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Wk 2 Introducing Hermes Trismegistos and Alchemy of Soul

Hermes Trismegistos' name means Three Times (Thrice) Great for he is the
possessor of all three parts of Wisdom. He teaches the God-given Power of
Will and Mind and the Sacred Law of Three, which occurs throughout religion
and science (as in past, present future; Holy Trinities; mind, body, spirit;
composition of man: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen). Wisdom has always been
with us and will always be so; like the symbolic linked (Ouroboros) or
entwined serpents (of Caduceus*) it has neither beginning nor end. Your
desire for wisdom leads you down mystical paths to arcane knowledge. As
you study this Module it is time to recall what you learned in past lives;
Hermes Trismegistos asks you to ensure you work only with love for the
highest good and to harm none: always retain honesty of intent. You will re-
acquire psychic skills, and may be drawn to any of the mysteries: crystals,
oils, flowers, energy healing, learning the wisdom of ancient civilisations.

Be aware that as you study this Module you are in a process of spiritual
alchemy. In the same way lead was transmuted into gold by the ancient
alchemists, Hermes Trismegistos confirms that you are healing/transmuting
the three parts (nine chakras) of self, re-discovering your own personal
wisdom path. These are true riches, beyond measure, for if you continue on
the Way of Love and Light they lead to inner peace. (*see Harmony Angel Cards
Phoenix Suit, or Gold & Silver Guardian Angels set. It is synonymous with the Tree of Life
and sometimes known as the Staff of Asclepius)

Hermes Trismegistos speaks on achieving harmony and balance

Mine is the fire that frees you from the physical and into the spiritual quest for
I am the Thrice-Great Master of Masters, and mine is the Nine-Fold Master
Key that unlocks the ancient Mysteries. I aid the seeker of Wisdom and
ultimate Truth, though remember that the lips of Wisdom are closed except to
the ears/heart of Understanding. (See also Thoth's crown in Heart & Soul Angel Cards)

• As we are part of the One (The All), All is likewise part of us.
• Everything without (Macrocosm) may also be found within your higher
heart (Macrocosm) and the reverse is also true.
• What is in the world we inhabit (the Below) is an exact counterpart of what
is in the world beyond (the Above) and the reverse is also true; this is
symbolised by the Sacred Eden Tree.
• Everything, including mind, body and spirit, is composed of energy and in
vibration at all times, the higher the vibration the closer it is to The All.
Energy can never be destroyed, only be transmuted in form.
• Always there is action and reaction, a cause and an effect, for this is the
natural rhythm of life. To understand or realise the one is to understand
and accept the other; Love is the Key.
• In a duality world there is a pair of opposites that must be reconciled,
including the masculine and feminine principle: two aspects that must be
harmonised within. In this reconciliation is first balance - Wisdom - found.
• When these two aspects are harmonised, the potential exists for Love to
open the pure, undefiled Angelic Light centre within. When this opens
then great Power is attained; the Way is found to Unity with All.
• The Secret of Secrets: Wisdom is only gained by Power with Love.

Now read from the Emerald Tablets overleaf, and at the end close
your eyes to receive the Caduceus Gateway Attunement.
by Thoth the Atlantean (*Hermes Trismegistos)

Translation by Doreal


Three is the mystery, come from the great one. Hear, and Light on thee will dawn.

In the primeval, dwell three unities. Other than these, none can exist. These are the equilibrium, source of
creation: one God, one Truth, one point of freedom.

Three come forth from the three of the balance: all life, all good, all power.

Three are the qualities of God in his Light home: Infinite power, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love.

Three are the powers given to the Masters: To transmute evil, assist good, use discrimination.

Three are the things inevitable for God to perform: Manifest power, wisdom and love.

Three are the powers creating all things: Divine Love possessed of perfect knowledge, Divine Wisdom knowing all
possible means, Divine Power possessed by the joint will of Divine Love and Wisdom.

Three are the circles (states) of existence: The circle of Light where dwells nothing but God, and only God can
traverse it; the circle of Chaos where all things by nature arise from death; the Circle of awareness where all
things spring from life.

All things animate are of three states of existence: chaos or death, liberty in humanity and felicity of Heaven.

Three necessities control all things: beginning in the Great Deep, the circle of chaos, plenitude in Heaven.

Three are the paths of the Soul: Man, Liberty, Light.

Three are the hindrances: lack of endeavour to obtain knowledge; non-attachment to god; attachment to evil. In
man, the three are manifest. Three are the Kings of power within. Three are the chambers of the mysteries, found
yet not found in the body of man.

Hear ye now of he who is liberated, freed from the bondage of life into Light. Knowing the source of all worlds
shall be open. Aye, even the Gates of Arulu shall not be barred. Yet heed, O man, who wouldst enter heaven. If ye
be not worthy, better it be to fall into the fire. Know ye the celestials pass through the pure flame. At every
revolution of the heavens, they bathe in the fountains of Light.

The Caduceus symbol is used next - you can see this in the
Harmony Angel Cards, Gold & Silver Guardians set (Book of
Angels) and also the Angel Almanac.

Grounding, balancing, harmonising with the Caduceus

The Caduceus/Staff of Asclepius symbolises the three of grounding, balance
and healing, the three of masculine, feminine, balance, the three angels Ariel,
Gabriel and Raphael. The Staff itself (Sanscrit - sushumna) signifies Ariel's
Earth Wisdom, plus grounding of the physical self, joining with his Air Wisdom
- Breath of Life and third eye spiritual connection. This is the meeting
between physical and spiritual worlds yet also represents the human spine,
i.e. manifesting this energy for self-healing and healing All. Entwining the staff
are two (gold and silver) snakes of wisdom (Sanscrit - ida and pingala) for
balance of both solar (Raphael/masculine) and lunar (Gabriel/feminine).
Your personality (affecting all energy centres) blends masculine and feminine
attributes (duality). The first priority of Caduceus healing is to be grounded
and to balance these aspects for your ultimate highest good. The snakes'
crossing points over the Staff (spine) represent 6 of the 7 main chakras
(base: red through orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, to third eye and
violet) and balance in these centres.

The Caduceus aids and indicates balance to that point where duality ends.
From crown chakra there is only Unity (Oneness) and white Diamond, the ray
of Seraphiel. Work firstly with the Caduceus/Tree of Life on the next pages
(see also Gold & Silver Guardian Angels Book of Angels) as often as you
need to, to attain solar and lunar balance. To reach a new level, in the
angelic numerological dance of six and five, you will receive colour healing
material to work with. This prepares you to move on to the vibration of the
Sacred Eden Tree itself and the 44:44 Angel Star Gate.

Step 1 Self-diagnosis - Caduceus as internal/external support

• Invoke Raphael, Gabriel and Ariel to be with you.
• Stand and make a Caduceus/Tree of Life shape, visualising your spine
as the Staff planted in Earth and your crown in Air - Breath of Life, your
arms above head, as the wings either side of you.
• Say: My will and intention is for my spine to reach from All Above down
to the heart of Mother Earth, and from there to All Below.
• Now draw down the solar and lunar energy spirals, using your own
spine and Ariel's connection to manifest gold and silver healing
energies of Sun and Moon to heal and balance polarities within Mother
Earth. In gratitude Mother Earth will return this to aid your own healing
• Visualise the two bright, shining rays (snakes of wisdom) starting to
spiral back up your spine, NB gold spirals left and silver right. You may
feel this, but even if you don't it's still happening!
• The spiral snakes of wisdom cross each chakra centre in turn (they will
cross six times). As they do so you can mentally say, starting from
base chakra: Please heal and balance me - left and right, masculine
and feminine, ida and pingala, sun and moon, silver and gold, Earth
and Air, in Love and Light, Love and Light, Love and Light.
• As you complete your request, the two rays link back to your third eye
chakra, and when you have attained the right level of balance, you will
start to feel them move to crown.
• The point here is each chakra needs to be healed to really achieve this
balance, which brings us back to the Love Factor, about which you
learned in Module 2. Use this Step 1 visualisation to determine
which chakras you need to address and clear to reach your next
level of vibration; this will be the subject of Week 3 of this course.
It is suggested you do both the Pistis Sophia exercise and the Caduceus
exercise daily (or as often as you can) during this week to establish which
energy centres that you need to address next week. You can address these
by using various exercises and meditations given in Module 1, but in week
three of this Module I shall offer visualisations using Fire of Life, Water of Life
and Breath of Life to help you achieve third eye harmony and balance. Even
if you don't feel a particular healing need, doing the two suggested exercises
daily to gradually raise your level of vibration. Also look for life guidance signs
from the angels, according to the following angelic numerology.

Diagnostic Healing Guidance through Angelic Numerology:

One through Five (Focus on Spiritual Direction), Six (Focus on
Healing), and Seven, Eight and Nine (Ennead Number of
Ascension). Are you receiving guidance through these numbers:
look for clock times, mileages, receipts from supermarkets, etc.?

Number 1: The number of primal energy itself, so that 11 is twice the energy.
111 is the Angelic Master Number. If you see 111 or further multiples on
clocks, car plates, or in any other way, then the angels are helping you to
energise whatever it is you are trying to do for self, life, or spiritually. One is
The One, The Creator from which All That Is comes, the circle is the void that
births All and Oneness is that to which All returns. Equated also with crystal
vibration of ruby/garnet and healing needs for red/root chakra.

Number 2: This is the number of a potential new phase in life, while 22

signifies this change is important for your quest(s). 222 is the Angelic Master
Number indicating change as well as spiritual transformation, but this is still a
matter of your own personal choice. Two is Duality, The Sun and the Moon,
the two aspects of mankind that must come into balance to find Oneness.
Equated with orange/sacral chakra healing, orange topaz and amber.

Number 3: This number indicates a decision about the potential new phase in
life, while 33 means the decision/phase is important and significant. Angelic
Master Number 333 means the decision relates to your spiritual development.
See also The Law of Three of Hermes Trismegistos and alchemy. Equated
with yellow and gold - solar chakra healing, citrine and sunstone.

Number 4: The number of the 4th (personal heart) chakra, i.e.: love and
compassion, while with 44 the angels urge opening of higher heart (and first
44 of the Star Gate). 444 is the Master Number of the angels themselves,
signifying unconditional love. If you see 444 it corroborates your study of
angels and angel wisdom and desire to incorporate this into your life. 44:44 is
the Angel Star Gate of Love and Light. Equated with green, personal heart
healing need, emerald vibration, malachite and tourmaline. Emerald is
also the vibration that takes you into Templa Mar.

Number 5: This is the number of raising of spiritual consciousness, linked to

the five-point star of Microcosm. 55 means you are reaching the next, higher
level, while 555 mean you have attained a certain level of Mastery in a healing
discipline or of Angelic Wisdom, or in an esoteric subject, greatly furthering
your own Soul Quest. Metatron and Shekinah each have a penta star,
equalling ten (perfect number) and the spheres on the Cabbala Tree of Life.
Equated with turquoise and thymus, and signifying your deepening
angelic connections; aquamarine and turquoise healing vibrations.
Number 6: This is achieving a level of healing and completion, as symbolised
in the six-pointed star of Macrocosm (All That Is - aka Star of David). 66
means a new level of healing can be/has been reached. 666 is nothing, in my
(and my esteemed mentor's) view, to do with the Beast (believed to be a
Biblical mistranslation). It is three spirals (Fibonacci healing spirals) an
Angelic Master Number referring to attainment of a key level of spiritual
development you have reached in connection with the decision you took with
3, 33, or 333). Equated also with blue and throat chakra, blue topaz,
sapphire vibrations.

Number 7: An important esoteric number figuring in almost all belief systems.

Also the number of Melchisadec (ruler of the Rainbow, the Sacred Seven and
the seventh Violet Ray. He is the seventh central point in the six-pointed star.
777 is the Angelic Master Number of the Mysteries/Mystery Schools, urging
you to complete Heart Quest as it's time to move your focus on Soul Quest.
Equated also with third eye chakra, lapis lazuli and amethyst vibrations.

Number 8: If you see 8 this is Eternity, connected with Pistis Sophia,

Heavenly and Earthly Mother. (Also Shekinah: first 44, i.e. 8 of the Angel Star
Gate). These great angels guide your Heart and Soul Quest. 88 means
overcoming adversity with Pistis Sophia's help. Master Number 888 means
you have reached a key level of learning Angelic Wisdom (444) and can move
on in your Soul Quests. Equated also with higher heart chakra, pink and
magenta, tourmaline and alexandrite vibrations.

Number 9: If you see 9, or 99, this indicates that what you started in 3, or 33
is now fully complete and it is time to look for fresh guidance from the angels.
999 is also an Angelic Master Number linked to the Ascension and Blue Star.
If this resonates you are, or will be working on Ascension! After 9 10 returns to
Oneness and perfection (Metatronic level), but if you've followed the Angelic
Master Numbers you will be at your next vibration level. Equated also with
crown chakra, white diamond and Blue Star (saf-fire): blue violet.

In regard to where you are on your Heart Quest, take on board the
wisdom of the Guardians of Wild Creatures. Do as I do - look out
every day for messages given this way, including animals grouped
in fields, or birds flying overhead. First, Thuriel, Guardian Angel of
Wild Animals, advises you on respecting his creatures and
instructs on messages he sends.

Do you walk in parks or countryside? Or encourage wild life in your garden?

You may see the playful fox, the timid deer, or other creatures that graze,
burrow or leap over Mother Earth. Perhaps they regard you warily, for in
general they have much to fear from mankind. But send them love, for do
they not have as much right as you to be there? Respect All in your heart,
and All will likewise respect you as well as guide you.

• A deer shows a current need for circumspection and gentleness over a

certain issue, urging you to avoid force and dogmatism

• A bull means you should stand firm and be patient in a certain situation,
for if you can do this it will soon be resolved.

• A fox is a symbol that you should make a proper plan for whatever you
wish to start, for then the outcome will be more satisfactory.
Now Anpiel Guardian Angel of Wild Birds speaks of caring for his
wild birds, as well as their spiritual meanings. And if you see a
group of the same species there is also numerical significance in
accordance with the above Angelic Numerology.

When you see one of my birds, or hear a fluting call, open your heart and
invoke me to help you send them love, for love costs nothing yet means so
much. Also be vigilant for signs from me when you see certain of my birds,
for these hold subtleties of spiritual meaning for you:

• A robin is a spiritual sign from a dead loved one or spirit guide, who
wishes to show you that he or she is always near you and loves you.

• A swan means transformation or important spiritual development is

imminent. Further guidance will come to you; ask, watch and wait.

• A lark tumbling in the sky tells of freedom and urges you to speak your
truth now before it is too late.

• A peacock or peacock feather asks you to research nature's secrets in

some way, for you are, or will be, close to nature and the animal kingdom.

And finally, for this week, prepare to travel to Templa Mar for self-
healing. See next page for more on optional Attunements.
(Text from the Heart & Soul Angel Cards)

The Temple of the Emerald Sea is also Templa Mer (or Mar), the Beloved
Temple. Guarded by Metatron and Shekinah it is an etheric place of ultimate
spiritual enlightenment, redressing the spiritual balance lost from our world
that is now being re-found. This applies not only to mankind, but also to
Mother Earth and her nature/animal kingdoms, for the raising of the vibration
levels to restore planetary harmony involves healing for all souls and sentient
beings: animal, vegetable and mineral. The Temple is a timeless place of
healing in every aspect and at the highest levels; its hallowed ground holds
the pure harmonic fractals of 5, 6,12 and 13 in light, colour and sound
therefore linking to man's original (Divine self Adam Kadmon) DNA.

Through will and intent you can find the way to the Temple for self-healing, as
well as open your heart to work with the Temple's Redemption programme.
Once there, the High Priest, Seraphim angels, animal and nature devas will
instruct you in some of the wisdom of the Mystery Schools. These have
operated (often secretly) throughout time to ensure this wisdom was retained,
to be taught or remembered by those like yourself, whose soul purpose was,
is and ever shall be to tread the crystalline pathways of healing.

If you have The Angel Quest of the Heart, the Templa Mar
mandala on page 9 of the Angel Quest Journal will take you into
the first portal. From there you can seek the crystalline Mansion
you need for the healing you identified. You will also retrieve
certain codes/ other Attunements that await you on your time line.
They wait for all humans; it is our choice when we receive these.
Attunements and healing in Templa Mar (you can use this as a
form of meditation) - An extract from the new Aide Memoire.
On the day of a group Attunement, I start as usual by calling in all the angels
and placing the intention for your Highest Good, visualising you all with me by
individual name and seated in front of me. Then I start my meditation, and
when I reach a certain point in it, I bring you all into Templa Mar with me so
that I can do your Attunement there. Templa Mar exists in Macrocosm (All
That Is) and our connection to it is made through the Microcosm of our own
higher heart. This is the 44 of Love and the 44 of Light, or 44:44 Angel Star
Gate. The 44:44 Angel Star Gate (and the Sacred Eden Tree) connects
directly to a multi-dimensional portal and Mansion of Templa Mar - a concept
that will be familiar to those who've read the Angel Quest of the Heart.
Templa Mar has many dimensional Star Gates/heavenly portals, and they will
feature in my third angel card set of the trilogy; in the past month I've received
direct guidance on this while drafting the Love & Light Cards introduction and
some of the cards themselves.

Though not a particularly clairvoyant person (I am more clairaudient and

clairsentient) I can see all in Templa Mar very clearly. We are in a chamber or
Mansion with a 2D Flower of Life pattern on the floor, around which is a 12-
point star (the Star of Seraphiel). Around this star is the pattern of Rosa
Mystica (see also Heart & Soul Cards and for the Mystical Animals in this paragraph). I
stand at one of the 12 star points to do the Attunement (as I do each day for
my own meditation). Always above the Flower of Life are the Lion, Unicorn,
Thunderbird and Bull, while depending on the Attunement, relevant Mystical
Animal Devas also appear. Of course all the angels involved are there, and
many others as well. In my meditation the 72 Quinary Angels (see Angel
Almanac!) stand in the petals of Rosa Mystica.

The Attunement is done with sacred breathing* and words, for as I hold the
Angelic Light Breath in higher heart, between in-breath and out-breath, I hold
the power of those Light Beings within my higher heart flower, as indeed I ask
to hold all students. You are all seated before me. The first part of each
Module's Attunement involves Melchisadec and varying sequences of
symbols drawn over the crown chakra, blown into the crown, and completed
with an occipital lift with Raphael and Gabriel for healing, gold and silver
balance, Goodness, Truth and Beauty. Then, for each and/or other angels it's
a sequence first drawn over crown, and then, separately in front of heart.
These are then blown into the hands that are subsequently crossed and
placed over the breast. There is a final occipital lift with Raphael and Gabriel,
and various other angels depending on the Attunement. *Angelic Light breathing
was covered in Module 2.

Following the completion of the Attunement, as I do the next breath of my own

meditation, my vision always shows the 2D in the Mansion in which we stand
immediately becoming 3D. This is enabled for each of you, whether you see it
or not. From there it will possibly go much higher for according to where you
are on your own heart and soul quests other Templa Mar dimensional portals
will open for you. On the wonderful Way of Love and Light these dimensions
take you ever upwards. On the 4th dimension, if you are ready, your higher
heart will open further with the angels (Melchisadec, Sacred Seven as well as
the Elemental Angels); the 5th allows new levels of Mastery to be reached in
terms of the raising of your personal spiritual consciousness and so on.
Practise going to Templa Mar yourself to prepare for Week 3; remember even
if you can't see it, with loving will and intention you will still go there.

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