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How Vegans & Vegetarians Prevent & Heal Tooth Decay : Vegan Recip...



How Vegans & Vegetarians Prevent & Heal

Tooth Decay
By Trevor Justice on Jan 5, 2015 in Thriving On a Vegetarian Diet

Vitamins K2, D, and A They Depend on Each Other

By Val Archer
An excerpt from Lesson 47 of The Vegetarian Mastery Program

This article is a prelude to the upcoming ebook Building Strong Bones and Teeth with Raw
Food for Vegans & Vegetarians by Val Archer. Register today at GreenSmoothie.com to
receive a free copy of the book.
Vitamins A, D, and K2 are on the same team. A and D tell your cells to make a variety of
proteins especially those involved with calcium and K2 gets those proteins to work, and
not lie around idle.
Vitamins A (retinol) and D (cholecalciferol) dont directly instruct your DNA. Theyre
vitamins, not hormones. Your body changes them into various metabolites, including retinoic
acid and calcitriol. Its these two that bind to cell receptors and tell your genes what to do.[1]
Take, for example, the protein osteocalcin. It fixes calcium and phosphorus into your bones
and teeth. Your bone-building cells (osteoblasts) will make osteocalcin only when both
vitamins A and D are present.
Your bones sport a matrix of vitamin-K2 dependent proteins, not just osteocalcin.
All Known-To-Date Health Benefits of Vitamin K2

Canadian naturopath Dr. Kate Rhaume-Bleue is the author of the tell-all book on K2,
Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life.
In her book, she prints this chart of, what we know about vitamin K2 to date. (June
Her chart is published (with permission) on Greensmoothie.com and Veghealth.com.
To explore the K2 connection to any specific disease listed in her chart, you need to read Dr.
Kates book.
K2 research is so young! Expect the list of ways vitamin K2 is known to impact your body in
leaps and bounds. With one class of vitamin K-dependent proteins transmembrane Gla
(TMG) proteins no one knows what they do![2]
Why does sperm possess a K2-dependent protein? Why does the nucleus of every cell have a

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receptor for K2? Why is there so much K2 in your mitochondria, the little power plants in
your every cell that produce energy for you? We dont know.
Lets look at just two wonders of K2 (see cites to original studies in Dr. Kates book).

Vitamin K2 Gives You Healthy Dental Arches

Have you noticed how many children need braces these days? In one documentary of a raw
vegan family, I was struck by how all the childrens teeth stuck out abnormally. Their dental
arches were too cramped to hold a full set of adult teeth.
How often do you see a set of pearly whites in a teenager straight, healthy, adult teeth in
a normal dental arch?
Its become so common to wear braces and extract our wisdom teeth. Nobody questions why
our jaws are not wide enough to fit all our teeth.
Where does it begin? In pregnancy. The mother was vitamin K2-deficient.
You recall MGP is the K2-dependent protein that keeps calcium out of your soft tissues, like
arteries? MGP also maintains growing cartilage in a normal, non-calcified state.
You know that most bones start out as flexible cartilage. As a child grows from fetus to baby
to adult, the cartilage is slowly replaced by bone.
The bones of your dental arch depend on how your nose grows in the womb! In the fetus, the
piece of cartilage that separates the two nasal cavities and forms your nostrils, is rich in MGP.
When the MGP is inactive because theres no K2 in moms diet to activate it you get
premature calcification of this nasal cartilage. This early hardening of the nose and jaw stunts
the growth of the face.
This stunted development of the lower third of the face results in narrow dental arches that
cant accommodate a full set of adult teeth.
You dont see the problem in children. They have only twenty baby teeth. Only when the
cuspids (eyeteeth or canine teeth) erupt at age twelve or thirteen, do they come out of place.
When theres no room for the eyeteeth to erupt normally, they will protrude behind or in
front of the other teeth. In some cases, they will get pulled out.
Dental arch deformity increases with birth order. Im the youngest of three children and I
have, by far, the worst crowded teeth.

Vitamin K2 Protects You From Senile Dementia

Vitamin K2 is essential for your nervous system. Your brain contains high concentrations of
K2. Deficiency results in brain-fog and learning difficulties.
Interestingly, only in your brain, K2 protects you from free radicals. Hence its role in
preventing multiple sclerosis (lesions in the myelin sheath) and Alzheimers. K2 actually helps
synthesize the myelin sheath. As for Alzheimers, both heart disease and bone loss come
along with it.
Vitamin K2 is not an antioxidant anywhere else in your body. Thats the job of the fourth
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fat-soluble vitamin vitamin E to sit inside your cell membranes and protect them from
free radicals.
But in your brain, K2 actually prevents free radicals from developing! It doesnt donate
electrons, as vitamin E does. Somehow, in lab studies, it prevents brain cell death by blocking
free radical formation.
K2 also helps brain cells to keep their glutathione, the major free radical scavenger in your
brain. Once again theres a connection here with vitamin D. Its metabolite, calcitriol,
increases glutathione levels in the brain.
K2 protects your brain cells by an unknown mechanism that is independent of its known
action of gamma-carboxylation. This means Vitamin K2 shields brain cells from free radicals
even when youre taking warfarin (a blood thinner).
Good news for victims of a stroke or recurring mini-strokes (TIAs)! You can take K2 if your
doctor agrees. Patients on anticoagulants like warfarin are normally advised not to take K1
(the coagulant vitamin).
Dr. Kate points out that research on vitamin K2 and brain health is in its infancy. Many of
these early studies dont differentiate between K1 and K2, or stupidly they look only at K1.
Yet most (70-93%) of the vitamin K in your brain is K2.[2]
Meanwhile, writes Dr. Kate, I wouldnt rely on the questionable conversion of K1 to K2 to
meet our brains need for menaquinone. Feed your brain with K2-rich grass-fed foods,
fermented dairy products, natto or supplements.[1]
I would add to that, for vegans and fermented plant foods such as kimchi, so long as you
use a starter culture of bacteria thats guaranteed to produce K2. Learn more about fermented
plant foods in the full Lesson 47 on dental health in The Vegetarian Mastery Program.

First Anecdotal Study Questions The Research

Im living proof that a woman over 60 (I was born in 1948) whos been vegetarian for 40
years, can get enough vitamin K2 to actually reverse both porous bones (osteopenia) and a
lifetime of cavities, by eating large quantities of living greens.
By living greens I mean that it is still growing the moment you eat it. That is, youve just
picked moments before from your garden, sprouter or window-sill pot.
At age 23, I decided never to touch fish, animal, bird or eggs again (except egg in cake &
cookies). For the next twenty years, I lived on junk food and alcohol, and chain-smoked to
Then in my early 40s, I hit perimenopause with huge mineral deficiencies. I lost five teeth in
five years from 1988 to 1993, either to extraction or root canal.
In 1992 I began to grow micro-greens and sprouts in my Brooklyn apartment. A year later, I
read Dr. Anns Energy Soup* recipe in her book Rebuild Your Health. I blended the greens
and sprouts I was growing. My teeth healed. After a lifetime of cavities and surgical
interventions (fillings, root canals, extractions) it all stopped within a year!
*At the end of this post youll find a healthy bone building soup recipe you can try. Feel
free to add your own home-grown microgreens for maximum results.

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Since then, Ive had only one cavity, in 2000. At the time I was still eating donuts, pizza, and
chocolate, along with my Energy Soup. By 2007 the junk food had fallen away (Im so
happy to report.)
It shows the power of blended greens! Even when you eat junk, so long as you eat blended or
juiced greens every day, the leafy greens will vanquish the junk.
My bones fared just as beautifully as my teeth. I went through menopause in 1995-1996 (age
47-48). In the first five years afterward a 5-year period when women absorb very little
calcium into their bones I broke three bones in three years from 1998-2000.
My wrist (which is several bones, not just one) fractured so badly that I had to go into
surgery. The doctor pointed out my porous bones to me on the x-ray. I clearly had osteopenia
(mild bone loss). I spent two months in a cast from my hand to my shoulder, my arm locked in
a rigid right angle.
Twelve years later in 2013, at age 65, I went for a bone density test. Im in every single
high-risk category for osteoporosis skinny white female over sixty years old whos never
had a child and who drank and smoked heavily until her 40s!
Yet my bones passed top of the class for bone mineral density with absolutely no sign of
osteopenia (which is the average for age 65) or osteoporosis (severe bone loss).
You really can reverse weak teeth and bones, with living greens. Im living proof. Ive never
done weight-bearing exercise. I know I should! I take a daily walk. I also take a green powder
supplement several days a week, such as freeze-dried alfalfa grass or barley grass, blue-green
algae, spirulina, and chlorella I vary it.
I ate Dr. Anns fermented foods for only five years from 1992 to 1997. But since 1993 Ive
had blended greens about five days a week (or sometimes green juice). I blend my greens into
Energy Soup or Green Smoothies.
Energy Soup is better for bones and teeth because it has seaweed for trace minerals, and bean
sprouts for extra protein and minerals like phosphorus.[3]
Do leafy greens work for me? I say yes. Ive eaten cheese all my life. It never saved my teeth
and bones. I dont eat much cheese these days 2-3 thin slices and Ill go days without it,
sometimes months.
Yet the very first year I began to add Ann Wigmores living greens and fermented foods to my
junk food diet, my teeth healed. Within a decade, on greens alone, my bones healed. Actually,
I could feel I had strong bones years earlier. But 2013 is when I went for the test.
Its interesting that my other dairy addictions, like yogurt, ice cream, and chocolate, all fell
away over the years. Only cheese and cream, two possible sources of K2, stayed with me. I
personally believe that if you want a food, it must have some nutrient your body wants
excluding junk food, thats addiction!
In my heart, Im not happy eating cheese. I dont enjoy pushing a calf away so I can suckle
on her mom. Mother cow certainly does not want me suckling on her!
Ive seen all the cruelty it entails. Even with organic free range cows, where do the male
calves go? As Joan Baez sang, On a wagon bound for market, theres a calf with a mournful
Ive started to take a K2 supplement four days a week, about 600 mcg/week total. I hope this
will trigger my bodys innate intelligence to let go of the cheese.

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My experience with leafy greens, where I built strong bones and teeth after the age of 45,
proves to me that the studies that say we humans cant absorb more than 200 mcg a day of
vitamin K1 giving us a paltry 20 mcg a day of K2, which is far less than we need did not
use blended and juiced living greens, picked minutes before you eat them.
Theres obviously synergistic co-factors in eating lots of living greens. These secret
phytochemicals help with absorption of K1, and with converting K1 to K2. No ones
researched it yet. But I and Dr. Cursio (in the 1930s) know it to be true. The great apes and
bison are on our side! They feed their bones and teeth living greens.
If you buy your greens from the store, so theyre not growing in the moment you eat them,
and if you eat salads, then I cant say it will work. The leafy greens must be alive, and they
must be eaten in huge quantity that only juicing and blending give you.
Plus, your juicer and blender break down the chloroplast membranes where K1 is locked in.
They release it for absorption.
Large amounts and live! Thats the secret of my slogan: Clean & Feed with Green to Heal.
Second Anecdotal Study Questions The Research
Its fascinating. As soon as blenders hit the US domestic market in the 1930s, a natural
hygiene (raw vegan) medical doctor, Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio, discovered that vegans
need blended leafy greens for their teeth and bones.[4]
Dr. Cursio worked in upstate New York with the vegan Penepent family over several
generations. He discovered in the children that, by giving them blended leafy greens, he
reversed teeth and skeletal problems.
In a 1976 interview with Dr. Stanley Bass, Dr. Cursio reports:[4]
Then I made my shift into more green stuff, blended salads early. I saw the
difference. The children were better. Instead of pigeon-chested or chickenchested, they were fine-chested. I dont think theres a dental carie in the
whole group.
We have here problems that came up in the children when I followed the strict
fruit program with nuts, and minimal amounts, compared to what I use now, of
green stuff.
These children, the skeletal development wasnt right, the dental arches were
not well-formed, teeth came in crowded because of it.
It was only after adding green stuff that I started to see in the pregnancies that
followed, and also in the children that were grown, that came from these
pregnancies, the difference.
Pigeon-chested means they had skeletal deformity, so long as they were vegan without
blended greens. When they ate blended leafy greens, their bones healed and grew normally.
The 2002 McKeown study says its impossible. They claim you absorb a maximum of 200
mcg a day of K1 from food, at which point blood levels plateau. So even if you eat blended
salads, you dont absorb more than 200 mcg of K1 from them. Therefore you cant get
enough K1 to convert to K2.[5]

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Dr. Masterjohn uses this study to conclude: we cannot support our skeletal system with
vitamin K1 regardless of how efficiently we may be able to convert it to vitamin K2.[2]
I disagree. I say, swamp your body with K1 and all its cofactors that accompany it in a living
green leaf. Carboxylase will use it in the absence of K2. Who knows, perhaps your body
doesnt even waste energy on converting K1 to K2? Since K1 is just as good as K2 at
switching carboxylase on.
Your body is intelligent. If a metabolic pathway doesnt work, itll find another way to do the
same thing. All biochemists know this. If you dont eat enough unsaturated fat to fill all the
positions in your cell membranes, your body will use saturated fat instead.
In 2003 Braam et al. gave K1 supplements of 1 mg/day (1,000 mcg) to women aged 50 to 60.
It retarded postmenopausal bone loss by 35-40% during the entire three-year study
At 10% absorption, and a 10:1 conversion rate of K1 to K2, their 1 mg of K1 gives only 10
mcg of K2/day. Not enough to activate osteocalcin. Yet its obvious the osteocalcin was being
Granted it was a supplement, and the other research refers to food. I still say its proof that K1
goes a lot further than the scientists say it can.
Dr. Cursios multi-generational vegan patients, and myself, prove that leafy greens (K1) build
strong bones and teeth. We are living proof that the body converts K1 into enough K2 (or uses
K1 itself) to whip osteocalcin into action so that it deposits calcium into bones and teeth.
When researchers claim you cant do it, I reply: next time study living greens.
Animals prove to us you can do it. Most animals are thriving on a high leafy-green diet
unless youre a polar bear, arctic fox, or tropical big cat.
I bet those lions chew on grass just like my cat Tommy!
Our nearest relatives, the chimpanzees and bonobos, are omnivorous frugivores. They prefer
fruit above all other food.

Teeth: An Overview
By Trevor Justice
An excerpt from Lesson 47 of The Vegetarian Mastery Program

There are two factors that can make your teeth vulnerable. The first is eating foods or
beverages that coat your teeth with acid or sugar. The second is being deficient in key
The Impact of Acid on Your Tooth Enamel
Your tooth enamel is made of an inorganic matrix predominately filled with calcium salts.
The citric acid from acid fruits (such as oranges, grapefruits and pineapples) can dissolve
these calcium salts. So can fruit juices. So can the carbonic acid from soda pop. (But surely
youre not still drinking soda pop, right?)
If not removed by brushing and flossing, these acids can decalcify your teeth, leaving a soft
organic matrix thats more vulnerable to eroding, crumbling, or being invaded by bacteria.

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But dont brush your teeth immediately because the enamel may still be soft. Wait 30 minutes
before brushing.
Incidentally, when you eat lots of sugary foods and dont brush and floss consistently, you
promote the growth of bacteria. That, in turn, produces acid and decalcifies your teeth.
That said, the problem isnt eating fruit. Rather, its leaving acidic residue or sticky bits of
fruit stuck to your teeth for hours without brushing or flossing.
The book, Becoming Raw, describes a study on 130 people. The subjects were more than
95% raw. Compared to the control group, whose age and sex matched the study subjects, the
subjects had significantly more dental erosions (loss of tooth structure caused mainly by acid
from foods such as fruit).[7] The subjects on this diet ate almost five servings of citrus fruit a
day. And total fruit intake was significantly higher than in the control group.
But if youre into raw foods, take heart. This is less of a concern with living foods vegan
diets, which include more grains and sprouts, and minimize fruit consumption.

Dried Fruit Sticks To Your Teeth

At a raw food conference, Jameth Sheridan (founder of HealthForce) explained why eating
dried fruit can give you more cavities.[8]
The vitamins and minerals in dried fruit feed plaque and bacteria just like they feed humans.
So when dried fruit sticks to your teeth, it creates a breeding ground for plaque and bacteria
thats even more fertile than candy. (Of course, candy has no vitamins or minerals).
The best way to integrate dried fruit into your diet is to rehydrate it first (by soaking it in
water). Once rehydrated, its not so sticky.
Rehydrating is a common practice in raw food recipes and smoothies. For example, when I
buy dried apricots, figs, or goji berries, I soak them in a jar of water overnight, then blend
them into my morning smoothie.
Bottom line: If you eat lots of acid fruit or dried fruit, we recommend flossing and brushing
your teeth 30 minutes after eating. (But not right away, since your tooth enamel may still be
If thats not possible, eating celery afterwards can help remove food debris from your teeth.
At the least, swish water in your mouth after eating fruit.

Plant Sources of Vitamin D

In lesson 11 of The Vegetarian Mastery Program youll learn how mushrooms and algae make
ergosterol, a molecule that becomes ergocalciferol (also known as vitamin D2) when
irradiated by the suns ultraviolet rays.
When you swallow and absorb this molecule, your liver and kidney add OH groups, turning it
into activated vitamin D2.
Recently, the food industry came up with a way to convert more of the ergosterol in
mushrooms into ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). They expose mushrooms to UV light. Dole calls
these Mega Vitamin D mushrooms. Theyre also referred to as light-zapped mushrooms.

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How Vegans & Vegetarians Prevent & Heal Tooth Decay : Vegan Recip...


Vitamin D2 is also found in supplements and many fortified non-dairy milks.

The multi-vitamin we recommend is Dr. Fuhrmans Gentle Care Formula. It supplies the
required daily allowance of Vitamin D, B12, K2, all of which are extremely rare in plant
foods. You can order it here: www.veganmultivitamin.com

The Energy Soup Recipe

This is the easiest, healthiest, quickest meal on earth!
To check out Val Archers Energy Soup recipe, click here: http://www.greensmoothie.com

Luz Zelayas Mineral Rich Raw Soup

This recipe is specifically designed to help you build strong bones and healthy teeth. Enjoy!
1 cucumber
2-3 lemons or limes peeled whole
2-4 cloves of garlic
1/3 of a medium size red onion
pinch of cayenne
Celtic gray sea salt to taste
1 Tblspn olive oil
1 Tblspn raw apple cider vinegar
1 avocado
1 handful of pumpkin seeds
3 cups water
Wash, and chop/peel ingredients as needed. Put garlic, onions, seeds and fluids in and blend
these thoroughly first. Then add the rest and blend until smooth.
[1] Rhaume-Bleue, Kate, B.Sc., ND (2013). Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox:
How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life. HarperCollins Canada. Kindle
Edition. ISBN 978-1443427562.
[2] Masterjohn, Chris, PhD, On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A SixtyTwo-Year-Old Mystery Finally Solved, article in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming
and the Healing Arts, Spring 2007. One of the most brilliant science papers of our
century (in my view). Dr. Masterjohn shows how vitamin K1 in rapidly growing, green
grass is the precursor to Activator X (discovered by Dr. Weston Price in the 1930s)
while Activator X itself is vitamin K2. This paper triggered Dr. Kate to write the first
book on K2, summarizing all K2 research to date.
[3] Archer, Val, Raw Food Recipes. This gives you links to all recipes mentioned in
this article, and to Ann Wigmores Chart for Raw & Living Foods, and Avoid
Altogether Foods.
[4] Bass, Dr. Stanley S., (1976).Vegan Diet Dangers,. Dr. Basss 1976 interview of

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natural hygiene doctor Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio re. Dr. Cursios multi-generational
work with the vegetarian Penepent family in upstate New York in the 1930s (extracted
from the booklet With Three Generations of Vegetarian Hygienists). This is the only
multi-generational study of vegans Ive found to date. I emailed numerous vegan
leaders, families & organizations asking if they know of any other.
[5] McKeown NM, Jacques PF, et al. Dietary and non-dietary determinants of vitamin
K biochemical measures in men and women. J Nutr. 2002; 132(6):1329-1334.
[6] Braam LA, Knapen MH, Geusens P, et al. Vitamin K1 supplementation retards bone
loss in postmenopausal women between 50 and 60 years of age. Calcif Tissue Int. 2003
Jul; 73(1):21-6.
[7] Davis, Brenda, RD and Melina, Vesanto, MS, RD. (2010) Becoming Raw. (pp. 41)
The Book Publishing Co.
[8] Sheridan, Jameth (2005) Jameth Sheridans lecture on dental health. Lecture
conducted at the Living Light Expo, 2005.

4 Comment(s)
1. Really interesting, would like to participate on Thursday. Thanks
E. Jones | Reply
2. This is very interesting information. For the last 5 years,my family is 90% vegan, we
eat 80% of organic raw, whole foods. My children have a lot of dental cavities. 2 moths
ago I started making green juices and hope their teeth will improve.
Alexandra | Reply
3. Vitamin D2 isnt absorbed as well as Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D2 comes from
mushrooms that are irradiated not mushrooms naturally exposed to the sun.
Vegans should take a Vitamin D3 supplement that comes from Certified Organic
mushrooms which is Natures Plus Source Of Life Garden Vitamin D3.
Vegans should also take Natures Plus Source Of Life Garden Vitamin K2 from
Certified Organic Natto.
Ty | Reply
4. Loosing a tooth can also be because of not enough strong collagen in your gums. You
need enough vitamin C and Lysine for that too.
Brian | Reply

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How Vegans & Vegetarians Prevent & Heal Tooth Decay : Vegan Recip...



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