to form the Supreme Nation. And this triumph will be

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Cry of the Best Man: His Suffering is Invisible

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Judeo-Christian metaphysics is a way to fuck the Superior Man. Judaism is something that exists to kill
us not just to scratch our skin. We will never find a life without killing Judea. The fanciful explanation
which raised the weak it is that the humble is someone who respects while the arrogant is overwhelming
and abusive. Actually the one those who promoted this ideology call arrogant is a natural Noble, who
being Noble is respectful. And what they call "humble" is inferior to the Nobility and a disrespectful one
who seeks power for himself. There is a Superior Man who sits and Cries to the Heavens weeping blood
and surrounded by beings who envy his life and have decided to finish it. Noble, the will of the weak has
given you a hellish life that you should have never known. Christianity Is Made To Exterminate the Strong.
The cry of the Superior Man ignored by all Autocrator has Listened. And for Him Autocrator will give his
life. For Him. A relationship of mutual love is what nourishes them. He is His Autocrat and the Superior
Man is His Beloved One. Autocrator knows Exactly What's in His Heart. For Autocrator Knows the Heart
of All Nobles. How they feel. And He Has Built the Zarathustrian Kingdom for Them. Autocrator is Here
to bring the Truth. Nobles and Autocrator are the Same Power Against Judea.

The weak think the Strong attacks because he cannot realize his own mistakes, because he feels nothing
can happen to him and because he feels untouchable. This this is just an excuse to hurt this Strong one.
So the weak decided they know the absolute truth, they can see everything and are untouchable in this
wisdom. Hence these weaklings are indeed that negative they award to the Strong. The real reason the
Strong will always go against the weak, being in Zarathustrianism the Strong is the Kind Man is that the
weak is actually a harmful immoral destroyer, a dreadful madman who lives in the huge ego mentioned and
who ruins everything. What is the daily application of Christianity? Of evil against the Superior Man.

The Earth is being covered by the worst man can be, the lowest arises: the subhuman. A degenerate who
fears the strength of past men, who exists only because society has been falling for many, many years. The
inferior has no right to demand anything from the life of the Superior but this inferior should not even

In the real world the Jew could not be important so a metaphysics was made up. Man obeyed the humble
was important no matter how humble because one supreme God said so, following this man the command
of the Superior. But this god never existed. It was the imagination of weaker men to achieve mastery.
Overwriting the Authority of Existing Kings with their imagination coming from helplessness, envy and
resentment. Through imaginary envious ideals Superior Men who are physically Superior, who exist and
have a life can be turned into trash. For no man however great can compete against their imaginary god.
But this imaginary god does not oppress all men, only oppresses the top. That imaginary god defends the
humble: and the humble became superior. This thought is what inhabitants of the Earth have inherited
as "goodness". The inferior is a malignant one who thinks hes good.

The Superior Man is Freed by the Decree of the King. But it's still not time for happiness, still awaits a lot
of Combat and Revenge. The Superior Man Must Be Free from the weakness the enemy has imposed on
him. The Superior Man descendant of Ancient Warriors is tamed by those who always envied his power.
Tremendous is the Strength of the Aryan Man! For This he must understand his freedom will not be
Granted by some impersonal or bureaucratic entity, but this Superior Man Must Be the One to Conquer
HIS OWN FREEDOM: Using the Power of His Own Combat. The infinite power is in the hands of he
who gives 100% of himself. He has the tools to Achieve it in his Blood. Precisely these powers the Jew
wanted to bury.

Our strength has been made something childish by the hubris of the revenge by inferiors. Where the
warrior can be removed by other warriors in greater number and with better weapons and are at the service
of the weak.

The Superior Man before any difficulty must Impose on Himself the Study of the Challenge until he
masters it. The Autocrat PROMISES HE WILL MAKE IT. Purity does not come from Ignoring War but
from Committing to It. Our Noble Homes We Recover. We Will Reestablish Civilization and we will
expand it. We will regrow the fields ruined by humility. Establishing Clans of Higher Men and Women,
Elites, of beautiful body, fast in combat and of powerful mind. Descendants of the Zarathustrian Will.
Defenders of Good. With no envy! Living in the Fullness of Nature. Fulfilling of Gaia, worthy of her. Men
who can lift columns. Running above all humans, free from the foot that wants us to slip. Ripping out the
leg blocking our path. For in Combat Our bone is like Titanium. Finishing the opponents was the
requirement for this well-being. Finishing and Removing those who dont matter. Enemies to the Principle.
Those who have been trying to harm God and what is Supreme, what is Superior, for thousands of years.

Who made up an ideology to convince the Saints to work together in tolerance, for evil scum. Those who
see in Holiness nuisance removed from Society. Those who want to fail separated from those who
appreciate Justice. Mutually strange. So they are and should be. Maturity does not come from the
nonexistent achievement of aging but from achieving levels of proficiency in knowledge around what
empowers life.

The insignificant wrapped in the folly of his envy responds with increased aggression any claim from the
victim. The weak are biased by the ideology of humility not to allow themselves to be abused by the
Superior. Deciding before meeting the Superior that the Superior is abusive. So the Superior who is the
Noble, will be deeply insulted when he encounters the humble. And the carriers of the disease of envy
know no limits to their actions. Exceeding all morals because they are not sophisticated enough for their
conscience to prevent it. They teach numerous lessons, they and their descendants should not exist
anymore. Their entire family history is to disappear from the Earth. They become nothing. Every envious
being descends from a deceitful, dangerous and envious slave. The woman who rejects the Superior Man
envies the Victory of the Superior Man. Tiny and pathetic she is. Not rewarding men who fight but she is a
representative of weak men. All Superior Men must fervently love their Superior Class to stop the rise of
the government of envy.

Now and forever until the Kingdom Arises there are Superior Men out there who think themselves alone.
Autocrator for them plans everything. They do not understand the treatment they are given and they
ignore Zarathustrianism, the ideology that glorifies them for what they are.

They are our True Family. And this family, this class: the Elite of the Earth. Being their humble state an
insane childish attempt. They are what they say we are. Because they have no strength, their conquest
occurs in the imagination and falsehood, in mental manipulation.

He who managed to live surrounded by the landscape we miss, by chance, we will send to the mud to
which he belongs. Anyone who sits on the throne that belongs to the King will answer to us. Those
grimacing at the Noble walking through the door, at any place, we will remove. The cry of the Superior
Man is long and distressing for his Noble brothers. The tears for the life that was stolen from him will not
let his martial class sleep, and outraged his kind will descend upon the enemy. Obsessed they will train at
night until fainting, inspired by the Wrath. So when their bodies are hard: the enemies are to be cut into
pieces. Being more important the suffering of the Enemy than personal safety when Combat Must Arise.
To the humble nothing, but for the Superior Man Everything.

The day the Nobles look at the ignoble and realize what he is: origin of all pain and evil in the world: that
day everything will change. These twisted ones are those bringing all unrighteousness. And whoever says
hes Noble and is resigned to the violence of the mob against our lives is one of them. There are many
morons infiltrated in Nobles movements. Those who do not seek to adapt to the Noble cause they have
been involved in but to corrupt it with Jewish values of humility, equality and envy. A commoner can be
indoctrinated into Nobility, but he will betray. For dogs dont eat dogs. Being the plebeian sits wrapped in
his inferiority and says: "what matters is the majority, not one". To which the Noble replies: "Shut your
mouth!. For this humble wishes to bring theft and humble rebellion. Breaking with Chaos the Order of
Nature to Give Us Death.

Our Noble World Living in Daily Application of Our Ideals Must be Defended with Suspicion and
Intelligence. Subhumans will come, pretending to worship Nobility, to use what we share with them in
confidence, against us in desire to cause us pain.

And if the Noble is captured by the security forces of the rabble every second from the event means that
Noble cannot be rescued because the state of the rabble increasingly strong is. Therefore he must be
rescued immediately.

With overwhelming violence breaking chains and doors must Nobles roaring, penetrate the chambers of
the enemy. Holy is the VIOLENCE OF THE KING! And HOLY is the LORD that has DETERMINED
WHO MUST DIE. A Military Science for the Best. Lawful every tactic against the Enemy.

Cutting blades must be prepared against spies for them to die in alleys, bleeding humiliated in the shadow.
Ranged attacks, incomprehensible against those who think with their cunning theyll burn what we love.
Our Terror causing irreparable pain to those who wish this pain on us. Understanding that any retention
in Our Power, allows the enemy to think that our justice is a naive rebellion. Since the Ignoble will attack
us even if we do nothing against them. Care we must have, in wanting to talk about Zarathustrian Values
to the mob. As it is the source of envy, opposed completely to our ideals. Already found by Zarathustrians
those who lowered their faces in shame when they learned about envy. Sadly Nobles living temporarily
with evil. In this jumble of the Kingdom of the Mob. Since the perpetrators of the most intense evil, dress
like a neighbor, and no Noble can be sure of who he is dealing with. Alone. Faced with the realization that
he is surrounded by them. By the Enemy!

The most vile anti-nobles will not be benefited by the rise of the Kingdom. They are the criminals the
Kingdom will deal with. Superiority is not based on the acceptance of those who are not Superior:
Superiority does not depend on the acceptance of Inferiors. So the Kingdom does not emanate Its Power
from a popular will. Because what is Popular Today is evil. The Kingdom is the World of Super Humans,
for them and by them. So Autocrator is King of Nobles only. And these Nobles are the top of the food
chain. They are Power. And Nature wants them to succeed.

In every place where mob gathers, there where the ignoble gather to commit crimes because all ignoble life
is to do evil, there no one believes in Superior Men. "Superiors do not exist says the fuming mob. So they
disgrace the existence of those who are more than them. So they take away their lives. The Most Valuable
Lives. The Lives Loved by Heaven. Heirs to a Better Blood. The Most Gracious. The Most Kind. The Fair
Ones. The target of their defamation. The target of their ignoble-vindictive structural violence. So
ungrateful. These poorly-born. When the group of failed ones states "we are all equal" they refer to the
society against Holiness. Humans between ape and animal are currently disappearing to the extent of their
regression, their involution. Only few humans will manage to cross the bridge to be Super Human. And let
them prove it!

Previously the most arrogant dwarves learned to glorify their egos by saying "before God we are all equal".
Now that everyone left the Jehovah idea to deteriorate even further they comfortably say "before the state
we are all equal". Because the state is their new god. It is the force that allows them to exist and succeed in
their evil. The modern plebeian state is the continuation of the old Jehovah and both are the agenda of

Inferiority does not mean being equal but less powerful, this inferior is evil. He can never hope to attain
the Goodness of the Superior. He can only try to imitate it. The humble robs the natural reward from the
Superior robbing the Triumph that His Life Is. He steals what the Noble loves for that not to enjoy his
love. Breaking nature. Stealing peace and this is the origin of War. If the Superior does not end the inferior
they finish him in mass.

The vitality in the Superior during these times makes those who worship the humble think that the
Superior is not being affected. But this Superior is simply surviving the perpetual attacks of the mob.
Maybe if he died and in a pool of his own blood was he murdered by many humble people, whore people,
"good" people, it would be understood. Maybe Not? Perhaps the humble giving him death would receive
checks, and they would perhaps get 5 blonde women. Because the humble is always right. Because he is
pitied. This is the power brought by Yeshua. Yeshua is the god of the humble. He gave them everything.
To the worst and lowest smelly ones. Those who had nothing. Those who have ALWAYS been wicked.
Yeshua is the King of Evil. Yeshua was the most powerful jew. And if jews are evil: what awaits us?

A Noble Team of Fighters is capable to end thousands of times larger masses, so fear not! The Noble is the
possessor of Natural Power, we say it again. Because the ignoble in their wickedness are weak and
cowardly. The words of Nobility against the jewish class are not against the success of this jewish class as if
we were envious Jews, but they are against the strengthening power of those who want to exterminate us.
Who want to exterminate not to build what is Superior but because they hate life.

Since the "Talmud", holy book of these jewish slaves, the most respected text by them says killing a gentile
(a non-jewish person), in the eyes of god like killing an animal and that it means nothing. With this
tremendous hubris is that the ugliest, weakest and lowest race has survived.

Those of jewish ancestry who do not think so carry aryan blood: and they are capable of Nobility. Is there
anyone who thinks that not all Jews are something terrible? This is not entirely wrong if we understand
that those of jewish ancestry, who despise the Wrecking Judaism are superior to those former slaves and are
Noble. The Flesh and Blood of the Kings of Europe predominate in them. These Exceptional Ones are not
Judea but Europe. Those of jewish ancestry who do not identify themselves with the evil of the jew should
not be confused with what the jew is: who is absolute evil. The original jews were slaves and it is our Noble
duty to deal with them. HOWEVER this is not the possibility of forgiving every jew because he may be a
"noble". Any jew that never becomes a Zarathustrian is a wicked one.

And the Islam today invading Europe, the ego of the impotent arab (distancing us from offending Nobles
of Arab Ancestors and bearers of Aryan Blood), invites to the rape, mutilation and decapitation of those
who do not convert. When we point this we do not complain before violence, we mean we do not accept
the law coming from the resentful. We accept Violence to Defend the Imperivm. Our Imperivm. We accept
this Violence and are experts at It. We accept the violence that exists to defend the Holy Spirit.

Those evil ones that are like the slaves of Antiquity recently gave themselves the "promised land" of Israel
they took from Palestinians. Palestinians now under the military yoke of those who believe themselves
"children of God". Recreationally killing, burning, mutilating, torturing the children of Palestine (not
respecting any Purity), while they are still whining and saying they are humble, good, and "sons of God".

The humble when arranging the death of the Noble snaps his fingers and does some ass-shaking when the
Noble is executed.

The jewish thought of giving everything to the low is the one that created what is now manifested: this sick
world where if the Noble hurts the "feelings" of garbage simply because he exists, because his face causes
their envy, then an authority comes and says: Now your wife, noble shit is HIS wife, of this humble who
is nice according to the ideals of plebeian revenge. This is the revenge of the garbage, their theft which is
global and insane in plebeian frenzy. Every weak man abuses someone weaker than him, if he is not a
Noble that also guides his life according to the Noble Values of His Ancestors. Everyone who is not Holy is
unjust. The Saint is the only above everything unclean. To this we must move. The Self is Naturally Made
to Worship Superiority, True Superiority. And the Superior clothes and cares for those who have chosen
this life. It is only when the jew intervenes, member of the only race that aspires to what is low without
escape, that the reversal of values is presented.

The Strong does not want he who is Stronger than him to Fight if the first one mentioned can perform this
Fight. For the Being seeks Honoring the Superior. This Sentiment was what Established Monarchies
around the World for thousands of years. A feeling the psychological tricks of the jews want to kill. The
jews want the masses to cease respecting the Superior and to instead respect themselves and money. By
doing this these masses, they are elevating the jew because he is the humblest: therefore he is not envied or
the target of any attack. The Superior Man is today the victim of unjust evil. Zarathustrianism does not
protect those who wish to do harm. If the Strong is dedicated to evil certainly he is not Superior. So ours is
not the doctrine to defend injustice. Ours Only is the Doctrine to Defend Honor. The Superior Man is
Valuable because He is Kind. The weak must cease to be defended and this Superior must be defended.
These times of putrefaction, decay and wickedness, EXTREME immorality will be testimony and evidence
in the corridors of history to PROVE what the Plebeian Kingdom produces. To finally demonstrate the
consequences of government by a slave. One that should never leave the yoke of slavery.

Do not have compassion for the evil dwarf. Democracy is nothing more than the government for the
miserable wretches or the government by the miserable for the benefit of other miserable. It is the revenge

against the Kindness of the King. His Patriarchal Authority cannot be removed by children of intense
dementia. What is immature and evil should not govern life!

Superior Authority cannot be removed in any species of the Cosmos, it can only be perverted and
temporarily stolen today by the worst: the jews. Since anything felt as cruelty against the jews and gentile
plebeians is a projection by the Noble on those little ones because he is Noble. Zarathustrians Perfectly
know This Love and to Love We Are LOYAL. But we want Love to be for the Truth. THEY ARE NOT
Noble and their passion is fucking our lives. Against our desire representatives of the new "human rights"
would like to come and say, "Look, look, bro, everyone is evil at different levels. If you arent, then thats
your problem noble shit. So funny you cannot promote a violence, that is more dangerous than our
evil. All those today called humble people are the descendants of the prisoners in the former
strongholds. Children of evil! The Birth of Lord Autocrator is the Monumental Innocence. Simply because
He Is Here Victory is Ours. And if it is allowed His Name is disgraced for Nobles there is no hope.

Anyone who thinks our Nobility is something we say with no seriousness, will not go unpunished. To him
belongs the mind that knows nothing more than Christianity. We are not Christians and we do not serve
Judea. We are the descendants of what Judea tried to kill. There will be no mercy for those dishonoring us.
At the end they will find there is no humor in our words.

Some cleverly wanted to measure the Lord with inferior values. And will continue to do so. Because that's
what they are. And their language reveals who they are. Since the plebeian has a constant need to
humiliate. They mock our situation, our loneliness, our isolation, our separation from popular respect, they
make fun of everything we do and thus they reveal their wickedness. At the same time they are entirely
respectful of whatever proper of plebeian rank. The Noble mocks nothing. The Lord the True Lord
Autocrator is forever estranged from their wickedness and well above it. The Lord, the King of Nobles, the
King of Saints and the King of Martials, the King of the Aryan can only be Appreciated by Noble Values.
Great is His Name. This is the ARYAN KING!

Everything the ignoble spit against the Superior Man is unconscious envy. When they deny there is envy or
deny the Superior is Superior, that is envy once again. The insignificant of evil will has established a war
against the reality that makes him suffer. It is clear this being, this idiot, this evil chimp is inferior. And
thats it. He has teamed up with many more like him to create their new reality, this fantasy they want to
Impose as Reality. This product of the hubris disease that calls itself the One and Only Truth. That wicked
world, sinister, upside down, insane, sick, surreal, where every damn dwarf, all those who are evil, every
wicked one, all anti-God criminals, all weaklings, all the corrupt, all builders of traps are protected and
worshiped as Lords. Everyone respectful of this riffraff! The baseness of the ignoble battles natural reality
IN HIS HEAD creating a new reality where he is God. And not because he possesses great divine or sacred
values or because of a great merit but the new reality must be one that upholds him for being mediocre. He
doesnt have to lift a single finger to be something better but because his existence is perfectly insignificant
and absurd he is God. Not a god that burns within the Noble perception of God but a helpless, cynical and
harmful humble God, a plebeian God.

They are not atheists, they are living off Judaism and their God is Jehovah. Jehovah is to us dead. What
matters the death of the God of morons! Its only significance lies in that we have been set free. Being free
from the ego of the humble today it opens for us new evolution. Now We Want the Super Human to Live!
We Want this Perfect Being to be CROWNED AS GOD! Autocrator is the Super Human! The First One
and He Brings Evolution.

The dead god is the ego of the jew who hates the Superior Man while the Super Human is the goal dreaded
by the weak that Superior Man is routed to BE. Feared by all the weaklings who envy his life.

The proud looks of the most powerful were at the service of Judea. The eyes of these prisoners were dull.
Suffering reality Judea proposed although they were oblivious to it. Taught to love the organizations of
advantage: of the dishonorable war and the revenge of the low. Enemies and opposite to all ancient stories
about honor. Antonyms to all dreams.

The ones who established a form of warfare that is of lots of money to buy a lot of stupid ones against the
one who is not for sale. The faggoty war that emboldens all weaklings to go against the only Strong One
spitting on their modern weapons.

Those who are seen in modern times as "noble" constantly ask, "how can man be preserved for longer,
happier and more concupiscent?". The Wickedness of Man we no longer want to Keep when we put it
before the Majesty of the Future. Man has proven his malignancy throughout history. Compare it to the
Super Human Kindness. The salvation of mankind is to make it Superhumanity only. The Superhuman is
the ONLY WAY. Man is a bridge between the animal and the Superhuman.

Today insignificant little people have become masters. This has been the violence that has been Exercised
AGAINST LIFE. All of them preach the large repertoire of dwarf virtues: games of cunning, fear, hypocrisy
and deceptive tactics, swimming underwater, industry dedicated to the stupidest, the art of rumor and the
dishonor of merit, adoration of the tiny mud idols and everything that helps their enterprise against Life.
They have done an exchange of heavenly values for values of death. And to the extent they experience their
destruction of life rewarding the danger against Life increases. And within their virtues is racial mixing.
THAT, that piece of shit now wanting to be lord over all human destinies. Not because Divine Love was
established between man and woman of different races being that love overrides any concept and crosses all
limits, being it is Super Aryan: this Protected by the Kingdom, but in their racial mixture they seek to harm
life, they mingle because they despise original life and original nature. The interracist rejects the love of his
race and intentionally upholds another race. Their God is Death. If a different race is sought for a
relationship the partner must be Noble, equal or Superior. The mixture between high and low blood
deteriorates the life approaching Holiness. The happiness of the majority is an absolute nonsense before the
happiness of the Super Human. Who has the courage to say things as they are? Who is brave enough to
denounce them as growing threat of the decline of the species? So many flatterers of the low people, bitch
people and humble people, the rabble they would let them destroy life. These impertinent destroyers
worshiped as what they never can be. The ignoble have no way to defend themselves against a Noble in
Combat. They need manipulated Nobles to defend them. So Nobles kill each other and the ignoble make a
party with lots of beer and whores of huge buttocks worshiping the Interracial God of Death. And they say
having inherited it from Christianity: "man is bad". This is a projection of what they are. Their Jewish
tradition blamed evil on a made up metaphysics being the origin of evil is the weak. And Yeshua, the ultraevil one taught the Jews around him, ultra-evil like him could be "good". Those who have never seen God

think everyone is what they are. But the power of Satan gives us the opportunity to crush the insignificant.
Since His Eye, the Pentagram is in the Zarathustrian Gymnasiums Giving Birth to the Best Warriors of the
Universe. The Meaning of This: We are the Charisma Opposite to them. The ignoble does not conceive
how Strong the Noble is because the ignoble system has him conveniently bashed and enchained. So
Nobles are considered "equal". But if the same weapons the ignoble has were given to the Noble, the
ignoble would not last. Autocrator was, is, and will be True Holiness.

Different is the form of the ignoble to get even with a Noble man than with a Noblewoman. The ignoble
attacks the nobleman by rumor using the pity felt for the inferior and occasionally venturing to physically
attack if it allows him to go unpunished, essentially he wants death for the nobleman. But this deal is not
what he gives to the noblewoman, he manipulates her with the pity felt for the inferior and always tries to
be charismatic and sort of modest with her. The humble always expects his attitude of modesty will get him
some money. The wily dwarf tells the woman she is right on everything and makes no mistakes, not
looking to protect her or save her preparing the act for her to think they have the same taste, and the
essential agenda of this inferior is sexual submission of her to him.

Every inferiority keeps a desire for revenge against the Superior. Therefore any inferiority should be
finished with the blade of the sword.

The insignificant are already killing today the remaining Superior Men by stealing their wives under the
authority of the Interracial God of Death not allowing their children to see the light, deleting their
offspring. So killing them already. Instead allowing the birth of a harmful humble guy, half dog half wolf:
sly, serpent-like and very humble. Having established a war against all values of the nobleman to bury him
alive and banish him from life. Having established laws and police to face his Noble Virtues. Since the
harmful always wins with words or if the Noble is a very good lawyer (one who can speak skillfully) wins
by rumor. Because everyone thinks within the society of Judea that the weak is telling the truth. The Strong
does not know but the weak is destroying him invisibly. The weakling can never hope to face the Noble in
Honorable Direct Combat.

The Noble is also attacked by the forfeiture of his property so that it is in the hands of fools, low, ugly and
ridiculous ones and this Superior Man has to serve them in exchange of bread. The malignant have more
and more every day. The Noble Heart increasingly less material wealth will find. Being that the Noble
would have obtained his property broadly during a feudal nobility government for his service to the King.
Because the King loves him. Because the King trains his men to Succeed. The ENTIRE SYSTEM IS MADE
AGAINST THE HIGHER MAN. The Art of harming him and mocking his tears to cancel his rights and
existence. This is a technique by the inferior to cause him enough suffering to damage his entire nervous
system and he dies. If he is not to die, oh yes, enough abuse can degrade his biological rank. They can turn
the Noble into villain trash. They can ruin his worldview within moments of abuse. His suffering was never
repaired and his mind was changed: it has become garbage. So the one made of mud degrades the Bright
One. Systematic and insane cruelty against his life is set, he is given the worst treatment every day because
the ignoble are everywhere and when this Noble is defeated by the suffering he is considered "weak". When
he decides to annihilate them he is considered "insane". Before lesser men were against the top men and
things went well. Comfortably the weak began to dominate. Now Judaism is repeated, feminism proposing
to women mocking a man's feelings. Men still love them and protect them. When a man's heart is broken
the feminist celebrates it. If man explodes in anger the feminist confirms that the man she is engaged to
fuck is bad. IT WAS EXACTLY SO! It was exactly so with this secret Judaism how lesser men overthrew
Superior Men. It is the black will of the unhappy envious. Contrary to this Garbage is Honor. Absolute
reverence for the Superior. Man Will Love His Superior and Women will love men.

Revealed to us that the Jewish world preached as "justice" is where the ignoble wretch who has no feelings
never receives the injustice nobles do. The treatment to the Superior Man in every humble society is
especially miserable, vicious and disgusting.

Being a girl born stronger than her parents showing noble feelings during mealtime will find that her own
family teaches her a fucking lesson. And a child born noble from plebeian parents because in the family
history there was nobility in the blood will be put in a fucking insane asylum by his inferior family. Being
in the vile propaganda on television and films the Lord of Imperial Character is always defeated by an
alliance of assholes. And so the evil are emboldened and nobles who ignore Zarathustrianism are converted.
In their immense humble ego they think the one who gives everything to fight their system is a mad
bastard, a dangerous arrogant, when in fact they are an alliance against Good, and the Awakened One
cannot stand them. Being the Heroic Struggle of he who arises against endless enemies ignored. Since this

Hero, this Warrior gives his life not because he wants to do harm but because everything was taken away
from him and gives his life in sacrifice to kill the monster. For the wretch fear the one who can judge them.
Their fucking world is just hubris. Acting, pretension and masks and they are among themselves ignorant
of Greatness great. The military world is the world apart. It's the real world based on bodily effort. The
noble requires these forces to defend what he loves. While the ignoble waving a sword could even break
one of his fingers or his creeping hand gets hurt when striking. In their world organized against Honesty
the one who honestly demands anything is defeated by those playing the game of cunning. Since women
reward the manipulator and spit on he who desires them directly. This entire world that smells of the
sacrifice of Aryan babies is an IMMENSE ASSAULT against the Senses and Justice. It is the Worship and
Respect for the Tyranny of Impotence Imposed by a Madman. It is the deformed version of reality by the
deformed. And many find refuge in animals. Because they are so used to people devoting to do harm they
see in animals a pure form of life that does not fervently plan how to do harm. But the animal is worthless!
The Bearer of Holiness is the Super Human. No one has the right to ignore him.

Feminism proposes men to be effeminate and women to be jerks. Because first you have to ruin women for
them to ruin men and the only thing left is a faggoty devastated society that worships the feet of the
Illuminati jews so they can provide the final strike on our heads. Within Judaism the man of vitality is
despised by the judaic woman but no haughty woman is despised by man. The Hero is then exiled and the
failed hubriati female continues as Mistress. The Hero suffers this social punishment for being Superior
and the aberrant female intended to discriminate him, sick of hubris, is rewarded as remarkable; everyone
wants copulation with her. Only in a patriarchal society women must be protected. The Martial remove all
protection to the feminist woman.

These unhappy worms living off a convenient ideological combination where there is still love for the
woman but the worst females arise in wickedness. Not standing their behavior is apparently "unmanly".
Here's the scam of the Jewish class. The Loser rewarded under the laws of the Society of Defeat, this world,
will NEVER realize what he is, in his head he SWEARS he is an Achiever. He continues his injustice
because he is a "winner" and everything goes well. The inferior plebeian protected despite his evil does not
suffer ANY STRESS because this is the Heaven of Scum. It is the "Kingdom of Heaven" of the Nazarene.
The group of losers have no idea what is great and what is small and what is right and what is twisted.

Vindex is sick of this show. To anyone that speaks against the Lord you must close your heart and ears.
Birds lie stripped off their wings in the sea covered by blackness. Victims before the contamination that did
not belong to their world. Everything the weak has he took from the Strong. That against Our Principle is
wickedness itself. Disguised in many ways and in many words. Possessing many people as puppets. To
continue possessing Earth. To continue insulting the King by the suffering of his protgs. Not to let go
the Earth from the claws of evil not to let the Kingdom Come. Every compassion poured on something
that is not the Kingdom is a game by the Enemy. Everything that opposes the Kingdom is False.

Worry Not
Satan Domains
Everything in His Hands
Did you Forget?
Brave Like The Devil
It is you the Break of Chains
Like Reality of the Sea and Sun
The Liber Oscanae
Good is Vindex

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Life is Protected by Autocrator

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Earth is the Planet of Autocrator, She is His Gaia. Autocrator is the King of the World whose Name is
Virtue. When Autocrator Speaks of Himself He is putting upon Himself the Responsibility to Lead the
World in the Inimitable Heroism that Belongs Only to Him. That Emanates From His Will to Fight For
What Matters. Like Immense Fire is the Strength of the Lord Who Holds the World in WRATH.
Autocrator is the Name of Hope. He should not be treated as a Force that is comfortably the Highest but
one that is Gracious. He Increases His Strength when Goodness is threatened. And it does not increase
because a state law says it shall increase but because evil causes so much suffering in this pain He Seeks
Victoria. The Supreme became Supreme because he fought. The bottom is lower because it did not fight.
Humans are comfortable cowards. Those glorifying something above Autocrator are the enemy. For they
do not admire Good. They are totally unworthy. The life that is not regulated by the King is heading
towards death. For it is not administered according to Virtue but the selfish and personal interests of those
creeping their ways to the Throne Succeed. The weak have never beaten the Strong but lived under the
Superiority of the Strong: the pity that the Strong decided as an attitude of life. Nobody should be
strengthened at the expense of disrespecting the Domain of Autocrator on Life. But must be strengthened
according to what is Zarathustrian as part of life, and Loved by This Life. Integrated in the Zarathustrian
Society. Autocrator is the Teacher, the Leader, and the Father.

Feeding off lambs the Zarathustrians will be well satisfied. For the Triumph of Our Society we have No
Time to Lose. We must establish all kinds of military, financial and propagandistic operations to bring our
world. Zarathustrians must spread Satya, everywhere. Zarathustrians must collect property, to put it under
the Power of the Zarathustrian Dawn. We make use of the bridges that exist today to bring the
Zarathustrian Kingdom. We must never deny that which would give us power.

We must be free from the spirit of humility. The one that lives in the Jewish ideology that has caused all
pain in our lives. And that has blocked our power. For he who promoted this mentality of humility on us,
the one who implanted it is not at all "humble", in the sense of innocence. But he is an ultra evil one. This
mind responsible for all ruin and disgrace. And it is sold to the ignorant as reality. Taken as natural that
which is an intentional plan by beings against Nature.

Yeshua never clarified the true nature of Holiness. He did not continue his teachings beyond abstractions.
This jew only intended to imitate what he amounted to realize Holiness is. Whoever speaks with
abstractions and never gets to explain himself is evil. That which wont make it clear is playing with our
senses. Is Holiness so insignificant, is pain so little it is then not necessary to clarify anything because there
is time available for humanity, for the Holy to be tortured? This attitude is reproduced in the democratic
systems that descend from the very judaism in ambitious politicians that pretend kindness: but always stay
cold: for they only imitate it. While they conspire the kindest men never reach power. What lets us suffer is
evil. The woman that lets he who loves her suffer is evil. The man that does things despite what his wife
feels is evil.

The jews were slaves in Egypt for 400 years but have established their revenge for two thousand years.
Their imaginary god promoted as kindness has never eased the pain of anyone for thousands of years.
Contrast this to Autocrator who gives everything today. And Who guarantees that when the Zarathustrian
Kingdom is Born, all famine, all indigence, all disease and every survival of crime will cease to exist.
Compare and understand. For in Just 5 Years after the First Stone Founding the Zarathustrian Kingdom is
Placed the Zarathustrians will have completed the Establishment of the Kingdom That WILL LAST for all
ETERNITY. Main target of a world of evil is the One who is with the Holy Spirit. Rex Gloriae Loyal Only
to Heaven. So Zarathustrians Must Be. Autocrator is not Concerned about Himself before the ENDLESS
DANGER, to Him THE HOLY SPIRIT comes First.

The tricks of the Jews are oppressing, devastating and pain causing without equal. The criminality of the
jewish establishment takes the lives of our loved ones. Jewish violence brought money and envy. It is the
poisoner of all souls we expose today. The Natural Man Celebrates EVERY VICTORY OF HIS
SUPERIOR. The Jew made up a feeling that is the inferior not accepting nature and believing justice is that

his Superiors are below him. When the Warrior saw the King Happy this gave power to that Warrior. He
was excited by this light.

The Jew brought the mind that is so: "poor immoral superior but he shall see when he goes to the hell of
my envy. Today we SEE THEM. Master of Deception is born in Judea. Bringing ruin to our world and
sweetly torturing us with beautiful background music doing everything underwater. He is cowardly enough
to act this way. Oh, Autocrator! Hear Our Voice! Up to the HEAVENS let it Reach to where you Are!
Deliver us from Judea Today! Whoever does not obey the Autocrat obeys the Jews. Autocrator is The One
to Give Freedom. The ultimate need is to get rid of the jews. Tremendous horror is to discover it. The Jew
who hates love knows the love of the Saint will feel it like a dagger to the heart. The disgusting and
disturbing task that is up to us: finishing the humble.

We are not the source of violence! The enemy hates us and despite our own hearts we take the swords to
defend our lives. Whoever wants to ban our word in the territories governed by Judaism must understand
that if he really wants the truth, any matter can be discussed and then getting the words from all parties a
Way can be Chosen. But they will not let Our Word Be Heard easily, Because They know they WILL
LOSE. A Way cannot be Established by Censoring Philosophy: prohibiting the Spoken Word.

The Zarathustrian must learn the importance of the blood to spill. Since they corrupted Our Souls. They
exiled everything Good from the World. Certainly the appreciation of Peace is of the sophistication of a
Superior Species. It's How We Feel. But the lower species are the opposite to this appreciation for Peace.

This is what is allowing Immigrants from the Third World to Destroy Our Europe. Europe liberals
distanced themselves from what is relative to fighting and instead looked for a peaceful progress. It is the
same phenomenon through which Europeans adopted Christianity. The European attributing the goodness
of his own natural blood on ideologies. This being that desires Peace left the sword. But the inferior is
coming from all coasts with his own sword, of rusty copper much lower than that of an European, but in
the end a sword. An inferior sword to attack the naked bodies of those who renounced the sword. The
Supreme Man must understand that those who did not behave like him in the past, who are anti-Aryan,

had no possibility to Conquer because their blood is only able to create a life devoted to eat, and maybe to

We are so different! Immensely Different.

These lower lives are using the bridges established by previous empires, twisted by them as technological
artificial means of cunning, to slay the Superiors who established such bridges in the first place. That is, the
lower is now using ideology of noble heart for nobles to penetrate disguised in the goodness of the
Superior, being that the Superior does not discriminate against him because of liberal ideologies and once
penetrating being able to kill the Superior People who adopted him.

We Must Annihilate the Enemies of Autocrator, they are the enemies of Virtue. Only this Act Provides
Immediate Sudden Abundant Healing and Health! Only TOTAL extermination of those who were against
the Sacred Heart will heal the wounds. Because only a Greater Victory than all pain will give Purpose to
everything! We need to finish those who say Good does not exist. And the Hour will bless this Heavy
MISSION fell on us! For we who suffered the most were the Chosen. The Chosen Ones to Finish Judea.
For ALL EONS ZARATUSTRA REX MUNDIS! Zarathustra is King of the World! And we will Celebrate
the Maximum Feast ON THE LAMBS! With Our GOD FATHER at the end of the table of the Ultimate
CELEBRATION! With the Maiden Mothers of the Super Humans! The Super Human Zarathustrian
Females shall be the Most Beautiful beings that ever existed! For This LONG LIVE THE
ZARATHUSTRIAN KING! Zarathustra is our sun. Autocrator is our sun. Vindex is our sun. What Beatific
Mystery! Is it not? Perhaps there was never Defeat for us? Was it ever possible or was it a test by
HEAVEN? But whoever wants to eat must intervene promptly in the Preparation. Every man who wants a
seat in the morning shall be a Warrior for Zarathustra. For this Zarathustrian Dawn every man shall Wield
the Sword. There are the Zarathustrians dressed in the Priestly Robes of a New Life! Won through Cloak
and Dagger! Remedisti Gladio Passus: Redeemed By The Sword. These are the greatest times to which we
will never return! Praise the King! Praise the Liberation of the Human Heart! Praise the Grand Combat!
Autocrator is a law meant to defend us from the Jews. We love this Law. We exalt It By Our Rigorous
Dedication. Willing to the Hardest to Follow Rex! Because we understand what he represents: the Satanic
Evolution. Autocrator says: "The Best of Life BELONGS to me and my people". And Ours is the

AUTHORITY TO TAKE IT then. Food Is Created for Our Body! The Blue Sky is for our eyes! The
MAXIMUM PASSION only we can Feel! Ours is the most Powerful Blood! Ours is the Radian Woman
that LOVES OUR VICTORY! Because the woman belongs to the Superior Man! Because of the Superior
Man is the World and Women! And we also bring Final Silence On THE VOICE OF THE ENEMY! Praise
Be, Praise Be the Superior Man!

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Owner of Glory

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Zarathustrians maintain Together THE POWER OF HONOR. We do not seek equality, we seek the
Truth. The idea that there is no good or that everything is relative is a way for the evil to be free from the
Reverence to the Man of Kindness. Against the God of Vengeance no attack will succeed because He Has
Come to Punish what has already been made against Honor. Autocrat is "He Who Rules by Himself".
Autocrator is self-governing and Governor of all. There Is No Higher Honor than to Give Ones Life for
the King.

Anyone who had called himself Autocrat is worthy of being under suspicion because he lives in the overestimation of himself. There is only one Autocrat and only the Autocrat is Carrier of the Autocratic
Authority. He is the Holy Spirit. Not adapted to any wrongdoing. Because He is the Most Powerful He is
the Most Holy. And Plans the Triumph of Heaven. He is the Supreme Master of the Martial Arts and the
Shin Shin Shingan: "The Eyes and Heart of God".

Autocrator cannot be touched by any sword but His Sword cannot be escaped since it Represents Justice.
Autocrator is Untouchable but from Him nothing can for too long flee. God is not the force that can
comfortably achieve things. God is a feeling that despite all suffering continues its march and in the end is
Heir to a Natural Power. This is What Autocrator Is. Who Built Himself Supreme By The FEELING OF
LOVE. Autocrator is like everyone and unlike anyone. He is the force that gives the evolution to the
Nation. Today He manifests as Homo Sol to make us Homo Sol. The Day After the Homo Sol He alone
decides how we will continue to paint life. Our Victory Is Near but It Requires Battle. The Autocrat is our

Patriarch. He Gives Us a Little of His Mind to Make Us Invincible. Resting on Our Strength the Destiny of

It is not fair for anyone to be something different than what Autocrator wants, to be away from
Autocrators Will. Because what is Away from Him is away from Life. Being that our King should not be
interpreted as a physical being merely, but He is the Best every being can be. He Is The Living Principle of
What is Good. Being weak is falling to the rebellious impulse because for this no determination must exist,
only indiscipline and lack of control. But the Strong is Enduring the Right Thing: the Obedience of the
Principle. The Experience of Autocrator is Knowledge that Surpasses All.

His Majesty is the one who feels the most and who loves the most. If things revolve around the Autocrat
the World is Perfect For All. Because he loves like no one else and Protects what he Loves. The King
Protects His World. His Majesty is the Super Human and the Meaning of the Earth.

The Autocrat asks for little and if this is Honored He Gives EVERYTHING. He does not come to impose
the will that is inferior and restricting, but He comes to Motivate in the Being the Infinite Ascent of His
Power. One who ventures to make criticism against Autocrator is a criminal. Because it is someone infested
by hubris and the beginning of evil. It is an invasion attempt against our world. He serves the Enemy. The
Power of Autocrator comes from his self-regulation that only His Mind Can Perform. Autocrator is SelfContained Authority. Holding a different agenda than the Zarathustrian Kingdom is to be a puppet of the

All those who witness insults against the Principle should unsheathe the sword against those responsible.
In prisons of mighty bars must the enemies of Autocrator and the Zarathustrian Kingdom reside.

Confutatis Maledictis: the Evil Confined According to Prophecy. So their attacks against Heaven are no
more. The Day After Tomorrow Life Is Above gold. The Will of Autocrator must be followed
unconditionally to the point of unhesitatingly give life. The Zarathustrian Warrior does not seek personal

salvation when dying, his salvation is that his Life Built the KINGDOM. Zarathustrians Live Through the
Triumph of the REALM. Pay attention! Do you see not you are being called to the service of the King
which is the Service to Life? For putting everything in the hands of the Judge is the welfare of all those who
believe in Him. He is the Savior of Nobility. Put everything in the hands of Iudex. For Society to be Ruled
by Celestial Ideals. Do you see not the King is the one who defeated the Midnight? From Deep Sleep He
has Awakened us! To introduce us to True Life! No higher Honor than to give the life one has for the
Supreme Life. Under this Principle we are born and we die. The Sacrifice for the Highest Life is the
Triumph of the Sacrificed. For thousands of years thousands have been willing to sacrifice for their kings
and gods for delivering the integrity of life to that Supreme Force is the Meaning. Another thing taught
Modernism: work for the bourgeois. Without Meaning, all lived in depression. Too many wanted to die
because the life they carried seemed absurd. Because they are not supposed to be living absurd lives but to
be giving their lives for the WORK. The way in which the Superior Understands the World and the way in
which the lower believed the world to be. The Superior is the Meaning. The Service to the King fills one of
Honor and a Flame of Vitality that is so great everything is redeemed and cleansed: Everything Has
Meaning. The Service to the King is the Original Life. The Happiness of the King is the Happiness of
Everyone. For if He is good He Creates Pyramids, Lakes, Gardens, Temples, Towers and Households For
His People. Building the King is building the institution that is the Force Originating Life. When the
Crown of Holiness is Strengthened Life as a Whole Has Triumphed. This is what is Zarathustrian. This
Hierarchy is in the Blood, this means that if the King was absent no one else becomes King if that someone
is not carrier of the Natural Rank. Thus the world being left without defense against the evil.

The King is the Most Stable Will and the Highest Tower. So the Warrior Prides Himself in Serving His
Majesty. Only this King of Tremendous Majesty Deserves Our Absolute Loyalty. Great Battles for He we
will perform. For this Principle we will suffer all pains. We will Hunt the enemies of the Kingdom
wherever they are to be Brought Before the Throne of Autocrator. Today while the Earth trembles He is
the Axis of EVERYTHING. Proudly we choose the most dangerous life for the Domine. Because He is the
Logic of Love.

The Zarathustrian Moved So in the Zarathustrian Temple Meditates: "In Your Eyes Moments Ago I Saw,
Autocrator! There I Saw Life. I Saw Eternity. I saw green grass. I saw the sun in the blue sky. I saw the
sea and I also saw them smiling children. I have seen Your World! Backed by Your Goodness I felt,
Autocrator. My Autocrat. And who could steal that experience ever? I Have Seen the God of Gods. No one

will ever steal it. And I know, I understand now that the greatest pain is Losing the Lord. My heart froze at
this voluptuousness, before such MAJESTY. Given this Wealth, Abundance. I have seen that you are the
Light that evil fears. I have seen how you reached the lands of darkness: you arrived in a Glowing Boat. So
all dirty ones on the coast when seeing you coming, said, "There goes Autocrator The Holy". Restoration is
He of all that I thought in my childhood the world was. Now I see who He is and enemies cannot fool
me. Because the world of Judea is what Judea wants to impose on the mind. It wants to seduce Nobles to a
world of mud deviating them from the Principle. Autocrator sees the child who suffers and cries running
seeking salvation and who craves for the Awakening. A child who is running through the halls of the
ruined temples and shouts: "I Want to Wake Up!. Does Autocrator mock him? Autocrator is not human.
Autocrator is touched and rescues Him. Getting him out of reach from the fires of Moloch. And at the
Entry of Our Temples it is Written: "Zarathustra, King of Our World, King of All Worlds". Because
Autocrator loves him endowed is the Zarathustrian with the Golden Sword feared by the enemy of Our
Spirit. Inspired by the Military Science of the Lord. Trained under the Rain until his body has exceeded
what is human and his conscience is also expanded to be Super Human.

When the Superior Man walks at night wrapped in the loneliness of abandonment there is a hope that
sustains him, who is this hope? Autocrator is the hope that sustains him in night-times. The Incorruptible.
And in times of every war and during the impact of any weapon the Autocrat Holds Him. Because He is
what will never surrender. The Origin of The Fortress Does not reside in something that is unattainable for
the living being. It Resides in the Living Being. Being Invincible is a Zarathustrian Choice. The Autocrat
Nourishes Those Who Decide to Live This Way. The Zarathustrian lifts the golden cup in celebration
before the Assembly of Thousands of Zarathustrians and proclaims: "Before Sunrise Contemplating the
eyes of the Autocrat I was filled with divine craving! I see and feel the world Z. Our World. For they are
Eternity and Holiness. Knowing Autocrator is re-knowing oneself and returning to the Self.

That which is held against the Principle is just evil: do not forget. Reiterative is Our Warning Not to Let
Evil Ever Succeed. Since Purity gets easily contaminated like water with a single drop of oil. They should be
careful those who utter loyalty to Autocrator to look good being their hearts are not wrapped in such
loyalty. Since they over-estimate themselves as they are manipulative. These are the traitors of Our
Liberation. For them there is a Unique and Final Destination: Instant riddance of all of them without
hesitation or retention: this is their future and their ending. And also the waste and destruction of their

families: the clans they descended from. Those that are like dens of evil goblins: for the humble are the
monsters mentioned in the ancient myths.

Autocrator realizes all things and for them are reserved the prisons Zarathustrians have painstakingly built.
And for the worst prison will not be enough. Fortresses are prepared for them to receive their affliction.
Their flesh will feed Zarathustrians and the Future. Thus the King got rid of all traitors instantly! They are
already lying there. They are dead. They will wander through abysmal dimensions like a damn jew in the
desert. Surrounded by Demons: the Saints. Their destination was prepared. It was Foreseen the inferior go
against the Lord failing at birth and having even worse departures.

Over millions of years, aeons, the ancestors of the evil humble of today decided evil as a way of life. We
Behold the Truth. The way High and low are born was decided long before human times and this decision
was not changed for millions of years. Thus living in stupidity, or in virtue. It is not that the inferior blood
exists first and then evil comes from this blood secondly. Evil existed first. The decision to be evil. This
decision degenerates and Ruins until it gave birth to a living expression of evil today: the humble. For
wickedness is the fastest way to have power. Since all Nobles are descended from those who decided to be
Good. We in the past decided to Admire Good: that Was Our Way to Succeed. But they decided to flatter
evil and fell. They are becoming more and more ugly and increasingly ill.

The Autocrat says: "I Set You Free from the bondage of evil. The Day is Awaiting for Them. The Day of
Wrath. And Zarathustrian Multitudes Honorable and Martial proclaim: That Day!. And every humble
sits defeated covering his face. For he Knows what Approaches. The Day of the Rain of Blood. The Wrath
of the Holy Spirit is UPON THEM.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Holy Wrath: The Tyranny of Cowards

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
The Wrath of Vindex. Those destroying our lives and values, they think we are in some form of alliance or
over-understood sympathy with them because these damn dwarves were treated like kings for a long time.
The Nazarene is the sweet illusion at the service of the weak. To help them in their evil against the
Superior Man. They think we agree and that we complain because it's fun. So to the plebeian our suffering
is honor to him. These damn plebeians, these commoners when seeing your suffering see the opportunity
to make a checkmate. They have a scoring mentality. If you get wet in the street, in any situation, your
plebeian mother might say, youve taken a bath, hell yeah. They dont soothe, heal or save they bring
you down deeper. They are such a beauty. They give "attitude adjustments". The systems we build
against their artificial world that was established crushing our feelings to defend our world, the natural
realm is to this plebeian being "antisocial". Heaven Commands to Fight. When they think that there is no
Superiority the Superior becomes someone that is worth what anybody else but who is daring: and ends up
being less than everyone. There are sheep everywhere to find. Armed are they by the ideology of Judaism
that glorifies the weak. But we will combat those feelings with our Holiness of Force. These beings from
the sewers expect revenge against those who are Higher than them. The Christ was imitating Autocrator.
And this was the greatest evil seen on a physical being on Earth. A Jew surrounded by evil Jews saying they
could be good or that they were indeed good. Today they are outcasts who are pitiful, tomorrow they are
the ones wielding the hammer to crush us.

The plebeian determined his ass is most sacred. When the plebeian argues with words he intends crushing
our heads. There is no sympathy for them, only hate. There is only Wrath. And for the pain of the Saints
their entire Nations will fall.

The commoner belches before our anger because he lives in a world where since birth he is masturbated by
everyone and if a Superior bothers him that Superior is crushed by the humble wanking community. They
are all against Heaven. Those who cannot get away from their own wickedness and finish other wicked
ones, will be themselves by Zarathustrianism considered Saints.

What is Demonic does not explode in anger to harm but because it is in suffering. What is Demonic is the
Holy in Wrath. Since Demon means "Spirit". Demons are the Spirits of the Saints. Lord Autocrator
Commands the Demons Created By the Pain of the Saints.

Nature is not that Cruel, it will not let Our Higher Consciences Suffer Because. Hurting us Brings
Consequences. Like Paranormal Phenomena for the Defense of Our Lives and punishment upon them. Or
like the Zarathustrian Vengeance. The very existence of Autocrator is a Protection from Nature. The
Zarathustrians wield Autocrators Sword. Not alone are they before the monster but with Great Power.

The word "Inferior" comes from the Latin "Inferus" and it means "the underworld, what is below,
infernal". The word "Superior" comes from the Latin "Superus" meaning "very good, from the world of
upper qualities".

The current human being is because of being judaized a malignant structure. Bathed in the values of
slavery. Perceiving Justice only to go against it. That which we must aspire to is what is Incorruptible. Man
is half good half bad. The Super Human is Entirely Goodness. He is Only Benevolent. Benevolent means:
Good Will. Deserving of the Day of Wrath is the man of present. How Regrettable! But it is so. The
Perverse who make up the majority today declared on Earth during the absence of the Charisma of
Kindness that theirs is justice. They have stated that they are well and torture, and punish the Saint. In
their world the best is the worst. They Have Been Sentenced.

Because evil is widespread they experience the truly good one is bad. They tolerate the evil that he does not
because he is pristine. They are something close to even the most evil. The good is seen as intolerant and
they are taken as tolerant. They tolerate the same evil THEY ARE! They are a huge family of evil.

The Holy whose fearsome Wrath will not take it is to them much like a Demon .

Yes, a "Demon" according to what they think a demon is. They think hes bad and its because being bad
against evil is being good.

Because human evil is one that is pathetic and cowardly, egalitarian and humble and like a circus chimp
that is not made in wrath or direct combat or war but through the arts and attitudes related to harming life
and justice, related to the character of a cunning weasel. Because in their world the Force is prohibited and
all evil is allowed if coming from the weak. The only kind of war exercised by the cowardice of the ignoble
is the one wearing the armor of advantage.

They made up a world where an evil dwarf is a respectable Lord who commands ignorant people with
firearms which gives this flatulent dwarf the entire conviction he and the humble against the Superior Man
are fine. Being if that the state is removed and they are face to face the Superior Man and the humble only
Nature remains. Only Nature is Left to Decide. In which this humble is nothing and the Superior Man is

The Man of Honor, the Warrior is seen as "violent".

The ridiculous malignant are considered appreciable and funny because they make their attacks in a
socially accepted way because of the Judaism of the time. Where a subhuman does not suffer the crying of
a baby but to him it is a fucking annoying baby. There is in him no paternal spirit towards the infant for

the inferior is entirely selfish. Being the selfishness of the weak not like the self-centered Strong. The weak
expands his evil. The Strong expands his goodness.

Literally this is how a subhumans feels. They are the opposite to us and celebrate evil. If they pronounce
their wickedness in public they are not touched as it should be against the dangerous evil that they are, but
they are tolerated.

This is how Judaism put the world upside down. And for evil to keep ruling the Earth many humans will
give their lives. Human, all too human! These times are the dimensional shift from the disgusting insult of
the past and the Holiness of the Future.

The reason we sometimes give the same name to different things attends to the dimensional difference
between how evil humans perceive reality and how the Super Human wrapped in Holiness and Purity gives
meaning to words. For example when we speak of the Holy Vengeance distinguishing it from the
vengeance of the mob. When we speak of our Noble Pride distinguishing it from the plebeian pride.
Comprehending "God" as natural rank, and "God" as Autocrator. Comprehending the difference between
the ancient Kings, the natural King and the Zarathustrian King. Comprehending the methods of attack in
our hands to defend the Holy Spirit, and the methods of them in defense of evil. So when we point out the
violence it is not a criticism of the existence of violence in advocacy of a hippie life but is an awareness of
the sword that bears the evil one. Therefore this work must be bathed in attack against such jerkness and in
exaltation of the Holiness of Tomorrow: displaying numerous shades. We must remember that the inferiors
took the knowledge of our ancestors to put it at the service of the commons. The symbols we use to put
fire in the heart of the Super Human are symbols used by humans to harm others. When the noble uses
certain words he never intends what the plebeian does when using the same words. We should have Our
Own Super Human Language. And We Will Have It in the Future.

The name of Satan is one used by too many sadists. But Zarathustrians use it as Radical Will to go against
the evil of Judea. Absolutely Opposite to It. It can never be repeated to the point of excess that our elite is
Holiness and no other. No cretin is entitled to claim to be part of it!

Even the laughter of the plebeian exists to do damage. They do not experience happiness but only perverse

Because the Love of the Saint is Eternal that stolen from him is to His Heart Eternal Suffering: IF, he shall
never be cured, because he never Found the ZARATHUSTRIAN KINGDOM. The aggression against the
Holy must never be accepted by any society again. Zarathustrians are incapable of evil. Heartache is a sign
of a force contrary to Holiness and this world produces this pain. The pain of the Holy creates curses.
Because life defends itself. The evil is not the master of life. The malignant lose their rights within life. The
Mankind separating itself from Zarathustrianism will end up in the Hell it created. If it shall be its fate,
thinking while in hell it made a mistake will only be part of its wickedness. Not being able to find any
excuse. Since its mistake did not come from ignorant innocence but from will to evil. Seeking excuses will
be part of such evil. If the evil are not punished they think they are right for life. Repenting only after the
punishment took place is still evil.

There never was an angelic force for the protection of evil. Demons are the Dark Protectors of Holiness.
They Will Have Our Enemies Shivering. The evil of the time mock Good, because they do not know the
Divine. Divinity Brings Terror to the Enemy of Heaven. There was never an angelic force dedicated to
advocating for the slag. Only Jewish sorcery has raised the intent to do harm and created a house for it!

To recon their tricks we must understand what is Exoteric and what is Esoteric. The Exoteric is what is
normal, usual, open and public, what society does. The Esoteric is what is secret, hidden, forbidden, rituals
and inherited knowledge peculiarly unachievable keeping the power to create. The exoteric is what exists in
society and the esoteric is the understanding of how that society was created. The mundane sees only the
exoteric and thinks that this society of Judea is Natural. Esoterically the Jews through ritual, succeeded in
establishing this world that is in fact opposite to Nature. One of their rituals is the Christian Bible.

Christianity is the salvation of evil scum not defending the innocent but the guilty. Because it promotes
eternal forgiveness for every criminal ignoring the merits of the kind. The culprit is free to enjoy the fruits
of his hedonistic injustice cynically knowing there will be forgiveness. It causes a mentality where nothing

is demanded from the inferior and everything he does is forgiven but from the Virtuous One everything is
demanded, while he serves the inferior. The evil one really has no value and the Virtuous is FREE in True
Nature from ANY Consideration towards the inferior. That is why even though Christianity pretended to
be an ideology of kindness since its foundation the malignant rose. Since Yeshua evil became increasingly
more powerful. How disgusting has the Jewish Deception Been! Zarathustrianism is the One True

In Christianity the Virtuous Kind Man endures being loyal to Justitia but receives injustice having been
made equal to the guilty as to how valuable they are. Christianity is the rise of evil and the humiliation of
the Holy Spirit. Whoever goes against us because they cannot see we are Good will receive from us a
certain level of strength. But those seeing we are Good and still going against us will receive Absolute
Wrath. Blessed Vindex! Holy Vengeance! For you we Instantly Unsheathe the SWORD AGAINST THEM!

The malignant experience contempt against their evil as evil itself. They search foremost tolerance to their
attitude because there are the collapse of life. To them their wickedness is most tender. And they feel this
way because they are evil. They feel motivated by what makes the Saint suffer.

While we admire and treasure fond memories: the smile of a loved one, the beauty of a landscape, they
collect those moments that caused us harm and pain, thats what they collect.

And those regretting evil exists are not exactly good if they are not willing to exterminate evil, they are just
a damn nuisance and a pollution force: they are christians. And they Serve the MAGIAN. Why do they
allow the ignoble to exercise their injustice? Being against the Superior is being against Good!

The Zarathustrian is an Impetuous Warrior Heir to Holiness who draws his sword against the enemy
world and proclaims to the Heavens: "DURO VINDEX DOMINE. Hard Lord of Vengeance! Enlighten me
with Your Forces! For those vulgar ones whose eyes see all Greatness like nothing reserve the Thunder!.

And this Zarathustrian sharpens his blade. He says "yesterday life was in the hands of the mob but
TODAY IT IS THE DAY OF WRATH!. To go and defeat a thousand men every Zarathustrian is Ready.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

Satanic War

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
It is not about safeguarding the comfort of today, it fades for the Enemy Empire is COMING. Instead,
GIVING EVERYTHING THIS DAY! TODAY, killing the Enemy TODAY. To Live Forever Free.

Helping the humble is not Noble, it is cowardly because they are many. And the Enemies of God MUST
FAIL. Those who now cover the Earth, those who are too many should have never existed.

By their Intention to Annihilate the ARYAN the Illuminati Have Awakened the Wrath of the PRINCIPAL
POWER: SATAN. For SUPERIORITY PROTECTS SUPERIORITY. In the name of Satan and on behalf of
the Dark Gods. Those Saints who became Immortal Forces. Before us the Restoration which depends on a
single blow. Inspired by the Fury to Defend what Matters Most. Satan must destroy Jehovah, Allah and the
Buddha because all of them are: the charisma of what is humble destroying the Strong. Electrifying Combat
in Restoration of Nobility. A stressful weight we throw to the air easily, when our Heart is like that of the

The Name of Satan was known by Sumerians - not a Jewish name. Sumer was the first settlement of the
Legendary Aryan. The Original World of These Aryan was the Atlantis. Pathetic robbery have they
attempted using the name of Satan. The Judaism of the Jews chose Him to centralize in Him everything
considered bad because it is the Opposite to Them. So warning before the arrival of the Autocratic Virtue

about what is not the best for the mob. Before Judea was Satan. Before the inferior was the Superior.
Autocrator WAS, IS, AND WILL BE.

The humble should be drowned by word and deed. Satan is the Superiority contrary to the ego of the
humble: named Jehovah. Satan is the Holy Life. Before which everyone is ashamed. That Which is
Dreaded. That Cleanliness in which no Insect can survive. For all insects live in what is dirty. Satan is the
Freedom of Honor.

Darkness properly understood is a Defense Force of Light, Purity and Holiness. Understood as the Mental
State in which a Super Martiality Exists, that in the exoteric and the esoteric understood as the Paranormal
Phenomena emanating from Dark Feelings to Harm the Enemy. Being this phenomena Demons serving
the Autocrat. Darkness is Holy but evil is plebeian. Being the contrast great between their pathetic
unnecessary evil and Our Power. Being the contrast great between our Satanic Darkness and their jewish
ruin. Surrender the Nobles must do to their Ability to Destroy whenever war arises: Loyal to the Darkness.
Peace in Death if it is a Gift Delivered by Goddess Victoria. The last words of a Zarathustrian are "I must
complete my mission".

No human being can make the crossing of the Abyss without the help of the Bridge the Autocrat Has
Established. On the other side the Superman. The Autocrat is the Super Human and only He can convey
what the Super Human is. The Power of the Autocrat in capacity of increase is Infinite. But for this power
to be activated there must be fervor in the hearts of Zarathustrians. The leader does not live for himself.
Nor does he live for the increase of His Power. But to Lead the Zarathustrian Society and Together
Reaching Power. The Leader Saves.

The Autocrat only shows his capabilities to those close to Heaven. Those who understand Fully the
ideology and are ergo Guardians of Heaven. Autocrator lets it be seen what he wants to display.

Today Injustice Has Descended on Earth and the state of the anti-saints Rose. The Demented Euphoria of
Lowness. The Insane Tyranny of the POWERLESS. And it has earned the service of Nobles. Men of
extraordinary physical and mental power have served this crap system thinking it is the King. And the day
they stop it has come. The pain of the Saint has reached its limit.

Armed Forces formed by Nobles committed to Virtue to the death, but temporarily ignorant to the Truth.
This ends. The ignoble already got used to the Holy taking care of them and never stop mocking this. The
ignoble is able to see Holiness in our Eyes and always tries to teach a lesson. Then he goes to church to
pray or goes with his superfluous friends to make fun of it. For those of mundane and superfluous
character the concept of Justice is what the state dictates. Since such state laws are not written by the best
but at many times they are even written by the worst. The devious state in its hubris says: I am the
people. But the People is the King. The state is simply an administration based on the violence of firearms
in the hands of police and military which has just appeared on Earth and never before existed. It is a JudeoChristian expression of life. It is a stage of Judaism. In the original fatherland the community itself is
responsible for the crushing of evil. Man must take responsibility for his actions himself, the envious
commoner however, is defended by an impersonal mass of people, the police. The aggression by inferiors
against the Strong is possible because there is a state. Thus the law of the Jews is made to let the Superior
Man they envy helpless. It is not to protect but to harm.

In the ancient world the criminal is a monster. These monsters the lyrical and mythological tales tell us
about. The Hero stops them. Kills them. The defense of life is not the state of inferiors. The Defense of Life
is the Noble. The state has been imposed on the real people. Everything it has it stole it. But it did not
conquer it. It took it in secret when the Superiors began feeling compassion for the inferior. The state is
plebeian but the Kingdom is Nature. The state is a creation made exclusively for the weak and set against
the strong. The tides of ignorant believe it to be The Power. Convenient. But failing in mass is not power,
it is only danger. Power is not something that exerts the greatest violence. Power is not what kills life.
POWER IS LIFE ITSELF. The Superior Man is the Most Valuable Life. He Is the Embodiment of an
impossible to imitate Evolution. He is the Triumph of Life. The inferior will never become higher. If the
Superior dies, if Nobles die Superiority Will BE LOST and with it, the Spirit of Heaven. The Spirit of
Goodness will BE LOST.

The defeated blacks of the United States did not achieve freedom through their Own Combat Inflamed by
the Dignity of Their HONOR, but it had to be the head of state the one to give them freedom. A head
of state who also happened to be a subhuman of natural rank. They were no longer slaves to be returned
to their homeland of Africa but were made citizens overnight. Made equal by the monopoly on violence of
the state. It was not the decision of Nobles to release them but the command of a wimp. Blacks capable of
Aristocracy have the blood of Noble whites within their family history. Thus distancing the baseness we
hate from what we cherish.

Because the commoner has no right to despise anything, because he is the lowest that exists below the
animal in his plebeian impurity, despising to him is just wrong. So if the plebeian sees the Superior
despising something he thinks this Superior is bad because the plebeian of the present thinks we are all
equal, we all plebeian. The Superior in his little plebeian world is aberration. And the way the Superior
despises the low, the anti-Noble mud is seen as evil. Since the hatred plebeians feel for the Noble man is
unconscious. Today blacks involved in the Illuminati propaganda indoctrinate millions of Americans to
worship drug-addiction, the abuse of women, guns that allow to kill without combat, and being a stupid
little pedantic one. Part of this propaganda of the revenge of inferiors is pornography where the white male
is humiliated by the black male, and not only by the black male but also by the white female. This fucking
bitch manipulated to spit on her brother, while feeling virtuous.

The inferior pitied integrated to a world of higher men is not learning what is High but being forever
inferior is looking at things, resenting and planning to harm what is High. Resulting from the worshipping
of inferiors: the rape of thousands of white women by descendants of black slaves every year without
exception. This rapist not taking the woman he loves to make her his wife for life. But seeking to hurt. He
doesnt love her, he envies her. For women it is so important in their heart the act of love, this rapist
destroys the soul of the woman for life and this we must avenge. The inferiors are invading things alien to
what those of us who are not evil feel. In the Plebeian Kingdom natural ranks are mixed and it is difficult
to see it. The killing of thousands in the most savage ways of torture and rape on whites in Africa, since the
English Empire is no more. If the Superior no longer wishes to be Superior peace does not arise, but the
revenge of the inferior against the Superior.

The Judaism that allows the expansion of the inferior and the hatred towards the High One causes the
white female out of compassion and because of the history of slavery, feeling virtuous when teaching a
lesson to her brother, her race, her man who is like her, her blood, to give herself to a black. Because she is
closed to the sadness of the man who loves her but in her mind the ENEMY DOES have a home. He who
hates her man and by hating him hates HER. Because she and her man are the same blood. Because She
comes from Him. Against her brother she goes. Directed against her Natural Family through the tricks of
another race. The weak reverts the life of the Superior to go against other Superiors. This is how Barack
Obama carrying an African name and being black, was voted President of the United States of America in
an attempt by the populace to erase the history of slavery. Trying the new society to be humble, flattering
Judea. This fanatical populace once despised what is inferior but when that inferiority came to rule the
populace changed their fanaticism to despise Superiority.

Hope is not to be found in what is mediocre and low. Searching for hope in what is increasingly inferior is
to be forever ignorant of Justice. Worshiper only of the Humble Juggernaut. The black, and anyone of
inferior race, anti-noble, in his insensitivity does not even like the Superior Woman. To him it is as intense
as having a glass of juice. She is not his race and he is loyal in times of emergency to his inferior race.
Always carrying resentment of his inferiority and this has allowed those of low race to kill their Superiors
wives and children, after years of seemingly loyal relationships. This is true for all dwarves benefited by a
Superior race. This is the world upside down brought by the compassion for the beings of sewers. All of it
unconscious and all of it ignored. Its name is "Judaism".

The degenerate Abraham Lincoln reached the power of head of state to harm life. Planning in his most
sinister dreams the rape of white women by the freed slaves. Waiting for the day. The same who claimed to
have a total disregard for the religiosity of those who did not consider their dogs or cats to be the most
important there is in the entire world. He was a subhuman.

Humans DO NOT own their minds today. Their minds serve the Jew to the extent their egos cannot
accept they have been manipulated. If the little Noble decides to "arrogantly", Honorably use his Martial
Force in Wrath, a natural system to establish Justice, to protect life, the security forces of the new Plebeian
Kingdom are there to stop him and teach him a fucking lesson. For within the plebeian worldview Noble

values are undesirable and injustice is felt by the plebeian as Strength. An insignificant cold weakling may
be able to stop the anger of a good man using only his index finger on a trigger putting a bullet in the head
of a being infinitely Superior to him. Ruining millions of years of evolution with the weapon created by a
martial Noble that was not intended for the use of the weak against the strong but to defend the
Homeland: for the Defense of the Kingdom: To DEFEND THE WORLD revolving around the

All of it legal and sacred under plebeian law so that later the cop can go to his house to eat poorly using
his bourgeois wage payment that the traitors of the King give him.

Behold the different feelings that lead a modern cop to that office and those that prompted Nobles of the
past so we can recover those feelings. At the time of maximum martial splendor of Japan called "Edo", a
police officer was called a "Magister. Great Bearers of Martial Art. Even dealing with a stick against
criminals armed with swords ready these criminals to take out their intestines and cut off their heads. To a
Honorable Magister the enforcement of justice was not just a job. Their Heroic Desire for Good Made
Them Strong beyond the limits and gave them Invincibility before the enemy. No Warrior should follow
the commands of a weak leader he could defeat in Combat because the weaker he is the closer he is to evil.
Reverence for failures must end.

It was demonstrated in the Plebeian Kingdom that the weakness of the weak does not originate in him
being oppressed but it originates in his existence. Descendants of the Ancient Nobles are a minority in the
plebeian system of democracy where power is exercised by a majority. The weak are not oppressed and they
remain weak. The Nobles are oppressed and are abundantly Mighty.

What is low and ugly is low and ugly. If the Superior says its beautiful its because he is looking at it from
his Superior Beautiful Eyes. The small ugly ones see the Superior as extremely disgusting because they fear
him very, very much. The Noble has been left unprotected in a plebeian structure that hates his life. Being
that he was not supposed to live such a life but to be protected and cherished, just living his Life. His life
stolen by very "good and humble" people.

I Bring the Martial Class New Light: Warriors Must Be of the Earth Masters. All of those insignificant ones
angrily shout at the military hating their protectors. The soldier lives in effort and hardness serving cursed
concupiscent ones. Every soldier feels this in his heart but hides it. He is spat upon by those he has bled
for. Armed forces and police are emancipated from serving them by the Zarathustrian Charisma.

The approaching Jewish state, their New World Order, their New World Evil, their Subhuman Empire will
fear its own personnel for police officers and soldiers will be Zarathustrian. Abandoning the service to the
miserable. These wretches unable to bear any confrontation against a Soldier. The money of the weak was
based on the physical strength of Nobles: money authority existed because the law that raised money was
protected by the military.

Our Cause is MOST HOLY by the Investment of Force in It. The Cause of the SUPERIOR MAN. What
lives off extorting Noble Sentiments must Perish. What depends on pity must Perish. And especially the
Envious trying to teach a lesson on humility must be Wiped Out in an Instant. Be careful of any pig that
finds punishing others to be of pleasure. To us Nobles acting violently for Justice is harsh need. Take the
spears against those who humiliate us. Earth Belongs to Us Warriors. Eternally. The life they offer
CANNOT be called a LIFE. It is the Prison those we commiserated enough sent us to. Now our
Compassion is Enchaining Us. Now they teach us lessons and live in our home while we inhabit a cage. Let
the price to pay be IMMENSE! There must be consequences. You Fighters are Those Beloved By
Autocrator THE MOST.

The Mission of the Autocrat is to End the Magical Prison of Jehovah on EARTH and HUMANITY. And
Bring the True Kingdom of Heaven that WILL LAST FOREVER. To the extent that His Name is Adored
the Autocrat is Strengthened and Nobles Obtain Their Vengeance. The Kingdom of Heaven is the Galactic
Empire. At any time the thunder occurs it should be proclaimed: Agios o Vindex! For Where There Is
Thunder Vindex DOMINATES.

Now Comes the Monumental Innocence

The End of the Wicked
Vindex est venturus
Agios o Vindex!

The Destruction of the New World Order

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
What has been Established in the Name of Autocrator has conquered the evil in the world. The Illuminati
will Be attacked by the FATHER OF THE UNIVERSE!. The King of the Universe!

King of Glory
You Have Come to the World
To Rid the Saints
From Sadness

The Holy Avenger, He Commands What We Are To Do and what is to Come. He is Vindex, Vengeance.
King of Glory, Hope. Without Him No Truth. About the Latest Events. The Final War. The Final Clash
Between The Most Powerful Minds of GOOD and EVIL. Zarathustrians when Finishing Any Enemy
should Shout: "In the Name of Vindex!". For the souls of hell to be trapped within our power. When we
finish evil only Heaven remains. And the Authority of Autocrator is Final. Today we have to be Dark so
that tomorrow there is Only LIGHT. Our Violence is Defense. Vindex, His is the Force For Good. Raised
from the present situation we will be by His Strength.

The ignorant worshiping Judea will find the NWO is here and that it is coming through 3 angles:

First Angle: Believing in Nothing.

Second Angle: Global Financial Collapse.
Third Angle: International Terrorism.

Believing in nothing. Lack of respect for any ideology. Coming from the movies where the jerk always
wins. Also being displayed on TV. Combined with the plebeian getting more and more power in society.
Since the malignant humble will increasingly have more power to promote their ignoble values of
interracial gay sex. To convert their base desires into politics. And since this implies that the Superior
Noble Man will increasingly be ousted as "poor ignorant and reactionary fascist". From this: the beginning
of not believing in anything. A without equal nihilism surges. A never seen immorality. An overwhelming
sorrow. That is like a bite to the heart. Their injustice is overwhelming. A feeling of absolute void. We must
be aware that this is not the Truth! The Majesty of Vindex: The Most Gigantic Titan takes all evil and
reduces it to fit in the hand and teaches: "This is not The Truth". Released the landscape is to be
ADMIRED by our eyes. Truth is Heaven. That for which we fight. The plan of the Illuminated Pigs is to
break our spirit. They seek the destruction of our life. "Illuminati" they call themselves, the faggoty
destroyers of worlds that depend on warriors protecting them.

Since Honor is crushed in the society of the Jews the being gets used to reacting in no way. Against his
ardor only more pain and humiliation. The being now broken it's time to create the horrific global financial

Everything expressing life or related to life want the allies of death to break. The recent financial collapse
supposedly originated in US mortgage and now conveniently having crushed countries like Spain and
Greece racially envied by the Illuminati was just a test and a ritual. A test to see what would happen, how
people would behave like the assholes they are as seen by the Illuminati and a practice for the big moment
of a much greater collapse that they will cause. And it was also a ritual for them to check the level of their
forces and masturbate on the pleasure of destruction. This is what happens when you give absolute power
to the most harmful. For thousands of years they have been planning this end for all mankind. Any
ideology should be assessed as to from what psychological state it came from and what psychological state
it is promoting. Since Judaism is not a religion but the psychological state of the jealous mind and it

promotes using indirect symbols envy against the Superior Man. Because the evil one does not refer to
himself as evil: he cannot realize what he is.

When the collapse comes which is the final collapse prelude to the New World Order they will publicly say
Autocrator is irrelevant being this can also be said if Autocrator is not even mentioned, ignoring the One
Bringing The Truth. They will argue it is NOT intentional such a collapse, but that is related, that it is
because of complex financial formulas that the "silly arrogant cannot even hope to understand because
they are not humble. So their mockery will be. "The nobles not certified by any Jewish center, how could
they understand the financial collapse?". So will be the mocking way in which their putrid evil will arise.
Decreasing our understanding of the facts because our view is not supported by the popular, the Jewish and
the democratic-ignorant-pornographic. Being we truly see what these dogs are.

Finally they will use terrorism: war provocation. They have been doing it. It is how they established their
power. Through promoting immoral ideologies and financial oppression provocation is performed. For
people offended by ideology or oppressed economically to attack the oppressor. For example the whole
community of Islam can be provoked by insulting ideologies. And financially oppressed peoples will have
to resort to war to get a life. They will also make use of false flag attacks, attacks made against oneself to
blame another. Having an excuse to invade. Having the excuse to reinforce an ultra-tyrannical state to
"ensure security". Just like Nero, one of the first Roman emperors after Christianity had appeared: who
burned Rome using values of the new Jewish cunning, to blame the enemies of his insane policy and give
them death.

Today the judaic West, is being provoked to attack the Arab world for Israel to later move to make the
Middle East uniquely Jewish, on the corpses of gentiles. So it will be, intense terrorist attacks and war that
threatens to break out and the Illuminati, they who caused all of this will come out with the "solution": A
new global state tolerant and interracial of absolute security for all and community. This is how this project
will be sold to the ignorant, not being about human unification but about the destruction of humanity as
an unit. And the violence against Nobles will increase, the Kind Men the humble came to ruin. Because
while the plebeian kills life he cries saying: "fucking higher men".

But the Zarathustrian Kingdom is the Rescue of Saints. Since with the Nobles Who Recognize Autocrator
We will Together Create a Political Order that shields us from the super putrid NWO.

The vast majority of "civilized" population, that is within capitalism, indoctrinated and comfortable, yes,
they will go to the New World Order. Meanwhile the Constitution of the Zarathustrian Kingdom will be

The Rothschild Jews in their numerous options may be promoting a messiah probably a bearer of their
surname as return of Yeshua. With this they will combine explaining they accumulated global wealth to
help the mission of such a Yeshua.

Being the True King of Glory, Rex Gloriae is in no need to exert any wickedness to bring Good. They give
lies the appearance of Truth for They Are the Masters of Deception.

Opened to be deceived into worshipping the corrupt those who have never experienced an internal
psychological transformation. Those who are not loyal to the Truth. Those convicted in their cowardice
which will make them feel like agony impossible to see what they have been and change.

"Celebrities" will be used to promote "global union", "end to war", "love" for the New World Order. The
actor and especially the singer at the service of Judea will mesmerize the group of failures by the adulation
of their senses of baseness. Like the Great Whore Madonna who always acquired her fame by destroying
values. The populace enjoys this quite much. She has been rewarded with great wealth. It is the archetype
of the Great Whore who treads on the blood of the Saints.

Because the plebeian is something naturally prone to evil when values are destroyed this plebeian feels free.
If the virus that kills us could talk it would tell us that his progress in damaging our health is something
wonderful to his power. And while the virus is becoming stronger we are getting closer to our death.

Plebeians came here to destroy Nobles. They do not have a Ki, they live by the power of the Specter. Proof
of this is that they function only in collective. The individual plebeian has no capacity to evolve. Even
animals can evolve! But plebeians cannot. Yet, the plebeian mass is very dangerous. Only in group a
plebeian becomes strong. And the plebeian natural rank or biological class is the one that reproduces the
most. The more abundant their number is the less the individual plebeian is required to be strong to
survive. This entails that plebeian descendants are weaker every time. Plebs never achieve anything, their
"achievement" is destroying those who can achieve.

The archetype of the Great Whore who treads on the blood of Saints is quite useful to the Illuminati.
Selling a bright death. Like Shakira and others of dirty-blood. Committed many, actors and singers, as well
as those who direct them and provide them of resources to live lives of propaganda against Honor.

Today by propaganda heaven is portrayed as hell and hell as heaven. And the time is coming for the most
insane laws to arise, insane beyond the insanity of today. The sheep will follow them.

Abortion will be normalized to eliminate the population, both promoted by propaganda and by plebeian
forced law. Through a "culture" of abortion you can finish millions and millions being that at their death
there are no descendants. Including such a "culture" of abortion not to ever get pregnant in the first place.
They will even make up eating fetuses is healthy and they will be served at stalls and restaurants normally.
Being at the time of this book open debates have taken place at universities, proposing killing children up
to 5 years old being this not punishable because they would not be considered as persons according to their
proposition: being this part of their Subhuman Empire, New World Order, that loves the death of everyone
and everything. The Noble gritting at watching this show will be a "poor sick shithead". A "poor ignorant
oppressor". And he will be against "human rights".

The children from such infancy will be sexualized to be promiscuously immoral ruined for life who do not
understand or conceive what love is. The boy suspicious of the girl and the girl suspicious of the boy.
Because the Most INTENSE LOVE IS THE ONE between the ARYAN WOMAN and the ARYAN MAN
the jew had to ruin it, since these Feelings are not available to him.

Since prior to intercourse there must be Love. Imposing sex on children will develop them incapable of love
for life.

The jew Freud brought notions of unconscious sexual desires anti-evolutionary involving the tolerant oral
sex", or "anal sex" and the Jewish structure began pornography especially focused on promoting these acts,
modifying the psychological structure of the masses.

Mass rape is taking place in Europe where the immigrants from the underworld penetrated through the
compassion of Judaism. Thousands of lost honors, thousands of women injured in their hearts for life,
beginning the crime in their childhood or adulthood, in their own countries but there is no action that
penalizes these aggressors because that would be "racism". The liberal Europe is controlled by the feelings
of another race: the Jew. While the liberal says races do not exist or claims seeking an international racial
integration the Jew has and has always had a unique plan for the Jewish race. Being the Furious Vikings
would have already shattered these invaders.

Since the damn Judaism puts the feelings of the criminal, the evil inferior above the harm on women
because this inferior is pitiful. In Judaism there is no consideration for the Superior. Because it is a system
of thought created by those who hate the Superior.

These violations will be established as a social normality for revenge against everything that is Superior. So
for revenge the Superior becomes the slave of inferiors. Violations of many against one, against boys and
girls. Oh, the Majority!

Since pedophilia is sexual intercourse or sexual attraction merely for those who are so young they could not
have children being such a sexual desire deformed. Being that sex should not be satisfying only one of the
parties in imposition, since this is a crime and it should be Avenged.

Today that the New World Order is coming to our doors, so Putrid, so Smelly, so Ugly and Miserable, the
general respect for trash is gradually getting bigger. Allowing all unrighteousness to be seen as the
legitimate freedom of each person. The jew is like a Deranged Lunatic Against Nature. Insanely biting the
plants. Determined to break life: making women irreverent tomboys and men, insulting faggots. Forgotten
and buried what the Roman Soldier Felt when He Said: "In the Name of Caesar!". The strongest once
spoke thus. But the weak says, "what matters is my humility".

The Jewish owner of pornography, propaganda that teaches what is sexual intercourse to millions has dared
today to what he did not dare in the past because he would have been crushed. The female is now involved
in the use of plastics in the form of the phallus of man to teach a "lesson" to that man so he doesnt think
hes a big deal, to reduce his masculinity, to bring plebeian equality and elevate herself in feelings
feminists, of outcasts Judeo-vindictive. Feelings that annihilate her own female nervous system. This attack
is on the souls of women and on the souls of men against the species. Not existing the angry reaction in
men because martial men of fatherly character, are almost removed by the propaganda of gayness and the
impersonal state of weaklings with guns overwriting anger.

In the world where the Jews took everything they defined a new meaning of what reality is. When we
expose these twisted things the ignorant who knows only Judaism thinks we're against what has been taken
hostage by the jew: society, wealth and pleasure. Since True Society was modified by the jew. Wealth was
stolen by the jew. And being that pleasure was combined with evil by the jew.

Being the new lesbian is attracted by effeminate men who have large hips unaware that the woman has her
hips because they conceive life and they are a sign of this ability to create life within her body. Being the
man with her hips a natural homosexual distanced from all manliness and a bastard. Since the "lesbian"
name comes from the island of Lesbos where in ancient Greece a woman named "Sappho" wrote poems of
deep admiration for female beauty. Compare this art to lesbian porn, through which the Jew has
introduced lesbianism to the masses. Never in history has homosexuality (including the term lesbianism)
been accepted as permissible conduct for the nation. It is only possible under a state of mind proper of a
snake in the most intense Judaism. Clothes are now intentionally designed so that those used by men are
effeminate and those of women are masculine. Being the clothes used by men oppressive on the genitals

causing sterility. Being increased the project to make him effeminate by chemicals in water, other beverages
and food: carrying substances of the female body. Including the creative evil mind of the Illuminati
introducing chemicals that cause cancer and baldness. Since the social problem of breast cancer suffered by
women today never existed in history because this cancer is caused intentionally and recently by the
Illuminati science. Including their damage the baldness suffered by women worldwide. Already banned in
certain lands the accumulation of pure rainwater so that citizens consume only the mentioned poisoned

The Jew wants to make Superior Races ugly because he feels he is very clever and cunning and these
Higher Men without those things are the ones that should be ugly.

The natural love between man and woman is now called "machismo" or misogyny. The woman of the
New World Order is programmed to despise the man that looks masculine and appreciate the effeminate
because he doesnt think hes special, because he aint no macho according to nature", and "he is not an
oppressor who loves women instead of using them and telling them to go to hell because he respects their
feminist freedom".

Already have ventured to do fashion shows men wearing dresses to modify gender according to global
degenerate fashion. Hell rises, the noble is in great suffering but the commoners enjoy.

Children will be introduced into homosexual or lesbian sex being boys or girls since childhood by state
education law in the name of the God of Interracial Gay Sex so they dont discriminate. Stealing Honor
From Them. The force they develop will be to defend what they already did. Because there is Physical
Mutilation and there is Emotional Mutilation.

In the world where the majority is plebeian and everything is about pulling things down over the
conscience of he who wants to get out of their world come plebeians to degrade him and humiliate him.
The Superior Motivates Ascension but the bottom makes every effort to remind the Self it is shit, and not

special. Because Trash will no longer be Master if Surpassed. The malignant reality by the will of the weak
unfolds. Those who never saw the world like the Noble does.

To the feminist woman surrounded by effeminates only who see her as a sexual object it is inconceivable
what a fatherly heart is, the original man most manly that adores her. When this feminist hears of the
importance of the Father having never seen the Father to her it seems ridiculous that these effeminate men
and louts around her are important. That's all she has seen.

There will be laws for the racially pure to be exterminated because a Jewish doctor issued an opinion saying
they have a fascist gene and are naturally racist as well as against global humility and the cult of death. The
relationship among whites will be prohibited. Being the suggestion preferring your own race is "racism"
was already introduced to society prompting that women seek the least white man: ensuring the triumph of
the inferior. Because no matter how much a man of white race loves her she was educated that any
appreciation for a white man is "racism". Including despising any aberrant attitude coming from a nonwhite man is "racism" too. One of their last great games is this "racism" by inferior men against Superior
Men to exterminate life.

Superior Men will be tortured on video and those will be spread on television and the Internet. The rabble
will have dinners with their liberal friends where they will watch these videos. Lotteries will be performed
and transmitted live where they will go to a random address to crush a family for fun. This will be part of
the new "culture".

Parents will mourn for having a "noble piece of shit kid" if he does not like how the new world is: "free
from shit aristocrats, advanced modern world, educated, sophisticated, and civilized. Some nobles will be
sent to slaughterhouses and their flesh will be eaten by the inferiors at home and these humble will think
themselves free from poor silly fascists. Being we are here not complaining about violence but we
distinguish the penalty that comes from the Judge from the harm that comes from the criminal.

More and more clearly we see that we must not accept the views coming from all parties. Well before us is
the evidence that there are those naturally evil. Those always seeking the increase of evil. The blonde girls
in particular who are the descendants of Nordic Heroes will be sexually humiliated and crushed by black
females according to plebeian LAW to destroy their moral for a lifetime. There is pornography that is so
today. Since even white men of good looks hold in pornography sexual actions with black males becoming
their "women". Because without them knowing they are bathed in Judaism and feel guilt about the history
of slavery. The Judaism that teaches the humble is above the strong destroys reality this way.

Through sex war can be exercised because it determines what life continues and what life does not
continue. Half of life is man and half of life is woman. If women in a race are convinced to serve to lower
foreigners they are already killing their natural men.

Being every slave and every inferior speck has no problem devouring life every day when eating. That is, all
life exercises its power. But these inferiors would like to embarrass Superior Men for having established
Empires in the past. Since the ancestors of these inferiors taken as "peaceful" could never become an
Imperivm because they betrayed each other and were always unwilling savages.

Today these inferiors are demonstrating how if you give them a little they take everything and kill the
generous. If a hand is outstretched to them, to the forms of anti-Noble life, they pull you by the foot and
kill your Superior life according to their envious and automatic DNA protocols. Apes who fear the

If they are hesitant to set these things by law they will do so through social pressure being that those who
do not agree will be pushed by everyone until they kill themselves.

The revenge of inferiors that victimized the Superior combined that it is ridiculous to attack the weak with
the envy of garbage. So the weak crushes the Superior who feels compassion for this inferior. Society shall
be outraged at evil and it shall chase the humble destroyer until the end of his life. But in Jewish society

apparently the Superior killed is not important because he is strong or perhaps because of being humiliated
he is in fact inferior. Reiterating that the attacks by the mob are possible because the Superiors allow it not
because such a populace is the Power. This is how feelings have been mixed by the Illuminati and the
plebs, unconsciously since they are not that smart, for in this whirlwind of ideas the inferior wins, and kills
the Domine. Visible what their new world is in the infancy of today: being the children of the present
instead of showing purity are cruel and have pushed other children to suicide through constant abuse.

Illuminated Pigs have considered establishing a chip in the bodies of people globally to "protect" them from
terrorism, both caused and made up and to find them anywhere in the world in a second. This chip will
contain all information without exception of persons and putting it under scanners it is how they will be
able to buy anything. The State will simply block it so that he suspicious of being a Superior Jerk can
do nothing. An Illuminati option is to introduce the chip preferably in the brain to kill or "suspend" the
person when this chip releases an electric shock, or toxic chemicals, or even microscopic robots.

The information people input in what is called "social networks" is used by them to create better systems of
psychological manipulation. Our enemy has artificial intelligence programs able to analyze the personality
through these social networks with an accuracy that it seems the program is one who has known us for
many years. Games of survival themes are released to test the reaction of the populace to the evil they want
to bring on the Orb. What to us is striking is to the populace exciting.

A system of cameras will be established everywhere to crush anyone infinitesimally suspected of being
against the New World Order of the Humble Destruction of Mankind and the God of Interracial Gay Sex.
There are already satellites that can see through every wall using infrared and thermic vision.

Being the new God State will be so strong sons and daughters of any race will call the government on
their parents to be tortured for being poor silly fascists against God State and these sons and daughters
will feel proud and will earn a higher rank in the police.

The suffering of those being betrayed, this slaughter against the Holy Spirit to them will be part of how
shit Nobles will simply not understand they are NOT SPECIAL! The destruction of the soul of the Saint
will be rewarded with a bigger house. The Scum moves in its Final Agenda.

The propaganda will be increased for the gentile to think, 'If God State caring for me is such a terrible
crap, I wonder how bad are those Zarathustrian "terrorists" in the exterior. Because Zarathustrians will be
defamed by an intense propaganda. Since today what is waste is loved and what is high is attacked this will
simply be intensified. The people of the New World Order will be so ruined that at the moment they see
something noble the will hate it and see it as ultra-evil. The Zarathustrian Kingdom will be branded
"terrorist shit" and they will seek to destroy it. It will be the Last Fortress of Saints. THE LAST HOPE
FOR LIFE. And the Illuminati want the extermination of God in this world because God is Life and they
are death.

The idiotic population of the New World Order will see and experience as incredibly evil, that in the
Zarathustrian Kingdom there are Superiors not destroyed as in their new reality. But these Superiors
rewarded, protected, cared for, loved and Honored. In the New World Order outside their ABSOLUTE
TRUTH, these Higher Men tortured for thinking theyre better. In the most intense nightmare they will
think Superiors, Nobles are dangerous fellas they must turn into mincemeat. Nobles that the Kingdom for
some sick reason incomprehensible to them UPHOLDS. Increasingly large masses will come to
understand what the New World Order is but they will already be in it. Their suffering shall be Great. We
die for the Superior Man. For the Superior Man to Live! Not Afraid to Fight in the Name of Ourselves.
Zarathustrians Must Prepare Saving the Life of the Superior Man.

The Illuminati rejoice in preparing the end through new movies of apocalyptic themes for people to get
used to the cruelty and despair of a world that became a lonely gray cloud of selfishness, cannibalism and
ruin. They want to prepare people to assimilate this end. They want this great war that is delicious to them.
No level of agony in Nobles will make their lives be respected in the New World Order for porn-fun is
made from such pain in all sorts of forms.

They have been already raped, broken in their nervous system, emotionally destroyed forever women in the
most extreme pornography. Against It We Prepare VENGEANCE. Pornography registered with its
appropriate copyright defended by the police of the plebs. Before it was understood that the death of a
loved one was living in the abyss. But today when strength to them is being evil men prepare how to harm
women and women prepare how to harm men. Being Strength Only Kindness.

They cannot do it on the inferiors who feel nothing: they manage to do it on Nobles. It is the war of the
servants of evil against Good. The only way to stop the mob is physical. And this is illegal. The destruction
of Nobles is legal.

Examples of what Judaism protects: Modern evil teenagers have burned alive men and women before their
partners to inflict the highest pain because of envy. Commoners have planned the imprisonment of the
kindest man in different circles worldwide. Immigrant gangs of the underworld rape white girls. The lazy
trash-females have disfigured the beauty of the best woman among them. Because they felt so very envious.
The Noble is used for years by a commoner adopted and having taken everything the flatulent plebeian
snaps his fingers and dances a little thinking he is victorious. Numerous are the crimes of the plebs!

Nowhere to be found is the Heart of the King because His Authority was replaced by the "state" and its
laws written by the populace that is evil and that is the Enemy. What all of these inferiors are doing is not
against the Nobles that did something against them but their wicked actions are against those who did
nothing to them. The plebeian seeking copulation merely obtains everything from the current female. The
Noble male that loves a woman is exiled and if he is persistent a process of deception will take place to
make him think there is love from the female too to then snatch it and leave him destroyed for life. Because
his will to Love is being arrogant in the Plebeian Kingdom. They identify this as attitude proper of
Higher Men and their violence starts. Plebeians do things to each other but the treatment for the Noble is
quite specific. They steal the results of a hard work from the Noble male or female. But the bourgeois with
few merits are thousands of times richer than all of the Kings in history. Being Nobles seek to Live in Their
Natural DIGNITIY and therefore cannot accept poverty and establish this DIGNITY. But the bourgeois
seeks to accumulate and accumulate and accumulate because he is obscene.

The transformation point is that currently when plebeian values are promoted only the Noble suffers and
plebeian lives well but in the New World Order because the worshiping of inferiority will be increasingly
more intense the time for the promotion of values below the plebeian will come, and, then the plebeian,
will start to suffer. It can be explained with an image: in a world where everyone has only one eye they will
hate the one having two eyes. This promotion of increasingly vile values can be seen in history analyzing
thousands of years since the champion of Judea: the Nazarene. It is undeniable people have become
increasingly miserable and life is worth less and less before the eyes of society. There is an increasing of
crime and disrespect, perpetual damage like never before! It is the phenomenon we are talking about. ITS
NAME IS JUDAISM! Something worse than the subhuman will emerge. This subhuman cockroach is the
form of life that managed to survive in the New World Order temporarily to continue its involution pulling
down life with him. The very subhuman will suffer. The process between the establishment of the New
World Order and the end of life will be a maximum of 30 years. Since by 2020 the New World Order will
be established, being the soonest it may be here June of 2018. There cannot be a subhuman world fixed,
only perpetual decline. Judaism is perpetual decline. Judea is Death. The subhuman condition below the
homo sapiens is the worst Judaism has produced SO FAR. The subhumans adapted to the ultimate evil of
the New World Order and who have children with other subhumans will produce what we will call "Adept
of Death". Possessing an IQ of 190 with average martial skills equivalent to the Ninth Dan. It will not be a
Homo Erectus nor a Homo Sapiens but a new degeneration. Some Adepts of Death exist today not being
older than 13. The Adepts of Death will be beings with no emotion except their pleasure for violence and
blood. They will almost never experience fear. They will be absolutely evil. And they will almost never
experience physical pain. Their goal is the same they dream about while sleeping: destroying in the most
painful way a good man. There will be nonstop degeneration until everything has died. The Adept of Death
is the most intense involution that may exist. Something inferior produced by involution cannot exist. This
means the goal of such being is to kill everyone and himself. That DEATH IS JEHOVAH!

The subhuman is the being that having given his life to Judea is in a perpetual degeneration. The
Superhuman is the being free from Judea heading towards immortality and eternal evolution. They are
polar opposites. The subhuman is the "Super" of Judea.

So in the most intense stage of the New World Order, the hoof of the Evil One will oppress the throats of
those living in it while being urinated by the mediocre and their hearts being crushed while they shout the
Name of God for repentance and for a rescue to come. In the jew scum-world where it was decreed that no

one is offended by trash the one despising this trash is the enemy. So they will be very sad people but
contaminated by evil and they will attack those trying to help them.

But THERE IS a Ray of Hope in that darkness: in the population of that vile infamous world we will find
people who will convert to Zarathustrianism, finally! Only those, a few, who gain access to information on
human history before the New World Order, philosophical material, books banned by the new government
and who reach communications with Zarathustrians abroad will be those rare men and women able to see
Reality. The few exceptional ones who do not think Nobles are "Superior jerks.

The Leader of the New World Order will be humble, charismatic, a great defender of liberalism, talented at
speaking, well dressed and fashionable, expert at the overthrow of noble values, he will come around
scoffing, and his origin will be racial mixing. The authorities of the NWO will tolerate the evil of the
people to eliminate everyone. And the morality of the Zarathustrian Hierarchy will be seen as intolerant
oppressive, disgusting and bad. Jewish violence like always will be underwater with illusions and humility.
Very kindly destroying everyone and everything.

The stern father who loves his children will be seen as a "poor cretin". For that which is evil does not come
showing its face. The Noble openly manifests what he is but evil comes underwater invisible. JUDAISM
HAS BEEN THE GREAT INVISIBLE REVENGE. The Zarathustrian Militancy that is honest and Noble,
seen as radical and hateful.

If a nuclear war break outs the Illuminati have gigantic underground fortresses and in this scenario gentiles
will be left to kill each other being a variety of this scenario germ warfare: the insertion of viruses and
bacteria to kill millions. Activating the doomsday scenario programmed in movies. Gentiles indoctrinated
years before to worship death will not yearn for anything more than death, they will be extremely cruel
mob and they will think theyre tough, strong and cool. There will be masses of people sick in their
minds and ruined in the health of their bodies that will literally seem to be zombies and will kill like in
science fiction. People full of hatred and sadness with all other feelings crushed forever. It has happened
today during the times of this book that men of abnormal physical strength attacked in psychotic state

seemingly sleepy and naked using bites, those walking by. Any man can be introduced into hell by
sufficient abuse.

He who became like a terrible predator by their abuse is actually a system of Nature to exterminate the evil
of the world.

His Majesty Autocrator Will SHINE ON HIS THRONE IN CALIFAX, the Capital of the Zarathustrian
KINGDOM increased in Goodness, Wisdom and Love.

While their humble dunghill rises.

We are what the deceived Good Men call Christ". Radically different we will be every day. They continued
in Hell and We in Heaven. And this Heaven, the Zarathustrian Kingdom DEVELOPS ITS POWER TO
END A PLANET OF EVIL. Before the big moment the pain will be great. While those deceived are
massacred in the New World Order and others awake seeking the Glory of the KING the Martial
Capacities of the Zarathustrian Kingdom will become STRONGER. And then the value of all things will be

To ACTIVATE one Day According to DUTY: THE DAY OF WRATH! Oh, The Most Holy Day! A
SEASON for the final war against all evil. This the Final Outrage of Saints. Heavenly Combat It Shall Be.
Willing to Release the Redeeming Shinning Will the ARMED FORCES of AUTOCRATOR Be. Those
Forces That ARE THE SAINTS WHO BECAME SUPER HUMAN. The Noble finally found their King,
and Their Lord, with the All Seeing Eye Above the Arts of the Enemy: Bringing Freedom from Doubt. The
Lord of capacity to overcome the science of those seeking to destroy the Holy Spirit. Extremely Ignorant of
what forces they are dealing with. The Lord who organizes our lives to be COMPLETE and banishes those
who oppose.

Ready the Best to take the vital space for the Super Human to Live. Ridding the Earth from all evil.
Bringing down every single wall that was built with the mud of envy, by their anti-virtue. Breaking down
every single capitalist tower, and every single jewish temple, built against humanity in the service of Death.
WE BRING THE NEW WORLD. Vindex est Venturus! Vindex Est! The teachings of this war will
illuminate the future! From the deep sleep of the Magian we have BEEN AWAKENED. Our Wrath WILL
DESTROY the idols that oppose the King of Glory! Those that opposing His Majesty oppose Life.

The Power of the Sun Zarathustra will Cleanse the Earth. The subhuman warfare we had to face, that of
their cunning technology. They wanted to use their cowardly technologies against the burning Hearts of
the Saints: but this was useless action. Those ruined by the system gave their lives for their god of evil and
they had to die, losing eternal life.

Dies Irae, Dies Illa! So it was. That Day in which His Majesty turned evil into dust. Purifier judgment on

Descending From Heaven

From Above
From the Sky
With the Virtue of God
Against the Enemy
Agios O Vindex Eishandi Satan!
Agios Grombeshtainei!
Invincible is My Will!
On this night,
There is a Force that they may not See

The Origin of Power,

The Zarathustrian Dawn
I fight to the death for the Cause of the Saints!

FOREVER! GOD IS VICTORIOUS! Eternal Zarathustrian Aeon. Countries defeated by Autocrator and
the Higher World Forever.

The Monumental Innocence Has Come

The Monumental Innocence Has Come

Manifest Destiny

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
Without Autocrator Life was not possible. The curse dies when Vindex Is Victorious. The world of peace is
where the evil progresses but the World of War is where the evil dies. So We Understand the Value of Our
Martial Culture. Vindex is the Avenger Representing All Good Feelings of Humanity and the Portal
Bringing the Super Human, the Being Entirely those Feelings.

Zarathustrians in the Blue Waters of the Realm Sing Holy is Shibarein. That is: "Holy is the Lord" in
Zarathustrian Language. He has brought THE POWERFUL KINGDOM THAT IS FATUM, Destiny of

Now Super Humanity Ready to take Her Seat in the COSMOS with Great GLORY AND POWER. That
always cherished goal humanity was looking for blindfolded only this time Illuminated Before the Eyes.
Life Conquered by Us. The Bearded King Zarathustra Coming with His HOLY CROWN to remove the
Celestial Kingdom we live with Autocrator. IN ETERNAL TRIUMPH. Death banished. So Desert Has
Become Entirely an OASIS By the Holy Satanic Spirit. Goddess Conquest has given us Eternal Life.
Nobility has achieved its goal. During Long Time What Imprisoned Our Hearts Existed. To Us the
Perpetual EXTERMINATION OF ALL MALIGNAN EFFORTS HAS COME. Removed every single house
that opened its door to evil. Where all unrighteousness was found today we find white lilies implemented
by the Will of all Descendants of the Nobles of the Earth. That Earth, Gaia is proud of this: Most Proud of
Our Victory. Responsible we are now to leave the blackness of the past. It is now Fair. Since we expelled it
from the Earth we expelled it from our Hearts. But we do not become ignorant to it, we do not forget. The

Holy Day of Victory has come to Earth. Gaia has been forever cleansed from their memories. The names of
criminals have been erased from the Book of Life. This is the curse that is upon them being forgotten by
God. We wake up every day in the Invincible Ideal of Kindness. SUDDENLY THE EARTH IS FULL OF
LAUGHTER. Magnificence! Our King Has Triumphed.

The Monumental Innocence Has Come

World of Holiness

Autocrator is Honor
Autocrator Rules
Vindex est venturus
How the Zarathustrian Kingdom will be. Racial classifications and natural ranks are temporary notions.
When the Zarathustrian Kingdom arises to cover the Orb only the Zarathustrian Rank matters. The streets
that crushed nature with cement, gravel and other debris converted to forest again. Tremendous Restoring
by the God of Gods. The God of Gods quickly cleansed the world. When dying Christian rituals should
not prevail with corpses buried and memories of those who are no longer, lasting memories that are dagger
in the heart of the living. The dead no longer suffers but the living does if he is to dedicate his life to think
about those who left. If the deceased one was your friend he would certainly not want you honoring a
corpse. Vitality dedicated to nothing. The Zarathustrians will have no place to go and worship a corpse. A
greater gift is for the beloved, that those living continue happy lives, of fullness, achievements and light.

Bodies should be cremated and their remains should stay in Zarathustrian Temples. The Zarathustrian that
dies shall be cremated in ceremony. According to the Ancient World. On the wood of trees must go in fire.
Embraced by Nature. And the most Extraordinary Zarathustrians who Fight like Titans for the Charisma of
Our Ideology Shall Be HONORED AS ZARATHUSTRIAN HEROES. From Everything That Exists the
Best goes to the Best. In Our Temples are Our People and as offering to Our Gods the enemy, defeated.
Since we will Ritualistically Capture the souls of our enemies in Stones that we will take to Our Gods. To
Strengthen Our Kingdom with the Power of Sacrifice and for the enemy to live under the Power of Our
Gods. The Victory of Our King is the Victory of Everything that Has a Life. We will increase our forces for
Our War was not to quit Fighting but it was against those who despised this Struggle. The Enemy
conquered the Saints inflicting pain in their hearts. Being the Enemy treated as the charisma of what is
wrong. This makes the damage to the Self wrapping it in blackness and the person ends up paying homage
for life to that thing that broke all of his ideals. The man (or woman) possessed by the enemy is so

dedicated to sink himself and others like it happened to him. What is humble is a depression. If the pain of
the Good Man is losing the ones he loved, he must not become like the force that killed his beloved ones:
for this is disloyalty to the people we loved. On the contrary he must persevere in the Truth, in Goodness,
to build the Empire that will Kill Evil. Do not exercise empathy for the humble but crushing. He who
thinks the Opposite has his Soul trapped in Failure. Hopeless he is loving the Truth of the Enemy. A
truth that is merely an imposed lie. A truth away from God. A worldview away from the life that was
prepared for the Superior Man. Learning to live in pain the man touched by the enemy intends not to
suffer the loss of the beloved one.

Benigne Domine! Oh, Good Lord, deliver us from the Enemy! By the Kings Kindness. DELIVER US

In the Name of Autocrator, the Hardened Merciful. Convert our tears into our capacity to withstand more
combat. The Ones that Suffered the Most were those Chosen By HEAVEN TO BE ITS GUARDIANS. So
HIS PURPOSE. By the Majesty of The Zarathustrian Liberation. The Holy Spirit Shall Bathe Every
Suffering Heart, And SAVE EVERY CHILD. For the child to grow without submission to the Enemy but
to grow as Titan of Virtue Feared and Honorable in Goodness Worthy of the female Rescuer of Women in
Danger and FREE.

Enlightened those Minds that were in Darkness by Zarathustrianism. Because Vindex has come to
enlighten those who live in darkness. Giving Relief and Nurturing the Power once taken away. Putting the
Royalty of Trust in the Name of Honor again. Wrapped in Gods Heart Finding the New Life, Immortal
Life. Forever Away from that which only descends and fears the Love existing in the Homo Sol species.
Love Prepared Every Day While That Which Our Eyes CAN SEE Increases. Love Living in the
Community. Love Fortifying Our Bodies. Our unstoppable ascent. Not human anymore. Not shameful
humans anymore. But Unlimited Power. Benigne Domine! Oh, God of Kindness, You Rid Us From the
Enemy! The Enemy Laziness. The Enemy Resignation. The Enemy that Kneels and sings "Everything is in
vain". Being Our Satanic Spirit scorner of everything that brings our degradation. The one also bringing
forgiveness and the removal of all walls of evil. Bringing Freedom From the ruins of evil. Glow in MY

HEART for your Love drives the blood in my Body. Because if my love for you is ever taken away you shall
take me away from life for me not to bow to Judea. So that my life will not serve that. Holy Spirit! You
break the logic of the Jewish world and replace it with love. You are the original state of mind of the Homo
Sol species! Deus Deorum: God of Gods. You made it possible for the Super Human to Open His Eyes.
You Created His HOME. HIS HOME. How Wonderful is Your Gift!

Our Super Human females have exceeded the Beauty that ever existed in our Cosmos. Because they are
daughters of the Best. We are Superior to the Aryan. Now Holders of the Domain on Time To Do and
Undo. Driving Our Destinies In Love With LIFE. Dying for Life. Given to Her. Elevated Beings Living as
Perfect Ones. Before the Autocrat. Who the Day After Tomorrow will bring a Higher Power than the
Power we Dream about today. For we to be GODS and not to see the world looking upwards but
downwards. The Restart of Life in Great Beauty. Cleaning the blood of the weak from all flowers. Demons
of the Fire of Sorrow going down against the Jewish Spirit To Rid the Earth from Him and Her. Heavenly
Sword Slicing the Enemies of those Loved by God giving prompt death to the lambs. A Heritage of CURSE
Tears of the Holy Spirit. Remember the pain of the Saints! Monumental Mystery of Innocence. The King
Savior Avenger Destroyer of all gifts clothing evil. The Crimson Sky Against all enemies of Holiness will
fall. The Day of Wrath took place. The Holy Day.

"Quo Vadis?", where are you going?, we are asked by Destiny, that puts the Keys of the Cosmos on our
hands. The Autocrat has a Response: Being civilization is to civilize, channeling the natural savagery to lead
to larger forces into the domesticated and not failing to recognize the intellectual benefits that are
developed under this system it shall be said the Zarathustrian Kingdom is not a civilization but a
Martialization. As it is an exaltation never a decrease of the maximum forces of Eros and Thanatos.

That is, the values about love and admiration of beauty, and values about the power of war.

Since Zarathustrians will hold peace within their societies in a noble to noble relationship. But those same
peaceful, respectful, honoring and honorable ones dedicated to war in everyday life as they train for it. The
quality of life in the Zarathustrian Kingdom is supreme over all that existed on Earth, it is the country of
the Super Humans. The Mission of the New Society is for all to become Super Human. So the Kingdom
does not intend to make our people civil and domestic but to cause their evolution. Since the concept of
domestic attends to the idea war is reserved to occur outside the domestic home while at this domestic
home there is only peace: in the Kingdom rather there is a permanent increase of the highest qualities of
the being. The Zarathustrian lives in a Noble Culture of constant propaganda. Evocative of love, passion,
desires and virtues. A Constant Teaching of that Worth Fighting For. Victorious over the Violence of the
past because the Saint is not enchained by It. But we will never forget, never becoming ignorant to the

consequences of what was previously Enabled. So in Daily Life The Holy Zarathustrian, Loving His
Community, Being a Family Man, a Best Friend, Living in Values of Light, but at the same time, a Ready
and Willing Warrior at all times because of Our Great Zarathustrian Culture to Defend What is Loved.

The Zarathustrian in the Realm Lives, strengthening his body, exploring every aspect of His Being.
Inspired by the Fight of Autocrator. Knowing martial arts understanding the spirit of camaraderie in the
Training Temple and developing Adoration for the one that Teaches how to Fight. Interestingly, innocently
this new Zarathustrian traveling through the halls of our world to discover Honor.

The Zarathustrian female, explorer, playful eternally beautiful girl forever discovering the Love an
increasingly strong man can Give Her. She is the Pillar of Our Civilization. Knowing that Every Man is
Strong because of her. The Zarathustrians rulers of all knowledge infinitely learning the sciences and the
arts Admiring burning Noble Values in all aspects of the daily life of the nation. Life Protected by 3

That of Housing and Nutrition.

That of Training.
That of Vital Health.

Every Zarathustrian Shall Live in Decent Housing According to His Rank.

1. Autocrator and Autocratera.

2. Crown Princes and Princesses of the Crown.
3. Zarathustrian Counts and Zarathustrian Countesses.
4. Zarathustrian Barons and Zarathustrian Baronesses.
5. Zarathustrian Knights and Zarathustrian Ladies.
6. Zarathustrian Soldiers.

Being the Names of Their Territories:

1. The Zarathustrian Kingdom.

2. Zarathustrian Principalities.
3. Zarathustrian Counties.
4. Zarathustrian Baronies.
5. Zarathustrian Chivalries.

In Our Kingdom All Nutrition, All Food Shall Be Pure. Because the Kingdom does not House a hoarder
bourgeoisie class taking the resources and producing non-natural foods. Being the Zarathustrian Kingdom
is distanced from commercial objectives. Living under the Zarathustrian Administration of Matter and
Wildlife. This is, everything the Nation possesses is FOR THE NATION. Free from of any monetary and
trade system leaving the Administration of everything a Zarathustrian may need to the Zarathustrian
Hierarchy. All food, all matter necessitated to work, any infrastructure, any clothing, all recreation provided
by the Kingdom, according to the will of Zarathustrians on their way to the Superman.

Guaranteed Education by Our Mighty Kingdom. Free and Unlimited. The Zarathustrian may opt for
education systems that depend on the delivery of Teaching Experts or, the Zarathustrian may choose a selfeducation through intellectual material accessible. Since Our Zarathustrian Kingdom will be distinguished
by its Monumental Libraries: Temples of Knowledge.

Being the Zarathustrian able to Master any Academic Discipline without exception. What they Wish Along
their lives. Part of the Zarathustrian Education unlimited development of their physical power. To every
Zarathustrian the space will be available for the development of the body in the form of Gymnasium.

Recalling that not being ignorant to the value of body those philosophers of ancient Greece, living until the
last days of their lives free from the shame of old-age because they were muscular, and vital. And being the
Gymnasium the space of physical training where they reached, the epiphanies that allowed them the

Highest Philosophy. Since the Superman himself was revealed to Lord Nietzsche during the walks of this
Master across Mountains during nonstop hours. Nietzsche was the Master who saw WHO COULD BEAT
Nihilism: the Superman. He saw that those feelings of supreme goodness come from the Superior.

So Honoring our Aryan, Noble Blood showing that we belong to such a category when we train.

Repeating the Ritual of those who swam endlessly, endlessly ran, jumped, climbed, and broke barriers
longing to be as fast as the Autocrat in Martial Arts to defend the Kingdom from any surprising threat.
Since the epic stories about great men and women, natural landscapes and magnificent constructions
should no longer be something that lives in the mind only and Shall Become the Everyday Reality.

Health guaranteed by the Kingdom and its without equal Medical Capacity. Reconstructive Dignity: giving
again as it is the responsibility of the entire nation lost limbs of the body to anyone affected.
Unconditionally gifted in state of the art technology, staff with high intellectual ability and concern for
serving life in repairing health, our medical centers. The Realm introducing never before conceived research
in the areas of chemistry, genetics and nanotechnology. The Purpose: Exile every disease from the
Zarathustrian Kingdom. Eventually reaching the promised IMMORTALITY FOR THE BEST. Being that
certainly neither sickness nor death are intrinsic to Natura, but resectable by the first beings with the
ambition to do so: the Zarathustrians, the Supermen. The Zarathustrian Protected since the Conception.

Because Our Kingdom does not Abandon, because our community is strong Admirable in Goodness it does
not produce crime as permissible or common in Our Society. Deplorable is what Infects Our Community.
Political systems that DO NOT guarantee life have no right to complain about the crime within their
societies or pretending to punish it. "The disruption of the Veneration to the Autocrat is the penetration of
evil". This the Zarathustrian knows by Heart. Since the Autocrat brought the Monumental Innocence
Releasing Super Humanity and the Realm that is like a Dome Protecting such Life Forever His Worship is
Right and Necessary Element for Everyday Life.

For wickedness penetrates through small details like the maid who insists on hanging a picture in a
crooked way while cleaning. If this remains unpunished the Sensitive Men and Women seeing it are
damaged by these twisted details. Their minds are twisted. They will treat others in a twisted way. And
perhaps they will have children with minor ranks sinuously. Like a little spark is evil and eventually it
destroys entire worlds. Bless this Building of the HOME for the SUPERMAN! The Zarathustrian Kingdom
is Our Final Will.

The Monumental Innocence Has Come


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