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Do you have a compulsive desire to move your legs while sitting, lying down, or are sleep deprived
because of involuntary leg movements, with jerking, itching, tingling, or tightening sensation in one or both
legs? Restless leg syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder in which there is an impulsive obsession to
move the legs, as a means to cease undesirable sensations, explicitly when a person is relaxing, sitting,
lying down and goes through an extended period of inactivity. Restless legs can happen sporadically for
unknown reasons, or as an outcome of an underlying medical condition or as a side effect of certain
medications. Restless leg syndrome is not a potentially fatal disease, but it can affect your quality of life
by making you uneasy and disrupting your sleep.
Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome:


Iron or folic acid deficiency.

Hormonal imbalance during puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy.

Sudden withdrawal from sedatives.

Hypo or hyper glycemia (glucose levels in the blood).

Sleep apnea (temporary pauses in breathing during sleep).

Chronic Kidney Disease (slow loss of Kidney function over time).

Autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroid imbalance, Sjogrens syndrome where
there is inflammation of glands and tissues of the body.

Parkinsons Disease (disorder of the nervous system that affects bodily movements and

Peripheral Neuropathy (injury to nerves).


Tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and certain drugs like antinausea, antidepressants, antiseizure,
antihistamine, Neuroepileptics, Lithium, etc can trigger Restless legs.

Disparity or hypofunctioning of the brain chemical Dopamine, in the Central Nervous System, that
transmits signals between nerve cells in the brain, can cause Restless legs.

Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome:

Aching, tingling, burning legs.

Sensations as if bugs are crawling on legs.

Irresistable urge to walk or move your legs.

Uncontrollable rhythmic leg movements during sleep.






Homeopathic approach to Restless Leg Syndrome:

Homeopathy not only alleviates Restless leg syndrome, but also addresses the intrinsic cause and
susceptibility of the patient. The constitutional approach of Homeopathy promotes calm, rested limbs
during rest and sleep. Homeopathic remedies balance and improve functioning of all organs and systems
through its adaptogenic and invigorating qualities. The remedies will also exhilarate circulation and assist
absorption of iron from food. Homeopathic remedies are FDA approved and provide safe and nonaddictive relief without the negative side effects commonly associated with other restless leg symptom
relief medications. Unique holistic approach of Homeopathy channels minute potentized doses of natural
substances to safely relieve symptoms of restless legs and to naturally support a healthy lifestyle marked
by a sparkling fresh approach to life.
Below, I have noted some important Homeopathic remedies which can be used for Restless
leg syndrome under the supervision of an experienced Homeopath. These remedies are just
a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are mentioned only to create
awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines to calm Restless legs. It is not
advisable to resort to self medication for any disease.

Homeopathic remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome:

Arsenic Album: This is a first-rate remedy for physical and mental restlessness. These patients are
enervated from slightest exertion, are anxious with restlessness which is worse at night, disturbing their
sleep and compelling them to change place continually. Their ailments are from alcoholism, chewing
tobacco, drug abuse, etc. They complain of cramps in calves with trembling, twitching, spasms,
weakness, heaviness and uneasiness. Their feet swell with burning pains relieved by heat. Their
symptoms are worse on right side and after midnight.
Causticum: This remedy is indicated for left sided restlessness at night with tearing, drawing pains in
joints and bones with progressive loss of muscular strength. This weakness can progress gradually to
paralysis. Burning, rawness and soreness are characteristics of this remedy. Ailments are from long
lasting grief, sudden emotions. Ankles are weak and patient is unable to walk without suffering. They
complain of rheumatic tearing, burning in limbs especially at night, which is better by warmth and heat of
Chamomilla: This is an outstanding remedy for restless legs in children who are peevish, restless,
sensitive, irritable, and colicky. They are oversensitive from abuse of coffee and narcotics. Their

complains are worse from heat, anger, vexation, open air and at night. Pains are endurable, associated
with numbness and night sweats. These children are whining, restless, always complaining, want many
things, but refuse when given. Their one cheek is red, hot and other pale, cold. Their leg pains and
burning of soles, drive them out of bed at night compelling them to walk about.
Crotalus Horridus: This is another superlative remedy for restless legs mainly right side. This remedy
acts as a sedative and the patient sleeps into their symptoms. These patients are very talkative, sad,
weeping with clouded perception and memory. Their tongue is fiery red, on protruding goes to right with
grinding of teeth at night. Their legs feel swollen, sore, tremble and go to sleep easily. Soreness is
relieved by pressure.
Rhus Tox: This remedy is indicated for restless legs with pain and stiffness especially post operatively.
Motion always limbers up these patients, and hence, they feel better from change of position. Their
ailments are from strain, overlifting, getting wet, cold, post operatively. They are sad with thoughts of
suicide, extreme restlessness with continued change of position. Great apprehension at night, driving
them out of bed. Legs feels stiff and paralyzed. They are unable to tolerate cold fresh air, it makes their
skin painful, as if their thighs are tearing down wtih tenderness about the knee joint, with tingling and
crawling sensation in feet.
Zincum Metallicum: The guiding symptoms of this remedy are trembling, convulsive, twitching and
fidgety feet especially in obese, pot bellied persons. Pains are as if between skin and flesh. These
patients are sensitive to noise, have a weak memory, are averse to work, talk and touch. They are weak
with cold and restless feet. They complain of lameness, weakness, trembling and twitching of various
muscles with large varicose veins. Their feet have to be in continued motion, cannot keep still, soles of
feet are sensitive and they step with entire sole of foot on floor. They cry out during sleep with jerking and
nervous motion of feet when asleep. Sleep gets disturbed due to formication of feet and legs as from
bugs crawling over the skin. Symptoms are worse from touch, during menses, between 5 pm to 7 pm,
after dinner and from wine.
Self - care measures for Restless leg Syndrome:


Regular moderate exercises along with stretching exercises.

Warm Epsom salt baths.

Increase your dietary intake of Calcium, Magnesium and Iron.

Avoid using tobacco, alcohol and caffeine.

Eat a well balanced diet.

Make a bedtime schedule and habit that will help your mind and body settle down and prepare for


Find ways to soothe your stress.

Wear socks to bed if you seem to have cold feet.

Pressure can help relieve the discomfort too, so try wearing compression socks.

Changing the temperature from hot to cold or cold to hot can also relax your muscles.

If you are overweight, work seriously towards losing weight.

Hence, consider Homeopathy and enjoy symptom free days, filled with energy and vibrancy along with
symptom free nights filled with peaceful sleep.
About the author:
Neepa Sevak (DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered
with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic
certification. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on
the Board of International Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. She also coaches
students with clinical cases at the Teleosis School of Homeopathy in North America. Neepa is also
serving as a specialist at ACA (Autism Community of Africa, an organization that is helping heal Autistic
children in Africa, with the help of Homeopathic remedies). Her mission is to Promote Health through
Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach.
Phone: (480) 363 0758
Email: homeopathiccure@cox.net
Website: www.homeopathic-cure.com

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