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Board of Advanced Studies & Research

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Module Title:

Knowledge Management


School of Business Administration



Module Leader
Dr. Suleman Aziz Lodhi

Credit Rating:


Semester Delivery: (Select one only)

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

Semester 5

Semester 6

Knowledge management has emerged as one of the latest theoretical views of the firm .The course
addresses some of the major themes and debates within the knowledge management literature. The
course includes discussion, critical analysis and presentation of seminal papers as well as an empirical
study of some knowledge management initiative within an organization.
Outline Syllabus:

Theoretical Aspects of Knowledge Management

Processes of Knowledge Management
Organizational and Social Aspects of Knowledge Management
Managerial Aspects of Knowledge Management
Technological Aspects of Knowledge Management
Application-Specific Knowledge Management

Indicative References:

1. Text Book(s):
Knowledge Management by Elias M. Awad and Hassan M. Ghaziri, Pearson Education
2. Reference Book(s):
Understanding the knowledgeable Organization by McKenzie and Winkelen, Thomson
Managing Knowledge by David A. Wilson

3. Research Paper(s):
Styhre, A. (2003), Understanding knowledge management: Critical and postmodern perspectives,
Malm: Liber; Oslo: Abstrakt; Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.
Alvesson, Mats, (2001), Knowledge work: Ambiguity, image and identity, Human Relations, 54(7):
Alvesson, Mats & Krreman, Dan, (2001), Odd couple: Making sense of the curious concept of
knowledge management, Journal of Management Studies, 38(7): 995-1018.
Bell, Daniel (1973), The coming post-industrial society, New York: Basic Books.
Brewis, Joanna, (2001), Telling it like it is? Gender, language and organizational theory,
Westwood, Robert & Linstead, Stephen, eds. (2001), The language of organization, London,
Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage.

Harris, Lloyd C., (2002), The emotional labour of barristers: An exploration of emotional labour by
status professionals, Journal of Management Studies, 39(4), 553-584.
Hodgson, Damian, (2003), Taking it like a man: masculinity, subjection and resistance in the
selling of life assurances, Gender, Work and Organization, 19(1): 1-21.
Patriotta, Gerardo, (2003), Sensemaking on the shop floor: Narratives of Knowledge in
organizations, Journal of Management Studies, 40(2): 349-375.
Ropo, Arja, Parviainen, Jaana, (2001), Leadership and bodily knowledge in expert organizations:
Epistemological rethinking, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 17: 1-18.
Gherardi, Silvia, (2001), From organizational learning to practice-based knowing, Human
Relations, 54(1): 131-139.
Grant, R.M., (1996), Prospering in Dynamically -competitive Environments: Organizational
Capability as Knowledge Integration, Organizational Science, 20(4): 375-387.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, (2001), Objectual knowledge, in Schatzki, Theodore R., Knorr Cetina, Karin &
Eike von, Eds., (2001), The practice turn in contemporary theory, London & New York. Routledge.
Spender, J.C., (1996), Making Knowledge the Basis of a Dynamic Theory of the Firm, Strategic
Management Journal, Vol. 17, Winter Special issue, pp. 45-62.
Tsoukas, Haridimos & Vladimirou, Efi, (2001), What is organizational knowledge?, Journal of
Management Studies, 38(7): 973-993.
Mouritsen, J., Larsen H.T. & Bukh, P.N.D., (2001), Intellectual capital and the capable firm:
Narrating, visualising and numbering for management knowledge, Accounting,Organization and
Society, 26: 735-762.
Mouritsen, Jan, (2000), Valuing expressive organizations: Intellectual capital and the visualization
of value creation, in Schultz, Majken, Hatch, Mary Jo & Larsen, Mogens Holten, eds, (2000), The
expressive organization: Linking identity, reputation, and the corporate brand, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Hardt, Michael & Negri, Antonio, (2000), Empire, Cambridge & London: Harvard University Press.
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, (1977), Men and women of the corporation, New York: Basic Books.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, (1999) Epistemic cultures: How sciences make knowledge, Cambridge:
Harvard University
Latour, B., (1987), Science in Action, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Plato (1921), Theaetetus, Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett Publishing.
Prichard, Craig, Hull, Richard, Chumer, Mike & Willmott, Hugh, eds., (2000), Managing
knowledge: Critical investigations of work and learning, New York: St. Martins Press.
Touraine, Alain, (1971) The post-industrial society. Tomorrows social history: Classes, conflicts
and culture in the programmed society, Trans. by Leonard F.X. Mayhew, New York: Random

Assessment Details:
1. Course Work:
Assignment/Presentation: 30%
Thought paper
2. Examination:
Midterm Examination:
Final Examination:

30% ( Examination is subsitituted by assisgnents and presentations )

60% ( Written examination is substituted by thought paper and its
presentation covering all of the learning outcomes

Minimum Pass Mark (%): 60

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