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Malaysia Debate Open Motions

THW abolish all private schools (2013)
THW ban school uniforms (2013)
TH rejects the stigma on student-professor relationships in universities (2013)
THBT sex education in schools should move from teaching safe sex to teaching good sex (2013)
THW stream its students according to academic ability. (2012)
THBT indigenous people should have free and unrestricted access to universities. (2012)
THW abolish vernacular schools (2012)
THW create a common ASEAN history textbook (2012)
THW fund public education without imposing a national curriculum. (2012)
THW forgive the student loan debt of all individuals who commit to a career in public education (2010)
THW not allow any race-based societies in universities (2010)
This house would ban abstinence only sex education in all schools. (2009)
Criminal Justice
THW punish top-level corruption with the most severe punishment in the countrys judicial system (ie, death penalty or life
imprisonment) (2013)
THW abolish executive pardons (2013)
THW allow prisoners to serve in the military for a reduced sentence (2013)
THS an ASEAN court to prosecute transgressions of former leaders (2012)
THBT Plea-bargaining erodes the criminal justice system (2010)
This house believes that criminal cases should be tried by jury. (2009)
This house believes that evidence obtained through unlawful means should be admissible in court. (2009)
This house would elect its judges. (2009)
Penal System
THW pay other countries to house their prisoners. (2012)
This house would fund religion based criminal rehabilitation programs. (2009)
This house would nationalize all prisons. (2009)
This house would allow prisoners to donate their organs in exchange for the shortening of their sentences. (2009)
In the event that organized crime of a nation affects its neighbors, THB in the right to breach that nations sovereignty (2013)
THBT South Korea should pre-emptively attack the North (2013)
TH celebrates Hugo Chavez's impact of South America (2013)
THBT the Philippine government should not abandon the Sultanate of Sulu (2013)
THBT Singapore should continue importing high numbers of immigrants to combat the population deficit problem (2013)
THBT South Korean government should actively reduce the influence of chaebols (multinational business conglomerates like
Samsung and Hyundai) (2013)
THW, as Fatah, abandon the two-state solution to push for a one-state solution (2013)
THBT the international community should never support non-united opposition to dictatorships (2013)
THBT the African Union should suspend the membership of countries with individuals in government who have been/are being
indicted for war crimes (2013)
THW abolish the IMF and the World Bank (2012)
THW abolish vetos at the UN security council (2012)
THW stop supporting HIV medication and focus on prevention, in Africa. (2012)
TH prefers chinese investment to western aid, in Africa. (2012)
THBT national parks, In Africa should only be managed by the state. (2012)
THS a one state policy for Palestine-Israel (2012)
THW arm the Syrian Opposition (2012)
TH prefers autocratic to Islamic govts (2012)
THBT the West should recognize Palestinian attacks on Israeli settlements as legitimate (2011)
THS military intervention in Libya (2011)
THW re-introduce the Sunshine Policy towards North Korea (2011)
THW Grant developmental aid to African countries on condition they nationalize natural resources. (2010)
THBT The EU should stop supporting US led wars until they ratify the ICC (2010)
THW not sanction Iran until Israels Nuclear Program is subjected to IAEA Inspections (2010)
TH Condemns Israel for including sites within the Palestinian Territory as their heritage (2010)
THBT Southern Yemen should declare Independence (2010)
THW allow candidates linked to Saddam Hussein to stand in the upcoming Iraqi Elections (2010)
THW support Obamas stance on meeting hostile foreign leaders without pre-conditions

This house would rather borrow money from individual countries than from the International Monetary Fund. (2009)
THBT all states in the Middle East should recognize Israel unconditionally (2009)
THW break up Sudan (2009)
THBT the ICC should issue a warrant for the arrest of Robert Mugabe (2009)
Abstract/Alt. World
If the technology exists, THW allow people to stop the aging process and choose the time of their demise (2013)
Assuming that extra-terrestrial life exists, THW treat all forms of alien life with aggression (2013)
Assuming another species is developing intelligence comparable to humans, THW actively suppress their evolution (2013)
THBT Hollywood should never cooperate with the Pentagon or the CIA in making movies (2013)
THBT black entertainers should not use the N word (2013)
THBT DC comics should re-boot Superman as homosexual (2013)
THBT States should support struggling major newspapers. (2012)
THW allow realistic animated pedophilic porn (2012)
THS quotas for locally produced media. (2012)
THW disallow the making of biographical films without the consent of the subject or his/her legal heirs (2011)
THBT governments sponsorship of TV shows that promote its agendas is justified (2011)
THBT celebrities who openly use/glorify drugs should not be nominated for awards (2011)
This house believes that the state should give incentives to the entertainment industry to produce content with positive social
messages. (2009)
THW ban pedophile rights groups (e.g. the North American Man-Boy Love Association) (2013)
THBT consent should be the only standard for any sexual relationship (not age, not genetic relationships, not number, etc)
THW abolish the unnatural sex law (oral/anal sex) (2011)
TH supports Chinas right to manipulate the Yuan for economic advantage (2013)
THBT government contracts in developing countries should only be given to domestic firms (2013)
THW impose a supertax on the rich even if it does not lead to more revenues for the state (2013)
THS the Occupy Movement (2012)
THBT Governments should ensure a significant portion of food sold is locally produced (2012)
THBT food stamps should not be allowed to be used at fast food restaurants (2012)
THS free movement of labour within ASEAN (2012)
THS the welfare State. (2012)
THW return to a pre-partition India (2012)
THBT countries with overall food shortage should not join the race for bio-fuels. (2011)
THW ban speculative trading on food products (2011)
THW penalize corporations that waste food. (2011)
This house would allow corporations receiving government bailouts the discretion to give bonuses to their employees. (2009)
This house would repeal tax exemptions on all religious institutions. (2009)
This house would bail out ailing foreign companies that have large local employment bases. (2009)
This house would tax savings during times of economic recession. (2009)\
THBT self-declared feminists must never take on the names of their husbands (2013)
THW financially incentivise men to either enter professions that are traditionally female dominated (eg pre-school teaching,
nursing, nannies, etc) or become house-husbands (2013)
In a world with unwanted children, THBT fertility therapy should be condemned (2013)
THBT the Catholic Church is a force for good in the world (2013)
THBT it is justified to present only the positive narrative of popular religious figures (2013)
THBT fear should not be used in proselytising or instilling religious beliefs (2013)
THBT religious conversion should not be a prerequisite for marriage (2011)
THBT fear should not be used as a means of propagating religion to children (2011)
THW ban religious preaching in public places (2011)
THW ban religious groups from lobbying. (2011)

THW not prescribe drugs to minors diagnosed with ADHD (2012)
THW deny citizens who took part in organ trade privileges from its national healthcare system (2011)
THW allow drug companies to advertise their products only to doctors (2011)
THW ban the research on behavioral modification (2011)
THBT Obamas Health Care Plan is un-American (2010)
THW Completely Ban Smoking (2010)
This house believes that terminally ill patients have a right to die. (2009)
THBT sex change operations should be covered under the National Health Policy (2009)
THBT the pursuit of scientific knowledge ought to be limited by a concern for societal good (2009)
THBT alternative medication and treatment should be included in medical insurance coverage (2009)
Legal System
THW abolish all laws against public nudity. (2012)
THW punish passengers in the car if the driver is drunk. (2012)
THBT states should remove diplomatic immunity for judicial fairness (2011)
THBT states should compensate criminals who are acquitted on appeal. (2011)
THW ban the media from airing of opinions on ongoing court trials (2011)
THW Ban Dual Citizenships (2010)
THW abolish state-endorsed marriage. (2010)
THW not allow politicians to switch parties after the results are announced (2012)
THW give terrorist organizations full amnesty if they give up arms and form political parties. (2012)
THW allow political parties to announce alliances only before elections (2011)
THBT we should remove term limits for the presidency of the United States of America (2009)
THBT President Obama should immediately conduct a full inquiry into the abuses of the Bush administration (2009)
THW say yes to Lynas (2012)
Free Speech
THW disallow groups that glorify obesity (2012)
THBT Chinas Internet censorship is a legitimate tool for stability (2010)
Human Rights
THBT online hacktivists should be treated like terrorists (2012)
THW torture terrorists. (2012)
THW pay beggars to leave big cities (2011)
TH rejects the confinement of refugees (2011)
THBT countries should open borders to traditionally nomadic groups (2011)
Animal Rights
THBT PETA(People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) should only accept vegetarians as its members (2011)
THW ban the neutering of pets (2011)
THW allow the sale of parts of endangered animals which die natural deaths (2011)
THW Free Willy (2010)
THW arm the indigenous to fight illegal loggers (2010)
THW allow Japan to commercialize whaling if they accept a moratorium on bluefin Tuna (2010)
Childrens/Adolescent Rights
THBT governments of developed countries should incentivize overseas adoption from Least Developed Countries (2011)
THW Ban surgery for teenagers for the purpose of inducing weight loss. (2010)
THBT the state should financially support single teenage pregnant mothers. (2010)
THW force sperm banks to reveal the identity of sperm donors upon request of the offspring upon reaching the age of
consent (2010)
This house believes that teenagers should have the right to vote. (2009)
THW introduce AA for sexual minorities (LGBT) (2011)

THBT mandatory military service should include women (2011)
THBT 3 months is too short for National Service/THW extend the National Service (2010)
THBT The west should arm local Burmese militias (2010)
This house would extradite military deserters. (2009)
This house believes that soldiers who suffer psychological damage from their combat experience should be eligible for military
honors. (2009)
This house believes that we should militarize outer space. (2009)
THBT cultural compatibility is legitimate grounds for differential immigration policies (2011)
THBT it is justified for governments to destroy historical evidence which can cause social unrest. (2011)
TH supports state initiatives to define a national cultural identity. (2011)
Natural Disasters
THW arrest but not charge looters in Chile (2010)
THBT aid to reconstruct disaster areas should be exclusively given to local contractors (2010)
THW help victims of major disasters regardless of consent from the country affected (2010)
This House believes that professional cheerleading harms womens rights (2010)
THW disallow exclusive broadcasting rights of the world cup (2010)
THW limit the wages of Footballers (2010)
This house would sell nuclear weapons to countries in exchange for them terminating their nuclear weapons program. (2009)

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