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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: September 13, 14, 2014

2014- 09- 23 17:09:42 GKToday

1. Which nat ionalized Indian Bank has recent ly complet ed 150 years of it s
operat ions in Sri Lanka?
[A]Allahabad Bank
[B]Punjab and Sind Bank
[C]Bank of Maharasht ra
[D]St at e Bank of India
State Bank of India
St at e Bank of India, Colombo was set up in 1864 and has been operat ional
ever since. It was init ially opened t o handle export s of cof f ee.
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2. T he new project Sech-Bandhu Prakalpa launched by t he Government of
West Bengal is a great gif t t o f armers in t he st at e which will increase yields.
What does t he project provide t o f armers?
[A]Bet t er seeds
[B]Bet t er f ert ilizers
[C]Bet t er irrigat ion
[D]Bet t er soils
Better irrigation
Bet t er irrigat ion by provision of 46000 new pump set s wit h power connect ion.
T his will give a new Philip t o crop irrigat ion and t hereby improve yield.
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3. Who is t he f irst Indian woman t o scale t he highest peak in all cont inent s?
[A]Bachendri Pal
[B]Premlat a Agarwal
[C]Gurmayum Anit a Devi
[D]Kalpana Dash
Premlata Agarwal
Bachendri Pal was t he f irst woman t o conquer Mount Everest and Premlat a
Agarwal t he f irst one t o scale t he highest peak in all cont inent s.
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4. Which Indian shut t ler has recent ly won t he Indonesian Mast ers Grand Prix in
[A]H.S. Prannoy

[B]Parupalli Kashyap
[C]Danny Chrisnant a
[D]Pranaav Chopra
H.S. Prannoy
H.S. Prannoy has won t he Indonesian Mast ers Grand Prix in Indonesia. It was
his maiden t it le.
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5. As per t he sixt h Economic Census, 2013, which st at e in India has t he highest
number of hired workers?
[A]Andhra Pradesh
[C]Arunachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh has t he highest percent age of hired workers among all
St at es across a broad spect rum of sect ors of economy.
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6. Consider t he f ollowing:
1. Wuxi Classic
2. Aust ralian Goldf ields Open
3. Shanghai Mast ers
Which among t he above are snooker t ournament s?
[A]Only 1 & 2
[B]Only 2 & 3
[C]Only 1 & 3
[D]1, 2 & 3
1, 2 & 3
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7. What is t he upper age limit set by RBI f or MDs and CEOs of t he privat e
sect or banks recent ly?
[A]68 years
[B]70 years
[C]62 years
[D]65 years
70 years
Bringing f ort h t he Companies Act , 2013 under Sect ion 196(3), RBI has capped
t he maximum age at 70 years f or a managing direct or, chief execut ive of f icer
or whole t ime direct or in a privat e bank. Minimum age is also f ixed t o be 21

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8. Which day has been recent ly decided by t he US Senat e as t he US-India
Part nership Day?
[A]Sept ember 29
[B]Sept ember 30
[C]Sept ember 28
[D]Oct ober 1
September 30
A bipart isan resolut ion int roduced by Mark Warner of Democrat ic Part y, was
passed by US Senat e t o mark t he import ance of US-India part nership in t he
21st cent ury. T he resolut ion declared Sept ember 30 as t he US-India
Part nership Day.
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9. In which of t he f ollowing languages has Union Inf ormat ion and Broadcast ing
Minist ry not launched t he sms services of All India Radio?
[A]Marat hi
T he Union Inf ormat ion and Broadcast ing Minist ry has launched sms services
of All India Radio in 5 languages namely: Hindi, Marat hi, Sanskrit , Dogri and
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10. Who was India's f lag bearer at t he 17t h Asian Games opening ceremony?
[A]PC T hulasi
[B]Sardar Singh
[C]Jit u Rai
[D]Samaresh Jung
Sardar Singh
Sardar Singh, capt ain of Indian Hockey t eam was t he f lag bearer of Indian
cont ingent at t he 17t h Asian Games.
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