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campaign against climate change trade union group

Third Trade Union Conference

A Million
13th March
Speakers include
Alex Gordon (RMT), Tony Kearns (CWU), Manuel Cortes
(TSSA), Chris Baugh (PCS), Prof. Barbara Harriss-White,
Phil Thornhill (CaCC), Jonathan Neale (Million Green Jobs
Commission), John Stewart (HACAN), Graham Petersen
(UCU), Larry Lohman (Cornerhouse), Ian Terry (former
Vestas worker)

Admission £10 (£5 concessions)

South Camden Community School, Charrington St, London NW1 1RG
Phone: 079 585 35231 Email: climatetradeunion@googlemail.com

www.campaigncc.org cacctu.wordpress.com
The conference
The failure of politicians to come to an agreement at Copenhagen has meant that the
struggle against climate change takes on a new urgency. Here in the UK, the huge
demonstration before Christmas shows that millions of people want to see serious action
on climate change.
Our campaign for “One Million Climate Jobs” is going from strength to strength. We have
sold thousands of copies of our pamphlet and there is a real sense amongst campaigners
far wider than the established trade union movement that this is an important campaign.
The third Campaign Against Climate Change trade union conference takes place
against this backdrop. We will be bringing together trade unionists and environmental
campaigners to discuss how best we can build a movement that wins both climate and
social justice.
Come and discuss with Vestas workers how to win the fight for green jobs. Hear from
contributers to the “Million Climate Jobs” pamphlet about how action now could reduce
emissions and create jobs. Discuss with leading trade unionists from across the country
how we should organise in the coming months to save the planet.
The conference takes place on Saturday 13 March at South Camden Community
School, Central London. Organised in a “teach-in” format, there will be plenty of time for
delegates to join in the discussions. There will also be break out sessions on Climate
Jobs, Organising at Work, the Climate Emergency Demands and The International
movement post Copenhagen.

£10 (waged) £5 (low-paid, unemployed).
Please consider asking your trade union branch/region to support and send a
delegation to the conference





Email (please print clearly) . .................................................................................................


Trade union body..................................................................................................................

Please send me __ copies of the pamphlet at £2.50 each inc p&p

Make cheques payable to “Campaign Against Climate Change” and send to

Martin Empson, Treasurer, Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group,
611 Canon Green Court, West King Street, Salford M3 7HB

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